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hi y'all

Started by BillieTex, May 31, 2011, 04:09:58 PM

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I'm Billi, new, and nervous about doing this. i live in texas - not the safest place for somone me, thankfully i have hid things well - up to now. i'm not ready to go out in girl mode but lately i keep getting ma'amed  :D even without trying, just waring a tee shirt does it. i love it but it scares the hell out of me. i have had boobs since i was a teen so hiding them is a part of life. been on 'mones for many years and need to loose weight badly. sad part is there is no one i and talk to, my folks are old and it would kill them, siblings and friends accept my profile, as best as they and see it. it has been a lonely time most of my life. sorry to whine, just a little (familiar, eh?) backround. But anyways Howdy all
Be true to yourself, even if no one else will...

Ann Onymous

I'm sure others will be around with more of an official welcome...but you will find you are not the only Texan on the board. 

Not really sure I concur about it not generally being a safe place...and I say that as someone who has lived in some of the podunk of podunk locations this State has to offer (one of which was actually so small it does not show up on some maps).  AND I do it as a rather out lesbian...



Welcome, Billi.

A lot depends on what part of Texas you're in.

I'm sure you will find other Texans here with whom to compare notes. And you might try googling 'transgender support' for your nearest city. You might be surprised at what you'll find. 

Come in to Chat and say HI there, too.

When we walk to the edge of all the light we have and take the step into the darkness of the unknown, we must believe that one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for us to stand on or we will be taught to fly. — Patrick Overton


Hi Billi, welcome to Susans! I spent some of my service years in El Paso. I hope you enjoy it here, hugs, Tracey


Thanks for the replies  ;D
i may check out the chat thing, never done that before- guess that shows my age, a young 50ish. and not very good with computers. i'm in the Ft. Worth area, a transplant, and can 'fit in' almost anywhere but not with everyone. never could. maybe because i look at the world differently, a more world kinda view, i have always felt outside. not that i have not tried, i have. i had always wanted the simplest of things, to feel loved and love in return. unfortunatly someone 'upstairs' made it clear it was not allowed in the conventional sense. after each loss i fall back into what is most comfortable in my heart. to be what i am, and always was. try and try again, and well, i did and still love them dearly and thank God for our times. but it is so very clear i am to not allowed that life and what i was even as a kid is what i am today. after so long it is what i am and always will be. my outter skin and inner soul will never be in agreement, and likely no one will ever understand. but life (mine at least) marches on.
sorry i ramble a bit, i look foreword to spending more time here, reading, sharing and learning.

Be true to yourself, even if no one else will...

Ann Onymous

Being in Ft Worth, you are in a relatively safe area.  I definitely recall a small handful of M2F's in the bars around the metroplex (admittedly, my time up there was more on the Dallas side and was with peeps who only knew me as a lesbian from out of town staying with local friends).  But it isn't like you are trying to do this in Vidor or some >-bleeped-<hole like that (no offense to those on the board in Orange County). 

You are in a major metropolitan area...I guarandamtee that there are local groups you can find, although the larger ones may be over in Dallas County instead of Tarrant or Denton County...


thank you Ann, that may take more curage than i have now. maybe in time...
Be true to yourself, even if no one else will...


Hi Billi, :icon_wave:

Welcome to our little family. Over 6900 strong. That would be one heck of a family reunion.

Feel free to post your successes/failures, Hopes/dreams.  Ask questions and seek answers. Give and receive advice.

But remember we are family here, your family now. And it is always nice to have another sister. :icon_hug:

And be sure to check out these links ( MUST READS )

Hugs and Love,


thanks Janet,  a little at a time, i have enjoyed reading the posts here. i'll check out the links.  :)
Be true to yourself, even if no one else will...