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Started by Brenda80, June 03, 2011, 03:01:43 AM

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I will be going for my op likely mid next year. I would like to know after sexual release from your partner within the vagina, how do you clean up? Is it only through douching? Will it be sufficient? If left overnight is it ok? Will you require a pad in case it leaks out?
Sorry for the many questions.

Thank you.



I dont douche but it just comes out and yes you will probably need a pad.  I have only douched once due to a condom breaking but if u use a condom then no need unless u use a lot of lube.  all n all ur vagina will; push everything out eventually due to gravity.


Dear All,

my apologies for the late reply.

I am a chinese from Singapore. Started self medication since 23 and its being 9 years since. Presently I have a boyfriend 2 years older, being together for nearly 4 years and we are planning on engagement after my operation next year. I am seeing Dr Tsoi (famous for gender identity issues in Singapore). I am currently working as an engineer but in stealth (only the HR knows of my status as I am already undergoing RLE). In Singapore, the people here are more conservative, hence stealth will be a wiser option. As to parents, lets say that my relationship is not so healthy with them.

As to sexual activities with my boyfriend well lets just say that its only oral (at most) as I am not comfortable with the rear.
The reason I am asking is because I just wish to prep myself in case of any hygenie issues that need to be noted. Also I am inexperience in this area. Sorry for the many questions again.

Thank you.



I've only noticed this from girlfriends in the past as I'm not sexually active yet (if ever? we'll see). errr ... but yeah there can be "dribbling" afterwards sometimes a few tissues is enough after laying down for awhile then another tissue or two after getting up and walking around while getting dressed. Sometimes a shower is in order afterwards not just from dibbling but from smelling like sex/sweat etc so that helps. If you get up in a rush then a simple pantyliner will get you through until your next toilet visit. A toilet visit can be a good idea as soon after as it lowers any risk of UTIs as it flushes that area "clean", especially if you are susceptible to them! But otherwise a bit of cum dribbling out is nothing to worry about unless you skip your next shower! >_< ..might get smelly.


Welcome to the world of having a vagina.  They do leak various liquids throughout the month and you have to use something to absorb them, either internally or externally.  After relations with a guy you will leak and several ideas have been presented here.