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No Rapture. Now What?

Started by Julie Marie, May 22, 2011, 06:56:17 AM

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:police: Right Michelle - We have heard your opinion - but you are now veering into a personal attack on Julie. You assume these things - but they are not proven, nor can they be unless you can look inside another person's head and be sure of their thought process.

Besides your own faith tells you to judge not lest ye be judged.

SO unless you want 10 points for violation of rule 10 I suggest you apologise for that part of the accusation and leave it there.

TOS rule 10. Bashing or flaming of any individuals or groups is not acceptable behavior on this web site and will not be tolerated in the slightest for any reason.

and to be clear that does say ANY reason - and not "any reason except when you feel that someone is attacking your faith."

So you either retract the personal accusations against Julie or I will edit your post and give you 10 points for the trouble.

Your choice! 

Thank you in advance for your cooperation :police:


Kia Ora Michelle,

::)  On a personal level I'm not ridiculing a Christian's "faith" is their "god", my focus is on the "pulpit- bookies" who tend to take the gullible members of their congregation for a ride...I see them as fair game...So.....

"The rupture didn't come today and some are very disappointed :icon_cry2:
they had all their bags pack and ready to go, did all of god's anointed...

  ::) But alas the pulpit bookies got it wrong, some would say yet again... :icon_wave-nerd: :icon_geekdance:
And many followers under their breaths, are thankful :eusa_pray: another day will reign...

For god don't trust   :eusa_naughty: the pulpit bookies that's why s/he/it is keeping mum
fear not all you believers for I'm sure your judgement day "will" come !"

Meta Zenda  :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:

kate durcal

Quote from: Michelle. on May 22, 2011, 05:37:25 PM
Breathe, breathe, breathe. Jesus forgave for a whole more things done to him, than Julie can possibly do.
Julie Marie,
I can't believe your allowed to Moderate any part of this board. Seeing that you have zero sense of neutrality in regards to Christians/issues/Christianity. In fact your down right hostile to any and all who are Christian.

This flame, which is what this thread is, belongs in the Atheism section of Religion.

Just what does this thread have todo with Religious news that concerns the Transgender community?"

Julie Maire was quiet nice indeed. I am telling you, I for one was hoping the rupture will happen and that G-d would take all the christian extremist with her, the world would be a better place without them. They do nothing but breath hatred. Just remember that they call us an abomination.

This christian extremists are the same people who a couple of millennial ago stoned people who suffered from epilepsy to death, centuries later they kill million in their inquisitions and crusades, then more recently killed hundred of thousand of women as witches.


For the record, the people who believed this are a minority.
I'm a Christian, and I absolutely hate what these people have done by saying that the Bible proves it.
It doesn't, and it even states that NO ONE will know when it happens.

Hate this guy, as it makes us look worse >:(

kate durcal

Quote from: spacial on May 22, 2011, 09:19:20 AM
I think it's sad and pathetic, how some journalists and others who should know better, seem to take such pleasure in humiliating and belittling an old man.

If the news are right several people have empty their bank accounts and others have quit their jobs, all because the "old man."  I wish they could trow him in jail for fraud, or at least do a tar and feather job on him.

It seems that every century a christian nuts come along and embarrass the many good Christians. I am not a fan of Christianity because is not the religion that Jesus preached, but a religion made about Jesus by Paul. I found the teachings of Jesus to be outstanding.
Kate D


Quote from: Michelle. on May 22, 2011, 06:15:35 PM
To clarify my objections which Zythra has resolved. Thank you! Your great.

JulieMarie posted this originally in the Religious Section of the News Board. Which is supposed to be "hard" news about the various religions and our community.

I have never interpreted the various religious sections as anything other than a discussion Forum for that topic. To say that discussing the Christian rapture and end of the world prediction was not relevant to the religious new or Christianity section is not how I see it. Family Radio is a large media outlet for evangelical outreach to Christians and non Christians alike. When their founder goes public on the air with this news, and publicizes it around the world through billboards, this is Christian news.

Does this man speak for all Christians? Of course, not. Neither does Billy Graham or the Pope. Perhaps those who follow main stream Christian media could better say whether they condemned this man's false prophecy. The Bible does talk about false prophets. It also warns against those who claim to speak for God. It is said that no ones knows the time, place or circumstances of Christs return. I'm not saying I personally believe this, but this is what the bible mentions.

Julie Marie knows, like the rest of us, that fundamental Christians are the source of much prejudice and actions which directly negatively affect us all in the GLBT community. Teen homelessness of LGBT kids, school bullying, discriminatory laws which are either left in place or enacted to marginalize and hurt us. These are coming from conservative forces, many of which are fundamentalist Christian, Catholic and Mormon leaders and followers.

I think many people like Julie would gladly not speak up against these hypocrites and charlatans were they to mind their own business and leave us be. 
"I don't need your acceptance, just your love"


The man who originally started this mess with the rapture this time has not only deceived his followers but given a bad witness of all Christians. Just like those who made these claims before. There still are some who believe the word of God and have little tolerance of this foolishness.

When I see this sort of thing I see the same spirit of antichrist in the devil that tempted Eve. That proud spirit that knows more than God. That spirit that deceives the simple time and time again. Yet they fall for it because they refuse to hearken unto the Holy Ghost and believe the scriptures. They put their trust in some man just because he has either been to seminary or had a rich daddy that preached on television.

Just because a person is popular means little as to their true relationship with God. Those who are the most popular are the ones who tell people what they want to hear rather than tell them the truth. These are the ones that give place to an evil spirit that exalts them in their own mind to where they think they have a special relationship with the Lord. Most of the times it is a blasphemous relationship at that.

These men that deceive their followers make a mockery of Christianity and give all whom do not believe the place to mock God and His followers who are trying to do their best.

It is written that no man knows the day nor the hour and these men that have made gods out of themselves in their own darkened little minds make those of us who love God and His Son downright sick.

Julie Marie

And that, Del, is exactly why people like this need to be exposed for who they are. 

Camping is just another PT Barnum looking for another sucker.  And there's plenty like him out there.  By openly discussing people like this and exposing them for who they are, maybe those prone to being taken in won't be. 


When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.



I feel sorry for the simpler ones, or babes in Christ that believe them. Because of it one man falls over dead thinking he missed the rapture.

One things these people are doing is calling Jesus Christ ignorant and a liar. Too ignorant to behold their supreme knowledge and lying about the time of his return and who knows of that day and hour. And, since all scripture was given as holy men of God spake as moved by the Holy Ghost it is blasphemy of the Holy Ghost as the Lord said that blasphemy of the Holy Ghost was to speak a word against it.

Out here by us a big one is Joyce Meyer. The apostles were beaten and thrown in prison living modest lives and she has a bodyguard to guard her millions. Then her bodyguard kills his family to have a life with his girlfriend.

Doesn't she believe that the Lord can keep her safe? Doesn't she know that she is to be willing to hate her life in this world? Doesn't she know that precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his saints? It sickens me to even live withing 30 miles of her and her ex bodyguard.

Is this what these foolish ministries teach? It's ok to steal, kill, commit adultery and still call themselves a Christian? Ms. Meyer may have a big mouth that speaks of worldly gain but she doesn't speak for all of us. Any minister that teaches the lust of money to where they are leading people to covet the very world and it's goods the Lord said come out of can't really be called by God. Maybe by some other spirit but not that of God.

These people are leading multitudes to hell and causing those whom do not believe to laugh at Christians.


  As per my orininal post:
Quote from: Joelene9 on May 22, 2011, 02:30:01 PM
  This is probably the case.  The media did not pay any attention to an old man like that, no matter his profession, in the 60's when I grew up.  This old fellow seemed clear but delusional, a sign of certain dementias that are common for his age. 
  There was this old fellow on the CB radio in the 70's when it was really a fad.  He came on my home channel and started saying the passages from the Bible all day and all night for nearly a week and didn't answer to anybody.  When we finally tracked him down, we found out that he attended my CB club dinner 3 months before and he seemed very lucid.  He didn't even sound like the same fellow at the dinner.  His wife went into the hospital for that time, leaving him alone, and he didn't take his medication his wife insisted he take.  He ended up in a home afterwards.
We must be careful when judging here.  I seen some real good preachers snap when they age.  Luckily, the congregation usually retires them, back when I was younger.  People were more savvy with the word of God back then. 
  The press and the internet today will amplify and enhance anything that is out there to sell sugar water, insurance, cars, etc.  The bible warns that there will be times that the runaway false predictions by many false prophets will occur and that a great number of people will believe those.   Be careful! 


Okay, I get the 'Don't have a pop at the bewildered old man' bit, except that he also predicted the rapture in 1994 when he was a sprightly 72 years old. :laugh:

For those accusing people of all sorts of crimes for those of us (gently) poking fun at all of this, I have the ideal solution.

Turn the other cheek and forgive us:P

I've heard that's a good thing to do but I cant remember where I read it  ;)


Kia Ora,

::) If the bible WARNS about false profits[and I do mean profits-many tend to profit from these predictions], it just goes to show that many so called Christians have NEVER read their bible-other wise they would have known who to look out for !

Metta Zenda :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:


Quote from: Zenda on May 22, 2011, 11:29:17 PM
Kia Ora,

::) If the bible WARNS about false profits[and I do mean profits-many tend to profit from these predictions], it just goes to show that many so called Christians have NEVER read their bible-other wise they would have known who to look out for !

Metta Zenda :)
That is why the Bible is here for.  To learn!  Me and James Randi do not see eye to eye on faith, but I like his debunking of the faith healers that take advantage of the uneducated and gullible for their own profit.  A phony healer is mentioned in the Bible before Judgement and the Lord asked his Son if he knew him.  Jesus replied that he did not, despite the man's career of healing and casting out demons, probably from profiteering and the man's real lack of faith. 


Quote from: Zenda on May 22, 2011, 11:29:17 PMIf the bible WARNS about false profits[and I do mean profits-many tend to profit from these predictions], it just goes to show that many so called Christians have NEVER read their bible-other wise they would have known who to look out for !

It not only warns of false prophets, but it tells you how to handle them.  In the Old Testament, false prophecy was an offense punishable by death.  Now that I think of it, Harold Camping based his predictions from the Old Testament.  If he believes in the Old Testament so much, then logically.....
"The cake is a lie."

Julie Marie

What Harold Camping Got Right

Charisma News Online
Monday, 23 May 2011
09:25 AM EDT
Phil Cooke

Over the last few months, a remarkably tiny group of people have done a brilliant job sharing their message with the world.  Inaccurate, wrong or wacky—they have told their story far better than major Christian denominations, mega-churches, and supposed "media" ministries have done. 

I travel more than most people, and I've seen their billboard campaign in cities like Los Angeles, the full page ads in major newspapers like USA Today, people handing out handbills outside subway stations in New York, mobile advertising, personal word of mouth and more.  It may not be the most creative or brilliantly designed, but at least it's unified and strategic.

All from a fringe radio preacher that 99 percent of Americans had never heard of six months ago.
When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.


Quote from: Julie Marie on May 25, 2011, 03:02:24 PM
What Harold Camping Got Right

Charisma News Online
Monday, 23 May 2011
09:25 AM EDT
Phil Cooke

Over the last few months, a remarkably tiny group of people have done a brilliant job sharing their message with the world.  Inaccurate, wrong or wacky—they have told their story far better than major Christian denominations, mega-churches, and supposed "media" ministries have done. 

I travel more than most people, and I've seen their billboard campaign in cities like Los Angeles, the full page ads in major newspapers like USA Today, people handing out handbills outside subway stations in New York, mobile advertising, personal word of mouth and more.  It may not be the most creative or brilliantly designed, but at least it's unified and strategic.

All from a fringe radio preacher that 99 percent of Americans had never heard of six months ago.

Unfortunately paid for with people's life savings!
