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Post Op Problems

Started by Elven, December 01, 2005, 02:06:44 AM

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I greatly need advice.  I am post operative M to F (10 years).  The surgery was performed by Dr. Wilson, Detroit Michigan.  There was initially many complications as he 'nicked' my bowel with the scalpel and didnt discover this fact until there was much tissue loss.  After 2 years of surgeries to repair everything I thought things were fine.  But now after all these years I am suffering from prolapsing and excessive bleeding (continuous bleeding).  Functionality is pretty lost as its just so painful.  I am taking iron supplements to help with the fatique from the blood loss.  Dr. Wilson refuses to help, or even answer my emails as I no longer have the particuliar health insurance he takes.  As far as his office cares, I can die of infection or blood loss since I dont have blue cross and shield.  That fact alone hurts beyond belief as I didnt sue him for his blunders in years past as I thought he cared about his patients.  I now live in Denmark and am trying desperately to find a doctor who can help me.  Any advice would be so appreciated.  Thank you.


Hello Kristina,

                I am sure there are many qualified GCS/SRS surgeons in denmark and someone here will know more than I do about that. 

                You must however see a doctor immediately, even if it's a GYN or GP or any good doctor. This may be related to the probs you had years ago or could be something new. Either way you are in serious danger of infection and/or internal bleeding that needs to be treated immediately. This could be life threatening.  While you get treatment you can search for an SRS surgeon. Please be careful and see someone now, today.



I strongly second Beth's advice.  You may have surgical adhesions and these can be treated by any surgeon.  Failure to act quickly is very dangerous IMO.




I was just so naive as to think he cared.  He was my hero, kind of a replacement father, I spent alot of time with him as I spent about 13 months or more in the hospital over the few year period.  Its never easy when heroes dont live up to what you thought them to be I guess.  I have made an appointment with my doctor here in Holbæk and hopefully can get a referral to a specialist.


And while looking for a new doctor, you might look for a good attorney as well.. hold them responsible.



The law in that state has a 2 year statute of limitations for malpractice.  There is no accountability beyond that period of time.  I'm not really the suing type, but had I known he would not stand behind his work, I might have become that type.  I can only hope those seeking surgery look elsewhere as you deserve the best.