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Member Blogs / Re: Marion's Retirement
Last post by Maid Marion - Today at 09:06:59 AM
As a retiree I get to take naps in the middle of the day when there is little shade in the yard.
But, where best to take naps?
I just put a big projector screen in the bedroom to block the mid-day sun!  It makes the room darker in the daytime, unless I turn on the overhead light.  Then the screen acts as a huge reflector to brighten the room with a soft diffuse light!  Best of all, I can easily use it as a projector screen!  I used to have it stored away in the corner of a room.  It was a hassle to move it and set it up for use so it rarely got used.
Member Blogs / Re: Allie's Blog IV: Revenge o...
Last post by imallie - Today at 07:40:10 AM
Nice start to the morning... got an email from the salon confirming my appointment for Saturday, saying they're looking forward to seeing me and that they have a private room reserved for us from 9-11 am!  It's a really trans-friendly place so it's not a concern about the other patrons, but it's just nice to be able to do all this without the distractions of the rest of the salon!

Really, REALLY looking forward to it! Oh and my wife has already made a lunch reservation for us afterwards at a place not too far from the salon that we like... so that's nice too!

So... emboldened by all that, I have decided this morning to take another shot at my personal white whale.

As many of you know, I create healthy recipes that I have used in my weight loss. I try to tweak items that we enjoy and just reduce calories, bump up protein and/or fiber, etc... where possible, without sacrificing taste. I've had some pretty big hits, and some big misses... but normally I can sort things out given a few shots.

Except one.

I've made countless varieties of muffins. And they're really good. But the one I cannot crack is the Pina Colada muffin. Cannot get it to work. Too wet, too dry, no taste, etc etc... a Pina Colada muffin has a very specific taste/texture in my mind, and I can't hit it.

Most muffins, the recipe will say something like "Black Forest Muffin (Ver 4.0)".  The most recent Pina Colada FAILURE says "Pina Colada Muffin (Ver 11.0)."

Well this morning - Ver 12.0 is coming!

Do I think I've cracked it? Hmmmm. I had a really optimistic period around Versions 5-9, but I must admit I got a little down and Versions 10 and 11 were doomed before they started. But I feel optimism welling up again for this one.

The macros look solid (they always do, though)... so it'll just come down to how it bakes and eats.

Will report back at some point.
Good JKR is a nasty piece of work
Member Blogs / Re: Marion's Retirement
Last post by Maid Marion - Today at 07:10:47 AM
I find people share a lot when I socialize.
I think it is because I avoid being judgemental.
I've been in a lot of different situations where I didn't fit in.

Going to an Ivy League school is great because you get to meet the best and brightest from all walks of life.  They give full scholarships to insure a full diversity of backgrounds.

Prep school was awkward because it was so different in so many ways. I went from an agricultural/Tourist society to a big bustling city.  I started late, so I ended up learning a foreign language with students three years younger!  A huge difference! 

I think many are less concern with revealing secrets than being judged for something beyond their control.  They just want someone to listen to them.

Member Blogs / Re: A day in the life of Jessi...
Last post by Jessica_K - Today at 07:07:58 AM
If only we had a constitution it could help maybe

The UK human rights is owned by the government, they have decreed in another subject that they are sovereign and therefore above the UK Supreme Court therefore they will use it again if there is anything from them. They ignore the UN and if the European court of human rights rules against them the government has said they will withdraw

So things are bad.

Member Blogs / Re: A day in the life of Jessi...
Last post by Gina P - Today at 05:39:57 AM
Fortunately most of these laws are repealed by court order and deemed unconstitutional. Problem is it sometimes takes years to go through the courts.
Premier League ref absolutely savages J.K. Rowling after she misgenders trans manager


He used Rowling's own words against her

Premier League referee Bobby Madley has hit out at J.K. Rowling after the writer misgendered trans football manager Lucy Clark.

Rowling wrote: "When I was young all the football managers were straight, white, middle-aged blokes, so it's fantastic to see how much things have changed."

The next day, she shared a Daily Mail article – which said Rowling had compared Clark to a man – with the caption wrote: "I didn't compare him to one. He IS one."

But former Premier League referee Bobby Madley leapt to Clark's defence, describing her as a "good, kind person." He then used Rowling's own words against her when he quoted a line from Harry Potter.

"'It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.' — Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Ironic..."


As the cool kids say: Sick burn.
Member Blogs / Re: Davina's diary
Last post by davina61 - Today at 03:25:53 AM
Well its shopping Thursday yet again, same old what do I get to cook. Might call in on the local farm market as they have a meat counter to see if I can get different cuts to the standard supermarket stuff.
 Have all the windows open, window cleaner started to wash them with his long reach brush so a quick panic close. Problem I have is cleaning the inside of the secondary glazing as its not removable unlike the ones at the old house.
 Deb rang me again this morning to tell me she had got a new 3 piece suite for the front room, that will be the 3rd time. I do worry about her, thing is she over thinks things and has no one to talk to.
   Golf    Gulf
Political and Legal News / Re: Peru classifies trans peop...
Last post by Devlyn - Today at 03:23:20 AM
But the ICD 11 has moved gender incongruence out of  "Mental and behavioural disorders" and into "Conditions related to sexual health".

Progress  :)

Hugs, Devlyn