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So here I am…. Paulie.

Started by Paulie, April 01, 2024, 12:34:26 AM

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I think it's time I started a blog.  This seems like the right time, because next week is my first visit to my GP since the New Year's crash.  I first joined Susan's in mid-February of 2023 and everything I had posted was lost in the crash.  So, I'm going to fill in a little history.

When I first talked to my GP at the end of 2022 (November I think).  I was mostly interested in implants, not HRT.  I had been wearing bras for years and recently had started very clearly padding them.  I expressed to her that I felt that I was missing something.  I must have been convincing; she gave me the names of a couple of plastic surgeons and suggested I see a therapist. 

The plastic surgeons wanted some kind of therapy history before they would seriously talk to me.  So, I found a therapist near the end of March and had about a half dozen sessions.  At the end of May, I went back to my GP and after a nice talk about what's happened since our last visit, I started HRT.  I sure didn't see that coming 6 months prior.

I was started on a very low dose and had a follow up 90 days later to check my labs.  My Hormone levels were still low but it was still early on and the rest of the labs looked good, so we set the next follow for 90 days.  (There was a lab follow up at the initial 30 day point too but no office visit at that time)

At 6 months, I was not seeing or feeling much change since starting HRT and was really feeling disappointed at that time, going into the next follow up.  For some reason she had change the lab work request and the test for my estrogen level was a different metric.  One that I didn't understand, so going in to my appointment and I didn't have a clue where I was, level wise. 

Overall; my labs were good but my Blood Presser was a little low.  It's always been on the low side.  Because my BP was low, she kept the Spiro at the same level, but she did double the Estradiol.  The previous level was having some effect and I was thrilled to get the new dosage.  I did feel like I had lost a few months of development. Of course, how do you know for sure.  YMMV applies.

Now, time wise I'm at 10 months on HRT, going into my next follow up appointment on Wednesday.  About three and a half of those at the new estradiol level.  The last 3 months have been good.  I'm a good solid A cup, maybe a little more, maybe not.  I have some breast tenderness too.  I didn't have that on the lower dose.  Anyway, I'm happy with my development since the dosage change.  I think my Spiro dose being very low might have something to do with my good results at my current Estradiol levels.  I may ask about a different Anti-androgen, but since things are working, maybe not.

I feel good going into my follow up, but I wish I had a copy of the labs before for my appointment.

Warm Regards,

Northern Star Girl

Dear Paulie:

I am so very happy to see that you have started your own Blog thread here on the Forum.

I am aware that you were previously a member here on Susan's Place for about a year before
the site crash on New Year's Day, but I do not recall that you had a Blog thread back then. 
The site crash gave all of us a new start.

You can consider your Blog here as your shared personal journal that you can use to
write down your thoughts and comments as you navigate your journey and life endeavors.
Also your Blog thread can become your "HOME" here on the Forum where your readers,
followers and friends can find you and leave comments for you to read and respond to.

I have some older Blog threads here from several years ago that I still go back to
read what I had shared...  great memories of my trials and tribulations as I documented
my own journey. 

I also keep a personal "old school" pen & paper journal in a 3 ring binder for my eyes only...
....complete with colorful doodling and snapshot pictures. 
On a cold and rainy night I can be found in my comfy chair in front of my warm fireplace
reading over some of my past writings... sometimes with tears in my eyes and sometimes
with a smile on my face.

As you feel free to share your story you can find comfort in knowing that when you
share your heartache, trials, difficulties and unpleasant experiences that test your
resilience and strength... that you have like-minded members and friends here that will
be at your side to offer their shoulder for you to lean on.
On the other hand, when you share your successes, accomplishments,and happy moments we will
rejoice with you and help you to celebrate those good times in your life.

I look forward to following your "So here I am.... Paulie." Blog thread and I also am
eagerly looking for your future postings around the various threads and topics on the Forum.

My warmest HUGS ... and happy Blogging and Journaling

[Northern Star Girl]  :icon_flower:  :)
The Forum Administrator
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❤️❤️❤️  Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
to read more details about me and my life.
             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the Hunted Prey : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: Alaskan Danielle's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single

        Email:  --->  alaskandanielle@

Gina P

Its a bit strange but my breast growth has mostly happened in the last 4-6 months and I have been on HRT for 19 months. Now at a solid C cup. Its a slow process. 
  • skype:Gina P?call

Lori Dee

From my understanding, doctors start estradiol at a low dose and then slowly increase it. The reason is that starting too high a dose can actually impair breast growth. I started estradiol in January 2020 and my levels have still not hit the "target". It is an ongoing process. They stopped Spiro and I now get an Eligard injection every 90 days to block T production. Then they added Casodex which blocks T receptors so that any estrogens converted to T will have no effect. You are just getting started, so enjoy the ride!

My Life is Based on a True Story

Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything.
Maybe it's about un-becoming everything that isn't really you,
so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.

2017 - GD Diagnosis / 2020 - HRT / 2022 - FFS & Legal Name Change / 2024 - Voice Training
  • skype:.?call


Quote from: LoriDee on April 01, 2024, 10:08:30 AMFrom my understanding, doctors start estradiol at a low dose and then slowly increase it. The reason is that starting too high a dose can actually impair breast growth

I'm really okay with the level my GP started with and happy with how she followed up on the lab work.  I would have liked to have had the increase at 3 months but I got the one at 6 and the results have been good.  I'm very happy so far.  If the next 3 months are like the last 3, I won't have to pad my bra's.  I won't have to but I still might. 

Quote from: Northern Star Girl on April 01, 2024, 01:38:26 AMI am aware that you were previously a member here on Susan's Place for about a year before
the site crash on New Year's Day, but I do not recall that you had a Blog thread back then. 
The site crash gave all of us a new start.

You're right Danielle, I didn't have a blog.  I did start a thread on one of the other boards, when I started HRT. I don't recall but I think it was the "Transitioning" board.  I had updated it a few times, like when I had a follow up with my GP.  I received some good advice and nice comments on that thread. 


I still haven't received my copy of the labs yet.  The lab was supposed to mail me a copy.  My GP office will give me a copy, I just wanted one before my visit.  Since "things" are developing well, I'll be happy just staying on the same dose.  So not having the labs going in is not that big a deal.  The only issue could be if there was something wrong with the lab work that called for a lower dose, but I'm not epically worried about that.

I definitely don't want to increase the Spiro. It's very low and from what I have read lately, that seems to be a good thing.  Like I said earlier, I may ask about a different anti-androgen, just to get her opinion.  But since things are work as they are I'm inclined to keep things the same.

I have to get into work very early tomorrow, so I'm going to need to pick out what I'm going to wear tonight.  Something I never would have given a thought to in the past.  :)

Warm Regards,


My latest follow up was just over a week ago and was pretty uneventful, which is what I was looking for.  My labs were in and showed my Total Estrogens at 435.  Last August they were at 234, so I went from just barely above normal to well into where I want to be.  Since I'm happy with how my development been progressing in the last 3-6 months, we are going to leave my doses as they are. 

I have my yearly wellness checkup in early June so we didn't talk about the next HRT follow up, but she did order my next 3 months of Estradiol (I still have over a month left on the last).  My labs included the lab work for my wellness checkup so I will not be getting new labs for June.

My Total Cholesterol was high.  Maybe Higher than it's even been.  I need to make a better effort on avoiding meat and dairy which will be tough.  I typically only have meat 2-3 times a week, and then just a little cheese 4-5 times a week.  I need to get back into exercising again too.  It will help now that summers is coming.  If I'm good I can drop my cholesterol 50 points by doing this.

My A1c and Glucose are high, but they alway are.  I eat a lot for fruit and of course all of that is converted to sugars.  10-12 servings of fruit just in the morning alone. At this point she knows I don't consume much in the way of other sweets so she does not get on me about my Glucose and A1c levels. They are just right at the top of the range too.

Last time my cholesterol was high my GP wanted to put me on a statin. My plan is to get a little more disciplined and to bring it down before the wellness check in June.  I've never had to take a long term medication and I'm going to do what I need to avoid any. (Exception made for HRT)   

    The following users thanked this post: Sarah B



You did not say what fruit you eat.  Berries? Oranges?  Perhaps some fruits would be better for you, see what your doctor says.

Breads and carbs I know I watch as they tend to pack-in calories for me, but I enjoy them in moderation.

Asparagus can taste so good, do you like it?  Broccoli?  Cauliflower? 

Always stay cheerful, be polite, kind, and understanding. Accepting yourself as the woman you are is very liberating.  Never underestimate the appreciation and respect of authenticity.  Be brave, be strong.  Try a little kindness.  I am a brown eyed brunette. 



On work days may I have a large fruit smoothie.  3-4 fresh oranges, 5-7 frozen bananas, some frozen strawberries, and some vegan protein powder.  I'v tried other fruits at times but I keep coming back to this combination.  I've been doing this for well over 20 years.  I drink it through a large straw on my way to work.

I Don't care for asparagus but my wife loves it.  Cauliflower is ok, but I do love Broccoli. There aren't' many vegetables that I don't like so that does make my diet easier to keep.

I think broccoli and romaine lettuce are where I get most of the calcium from in my diet.


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I cook broccoli in a wok to an Indian recipe, splash of rapeseed oil, pinch of asafoetida, 1/8tsp each of cumin and mustard seeds, when the mustard seed pop put in the broccoli and shake on 1/2tsp salt and 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper. 4tbls of water and cover till tender. I will be doing this in a bit to go with my chilli pork chops.
a long time coming (out) HRT 12 2017
GRS 2021 5th Nov

Jill of all trades mistress of non
Know a bit about everything but not enough to be clever
  • skype:davina61?call


Quote from: davina61 on April 15, 2024, 03:52:03 AMI cook broccoli in a wok to an Indian recipe, splash of rapeseed oil, pinch of asafoetida, 1/8tsp each of cumin and mustard seeds, when the mustard seed pop put in the broccoli and shake on 1/2tsp salt and 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper. 4tbls of water and cover till tender. I will be doing this in a bit to go with my chilli pork chops.

There were a couple of ingredients here I didn't recognize and had to look up.  When I retire (soon I hope) and have more time I'm going to give this recipe a try.  Thank you.



Work is sending me to Las Vegas again.  They sent me there on an overnight trip a couple of months ago. While I really don't like traveling for work I did take the opportunity to get out in a skirt, with a more feminine top then usual, and shoes with a little bit of heel.

I only got "out" for about an hour in the evening, and then just enough time in the morning to go down to the main floor for a cup of coffee.  I met with a co-worker in Vegas at the casino and we worked a long day with no breaks.  Afterwords we had dinner in the casino and we spent a lot of time BS'in so when I got to my room it was pretty late. 

I changed clothes pretty quick but it did take a little while to get the nerve to leave the room. Once I did get out the door I was fine.  Actually I really enjoyed it.  I got a beer and found a quite place to sit and I read my book for short awhile. 

This trip I won't be staying at the casino so I don't know how things are going to play out.  When at a casino you can leave your room and hang out on the casino floor.  That doesn't work in a standalone hotel.  I've never been to this hotel so I don't know if they have a breakfast dining room.  If they do I may dress for breakfast and then change before heading into the Vegas office on day two.

I don't leave for Vegas until Wednesday so I have some planing time.



The good;
The company I work for is in the beginning stages of merging with another.  It's due to be completed near the end of this year or early next.  All the managers are putting together presentations of what their teams are working on.  So, one of the managers got the bright idea of putting together slides of each team member with their education, projects, and a picture. I've never been thrilled when my employers try to do this.  I've been a microwave communications engineer, mechanical engineer, software, and a firmware engineer; I don't have a degree in any of them.  Not having a degree to list leaves a gap in my profile that other don't have.  But this time it wasn't as much the degree part that bothered me, as much as the photo part.

I tried to make up a few tongue-in- cheek excuses why I couldn't get one for him, hoping he let it go. Well he found a very recent picture somewhere, sent it to me and asked "how's this one, it's a little fuzzy but it looks good".  Surprisingly I liked the picture he found.  Recently I had started trimming my eyebrows and getting my hair cut a little more on the feminine side, and the fact that it was a little fuzzy softened my looks some.  I was feeling good about how I looked.
The bad and the ugly;

Today I had to submit a background check that included finger prints and a photo.  The gentleman processing the background check took care of the paperwork (online forms), fingerprints, and then stood me in front of a gray wall.  He used his cell phone to snapped one photo about as quickly as one could, and off he was to upload it.  No "say cheese", no nothing.  The photo was close, sharp, crisp, a little distorted from the camera angle, and OMG I looked bad.
It's not like it's going to be on a name badge or anything.  The only people that will see it will be the processing agency.  But it still bummed me out.
With trying to prep at work for my trip and a pet issue going on at home, it's not been one of my better days.  Tomorrow's not going to be any better, (I'll explain this latter this week).

I'm not looking for really sympathy, just venting today, overall I don't have much to complain about and life is good. 

Warm Regards,



Keep your head and spirits up.  The alternative is not likely going to be of any help any way! 


Always stay cheerful, be polite, kind, and understanding. Accepting yourself as the woman you are is very liberating.  Never underestimate the appreciation and respect of authenticity.  Be brave, be strong.  Try a little kindness.  I am a brown eyed brunette. 


It's been quite a while since I've updated here.  I've been pretty busy with life and while I've had some time to reply to a number of other posts, I never really felt I had enough time to update mine.  So instead of one long post I thought I do a number of shorter posts.

I'm going to start with the comment I made at the end of my last post:

Quote from: Paulie on April 23, 2024, 12:03:14 AMWith trying to prep at work for my trip and a pet issue going on at home, it's not been one of my better days.  Tomorrow's not going to be any better, (I'll explain this latter this week).

The "pet issue" had to do with one of my girls, a beautiful 10-year-old lab.  A real sweet heart.  She adored me and I cherished her.  Up until about 2 weeks prior to that night she was in excellent health.  We are still not sure exactly what was going on with her.  She was in and out of the Vet 3 times and then 3 days in the vet emergency hospital, multiple x-rays, ultrasounds and other tests.  She was having trouble at both ends and the whole digestive track in between.

The vet had an opening and we had made the decision earlier that day, that we'd be taking her into the vet for the last time the following day.  The people at the vet were great, can't imagine a more caring group of people.  We brought her home and some close neighbors came over when we placed her in the ground.  These were the neighbors with the pond that Rosie loved to visit.   

It's been over a month; thought I was done crying. 
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Losing a pet is losing a family member. We are dealing with an old dog with a serious health issue. I have started crying at work and sometimes cry myself to sleep at night. Pets love us unconditionally and it breaks our hearts when they are gone.

You are morning and take all the time you need. Tears are healing your heart.
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
quote by Mary Oliver

The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them.
quote by Elizabeth Gilbert
    The following users thanked this post: Paulie



I am sorry for your loss. 

Do keep posting, I like hearing from you here.

Have a restful and nice weekend.


Always stay cheerful, be polite, kind, and understanding. Accepting yourself as the woman you are is very liberating.  Never underestimate the appreciation and respect of authenticity.  Be brave, be strong.  Try a little kindness.  I am a brown eyed brunette. 
    The following users thanked this post: Paulie


My wife and I have an arrangement, I pretty much get to wear what I want around the house and yard, but I need to keep my hair trimmed short.  She says "I need to be able to look at part of you and see a man".  So along with trimmed hair, it's no makeup or earrings too. 

So, for the last month or more she's been on me to get my hair cut and I've been trying to put it off and grow it out a little.  She's been telling me "We have a deal, next time you're at Sharee's have her cut your hair".  Sharee is one of our neighbors.   I'm pretty handy with repair work and I help her and her son with miscellanies repairs on their house.  In return she'll trim my hair, not that she needs to do anything, but it makes her feel good to be able to do something in return.   She does a very nice job too.  Very nice.

Last weekend was her birthday and we had her and her son up for a bar-b-que lunch and birthday cake.  I found out earlier that day that my wife asked Sharee to bring her scissors along.  So right after lunch I got a haircut sitting on the deck.  A lot of hair came off and I could tell it was quite a bit shorter than it was.  It wasn't until later that evening that I got a look at it.  It's short, but it has a little bit of a pixie look to it.  I think it looks nice, and my wife thinks it looks nice, so it's a win/win.

Warm Regards,


Sounds like your wife is making an effort... sounds like you're trying to find a way to accommodate her wishes... in other words? It sounds like the kinds of things you hear people say when they're in a committed, loving marriage.  ;D

Lovely! Congrats to you both and here's hoping you continue to navigate things together this well! Rooting for ya!



Quote from: imallie on June 11, 2024, 12:59:27 AMLovely! Congrats to you both and here's hoping you continue to navigate things together this well! Rooting for ya!

Thank you Allie,

We had our moments when she first found out.  It was before we were married, but we were pretty committed at that point.  Back then it was underdressing and only crossdressing in the evenings, after she'd go to bed.  After a few years, one evening she came to me and said understood that it's a mental wellbeing thing for me and that the crossdressing was okay (with some limits).  I'm not sure exactly how she figured that out but I'm thankful that she did. 

Shortly after that we'd be out shopping and she'd bring something from one of the racks over to me and say "You'd look good in this." or "This looks like your style.".  I can't tell you how good that felt.  I do try to stretch out the time between haircuts, but when she says it's time, I don't argue.  I know I have the better end of the deal.

Warm Regards and love,




I took off work tomorrow.  I'm going to cram for the General Ham license, Ham Level 2.  I'm taking the test on Saturday morning.  I had the Technician license (Level 1) but it expired in May.  I'm going in cold and I have to pass by 75%.   That's 26 out of 35 questions and the 35 questions are random out of a pool of 454 questions.  I did take a few online practice tests and was in the 60-65% range, so I really thinking I can do this.   

I have a set of flash cards with all 454 questions and I thinking 2 hours on, 1 hour off, 4 or 5 times through the day should do it.   So it's off to bed early tonight.
