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Started by Rachel, June 24, 2007, 12:24:20 AM

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Well i have recently gained a very heavy interest into metaphysics, and the spiritual connections it can give me with my creator mother earth.  Since i have read into a little, i have gained a new wish to learn all that i can about it.  I wish to suck in all of the information I can.

So basically what i am asking is what has been everyone's experience with metaphysics.  Who uses tools and what type do they use?  How do you make your connection with whatever spirits on this earth you wish to connect with?  How do you make use of your spirituality in this manner?

Im just supercurious and wish to learn all that i can to make use of that info.

So please let me know of any experiences you have had in this field, im just wanting to experiment and find what feels right to me.

They also have a nightly radio show that talks about all sorts of unusual things but not always about metaphysics. It's on the am dial.


What you are attempting to do is very dangerous Rachel. But hey dont let me stop you. Once you open the door to the spiritual realm it is very difficult almost impossible to close. If your perception has allowed this to happen allready I say welcome! Things are not what they seem in metaphysics. Remember to visualise things and they will happen appropriately. Always remember to ground yourself with the fact that Mother Earth is your strongest friend and ally. She is a self aware sentient being that has no equal in this Galaxy. Everything comes and goes through her. So dont look up, look down. Also spirits dont like human technology very much. If you went looking for them with tools youd probally scare them. Unless your tools are made by you from earthly materials. That would attract them to you. One thing I have learnt is its easier for women. To contact mother Earth


My tools would be crystals mostly.

And Earth is my strongest element and the one i feel most connected too, it makes me the most happy.  I would not use technology to get in contact with the earth, that is just silly.

Today though, i went out to a small plant near my house and put some positive energy into it to promote its growth, it felt all warm and happy.  Maybe i can help it grow big and strong. -me beams a smile-


Cool Rach! Nice one. You will have to show a before and after pic. Like transition. The plant seems like it likes you. Its attracted you to it hasnt it?


i dont know, i just felt compelled to help it, i should do some more.


Well, this is one of my favorite subjects. I dont know where to start. What I will say is that I feel connected with all the Universe, as well as Mother Earth. I have been "dabbling" in Metaphysics for over 20 years. I have belonged to a Metaphysical church for about 25 years, have learned to meditate, and "tune in", and have learned the true meaneing of prosperity. And that includes money. I do not believe that money is evil. I see it used for evil, but it is only a tool. My prosperity is also the ability to transition and be not only tolerated, but respected, and even revered. I also believe that the so called "literal" interpretation of the Bible is what has gotten us in most of our troubles. The folks who are engaging in that practice are involved in very harmful and dangerous hate groups. Recently, their control of the Republican Party has resulted in our government being controlled by a fearful, hateful religious fanaticism. They would drive the human race into oblivion, if they could. But dont get me started. They dont realize it, calling us New Agers, but actually, Metaphysics is much older than Fundamental Christianity, or any Christianity, for that matter.


This is how to open the door to the imagination where basically you are capable of also being able to potentially open doors into the metaverses. The creativity of the mind can be converted into physical realities, Well realities as we know it which is all a relativity of what we perceive of this world as real. This universe is in actuality like a large Holodeck. A universal illusion that can be manipulated with the mind that with sufficient concentration, determination and believing in your potential capabilities in the manifestation of whatever you desire is.

Here is a small example that this world is an illusion. If you were to take ten people in a field standing in a circle examining the same flower. What do you think would be the result? The result would be that each individual would have a different concept of that same flower.

Or how about the would be witnesses looking through the one way glass at the suspect criminal lineup, again each will come back with a different perception of what they think the suspect looks like.

Ever get that feeling when you come to a certain place and you remember seeing something there but is not there now and just quite can't remember what it was?

One could also describe the Universe as as a photonic hologram because basically if one breaks down everything to it's tiniest particles, you will find that all is made of the tiniest of energy particles, photons.

The metaphysical grid or matrix, well that's getting into another complete chapter of it's own which I will touch briefly upon here.

Our reality is a holographic grid program created by thought consciousness that repeats in cycles and can be best understood by studying Sacred Geometry. The grids are a matrix of sound, light and color through which we virtually experience time and emotion. The grids are electromagnetic in physical reality thus creating polarity or duality of experience, always seeking to restore balance. In the process of awakening to one's learning and emotional challenges, moving through a healing process in which they want to heal themselves by healing others, one creates balance, increases their psychic abilities, and a final understanding of the nature of reality and where it is all going. Reality is about the evolution of consciousness in the alchemy of time.





Hi Rachel,

If you are interested in metaphysics then I would recommend finding some discipline (not the B&D kind) and practice it. Meditation is where most people start but It is hard to keep centered when you first start. I do chanting and I like it because I just have to do it. I don't have to clear my mind or feel peaceful or anything like that. Of course, after doing it a few months I began to have extraordinary experiences and feeling calm and peaceful. Now it is easy for me to meditate but it wasn't easy to start.

I recommend you get the DVD 'The Secret behind the Secret' by Esther Hicks and the Quantum Edition of ' What the Bleep Do We Know' (the 3 DVD edition). These are both inexpensive and filled with lots of advice for getting in touch with those parts of your mind that have been hidden to you. They also have lots of techniques for breaking bad thought patterns. Bad, as defined by you. Another thing is that when you start doing this stuff you will feel uncomfortable because you are tying to institute change and the parts of your personality that are in charge now will resist (like the intellect). Some people, at this stage, say "I'm not comfortable with this stuff so I will wait until I am comfortable." If you get into that mind set nothing will change for you. In your case it sounds like you are interested in improving your sensitivity rather than changing. The same principle applies.

You are embarking on a great adventure. It is not dangerous. It is illuminating.

The reason I mention these DVDs is because you will be introduced to many people, in many fields, talking about many approaches to increased understanding and something therein will appeal to you. Then you can pursue that person or technique for more information.


Hi all, I thought this might be of interest to you.

I have always hypothesized that any alien space craft that have successfully traversed the intergalactic distance between stars, or possibly interdimensionally would have needed the ability to alter the form of their star-ship and themselves into energy from their state as matter.  Well, it appears that something along this line may have been detected happening within the range of astronomers' telescopes.



The possibilities are endless. There is just too much to say.


Hi Marco

And yes the possibility are endless. Space and time does not run linearly it folds upon itself connecting to the fabric of other parallel realities  ad-infinitum. A world without beginning and without end.

And that is what makes it all so intriguingly interesting. Especially when some already know that with a sufficiently evolved awareness one can open the portals to other realities. I am working on such a theory at the moment that if once one combines equaly religion, spirituality, science, quantum physics and metaphysics will merge as one at one point whereby reality as we know it will no longer exist, we will have the ability to shift into another reality created from the imagination.

Metaphysics and Grids

Our reality is a holographic grid program created by thought consciousness that repeats in cycles and can be best understood by studying Sacred Geometry. The grids are a matrix of sound, light and color through which we virtually experience time and emotion. The grids are electromagnetic in physical reality thus creating polarity or duality of experience, always seeking to restore balance. In the process of awakening to one's learning and emotional challenges, moving through a healing process in which they want to heal themselves by healing others, one creates balance, increases their psychic abilities, and a final understanding of the nature of reality and where it is all going. Reality is about the evolution of consciousness in the alchemy of time.

Multidimensional Griding

What are grid gates?



QuoteWhat are grid gates?

Hi cindy,

Thanks for posting this link. I have been working with sacred geometry for some years but I never encountered some of this stuff before. It is terrific.


awesome info, ill look closer into it.


Once the mind is opened to the infinite potentialities the awareness continues to grow. The, normal world will never seem quite the same, Like what appears to be a jumble of unrelated sequences that just do not appear to have any destination.  Do these knowings make one feel superior? No, quite contrary, it humbles the soul. It was these forces that lead me to and showed me who the true self within was.

To thine own self be true, then thou canst be false to no man.



   I have been to that site. Lots of good information. I just find it hard to meditate sometimes. Noise levels around me, stress. But when I can get to a place, it is hard to explain what I feel. It is good though. I need to look into self hypnosis, if possible to bring yourself to a past life.



Hi Marco

have touched the grid and have felt the immensity of that which is all. It is not possible to conceive with the finite mind but it can be perceived through sensation. I believe that this ability was with me all along but the door wasn't really opened to me until I started the hormones. Hormones intensify emotions and feelings.

Anyway let me suggest something that may help you in your meditations. After you sit or lay whichever you feel most comfortable with an it doesn't have to be sitting cross legged on the floor. That is impossible to feel comfortable, especially when you are beginning to get up in years, after abut ten minutes every joint hurts. So Like I said just set in what ever manner that you most feel comfortable in.

Relax and close your eyes. Now the most difficult part to overcome will be to stop the mind chatter or the psychic white noise in your mind as some call it. Just picture yourself standing by a brook watching fall leaves flowing down stream flowing around this large rock which is sticking up in the middle of the stream. The rock is you and the leaves flowing around and past you is the chatter in your mind. Just let the chatter flow by, try not to get engaged into this mental debating comity of thoughts, but just let it drift on by.


There is only one thing more powerful than all the armies of the world, that is an idea whose time has come.
- Victor Hugo

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.
- Albert Einstein, in The New Convergence

Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power.We have guided missiles and misguided men.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance.
- William Faulkner, in his Nobel Prize acceptance speech

The whole history of science has been the gradual realization that events do not happen in an arbitrary manner, but that they reflect a certain underlying order, which may or may not be divinely inspired.
- Stephen W. Hawking

When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it - always.
- Mahatma Gandhi

To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.
- Stephen W. Hawking

The visible world is the invisible organization of energy.
- Physicist Heinz Pagels

There is no reality in the absence of observation.
- The Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

No theory of reality compatible with quantum theory can require spatially separate events to be independent.
- J.S. Bell

If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet.
- Niels Bohr

Curiouser and curiouser!
- Lewis Carroll

Man can learn nothing except by going from the known to the unknown.
- Claude Bernard

The warrior steps forth to accept the unknown and challenge disbelief, for if it lies in mind it Is, by God!
- Ramtha

If those who lead you say to you, "See, the Kingdom is in the sky," then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, "It is in the sea," then the fish will precede you. Rather, the Kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living Father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty.

- (All the sayings of Jesus gathered from ancient sources and compiled into a single volume for the first time. Compiled by Ricky Alan Mayotte) From The Complete Jesus. (Pg 71) Jesus


Posted on: October 13, 2007, 08:06:42 PM
Hi Marco

have touched the grid and have felt the immensity of that which is all. It is not possible to conceive with the finite mind but it can be perceived through sensation. I believe that this ability was with me all along but the door wasn't really happened to me until I started the hormones. Hormones intensify emotions and feelings.

Anyway let me suggest something that may help you in your meditations. After you sit or lay whichever you feel most comfortable with an it doesn't have to be sitting cross legged on the floor. That is impossible to feel comfortable, especially when you are beginning to get up in years, after abut ten minutes every joint hurts. So Like I said just set in what ever manner that you most feel comfortable in.

Relax and close your eyes. Now the most difficult part to overcome will be to stop the mind chatter or the psychic white noise in your mind as some call it. Just picture yourself standing by a brook watching fall leaves flowing down stream flowing around this large rock which is sticking up in the middle of the stream. The rock is you and the leaves flowing around and past you is the chatter in your mind. Just let the chatter flow by, try not to get engaged into this mental debating comity of thoughts, but just let it drift on by.


There is only one thing more powerful than all the armies of the world, that is an idea whose time has come.
- Victor Hugo

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.
- Albert Einstein, in The New Convergence

Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power.We have guided missiles and misguided men.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance.
- William Faulkner, in his Nobel Prize acceptance speech

The whole history of science has been the gradual realization that events do not happen in an arbitrary manner, but that they reflect a certain underlying order, which may or may not be divinely inspired.
- Stephen W. Hawking

When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it - always.
- Mahatma Gandhi

To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.
- Stephen W. Hawking

The visible world is the invisible organization of energy.
- Physicist Heinz Pagels

There is no reality in the absence of observation.
- The Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

No theory of reality compatible with quantum theory can require spatially separate events to be independent.
- J.S. Bell

If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet.
- Niels Bohr

Curiouser and curiouser!
- Lewis Carroll

Man can learn nothing except by going from the known to the unknown.
- Claude Bernard

The warrior steps forth to accept the unknown and challenge disbelief, for if it lies in mind it Is, by God!
- Ramtha

If those who lead you say to you, "See, the Kingdom is in the sky," then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, "It is in the sea," then the fish will precede you. Rather, the Kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living Father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty.

- (All the sayings of Jesus gathered from ancient sources and compiled into a single volume for the first time. Compiled by Ricky Alan Mayotte) From The Complete Jesus. (Pg 71) Jesus


Posted on: October 13, 2007, 08:20:39 PM
I have no idea why this post keeps saying flaged as spam????????


Posted on: October 13, 2007, 08:22:39 PM
Ok it now apears to have left.



     You have hit the nail on the head. First off, comfort. Laying down is best for me. But yes, it is the "white noise" that is very hard at times to tune out. I havve come upon a book written in 1971 by Ruth Montgomery, who ended up autonmatic writing it through Arthur Ford on the other side. I found the book at my birth mother's place in San Francisco while visiting her last month. I know I was meant to find and read that book. I learned alot, and try to apply some of it. How did you know my thing I focus on is autum leaves? I grew up in Illinois, and that is the one thing I miss the most. The leaves in the fall. The smell. Yankee Candle has that scent. I will need to get it. Take care.



Quote from: Rachel on June 24, 2007, 12:24:20 AM
Well i have recently gained a very heavy interest into metaphysics, and the spiritual connections it can give me with my creator mother earth.  Since i have read into a little, i have gained a new wish to learn all that i can about it.  I wish to suck in all of the information I can.

So basically what i am asking is what has been everyone's experience with metaphysics.  Who uses tools and what type do they use?  How do you make your connection with whatever spirits on this earth you wish to connect with?  How do you make use of your spirituality in this manner?

Im just supercurious and wish to learn all that i can to make use of that info.

So please let me know of any experiences you have had in this field, im just wanting to experiment and find what feels right to me.

Hi Rachel,

i believe that much regarding metaphysics is self-deception.

i also feel that many mainstream religions are just full of deceptions.

i do not believe in spirits, either worldly or otherwise.

but, having said these cautionary disclaimers, i believe it is true that people can find ways to achieve self-improvement. (i assume that your purpose in this effort is to improve yourself as a person).

i am one who is in great need of self-improvement, both in my interactions with others and especially with developing my own will-power.

my approach, as i have mentioned on several other threads on this site, is to try and establish contact with a very remote part of my consciousness. it's belief structures are different than my own:
a) it is extremely tolerant of others (even with hostile opinions) whereas i often am not.
b) it seldom, if ever, gets angry, whereas that is common for me
c) it has a subtle and gentle personality, whereas i am often "in your face"

my goal is to allow this very remote aspect of myself a free hand in the building and re-structuring of my personality, which, i am the first to admit, has some serious flaws.

i will be watching your progress with interest, with the hope that i can learn something from you and others along the way. good luck!



As usual science has found a spiritual gene. Many people have this gene which produces a spiritual feeling in the brain.
People who do not have the gene do not feel spiritual and wind up not feeling the presents of a god.