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Wicca's Thoughts on Transitioning

Started by Loved_PrincessMPLS, May 02, 2016, 10:09:21 PM

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I have been a devout Wiccan for many more years than I care to admit, nearly all of it solitary in practice. As I've grown even stronger in my faith since my move to Minneapolis, Mn. I don't know what the members of my coven would think of my MTF transition.

Is this a natural act of the Gods? Does this displease Them? Am I harming anyone (including myself and my body) by transitioning?

I struggle with these questions because I don't want to be a failure in their eyes nor in the eyes of my coven.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
"The difference between stumbling stones and blocks is how you use them."

"Shoot for the moon; if you miss, you'll hit the stars."


I just did a quick google search for "wicca and transgender". Many things popped up. Mostly suggesting that most Wicccan Covens accept transgender very well. One site pointed out that one of the first rules of Wicca is
Quote"an it harm none do as ye will"

This was a cursory glance. There does seem to be a few instances of there being issues but even the Huffington Post suggested that Wicca as a whole could teach us all a thing or two about interacting with the transgender community.

Good luck. Hope everything goes smoothly.

With warmth,

1st Therapy: February 2015
First Endo visit & HRT StartJanuary 29, 2016
Jacqueline from Joanna July 18, 2017
Full Time June 1, 2018



There are exceptions but over all the Wicca community is very lgbt friendly. I am personally very new to Wicca, my exploration of the faith has gone hand and hand with my transition, one more part of me long denied that I am finally starting to live the truth of.

The very heart of wicca is change, the turning of the seasons the growth of maiden to mother to crone. Some faiths teach that they're god created everything exactly as he wants it now and forever unchanging. But Wicca and most pagans see change and growth, ones personal path, one's inner truth as a vital part of life and so most even if they don't understand transgender people they accept them.

Transitioning can be difficult, but I can't believe that the goddess and the god could ever be upset by someone looking inside themselves, finding some pain and working to heal it. Like childbirth the act of transitioning can be painful and difficult for oneself and those around you but in the end it can bring far more joy than tears.

I think I am rambling so let me just say, your far from alone.

Blessed Be

What is a Lie when it's at home? Anyone?
Is it the depressed little voice inside? Whispering in my ear? Telling me to give up?
Well I'm not giving up. Not for that part of me that hates myself. That part wants me to wither and die. not for you. Never for you.  --Loki: Agent of Asgard

Started HRT Febuary 21st 2015
First Time Out As Myself June 8th 2015
Full Time June 24th 2015


In general the Wiccan community is very LGBT friendly and accepting. However that said, do not be surprised if you run into a few Radical Feminist Dianic groups which are not so open minded.

Best Wishes and Bright Blessings
Traci Melissa Knight


@Serena, very well said, I trully apreaciate your reply in this post because it is a concern that I also feel sometimes and as I am interested in Wicca it was nice to read your point of view on this... nicely written.

Arianna Valentine

I have been Wiccan for many years about 15 or so and one thing i have learned and a big reason i chose to make Wicca my religion is because they are accepting of everyone no matter what their race, gender, sexual preference they accept people for who they are and do not expect you to change for them they just simply accept everyone which for me is why it is such a wonderful religion.  That being said there might be some who are anti transgender but i find it very rare to find honestly.
If you can't accept yourself,  how can you expect others to accept you?

curious about me:,


Quote from: Loved_PrincessMPLS on May 02, 2016, 10:09:21 PMIs this a natural act of the Gods? Does this displease Them? Am I harming anyone (including myself and my body) by transitioning?

My Goddess has been intimately involved in my transition. It wouldn't be happening without Her; if it weren't for Her, I might still be completely in the dark about myself. Pretty amazing stuff. So, I think the gods are on board with it, in principle. :)


There are also transgender god/goddesses within Wicca as well.  The Japanese goddess Inari is one such goddess, a fox goddess, who is both male and female.  Inanna is also considered a transgender goddess.

Although, I haven't had much success finding a coven to join (post pandemic, and lack of free time), someday I hope to join one.


Quote from: Jacqueline on May 03, 2016, 02:11:16 AMOne site pointed out that one of the first rules of Wicca is
"an it harm none do as ye will"

Hmmm I always thought the first rule of Wicca was 'you do not talk about Wicca'??
Oh no I've said too much
I haven't said enough

Please Note: Everything I write is my own opinion - People seem to get confused  over this
  • skype:--seriously who uses Skype anymore?!??call


Actually, the first rule of Wicca is, indeed, "If it harms no one, then do as you Will."

Also, we have to keep in mind that although this is a public venue, we are within the welcoming, and I might add, safe space of a Wicca subsection of this public venue.

I have heard that some Covens still regard secrecy as a tenant, however, that is for the protection of the members of the Coven, while in an unsafe environment, that was primarily a result of atrocities such as the Salem Witch Trials and the Burning Times during medieval Europe.

To add, Wicca is often referred to as The Craft of the Wise, because in order to really benefit from its practice, you must have an open mind, have an working knowledge of how to think critically, and form your own opinions and make ethical decisions.  We don't have a single Book that tells us what's right from what's wrong, we must use our own discernment, and as a result of practicing our beliefs system, we compile our own book to be passed down to other trusted individuals or even groups.