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Member Blogs / Re: Jessica's Rose Garden
Last post by Maid Marion - Today at 01:13:20 PM
Hi Jessica,

Good luck on the cleanup!

I've also been going through my pantry, eating stuff before it gets too old.
I bought some canned pineapple juice for vitamin C during Covid. Drinking it now.
It is acidic and long term storage of pineapple in cans is not reliable like SPAM.

Member Blogs / Re: Jessica's Rose Garden
Last post by Jessica_Rose - Today at 01:01:39 PM
Thanks @Northern Star Girl , @LoriDee , and @Courtney G .

My dad may well be at the point where all we can do is keep him comfortable, and visit as often as possible. Susan and I plan to see him again next weekend. While in town we stay at his house, in my old bedroom. We try to keep the yard looking nice, mainly to discourage people from thinking it's abandoned. We're also doing some cleanup inside, tossing food which expired years ago, and making small household repairs.

Sometimes a friend or neighbor will stop by and ask us how he's doing. They mention about the long conversations they've had, and how nice my dad is. Sometimes I wonder if they're talking about someone else. Obviously, my dad has 'mellowed' quite a bit over the last few years. Unfortunately, the dad I remember is not the one his friends and neighbors know.

Love always -- Jessica Rose
Member Blogs / Re: Allie's Blog IV: Revenge o...
Last post by imallie - Today at 12:58:07 PM
Quote from: EllenW on Today at 10:35:43 AMAllie,

I am very happy that everything is going well. Based on my experience radio silence means acceptance.

My memory from your lost blog that Allie was not going to be your new name and that you did not want to mention it until you told your family. So, since you told them. What is your new name?


Correct Ellen - it's not.

But "Allie" has carried me a long way, and part of me thinks it might make sense to keep things a bit close to the vest.

It's not a lack of trust in folks here, but there's too much going on with lurkers and what not and people who come looking for info with the express purpose of doing harm with it. 

Some people here do my new name, but heck even those took a while to adjust having been so used to Allie 😂. So I think we'll just leave well enough alone for now.

Emphasis on "for now" though - if my wife and I have learned anything this week is that reality can shift about as quickly as the sand beneath your feet. So who knows what tomorrow brings?

Sorry for the convoluted answer to a simple question - but I didn't want it to appear that I'm not sharing because I don't trust people here. Not that at all.
Hormone replacement therapy / Re: Patches
Last post by coral - Today at 12:54:21 PM
Surprised  to see poor ratings for the Dotti patches.  I have used Dotti almost exclusively since I started nearly 5 years ago, as the brand my doctor prescribes and pharmacy provides.  The low transfer rate my be part of the reason I have experienced very slow results.  Of course not being allowed to have testosterone blockers has also been a major reason.

Cooking / Re: air fryers
Last post by Maid Marion - Today at 12:47:46 PM
All I cook these days is small batches of little things!
The practice helps me improve my cooking.

Last time I pan fried shrimp I added some Japanese red pepper and liked it a lot.
Cooking / Re: air fryers
Last post by coral - Today at 12:38:44 PM
Our air fryer is my go to cooking appliance.  I use it for nearly at least part of every meal.  Cook lots of frozen entries.  Have found it is helpful to put an item in microwave for about half recommended time, then finish with half air fryer time in the air fryer.  Cuts cooking time while producing a better finish over microwave only.

'What Helped Me Through My Transition'

Story by Tiana Randall (Feb 2023)

While no one handbook can guide someone through every unexpected moment when transitioning — even, ahem, ones that come close — we can look to those who've been there before and learn from them. The Cut asked models, activists, artists, influencers, and more to share the advice, mantras, and support that helped them during their own transitions.

Emira D'Spain, first Black transgender Victoria's Secret model
"No rain, no flowers." Bad days are inevitable, but so are great ones. Transitioning is a long journey that is going to have its ups and downs, but that's the beauty of it. To all of my young trans people, the good days are coming. It'll all work out, I promise."

Naomi Hearts, @naomiheartsxo on TikTok
"There is no right or wrong way to be trans." People often feel that trans people need to look a certain way or do certain things — like medically transition — to be trans. That is not the case. At the end of the day, to be trans is who you are at the core, and nothing and no one can change that.

Isis King, model
"The journey is a lifelong one." It takes a lot of effort and courage to be who we are as trans people and to live our lives every day. Enjoy the process."
Cooking / Re: air fryers
Last post by Devlyn - Today at 11:29:43 AM
I got one at 80% off during my final few days at Wilko's. We didn't want one, but couldn't pass up the price. They're OK for small batches of little things, but most UK kitchens just don't have the counter space for one.
Cooking / Re: air fryers
Last post by BlueJaye - Today at 11:02:08 AM
Yes, I have one. I cook a variety of things with it.
Member Blogs / Re: Allie's Blog IV: Revenge o...
Last post by EllenW - Today at 10:35:43 AM

I am very happy that everything is going well. Based on my experience radio silence means acceptance.

Quote from: imallie on Yesterday at 10:10:26 PMsome very nice (and appropriate) use of my new name
My memory from your lost blog that Allie was not going to be your new name and that you did not want to mention it until you told your family. So, since you told them. What is your new name?
