Blogs => Member Blogs => Topic started by: davina61 on July 05, 2017, 04:17:06 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 05, 2017, 04:17:06 PM
Not sure if this is the best place for this but anyway after my "adventure " at drag racing and TBH not worn male clothes since middle off Jan this is my gradual coming out story. The plan is to start full time end of October but all the time I have been moving closer to the point now where I use a hand bag and purse, painted nails and earrings and its all positive so far apart from the wife (that's a different topic). Spend most of my day in gender neutral uniform , work trousers, polo shirt, steel toe cap boots but wear bra and panties under. Growing my hair out but very thin on top so looks like a wig then and as my job is dirty, dust falling from under cars , brake dust and stuff so have to wash it every day so thinking may need 2 so 1 can dry. also I think a longer style for going out. Going to see the GP on Friday to find out why there was no reply from GIC and to say will be trying to get HRT when I can get £££s from my pension fund. The diet has stalled a bit , the floppy man gut is stubborn but was 14 st 1 lb   this morning, want to get to 12 st 7 lb, positive is my hips are wider than my chest. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Michelle_P on July 05, 2017, 04:30:01 PM
Davina, having multiple wigs when full-time is pretty much a necessity, as the darn things can take 16-24 hours to fully dry.  I have two in my daily wear style, as well as one in the same color, straighter and slightly longer, as 'dress hair' when I need to look a bit more posh, as you might say. ;) 

Washes take a bit of life out of the wig, so minimize soak time in the wash solution, and get a good spray-in conditioner to use on the damp wig after washing.  Don't try brushing till it is completely dry.

When brushing avoid the temptation to start in with big strokes.   Spray conditioner on the ends, and brush out the last inch or so all around.  Then, go back and brush out the first couple of inches. Then, do the first 3-4 inches.   The idea is to avoid long sweeps that compact pre-existing tangles at the ends, leading to crimping of end hair, breakage, and a premature death from the frizzies.

All lessons I had to learn the hard/expensive way. 

You may even want to consider using cheaper synthetic wigs for daily wear, in a style you like of course, and get better wigs set in a similar style and color for evening and weekend wear that won't need to be washed nearly as often.

Best of luck at the GP's office, and I hope you get some answers there.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: jentay1367 on July 05, 2017, 04:44:11 PM
What is it that your lot on the Island says? Oh yeah..... "I like your pluck!" Yeah! that's it.....go rip em' up girl!
      Relentlessness is our best friend. It's certainly been mine. Without it, we become victims to despair. I refuse to give in to some weird manifest destiny that I never signed up for. This is a long hard won battle and I've miles to go.
     We're the sisters of the over 50's and we will have our way! I'm sure of it. Just keep moving forward, D. It begins to fall into place because we've given the forces of the Universe no viable alternative. I'm on your side all the way! Keep keeping on. L
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 06, 2017, 02:13:02 PM
Yes cheap wig for work was the plan. Back to the news, TX my daughter last night to say are we racing your car Sunday, reply was  not if your wearing a dress, NO I will be wearing my work trousers. So going racing whay . She still cant handle it or understand and I wont push her, my poor darling girl I haven't done this to hurt you. Will give her a big hug and see how she is.Pushing on whatever
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on July 06, 2017, 04:12:37 PM
 Hi Davina,

   Glad to see you are pushing forward and making plans to prepare for your official debut.  I wonder at your determination in the face of the obstacles tossed in your way. I myself can't imagine taking the steps you have at work and in your car hobby. You go girl!
   It a shame with the family issues but great that you will not let them stop you from becoming the lady you strive to be. And you are right, you cannot push against the resistance your daughter has put up. Doing so will only make it worse. And you know I face simular issues with my daughter so I can empathize with you completely. It does hurt but we will deal with it and hope for the best.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: coldHeart on July 07, 2017, 04:10:54 AM
Stupid as it sounds can't you wear a baseball hat on top of a wig or adapted one so its part of the hat. Sara
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: KathyLauren on July 07, 2017, 08:58:43 AM
Quote from: coldHeart on July 07, 2017, 04:10:54 AM
Stupid as it sounds can't you wear a baseball hat on top of a wig or adapted one so its part of the hat. Sara
It's hard to wear a hat on top of a wig.  I got my own hair cut and styled so the back and sides look feminine.  With a ball cap or sun hat on top, it looks quite convincing.  I go like that for working in the garden, walking the dog, or going to fire department practise.  I can't go totally "topless" because it is too thin.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 07, 2017, 01:36:26 PM
So doc is chasing up GIC , she said should have had a response . She is American and has taken me on , asked how I was doing so told her nails, earrings and wearing a skirt at hot rod meet and she is fine about it . Had an email from gender GP asking what I was doing about getting HRT from them and replied saying waiting for ££££S to pay for it. Think its about £150 just to "register" , that's a phone consultation and set up fee.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on July 07, 2017, 05:22:57 PM
I took nearly three months for me to hear from the GIC, my letter arrived taped to a snail ;D

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 08, 2017, 03:40:25 PM
Find it hard to feel female at work when we are busy, flat out today, 15min lunch (should be 1/2hr) and no coffee breaks and worked 1/2 hr over. Any way after cooking tea had a shower and did a make over, put my size 16 orange dress on ( fits but took 10mins to get the zip closed) its alittle tight round the ribs but looks OK. Took a photo and uploaded it to footo buket but cant 3rd party down load as they want $399 a year now , was free till today the robbing so and so's (insert expletive) Opened a bottle of red and made the mistake of bringing it into the living room, on my 3rd glass now. Looking forward to tomorrow with my daughter.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 09, 2017, 05:09:29 PM
My daughter was upset when she saw me, wearing bracelet, ring and necklace, bra and girl cut event T shirt. We got the car scrutinised and signed on and she started to see no one was bothered about me. Raced in the ladies bracket race and got in the final, runner up as she slept the start lights but a trophy and some £££s. Not raced for18mnths and still got it, best prize for me was the big hug when we left, all together AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Dan on July 10, 2017, 03:50:45 AM
Quote from: davina61 on July 09, 2017, 05:09:29 PM
My daughter was upset when she saw me, wearing bracelet, ring and necklace, bra and girl cut event T shirt. We got the car scrutinised and signed on and she started to see no one was bothered about me. Raced in the ladies bracket race and got in the final, runner up as she slept the start lights but a trophy and some £££s. Not raced for18mnths and still got it, best prize for me was the big hug when we left, all together AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH

Sweet success!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on July 10, 2017, 09:56:30 AM
Great ending for a rocky start. Congrats Davinia. Hoping for many more good outcomes for you.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 10, 2017, 01:21:16 PM
Thanks ladies, day off tomorrow , will be on the panel van again. Have a sore neck from Sunday and was using sun cream factor 50 , fore arms are nice and brown almost for the first time ever. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 11, 2017, 10:20:36 AM
So I wont post every day, lifes to boring for that but had a phone call from GP , 2 year wait at Northhamton GIC . You would like to think they would tell you! Gave up working on van this morning as cut front floor out to reweld neatly and needs new panel, then got raging stomach ache so shot home and pebble dashed the toilet ( sorry tmi) so changed into Davina mode and cooked some nan breads, will be making buttered chicken for tea soon. BTW who fits a smoke alarm in a small kitchen as it goes off when grilling or doing toast, numpty builders!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: AnneK on July 11, 2017, 11:01:39 AM
QuoteBTW who fits a smoke alarm in a small kitchen as it goes off when grilling or doing toast, numpty builders!!!!!!!!

That's so you'll know when dinner's ready.   :D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 15, 2017, 04:29:18 PM
Well girls after a busy day (again) at work and a quick tea had a nice shower and shave , head to toe body lotion and put on my new leggings (that fit nicely) , white T with a orange sleeve less top over and the infamous denim skirt.2 bracelets , rings , necklace . Did my brows and a bit of red lippy and now feel like myself. I find it strange how some nail varnish and jewellery make my arms/hands match what my brain expects. same with the wig and the breast forms as the weight feels correct to my brain. As I have said before its like I have a memory of being female. Watching the TV and The kids voice and I so want to be the presenter (well look like ) Emma Willis but that would only happen with a body transplant!!!!!! Cant decide if I work on my bus tomorrow or have a "girly" day, stuck for parts on the bus but can do a bit but my right eye is playing up again (out of focus ) and welding wont help. Calling in on mother and need to collect mail from the wife  , feel like leaving the jewellery on just to wind her up, forgot put in my hoop earrings, 1ins circle and they sort of dangle. M&S  have a sale on and wish I had some £££s to go shopping but nice clothes don't pay the bills or put food in the fridge. When I get some money from my retirement fund then I need to shop as short of some stuff for when I come out. Things like everyday shoes, boots and trainers to go with my jeans or leggings , blouse/shirt and a winter coat. Charity shop trawl in Tewksbury with my mum and aunty maybe? Cant wait to go full time even though I wont pass at all but the brain wants, still not long to Oct
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Dan on July 15, 2017, 04:57:11 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 15, 2017, 04:29:18 PM... feel like leaving the jewellery on just to wind her up...

;D Something small is less 'aggressive' and she'll get used to the whole lot over time as you add to it. It's called change management.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 16, 2017, 01:48:44 PM
Girls (sorry and fellas) spent the day as Davina minus hair, stayed with my mum for 2 hrs . She dug me some potatoes from her veg patch. Called in on the wife to pick up mail , her cousin was there and maybe that saved me but no nagging or what are you doings. This afternoon after watching British Gran prix cleaned the flat as not been done for 3 weeks then decided to make Laurie a cake for her home coming. As I was cooking and have some cauliflower to use up made cauli and potato parathas for ( to go with a chicken jelfrazie .( Forgot to say talking to my mum that I wanted a shirt/blouse to go with my jeans ect and she fetched one that my sister gave her and said she had only worn it once (not her style) , tried it on and its perfect so worn it all afternoon. You know I should have put a sub under the heading ramblings and other therapeutic stuff. Don't need a gender therapist just this page.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on July 16, 2017, 08:50:04 PM
You are doing so good Davina, Making do with what you have and living life as you need to. You make circumstances work for you while you wait that terribly long time for the health system to get around to helping you. When I get to feeling guilty about how easy everything has been for me compared to the horrible wait times you U.K. folk have  to endure I look at your attitude and coping skill and feel better knowing that at least one of my U.K. sisters are going to be okay.

  Did you cut me a slice of that cake? Is it in the mail?

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on July 16, 2017, 08:56:13 PM
Wow the food looks great Davina, nice score with the blouse too. :)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Dan on July 17, 2017, 04:26:26 AM
Yum! Nice going.

I agree with Laurie, you have a cool, "go with the flow" attitude.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 17, 2017, 02:26:51 PM
I find ifyou do go with the flow things work out, I can sit and watch paint dry some times. Think if I had not been a mechanic (or born the correct gender?) then I would have been a cook/chef , similar jobs TBH sh*t hours and poor pay!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: DawnOday on July 17, 2017, 02:37:07 PM
I love to cook too, always have. When I was young I thought of it as survival, as my mom could make it hard to tell meat from shoe leather. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 18, 2017, 03:18:10 PM
My wife thinks meat is cooked when its as brown on the inside as outer :o Made an Indonesian chicken and bean sprout soup tonight, had left over bean sprouts and chicken. Very tasty. Have 2 trainees at work this week, one male and one female so the boy askes why have you got your nails painted, oh came his reply after telling him. No problem, talking to our female tech about my nails and the girl joins in so no problem there either. Having "bad" moments seeing my reflection at the moment, just doesn't look like I feel, why is that old bald bloke looking at me. Just wearing my wig helps altering the shape of my face, will get there one day girls. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: AnneK on July 18, 2017, 03:21:53 PM
Quoteas my mom could make it hard to tell meat from shoe leather.

An uncle said my mother couldn't boil water, without burning it.   :D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Dena on July 18, 2017, 07:59:43 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 18, 2017, 03:18:10 PM
Have 2 trainees at work this week, one male and one female so the boy askes why have you got your nails painted, oh came his reply after telling him.
If you want to have fun, you can say it helps keep the grime from staining your nail and you decided to have a change of pace so you used colored nail polish instead of clear  ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 22, 2017, 02:08:57 PM
We have a Blues festival on in Upton, all together My Dooooog is dead and the wifes run of with my bourbon . Probably not that bad but not my thing, anyway town is rammed and its chucking it down at times . Trying to get home the last 2 days have been a mare , almost ran some over as they just wander across the road without looking!!!!! All parking spaces gone and wanted to get some cash and shopping, managed the shopping as one shop has its own parking spaces.Its been a busy week and my right eye is playing up again, totally out of focus . I get cold sore virus attacks in it that have damaged the vison , scared lens and when I get over tiered or run down it has a go at coming back. Last time took 4 weeks to clear as doc thought it was just conjunctivitis and gave me antibiotic cream , cleared up better when stopped using it !!!! So a very busy day testing with one eye and a head ache from the other one so got in early and showered, body shave and 7 day creamed myself all over, light make up and threw on a skirt ect Davinas back and feeling much better now. Wanted a hand tomorrow to fit the side  panel to my van but no one can spare time, youngest is fishing  . Only need 15-20 mins to hold it in line while I clamp it in place , some joint are glued so cant risk getting it out. Therapy session over , having a beer XX
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on July 22, 2017, 03:14:11 PM
Hi Davina,

  Somehow your blues fest woes remind me of the drive up to visit Kendra yesterday. Saw some less intelligent driver come barreling past me and jam on the brakes attempting not to hit the slowed car in front of him in the other lane. He started to twist sideways before going with it into my lane and almost hit the car in front of me.  As soon as the first car moved a bit he jumped back into that lane then back into mine cutting off the car he almost hit. He continued is that manner until I lost sight of him.  Some  people not only lock intelligence but are frequently,  ummmm how do it put it ,excrement portals?

Sorry you could not get that bit of help but glad you had a chance to be more comfortable and be yourself.


Anyone see Shy around lately?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 22, 2017, 03:35:14 PM
text my fem cousin to see if she was free, YES I have help :eusa_dance: She is a bit of a tom boy and likes doing stuff like this. As to wayward drivers every day going through the one way traffic system in Worcester, folks in wrong lanes or just trying to jump the queue changing lanes without signals 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on July 22, 2017, 05:52:10 PM
Before Laurie drives from Oregon to the UK we will have to remind her which side of the road is correct in your part of the world.  Something about islands. 

Glad your cousin can help while you weld.  Welding is a skill I never learned.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: coldHeart on July 22, 2017, 06:25:31 PM
If you was desperate for help Davina should of given us a shout, I keep threatening to visit & play you up.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 23, 2017, 02:13:54 PM
Thanks got it done , saw my mum and got some feedback from when I saw the wife last week. That was in Davina mode  less make up and wig, anyway it was OMG hes wearing a bra and girl clothes and jewellery . Her cousin was fine about it, thanks Julie XX . Just spent 3 hours cooking , a dahl , meatballs in sauce indian style, chapattis and carrot desert . That's a pain to do as it says 1.5 hrs to cook and reduce liquid but it takes 3!!! 1.5 pints of milk takes ages till its dry. Yet to try it but if its like the last one its very sweet.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on July 23, 2017, 03:35:38 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 23, 2017, 02:13:54 PM
> its very sweet
Sweet like you Davina.  You cook.  You weld.  You rock. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 23, 2017, 04:12:40 PM
Well I braved it and tried some and its not to sweet just VERY sweet, but that's Indian deserts . Cooking's a hobby, welding's part of my job , both done correctly is a pleasure 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on July 23, 2017, 04:39:43 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 23, 2017, 04:12:40 PM
Well I braved it and tried some and its not to sweet just VERY sweet, but that's Indian deserts . Cooking's a hobby, welding's part of my job , both done correctly is a pleasure

   Don't get too chummy with Kendra, Davina or she have you over here in a raft on your back welding connections under her condo.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 24, 2017, 04:53:19 PM
Yes never liked welding uphill, gravity rules!!!!!! Ouch another burn
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on July 24, 2017, 05:30:16 PM
My place was built on a pier over a lake.  I need to modify the plumbing, doesn't require Davina-style welding but I will be soldering some pipes while sitting in an inflatable raft.  Tempting to cut and run the drains directly into... ok I'll do it the correct way.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 27, 2017, 02:53:50 PM
Rang my pension company to send me a form to withdraw the small amount (in fund terms) that I have with them, transferred through 3 people and given the same "chanted" out information by all of them, got so pi55ed of that I snapped and said JUST SEND ME THE BL**DY FORM. Did apologise as I know the poor old call centre bods are only doing there job but FCS I do know what I want , I did read  your pamphlets and I want that form. Rant over .
Any way back to the plot, found my moobs are larger, nipples alert a lot and looking larger/darker around them . Low T ? as not on anything yet, put the change in shape to wearing a bra for the last 6 months. Bonus. Saying that I find the denim skirt is tighter going over my bum as well even though I have lost weight and now 36ins waist (from 42). Hope fully might mean HRT will do some good when I have the money, when that form comes!!!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on July 27, 2017, 03:14:01 PM
Hi Davina,

  Did they say you'll get the form? Hope so. You are so ready to do hormones!!

Hugs Lots,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 27, 2017, 03:26:58 PM
Told it should come next week but how long till they process it I don't know.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on July 27, 2017, 03:30:42 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 27, 2017, 03:26:58 PM
Told it should come next week but how long till they process it I don't know.

Well I hope neither takes long Davina.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: coldHeart on July 27, 2017, 06:11:17 PM

Davina that's the best Michael Cannes impression in ages.
Blues fes in Upton where about.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 28, 2017, 04:52:18 PM
Well I didn't threaten to blow his doors off, the Blues festival is all over town . In pubs and bars and tent on fields by community centre . So decided just wearing a bra to work wasn't doing it anymore so I cut the feet of some laddered tights and filled them with lentils, bit smaller than a tennis ball . felt good for weight but a bit itchy and don't think anyone noticed, also did the monthly food shop no probs. Bought a halter top mid length dress in a stretch almost see through fabric , its black size 14-16 and fits fine. Nice for a hot day or over a T and leggings. Off to a VW show and Steam rally on Sunday but forecast is thunder heavy rain in the afternoon, want to get some welding clamps for my bus and plenty of tool  stalls to look at. Eyes feeling better, not looking better still very blood shot but pain is going. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on July 28, 2017, 10:01:01 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 28, 2017, 04:52:18 PM
Well I didn't threaten to blow his doors off, the Blues festival is all over town . In pubs and bars and tent on fields by community centre . So decided just wearing a bra to work wasn't doing it anymore so I cut the feet of some laddered tights and filled them with lentils, bit smaller than a tennis ball . felt good for weight but a bit itchy and don't think anyone noticed, also did the monthly food shop no probs. Bought a halter top mid length dress in a stretch almost see through fabric , its black size 14-16 and fits fine. Nice for a hot day or over a T and leggings. Off to a VW show and Steam rally on Sunday but forecast is thunder heavy rain in the afternoon, want to get some welding clamps for my bus and plenty of tool  stalls to look at. Eyes feeling better, not looking better still very blood shot but pain is going.

  Listen Lady, You be careful with them eyes of yours! And have a wonderful time at Blues Fest and tool hunting.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 29, 2017, 03:49:15 PM
eye will, you look after your truck. Well sold a beetle floorpan and the project beetle that's been sat on my mums drive for far to long , by the time I had sorted every thing with the buyer and cooked tea , had a shower its 9pm so not much Davina time, got to be down my lock up for 8 am as some one is coming to pick up the engine analyser that's sold as well so off to bed in a mo 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on July 29, 2017, 03:56:12 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 29, 2017, 03:49:15 PM
eye will, you look after your truck. Well sold a beetle floorpan and the project beetle that's been sat on my mums drive for far to long , by the time I had sorted every thing with the buyer and cooked tea , had a shower its 9pm so not much Davina time, got to be down my lock up for 8 am as some one is coming to pick up the engine analyser that's sold as well so off to bed in a mo

I hope the profits of these sales are going into the Davina HRT fund.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on July 29, 2017, 04:01:53 PM
If there are any additional delays holding Davina back from starting HRT I'll be floored. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 29, 2017, 04:03:46 PM
Van fund first , the Davina tour bus needs more repair sections
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on July 29, 2017, 04:34:38 PM
Quote from: Kendra on July 29, 2017, 04:01:53 PM
If there are any additional delays holding Davina back from starting HRT I'll be floored.

   Dang it Kendra don't got telling a hotrodder to floor it.  There's a time and a place for that!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on July 29, 2017, 04:42:05 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 29, 2017, 04:03:46 PM
Van fund first , the Davina tour bus needs more repair sections

  Well okay I suppose.

  Hey Davina, The local store here has something new to try for quick dinners. They have bulk bins of frozen dinners of various flavors.  you scoop out what you want of the stuff and buy it by the pound. I decided to try  chreamy pesto shrimp and Thai curry shrimp with veggies. To cook all you do is dump it in a pan and cook 8-10 minutes on med-high heat. ally the sauce and seasoning and whatever else (like the veggies) is frozen in the mix. Even the liquid.I had a taste of the creamy pesto shrimp and it's not bad at all. I think I will try the Thai Curry tonight serving it over basmati rice.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Dan on July 29, 2017, 07:06:02 PM
Quote from: Laurie on July 27, 2017, 03:14:01 PM
Hi Davina,

  Did they say you'll get the form? Hope so. You are so ready to do hormones!!

Hugs Lots,

True! My doc would have you on double dose to catch up with the cloud of dust left behind by Lady Davina!  ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 30, 2017, 11:47:51 AM
Kalpuri mutton curry tonight, so money in my pocket and a girls got to treat herself so bought a new bag and necklace and earrings.(  (
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on July 30, 2017, 11:50:54 AM
Hi Davina,

You deserve pretty things and those look nice. Sorry I'll have to pass of the mutton. Curry or no curry, lamb is not a favorite here. Different regions, different tastes.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 30, 2017, 11:59:56 AM
Just makes a change from chicken, bought some fish pieces as I want to try a fish curry.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on July 30, 2017, 12:04:55 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 30, 2017, 11:59:56 AM
Just makes a change from chicken, bought some fish pieces as I want to try a fish curry.

  The frozen Thai shrimp curry I bought wasn't bad but could have been better. Good luck with the fish.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on July 30, 2017, 12:08:27 PM
Laurie sheepishly said she needs to curry favor as she has other fish to fry. 
Her days of chickening out are long gone, definitely not a shrimp.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 30, 2017, 12:09:46 PM
Forgot have some king prawns in freezer as well and a prawn curry paste.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on July 30, 2017, 12:12:15 PM
from the local prawn shop, no cereal number.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on July 30, 2017, 12:13:55 PM
Quote from: Kendra on July 30, 2017, 12:08:27 PM
Laurie sheepishly said she needs to curry favor as she has other fish to fry. 
Her days of chickening out are long gone, definitely not a shrimp.

Sometimes I wonder about you Kendra...

  Homemade shrimp curry does sound good, Davina. If it comes out good you can send me the recipe.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on July 30, 2017, 12:15:32 PM
Quote from: Kendra on July 30, 2017, 12:12:15 PM
from the local prawn shop, no cereal number.

Pay Kendra no mind Davina. I think her dose of estradiol may be too high and she's delirious.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on July 30, 2017, 12:17:20 PM
Yes!  She took the bait.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 30, 2017, 02:59:25 PM
As long as this dosnt make me a prawn star, of to check the cake (got bored, naff all on telly again) just a sponge.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on July 30, 2017, 04:15:00 PM
Sorry I gotta run now.  I will table it and put my stool back on the way out
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on July 30, 2017, 04:55:49 PM
Quote from: Kendra on July 30, 2017, 04:15:00 PM
Sorry I gotta run now.  I will table it and put my stool back on the way out

  OMG Kendra, Flush it! We do not want any stool in the kitchens.

Now run along like a good little girl.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on July 30, 2017, 06:08:47 PM
I will furnish a better answer next time.  Hope you're a fan of that.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 31, 2017, 02:13:45 PM
Well the cake was a disaster, don't know what was wrong but made it in a hurry and it didn't rise in the middle, was going to call it a Moni cake as it should point out but now points in but I think a Clyde cake sounds better
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on July 31, 2017, 02:35:39 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 31, 2017, 02:13:45 PM
Well the cake was a disaster, don't know what was wrong but made it in a hurry and it didn't rise in the middle, was going to call it a Moni cake as it should point out but now points in but I think a Clyde cake sounds better

  Clyde cake to go with a bit of Clyde preserves?

  As far as the flop goes, try try again until you succeed.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 31, 2017, 03:35:19 PM
made lots of sponge cake and never had one do that, got an appointment with opticians on Wednesday morning. It is getting better slowly . Now some of you girls think because of your build you will never pass , well had a female customer come in this morning and she was taller than me (1/2 ins) and wider across the shoulders . Just a big frame  , bit like a Russian shot putter!!!!!!with out the muscles.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on July 31, 2017, 04:31:38 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 31, 2017, 03:35:19 PM
made lots of sponge cake and never had one do that, got an appointment with opticians on Wednesday morning. It is getting better slowly . Now some of you girls think because of your build you will never pass , well had a female customer come in this morning and she was taller than me (1/2 ins) and wider across the shoulders . Just a big frame  , bit like a Russian shot putter!!!!!!with out the muscles.

Not as gorgeous as our Davina Though I bet  ;D "Let them eat cake...."
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 02, 2017, 03:15:06 PM
Hot rod club last night (where did that month go?) test drove my new bag and necklace, gold chain on left wrist. Sat at a table eating my carvery and noticed the girl behind the bar looking, not quite a stare ( been going there for years so she knows me sort of) then one of the lads that had been eating as well came and joined me saying your the talk of , his wife is friends with my wife. Had a talk, all OK. Manager back from holidays at work did a double take at my increase in breast size!!!!! fine. Went to the opticians for eye check and I was correct it is the virus, he called it a duraduic ulcer , keep putting the cream in then. Getting better but still giving me a monster headache some times . Cooked a Goan fish curry for tea, white fish steaks, prawns in a coconut cream sauce. TBH a bit creamy for me but very nice
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 05, 2017, 03:35:17 PM
Still waiting for the form to come from pension company, of next Thursday so if its not here by then will poke them. Found myself getting tired easily but feel like I have a cold/ virus, maybe the herpes (cold sore) virus in my eye affecting me? Stuck in my flat on a Saturday night wish I had friends to go out with but to tired tonight so cheered myself up with a good shower shave followed by body lotion and some best clothes. Plan to work on bus tomorrow and then do a big veg curry as well as a beef curry (some for freezer) and maybe a cake . Cooking is a good de stress  for me even when it goes wrong.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on August 05, 2017, 03:44:30 PM
Working on your bus tomorrow, now you're cookin' with gas!

Take care, hope your eye gets better soon.  Sounds like a good plan - relax and visit with friends online. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 05, 2017, 04:38:26 PM
Plenty of friends on here, XXXXX to you all. Eye is getting better slowly, to slowly , think the body is healing itself better than the ointment.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Dan on August 05, 2017, 09:24:29 PM
Quote from: davina61 on August 05, 2017, 04:38:26 PM
Plenty of friends on here, XXXXX to you all. Eye is getting better slowly, to slowly , think the body is healing itself better than the ointment.

Hugs and kisses for you too. We can't be there physically, but we are a huge crowd present in spirit. Maybe just as well since there might not be enough room in your house for all of us  :D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 06, 2017, 02:17:20 PM
Come on round I have made cake , veg curry and a beef korma. Cake looks OK just taken it out the oven and its as springy as a new pillow. Better today ,saw my mum and went and did some on the bus that worked out OK . Even managed to plug weld the centre panel in and think its made my eye better!!!! Might be the UV or the focusing . Tucking into a bowl of strawberries and yogurt now and maybe a bit of cake when its cooled down,never dropping a dress size like this.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on August 06, 2017, 02:23:17 PM
Quote from: davina61 on August 06, 2017, 02:17:20 PM
Come on round I have made cake , veg curry and a beef korma. Cake looks OK just taken it out the oven and its as springy as a new pillow. Better today ,saw my mum and went and did some on the bus that worked out OK . Even managed to plug weld the centre panel in and think its made my eye better!!!! Might be the UV or the focusing . Tucking into a bowl of strawberries and yogurt now and maybe a bit of cake when its cooled down,never dropping a dress size like this.

   Cake and strawberries on top of that other good food? Nope no lower dress sizes there. You're as bad as me and my 2 person breakfasts I eat by myself. Glad you are making progress on the eye and that bus. Keep it up.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 06, 2017, 02:41:51 PM
Cheers , but a girls got to treat herself some times. My problem is cooking for 1 so I cook more and freeze some , don't know about breakfast though.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on August 06, 2017, 05:58:46 PM
Quote from: davina61 on August 06, 2017, 02:41:51 PM
Cheers , but a girls got to treat herself some times. ......

Constantly... its supposed to be good for you ;)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 07, 2017, 03:32:57 PM
most defiantly I do try. So what treat can I have tonight??????
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 08, 2017, 03:18:14 PM
Well I planed to go to my daughters tomorrow night but they are all chucking up so that's stopped that till they are well.Had to trim my little finger nails as they had got very long, got a cut in the palm of my right hand and blamed the plastic housing that I pulled of a Clio but it lines up perfectly with my nail. Must be from when I gripped it, shame the rest of them wont grow or break.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 12, 2017, 03:02:31 PM
Went to the opticians for a follow up , wants to refer me to the hospital due to "new" blood vessels in my eye . Told him that's what happens when I have the attacks and they go, will be at least another week before it returns to "normal". Sent the paper work back for my pension so waiting on that, sold my project beetle  and a floor pan so can now order the panels needed to finish my panel van. Getting over this "bug" or whatever it was that was making me run down/tired. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on August 13, 2017, 02:05:52 AM
Hope your eye continues to get better - sounds like a real hassle but glad it isn't worse.

As an experienced welder I assume you have all the right equipment.  In earlier years I had friends who had bloodshot eyes after welding without adequate eye protection.  That freaked me out and is one reason I never learned how to weld - it's a skill I wish I had. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 13, 2017, 02:18:57 PM
Its better today thanks. Have a top notch auto darkening welding helmet , only the best for me.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on August 14, 2017, 06:01:53 PM
Quote from: davina61 on August 12, 2017, 03:02:31 PM
Went to the opticians for a follow up , wants to refer me to the hospital due to "new" blood vessels in my eye . Told him that's what happens when I have the attacks and they go, will be at least another week before it returns to "normal". Sent the paper work back for my pension so waiting on that, sold my project beetle  and a floor pan so can now order the panels needed to finish my panel van. Getting over this "bug" or whatever it was that was making me run down/tired.

Are eye issues common for those who weld for a living? I don't know anything about it other than as a kid "having a go" when I worked at the local engineering shop. Scared the heck out of me... ;)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: coldHeart on August 14, 2017, 06:06:32 PM
My welding looks like bird muck😂
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on August 14, 2017, 07:49:05 PM
My welding makes birds laugh and drop things on my car as they fly over. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 15, 2017, 02:23:40 PM
eye has nothing to do with welding, its a virus that waits till I am run down(have been "ill" for 4 weeks now) nearly back to normal , well normal for me!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 16, 2017, 04:27:30 PM
Well I noticed tonight that I have a grove on my shoulders, wondered why the bra straps had stopped slipping off!!!!!! Wearing a bra for the last 7 months has made my posture better, shoulders back and not hunched, bonus.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 19, 2017, 02:32:55 PM
Had to go to the local post office to pick up a registered letter, got the 3rd degree from the lady behind counter. Not the proof of identity NO my nails and earrings!!!!!! Got a compliment as well,  got away with a "its how I am" and left it at that. Decided to try my new hook earrings tonight as I got a bit dressed up and loving them dangling so must get some more, longer and bigger I think. Wearing my 38 A bra that my moobs fit but also have my breast forms in and that gives me a good cleavage , looks good with my green shirt dress.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on August 19, 2017, 03:55:10 PM
Quote from: davina61 on August 19, 2017, 02:32:55 PM
Had to go to the local post office to pick up a registered letter, got the 3rd degree from the lady behind counter. Not the proof of identity NO my nails and earrings!!!!!! Got a compliment as well,  got away with a "its how I am" and left it at that. Decided to try my new hook earrings tonight as I got a bit dressed up and loving them dangling so must get some more, longer and bigger I think. Wearing my 38 A bra that my moobs fit but also have my breast forms in and that gives me a good cleavage , looks good with my green shirt dress.

Love it! You go girl! Always a cheeri outlook on life and dealing with it with class. Proud of you Davina.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 21, 2017, 04:36:59 PM
made it to my daughters tonight, grandson in bed but not settling and her fella was snuggled up to him in there bed so didn't see either of them, teething so he was in there bed all last night and they only got 3hrs sleep. The joys of bringing up a little one!!!!!!!! Anyways she was OK with me and we had a BIG hug before I left.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on August 21, 2017, 06:51:05 PM
Quote from: davina61 on August 21, 2017, 04:36:59 PM
made it to my daughters tonight, grandson in bed but not settling and her fella was snuggled up to him in there bed so didn't see either of them, teething so he was in there bed all last night and they only got 3hrs sleep. The joys of bringing up a little one!!!!!!!! Anyways she was OK with me and we had a BIG hug before I left.

Oh yes teething...lots of sleepless nights...glad to hear your daughter was Ok with you at least they have stopped chucking up...They have had a week of it!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on August 21, 2017, 07:21:01 PM
Quote from: davina61 on August 21, 2017, 04:36:59 PM
made it to my daughters tonight, grandson in bed but not settling and her fella was snuggled up to him in there bed so didn't see either of them, teething so he was in there bed all last night and they only got 3hrs sleep. The joys of bringing up a little one!!!!!!!! Anyways she was OK with me and we had a BIG hug before I left.

  Hi Davina,

  Glad you go up to see your daughter and that it went well. I'm sorry for the little one teething as I remember how difficult that time can be for both the youngin and the parents.
  I remember well my daughter teething once and having a difficult time with it. I was rocking her when she threw up on the towel on my shoulder so I got rid of the towel. She then threw up on my shirt. So I removed my shirt. When she threw up on my chest and shoulder I gave her to her mom and took a shower.

  Hugs are nice, especially from family.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 22, 2017, 03:32:11 PM
Cheers girls, some more good news as the bank phoned me this morning as my £££s have appeared in my AC from pension fund , emailed about HRT already!!!!!! Also found a car that I want with correct spec , 170 bhp, 4 wheel drive 2L turbo diesel heated leather seats and a tow bar (Skoda Yeti) . Anyway back to the plot , have the day off tomorrow and have a bank appointment in the afternoon but some retail therapy first I think!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on August 22, 2017, 09:51:50 PM

Good news indeed Davina, Now do go spending to much of that windfall all at once.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on August 23, 2017, 12:41:02 AM
Heated seats.  Davina I discovered the same thing in fall/winter weather - the thinner fabrics women often wear need heated seats.  It's a requirement. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 23, 2017, 01:53:26 PM
Dragged my mum out shopping (didn't take much!!!!) and got a spice grinder and a lamp for lounge so I can see this key board better. Appointment at bank ok, the girl sorting my account asked where I got my necklace as she liked it and she also thought my nails were jel (just painted and clearcoat) . As I had to tell her my circumstances she said well done and go for it if that's what you want.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on August 23, 2017, 07:53:16 PM
Quote from: davina61 on August 23, 2017, 01:53:26 PM
Dragged my mum out shopping (didn't take much!!!!) and got a spice grinder and a lamp for lounge so I can see this key board better. Appointment at bank ok, the girl sorting my account asked where I got my necklace as she liked it and she also thought my nails were jel (just painted and clearcoat) . As I had to tell her my circumstances she said well done and go for it if that's what you want.

Good for you Davina,

  Did you buy that spice grinder for me? Nails are an easy topic to start a conversation at least it was for me.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on August 24, 2017, 12:12:32 PM
Laurie the spice grinder is not for your nails.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 24, 2017, 03:23:17 PM
used the spice grinder , no not on my nails although after a day at work they look like it!!! Just paid to get my HRT under way , that's a phone interview/assessment  and "registration", they also need blood test so need to speak to GP to see if they will do it and keep a check on results . The waiting is so annoying , will get there soon.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on August 24, 2017, 05:12:29 PM
Quote from: davina61 on August 24, 2017, 03:23:17 PM
used the spice grinder , no not on my nails although after a day at work they look like it!!! Just paid to get my HRT under way , that's a phone interview/assessment  and "registration", they also need blood test so need to speak to GP to see if they will do it and keep a check on results . The waiting is so annoying , will get there soon.
Way to go, Davina! 

Sent from my LGL44VL using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on August 25, 2017, 12:30:07 AM
YES!  Davina, getting your start of HRT on track and closer to scheduling is great news. 

We will keep Laurie away from your spice grinder.  I have seen Laurie's truck, it isn't tall enough to wade through all that water between Oregon and the Midlands. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 25, 2017, 04:11:16 PM
problem is seeing doc, not got a day off till next week but don't know what one yet, will give manager a poke with a sharp stick tomorrow, Looks like I will be looking at my new car Sunday, 98 miles away and dealer has offered to buy my old motor . Its a 95 Audi A4 tdi with 178,000 miles and £200 is the offer, recon he could flip it for £500 . Saves me the bother of trying to get rid of it and the money will cover the roadtax (£180 for 12 months) . Just made a sponge cake with butter icing and my mums home made plum jam for a filling to take to work tomorrow as the female tec is leaving, shame as we compared nails and got on well as work place "friends". She would ask me if she had a problem before anyone else, but then I like to think I make a good teacher. Got the bank holiday Monday off so if its dry will go and watch the drag racing, a round of the MSA UK championship and possibly the last one at Shakespeare County Raceway. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on August 25, 2017, 04:50:48 PM
Hi Davina,

  It looks like you've got another few things on your schedule for next few days. Sorry to hear your nail GF is leaving. That's a bit of a drive for your next ride. I hope it is all you expect it will be and you'll even have enough cash left for an espresso and a bite of lunch. As usual your cake sounds delish. GET THAT DOC IN GEAR! It is your HRT at risk after all. It's important girl.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 26, 2017, 03:17:49 PM
Its a bank holiday on Monday, as I worked the last one have the day off but docs is closed. Will look on line to see when my nice American lady doc is on. Will have to get up at 6am to get ready tomorrow , need to leave 7ish to get there for 10. Hope fully will be back mid afternoon(with my new motor).
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on August 26, 2017, 03:20:39 PM
Good luck on the doc thing and have a safe trip tomorrow Davina. Hope you get back early enough to cook me something good.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 27, 2017, 11:17:01 AM
Just reheated chicken and mushroom pie, might do cauliflower cheese to go with it, carrots and my mums runner beans. Just got back with the new motor, very pleased with it but does need decent tyres (walks a little at motorway speeds, Honest guv never went over 70 ;). Cheap Chinese make!! so better Quality ones. Called in on the missis and she was OK with me, didn't see my youngest as was in bed with self afflicted "illness". He watched the boxing last night and drank 1/2 bottle of rum, just got a few grunts from out of the bedroom door!!!!!!! Forecast is good for tomorrow so off to wath the drag racing, must remember the sun cream . Will have to be jeans (skinny) but cant decide what top :-\
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on August 27, 2017, 11:36:20 AM
Quote from: davina61 on August 27, 2017, 11:17:01 AM
Will have to be jeans (skinny) but cant decide what top :-\

  Oh yes Davina the decisions we girls have to make before going out. As a guy it was no issue. Now as a girl getting ready to go to an appointment take an hour at least and then by the time I'm ready to go I have  several things  spread out over my bed to put away when I return home. Even shoes require decisions.

It's just terrible. I'm such a girl these days.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 27, 2017, 02:35:29 PM
I know , before just grab a t shirt ( from my drag racing/hot rod stash) and pair of baggy jeans. The only Ladies hot rod one I have is from this year, V neck and capped shoulders. Will have to wear my trainers as messed up my toe nails by not cleaning of the nail varnish and they have gone soft and white in patches, growing out now.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 29, 2017, 03:28:16 PM
Not being rude but after going to the track yesterday and seeing some of the ladies in tight tops (like 1 0r 2 sizes to small) when with there builds a baggy top would have been better I think I would pass once I have a bit on my hips/arse. Dont have to worry about the spare tyre . It was stupid hot so lots of strappy tops and short shorts going on which is find if your young and skinny but older and very over weight?  Any ways a good day with hard racing, got a "your looking lovely" from the fire up lane marshal and a very big hug (my daughter thinks she's strange!) but I like her. Cant get to see my doc till a week Friday and that's if I can have that day off, same day as grandsons 1st birthday. Need to get  a present and card. Builders suppose to be taking windows out tomorrow but not seen them to know if they are, Davina clothes back in the wardrobe !! 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 30, 2017, 04:04:48 PM
Well when I started this I did say I wouldn't post every day but my ramblings need putting some place.  Watching TV and all the nice looking girls in the ads has got me dysphoric. Not helped by my scales showing 4lb more than it did, need to lose 8lb in 3 weeks , when I say need I mean want. Then cant get to see doc till the 8th and that's kicking back my HRT . Just having a down moment but typing this has made me better, online therapist . Of course the builders never did my windows today , good job I didn't get someone to flat sit. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on August 30, 2017, 08:23:23 PM
 Sorry Davina,

  I see you're a bit down over that darn doctor appointment getting pushed back. But hey  just think how much nicer you will feel when you do get tha HRT started!. Hang in the girl and take all the hugs and conpliments you can get.

Tomorrow is only a day away and maybe it will be better.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 02, 2017, 04:04:56 PM
So cheered myself up with some retail therapy , (see what made you happy) . Thinking about a pleated skirt I saw in M&S , ran out of time tonight as was after work. Funny in the shop where I got my T shirts , the lad on the till did a second take (am in old bloke mode in work clothes) with the future is female T shirt and my painted nails and earrings. Saying that he came across as camp to me. Made me chuckle inside.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 06, 2017, 04:37:26 PM
Well girls (and chaps) had a phone call with the therapist (for Gender GP) and she is recommending me for HRT, just need to sort a blood test. Think my GP will be OK , will find out Friday. Went to Hot Rod club last night and wore my "one day it will all make sense " T shirt . Life goes on-----
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on September 06, 2017, 05:48:36 PM
YAY!!  You're almost there!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on September 06, 2017, 09:07:25 PM

and a little closer...
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on September 07, 2017, 03:54:29 AM
Quote from: davina61 on September 06, 2017, 04:37:26 PM
Well girls (and chaps) had a phone call with the therapist (for Gender GP) and she is recommending me for HRT, just need to sort a blood test. Think my GP will be OK , will find out Friday. Went to Hot Rod club last night and wore my "one day it will all make sense " T shirt . Life goes on-----

What a great phone call to won't be long  :)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 07, 2017, 03:47:35 PM
Never quick enough !!! Well after my fish curry last night I stink and taste garlic all day. That was a strong one, 8 garlic cloves in 2 cod steaks. Watching body fixers on TV and they have a m to f on that's been accepted into RADA doing ballet , lets see how the make over goes .
Thanks for the yahoos girls .
The make over was good and she looked great.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 09, 2017, 03:19:50 PM
Strictly come Dancing back on tonight, the dresses and make up (I can dream) takes me back to when I was little and watching all the musicals on telly. Dancing in the rain ect , thing was I wanted to dance with the male lead (work that out!) . So glammed myself up in my best orange dress and on my 2nd glass of red and now its Last Night of the Proms (a British thing) a Gershwin song on now. Of to Bus Fest tomorrow to get some bits for my panel van, 3 miles away and the biggest vw bus meeting in Europe (if not the world) TBH more likely to find some jewellery these days than bus parts!!! but the resto parts suppliers are all there and can get discount on orders or deals for cash
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 13, 2017, 03:46:06 PM
Checked out my Deed Poll (for name change) paper work and find need to get the wife to agree and also a solicitor or notary to witness and some one who has known me for 10 years that is a home owner that is not a relative . Now that might be hard.Looks like more coming out then. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on September 13, 2017, 04:19:01 PM
Some local laws completely baffle me and defy logic.  Wow.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Sarah_P on September 13, 2017, 05:44:21 PM
Wow, I thought mine was going to be hard. That's just ridiculous!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on September 13, 2017, 05:51:10 PM
 Your wife  agreeing to it??? That might be difficult
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 14, 2017, 10:08:53 AM
Think it might be OK just a question of asking correctly or getting divorced then it wont matter!!!! (there goes my humour again) so just printed of the forms and had a thought , will take them with me tomorrow and get the lads to sign it . Its just to prove I have lived in the UK . WTF born here and only been abroad 3 times. (France, Sweden and Florida) . It has to go before a judge in London and get posted in a paper to see if anyone objects . On a happier note had a blood test this morning for HRT ,did some shopping and hit the plastic for some clothes then my dresser came for the kitchen . Fits perfect . Then decided to make Kebabs to take tomorrow , hopefully Laura  will be coming (pmed) so said pitch with us. Also measured around by ribs and it said 38 , more bra choice then!!!! btw 44 around the nips. Loading some more in the Yeti now, its great as back seats unclip and lift out , loads of room for tent and all.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 14, 2017, 12:33:07 PM
Sooooooooooo started packing my bag for the weekend camp out and it turned into a sort out ALL MY MALE CLOTHES ARE BAGED UP and will be going to charity shop on Monday. Saying that not worn any since Jan !!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on September 14, 2017, 12:45:16 PM
  Not to say you shouldn't go in male mode, but how do you feel about that Davina?
  I have thought of getting a passport but then I think of having to get it in male mode as I have none of the female documentation changes made or even in progress. Add to that , I've heard you should travel in an appearance that matches your passport too, so again with the male mode. Given such stumbling blocks I have decided to not get a passport until such time as I have documentation that is correct for who I am. I just don't want to be in male mode.
  So you ladies of foreign origin can breathe a sigh of relief, Laurie isn't leaving the USA anytime soon unless it becomes necessary to seek asylum from governmental persecution.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 17, 2017, 02:28:20 PM
Back from the Hot Rods, nice hot shower first!!!! Met Laura but Jackie never showed. Went to the Friday night time do wearing a green dress , red dangly earrings and my wig (Nick's wife said it looked better) and got a bit of a "pass from behind" when some one wanted to get pass and put there hand on my shoulder to get through. Now that wouldn't have happened in male mode!!!!!! Decided to keep my breast forms in last 2 days with my A cup push up on and no one said a thing. Danced with friends of Nick's last night ( Georgina!!!) till 1pm and when we left the girlfriend gave me a hug and said goodnight Davina . Was down to a T shirt and jumping about to club/rave tunes, the girls bounce a bit. By the end of today I was getting backache and I know why now. Didn't adjust shoulder straps on push up for larger forms so was hunching me when sat in stands. Got tomorrow of ,need food  shop again after putting all the camping gear away and try and have a rest.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on September 17, 2017, 04:35:15 PM
Hi Davina,

  Hey Girlfriend, sounds like you had a ball this weekend. Good! I bet you thought it great fun too. And rewarding.

Keep it up, Have some fun.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 18, 2017, 02:14:56 PM
Drs called and want another blood test in 2 weeks time so hope nothing is wrong, receptionist called so cant ask. Put on 4lb over the weekend as well so its the downs after the highs of the weekend, ying and yang , karma whatever. Winters coming so got some more jeans today , one skinny and one boot cut. Just need some flat boots now as my 2ins heels did my ankle on Friday , well it was a rough field OK on a smooth surface. Hold up on getting the deed poll signed as one of the lads didn't show and will have to wait for club night 2 weeks time, more hold ups again 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 21, 2017, 02:40:31 PM
Lost the 4lb already!! Got the lurgy , think I caught it of Shy after going on her post!!!!!! Planning on clothes and shoe/boot shopping on Monday at the outsize shop , EEE width for my plates( for the overseas viewers that slang for feet as in plates of meat)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on September 23, 2017, 08:39:28 PM
Quote from: davina61 on September 21, 2017, 02:40:31 PM
Lost the 4lb already!! Got the lurgy , think I caught it of Shy after going on her post!!!!!! Planning on clothes and shoe/boot shopping on Monday at the outsize shop , EEE width for my plates( for the overseas viewers that slang for feet as in plates of meat)

Shoe shopping what a pain, I can never seem to find my size in the styles I like...wide short feet.....anyways have fun shopping...and congrats on the weight loss. I hope all is well with the blood tests...
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 24, 2017, 04:40:56 PM
I have wide feet, size 9/10 good job they do EEE. Looking for boots calf high and some ankle boots with low heels. They do some nice patterned trainers as well . BTW said to the sandwich van lady I was going shopping in Evans and she said that's womens ? so told her yes for me!!! One more of the list then
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 25, 2017, 03:46:21 PM
So just spent 10 mins on this and internet dropped out and dumped it all F*******. Had a grand day out shopping with my mum , dragging her around (she is 80 going on 60) and put up with me spending ages looking. Got the boots I wanted and some trainers but they had sold out of the patterned ones I was after. Still found a nice top that will go with leggings or jeans. Got a dress come top that will go with jeans or leggings in M&S and some under T shirt bras. Struggled to find a coat until went in Debenhams (bloody expensive) and found a blue double breasted coat for £40, there were lots of designer displays and one coat was £250!!! Found a designer dress ( Jasper Conran) that's nice and swirly and would be lovely to dance in but cost £65 , worth it as its nice to wear. Must have spent£450 , proper retail therapy.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 26, 2017, 05:32:53 AM
The "man" flu has taken hold so having a sickie. walked down the shop for some meds still with my breast forms in and some surprised looks but that's all. New trainers are nice to wear. Will be making a sponge cake as got 2 shallow cake  tins yesterday. Time to sort my man clothes out into smaller bags and put my new gear in the wardrobe
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on September 26, 2017, 10:37:04 AM
Updating your true self into your wardrobe feels great doesn't it!

You said breast forms and sponge cake in the same post. ;) Hey there's an idea to save some money... always gotta spend that on shoes anyway.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Sarah_P on September 26, 2017, 11:33:10 AM
Quote from: Kendra on September 26, 2017, 10:37:04 AM
You said breast forms and sponge cake in the same post. ;) Hey there's an idea to save some money... always gotta spend that on shoes anyway.

And environmentally friendly, just eat them at the end of every day!  :icon_blink:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 26, 2017, 02:14:20 PM
but the jam and butter icing would make a mess in your bra!!!!!!! My wardrobe is getting to be me yes but there is always room for more when I find some thing I like. Watch out next summer-----
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 26, 2017, 04:21:52 PM
Just watched a programme on BBC2 Being Transgender. Showed M to F surgery at the VA in San Francisco and voice surgery in Korea as well as peoples journeys . You can watch on internet BBC I player.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on September 26, 2017, 04:58:03 PM
Quote from: davina61 on September 26, 2017, 04:21:52 PM
Just watched a programme on BBC2 Being Transgender. Showed M to F surgery at the VA in San Francisco and voice surgery in Korea as well as peoples journeys . You can watch on internet BBC I player.

Me too, It was nice to see the BBC do something positive about the trans community for once. 

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Charlotte F on September 26, 2017, 05:46:52 PM
Quote from: davina61 on September 26, 2017, 04:21:52 PM
Just watched a programme on BBC2 Being Transgender. Showed M to F surgery at the VA in San Francisco and voice surgery in Korea as well as peoples journeys . You can watch on internet BBC I player.

Thanks for the pointer Davina - that was really interesting to watch
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 29, 2017, 04:40:06 PM
Went for my follow up blood test this morning and asked why , looks like kidney function retest. Hope its ok now.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on September 29, 2017, 05:13:55 PM
Quote from: davina61 on September 29, 2017, 04:40:06 PM
Went for my follow up blood test this morning and asked why , looks like kidney function retest. Hope its ok now.

Good luck Davina, hope everything's o.k. this time.

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on September 29, 2017, 08:17:36 PM
Quote from: davina61 on September 29, 2017, 04:40:06 PM
Went for my follow up blood test this morning and asked why , looks like kidney function retest. Hope its ok now.

Hi Davina,

  Got to keep those kidneys happy. I hope the problem was an error in the testing and everything is okay this time.

My doctors like to keep an eye on my liver and kidney tests. Liver because I take a statin again for cholesterol and kidney because it the only one I have left.

  Keep us updated girl.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 30, 2017, 04:21:48 PM
Thanks girls, will be about a week before results come back. Was going drag racing tomorrow but forecast is rain, never mind camper to weld. Still trying to lose weight but stuck on 14st 2 lb, have porridge and a banana for breakfast, a salad with a bit of sandwich meat (beef or ham) that's a handful of lettuce , chunk of celery, 3 thick slices of cucumber, cherry tomatoes, beetroot and a splash of Cesar salad dressing and an apple . for Tea its a bowl of curry or stir fry chicken with black bean sauce or sweet and sour. maybe Toad in the Hole with carrots , potatoes , cauliflower ect. Had slow cooker chicken thighs with pots, parsnip, carrots, shallot tonight and rhubarb yogurt for pud .   Dried fruit if still hungry , green tea , coffee in the day so don't think my diet is bad
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 02, 2017, 03:04:07 PM
Ordered some socks and that pair of tropical print trainers and then saw a pair of gold  2ins heeled shoes and got them , What shoe fetish!!!! Then ordered 2 wigs one short and other shoulder both same colour.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 04, 2017, 04:48:32 PM
Club night yesterday and the lads filled my deed poll forms in for me, one step closer to being Davina. Doc phoned me tonight and they want a urine sample to check kidneys after 2 duff blood tests, bugger its holding up my HRT. She did say it may not matter so fingers crossed. will be eating veg and drinking water for the next 2 weeks to see if that helps? The wigs I ordered might take up to 3 weeks to come, sounds like made to order lets hope they fit.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 05, 2017, 03:18:12 PM
shoes and socks came today, have a look in "what made you happy today" as not posting photos again. Have been wearing the gold pair for 2 hrs now and  feet feel fine. I think gold shoes will go with everything. Have the day off tomorrow , more camper welding I think in the morning.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 10, 2017, 02:47:14 PM
So looked for a IPL as fed up with shaving my arms and ending up looking like I do self harm, any ways looked at Boots the chemist site and found a Panasonic for £170 reduced from £400  and it has 4.7 out of5 rating and on its way. Just hope it works. Next Wednesday after Docs have an appointment with solicitor to fill in Deed Poll , one step closer. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on October 11, 2017, 04:44:37 AM
Hi Davina

I picked up a Remington home IPL that was reduced from 600 to $200 and have given myself 7 treatments under my arms and I have reduced the hair by about 90%...I may not have to shave my underarms at each weekly treatment now. I was astonished at how well it worked. I don't know how permanent it is but it seems to keep me hair free as long as I use it...the black hair on my arms and hands has reduced steadily. I even did my neck and I have had some shedding...OK so there were only a couple anyway  ;D but it certainly took care of them. Will be interest to hear how you go...Oh yeah the backs of my finger where I would get the odd stray have gone as well.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Sarah_P on October 11, 2017, 07:06:56 AM
I invested in the Tria 4X. I just started using it a week ago, so it'll be a while before I know if it works. Each zap certainly feels like the professional treatments, and that's not even full power.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 13, 2017, 03:33:10 PM
IPL machine came today, battery has just charged so might try an arm to see what happens. Has a warning ,well one among many, do not use on male beard. Also says will not kill of hair just stop it growing so need to keep using.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on October 13, 2017, 03:53:13 PM
Quote from: davina61 on October 13, 2017, 03:33:10 PM
IPL machine came today, battery has just charged so might try an arm to see what happens. Has a warning ,well one among many, do not use on male beard. Also says will not kill of hair just stop it growing so need to keep using.

Mine came with the same warning about the male beard and the reason it gave was that results were likely to be patchy...we already know IPL isn't great for male beard but I still keep zapping the black ones as they very few anyway...I have gotten some shedding...but like I said in a previous post I have had good results from underarms and on my arms...I started on my legs last week
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 13, 2017, 04:09:32 PM
Have a tagleon in my right arm pit so don't think I can do that one . Don't have any hairs on lower legs but the thighs will get a zap and my belly and chest. zap zap lets give it a try
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 18, 2017, 09:32:23 AM
Good news day :icon_geekdance: Went to my GP this morning and they have agreed to do joint HRT management with GenderGP ,  might be a nice Christmas present, kidney results showed up as 70 year  old readings so urine sample has gone off for test. Got my Deed Poll signed by solicitor and only cost £10 so went and celebrated by buying  Christmas earrings and a long chain necklace that hangs between the girls and also found a nice night dress that's below knees . My other ones are a bit short and ride up over my bum , OK when its hot but winters coming. Talking of that I got a nice jumper as well .Was  off down my lock up to work on bus but my youngest has the key so lazy afternoon, TBH need it.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on October 18, 2017, 10:10:23 AM
Good news is welcome news girl. New dress, necklace and earrings too? You be celebrating for sure.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on October 18, 2017, 07:12:57 PM
Lots of great news!!  Have fun celebratin'
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 21, 2017, 03:21:48 PM
Now 2 bits of advice please , wearing an orange dress to Halloween party and I have it in 2 sizes (didn't have an 18) a 20 and a 16 now 20s loose (baggy) and the 16 is tight around the ribs and took me 10 mins to zip up but is stretchy and OK when standing, tends  to ride up a bit when sat due to spare tyre stomach . which one to wear and bright red lippy with green eye shadow and jewels ??? Also when my name change comes through Miss or Ms  not Mrs as the wife wont go for that . So what do you think?????
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on October 21, 2017, 08:52:03 PM
Quote from: davina61 on October 21, 2017, 03:21:48 PM
Now 2 bits of advice please , wearing an orange dress to Halloween party and I have it in 2 sizes (didn't have an 18) a 20 and a 16 now 20s loose (baggy) and the 16 is tight around the ribs and took me 10 mins to zip up but is stretchy and OK when standing, tends  to ride up a bit when sat due to spare tyre stomach . which one to wear and bright red lippy with green eye shadow and jewels ??? Also when my name change comes through Miss or Ms  not Mrs as the wife wont go for that . So what do you think?????

Personally I would go the baggy and maybe use a couple of correctly placed safety pins to adjust where you need too. Personally I don't like that squashed into a dress far as Name change went...I didn't give it much thought and now have some confusions as I get them all so when mail comes addressed to "E" it could be me or my Daughter unless it is Mrs. Other than that is really depends on what you personally prefer.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 22, 2017, 01:28:47 PM
Wearing the size 20 now and not that loose as its shaped , makes it look like I have a waist and hips!!!! Saw the wife this morning when picking up my lockup key from youngest lad and asked her for letter so I can go forward with name change but didn't press it as her dad is in hospital with a burst abscess so she was of to see him this afternoon, we have arranged a meeting a week tomorrow to sort things out what ever that will be.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on October 22, 2017, 08:02:50 PM
Quote from: davina61 on October 22, 2017, 01:28:47 PM
Wearing the size 20 now and not that loose as its shaped , makes it look like I have a waist and hips!!!!

Yay for waists and hips!!!! ;) It is great you put something on that shows your least the right ones!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 23, 2017, 04:25:13 PM
have a shaping garment but its a 16 and a bit short in height so the press studs in crutch flap tend to pop!!!!!but holds the gut in. Shopping Sat morning so might look for a better one. Going all out for Halloween , false eyelashes, sparkly red nail varnish. Did look at false nails but they all looked too narrow so trying to not break any this week (fat chance)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on October 23, 2017, 08:42:18 PM
I hope you have a fun time for Halloween Davina.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on October 24, 2017, 09:24:03 AM
I'm in London 25-26 November.  Might rent a car and drive north, I've enjoyed heading west of town during previous trips.  If you have time maybe we can grab lunch or dinner somewhere - I'll send a PM.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 24, 2017, 03:36:26 PM
PM sent , table booked (might be my table!!!) Well tried the shape wear on ,its a 40B and after loosing a bit of weight the press studs don't pop. Still try's to slip down though so will tighten shoulder straps to see what happens. Best bit it hides the man bits and if I wear my grey leggings as well they are tight enough to hold the boys up. Just hope I wont be to hot dancing but then I think my push up bra looks a better shape, cant decide yet.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 25, 2017, 04:36:43 PM
So after getting undressed last night will not be wearing shape wear as scrotum was turning purple!!!!! Restricted blood supply I think. Gender GP has received the shared care documents from my GP but they have sent the wrong blood test results , another hold up GRRRRRRR. Wigs not turned up yet as well and wanted to wear on Sat Knackered tonight as only one in at work today, typical 2 managers and 1 worker, we are short 1 staff and then out of the other 2 one was on a day of and the other lad has had an operation and wont be back till Monday. Apprentice in tomorrow but he needs watching as he is a bit gung ho . Another day in paradise then
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on October 25, 2017, 04:49:36 PM
Quote from: davina61 on October 25, 2017, 04:36:43 PM
So after getting undressed last night will not be wearing shape wear as scrotum was turning purple!!!!! Restricted blood supply I think. Gender GP has received the shared care documents from my GP but they have sent the wrong blood test results , another hold up GRRRRRRR. Wigs not turned up yet as well and wanted to wear on Sat Knackered tonight as only one in at work today, typical 2 managers and 1 worker, we are short 1 staff and then out of the other 2 one was on a day of and the other lad has had an operation and wont be back till Monday. Apprentice in tomorrow but he needs watching as he is a bit gung ho . Another day in paradise then

Sounds like the "help" is just more work...

These foul ups, when you are trying to get yourself started on your journey, can be really frustrating...lets hope there are no more
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 29, 2017, 05:23:53 PM
Well what a weekend, got dressed up and put on my false lashes, makeup and all. Ladies in pit control said I hade done a good job especially the lashes. Got talking to a woman that sat next to me in club house and found they (group) are  from close to me. Gave me the thumbs up for being trans and we danced a bit.So drank a whole bottle of red , that was OK but then had 2 glasses of JD and lemonade. Mistake!!!!! went to the loo , a tardis, and was sick . Now that made me very drunk and was stuck unable to get up. My new friends came to look for me and helped me back to my motor and put me to bed. Tried to find them this morning but couldn't find them to thank them. My coat , new that day, and cardigan got left in the bar and went to find them this morning . Coat was hung up but cardy had gone, bugger I liked that one. Drank some water and coffee and had a fried breakfast to help the hangover , no headache but had the shakes . went and watched some racing and spoke to one of the lads I race against , he said are you going to change(wig and boobs and a bit of makeup) and I told him already have and he apologised but then he didn't know. Gave up and came home early as still felt a bit rough and a big oil down made up my mind to leave .  drink and food at home sorted me . No trouble at all and used the ladies loos as well ,only neg was as being helped back to my car some one said it's the bloke in the orange dress when helping find my bag. Even in my state that was a stab to me which is daft as still a bloke in a dress.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 30, 2017, 03:38:52 PM
 Day  off today and had an "appointment" (her words) with the wife. Knew it was coming but she wants a divorce, she was worried I would want a share of things but as I lost £120k against the house  told her no lets just split. Did get a hug and she said she was sad for me. Well I told her don't be sad as I am happy now and she agreed and told me I looked a lot happier . Writing a letter so I can get name changed but looked at paperwork and found solicitor should have signed a photo copy of birth certificate so will have to go back. Wigs have turned up , need trimming and the long one doesn't have a fringe like picture on web site but might cut OK . So light I cant feel it, the old cheap one was like wearing a hat. Now need a short one for work, well 2 as wash one wear one so my sister told me there is a wig shop in Worcester that does chemo patient wigs  so if I can find them on hols next week and will see what they can do. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on October 30, 2017, 04:22:59 PM

I'm sorry to here about the separation. It's one of those times that for those of us who face it, comes with very mixed emotions. Sadness at the loss of a loving relationship, but also (hopefully), an opportunity to move forward from things that may have been holding us back.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on October 30, 2017, 06:01:58 PM
Hi Davina,

  Glad the appointment went well and amicably. It is a sad event in any case that you and her are separating. You have a good attitude toward it that should serve you well. I wish mine had been as friendly but I don't see how being served with a restraining order and being escorted from my own home as friendly at all. I was hurt, crushed, and what ever other adjectives you want to come up with for devastated. I did however survive and years later I was able to see that at the time my wife divorcing me was the best thing she could have done for herself. I'm not so sure about her actions after that but that is no longer an issue of mine.
  This could just be something good for you both in time. Still I am saddened that it came to this end for you. I am here via PM or email if you are in need of a shoulder.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on October 30, 2017, 06:13:53 PM
Davina, sorry to hear about your divorce - those are never easy but sounds like your separation is going relatively well.  Sending good thoughts your way.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 31, 2017, 04:35:10 PM
Thanks ladies, TBH not giving me any woes as it was sort of over 10 years ago in a way. Got a text to say letter is done so will pick it up tomorrow after work. Also got a message to say blood work had come through and they will be sending info about supplying HRT soon. Full time is getting closer.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on October 31, 2017, 05:43:01 PM
Yay to both  events Davina.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Michelle_P on October 31, 2017, 09:57:38 PM
The divorce is a sad event in life, no matter how much we understand why.  That's a big chunk of our past life written closed, but it is past, and now done.

Davina, I know you are handling this with your usual strength and aplomb, and the approach of HRT is a wonderful sign of a better future for you.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 01, 2017, 04:51:24 PM
Consent forms have come through for HRT, of course all electronic so now have to work out how to sign and send back and send copies of proof , day off Friday so that's the mornings work!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 03, 2017, 04:33:48 PM
Good news from ENT doc as he recon's there is no growth in my gland (we shall see) come back if you see any change, well that's why I went!!!!!! Got documents signed by solicitor so that's waiting to post and also managed to send forms back electronically to Gender GP . Went food shopping in my local German supermarket and they had thermal jeggings so cant resist , not tried them on yet. Also bought some hair bands and scruncie to fix back my new wigs from my eyes, slept in the long one last night and it stayed on my head and no glue. Work tomorrow and then a week off.Have an appointment at the wig shop on Tuesday afternoon to see about work wigs RLE closer, in fact wore my push up bra and breastforms all day and they show even with a coat on and got noticed but the red sparkly nails get noticed first and then draw closer looks . AS if I give a fig. Tuesday night is Hot Rod club meet and will tell them Davina will be going to Christmas dinner the following meet, have my outfit sorted,  red/orange dress come tunic , leggings , gold shoes and bauble earrings .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on November 03, 2017, 05:39:46 PM
You got this,  not giving a fig is the real trick. X

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Michelle_P on November 03, 2017, 06:07:05 PM
Quote from: Megan. on November 03, 2017, 05:39:46 PM
You got this,  not giving a fig is the real trick. X

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk
Exactly.  You do your thing, get your presentation the way YOU want it, so you're happy.  The world can adjust.  It won't stop spinning, and most folks are more concerned with making it across the street and not tripping than with the details of you.

Don't worry about them, just be yourself.   And be glad that you've given that old biddy giving you the Evil Eye something to fret about other than her bum hip.


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 04, 2017, 04:57:50 PM
Have been wearing my breast forms full time (24/7 apart from showering) , that's 2 days at work and no one has said any thing. OK have a sweat shirt on but they still show especially when I have to brush dirt off that fallen from under a motor. Sandwich van lady didn't notice either  till I showed/told her. Now I look at people ,always have, and notice stuff and maybe that's part of being trans? Also not banged the girls into anything , good practice for when I grow a pair of my own then. Started my hols tonight, wearing my designer dress , black tights, red lace nickers and my new long wig with a glass of red wine .Party on girls
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 06, 2017, 04:26:32 PM
Need to get a bottle of welding gas tomorrow so messaged my daughter to see if I can call in on the way back as will be passing. Thinking about wearing my wig tomorrow when I go into town, got to do it some time and this is the week (on hols) that I start RLE . Brace your self world Davina's about. Its hot rod club night , what the hell full on Davina so the lads (and pub!) are ready for me at Christmas meal. Thing is I will go for a meal in the pub before any of them get there and its normally full of diners of all ages, still have been adding more accessory's every time I go only make up and hair left . Skinny jeans and a long top I think , see what I can find shopping 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on November 06, 2017, 04:43:46 PM
You're doing so great.
I was never good at welding and I quit drinking in 2003.  These days I'd probably get the bottle of welding gas and red wine mixed up all wrong. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on November 06, 2017, 04:44:22 PM
RLE is go!!  Best of luck with everything hon. X

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 06, 2017, 04:48:23 PM
Thanks girls, posted a pic in looking fabulous (not that fab) but will do more make up tomorrow.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 07, 2017, 12:40:55 PM
Saw my daughter and grandson this morning, he is a bonny lad. Walking on his own and good at throwing, we had fun with some soft blocks and a ball. Daughter shut me down when I mentioned what's going on, still not understanding. On a better note went to town full on and no problems , OK some looks but that was it. Got some earrings in Clare's and it was buy 3 and get 3 more (the cheapest) for free so got loads, ladies on till were nice . My mum came with me as wanted second opinion on wig , sorted a very short one that's very light but they didn't have it in the colour I wanted so it will be sent in the post . Very helpful and as they do lingerie ask about bras in odd sizes, they do a 40 C and pocketed ones for mastectomy  breastforms . Got a wig care kit as well, off to the pub now
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on November 07, 2017, 01:01:29 PM
Sounds like a pretty good day so far Davina. Glad you were able to play with your grandson and hope you will eventually get your daughter to understand. Don't give up girl.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 08, 2017, 02:17:31 PM
Fingers crossed she will, Had a melt down moment before going out yesterday (wasn't going to say but) nearly cried had to gave my mum a hug to stop me after a wobble about never having my own head of hair. Any way on a better note went to pub, one of the lads was there already and apart from a raised eyebrow was OK, then big Den came in and said I wondered who the lady was sat at our table. Made my day !!!!!!! Nice one Den . By the end of the night they were all fine with me , well I did say I wanted to give you all warning and not turn up at our Christmas meal as "first contact" . Now I find that not wearing a wig feels odd, TBH forget its on now, hope fully the new one will turn up tomorrow
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 09, 2017, 02:46:20 PM
New work wig turned up today, will post pic when I have makeup on. Totally different look, think secretary/librarian with my reading glasses on (need proper glasses anyway) . Had to cut my hair that's been growing since last Dec (well at the back ,non on top) to make the wig fit and it stuck out the sides as well. Shopping tomorrow so new hair clippers on the list. Set up payment plan for HRT tonight so that will be happening soon.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on November 09, 2017, 06:22:28 PM

  Sorry about your short melt down moment yesterday and glad about the new hair showing up. I'm sure you will look good in it. Looking forward to seeing the picture.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 10, 2017, 01:58:36 PM
was going to add as avatar but said to big? and started a ticker but how do you get it to show???????Any way went shopping no drama, no stares (well not that I saw) didn't get sired just a neutral politeness . ( librarian look?(
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on November 10, 2017, 02:04:04 PM
Davina you look great!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on November 10, 2017, 02:05:34 PM
Looking great Davina,  that hair shape and colour really suit you,  and a lovely smile to boot. X

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Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 10, 2017, 02:09:33 PM
My mum and Aunty said it looked a lot better than the mid length one but that does need a trim, best bit it stays put without tape . Bummer now I have lost my avatar any one help please
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on November 10, 2017, 03:57:29 PM
Avatar... I never saw the movie, but in the menu / Profile / Modify Profile / Upload an avatar / Choose file
I don't know the exact dimensions but 200 pixels or less should work.  My current avatar is a PNG file, 150 pixels wide, 200 tall.

Larger sizes should be automatically downsized, but if that doesn't work try manually reducing photo dimensions before uploading. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Dena on November 10, 2017, 03:59:16 PM
Quote from: davina61 on November 10, 2017, 01:58:36 PM
was going to add as avatar but said to big? and started a ticker but how do you get it to show???????
The system normally displays a 200x200 pixel image however the system will downsize from a larger image like 400x400 or 800x800. The newer cameras are creating images larger that the site will downsize so you need to do it with other software. If you don't have software to do it, give me the raw image or a link to it and I will downsize it for you as I have plenty of image processing software.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Sarah_P on November 10, 2017, 05:45:32 PM
Hey, we Librarians are hot stuff, and don't you forget it!   ;D

If you have Windows on your computer, you can use the Paint program to change an image's size, just be sure it's set to also change the canvas size, and to constrain the proportions (unless you want the image to stretch or squish weirdly).
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on November 10, 2017, 05:52:06 PM
Hi Davina,

  The ticker site should provide you a line of code to copy and paste into your forum profile signature area.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 11, 2017, 02:37:18 PM
cheers Laurie that's what I thought will give it a go and try resizing photo as well but self taught on here , need lessons.  Deed poll came back, not filled out correctly. Well did think it was wrong but at least they have said what needs doing. Solicitor didn't know what he was doing ,did say he had not seen one before.Divorce paper work came today as well, only bit that bothers me is the box ticked for financial support . Hope she just means  the solicitors bill as not got any spare ££££s. had my wig on all day , wore a hat to keep sparks and dirt off.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on November 11, 2017, 02:47:07 PM
Hi Davina,

  If you need help with the photo you can send the one you want up to Dena or me and we can get it there for you. The ticker is a bit trickier for me to help with. I used Tickerfactory for mine  getting to it by the ticker link at top of page. If it is not knowing where it goes then we can help you with that too.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 11, 2017, 03:00:39 PM
Yes I copied and pasted it but its still not showing, God I hate computers some times, or more my lack of knowledge. Sent pic to Dena , she asked first.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on November 11, 2017, 03:43:42 PM
Davina,  are you using Tapatalk? If so,  I had to add mine to the app separately,  even after updating the website.

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Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 11, 2017, 04:28:09 PM
Thanks to Dena and Laurie recon its sorted ta.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 12, 2017, 03:01:36 PM
Tickers counting down not up???? put correct date on as well. Anyways had a good day today and welded in the l/h front arch on panel van and looks good, came home early to do a bit of house work and cooking . Made some more samosas as had filling left over and used a different recipe for dough, much better. Tomorrow will be first day back to work and it will be Davina going, we have a new bloke starting (last Thursday) and have not meet him yet so  will see how it goes. My eldest lad is supposed to be coming to tea , first time he will see me as myself.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on November 12, 2017, 10:03:23 PM
Good luck at work and with your tea Davina.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on November 13, 2017, 12:39:02 AM
All the best hun,  knock 'em dead. X

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Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Sarah_P on November 13, 2017, 07:02:31 AM
Good luck, Davina!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 13, 2017, 03:39:46 PM
Work went OK, get dead named though but expected that. Work in progress !!! Walked up town in my lunch break to get some potatoes for tea and not a stare or odd look. My lad enjoyed his tea and he said what ever I do as long as I am happy that's OK with him , big hug time. Sent him off with some curry and a black berry and apple crumble, was for pudding but we were to full, poppadum's and mango chutney with samosas starter, chicken in sweet red pepper with rice and a courgette curry with a glass of red and I had a bit of crumble   as well . There goes the diet then
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on November 13, 2017, 03:43:47 PM
Yay! Success on all fronts [emoji4]. The world keeps spinning,  and Davina keeps cooking!

When is the Susan's cook book being released?  There are so many great chefs here. X

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Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 13, 2017, 04:13:06 PM
Forgot to say wig works great and stayed in place with no tape, feels like wearing a hat though and makes my head itch some times. Cook book, will that be the Carry on Cookery book??
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on November 13, 2017, 05:43:56 PM
Glad all went well on both fronts.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 14, 2017, 02:57:26 PM
Eldest lad came for tea last night, wife said he was having a hard time with my transition but he was fine . I was in full Davina mode. We had a nice time and ate to much, so much we didn't eat the pudding (blackberry and apple crumble)but he took some home as well as a pot of chicken curry. Also my HRT is going ahead just waiting for prescription to come through.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on November 14, 2017, 03:40:48 PM
Quote from: davina61 on November 14, 2017, 02:57:26 PM
Eldest lad came for tea last night, wife said he was having a hard time with my transition but he was fine . I was in full Davina mode. We had a nice time and ate to much, so much we didn't eat the pudding (blackberry and apple crumble)but he took some home as well as a pot of chicken curry. Also my HRT is going ahead just waiting for prescription to come through.
Lovely news,  and you'll soon be joining some of us on the crazy E train [emoji16]

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Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 16, 2017, 03:22:32 PM
Manager left a report for me and put Davina on envelope and had E Mail to Davina as well, still got called mate by some customers though (tbh not surprised) . Does my new avatar show???? Laurie said see cant see it but I can.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Faith on November 16, 2017, 03:57:57 PM
Quote from: davina61 on November 16, 2017, 03:22:32 PM
Manager left a report for me and put Davina on envelope and had E Mail to Davina as well, still got called mate by some customers though (tbh not surprised) . Does my new avatar show???? Laurie said see cant see it but I can.

I can't see the avatar. maybe the link that you used only works for you? or did you upload one?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on November 16, 2017, 05:14:11 PM
Can someone besides me see Davina's avatar now?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Sarah_P on November 16, 2017, 10:29:17 PM
Quote from: Laurie on November 16, 2017, 05:14:11 PM
Can someone besides me see Davina's avatar now?

I see her!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on November 16, 2017, 10:32:46 PM
thanks Sarah. Confirmation of success!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on November 17, 2017, 08:01:02 AM
Davina your new avatar is great!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: islandgirl on November 17, 2017, 08:06:42 AM
I think your avatar is super! Looks like one happy woman!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 17, 2017, 02:25:04 PM
Thanks girls the hair has survived a week with no dramas , washed it once. Must get my sister to trim my longer ones to make a nice fringe. Diet has gone to pot a bit, cold weather makes you want to eat more. My eye sight has improved, lower blood pressure??? just a thought. Still waiting on HRT doc to send info on prescription . Since using the IPL machine the hair on my arms seems to grow quicker, instructions say shave first and then zap every 2 weeks.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 19, 2017, 04:56:31 PM
Went in my local store last night , Alan (my daughter used to cut his hair) didn't bat an eye when he saw me in my wig. We always talk as he asks how she is. Startled the wife though, gave her big bottle of conditioner as don't need it now. Still don't care what she thinks .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on November 19, 2017, 10:22:18 PM
I bought some scented shampoo and conditioner the other day and quit using the men's shampoo I had. I like to pretend I have hair to wash and condition.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 20, 2017, 03:42:01 PM
text from missis this morning apologising for being abrupt , did take her by surprize!!!! Have a visit from area managers new boss tomorrow so best put some more makeup on! Next mission at work is to get them to call me Davina, modified my name badge using an old one and gluing the letters from my surname to make first name . looks awful but never ware it but if I do maybe will get called correctly. Laurie got a beard and hair trimmer so gave myself a no2 (sort of) so don't need much shampoo or conditioner any more. As you may have noticed gave up on growing hair as solar panel to big. Wigs fit much better with short hair. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on November 20, 2017, 03:57:58 PM
Wrap some tinsel round that new name badge to drop the hint [emoji6]. I hope all goes well with the boss!

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Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 21, 2017, 04:32:55 PM
Big boss didn't show (nowt new there then) but area manager came. He said your looking a bit different, that will be the breasts, wig and make up then!!!!!!! Went into town to get a book and no problems again, fitted a bulb in a ladies car and it was tight to get to. she said why do they make it hard for mans hands to get in and sort of corrected herself on the mans bit. Sort of made my day
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 25, 2017, 04:07:51 PM
Have been getting ready for my visitor tomorrow  planning lunch (banquet !!) , never done a 3 course meal on my own before. You folks in U.S . have had a go with thanksgiving but apart from Christmas (and then only help) never done it before. Just getting timing correct so it all comes together ---------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on November 25, 2017, 04:12:33 PM
Quote from: davina61 on November 25, 2017, 04:07:51 PM
Have been getting ready for my visitor tomorrow  planning lunch (banquet !!) , never done a 3 course meal on my own before. You folks in U.S . have had a go with thanksgiving but apart from Christmas (and then only help) never done it before. Just getting timing correct so it all comes together ---------
Ooo good luck,  the timing is everything! X

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Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on November 25, 2017, 04:18:00 PM
 Yes timing of everthing being ready together is the challenge. I believe you are up to the task Davina.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 26, 2017, 12:26:17 PM
Started at 9 am and finished cooking 1.15 , Kendra enjoyed her curry and we had a nice chat and went for a walk (much needed to burn of the food!!!!). Went down to the river for a look and I tried out my calf high boots that make a nice clip clop. All over to soon Happy days( should have held my gut in!!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on November 26, 2017, 12:27:27 PM
Gosh that Kendra does get around doesn't she! Glad you both had a nice day. X

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Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 26, 2017, 01:11:33 PM
Yes after seeing you and Sara, God I look a mess in that pic , hair clipped back for cooking and slopping around the house gear
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: coldHeart on November 26, 2017, 05:07:47 PM
Your lucky Davina , Kendra upset my cat by sleeping in her favorite bed.😊
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 27, 2017, 04:04:33 PM
No probs here, don't have a cat!!!!!! Chased up my HRT as its been 2 weeks  since they said OK and sorting the prescription and nothing has happened. Also need to get onto my energy supplier as just had first bill (taken them 6 mths) and its almost £600. that's more than the old house , 3 bed with at one point 3 teenage kids as well. This is a one bed flat and I am at work 6 days a week , recon meter is faulty. More s**t to sort. That's life.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: p on November 27, 2017, 10:43:57 PM
Quote from: davina61 on November 27, 2017, 04:04:33 PM
More s**t to sort. That's life.
That is the truth!  :-*
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Cenna on November 28, 2017, 01:58:19 AM
Quote from: davina61 on November 20, 2017, 03:42:01 PM
text from missis this morning apologising for being abrupt , did take her by surprize!!!! Have a visit from area managers new boss tomorrow so best put some more makeup on! Next mission at work is to get them to call me Davina, modified my name badge using an old one and gluing the letters from my surname to make first name . looks awful but never ware it but if I do maybe will get called correctly. Laurie got a beard and hair trimmer so gave myself a no2 (sort of) so don't need much shampoo or conditioner any more. As you may have noticed gave up on growing hair as solar panel to big. Wigs fit much better with short hair. 

Seeing you around the forum I was thinking you look good with short hair- I think people get hung up on length to much. It's all in the volume pretty much every 'girl' hairstyle has a bit of poof(though you do need just a bit more than might be practical with a wig- no experience there). Mess with it a bit do some research you might yet find something that you like!
Perpetual battle between volume and forhead coverage grr.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 29, 2017, 04:01:19 PM
Short one is for practicality at work ( mechanic) , need it kick my GP again as in the shared care agreement with Gender GP they should now give me a prescription for my HRT . That would be good as it would be free as over 60. Day off tomorrow so phone calls to be made and trip to solicitor to get deed poll sorted . Then off to Boots to get some eye make up from the demo lady. Food shopping as well so not all fun
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 30, 2017, 02:46:34 PM
Good stuff first, baked a Christmas cake tonight , just need some brandy to soak into it now!!!!! went to Boots and got some lippy, eye liner and brow pencil from make over lady and as bought 2 NO7 items got a free gift that has mascara , lip gloss and 2 skin treatments in the box.
Now time for a good old moan, rang electric co to complain about big bill and got the finger, told you have panel heaters and under floor heating what do you expect!!!!! Tell you what I expect it to be less. Rang docs and have to wait for a phone call next Wednesday night to see about HRT prescription, then went to solicitors to sort out name change papers and now have to get my friend to go to his solicitor to get his part signed (ball ache) will see him next Tuesday at Christmas do . The letting agents said talk to water suppliers to get meter fitted as water pressure will be low when all flats occupied and again got the finger as told its your problem to sort and pay for, well it came up with a how did we do after talking to them on line so they got told!!!!!!!!!finger back.
On a better note wore my calf high boots to go shopping and as its gone very cold my feet were toasty and it sounds like a lady coming clip clop 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Dena on November 30, 2017, 05:09:46 PM
If you have under the floor panel heating and you are using it much, I can understand why you power bill is so high. I  have a heat pump and summer cooling which is my big expense adds about $200 to my bill. As a heat pump is far more efficient with electricity, the equivalent would be multiplying my bill by several times so the power company could be right. In any case, I did a little searching and found this little gem ( which would allow you to check up on the power company. Before buying it, be warned that it may require an additional receiving station.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on December 02, 2017, 03:46:36 PM
Speaking of warm I found a photo I took while there - an amazing meal, wonderful conversation, a perfect afternoon.  Even in cold weather Davina your warmth radiates.  And the words on your shirt are great.


Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: p on December 03, 2017, 11:57:04 AM
Oh no, I hate making those kinds of phone calls!! Perhaps time to skim a bit off the top of the brandy meant for the cake  ;). I am still in awe of the huge feast you made for Kendra's visit--I am drooling. Big hugs!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 03, 2017, 01:22:06 PM
Had to go and work at the other branch and there heater is broke , it was 5 deg c and I shivered all day. Had a slight cold/sniffle that's now turned into a worse one so the brandy for the cake went in my coffee last night!!!! On the meds today. Just hope its gone for Tuesday night party time!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Rachel on December 03, 2017, 02:07:23 PM
I hope your cold gets better soon.

I am from Philadelphia, USA and never had curry. I looked it up and it said it is an indian dish with hot peppers and that there are many varieties. How do you make your?

My Mother was 3/4th Englsh but raised by her German Grandmother and english was her second language. She never made a traditional English dish. I may give it a try. The picks I saw looked very good and if it is spicy I am in.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 03, 2017, 03:11:43 PM
Just Google (other search engines are available) a recipe but you do need spices . Not all "curries" are spicy and only as hot as the amount of chili you put in. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on December 03, 2017, 05:43:15 PM
Quote from: Rachel on December 03, 2017, 02:07:23 PM

I am from Philadelphia, USA and never had curry.  The picks I saw looked very good and if it is spicy I am in.

  For an easy to make curry you can do as my Mom did and what I also did before I knew just what a curry is and make yourself a beef stew and add ..oh about a 1/4 bottle of curry spice you can find in any of the supermarket spice displays. It will turn everything green and spice it up a bit but it won't be too hot. It gives everything a unique flavor.  I am eager to discover more of the various types.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Rachel on December 03, 2017, 07:54:46 PM
We had spicy beef stew a lot growing up. I did not know it was an English dish.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 04, 2017, 03:02:37 PM
Proper curry sauce shouldn't turn anything green, BROWN more like. In the UK there are lots of different sauces you can get in jars, but they don't taste as nice as scratch made. Doing my nails now for tomorrow nights party, hope they survive work tomorrow as no time to do them as need to be at the pub for 7 pm . need to leave work early as it would only give me 1/2 hour to get ready and we all know it takes 2 + , well a girls got to look her best.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: MaryT on December 04, 2017, 03:28:56 PM
Hope you enjoy the party.
I am a weirdo.  I like hot curries but I hate rice (except for Rice Krispies).  Everyone who serves a curry seems to put on piles of rice.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on December 04, 2017, 03:39:40 PM
Quote from: MaryT on December 04, 2017, 03:28:56 PM
Hope you enjoy the party.
I am a weirdo.  I like hot curries but I hate rice (except for Rice Krispies).  Everyone who serves a curry seems to put on piles of rice.
Garlic and coriander (cilantro) naan bread ftw.

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Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: p on December 05, 2017, 01:45:51 PM
Enjoy the party Davina! Hope that it goes well.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on December 05, 2017, 03:57:56 PM
Quote from: davina61 on December 04, 2017, 03:02:37 PM
Proper curry sauce shouldn't turn anything green, BROWN more like. In the UK there are lots of different sauces you can get in jars, but they don't taste as nice as scratch made. Doing my nails now for tomorrow nights party, hope they survive work tomorrow as no time to do them as need to be at the pub for 7 pm . need to leave work early as it would only give me 1/2 hour to get ready and we all know it takes 2 + , well a girls got to look her best.

  I hope you have a great time at the party Davina. I'm sure you will look a proper lady. Do enjoy yourself.

  Now I have to disagree with you a "Proper curry sauce shouldn't turn anything green" may in fact be true but I was talking a "Cheap curry" where you  take a perfectly good stew you would normally make And add a fair amount of store bought curry powder. Such as McCormicks Curry powder consisting of: CORIANDER, FENUGREEK, TURMERIC, CUMIN, BLACK PEPPER, BAY LEAVES, CELERY SEED, NUTMEG, CLOVES, ONION, RED PEPPER, AND GINGER. Using a good amount of this or another similar brand will turn your stew and everything in it a yellow green mainly from the tumeric.
  I will grant you this is not as good as a "Proper" curry but it was all I knew until fairly recently. I always liked to use a good amount (about 1/2 bottle) of this concoction so it had a spicy flavor and would add it in early in the cooking process so it had plenty of time to permeate everything. It may not have been a "proper" curry but I like it. I'm just learning there are other tasty varieties is all.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 06, 2017, 03:37:19 PM
Turmeric stains every thing , plastic containers, hands etc use sparingly!!!!!! Any ways had a good meal , makeup went fine and mascara worked . The ladies said I had done a good job , got on OK with 2" heels except for the section of polished wooden floor as I was like Bambi on ice (smooth soles). My friend cant get to sign my Deed Poll papers till new year now, but at least he will. Good news from GP, my prescription will be at chemists tomorrow night and booked in for anti T shot on Wednesday. Got next Monday to Wednesday off, Christmas shopping then.Slept in my long wig for 2 nights but it gets tangled , shame as it stays put .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on December 06, 2017, 03:50:21 PM
Glad the meal went well,  I'm sure you did look gorgeous!
If you need a signature for your deed poll any sooner,  just PM me,  I can drive up and do it for you. X

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Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 06, 2017, 04:10:22 PM
Thanks but you have to know me for 10years and be a home owner and a UK citizen ( 2 out of 3?)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on December 06, 2017, 04:19:26 PM
Quote from: davina61 on December 06, 2017, 04:10:22 PM
Thanks but you have to know me for 10years and be a home owner and a UK citizen ( 2 out of 3?)
I'm technically a (mortagaged) homeowner,  though I don't live there. And I'm a UK citizen.

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Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on December 06, 2017, 04:20:48 PM
I signed my friends deed poll for her,  I don't remember needing to meet those qualifications.

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Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: p on December 06, 2017, 04:42:06 PM
So glad to hear that the party went well, Davina! Those polished wooden floors are DANGEROUS!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on December 06, 2017, 08:02:33 PM
Glad all went well for you at the party Davina.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 07, 2017, 02:45:29 PM
Thanks for all the replies XXXXX, called in at chemists tonight and they will have my goodies in tomorrow. Knew they didn't have it in stock, GP said they would have to order it in.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on December 07, 2017, 02:48:24 PM
It is closer to becoming a reality girl.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on December 07, 2017, 06:39:05 PM
Wahoo!!  H. R. T.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on December 08, 2017, 12:48:20 PM
Have you got 'em yet? Have'ya? Have'ya? [emoji16]

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Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 08, 2017, 03:45:13 PM
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, wont be in till Monday as not there usual supplier , I was pissed!!!!! So just had a large Brandy and lemonade and toasty cheese sandwich . Damn there goes the diet again. Waited long enough so a few more days wont kill me.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: p on December 08, 2017, 04:00:45 PM
Frustrating! I had a similar experience yesterday--my doc was going to increase my dose but forgot to order 1 kind of test so will have to wait until that's in to bump up my dose. Hang in there, girl!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on December 08, 2017, 09:11:25 PM
Grooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnn. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrg

That's rotten news. To heck with the lemonade just take swigs from the bottle.  I used to keep Blackberry brandy in the freezer just for that purpose.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 09, 2017, 03:08:51 PM
Brandy is meant for the Christmas cake!!!!! so got a bottle of red. Talking to the lady in store tonight( we swop curry story's) and she asked my name or rather what would I like to be called and ended up talking about coming out and hormones. She was fine with it as well.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Desire on December 09, 2017, 03:23:18 PM
It's very refreshing to share our daily lives here too.  Sometimes it's nice to simply relax and smile and realize we all have lives that have common threads besides our own journeys.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on December 09, 2017, 05:14:03 PM
HRT - you're alllmossssttt there!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 10, 2017, 12:59:18 PM
one more sleep to go. Stayed in today , was going to work on bus but it was snowing well this morning so stayed in and cooked instead. It was nice to have a lazy day and if its not to bad going shopping with my mum tomorrow and Tuesday food shopping and pub lunch with mum and aunty.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Rachel on December 10, 2017, 06:33:05 PM
Tuesday sounds ovely. I use to take my Mom to a seafood place and have beer and seafood. It was a great time. It was 20 years ago. I miss that.

I had to wait 5 months for HRT. Then when I had the appointment for the scripts I had to reschedule my appintment because I had to make a presentation at work.

You 2nd birthday will come and we will celebrate it.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on December 10, 2017, 07:15:22 PM
It sounds like a good day to me with more to come.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 11, 2017, 12:47:40 PM
Got nearly all Christmas presents today and my mum got me an Indian cook book for my present, we had baked potatoes for lunch and I went in the ladies loo . Bought some smaller bowls for my tea to try and stop eating to much!!! Cold today just above freezing so had leggings under jeans and calf high boots, toasty. Skoda went OK in the snow/slush and used the diff lock to get around mums estate. When I got home stuck on my first patch   ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 11, 2017, 01:15:56 PM
I know the mods don't like you talking meds so trying to keep it OK, The patches are only a 4 week supply (estradiol), injections are every12 weeks of Decapeptyl so don't know what that is. Will ask when I get stabbed tomorrow!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on December 11, 2017, 01:24:23 PM
Decapeptyl when I looked it up appears to be the stuff that are going to inhibit your testerone from doing it's thing to you. the main ingredient in it is Triptorelin.
  "Triptorelin injection is used to treat the symptoms associated with advanced prostate cancer. Triptorelin injection is in a class of medications called gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists. It works by decreasing the amount of certain hormones in the body"

per Triptorelin Injection: MedlinePlus Drug Information (
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on December 11, 2017, 01:27:55 PM
I'm on Decapeptyl and oral E. Yes the Decapeptyl is the T blocker. I was given a two-week course of Cyproterone Acetate at the start,  as the Decapeptyl does cause an initial 2 week spike in T before it drops to almost zero.

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Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: p on December 11, 2017, 01:42:19 PM
Congrats on your HRT Davina!!!  :-*
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Sarah_P on December 11, 2017, 03:19:21 PM
Congrats Davina!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 11, 2017, 03:26:47 PM
Thanks girls, worked out not to stick patch on sat down on inner thigh as it pulls when standing, every days a learning day!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Dena on December 11, 2017, 05:23:44 PM
For the most part, you can discuss drugs. The only issue is if you provide dosage information such as how much you are taking. The general rule is if the information is enough to self medicate with, we will edit it. Otherwise we will leave the post alone.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: coldHeart on December 11, 2017, 05:38:48 PM
I find with patches the dam things lime to peel off so must of the time I covered them with sport's tape, you having any problems with yours Davina.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on December 11, 2017, 05:39:59 PM
Some stick them on lower abdomen,  some on their bum. I did tops of my thighs and alternated.

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Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: KathyLauren on December 11, 2017, 05:50:57 PM
Congratulations on starting your HRT, Davina!

I have three spots I use on my abdomen, which allows each site to recover for a full 7 days.  They say the bum is the best spot for absorption, but it's a pain in the butt (pun intended) to access.

Coldheart, I find that they will peel if my skin was wet when I put them on, or if I get wrinkles around the edge.  Water gets under the wrinkle in the shower, and then it gets loose.  If I get them on smoothly, the stick pretty well, even in the shower.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Charlotte F on December 11, 2017, 06:01:18 PM
Quote from: davina61 on December 11, 2017, 12:47:40 PM
When I got home stuck on my first patch   ;D

Congratulations Davina!

Quote from: coldHeart on December 11, 2017, 05:38:48 PM
I find with patches the dam things lime to peel off so must of the time I covered them with sport's tape, you having any problems with yours Davina.

I find the little ones (Estradot) work best on the bum - every time you sit down it helps secure it in place.  The larger ones (Evorel) were a nightmare to find anywhere good for them.  In the end, towards the side of the thigh seemed pretty good as there isn't a great deal of stretching in the skin there but the sports tape or medical dressing tape is a good call to try and keep them in place if they start peeling.  I do find a quick wipe down of the skin with alcohol before applying the patch then pressing the patch against your skin with the palm of your hand for 30-60 seconds helps too

For cleaning off the residue afterwards, I find baby oil works well.  Wipe it on with a cotton wool ball, leave it for a minute or two and then gently rub it off with the same ball.  Just make sure that area gets cleaned well before you apply another patch to it
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on December 11, 2017, 10:03:04 PM
Yes!  I remember that day so well (and the next, and the next).  Davina, enjoy the ride. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 12, 2017, 03:13:55 AM
Well patch survived the shower this morning , maybe the fluffy edge from my leggings helped!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on December 12, 2017, 02:00:39 PM
I'm sure you will get it sorted Davina. Got Boobs? lol

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 12, 2017, 02:37:41 PM
not noticed anything yet (26 hrs!!!) Went shopping and got an "excuse me love " till I turned round. Met the lady from the flat below for the first time, only been here 10 months but she said she never sees any one around. Told her my tale and she was fine with it, when I said wife threw me out she said its her loss. then her daughter came along and I got introduced as Davina.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on December 12, 2017, 03:24:07 PM
Quote from: davina61 on December 12, 2017, 02:37:41 PM
not noticed anything yet (26 hrs!!!) Went shopping and got an "excuse me love " till I turned round. Met the lady from the flat below for the first time, only been here 10 months but she said she never sees any one around. Told her my tale and she was fine with it, when I said wife threw me out she said its her loss. then her daughter came along and I got introduced as Davina.
Add them both to the Ally list [emoji4]

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Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: p on December 12, 2017, 03:34:14 PM
Sounds like you had a couple great interactions Davina! Yay!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on December 12, 2017, 04:27:07 PM
Sounds pretty cool to me.  btw  how are them boobs doing?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 13, 2017, 03:42:31 PM
2 showers in and the first patch is fine on inner thigh. Went for anti T jab this morning and was a bit apprehensive as don't like jabs but hardly noticed it. Had a good chat with the nurse and she asked how do you put up with the long wait to be seen, not a lot I can do as no ££££s. 12 weeks till the next one. Back to work tomorrow, bum. Went to do a bit to panel van , gave up 1.30 as hands and feet cold and the welding helmet steamed up making it hard to see welds. So made some cherry cup cakes.No tingles in the boobege yet!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on December 14, 2017, 12:59:02 AM
  It's getting cold here too Davina. Keep warm will you? Cherry cupcake instead of boobage? Not a fair trade at all though they do sound tasty. Oh no I haven't gotten to the recipes yet but I'll get there.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on December 14, 2017, 02:40:08 AM
Davina, I'm glad you're off and running with things,  we do need alot of patience don't we!
I found the mental effects of the Decapeptyl quite large (and for me positive) when it kicked in 2-weeks after the jab. I was shocked how much a simple jab could change my entire thought patterns.
I really feel the cold now more than I ever did before HRT, wrap up warm! X

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Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 15, 2017, 03:34:03 PM
Always felt the cold anyway, if its below 10C its cold!!!!Good job we have a decent heater at work. Showered and put on my nighty and dressing gown (fleecy) the last 3 days. Christmas tree and lights sorted, don't know why I bothered as its only me . Still not had an invite from anyone yet, not that it bothers me . 2nd patch this morning, still waiting ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on December 15, 2017, 04:25:45 PM
Sounds like congrats are in order...ahhh the flow on oestrogen...."feel the serenity" (from an aussie movie)

to my absolute astonishment I have been using gel oestrogen which has moved my levels nicely to just under the 500 mark, but apart from that I found the gel so simple to use, once it is on I forget about it and it don't have any issues with absorbency.

I hope you get the same consistent result...
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 16, 2017, 03:38:58 PM
10 weeks till the first blood test so will see what the levels are. Anyways did my back lifting rear wheels onto a BMW  Thursday (aggravated a niggle) and it was painful but I coped , today its spread from my hip to shoulder blade and started to seize up so managed to get of work early so the only gel I am rubbing in is Ibuprofen gel. Hope its better by Monday.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: KathyLauren on December 16, 2017, 03:44:08 PM
Sorry to hear that you threw out your back.  I threw out mine a week ago.  It's getting better, but it usually takes a couple of weeks for my stretching exercises to bring it back into line.  So you have my sympathies.

As long as you can reach your patch to change it, you'll be good.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: coldHeart on December 16, 2017, 04:19:17 PM
I feel the cold more now on HRT I have to wear three layers at the moment, watch out for the sore nipples Davina because your get them soon.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on December 16, 2017, 05:04:20 PM
Quote from: coldHeart on December 16, 2017, 04:19:17 PM
I feel the cold more now on HRT I have to wear three layers at the moment, watch out for the sore nipples Davina because your get them soon.

  Increased sensitivity to cold is one of the things I've read about. On the bright side if the HRT hasn't made them stand up and point the way the cold will. You probably won't notice it under all those clothes Sara.

  Sorry about the back Davina. Mine likes to protest after leaning over for several minutes and hurts when straitening back up. I suppose that's preferable to it "going out"

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Rachel on December 16, 2017, 06:49:08 PM
Congratulations, I am happy for you.

When I started HRT I found that car doors and well all doors in general found my boobs. I re-learned how to get into a car and walk through a doorway. 

Enjoy the ride.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on December 17, 2017, 02:05:51 AM
I'll second the cold thing, I just cannot be warm enough since starting HRT.

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Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: big kim on December 17, 2017, 04:29:16 AM
I thought I was the only one who was cold all the time! Looking at some heated gloves so I can get out longer on my bike
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on December 17, 2017, 01:43:46 PM
Yeah when Madonna wrote that metal bra on stage I bet it wasn't left out in a cold car. 

Hmm... hey Davina I hear you have excellent welding skills.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 17, 2017, 02:14:59 PM
Ibuprofen is making the back bearable , its where the muscle joins the pelvis and an old injury . Made my daughter a planter out of her broken VW race engine and fixed it on legs with rocker covers for feet, went and bought some heathers and ivy to go in pots and then found snowdrops and crocus as well  . Its a little "steam punk" just need to make brackets to fix 2 planters on the sides, flower pots sit in the barrel holes in crankcase. Iced my Christmas cake, cheats way with roll out marzipan and royal icing. BTW still waiting for sore nipples
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on December 17, 2017, 03:32:35 PM
Quote from: davina61 on December 17, 2017, 02:14:59 PM
> BTW still waiting for sore nipples
I'm almost 5 months into HRT (estrogen only, no T blocker).  After two months my boobs started getting a bit sore and a barely noticeable change to shape.  Then on month three things started to really pick up.  In the past month my sleep has been interrupted almost every night - I roll over, ouch, boob pain.  But I'm not complaining. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: p on December 18, 2017, 01:57:08 PM
I hope your back continues to improve. Your planter project sounds so cool! I would love to see it when you've finished. Wishing you Happy Christmas & sore boobs!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 18, 2017, 03:04:54 PM
Thanks girls, yes back is getting there thanks to the tablets. Will take a photo of planter when its done.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 20, 2017, 03:29:45 PM
on my 3rd patch and nipples permanently erect and looking darker around, !st signs???? Also head was all over the place today but that happens some times anyways!!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on December 20, 2017, 03:35:56 PM
Sounds like an early sign to me. Stay tuned there's more to come!.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: KathyLauren on December 20, 2017, 04:04:06 PM
We have liftoff!  Your boobs have cleared the tower.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 24, 2017, 09:06:13 AM
HAPPY CHRISTMAS every one, went to the daughters and dropped her gifts of, she will mail me a photo of the planter so will post when she does. Got a nice kiss from grandson (aaahhhhh) and a very long hug from daughter. So its flat cleaning and making pigs in blankets and stuffing roll time, might do mustard and honey glazed cocktail sausages as well. Patches have stayed on ok, infect a little hard to peel of and end up with a "waxed" square !!!!!! also found Boots eye makeup remover cleans the glue off with a cotton wool ball.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 26, 2017, 08:10:44 AM
My eldest came to see me and brought my present , a small wok that will be handy. Made a batch of veg curry and gave him a pot full as well as freezing one for my daughter. Had some useful gifts, the Indian cook book from mum (that I picked!!) and the wife got me a ovenproof glass dish with clip lid the size I have been looking for.  Going to make some Indian breads now and some gee from my new book.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on December 26, 2017, 12:18:33 PM
Yum!!  Wish the drive was a bit closer from Seattle. 

And so glad you spent time with family for Christmas. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 26, 2017, 03:40:38 PM
Heres a picture of the planter I made for my daughter out of her destroyed race engine( pots on the side sit in old rocker covers , also used some for the feet.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on December 26, 2017, 03:56:09 PM
Nice Davina,  can I put in an order? [emoji4]

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Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 26, 2017, 04:20:59 PM
Only if you blew up an air-cooled VW engine!!!!!!  Might make a stool out of the crankshaft as have some old rusty flywheels for the base ,just need a seat
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on December 26, 2017, 04:30:19 PM
Sounds like you had a great time and your creativity with he blown engine is outstanding... :D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on December 26, 2017, 05:59:09 PM
Are water cooled plants ok in an air cooled engine block? 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 27, 2017, 03:28:46 PM
Knowing my daughter they may end up air cooled!!!!!!! had some more ideas of stuff to make out of old VW bits stay tuned.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Rachel on December 27, 2017, 06:45:05 PM
Congratulations on breast lift off.

The planter is a very cool idea.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on December 27, 2017, 06:52:20 PM
Quote from: davina61 on December 27, 2017, 03:28:46 PM
Knowing my daughter they may end up air cooled!!!!!!! had some more ideas of stuff to make out of old VW bits stay tuned.

  Sounds like she needs air ferns but they are indoors only. (
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 30, 2017, 04:54:30 PM
Went shopping as needed food and popped into clothes store, spent all my Christmas money plus. 2 dresses, a jumper, top to go with jeans or leggings and a red t shirt. Sales on and 1/2 to 2/3 price off , had to stop as would have got carried away but then can you have to many clothes???
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on December 30, 2017, 05:42:44 PM
Quote from: davina61 on December 30, 2017, 04:54:30 PM
..... had to stop as would have got carried away but then can you have to many clothes???

Never ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Sarah_P on December 31, 2017, 03:09:50 AM
Quote from: davina61 on December 30, 2017, 04:54:30 PM
Went shopping as needed food and popped into clothes store, spent all my Christmas money plus. 2 dresses, a jumper, top to go with jeans or leggings and a red t shirt. Sales on and 1/2 to 2/3 price off , had to stop as would have got carried away but then can you have to many clothes???

That's what I keep telling people, but they still glare at me every time I want to run into a clothing store.  :)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 31, 2017, 05:49:38 PM
Started making down lighters for daughter today but a dry cough that started yesterday has turned into a sore throat and runny nose so if I don't make it till midnight (watching Chic live) HAPPY NEW YEAR to every one XXXXXXXXXXXXX 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on December 31, 2017, 05:51:16 PM
Quote from: davina61 on December 31, 2017, 05:49:38 PM
Started making down lighters for daughter today but a dry cough that started yesterday has turned into a sore throat and runny nose so if I don't make it till midnight (watching Chic live) HAPPY NEW YEAR to every one XXXXXXXXXXXXX
Happy New Year hun. X

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Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on December 31, 2017, 06:00:06 PM
Happy  New  Year to you also Davina. I hope that cold is a short one.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Sarah_P on December 31, 2017, 06:24:47 PM
Happy New Years to you!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Siobhan Amanda on December 31, 2017, 10:30:25 PM
Lots of vit c and a good hot garlicky curry.
Happy new year!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on December 31, 2017, 10:39:35 PM
Davina one of my highlights in 2017 was meeting you, the amazing meal you cooked and the wonderful conversation - women's clothing and fashion, welding, local history, and race cars.  A perfect combination.  All the best for 2018!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 01, 2018, 06:22:43 AM
Thanks, stayed in bed till 10, felt better for getting up and having a bacon/egg breakfast. Just a lumpy throat now and mum is bringing me some medicine so best get dressed as still in dressing gown. Got no energy as feel like a wet lettuce
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: p on January 02, 2018, 02:36:13 PM
Congrats on having some good signs from your HRT, Davina, and happy new year! I hope you're feeling better. Hugs!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 03, 2018, 05:53:18 AM
Well been spaced out for 2 days, didn't sleep all Monday night as woke up ever 20 mins to blow my nose and sneeze, Mum got me some meds and yesterday got up at 12.30 and slummed it on sofa nodding off. Still coughing up green meenies (no not monies) but feeling a lot better. Plus side have lost 3 lb as not eating much . High temp I have been running last 3 days has dropped so it looks like back to work tomorrow.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on January 03, 2018, 06:41:54 AM
Sorry you've been unwell, not a good start to the year, but glad you're on the mend. Hope you're back to full steam soon. X

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on January 03, 2018, 10:03:34 AM
Hi Davina,

  That post didn't sound like you have been having fun at all. Sorry, being sick is a pain for sure. I am glad the fever broke and hope you do get some rest now. get well soon, girl. (((Hug)))

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Sarah_P on January 03, 2018, 12:31:45 PM
Sorry you're not feeling well! Get better soon!

Quote from: davina61 on January 03, 2018, 05:53:18 AM
Plus side have lost 3 lb as not eating much.

Viral infections: An often underappreciated means of weight loss.   :icon_wink:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 03, 2018, 03:19:57 PM
Thanks girls, yes you should try glandular fever as could only eat soup for a week and lost a lot of weight. Tells you something though about diet. On the HRT front not noticed much in the girl department just pointy nipples but the boys have total lost interest and looks like going into hiding. Best bit I can sit with my legs together /crossed and no pain from crushing. Had another big electric bill but found floor heating came on in kitchen as comfort level was at 14c so turned it down to 10 , smart system my arse why cant it just turn on and off when you want it????Have asked for a smart meter to be fitted so can see what is being used, I am the only flat with an old analogue meter all the others have digital ones.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on January 03, 2018, 06:22:29 PM
  It sounds like you are feeling a little better Davina. I am glad of that. Those smart gadgets only help if you happen to be smarter than they are so you can undo all their fancy junk. I'll let the kids have all those newfangled toys. Worst thing they could do was to start doing thing digitally that worked just fine mechanically. Like distributors and computer boards in cars. If it works don't fix it!.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 04, 2018, 03:23:14 PM
Went to work this morning and only lasted till 12 and had to come home, will ring docs tomorrow for emergency appointment . BTW Laurie had to try and "reboot" a central control computer on a 2002 (year) Peugeot. Its knackered so car is scrap, most likely a corroded circuit board.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on January 04, 2018, 03:41:10 PM
 I didn't need to know that. The  transmission shop I took my chevy pickup to  for my 4WD screwing up think it is a computer problem. I have the fuse for it pulled.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 05, 2018, 03:41:30 PM
Thought I was of to the docs this morning but woke up feeling a lot better so went to work and survived !!!!! Still have a cough and the odd bit of gunk ( I know TMI) .  Noticed tonight when I got out the shower my legs are a bit blotchy / purple veined and purple squares on inner thigh where patches have been. Saying that the shower was HOT and looks fine now.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on January 05, 2018, 05:51:56 PM
Hi Davina,

  I am glad to hear you avoided a trip to the doctor and are feeling quite a bit better. You probably starved yourself too so get some of that good Davina food into you girl.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 07, 2018, 09:40:27 AM
Better is a relative term, spoke to a few folk that have had this end of last year and it comes back after a few weeks , on a better note its my 1 year Susaniversary today   ;D Yes its flown by thanks to all the wonderful people on here Virtual HUGS to every one XXXXXXXX
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Cassi on January 07, 2018, 09:57:03 AM
Quote from: davina61 on January 07, 2018, 09:40:27 AM
Better is a relative term, spoke to a few folk that have had this end of last year and it comes back after a few weeks , on a better note its my 1 year Susaniversary today   ;D Yes its flown by thanks to all the wonderful people on here Virtual HUGS to every one XXXXXXXX

Congrats Sweetie!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on January 07, 2018, 11:29:37 AM

  Congrats, if this marks a year for you then you have been on Susan's longer than I have. I joined on January 23rd last year but towards the end of the month. I went to check my first post date a few days ago and found it missing. I lost well over a month of posts as they now start in March.
  Happy Susanniversary, Girl.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 07, 2018, 04:02:37 PM
Well I only know as it said when I joined in my profile.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on January 07, 2018, 04:13:29 PM
Same for me now Davina.  How are you feeling  girl?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 07, 2018, 04:27:19 PM
Bloody rough, makes me cough when I talk . Gave up going to my lock up as its very cold with a bitter wind , fixed mothers living room light that stopped working . Transformer melted in strip light and blew trip so we went to town and got a new 4 spot LED to replace it. Didn't feel safe on steps fixing it up as a bit woozy but managed. Came back and made Samosa and they came out spot on (snacks for work) You plodding on OK girl?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on January 07, 2018, 04:38:35 PM
  Yeah, I'm okay. I've only cried once so far today. It's usually more than that by now. It's early afternoon here so there is plenty of time. Need to put on some hair and run to the store for eggs, milk and beer for my sister. She's not feeling well today.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: p on January 08, 2018, 02:07:24 PM
I hope you feel better soon, Davina! Chicken soup always makes me feel better (but that's probably just because I love to eat!)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 08, 2018, 03:04:00 PM
Laurie have a box of tissues on standby for you, P a chicken curry and get a sweat on. Made a Shepherds pie tonight but with a Keema filling and a dollop of veg curry.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: p on January 09, 2018, 01:15:18 PM
Oooh chicken curry, even better! I am partial to chicken vindaloo myself.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 09, 2018, 02:29:13 PM
The only Vindaloo recipes I have are pork as it comes from Dutch East India co when they shipped pork in vinegar to preserve it.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on January 09, 2018, 11:58:59 PM
I can vouch for Davina's Pork Vindaloo recipe. I liked it but my sister thought it too vinegary. And I used less than the recipe called for. My sister has been having trouble with food tasting right for awhile due to her COPD medications so her opinion doesn't count. She is currently complaining that sweet food are tasting sour.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 10, 2018, 02:24:55 PM
just getting my taste back after infection. Have a boned shoulder of lamb so day off tomorrow and going to make lamb with spinach and(as its a large bit) roast a bit with veg for my tea
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: p on January 10, 2018, 04:24:32 PM
Yum yum! I am glad you are getting your taste back!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 11, 2018, 04:05:32 PM
Day off and went shopping as needed wrapping paper and birthday cards , picked up some nail varnish as well. Noticed that its females that stare or double take. Watching Transformation Street on telly now  following trans stories.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on January 11, 2018, 06:12:42 PM
Quote from: davina61 on January 11, 2018, 04:05:32 PM
.... Watching Transformation Street on telly now  following trans stories.

I just checked this out on ITV home page and it looks ok...was it any good?

I think women have a tendency to stare because women look at other women in ways that guys don't seem to with other guys.... women seem to notice me before the men do. Its weird
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on January 12, 2018, 11:05:42 AM
Quote from: davina61 on January 11, 2018, 04:05:32 PM
Day off and went shopping as needed wrapping paper and birthday cards , picked up some nail varnish as well. Noticed that its females that stare or double take. Watching Transformation Street on telly now  following trans stories.

I watched Transformation Street last night. It was refreshing to see how normal it was presented, at least through my trans coated spectacles. Non of this headline grabbing shenanigans or twisting of facts, just normal, honest journalism.

I see you've got the birthdays directly after Christmas as well. It's like two months of constant wrapping of presents and cake.

How's the early days of HRT treating you? Hopefully sometime late this year I'll be joining you and I'm starting to allow myself to think about it more in preparation.

Peace and love and all that good stuff


Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 12, 2018, 02:29:04 PM
They missed the point a bit, I am a woman in a mans body would have been a good statement. The one lady did put that across.  HRT is starting to make itself known, right nipple is "sore" and bud is starting but left is still dormant. Cheeks look like filling out and a bit on hips, weight nearly at pre hols so hope it keeps coming down. Contemplating going to the drag race dinner dance but its just over £100 (80 single room) and would be on my own though I will know over 50% of folk there but will they be ready for me in my designer frock???
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on January 12, 2018, 02:37:34 PM

  I think this is the first I've read of you possibly starting HRT later this year. I think that's great! I can't wait to read that you are on the coaster ride with us.


  I think it would be cool if you could go though the price is a bit high for your budget isn't it? I would love to see pictures of you in a fancy frock!

Hugs to you both,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on January 14, 2018, 06:03:49 AM
Quote from: davina61 on January 12, 2018, 02:29:04 PM
They missed the point a bit, I am a woman in a mans body would have been a good statement. The one lady did put that across.  HRT is starting to make itself known, right nipple is "sore" and bud is starting but left is still dormant. Cheeks look like filling out and a bit on hips, weight nearly at pre hols so hope it keeps coming down. Contemplating going to the drag race dinner dance but its just over £100 (80 single room) and would be on my own though I will know over 50% of folk there but will they be ready for me in my designer frock???

Thanks Davina,

Hope you had fun at the dance, I miss my old Bulldog Bash days at Long Marston. Never quite picked up the courage to ride my old 52 panhead down the track though. By the time i'd get to the end of the track I might have made 3rd gear, it was a bit of a tractor. ;D

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 14, 2018, 03:42:11 PM
Feeling a bit Marvin (ref Hitch Hikers Guide) so made a pie like the one on Jamie and Jimmy's Friday  Night Feast. Bit of a faf , fry beef, remove from pan cook veg in pan, remove and add red wine and reduce then add meat and veg , beef stock and cook on low for 2 1/2 hrs. make pastry line large cake tin (split type) cook for 1 hr and stand for 1/2 . BEST PIE I HAVE EVER MADE. Happy now. Sent complaint e mail to Electric company about the amount my meter says I have used, wait and see time. Finished making the down lighters (from old vw bits) for my daughter and started making seat from old flywheel and crankshaft with my old race car seat on top, its just a frame that needs skinning and have old tyre pressure chart that I might use  , will take photos when done.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on January 15, 2018, 10:48:04 AM
So when will these pies be coming on the market Davina? I think I could do with a dozen or so just about now ;D Glad it cheered you up.

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 16, 2018, 02:40:59 PM
so it was pie for lunch box and pie with Indian veg for tea, pie for lunch box tomorrow as well then its gone!!! Total lack of energy the last 3 days and just want to eat, good job I made pie. TBH fed up with working 6 days a week with only Sundays and one random day every 2 weeks ,thats 44 hrs a week and wages are what should get for 40 hrs IMO. But then lucky to have a job I suppose .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on January 17, 2018, 04:26:07 AM
You see there you go with the pies again ;D You know we're all on diets after Christmas right? I'm looking at a plate of limp lettuce and here you're talking about pies. :P

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 17, 2018, 02:59:32 PM
I do normally take a salad to work, handful of chop lettuce , cucumber, celery and tomatoes with a splash of Cesar dressing and some thin slice sandwich meat and an apple. Biggest problem is cooking for 1 and not making to much, did sweet and sour chicken  tonight , 2 breasts, a yellow pepper, 4 mushrooms and a carrot, packet sauce and noodles. 1/2 tonight and rest tomorrow   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on January 17, 2018, 04:22:42 PM
Quote from: davina61 on January 17, 2018, 02:59:32 PM
I do normally take a salad to work, handful of chop lettuce , cucumber, celery and tomatoes with a splash of Cesar dressing and some thin slice sandwich meat and an apple. Biggest problem is cooking for 1 and not making to much, did sweet and sour chicken  tonight , 2 breasts, a yellow pepper, 4 mushrooms and a carrot, packet sauce and noodles. 1/2 tonight and rest tomorrow

Smaller plates did it for me. Trick your noggin' into thinking you're having a right old feast.

I'm sure you eat a lot healthier than I do, when I say salads I mean salad accompanied by copious amounts of chocolate.
I've got to get my bloods right this year though, I have genetic cholesterol issues and I don't want that sending red flags to the endo when I eventually get to see one.

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Dena on January 17, 2018, 07:23:16 PM
Cooking to much isn't a problem I intentionally make 6 or more servings then freeze all but what I am eating that night. It's been ages since I have ate out because instead of fast food, I just thaw out a meal in the microwave and eat. Cost less that fast food and it saves the trouble of fixing dinner when I don't feel like it. I love leftovers.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 18, 2018, 04:53:01 PM
Yes I do that, its better to cook a larger batch ( defo curry) as tried to adjust recipes down and it doesn't work.  Think I need to put more make up on for work as keep getting called MATE by blokes, the ladies notice (as they do)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on January 20, 2018, 07:57:13 AM
Sorry to hear that Davina,

Being misgendered isn't nice. Don't let it get you down girl, just imagine an oil filter and filter out all the garbage. Blokes will be blokes, having never been one it's hard to know what goes through that space between their ears, even having lived as one I still don't know. Women however I understand :)

Enjoy the weekend whatever you're up to in that fast lane of yours,

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 20, 2018, 02:05:55 PM
Cheers me dears , It doesn't bother me as not changed much yet and yes never been a "man"  some where in between. Finishing my daughters birthday presents tomorrow , just hope the tyre pressure sign is big enough to cover the seat.Photos will be taken!!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on January 21, 2018, 12:56:19 AM
I can't wait to see your new creation, Davina.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 21, 2018, 02:57:48 PM
Nearly finished it , painted the seat frame and will finish it on Thursday but a photo is all she will get for a bit as they handed in notice on rented cottage but new place not ready for 2 weeks. Moving in with the missis so she was moving all the stuff in the dining room to fit there furniture in (Dropped my youngest's  birthday present of as its his birthday tomorrow)The point is will have to wait till they move in to new place before I can take it over.Spent the afternoon cleaning flat(not had time for 2 weeks) and then made a almond and pistachio desert , some thing not correct as its not set but it tastes fine. then made a Rogan Josh but by the time I had made the masala it was 6pm and 7.30 when I ate, where's the time go??? Tired today as looks like the young girl in the flat below must have been on here own last night and I could hear the TV , it was still going at 1.30  so over slept ,will have words if it happens again.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 22, 2018, 02:43:33 PM
At last the left ones starting to catch up, right side is defiantly forming. Had a nice moment with to lady customers today, Looked over the one ladies wheel chair converted motor as brakes grinding and due for annual inspection soon. It was here helper/carer that was driving and told them it was not safe due to damaged disc and worn out pad. The helper lady said this is the chap that looked at your car and the lady in wheel chair asked my name. Davina I said and they both did a slight Ohh , then the carer said show her your nails (metallic plumb ) . That's nice she said but the best bit was how it changed in the way they talked to me, welcome to the sister hood!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on January 22, 2018, 05:14:25 PM
 Good show Davina. I know about that time slipping away unnoticed. It's happening to me almost daily here on Susan's. I seem to always have more to read at the end of the day than there was at the beginning of it.
Anyway good luck on the upcoming move.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on January 24, 2018, 12:24:16 AM
Hey Davina

Been a bit busy lately and not had the chance to stop by, but good to see things a growing nicely and you are still doing a bang up job on your I guess the question is.....How goes the diet? My starting was 106.3 and last weigh in, on Thursday was 103.3 at home and 103.7 at the about you? 7 kg to go and 5 months left to do it, is my target.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on January 24, 2018, 05:57:56 AM
Quote from: davina61 on January 22, 2018, 02:43:33 PM
At last the left ones starting to catch up, right side is defiantly forming. Had a nice moment with to lady customers today, Looked over the one ladies wheel chair converted motor as brakes grinding and due for annual inspection soon. It was here helper/carer that was driving and told them it was not safe due to damaged disc and worn out pad. The helper lady said this is the chap that looked at your car and the lady in wheel chair asked my name. Davina I said and they both did a slight Ohh , then the carer said show her your nails (metallic plumb ) . That's nice she said but the best bit was how it changed in the way they talked to me, welcome to the sister hood!!!!!!!!!

It's great when things like that happen isn't it? Attitudes are changing, we are changing and it will soon be spring.
Have a lovely day Davina, whatever you gets up to.

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: vickijonesuk on January 24, 2018, 12:19:04 PM
Hi Davina,

I've just read through your thread and what an amazing person you are, I love your straight down the line approach to life and wish I was as brave as you! Thank you for the inspiration xx
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Cassi on January 24, 2018, 12:20:35 PM
Quote from: vickijonesuk on January 24, 2018, 12:19:04 PM
Hi Davina,

I've just read through your thread and what an amazing person you are, I love your straight down the line approach to life and wish I was as brave as you! Thank you for the inspiration xx

All you UK Girls are that way!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 24, 2018, 02:47:40 PM
Country girl not a mamby pamby towny (not ment to offend!!!) Liz diet not working at the moment, don't know if its the HRT but feel dead tired at the moment, last night sat on sofa after tea and crashed out and went to bed at 10. Cold as well and that makes me eat, bring on the spring. Day off tomorrow and will have a cooking after noon to make my daughter a birthday cake, getting (if I can find one) a cake storage tin and cant give it empty. Breasts getting more sore, feels sort of bruised but think my moobs are helping with padding (fat!!!!!)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on January 24, 2018, 02:54:58 PM
Hi Suzy homemaker,

  It is such a contrast, you love of cooking with the love of racing and working on vehicles to your creativity with your welding. You my dear are an awesome woman.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on January 24, 2018, 06:02:01 PM
Quote from: davina61 on January 24, 2018, 02:47:40 PM
Country girl not a mamby pamby towny (not ment to offend!!!) Liz diet not working at the moment, don't know if its the HRT but feel dead tired at the moment, last night sat on sofa after tea and crashed out and went to bed at 10. Cold as well and that makes me eat, bring on the spring. Day off tomorrow and will have a cooking after noon to make my daughter a birthday cake, getting (if I can find one) a cake storage tin and cant give it empty. Breasts getting more sore, feels sort of bruised but think my moobs are helping with padding (fat!!!!!)

Sounds to me that at the moment you have many other things of bigger priority in your life so I wouldn't be too worried about HRT Dr said she wasn't concerned about how much weight I had but wether or not I was fit. If its any consolation I know when my boobs are sore it means they are growing... ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on January 25, 2018, 04:17:43 AM
Sounds like it won't only be the flowers that are going to be budding this spring Davina. ;D

Mary Berry's got nothing on you girl, I think we should enter you for next seasons 'Bakeoff" I can see it now a curried sponge cake with chilli icing. ;D

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 25, 2018, 11:35:39 AM
( finished, ok for a garden seat. Made her a sponge cake and covered it in roll out icing left over from Christmas cake. Hope it will be ok till next Sat. Made veg samosas as well , spicy potato filling  .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: bobbisue on January 25, 2018, 07:54:09 PM
     Sweeeeeeeet chair, it looks like my garage in the background

    bobbisue :)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on January 26, 2018, 12:10:52 AM
 Looks good Davina but do you need a engine hoist to move it? It looks heavy.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: p on January 26, 2018, 11:53:56 AM
It sounds like you are going to be giving your daughter quite the wonderful set of gifts. She is lucky to have you as a parent. Glad to hear that things are going well with breast development! As they say, no pain, no gain!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 26, 2018, 04:44:28 PM
seat unbolts so not to bad to move, still wearing breast forms but that makes it painful if I bump them now. Might have to get some fillets as these ones are flat at the back. Good night girls of to bed as its 10.45 pm and I need my beauty sleep (about 6 months worth!!!!)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 28, 2018, 11:02:58 AM
Took some photos to down load and stupid phone/computer wont find them , so annoying . Daughter and her fella have to move out of there rented place by 31st and they don't get keys for new house till Friday . They are moving all the stuff today over to the wife's and then staying till next weekend when they will move it all back, did offer to help but they said have enough peeps thanks. Will go and visit next Sunday and take the seat.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Cassi on January 28, 2018, 02:00:40 PM
Quote from: davina61 on January 28, 2018, 11:02:58 AM
Took some photos to down load and stupid phone/computer wont find them , so annoying . Daughter and her fella have to move out of there rented place by 31st and they don't get keys for new house till Friday . They are moving all the stuff today over to the wife's and then staying till next weekend when they will move it all back, did offer to help but they said have enough peeps thanks. Will go and visit next Sunday and take the seat.

Did you unattached the Polaroid from your phone?

Just kidding on that.  I had the same problem.  There's the DCIM, downloads, and pictures on the phone, and sometimes even have to select transfer versus charge mode when hooked to the computer.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 28, 2018, 02:53:11 PM
Its worked ok before, say hello to the rellies down there for me (on my mums side)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 29, 2018, 02:54:30 PM
Totally knackered tonight, busy day at work. 25 min (should be 30) lunch and no 15 min coffee breaks . Got my repeat prescription to night and then popped in the store next door for some sandwich meat, raided the bargain shelf and got a nice chicken pie for tea , honey yogurt and a small banoffie cake for £3 so that was tea and pudding sorted. 8 weeks   on patches now and the girls are changing shape and getting a lot firmer , have to be careful not to bump and just pulling down on ratchet to undo tight bolt pulled. Need to make a green teanow and watching Car SOS so night night.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 30, 2018, 03:07:20 PM
Boob news, filling out towards cleavage . Also think my but is bigger.Happy days
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on January 30, 2018, 03:15:40 PM
Yay, happy days indeed Davina. Somehow I knew things would move along quite speedily with you.

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: KathyLauren on January 30, 2018, 03:53:39 PM
Cleavage already?  The boob fairy must like you!  Congrats!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on January 30, 2018, 03:56:07 PM
 If you are getting cleavage I want to know who you bribed.

Congrats girl.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Cassi on January 30, 2018, 05:26:11 PM
Quote from: Laurie on January 30, 2018, 03:56:07 PM
If you are getting cleavage I want to know who you bribed.

Congrats girl.


Geez,  if they had only held off on deporting the Boob Fairy and Butt Elf!!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 31, 2018, 02:26:02 PM
Surprised me as didn't expect much yet but then did have a start with the moobs . Still tire, arms ache must be getting old!!!!!! Got a spot right in the middle of chin, think its a hair root gone funny or ingrowing as it started as a black dot. Hope the anti septic cream works. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on January 31, 2018, 07:03:23 PM
Quote from: davina61 on January 30, 2018, 03:07:20 PM
Boob news, filling out towards cleavage . Also think my but is bigger.Happy days

BOOBS and BUTTS...we want them both with plenty of shape LOL

Quote from: davina61 on January 29, 2018, 02:54:30 PM
....the girls are changing shape and getting a lot firmer , have to be careful not to bump and just pulling down on ratchet to undo tight bolt pulled...

Good news if they are tender it probably means they are growing...usually comes in growth spurts(YMMV} where they get tender to sore for a few weeks (months?)  take care of those girls


Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 02, 2018, 03:00:49 PM
yes caught them a few times, find it easier to check rear seat belts on 2 door cars by kneeling on drivers seat and reaching into back but have to be carful with the boobage on seat back. Getting more sore as well , positivness. Spot on chin now drying up at last. I wonder if my thyroid if under performing , daughter has to take meds for hers  and might explain why feel so knackered , might also be reason having trouble losing weight. Just a thought.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on February 03, 2018, 08:31:19 AM
Don't quote me on this, but wouldn't beginning HRT make you tired for a while until your body settles?
I could be talking hogwash because I haven't started hormones yet, just throwing it out there. Maybe run it past some others here who have experience in such matters.

Have you been trough deedpol yet Davina? Just about to start researching what I have to do to loose the dead name that follows me about like a lost shadow. A bit of a step for me, and i'm not sure if I should wait until I get to see someone at the GC clinic, but that's at leas another year away, maybe more.

Peace and love and all that good stuff,


Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 04, 2018, 01:58:15 PM
Could be the HRT, if I have a good sleep that helps. Need to get my friend to take the deed pol docs to his solicitor to witness him signing ( pain in arse) and missed seeing him last month club meet as I was ill. Visited my daughter this morning in there new house, took mum as well, it will be nice when the new heating and kitchen are in. They only moved in yesterday and started stripping wall paper in the grandsons room already. She told me some good news, looks like I will be a grandparent again August time. Spent the afternoon cooking mushroom curry , Lamb passander, spiced gram floor flat breads and Indian rice pudding. Also made a sponge cake for work as manager is leaving (shame as he is OK) . Wonder what sort of dick head we will end up with.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on February 07, 2018, 03:50:00 AM
That's awesome news Nanny Davina :)

Hope the new manager works out o.k. You never know you may get on great. New managers are a bit of a lottery I must admit as they tent to want to put their own stamp on things initially.

Hope you are well,

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 07, 2018, 04:42:50 PM
Damn every time I try to sort my deed pol out I get kicked back. Took papers to hot rod club meet last night and my friend didn't show , not answering phone either so hope he is ok. Will get there one day. Sara sent me a text to see how I was , that's nice. Day off tomorrow , cant be bothered to do camper as its sooooo cold and I have no fuel for space heater. Need to clean flat, sort stuff and COOK might make butter chicken but need cream and onions. Date and walnut cake as well.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on February 07, 2018, 07:25:43 PM
Sorry to hear your deel pol is still in limbo... but you will get it.  Very glad to hear Sara from Wales sent a text. 
Enjoy your day off tomorrow!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 08, 2018, 01:10:22 PM
Good day off , cleaning, washing and cooking . A womans work is never done!!!!! Walked up to the local shop and got some supplies then went in chemist next door and got some surgical spirit to remove patch glue residue, it works. Sara wants to come over Sat but working till 4.30 5ish when I get in and looking at wifes brakes on Sun so waiting to see if shes coming , rain forecast Sat as well and shes on a bike.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: p on February 08, 2018, 01:59:26 PM
I hope you have a nice visit with Sarah if it works out. I really should have something to snack on while I catch up on your thread--you are always making so many delicious dishes! I hope that you can sort out the tiredness. Big hugs!  :-*
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on February 08, 2018, 02:54:27 PM
Oh wow - I really hope Sara can come over Sunday, that would be awesome.  I hope the weather cooperates as her only vehicle is a motorcycle, when I was at her place a couple months ago the roads had light snow. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on February 08, 2018, 09:22:53 PM
Hi Davina,

  I've been sort of out of touch on Susan's with visiting strange people who insist on being friends with me. I just don't know about some of these folk. I'm in California about 700 miles south of home fighting off honey badgers. I've heard Jessica is showing up tomorrow to "rescue" me.. (chuckle) Little does she know what we have in store for her first day out as Jessica. Michelle and I have a few ideas.
  It would be so good for Sara to visit you if she can get there. Give her a good squeeze from me. I'd have you smack her up the side of her head for me if I thought it would help her. I guess a hug will have to do.

   You are just having a devil of a time with that deed poll aren't you? You will get it done I'm sure but hold ups can be so demoralizing when you want to get something done.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 09, 2018, 02:54:18 PM
Looks like the weather has put Sara off, was going to book a Saturday off work but found out today we cant take holiday from the last 2 weeks in FEB to the end of the first week in APRIL . The also say no holidays last 2 weeks of DEC and first week of JAN . Had enough of this firm I tell you trouble is don't think I could get a job at my age  somewhere else.Anyway moan over, will tx Sara to see whats what. Laurie darling sounds like you are having fun girl, enjoy
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 10, 2018, 02:33:09 PM
if the weather is ok then might have a visit next Sun/Mon as got Monday off as my lieu day, need to go for a blood test as well.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 11, 2018, 02:50:02 PM
Pissed of with myself as did something without thinking and caused upset, its my dyslectic brain as it sees thinks as just yes or no , black or white. On a better note fixed the brake on wifes Land rover Defender, well as good as you can make a poor design work, the shoe retaining pin had fallen out and the clip was scrapping in the drum. Good job I had some spares left over from when I had a workshop. Still bloody tiered nipples hurt more and arms ache , working then!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: p on February 12, 2018, 02:13:05 PM
I'm sorry to hear you've had some rough spots with the bad news about holiday schedules and the mixup you mentioned earlier. I think that any company would be lucky to have you, Davina. I hope that you are enjoying your day off! 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on February 12, 2018, 02:13:55 PM
None of us are perfect Davina, I'm always unintentionally putting my foot in it. I think when you're tired the brain goes into binary mode anyways.

Glad to here things are working, yay for sore nipples but I guess not as sore as mine when I got once caught in an epilator the other day. ;D

Have a lovely week,

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 12, 2018, 03:29:32 PM
yes tired does me no good, nipples getting more sore and small walnut size behind  .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Cassi on February 12, 2018, 06:21:36 PM
Quote from: davina61 on February 12, 2018, 03:29:32 PM
yes tired does me no good, nipples getting more sore and small walnut size behind  .

Congratulations!  You are now a member of the SNC!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on February 12, 2018, 06:47:33 PM
Hi Davina,

  Don't be hard on yourself girl. The issue you spoke of was not something to let bother you as you only had a small part in it and there were others that were involved. There wasn't any knowing it would cause a problem. Volatile states of mind were in play.
   Good on you with the new chest developments going on. Sore you may be but you are loving every bit of it. Aren't you girl. You must keep in mind that a certain level of new care is now going to be required and Sadie found out. be sure to familiarize yourself with the owners manual soon to avoid painful operator errors as Sadie found out. Frequent massaging is certainly allowed ....even pleasurable but rough abuse of the new equipment has it's consequences. If you treat them with gentile kindness they will provide you with many years of enjoyment.


Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 13, 2018, 01:50:59 PM
epilator , yes as had to use it on tops of my ears. its only a cheap battery one that mum gave me so not used much. 4 blade face razor after 4 or 5 days face use does body hair ok. Massage , no  to tender yet, washing in shower have to be careful as rubbed   across one ( not the most sore side) and that came sharp!!!! just had 2 pancakes for pud , made toad in the hole with the rest of batter. STUFFED.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 14, 2018, 02:24:05 PM
Got the same gift for valentines day that I have had for the last 15 years, BUGGER ALL. Plumbers  at work today to sort out drains, had to show them what the fault was and he asked my name and he called me Davina all the time. But then a customer called me a gentleman for sorting his daughters car. I said not any longer but it didn't register, note to self paint nails and wear brighter earrings (clear coat on at the moment). Tried to book blood test for my day of on Mon but they are fully booked all week but fitted me in Wed morning before they start proper,need to get next lieu day sorted to get my anti T shot booked.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on February 14, 2018, 02:32:26 PM
Davina, Happy Valentine's Day!!  Best wishes
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on February 14, 2018, 02:36:56 PM
Yes my dear Davina Happy Valentines Day.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 14, 2018, 03:01:57 PM
Yes my dears Happy Valentines day, enjoy your virtual flowers, candy and wine.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Cassi on February 16, 2018, 01:42:39 PM
Quote from: davina61 on February 14, 2018, 03:01:57 PM
Yes my dears Happy Valentines day, enjoy your virtual flowers, candy and wine.

U 2 DaVina!  I've had a tillle two much virtual wine, hicup.  :icon_weee: :icon_lalala: :icon_lol:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 16, 2018, 02:45:28 PM
New manager is suppose to pick up his works car tomorrow so hopefully will get introduced . Going to paint my nails and put in some bright earrings to make it obvious . Glad I have the breast forms on as smacked myself with the headlamp aligner (twice!!) in fact went to bed without them and it was uncomfortable. Daughter emailed pics of here baby scan, all is good and due in August.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 19, 2018, 07:26:34 AM
So a captive turned up, the 2 wheeled transport device secured in locked garage to stop her escaping , she was force feed dark brown liquid with a white froth on top from some place called higherland and much food with many spices.  She was then shut in living room over night and must have made a nest on sofa. This morning she escaped from living room and raided my cupboard and consumed my tropical granola before donning protective clothing and forcing her way to the garage to free the captive steed , vainly I tried to hold her back with a bear hug but she leaped on her device saying  I have to get back for the dog

(apologise to Laurie for nicking her style)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on February 19, 2018, 12:51:03 PM
Lmao Davina,

  It is okay Davina, I forgot to patent it. I got a kick out of your borrowing it and the comment too. I do relate well to your captive though it can be difficult to escape from loving kindness, good food, and bear hugs. I know this with first hand knowledge. I hope you enjoyed your time with your special captive.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 19, 2018, 01:20:03 PM
Yes a good time was had. Forgot to say new manager came into work on Sat and seems OK, told him my name  is Davina and that was ok. He starts next Monday. Dash forgot to phone docs for my injection on the 8th. Must start diet tomorrow but still have nan breads and parathas left over , the veg curry and rice will be ok. Made a chicken curry tonight to use up some yogurt as was dated best before on the 14th and that's 3 meals for the freezer. Still have 100ml of yogurt left so will search my books for something to make with it.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: p on February 19, 2018, 01:28:45 PM
Davina, so glad you had a nice visit with Sarah and that your manager seemed okay. Good luck on the diet!  :-*
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on February 19, 2018, 01:38:43 PM
Is Sara there from Wales?!  Please tell her I said hi - I'm jumping up and down with happiness hearing she motorcycled over to your place for a visit.  Yaaaayyyyy!   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 19, 2018, 01:50:16 PM
My visitor left this morning but will text to see if she got back ok
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 20, 2018, 02:59:48 PM
After the weekend blow out I cant do up my work trousers , good job that I kept my old ones. Well the diet defiantly starts today. Noticed that my skin was very soft where the HRT patch had been, sudden spurt on left breast , seems to alternate and made me wonder if its from having the patches on that side on legs??
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on February 20, 2018, 03:12:18 PM
Quote from: davina61 on February 20, 2018, 02:59:48 PM
After the weekend blow out I cant do up my work trousers , good job that I kept my old ones. Well the diet defiantly starts today. Noticed that my skin was very soft where the HRT patch had been, sudden spurt on left breast , seems to alternate and made me wonder if its from having the patches on that side on legs??

  Well Davina anyone can see you like food as much as I do so we I can understand the pants problem. As for the uneven spurts is concerned it should be easy to even them out. Just alternate legs. LOL

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 21, 2018, 02:40:20 PM
Went to see the vampire this morning and booked in to have my anti T shot in 2 weeks time. Diet going ok at the moment, cut down and not feeling hungry, made a batch of rice tonight as wanted to use up some yogurt . hate throwing food away so recipe in Indian cook book for rice with cucumber and carrot and it will keep in fridge as ment to be eaten cold with chutney .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 22, 2018, 03:12:35 PM
We had an after work meeting with the new manager(he has big plans but so have previous ones!!!) and he said to the lads I have heard you call Davina by old name and asked them to call me by my new name . What a star, just need to see if his walk matches his talk.
Disturbed sleep last night as the girls get more "painful" and had some weird dreams that disrupted me as well. that's the joys of HRT then.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on February 22, 2018, 04:41:28 PM
Quote from: davina61 on February 22, 2018, 03:12:35 PM
We had an after work meeting with the new manager(he has big plans but so have previous ones!!!) and he said to the lads I have heard you call Davina by old name and asked them to call me by my new name . What a star, just need to see if his walk matches his talk.
Disturbed sleep last night as the girls get more "painful" and had some weird dreams that disrupted me as well. that's the joys of HRT then.

Wow Davina, your new manager sounds great. He didn't have to say what he did, I'd take that as a win. :)

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on February 22, 2018, 05:05:29 PM
Quote from: Shy on February 22, 2018, 04:41:28 PM
Wow Davina, your new manager sounds great. He didn't have to say what he did, I'd take that as a win. :)

Peace and love and all that good stuff,


I have to go along with Sadie here Davina. It is a win anyway you want to look at it.

I will agree with you also that it will take time to see how he walks.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on February 22, 2018, 07:43:56 PM
Definitely a star.  Your new manager's talk already accomplished a lot. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: p on February 23, 2018, 12:23:19 PM
Quote from: davina61 on February 22, 2018, 03:12:35 PM
We had an after work meeting with the new manager(he has big plans but so have previous ones!!!) and he said to the lads I have heard you call Davina by old name and asked them to call me by my new name .

Yay! That is so wonderful Davina!  :-*
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 23, 2018, 02:52:32 PM
Got blanked by a trans lady today, she does it well but voice still a bit deep/off and a lot of make up also the shoes in her car extra wide from same place I got mine (still had the label under side ). Still having grief from my electric supplier , tried to contact you was one call that rang of before I could answer so sent them yet another pissy e mail.Breasts hurting even more and a good size hard "lump" behind nipple now. Blood nurse rang me and left a message to ring docs , bet kidney test was of again. Must drink more water and not coffee at work.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on February 23, 2018, 02:59:20 PM
Quote from: davina61 on February 23, 2018, 02:52:32 PM
Got blanked by a trans lady today, she does it well but voice still a bit deep/off and a lot of make up also the shoes in her car extra wide from same place I got mine (still had the label under side ). Still having grief from my electric supplier , tried to contact you was one call that rang of before I could answer so sent them yet another pissy e mail.Breasts hurting even more and a good size hard "lump" behind nipple now. Blood nurse rang me and left a message to ring docs , bet kidney test was of again. Must drink more water and not coffee at work.

Hey Girl Congrats on the sore boobs and the progress.

  Now you listen here, Missy. You take care of those kidneys! Yes you can get by with just one but it needs to be working right to do so. Drink your water and keep bad things flushing through. Don't make me come smack you.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 23, 2018, 03:12:28 PM
Now that's a nice thing you being close enough to give me a smack. Will have to wait till Monday now to ring back.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 25, 2018, 08:59:35 AM
Thought about going to weld bus today but its to bl**dy cold , 3 deg C , then my youngest text me can I fix steering damper on his motor bike as thread stripped. Work clothes and 2 coats made it just about ok , fixed it by retapping thread and fitting longer allen bolt with thread lock. He needs it to get to work as fixing the brakes on his Evo and calipers will take a week to be refurbished, only problem is its supposed to snow Monday night through to Wednesday so not good to ride a R1 !!!!! Got back for 12 and started to make lamb and lentils (Dal Gosht) to freeze , well one for tomorrow tea and should get 3 servings to freeze. GOOD news my work trousers do up after a weeks diet , lost 3lb+ . made some garlic/ginger paste to go in fridge and my hands stink of garlic after 3 washes . Could be worse !!!!! Getting weird dreams lately like having a big but and tiny waist (in my dreams , oh yes it was!) and being in a strange house and helping myself to a glass of wine then saying just making myself at home. Very strange HRT effects????
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Cassi on February 25, 2018, 05:49:30 PM
Quote from: davina61 on February 25, 2018, 08:59:35 AM
Thought about going to weld bus today but its to bl**dy cold , 3 deg C , then my youngest text me can I fix steering damper on his motor bike as thread stripped. Work clothes and 2 coats made it just about ok , fixed it by retapping thread and fitting longer allen bolt with thread lock. He needs it to get to work as fixing the brakes on his Evo and calipers will take a week to be refurbished, only problem is its supposed to snow Monday night through to Wednesday so not good to ride a R1 !!!!! Got back for 12 and started to make lamb and lentils (Dal Gosht) to freeze , well one for tomorrow tea and should get 3 servings to freeze. GOOD news my work trousers do up after a weeks diet , lost 3lb+ . made some garlic/ginger paste to go in fridge and my hands stink of garlic after 3 washes . Could be worse !!!!! Getting weird dreams lately like having a big but and tiny waist (in my dreams , oh yes it was!) and being in a strange house and helping myself to a glass of wine then saying just making myself at home. Very strange HRT effects????

Curiouser and curiouser.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Rachel on February 25, 2018, 05:54:26 PM
Tiny waist, I hope you and I have that reality. :)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Cassi on February 25, 2018, 05:56:00 PM
Just don't drink any bottle that has a label or tag saying drink me :)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 26, 2018, 01:01:46 PM
Off with her head!!!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 26, 2018, 01:15:14 PM
Docs call back was just to make an appointment for a check up, part of my care plan. That's the 14th , shame they cant fit me in on 8th as that when I get anti T injection and its my day off. Shower time now back in a bit XXXX
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 01, 2018, 02:28:33 PM
Well thats been a few days of same old apart from the snow and cold, it was -4 deg C this morning , waiting to see if we get the 15cm promised for tonight.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on March 01, 2018, 02:48:02 PM
Stay inside and stay warm Davina.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on March 01, 2018, 03:15:49 PM
Quote from: davina61 on February 26, 2018, 01:15:14 PM
Docs call back was just to make an appointment for a check up, part of my care plan. That's the 14th , shame they cant fit me in on 8th as that when I get anti T injection and its my day off. Shower time now back in a bit XXXX

Davina!  This was your thousandth post! 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 01, 2018, 04:08:48 PM
wahey 1002 now!!!!! but way behind you girls, Laurie stupid panel heater wont keep up with the room size so have a fan heater to top it up. Sash window (with secondary glazing) was frozen on inside this morning in kitchen
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on March 01, 2018, 04:40:15 PM
Cold that is yes.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on March 02, 2018, 04:20:25 AM
I opened my front door this morning Davina only to be confronted with a snow drift up to my waist. Luckily the back door was clear. Got a load more snow coming in this afternoon according to the forecast, it's freezing rain just now which really stings.  Be glad when this Siberian weather goes back to Siberia. ;D  My sister's of to Iceland today where ironically  it's warmer, I hope her flight isn't canceled.

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 02, 2018, 02:45:31 PM
Yes we had more snow this afternoon, "fun" driving home as it took 45 mins due to getting stuck behind 2 tractors towing box trailers full of feed beet at 15 mph for about 8 miles. It was ok to do 25 to 30 in the slush, didn't like how close the idiot in  the Landrover was following . It might have been just front wheel drive as well and on low profile tyres so not a lot of braking grip. Need to do a big grocery shop after work tomorrow so hope there is still stuff in the super market as idiots have been panic buying
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 04, 2018, 08:11:28 AM
Defiantly need to got some fillet breast forms as the ones I have don't sit well now (flat on back) have found AA/A to C ones tear drop shape from same place . Got to do my Continues Progressive Development exam for work this afternoon , needs to be done by 31st or no job! but having to do it in my own time (WHAT)as they wont give me time at work . Robbing Ba****ds 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 04, 2018, 09:22:01 AM
So just done the test and got 93.3 % (2 wrong out of 30) one changed my mind on as wording ambiguous and the other was for a class I don't test so happy with that. Was multiple choice .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on March 04, 2018, 01:53:36 PM
Top marks Davina :eusa_dance: And so you should be happy, you've worked hard to get where you are.

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: p on March 05, 2018, 01:31:58 PM
Well done on your test Davina!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 05, 2018, 02:45:34 PM
Thanks girls, tell you what I have niggled my back (catches when twisting/bending ) and couldn't think how I had strained it but it was carrying a bag of shopping up 3 flights of stairs. It was a BIG bag full of packs of meat, fish , veg must have been 25/30 LB and I had the smaller bag full as well in the other hand. That last flight of stairs is so narrow and steep , Victorian and must have been the servants quarters on top floor ?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on March 05, 2018, 02:53:38 PM
Girl, please be careful!  HRT reduces muscle mass and that includes your back.  There is also an upside - correctly monitored HRT can reduce or halt bone density loss from aging - but your brain hasn't had time to adapt to reduced lifting strength. 

When I was younger I lifted a Ford 289 V-8 engine block off a bench and set it onto my truck's tailgate.  I had an engine crane nearby but it was faster to just pick the thing up myself.  The engine block was empty (no crankshaft etc) but these days I can't even open a new kitchen jar without using oil filter pliers. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Cassi on March 05, 2018, 02:58:56 PM
Quote from: Kendra on March 05, 2018, 02:53:38 PM
Girl, please be careful!  HRT reduces muscle mass and that includes your back.  There is also an upside - correctly monitored HRT can reduce or halt bone density loss from aging - but your brain hasn't had time to adapt to reduced lifting strength. 

When I was younger I lifted a Ford 289 V-8 engine block off a bench and set it onto my truck's tailgate.  I had an engine crane nearby but it was faster to just pick the thing up myself.  The engine block was empty (no crankshaft etc) but these days I can't even open a new kitchen jar without using oil filter pliers.

Funny you should mention this.  Just a little while ago I was trying to put some plates I wash back into the cupboard and actually had 4 of them together which wasn't an issue before but had issues holding them and I've only been on the HRT for two months.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 05, 2018, 04:27:15 PM
Well I did reply but it went walkabout!!!! Yes have lifted my bare 340 mopar block from the floor to the bench. Have an old back injury and the twisting motion of lifting the bag up the last steps 3 at a time and then climbing aggravated it.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Cassi on March 05, 2018, 11:07:30 PM
Quote from: davina61 on March 05, 2018, 04:27:15 PM
Well I did reply but it went walkabout!!!! Yes have lifted my bare 340 mopar block from the floor to the bench. Have an old back injury and the twisting motion of lifting the bag up the last steps 3 at a time and then climbing aggravated it.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 07, 2018, 04:26:36 PM
back has got much better thanks, anyway went to Hot Rod club night yesterday and wore my skinny jeans that used to be baggy around the bum. They are not baggy anymore!!!!!!! Still trying to co-ordinate my friend to sign deed pol so need to work out my next day off and go with him to my solicitor. Wanted to get my manager to sort my next lieu day today so as I have the day of tomorrow I could arrange  every thing but he never got around to it. Docs first thing for jab then need to get some new work boots, feel a cake bake coming.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: bobbisue on March 07, 2018, 11:02:32 PM
     Good luck with the doc and finding some nice work boots I am having a bugger of a time finding some nice work boots as I am a size 12 I found an awesome pair online but they only go to a size 11  :( I am glad your back is feeling better

     bobbisue :)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 08, 2018, 03:23:10 AM
Went for my injection first thing, she said is it painful and I nearly did a Devlin as the reply  went through my mind "its just a little prick, well It is after this!!" but I am too polite and said its fine thanks . Right of to the shop for boots, hand cream, wine ! that's not a shopping list you see every day.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on March 08, 2018, 05:33:56 AM
Quote from: davina61 on March 08, 2018, 03:23:10 AM
Went for my injection first thing, she said is it painful and I nearly did a Devlin as the reply  went through my mind "its just a little prick, well It is after this!!" but I am too polite and said its fine thanks . Right of to the shop for boots, hand cream, wine ! that's not a shopping list you see every day.

May be a little unusual but a mighty fine list though ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Cassi on March 08, 2018, 06:29:58 PM
Ah, such a party animal! :)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on March 09, 2018, 09:22:51 AM
Quote from: davina61 on March 08, 2018, 03:23:10 AM
Went for my injection first thing, she said is it painful and I nearly did a Devlin as the reply  went through my mind "its just a little prick, well It is after this!!" but I am too polite and said its fine thanks . Right of to the shop for boots, hand cream, wine ! that's not a shopping list you see every day.

Ha, had a flashback of Crocodile Dundee. 'That's not a needle, this is a needle!' Your nurse wasn't an Aussie by any chance? ;D

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 09, 2018, 02:31:11 PM
The new work boots, well always been a size 10 (uk) but tried on some 9s and they fit perfectly and after 1 day did not make my feet sore.. Rushing this morning and took my old patch off then forgot to put the new one on. First thing tonight so sorted now. My new breast forms came , not sure if I have done the right thing by ordering tear drop shape as they need gluing at the top to stay put and blend but a much better shape.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Bari Jo on March 09, 2018, 07:19:20 PM
Davina did you get gender affirming work boots?  I've been trying to find some.

Bari Jo
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: bobbisue on March 09, 2018, 08:52:04 PM
      There are some nice gender affirming work boots out there if your feet are not too big most go to us size 10 or 11 sadly I need a size 12 I might have to settle for pink laces but I am still looking

     bobbisue :)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Bari Jo on March 09, 2018, 09:09:58 PM
Quote from: bobbisue on March 09, 2018, 08:52:04 PM
      There are some nice gender affirming work boots out there if your feet are not too big most go to us size 10 or 11 sadly I need a size 12 I might have to settle for pink laces but I am still looking

     bobbisue :)

Bobbisue please let me know, pm please.  I've been using red wings and although they are comfortable, they make me sad every time I see them.

Bari Jo
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on March 09, 2018, 11:07:13 PM
Quote from: davina61 on March 09, 2018, 02:31:11 PM
The new work boots, well always been a size 10 (uk) but tried on some 9s and they fit perfectly and after 1 day did not make my feet sore.. Rushing this morning and took my old patch off then forgot to put the new one on. First thing tonight so sorted now. My new breast forms came , not sure if I have done the right thing by ordering tear drop shape as they need gluing at the top to stay put and blend but a much better shape.

I have teardrop ones that I bought quite some time ago and have worn very rarely....they do look great and can be glued on or simply inserted in the correct size bra. Hope they look great on you  :D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 11, 2018, 10:47:09 AM
Had a captive for the weekend but she has slipped my grasp again, force fed her home made veg samosas followed by veg curry and chicken and tomato curry then salmon curry all with rice and roti (flat breads) After dragging her to see my drag car and camper ect she was forced to eat a ham salad . That nearly kept her here as she started to slip into a cationic state but a cup of brownish liquid with milk and sugar  must have been the antidote. Just hope her 2 wheeled steed gets her home ok, have a week off soon so promised to seek her out and force feed a curry again!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on March 11, 2018, 01:23:33 PM
I bet you're a wonderful host Davina, and your curries are legendary. Was the brownish liquid tea or chai? ;D

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 11, 2018, 02:40:27 PM
No Sadie coffee the elixir of life!!!!! The work boots brown suede effect steel toe cap ankle cut , they will soon be black and oily!!!!! Its a mucky job working on cars.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 13, 2018, 02:43:31 PM
Had to go to the other branch today to cover testing, they couldn't organize a p**S up in a brewery if some one opened the bottles and put the glasses out ready. Changed the order they wanted the tests done in and then didn't tell me (working of a sheet/list) and got arsy as started to test the "wrong" one . My reply did not go down well!!!!!!!! and then my last test was at 3.10 so did some paper work, went in office and there is a 4pm test on the board . Its now 4.30 and was told could leave at 5, said that's great thanks for telling me and he said its been on the board all day, turns out some one had booked on line and the other receptionist never said. He did apologise but that meant it  was 5 .20 when I left work and due to the road works took me over 1/2 an hour to get 3miles . Have to go on a diversion of  4 or 5 miles as well due to road closed through centre of town so took me nearly 1hour to do 20 min journey . On the 20th they are also closing a road that's part of the diversion (WTF) rant, rant. Wish I could retire now, anyway of to docs in the morning for check up first thing so will take it slow going to work after (they can bloody well wait!!!!)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on March 13, 2018, 10:04:52 PM
   Now now now Miss Davina you just calm yourself down before you pop a freeze plug. It's not worth getting all worked up over. It happened. It's over. You survived.
   Good Girl.

  I'm glad you fed your waif well before sending her on here way. She did show me a picture of you slaving over a hot stove with a big smile on your face.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on March 14, 2018, 05:03:00 AM
One of those days eh, Davina? We all get 'em and we all like to forget 'em. Hope today is better for you :).

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 14, 2018, 03:39:05 PM
Docs went ok, blood pressure on the high side but its been like that for years. T levels low and E high (didn't ask for figures)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on March 15, 2018, 05:30:24 AM
Quote from: davina61 on March 14, 2018, 03:39:05 PM
Docs went ok, blood pressure on the high side but its been like that for years. T levels low and E high (didn't ask for figures)

Great news Davina :) Great to here levels are where they should be. You must be pleased.  :D

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 15, 2018, 03:15:25 PM
Down side is feeling tired and hungry. Managed to arrange solicitors for next Thurs to get deed pol signed at last. Not good just pigged a bowl of cheesy biscuits and some mature cheddar cheese  with 1 and 1/2 glass of red. don't care happy now . Love to you all from a contented lady
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on March 17, 2018, 05:15:59 AM
Great news about the deed pol Davina :). I hope all goes smoothly. I shall start sorting mine after my birthday in May. Some days are just made for cheesy biscuits  :D

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on March 18, 2018, 01:43:12 AM
Quote from: davina61 on March 15, 2018, 03:15:25 PM
Down side is feeling tired and hungry. Managed to arrange solicitors for next Thurs to get deed pol signed at last. Not good just pigged a bowl of cheesy biscuits and some mature cheddar cheese  with 1 and 1/2 glass of red. don't care happy now . Love to you all from a contented lady

Good for you...I ate a whole bunch of Marshmallow eggs last nite and felt like I had climbed a wait!...maybe eaten a mountain is more appropriate.

Hope the deed poll goes smoothly for you

Take care

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 18, 2018, 10:35:03 AM
Retail therapy today, fought my way through the snow (not much TBH) as needed to get food and Easter eggs, hand and face cream , brow pencil from chemists and work socks . So after having to go in men's section for the socks I had a look around the ladies and out of place on end of rack was a shirt dress my size in black with roses on it . meant to be wasn't it!!!!!! Also got a skirt , its a black what I would call mole skin effect work style . Now its marked a 16 that should fit but its to tight but that's due to me getting FAT so diet is ON. Nipples even sorer today and trying my new softer breast forms as well, hope its a growth spurt.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 20, 2018, 03:28:32 PM
Just a ramble as life goes on , eat (curry) sleep work repeat , must get a T shirt made!!!!!! The girls seem to be growing fast but I do need to DIET.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on March 21, 2018, 04:47:45 AM
Quote from: davina61 on March 20, 2018, 03:28:32 PM
Just a ramble as life goes on , eat (curry) sleep work repeat , must get a T shirt made!!!!!! The girls seem to be growing fast but I do need to DIET.

Arg you've mentioned that four letter word Davina just as easter comes a knocking with a basket full of calories :D.
I'm sure with your culinary skills you'll be able to rustle up some low cal tasty grub.

Great news about the girls, you must be pleased :)

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Cassi on March 21, 2018, 11:14:22 AM
If you awl start talk'n bout Lamb fer Easter, I'm go'n scream...........................
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 21, 2018, 03:34:41 PM
What Easter?????? Firm I work for don't let us have the Friday or Monday holiday days just a day in lieu for the Monday (miserable bas***ds) . Might have pork for a change!!!! Day off tomorrow so lie in if I don't wake on my internal alarm.Need to get blood test results from doc to send to Gender GP , want to work on VW but have stuff to sort out like meter reading and some paper work. Life stuff , fun stuff another day then
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 22, 2018, 02:42:18 PM
Hopefully have the Deed Poll paper work sorted at last but it was to late to get it in the post tonight. Have blood test results T is .5 and E is 322 so looking good . Sent in my electric readings and £100 less than the last 1/4 but nothing has been changed, must check the readings back . Thing is its been cold so heating has been on longer , wonder if its to do with my complaint . Builder didn't come to look at windows , he did ring back after I left a message and said he had accidently wiped my previous reply and thought it was tomorrow so he is looking one night when I get in from work.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 23, 2018, 04:59:54 PM
Pissed off with work, only had a 15min lunch and no breaks as no slot blanked out for me, due to 2 piles of poo (1 is scrap) ended up a test behind . That would have been ok but some tit booked one on line so didn't finish work till 5.35 and then as just leaving the manager said area manager wants me to go to Gloucester tomorrow, cue lots of swearing. So have got to find this place and check out the equipment and get put on there system but it will be expected for me to start on first test at 8.30 , just hope they are not fully booked. Also pissed as not been able to go to post office to send my Deed Poll of. Different sort of pissed now as drank a large red wine, needed it after today just need to win the lotto
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 24, 2018, 02:56:38 PM
Well that was nowt to worry about, equipment the same as other branch. All the motors where newish and had a good lunch break. Still been unable to post papers as post office was shut by the time I got back ,will do it tomorrow.Time for a glass of vino me thinks.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on March 24, 2018, 05:26:08 PM
Monday Davina, I want to hear those papers are posted on Monday. If not I'll send a pigeon round to do it for you. :)

Peace and love and all that good stuff,


Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 25, 2018, 02:37:41 PM
 TODAY dear, it went this morning, managed to do a few hours work on the panel. Need to drill a load of hole in the load bay floor to plug weld it on, gave up after 6 .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Cassi on March 25, 2018, 02:55:12 PM
WOW, you people in the UK kinda do things like US normal people do!!!!!

Just kidding :)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 25, 2018, 04:12:26 PM
But I have never been "normal" what ever that is.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Cassi on March 25, 2018, 05:46:49 PM
Quote from: davina61 on March 25, 2018, 04:12:26 PM
But I have never been "normal" what ever that is.

Normal is over-rated :)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Sarah_P on March 25, 2018, 11:05:41 PM
Normal is what boring people call themselves.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Cassi on March 26, 2018, 12:22:15 AM
Quote from: Sarah_P on March 25, 2018, 11:05:41 PM
Normal is what boring people call themselves.

Yeah, kinda like a bunch of penguins dancing.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on March 26, 2018, 03:20:17 AM
Quote from: davina61 on March 25, 2018, 02:37:41 PM
TODAY dear, it went this morning, managed to do a few hours work on the panel. Need to drill a load of hole in the load bay floor to plug weld it on, gave up after 6 .

Good for you Davina, another box ticked, signed, sealed and delivered :) I guess it's pigeon pie for dinner then. ;D
Have a great week!

Peace and love and all that good stuff,


Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 26, 2018, 03:45:58 PM
Had another day with no break, told the manager not putting up with this and that's 2 hrs now owed me . Had a basket case to test at4 pm and some one managed to book a test at 4.50, well by the time I had written up (ok typed) out the 19 fails and 8 advisory's it was 5.15 so told manager not doing it as worked all day (8.30 to 5.30)non stop so left him to give customer the news that it wasn't done. Totally knackered now recon its wine o'clock   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 29, 2018, 02:55:30 PM
Still feeling very tired and no holiday over Easter  , in fact getting a bit narked with all the " every body enjoy your Easter break " on radio and telly. Still have some days off middle of April, might go and do a Laurie !!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 30, 2018, 02:44:46 PM
Well the girls are restless to day so tried on my 38A bra and , OK not tight but then the cups aren't slack either. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 30, 2018, 04:37:16 PM
Why is the back of my neck tickling, whats that lump????? bloody ladybird crawling around!!!!! TBW saw it in my on suit the other day but lost track
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on March 31, 2018, 03:39:33 AM
Hope you're feeling a little less tired Davina. Those girls use a lot of energy when they get restless.

Have a lovely day,

Peace and love and all that goos stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 31, 2018, 02:08:24 PM
Thanks Sadie , getting used to it and will have a bit of a rest tomorrow. Full day of work tomorrow though
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on March 31, 2018, 08:46:15 PM
Gee Davina they really do work you hard don't they!! That sucks that you have no break over Easter...So how are the girls today? Hopefully not giving you to much grief but you know they say...if they are sore they are I guess that is a bonus

Take care

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 01, 2018, 04:23:34 PM
Due a lieu day this week but don't know when it is yet, managed 4 hours work on panel and have started to weld in one 1/2 of load bay floor after drilling 200 hole to plug weld. Wore out one of my good drill bits. Got back home for 3pm and did some relaxing cooking. Made a batch of samosas , 10 mins kneading the dough is good, ran out of filling (left over from last batch) so put some cheese and tomato in and it was good. Of to bed but waiting for nails to dry/harden. Liz the girls are very sore , left one 2 days ok and now right is very sore, bring it on!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on April 01, 2018, 09:08:51 PM
Hi Davina,

  I see you are very busy at work and on that panel truck. That can get so tiring really quick. You needs those days off and yes I highly recommend a Laurie. It is certainly helping me feel better as I go wandering around spreading the Laurie.
  As for those girls, isn't great when you can "feel" the inside of the cups on the girls? Congrats on the progress. Glad to see you getting some time for your cooking too.

Hugs girl,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 02, 2018, 02:33:01 PM
Need to rant so pardon , Not only had to work this bank holiday Monday but no body told us it was 9 to 5 no 8 to 6 so we all got to work early. Then NO LUNCH BREAK AGAIN, managed to get 20 mins to shovel salad down my neck. Sat down to wait for home time and nearly fell asleep but did get to leave early. Words will be said and manager wasn't in so still not got my lieu day yet, rant, rant better now thanks.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on April 02, 2018, 05:40:22 PM

Yes, sometimes you just need to let off some steam.  Much better than doing something you may regret later. We can't have that Davina Go home and relax.


Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 03, 2018, 12:00:07 PM
HUGS back, feeling better tonight. Its Hot Rod club night and got to leave work 1/2 hour early (just having a coffee before hitting the shower) but do I dress up (literally) or jeans , think its jeans as still cold at night. Come on spring and pick the temp up. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 05, 2018, 12:52:55 PM
Nearly welded the 1/2 floor in then with 6 plug welds left ran out of wire. Have been invited to a Sunday pub lunch with Mum, my Auntie and Uncle and there friends that are camping in there caravan locally (regular thing) . Said to mother do you think they are ready for the full Davina, just need to decide what to wear. Deed Poll came back again, my friend needs to sign his section that he filled in. No ware does it say it needs to be signed, the box just says name. Then my solicitor has put my name not friends in bit he signed/witnessed   but will change it for free next week when I can get to him . They need to redo the notes that come with the form to make them easy to understand. Booked my next blood test early as last time it took a week after I needed it to get in.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on April 06, 2018, 04:33:40 AM
Quote from: davina61 on April 05, 2018, 12:52:55 PM
Nearly welded the 1/2 floor in then with 6 plug welds left ran out of wire. Have been invited to a Sunday pub lunch with Mum, my Auntie and Uncle and there friends that are camping in there caravan locally (regular thing) . Said to mother do you think they are ready for the full Davina, just need to decide what to wear. Deed Poll came back again, my friend needs to sign his section that he filled in. No ware does it say it needs to be signed, the box just says name. Then my solicitor has put my name not friends in bit he signed/witnessed   but will change it for free next week when I can get to him . They need to redo the notes that come with the form to make them easy to understand. Booked my next blood test early as last time it took a week after I needed it to get in.

You'll be o.k. Davina I'm sure. I did the whole relative thing over easter. I found that the men mostly ignored me, the women clung to their men and the youngsters were glued to their phones. Just normal family stuff really. I think if I'd turned up starkers nobody would have noticed :o Wear what makes you feel comfortable on the day and that will be the right outfit :)

Sorry to hear about the Deed Poll, hope it all gets sorted quickly. I'm dreading all that.

Enjoy your weekend,

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 07, 2018, 04:56:54 PM
Just spent 2 hours doing my nails for tomorrow and needed a wee and scuffed them taking my leggings down, taking ages for the clear coat to dry and want to go to bed (yawn)still can have a lie in tomorrow
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 08, 2018, 03:42:29 AM
Nail update, clear coat was matt looking this morning so opened the new bottle of clear and did top coat again and its drying , must have been the old one had lost its solvent as it was the last dregs. Now what to wear??????????????????
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on April 08, 2018, 03:43:40 AM
Quote from: davina61 on April 07, 2018, 04:56:54 PM
Just spent 2 hours doing my nails for tomorrow and needed a wee and scuffed them taking my leggings down, taking ages for the clear coat to dry and want to go to bed (yawn)still can have a lie in tomorrow

Ah the dreaded paint your nails want a pee moment :)
Fear not I have a solution in Barry M daylight curing topcoat in the gold bottle. It says you can't but you can use any polish with it. Cheap as chips, cruelty free, gives a gel like finish and surface, chip resistant, touch dries in a minute or so. Follow up with a spray of oil and they'll be rock solid In ten minutes or your money back. ;D

Have a great day out, hope it all goes well for you.

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 08, 2018, 03:55:14 AM
This is Hard as Nails , just supposed to be a clear coat /strengthener, nearly dry now
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 08, 2018, 10:44:18 AM
well sorry about pic quality but went like this( a really goodtime , also got my wig trimmed
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on April 08, 2018, 02:53:26 PM
Good for you Davina, I've been thinking of you all day hoping things went well for you. :)
You chose well with the outfit, I see they got the full Davina you brave girl.

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 09, 2018, 03:09:58 PM
That's it 10 days hols , of to solicitors first thing to sort out his mistake on Deed Poll followed by retail therapy ( not so glam as need welding wire and weld through primer) . Will check out the clothes stores as never know what's on offer/clearance followed by afternoon off.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on April 10, 2018, 03:56:35 AM
Quote from: davina61 on April 09, 2018, 03:09:58 PM
That's it 10 days hols , of to solicitors first thing to sort out his mistake on Deed Poll followed by retail therapy ( not so glam as need welding wire and weld through primer) . Will check out the clothes stores as never know what's on offer/clearance followed by afternoon off.

Have an nice rest Davina, you've earned it. Enjoy the retail therapy :D

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 10, 2018, 08:27:50 AM
only got a new sieve (melted my plastic one!!) saw a top that I liked but non in my size, nothing else caught my fancy. Paper work for name change in the post again ,3rd time lucky . Have a leg of lamb to cube and curry and thinking about a cake and apple crumble ,2 30 already better get a move on
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 10, 2018, 02:03:30 PM
Made a nice lamb and onion curry with roti (chapatti) bread , apple crumble and custard and a raisin and nut cake. well had to test it. Very sleepy now 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on April 10, 2018, 02:56:35 PM
The curry part sounds good but I'm not partial to lamb. The rest sounds delicious. Gope you are enjoying the time off

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Rachel on April 10, 2018, 05:48:09 PM
You sound like an amazing cook. I hope you enjoy your time off.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on April 10, 2018, 09:44:38 PM
Just saw you photo and you look lovely...I use the same nail hardening stuff you do and I came across a trick the other day which I tried out yesterday when doing my nails. After I finished I dipped my hands in a bowl of water and the nail polish dried immediately, Yes they were a little soft still but not going to smear or get all over everything. So for that OMG I just pained my nails and need to pee situation...a bowl of cold water!!

Take care
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 11, 2018, 02:53:55 PM
I did run the tap on them but think it was the end of bottle that didn't want to harden , spent the day (late getting up, over slept!!) working on panel van. Removed gearbox and then started taking front beam (suspension) of and then steering box as doing a home brew rack conversion. Found that the front panel needs cutting of higher than the repair panel I got so have to get a taller one. Cant fit 90deg box where I wanted as clutch pedal in the way (damn) but have worked it out, just need to cut a slot in "chassis " rail and box it with a tube. That's for the technically minded, for every one else its being changed as you cant get new bits and the old one is worn out. Large grinders day out tomorrow!!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 14, 2018, 02:27:39 PM
Bloody English weather,today is hotish, (19C) and sunny,  tomorrow when I want to go to a classic car/ hot rod meet  its cold wet and windy so my (birthday) day out is a wash out. More time on the panel van then. Would post a picture of the work I have managed on it this week ( don't take this the wrong way) but it probably wont mean much to most of you girls. TBH my talents are wasted in the job I have  but there is nothing around here so stuck in a job that's OK but does my head in. (
That's the notch cut in chassis to clear 90DEG box and bracket made to mount it, Its all boxed in and bracket welded on now
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on April 14, 2018, 03:55:55 PM
That photo looks excellent - notch you cut in the chassis looks precise like it was done at the factory.  I admire what you are doing.  I welded a small amount years ago and I was terrible at it. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 14, 2018, 04:14:36 PM
Need to fit the inner front panel tomorrow that goes across the chassis ends then the box section to mount steering rack from, will put up a finished photo when its done.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: bobbisue on April 14, 2018, 07:09:03 PM
I would love to see more pics I have a spitfire sitting under a foot of snow I would love to frankestien a new driveline into when money allows in the meantime I will have to settle for the old 1500

     Bobbisue :)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on April 14, 2018, 09:08:55 PM
That is much better than I could ever do.  When asked if I can weld I say I stick metal together! I agree with Kendra, a factory look.  Cheers!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 15, 2018, 02:28:48 PM
As its my birthday today decided to cook a biryani as a treat (its a lot of work) , worked out well and got to use my hob to oven pot. Eldest lad came to see me with his GF and gave them a container full . got a card and wine as well. text from daughter as grandson is sick . Mum got me a nice mirror that looks like a compact to go in my bag and her card and the one from my aunty/uncle said D*** (old name) on outside but Davina on the inside, that cheered me up. Managed to make mounting for steering rack , needs finish welding and gusseting but that will have to wait till Tuesday as builder coming to sort windows tomorrow. Off to open a bottle of red , CHEERS FOLK
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Sarah_P on April 15, 2018, 02:34:07 PM
Happy birthday Davina!! 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on April 15, 2018, 02:42:26 PM
Many happy returns Davina! Sounds like you had a great day :)

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 15, 2018, 02:51:35 PM
Ta its getting better 1/2 a glass gone already
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: islandgirl on April 15, 2018, 03:09:02 PM
Happy Birthday Davina!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on April 16, 2018, 01:53:00 AM
Happy Birthday!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 16, 2018, 04:20:16 AM
Thanks to everyone for best wishes, stuck in today waiting for builder to come back , checked out windows and has now gone to get materials and cut them to size first. Need to do a deep clean of flat but need to wait till he is finished. All the kitchen cupboards are sticky with grease from cooking Indian food, even with extractor fans on it gets everywhere .This afternoon have water company coming to see about fitting meter but any time from 1 to 6 , should 1/2 my bill though.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 16, 2018, 03:16:41 PM
( is the vanity mirror that mum got for my birthday, love my mum more so as it means acceptance . Builder "sorted" my windows, that's made the best out of a poor previous job. Water meter fitted and the lad that came didn't bat an eye when I opened the door in full Davina mode. No joy with electric meter, told to keep watching readings to see if it spikes
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on April 16, 2018, 04:01:40 PM
That was sweet of your mum to get that for you.  I hope the window repairs reduce your heating bill.  With the water meter you should see a big improvement!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Dena on April 16, 2018, 07:33:52 PM
Quote from: davina61 on April 16, 2018, 04:20:16 AM
All the kitchen cupboards are sticky with grease from cooking Indian food, even with extractor fans on it gets everywhere.
You need to consider getting something like this ( Most of the time I can contain my mess with a high sided pan but when cooking something messy, I get the splash guard out. What can I say, I'm Lazy and cleaning amounts to putting the splash guard in the dishwasher.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on April 16, 2018, 07:37:13 PM
Yes!  I have one of those and it works well.  The best part is that it's dishwasher safe.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: bobbisue on April 16, 2018, 10:30:04 PM
     Sorry I am a little late to the party but HAPPY BIRTHDAY

     Bobbisue :)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 17, 2018, 12:20:18 PM
this is what I have been making to convert van from a steering box to a rack([/img]
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 17, 2018, 12:22:23 PM
( that's what I look like doing it!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on April 17, 2018, 04:43:40 PM
Quote from: davina61 on April 17, 2018, 12:22:23 PM
( that's what I look like doing it!!!!

Davina:  Wow, that looks like quite a job that you have just about conquered.... I love your goggles and hat. 
...just be careful that you don't break a nail... perhaps a manicure is in order after you get the job completed...
... and maybe a victory dinner!!!
Very interesting repair pictures ... all of them have been great to see. 
I'll certainly be looking for your "job completed" post.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 17, 2018, 04:47:25 PM
Did chip a few even through 2 pairs of gloves so a bit of filing needed.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on April 17, 2018, 06:03:40 PM
Happy belated birthday.  That looks great.  I'm sure you'll enjoy that conversion.  But brrrr, you do look chilly.  Is there heat in your shop?   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on April 18, 2018, 03:29:44 AM
Where's the snorkel and flippers ;D

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 18, 2018, 02:26:50 PM
it wasn't that cold but lay on a damp concrete floor is not very nice, it was 12C yesterday and 23C today. Polo shirt only after a session of welding, coat more for protection and hat instead of hair as don't want to burn that @£180.  Fitted the second load floor section and started to fit the panel between wheel arches but almost out of gas. Today was going OK till got back home and Deed poll back in the post again, after saying it needed to be shown as exhibit A they now say that one copy does not need that on it WTF . Did have a spare one so stuck it back in envelope but need to go to post office to send it . Of course its shut before and after work and lunch time is not long enough so will have to wait till Sunday (insert your choice of swear word here). Nice to walk around the flat in a thin dress and not have the heating on and its supposed to stay hot till next week, we shall see!!! 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on April 18, 2018, 02:43:09 PM
Happy Birthday Davina,
  I'm a bit late but with me that's not unusual. Glad that project is going well. That dang deed poll will go through eventually. Enjoy the warmer weather while you can girl.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 18, 2018, 03:01:34 PM
Thanks Laurie, back to the daily grind tomorrow still if wearing a polo shirt may not get "mate" so much as the girls will show a lot more
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 19, 2018, 01:43:47 PM
Back to work and the lad that was being "off" with me was fine on the point of being chatty !!!!! After my 10 days of and them being short staffed (he was away today (in joke) I think he now knows how much I do.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 20, 2018, 01:41:41 PM
well the sun is shining and all the lovely young ladies are walking past work in shorts and summer dresses not helping me much , more jealous than dysphoric . Do think she is starting to look back at me now , will wait till 6 month HRT to take a photo (not that long)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on April 20, 2018, 01:51:41 PM
Davinia Dear,

   "She" has been looking at us for months already. We see her in your avatar, in your sweet nature and in your cooking. She has been with you all along. And she is lovely.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 20, 2018, 02:26:10 PM
aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh  thanks love , just need to shrink that belly
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on April 21, 2018, 04:07:16 AM
Nice to hear you're beginning to see your true reflection Davina :) I get glimpses from time to time. I also noticed big change in you're latest photo.

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 21, 2018, 02:28:11 PM
The one with the goggles?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on April 21, 2018, 11:36:36 PM
Quote from: davina61 on April 20, 2018, 01:41:41 PM
....... Do think she is starting to look back at me now , will wait till 6 month HRT to take a photo (not that long)

Hi Davina

That's great to hear...its possibly one of the hardest things to see all the changes we have made and to let "her" have her way. I am so glad you are seeing her and I am sure the longer you are on HRT the easier it will be...

Take care
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 22, 2018, 04:06:24 PM
Ran out of welding gas so came back early and made a veg curry, saw the (nearly) ex this morning and said if I made one would bring her a pot full, made a big batch so (have storage containers, cheap thin plastic)filled up 4 small and one large and a bowl. Rang wife and she said come after 7pm so took the big one for the daughter and small one for missis with a beef korma and some roti. when I got there daughter was visiting and I got to see grandson, he has had scarlet fever and been very poorly .  Big hug from daughter , hugged missis and almost got pushed away!!!! came away with some rhubarb so crumble time. BTW as it was very hot wearing long and split to knee shirt dress so kept  it on, its that long have to pick it up to walk up stairs but its shorter than last year due to boobage!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on April 22, 2018, 04:54:01 PM
 Hi Davinia,

  Taking the soon ex wife and your daughter some of your culinary delights was very nice of you. Too bad the wife felt the need to rebuff your hug. Glad you got to see the grandchild and your daughter. Scarlet fever huh? That a bad one isn't it?
  Clothing adjustments by boobage... I'll have to try that sometime.  Keep cooking Hun. I need to go grocery shopping to replenish the missing Items my sister used up. Even the freezer is showing signs of pilfering.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 23, 2018, 03:40:21 PM
Need to pilfer mine as its getting full of home made meals. made a rhubarb crumble tonight. Went for a blood test this morning and instead of the practice nurse saw the phlebotomist , butchered my arm as she jabbed the needle in and then wrenched it back out (hurt more coming out!) . Then said Oh its bruising , no >-bleeped-< was my thought but to polite to say anything. Don't have this with the nurse. Then she asked if I was male to female? not sure how to take that one!!!!     
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 24, 2018, 02:57:55 PM
Yes bloody great 1 1/2 ins bruise , thinking about that she asked if I was m to f that should mean she could not tell so must be getting somewhere. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on April 24, 2018, 09:55:36 PM
Yes Dear, You are getting somewhere. If they have to ask they are not sure.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 26, 2018, 01:31:03 PM
This bruise from the blood taking butcher is getting bigger, its now 3 in x 2 in and turned black and dark purple. Looks like not bothered to wash properly. Feeling tired again but the weathers going colder, slept fine the last few nights so its not from lack of kip . Not much happening at the moment (yawn) but the girls are still growing slowly and at times painfully . NPNG!!! 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 27, 2018, 12:46:26 PM
Deed Poll came back again----------------- and now I am officially DAVINA MARTINA  , now comes the fun of changing every thing . Drivers licence and bank a/c first I think
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: islandgirl on April 27, 2018, 01:01:37 PM
That is fabulous news! The ID changes can be overwhelming but oh so nice when each one is completed and you see your name on them!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on April 27, 2018, 01:15:34 PM
Davina Martina, Congratulations!  I know you started on getting your legal name change last year - finally there!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on April 27, 2018, 01:54:38 PM
YAY! Davina is officially here at last!!  Congratulations DAVINA MARTINA ! 

We always knew who you are but now the government does.

Woohoo you go girl.

Hugs and more Hugs,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 27, 2018, 02:28:46 PM
should have done a wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Now lets see if I can down load form for licence
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on April 27, 2018, 02:56:35 PM
How about a  Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!  ?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 27, 2018, 03:15:42 PM
Glass of wine time me thinks , cheers everyone
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on April 27, 2018, 05:15:07 PM
Hi official DAVINA MARTINA ;D Glad it finally worked out for you :)

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on April 27, 2018, 07:29:02 PM
Congratulations Davina on a long fought fight.  I knew you would prevail.  Lovely name, it has a nice ring to it.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Bari Jo on April 27, 2018, 08:06:55 PM
Congrats Davina, wow that really took a long time.  I'm going to start my name change soon too.  Can't wait to feel what you are feeling.

Bari Jo
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on April 27, 2018, 09:07:53 PM
I filled out my name change forms....
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: islandgirl on April 27, 2018, 10:22:49 PM
Congrats Laurie! May the processing time be quick!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: sarah1972 on April 27, 2018, 10:26:06 PM
Yeah girl! congratulations! So happy for you! Go celebrate a bit!

Quote from: davina61 on April 27, 2018, 12:46:26 PM
Deed Poll came back again----------------- and now I am officially DAVINA MARTINA  , now comes the fun of changing every thing . Drivers licence and bank a/c first I think
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 28, 2018, 03:00:45 PM
Got a new drivers  licence photo on way home tonight (booth one) Might see if I can post it. Have a new neighbour that's moved into the small flat next to me, I would say young lad but nearly  everyone  is young to me!! (late 30s?)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on April 28, 2018, 04:08:14 PM
Congrats on the license Davina. Yeah I've noticed the "young" are getting older and older all the time. I do not know what is behind this phenomenon.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on April 28, 2018, 11:08:55 PM
Quote from: davina61 on April 28, 2018, 03:00:45 PM
Got a new drivers  licence photo on way home tonight (booth one) Might see if I can post it. Have a new neighbour that's moved into the small flat next to me, I would say young lad but nearly  everyone  is young to me!! (late 30s?)

@davina61     Davina Martina: Congratulations are certainly in order... official name change, new license photo  ... oh yeah, please post it when you can... we all want to see it.

ahhh, and congratulations on meeting your new young lad neighbor... is he handsome and did you meet him yet and introduce yourself. ???..  make certain you smile at him. ;) ::)  hmm, he is in his late 30's ...

Well, I hate to break the news to you and everyone here, I am in my late 30's also....
... I am 38 to be exact...  so you might call me a young lass perhaps?

I was glad to hear about your good news.......
your updates are always a pleasure to see.
Hugs to you... wishing your well.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: islandgirl on April 29, 2018, 10:48:02 AM
One down! Doesn't feel so great to have that in your hands! Congrats!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 29, 2018, 02:19:29 PM
saw my neighbour this morning (btw not my type) and maybe 40 something( re estimate!!) anyways my youngest lad needed a hand to refurbish the front brake callipers on his WRX Subaru . One of the pistons was seized solid and he couldn't remove it , hang on a minute while I get my trumpet out (parp parp) but I got it by drilling a hole and tapping it then winding a bolt in and pushing it out. I might look old and stupid but have learned a few thinks in the couple!!!! of years in the trade. (why did decades come up as !!!!!) Almost poisoned my self after , my lad must have moved a box with sandpaper and old filler hardener in (peroxide ) when he was cleaning his brakes. Didn't notice and grinding through a chunk of steel the sparks went in the box and reacted with the peroxide making a acrid dense "smoke" . After throwing the box out side and getting my breath back (and retching) I can see how folk succumb to fire smoke. Lips were tingling so drank lots of water to flush my system, feel OK now . Had to wait for the fumes to clear so not managed to do much to bus but did make the bit to connect steering rack to relay arm. Made a Tandoori mushroom curry and a chicken curry (one not tried before) so had a tasty tea     
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: bobbisue on April 29, 2018, 10:21:53 PM
     Congrats on the new name it is a great feeling I think half the town heard me squealing as I ran out of the post when mine arrived I am so happy for you

     Bobbisue  :)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 30, 2018, 03:12:10 PM
Update on the girls, they are still growing and now fit my A cup bra (or was that fill?) and starting to fill in from breast bone down. Certainly not moob shape any more. Day off tomorrow and need to fetch a bottle of welding gas(argon) then get forms from post office to change name and photo on licence. Then off to the bank to change name on A/C and get new card followed by a visit to solicitor to see if they can do certified copies of deed poll (£5 a go). Will see via Internet if I can change stuff on my water and electric bills and other stuff 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on April 30, 2018, 10:03:24 PM
  I am glad you are alright after the smoke incident. Oh yes us old folk do have a few tricks up our sleeves yet. I was nice of you to help the lad out.
  Aren't those things growing on your chest wonderful?

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 01, 2018, 07:43:50 AM
 Done the name change at the bank, certified copies sorted and called in at docs to change name and book injection. Bit of lunch then its fill in forms for drivers licence, see if I can get them in the post this afternoon. First Tuesday in the month so its Hot Rod club night .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on May 01, 2018, 11:20:12 AM
Quote from: davina61 on May 01, 2018, 07:43:50 AM
Done the name change at the bank, certified copies sorted and called in at docs to change name and book injection. Bit of lunch then its fill in forms for drivers licence, see if I can get them in the post this afternoon. First Tuesday in the month so its Hot Rod club night .

There seems no stopping you now, have fun at the club as official Davina ;D

Peace and love and all that good stuff,


Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on May 01, 2018, 01:09:52 PM
Go Go Go Davina! You have been busy. Are you in a hurry? You will have everything done but the GCS and other surgeries by the time your NHS gets around to you! More power to you girl.
  Have fun at the meeting tonight.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 02, 2018, 03:05:52 PM
Hurry?? guess I am as I want to spend as much of what is left of my time as ME. Tired and aching today , that might be from lugging the full gas bottle around yesterday. The new "wiz kid" manager at work has cocked a lot of stuff up and has gone on 2 1/2 weeks hols today and left us with s^^t to sort out , still its his mess so non of us can get blamed and we will make sure we don't!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laura_Ann on May 03, 2018, 11:07:38 AM
Late to the party as usual, Nice to see things are going well for you Davina. X
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on May 03, 2018, 01:12:55 PM
Got to love new 'wiz kidder' managers who get paid more than anyone else for screwing things up and then go on holiday.

Hope you're not so achy today, lugging full gas bottles around is probably not the best idea when you're just started HRT. Can you get some help with it?

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 03, 2018, 01:23:16 PM
It is only a smaller bottle so not too bad, have to watch my back anyway as it goes out easily if not careful.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 04, 2018, 12:45:29 PM
Had an eye leakage moment and not due to HRT either , text from missis to say she had to have the dog put to sleep. He was the most wonderful dog, Welsh border collie crossed with a bearded collie and we had him from a pup and he will be missed by all the family but leaves us with many happy memories. On a happier note the girls have just put a growth spurt on , extra sore now . Stopped wearing breast forms and bra over night and don't know if that has helped ? Made cheese fingers late last night as got hungry and ran out of bread, they went nicely with the remains of chicken stew that I just had for tea. Folk music festival in town this weekend so invasion of the bearded weird ones again ( I do not jest!!)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: steph2.0 on May 04, 2018, 02:10:14 PM
Oh Davina, I'm so sorry to hear about your poor dog. Our pets play such a special part in our lives. My Border Collie/German Shepherd is about 14 years old now, a rescue dog we adopted when she was about two years old. We're still making good memories, and those are the kind that we need to remember.

As for the rest of your news: yays!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on May 04, 2018, 02:48:59 PM
  Davina, I'm sorry to hear about your family pet needed to be put to sleep. It is sad yes, but as you said you and the family have some great memories.
  You take it easy with that back hun. And hopefully the reinvigorized soreness does herald more growth.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 04, 2018, 03:01:43 PM
Thanks sthhheeeppp and knee (Laurie made me do it) and Lauuureata (steph made me do it)  , just had a shower and found out what's up with the ladies, nipples have suddenly grown like over night!!! the wonders of hormones
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on May 04, 2018, 03:11:51 PM
Quote from: davina61 on May 04, 2018, 03:01:43 PM
Thanks sthhheeeppp and knee (Laurie made me do it) and Lauuureata (steph made me do it)  , just had a shower and found out what's up with the ladies, nipples have suddenly grown like over night!!! the wonders of hormones

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on May 05, 2018, 02:07:03 AM
Your dogs love was unconditional, your memories of him will remain loyal and true.

All these growth spurts you keep getting, glad to hear ladies are coming along, you must be pleased and relieved :)

Peace and love and all that good stuff,


Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 05, 2018, 02:20:24 PM
Something must be working as got gendered correctly by a lady customer , she came into the office and said I parked next to HER ( was getting in a car to move it) and SHE looked angry ( no just making sure you didn't park in my way) . Also got some nice smiles from female customers. Was hot and only had a polo shirt on ( ok wash your minds out, work trousers as well) so the girls are on show. In fact so hot inside I am wearing my jeans skirt and a sleeveless   thin orange top. Going to see wife on Monday night and if it stays this warm think that's what I will wear only think is it shows my "spare tyre" middle. Not helped by the 1/2 tub of caramel ice cream after tea , did I say its hot?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on May 06, 2018, 02:50:25 AM
That's awesome Davina :) 'things can only get better' as the song goes. You're on your way girl.

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 06, 2018, 01:21:08 PM
Well hot today, welding and grinding with sweat running down my face . have photo evidence(
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on May 06, 2018, 08:36:10 PM
Dang Davina, how can anyone misgender you with that face? You nlook great to me. (((hug)))

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on May 07, 2018, 04:12:24 AM
Looking very feminine Davina :) Your skin looks amazing and you've only just started cooking and I don't mean curries ;D

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 07, 2018, 10:12:09 AM
Thanks girls , doing myself up as going to see the nearly ex to sort out some details on divorce. will take a pic if I can get bl**dy phone to take a decent one , just done my nails (all of them as wearing sandals) so typing carefully.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 07, 2018, 03:29:55 PM
Went to see the missis, she still cant get her( head around that her husband has "gone" and it didn't help looking like this but she is still amicable . I have never told her how she was doing my head in with her constant nagging about the mortgage( can never get a good pic with this phone and mirror but you can see my outfit
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 07, 2018, 03:56:43 PM
forgot to say have "hot rodded" my new breast forms with scissors  , cut an A size hollow in them and they sit nice . Still get "pain" when I bump them even though they are a lot softer .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Cindy on May 07, 2018, 07:38:46 PM
Quote from: davina61 on May 07, 2018, 03:29:55 PM
Went to see the missis, she still cant get her( head around that her husband has "gone" and it didn't help looking like this but she is still amicable . I have never told her how she was doing my head in with her constant nagging about the mortgage( can never get a good pic with this phone and mirror but you can see my outfit

Awesome girl!

Someone else who doesn't have a Cat-woman suit? :laugh:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 08, 2018, 02:48:41 PM
closest I got to a cat suit was when I went to a fancy dress as postman Pat and the missis as his cat. Any way till I lose 25lb I would look more like Blunder woman than Cat woman (do a google search if you have never seen the Russ Abbot show)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on May 09, 2018, 03:48:48 AM
Quote from: davina61 on May 08, 2018, 02:48:41 PM
closest I got to a cat suit was when I went to a fancy dress as postman Pat and the missis as his cat. Any way till I lose 25lb I would look more like Blunder woman than Cat woman (do a google search if you have never seen the Russ Abbot show)

Don't fall for the catnip wafting up from down under Davina, you can tell because of the purring meows have an Aussie accent ;D

Peace and love and all that good stuff,


Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Cindy on May 09, 2018, 03:53:31 AM
I'm innocent! Not a word passed my lips!!!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 09, 2018, 03:37:42 PM
Might just have to send an upside down SLAP. Any way had to go to the paint shop next door to use there fax machine for work( we have just had a new internet "relay" cupboard fitted with new phone boxes and the cable to connect fax machine is missing). They have a one way "mirror" window and as I left got a surprise as a woman was looking back at me. Brain still not caught up with the changes and looking straight on as you do shaving and doing make up its not so obvious . The new (modified) breast forms look much better as well . My assistant manager is a star even after I tested his car and found about £700 of repairs, customer rang and asked to speak to the MAN  that had looked at her car and he told her NO the LADY that looked at your car. Nice one Will.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on May 09, 2018, 03:57:04 PM
Quote from: davina61 on May 09, 2018, 03:37:42 PM
> "mirror" window and as I left got a surprise as a woman was looking back at me. Brain still not caught up with the changes

This is wonderful when it happens - and you will experience this a lot more.  We all tend to over-analyze and see flaws nobody else sees. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on May 10, 2018, 06:15:06 AM
Good for you that others and you are seeing what we all already do :) Good for you girl, makes me happy to read your progress.

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on May 10, 2018, 12:14:35 PM
  Isn't that a great feeling when you finally she her yourself? You are seeing what we see in your pictures Sadie. I don't see how you get misgendered after seeing your latest pictures. And yes your boss deserves kudos for his remark to that customer.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 10, 2018, 02:56:07 PM
Found some one had crossed out Davina on my work file and put my old name under, felt tip to the rescue. Document (deed poll) came back from driving licence with a note to say should get NEW one within 2 weeks . Still waiting for new bank card though, saw the post on paypal and might see if I can change name as 2 letters will do it. Well first name. Having "fun" getting home as garden show on at show ground close to me , the queue going the other way from one junction was almost 3 1/2 miles so that means there will be a very long queue to get over the river bridge on the way to my place so I skip around to come in from the other end of town (its called a town but more like large village!) . it was bad enough getting out from work as the horse racing was on so lots of traffic leaving there as well
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 10, 2018, 03:06:26 PM
Quote from: davina61 on May 10, 2018, 02:56:07 PM
Found some one had crossed out Davina on my work file and put my old name under, felt tip to the rescue. Document (deed poll) came back from driving licence with a note to say should get NEW one within 2 weeks . Still waiting for new bank card though, saw the post on paypal and might see if I can change name as 2 letters will do it. Well first name. Having "fun" getting home as garden show on at show ground close to me , the queue going the other way from one junction was almost 3 1/2 miles so that means there will be a very long queue to get over the river bridge on the way to my place so I skip around to come in from the other end of town (its called a town but more like large village!) . it was bad enough getting out from work as the horse racing was on so lots of traffic leaving there as well

:  Why on earth would "someone" change the name to your old name??   
It just takes times, sometimes a lot of time to get your new name on all your stuff...  like most of us, your old name is spread across government agencies, private businesses, employers, credit cards, your dealings on the internet, ... etc, etc....  the bank cards should be the quickest to respond, that seems to always be the case between government agencies versus more responsive businesses.

The beauty of where I live is that there is a very small population, one main street, no stoplights and no larger towns anywhere nearby......   result is, NO TRAFFIC JAMS.

I am always looking forward to you updating your thread...
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 10, 2018, 04:08:37 PM
We have 2 Bulgarians and they tend to be a bit religious , not pointing fingers and they both still call me "old name". I have not corrected them yet but every one else calls me Davina , that's the 2 managers and apprentice . Mikey from unit next door (fast fit tyre and service centre) came round this afternoon to borrow some kit and called out to me in old name and got corrected by apprentice , as we have a laugh I said to him get it right or I will get you with my nails. It was funny as he went a bit embarrassed ,happy days!!       
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on May 10, 2018, 05:20:45 PM
 Well Davina it sounds to me like you are getting more and more acceptance and support at work. Have you thought of a little 2X4 board of education for the two morons? Yeah, you're right they probably still wouldn't get the message. That and I don't want you getting into trouble for it. But it can sure be frustrating.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 11, 2018, 03:09:17 PM
So this came today( Tried the 2 letter change on Paypal but they want full documents , well it was worth a try!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on May 11, 2018, 03:44:21 PM
There ya go girl!  Congrats!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: islandgirl on May 11, 2018, 04:14:42 PM
That is wonderful,Davina!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Alyssa Bree on May 11, 2018, 04:16:10 PM
Beyond awesome! Congratulations!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 12, 2018, 03:59:20 PM
Just watched Britain's Got Talent and this girl singer group came on, 3 scantily clad ladies in there late 30s + . Said they were from the Philippians and wanted to be the next Destiny's Child (for those that don't know a girl group from a while ago) . It was when they started to sing Sex Bomb in very male voices , up to then totally passable . Well I didn't notice any "tells", some on here will think its a bad thing , worked for me . As I had a pissy day(work) put a nice dress on with my A cup bra and its filling out nicely , at this rate it wont be long before its to small. Bet they slow down now . Got this stupid cough/sore throat again making me feel rough . On the bright side showed one of the Bulgarian lads my new driving licence and he was OK ( I corrected him dead naming me and told him it was official) Early to bed tonight as very tired and had a job waking up this morning, nodded of with radio alarm on but you know what will happen I will wake early even though I can lie in a bit.Sods Law and all that, night night girls   

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on May 13, 2018, 04:00:43 AM
Good news with the licence Miss Davina Martina :)

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 14, 2018, 12:53:13 PM
Due to all the hours owed me from work managed to get a 1/2 day Wednesday , have the Thursday off as well . Hopefully have a visitor on Thurs, will let you all know.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on May 15, 2018, 02:35:41 AM
Quote from: davina61 on May 11, 2018, 03:09:17 PM
So this came today( Tried the 2 letter change on Paypal but they want full documents , well it was worth a try!

Nice great is that. Having your correct ID is such an affirming thing...being able to produce and official document and not be concerned...I am sure it will make you life so much easier.

Well done on the days off!!

Take care

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 15, 2018, 01:03:13 PM
Still waiting for bank card to come but check book came today with Miss D M on it. Text from my sister tonight , mother tripped up the step from garden and smacked up her face a bit. Eye brow glued and glasses mashed but she drove herself to local minor injuries unit  (she is 84!) bit bruised but OK. Caught toe of her sandal on edge of step and luckily fell on her side or she would have smashed her nose with a concrete face plant.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 15, 2018, 02:28:14 PM
Had a laugh today at work, been trying to get the assistant manager to be more assertive and one of the assistant from the other branch was down at ours. We both told him to grow a pair and then I said you can have mine as don't need them anymore , he nearly chocked then laughed.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Rachel on May 15, 2018, 04:55:06 PM
That is funny, I was very shy when I first started work and for about 10 years at work. I finally got more comfortable but never secure and fully comfortable. Maybe he has something he has been keeping quiet.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on May 16, 2018, 03:03:53 AM
Hope mum's o.k. Davina, they are a worry when the get this age. Mine insists on shuffling around with her hands in her cardie pockets, if she fell she'd fall flat on her face. She won't listen though, stubborn as a mule is my mum.

Lol, Davina they truly broke the mould when they made you ;D A one of a kind, a true character, a diamond.
Good for you, I don't think you're assistant manager will be talking b*ll*cks again any time soon.

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 16, 2018, 11:21:16 AM
One of the lads was complaining this morning saying I should be doing a brake job, but had my first test at 9.20 (8 .30 one gave up due to very bad traffic) so not enough time for me to do it. I asked manager did you tell him to shut up and get on with it, yes but in a round about way. Better as don't think he would have done that 2 days ago. Have a flat inspection at 9am so luckily had this afternoon off, did some grocery shopping on way home and then a good cleaning session . Big cook prep tomorrow morning for my visitor, I do like to entertain. Making soft carrot fudge for pudding so grated 750G ready , defrosted salmon steaks and made sure I have all the ingredients.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on May 16, 2018, 08:37:46 PM
Quote from: davina61 on May 15, 2018, 01:03:13 PM
Still waiting for bank card to come but check book came today with Miss D M on it. Text from my sister tonight , mother tripped up the step from garden and smacked up her face a bit. Eye brow glued and glasses mashed but she drove herself to local minor injuries unit  (she is 84!) bit bruised but OK. Caught toe of her sandal on edge of step and luckily fell on her side or she would have smashed her nose with a concrete face plant.

Ouch that sounds very painful I hope she ahs a full recovery!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 17, 2018, 03:08:46 PM
Look who came for tea, we had a nice afternoon and went and looked at my race car and in my unit with a bit of sight seeing on the way back. Then we had a blow out tea, hugs and they had to leave all to soon.(
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on May 17, 2018, 07:31:23 PM
Davina!  Thank you for a great afternoon, an incredible meal and a chance to see some of the custom cars you have built.  Everything was excellent.  And your tandoori mushroom curry was soooooo good! 





Davina (Midlands England), Sara (Wales), Kendra (Seattle).

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on May 17, 2018, 07:52:19 PM
 Wow, 2 good looking women coming for tea? I'm so glad they could. All three of you look great. Makes me wish I could be there with the three of you. I'm sure the meal was very well prepared by an excellent cook.

Hugs for the three girls,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: islandgirl on May 17, 2018, 08:46:00 PM
Looks like a fun time, y'all! I would have loved to taste those dishes (vegetarian?)!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on May 18, 2018, 04:00:15 AM
All vegetarian plus fish.  Davina indulged my somewhat sort of vegan'ish food habits, I try to minimize dairy and red meat.

I am not a vegetarian because I love animals.  I'm vegetarian because I hate plants.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on May 18, 2018, 04:28:08 AM
Well look at you girls, being a pescatarian it looked like an awesome feast.

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 18, 2018, 02:45:42 PM
Still eating fish and rice and ran out of time to make carrot pudding so as I had grated the carrots made it last night after the girls left. It was nice to have guests , we called in on my mum and she has knocked herself up a bit with swollen lip and brow and bruises. Internet went down so this is first chance to reply , I liked Kendra's greeting "oh wow" so she must have seen changes . I do enjoy putting on a feast but was a bit disappointed in the salmon dish , don't know why but was a bit tasteless compared to the 2 times made it before. Followed recipe same but paprika was different make and tamarind paste ran out just short , probably that as its sour and it was coconut milk sweet. Veg samosas came out nice and cauliflower and potato parathas good as well but the hit of the night was the tandoori mushroom curry.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Dena on May 18, 2018, 04:44:22 PM
Quote from: Kendra on May 18, 2018, 04:00:15 AM
All vegetarian plus fish.  Davina indulged my somewhat sort of vegan'ish food habits, I try to minimize dairy and red meat.

I am not a vegetarian because I love animals.  I'm vegetarian because I hate plants.
Reminds me of another joke. There was a group of people who were trying to get a drunk to stop drinking. They decided to take him to a brewery and they explained to him that there is no way he could ever drink all that the brewery produced. The drunk though about it for a minute and then replied "No I can't but I have them working 24 hours a day keeping up with me".
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on May 18, 2018, 05:35:20 PM
Quote from: davina61 on May 18, 2018, 02:45:42 PM
Still eating fish and rice and ran out of time to make carrot pudding so as I had grated the carrots made it last night after the girls left. It was nice to have guests , we called in on my mum and she has knocked herself up a bit with swollen lip and brow and bruises. Internet went down so this is first chance to reply , I liked Kendra's greeting "oh wow" so she must have seen changes . I do enjoy putting on a feast but was a bit disappointed in the salmon dish , don't know why but was a bit tasteless compared to the 2 times made it before. Followed recipe same but paprika was different make and tamarind paste ran out just short , probably that as its sour and it was coconut milk sweet. Veg samosas came out nice and cauliflower and potato parathas good as well but the hit of the night was the tandoori mushroom curry.

Sounds like you have quite a passion for cooking and a talent as well. Maybe that's what is next for Davina??

Great to hear everything went so well

Take care

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 19, 2018, 01:54:06 PM
Think (as said before) might have been a chef instead of mechanic , both have s**t hours and pay!!!!! Would love to but its hard to make a living . Just to make you all hungry doing butter chicken tomorrow and plan to make pork and mushroom later in the week.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 20, 2018, 02:09:53 PM
Planted my mums runner beans for her and mowed the lawn as her hand is still swollen , made me late to go and work on panel van but managed to weld the top of front panel in, got back at 4 and only just finish eating and clearing up. Butter chicken is lovely cooked in oven after marinading in fridge over night with butter sauce pored over. Now don't know if this is just a UK thing but WHY when its nice weather and all the windows are open some arse lights a smoky bonfire   , had to close them as it was coming in. Glass of wine and relax now as 6 straight days at work and have to work holiday Monday next week as had the last one off.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on May 20, 2018, 03:22:12 PM
  Okay girl I looked up buttered chicken and id doesn't look difficult and it looks good. I may just have to try it when Michelle gets here.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 20, 2018, 04:10:06 PM
This one is different to all the other ones I have as in the oven bit, did it till it "burnt" the marinade bit like barbeque
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on May 20, 2018, 04:43:49 PM
Quote from: davina61 on May 20, 2018, 02:09:53 PM
Now don't know if this is just a UK thing but WHY when its nice weather and all the windows are open some arse lights a smoky bonfire   , had to close them as it was coming in.

Yup, it's a UK thing. Had it happen to me this morning just as I put my washing out to dry so had to bring it all back in again  >:(

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on May 21, 2018, 09:27:34 PM
Quote from: davina61 on May 20, 2018, 02:09:53 PM
Planted my mums runner beans for her and mowed the lawn as her hand is still swollen , made me late to go and work on panel van but managed to weld the top of front panel in, got back at 4 and only just finish eating and clearing up. Butter chicken is lovely cooked in oven after marinading in fridge over night with butter sauce pored over. Now don't know if this is just a UK thing but WHY when its nice weather and all the windows are open some arse lights a smoky bonfire   , had to close them as it was coming in. Glass of wine and relax now as 6 straight days at work and have to work holiday Monday next week as had the last one off.

Yum Yum butter of my favourites

Well done on all the chores for your Mum I bet she was happy and you deserve the wine for all your good work.

6 straight days sounds like hard work to me I hope you get through it ok

Take care

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 22, 2018, 02:51:17 PM
6 days, used to it as have 3 days off a fortnight .. That's why my panel vans not finished yet . Must book some more hols.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 24, 2018, 02:29:05 PM
Went to the docs for my decapitation jab (you know what I mean)  and the nurse said I looked really well and my (skin) face looked soft. We talked about moisturisers and told her I was using a tinted  one and then she asked if I had blusher on ( not for work) as my cheeks looked rosy and a lot better than the last time she saw me. Only shaving in the morning now as growth has slowed, bonus blades last longer and skin has time to recover. Also have fine hairs growing in the bald spots right down to a good hair line, not enough though. Gone tired again and went back to sleep after the radio alarm came on, good job didn't have to be at the docs till 8.30 (can see it from my flat!!)  and works pigging me of again. Never mind its a living
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on May 25, 2018, 03:26:09 AM
Sounds like you're getting a nice healthy glow from the inside and out Davina :) Your nurse sounds really nice, I actually had the same moisturiser chat with my therapist just the other day.

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 25, 2018, 09:59:00 AM
Quote from: davina61 on May 24, 2018, 02:29:05 PM
Went to the docs for my decapitation jab (you know what I mean)  and the nurse said I looked really well and my (skin) face looked soft. We talked about moisturisers and told her I was using a tinted  one and then she asked if I had blusher on ( not for work) as my cheeks looked rosy and a lot better than the last time she saw me. Only shaving in the morning now as growth has slowed, bonus blades last longer and skin has time to recover. Also have fine hairs growing in the bald spots right down to a good hair line, not enough though. Gone tired again and went back to sleep after the radio alarm came on, good job didn't have to be at the docs till 8.30 (can see it from my flat!!)  and works pigging me of again. Never mind its a living

Dear Davina: 
Well, that was certainly a happy and affirming update regarding your appointment during your "decapitation" doctor's appointment and conversation with the nurse.... 
I am enjoying following your transition and life journey.
Please keep your updates coming as you have been doing... and pictures too, but only as you feel comfortable doing so.

Hugs and more hugs,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: vickijonesuk on May 25, 2018, 10:13:14 AM
Wow Davina, you're awesome, mechanic, welder, chef - I need you round to fix the heater channels on my beetle and then cook a meal :)

It really sounds like you're on a happy roll at the minute and that's brilliant!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 25, 2018, 02:42:25 PM
Beetle heater channels or how to make the doors not fit!!!! Made a jig to keep body in shape for when they are cut out but have robbed it to make other stuff. Have done loads and its all the other bits needed like bottoms of A posts , under rear seat sections , front and rear inner arches. That makes it a BIG job.
Its been a bit moist here (pi**ing down with rain!) and there is a music festival about 3 miles away this weekend, head line band is Status Quo and it will be a mud feast. Shame after all the nice sun of the last 2 weeks.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on May 25, 2018, 03:02:16 PM
Quote from: davina61 on May 25, 2018, 02:42:25 PM
Beetle heater channels or how to make the doors not fit!!!! Made a jig to keep body in shape for when they are cut out but have robbed it to make other stuff. Have done loads and its all the other bits needed like bottoms of A posts , under rear seat sections , front and rear inner arches. That makes it a BIG job.
Its been a bit moist here (pi**ing down with rain!) and there is a music festival about 3 miles away this weekend, head line band is Status Quo and it will be a mud feast. Shame after all the nice sun of the last 2 weeks.

Will we see Davina rocking it out with Status Quo...time to get your rocker chic going...

take care


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 25, 2018, 03:19:17 PM
Well I do have a denim skirt , ask Kendra.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: vickijonesuk on May 25, 2018, 03:24:21 PM
God I'm such a huge Status Quo fan ( haha I've outed myself!) seen them so many times including the frantic four. Alan Lancaster was the reason I started playing bass!

Yes my beetle is going to be a long job. Heater channels, chassis cross member is Rotten as hell and all not helped by the last idiot welding the body to the chassis either.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 25, 2018, 04:22:11 PM
In my old disco record collection I have a LP sized EP with 4 tracks on, cant remember what they are now. Not long got rid of my project beep 66 shell with a second 75 pan , sold most of my spares as well just kept enough to put daughters drag beep back on the road, now that will be a wild ride.( seen at 2017 volks world show.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on May 25, 2018, 04:40:06 PM
Kendra, does Davina have a denim skirt? :)

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on May 25, 2018, 05:42:33 PM
Yes she does!  And here with her '68 Van restoration.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 26, 2018, 01:43:09 PM
OUTED !!!! (thanks Kendra)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 27, 2018, 01:32:10 PM
now I could have bought a repair section for the one indicator light but being a tight wad (or skint!) made one this morning.BTW the one I made is on the right.( the brackets from old one
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on May 27, 2018, 08:51:25 PM
Excellent work!  I wouldn't call it being cheap, just frugal and efficient.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Nicole70 on May 27, 2018, 10:02:49 PM
Nice work! I'm all for diy
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 28, 2018, 12:59:47 PM
Its a holiday Monday in the UK , but had to work . Still get a lieu day for that. Girls report, they are now filling my A cup to the point (!!) that it wont be long till its to small. Mind you have had the nibbles again and as the apprentice was going to the golden arch lunch time had a taste of America Chicago stack fries and banana shake. No wonder I am not losing weight, feeling tired all the time makes me want to eat as well. For my next trick I need to scan my Deed Poll into this laptop so it can be attached to E mails so be warned its not thunder its me swearing!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on May 29, 2018, 01:10:45 PM
Quote from: davina61 on May 28, 2018, 12:59:47 PM
Its a holiday Monday in the UK , but had to work . Still get a lieu day for that. Girls report, they are now filling my A cup to the point (!!) that it wont be long till its to small. Mind you have had the nibbles again and as the apprentice was going to the golden arch lunch time had a taste of America Chicago stack fries and banana shake. No wonder I am not losing weight, feeling tired all the time makes me want to eat as well. For my next trick I need to scan my Deed Poll into this laptop so it can be attached to E mails so be warned its not thunder its me swearing!!

Lol, it's definitely thunder that I'm hearing, seems like you got a it quite bad in the midlands. A months rain in an hour in places. Good luck scanning the Deed Poll.

Are you hydrating properly Davina and getting your electrolytes in. We can often confuse thirst with hunger. Just a thought.

Glad the girls are behaving,

Peace and love and all that good stuff,


Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 29, 2018, 02:36:48 PM
Yes have started drinking 2 glasses of black currant squash at night , its a Hobgoblin beer glass so might be a pint . As going to UK meetup the diet is back on (incentive!!!!) 16 1/2 weeks to lose 20lb or as much as I can. Missed the worst of the wet stuff here so not in the river Severn (yet)   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on May 30, 2018, 02:56:05 AM
Hi Davina

I have not been overly strict on myself and just the other day I was talking to a friend explaining I have been trying to seriously lose weight the last 2 weeks and managed a grand total of 200 grms...I was so frustrated until I actually examined how goog I had really been...I hadn't been good at all...So as of Monday I redoubled my efforts and have restarted my walking program...Sometimes I think its about finding the right motivation. Sounds to me like you are pretty determined to lose this weight so I am sure you will...good luck  ;)

Take Care

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on May 30, 2018, 12:00:08 PM
Quote from: davina61 on May 29, 2018, 02:36:48 PM
Yes have started drinking 2 glasses of black currant squash at night , its a Hobgoblin beer glass so might be a pint . As going to UK meetup the diet is back on (incentive!!!!) 16 1/2 weeks to lose 20lb or as much as I can. Missed the worst of the wet stuff here so not in the river Severn (yet)

  Hitting the bottle at night are you? Well girl be careful of the potassium and the sugar in those cordials....

Quote"Most cordials and squashes contain preservatives such as potassium sorbate or (in traditional cordials) sulphites, as they are designed to be stored on shelves. They keep well because of the preservatives and their high sugar content. Nonetheless, some choose to store their squash in refrigerators."

  Hope all continues to stay dry and get your days off dear.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 30, 2018, 12:57:36 PM
Didn't stay "dry " as had to get up 3 times in the night, last drink 2 hours before bed then. Sent PayPal email with deed poll attached , replied not good enough . What high Court of London not good enough (bunch of wa^^^ers) they say its changing account to a different person , well time for shitty reply me thinks.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on May 30, 2018, 01:35:51 PM
 Perhaps  your PayPal office needs to read what Annette Hickey, Senior Director of Customer Solutions for Europe, the Middle East and Africa at PayPal. Has to say on the subject.

Quote"We have our own LGBT Network, PayPal Pride, and host a Diversity Inclusion Week every year at our Dublin office. Recently, PayPal partnered with OUTstanding, an organisation which supports and promotes LGBT talent within companies, and has plans to launch a mentoring programme where teammates will be assigned a trusted leader to help them develop professionally."

"Sometimes, promoting diversity and inclusion is about taking a stand outside of your own organisation, because representing the communities you serve is equally important. PayPal demonstrated its commitment to fairness, equality and inclusion when it cancelled a proposed new operations centre in Charlotte, North Carolina, due to legislation which invalidated the protections of the rights of LGBT citizens.

This law violated the values at the core of our company culture, including the belief that every person should be treated with dignity and respect, which is why we felt compelled to take action to oppose discrimination. This decision, as difficult as it was at the time, was made with our employees, our customers and our communities in mind."

  Perhaps you can drop her name and / or copy her on your next communication with Paypal.  The article can be found at (

Perhaps this information will help.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 30, 2018, 02:13:07 PM
They say I need to send photo ID , that's stupid as they don't know what I look like . Crazy that a High Court doc is not good enough but a bus pass will be OK . WT(word not allowed)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on May 30, 2018, 11:47:52 PM
  I went to 2 banks to inquire about changing the names on them BofA couldn't because my sister wasn't with me to sign the new signature card they were okay with old ID and court order. The second was Banner Bank and the court order by itself was not good enough they require the state ID card (Driver's License) which has not been changed yet.

  I was as successful as I thought I would be. See Davina such nonsense happens here too.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laura_Ann on May 31, 2018, 07:35:18 AM
Quote from: davina61 on May 30, 2018, 02:13:07 PM
They say I need to send photo ID , that's stupid as they don't know what I look like . Crazy that a High Court doc is not good enough but a bus pass will be OK . WT(word not allowed)

Hey Hon, PayPal are crap, yes they want photo id for change of name even though you never give any to start with. I haven't bothered changing mine, I am thinking of closing it and starting a new one.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 31, 2018, 12:47:27 PM
Scanned my drivers licence and sent that, had a day off so went shopping this morning and apart from grocery's picked up some face cream and brow tint (like mascara for eye brows) recommended by make up lady in chemist. Got a skirt and dress as well , nearly got skirt in red but decided it was a bit much so sage green . Linen material with back 1/2 waist band elastic , dress is red with tiny flower pattern, thin and sleeveless just nice for hot weather. Rang GIC to update and see about how to go about name change. Lady I spoke to recons it will be early next year for first appointment . Spent the afternoon making veg curry (takes me 1hr to prep) and then making meatballs with a yogurt sauce . 2 containers worth , 1 for wife and other for daughter of the veg. Text wife and she has been babysitting grandson so will call in to pick them up in a bit on her way back home. just finished tidying!!!!!   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 01, 2018, 04:20:00 PM
This is the view from my bedroom window, sun just gone down and church spire flood lit . A bit arty


Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on June 01, 2018, 04:45:58 PM
A beautiful sight Davina!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 01, 2018, 05:03:26 PM
phone camera doesn't do it justice and by the time I took it sky had darkened. Have a nice view of the hills as well but need tele photo lens to get a good shot. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 02, 2018, 01:45:12 PM
BORED nothing on telly, weather is nice and no one to go out with. Tried on my new dress and it looks like a maternity gown with my fat gut, sooner I lose weight the better. So read some posts on here to catch up and feeling better, always cheers me up. Its not helped by the fact I feel knackered as well , my left knee played up this afternoon so was limping around fitting a coil spring and sorting an oil leak on a customers car and of course it was on the lift furthest from my tool box, grrrr. Early to bed then, fancied a walk down to the river but not on my own and not looking like a blob.Dont worry folks as I am fine and one day will go for a walk on my own and maybe pop in one of the many pubs for a wine or beer. Think this was brought on a bit as it was (I think ) ladies day at Worcester (horse) races a short walk from work so loads of lovely's in nice dresses going past . Sorry bit of a rant but that's what this diary is for. XXXXX girls (and boys!!)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on June 02, 2018, 02:02:07 PM
Hey girl,

  Sorry your knee is acting up. Hope it feels better soon. I know the pregnant lady look well. Sigh It is such a shame our nice dresses don't look as nice as they should. The way I see it I either get serious losing weight or I start telling everyone I am virtually pregnant all the time.
  Weather is nice here today so I may go for a walk after doing laundry. Hang in there Davina.
  Did I tell you I tried your buttered chicken while Michelle was here. It probably needed more ginger since I have no idea how much a quarter ounce is. I just winged it on a few things. It was good if a bit milder than I expected. Michelle said it was good but mild and my sister did not care for it but that is pretty normal for her when I cook something different.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 02, 2018, 03:04:25 PM
Didn't know if you worked in grams btw its 25g if I remember correct. Yes diet is ON as have 16 weeks to look fab for the UK Susan's meet up, that's 16 weeks to lose 20lb (or more need to be -30) as put 10 back on. Its comfort eating . Yes that recipe is mild but tasty. you need Tandoori mushrooms, Kendra took a photo of the recipe maybe an e mail
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on June 02, 2018, 03:22:37 PM
Tandoori mushrooms sounds awesome Davina. I had wild mushrooms and garlic for lunch.

I'll swap your view for that of a run down council estate if you want. You don't need a tv where I live, just look out the window and you've got a free episode of 'The Bill' or 'Casualty' or both ;D

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 02, 2018, 04:12:19 PM
More like Country File here, just watched Isle of Man TT highlights . Crazy stuff, 180 + mph inches from kerbs and stone walls.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on June 02, 2018, 04:19:15 PM
Quote from: davina61 on June 02, 2018, 03:04:25 PM
Didn't know if you worked in grams btw its 25g if I remember correct. Yes diet is ON as have 16 weeks to look fab for the UK Susan's meet up, that's 16 weeks to lose 20lb (or more need to be -30) as put 10 back on. Its comfort eating . Yes that recipe is mild but tasty. you need Tandoori mushrooms, Kendra took a photo of the recipe maybe an e mail

I have measuring cups and spoons so I can do liquid and other volume measures I don't even have a bathroom scale to weight things with.
  Tandoori mushrooms sound delicious too. Sarah P and I share a mushroom appetiser in a orange sauce that was pretty darn good.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on June 02, 2018, 08:24:22 PM
Quote from: davina61 on June 02, 2018, 04:12:19 PM
More like Country File here, just watched Isle of Man TT highlights . Crazy stuff, 180 + mph inches from kerbs and stone walls.

You have to have a certain level of crazy to want to do the Isle of Man...having said that it was on my "bucket list" for many years...right up until 2 years ago when I quit riding...Good luck with the diet...I have just completed my first week of a new regime...I said to Laurie the other day that I had dieted for 2 weeks and lost the sum total of got something pretty wrong!

I have changed a number of things including actively exercising with first weigh in tomorrow morning am aiming to be under 100kg...Good luck with your weight loss attemp
take care Liz

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on June 02, 2018, 08:51:31 PM
I would never ride in the TT but would love to go to experience it.  I stopped riding two years ago.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 03, 2018, 09:31:49 AM
My youngest was going to upgrade master cylinder on his R1 this morning but needs on adapter for hoses, said he is going to watch TT next year. Grinding down welds on panel van and gave up as its to bloody hot, sweat running in eyes in the goggles. Just had a nice cool shower and going to cook chicken Korma .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on June 03, 2018, 03:21:41 PM
 Ahhh good choice giving up grinding in hot weather to slaving over a hot stove.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 03, 2018, 03:54:33 PM
But I was just wearing a very thin short skirt dress and windows all open. Best bit was ran out of ground coriander and just put my sandals on and walked down the shop (still wearing the dress as well before any smart replies!!!) . No make up and slight shadow, fair amount of folk about but just stormed it. Nice to go out wearing next to nothing in the hot sun
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on June 03, 2018, 05:16:55 PM
Go Girl go!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on June 03, 2018, 08:16:09 PM
You beat me to it!   Go Davina Go!  That's the spirit.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 04, 2018, 12:35:59 PM
Well its hot rod club tomorrow night , just hope its warm enough for a dress !!! Might go hot rod chick, denim skirt and hot rod (ladies) T shirt.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on June 04, 2018, 12:40:40 PM
Quote from: davina61 on June 04, 2018, 12:35:59 PM
Well its hot rod club tomorrow night , just hope its warm enough for a dress !!! Might go hot rod chick, denim skirt and hot rod (ladies) T shirt.

Davina:   Well, indeed, that sounds like a wonderful event for you to attend....  yes, "hot rod chick" sounds like the enjoyable and fun thing you might consider doing...

... of course, you know the rules here on the Forums...
              "Pictures or it didn't happen"

Looking forward to your followup posting.
Hugs and well wishes,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 04, 2018, 04:41:38 PM
Did post but having net issues , hope fully sorted now after a reboot. Don't get home till 6 and need to leave but 7.20, that don't give me much time to shower and shave (all over!!) dress and make up
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on June 04, 2018, 04:54:35 PM
  You can do it girl. like @Alaskan Danielle said  "pics or it didn't happen".
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on June 04, 2018, 06:56:16 PM
Quote from: davina61 on June 04, 2018, 04:41:38 PM
Did post but having net issues , hope fully sorted now after a reboot. Don't get home till 6 and need to leave but 7.20, that don't give me much time to shower and shave (all over!!) dress and make up

You go girl...sounds to me like you have this well under your control. Would live to see some picks. Hope it all goes really well.

Take care

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on June 04, 2018, 07:30:33 PM
"pics or it didn't happen" and NOT just the cars!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 05, 2018, 10:51:04 AM
managed to log on at work!!!! might have to do the leggings and hoodie as its gone cooler, hope to get off early as well. just carvery to night , help yourself to veg bar so taking a "doggy" (or is that Davina!) bag for some of the meat and eating more veg and no pudding
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 05, 2018, 05:18:18 PM
evidence (no rods all daily's)(
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on June 05, 2018, 05:43:27 PM
All set to go I see. I hope you have fun tonight.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on June 05, 2018, 05:45:59 PM
Quote from: davina61 on June 05, 2018, 05:18:18 PM
evidence (no rods all daily's)(
Dear Davina:  Great photo, tell me who is that good looking gal in the picture??
Oh yes, it is YOU!
Thank you for posting this.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on June 05, 2018, 07:01:54 PM
Quote from: davina61 on June 05, 2018, 05:18:18 PM
evidence (no rods all daily's)(

Good on you Davina...we knew you could do it...looking fabulous

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on June 05, 2018, 07:28:17 PM
No rods, that's funny.  You look great!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 06, 2018, 01:23:23 PM
Posted that pic when I got back from pub, forgot to say when started meeting at a new place . No probs . So day off today and over slept as woke up at 7,30 went back to sleep and next thing it was 9.30!!!! rang mother to say would be round to see her but was running late and TBH not fussed about working on bus. She rang me back saying she was going into Tewksbury with my Aunty and Uncle did I want to come . Well didn't have to think on that long, so quick dress and makeover and off to mums. We had lunch in pub (to pub meals in 12 hours, never going to lose weight!!) and then went around shops, went in bank and found my card was blocked and new one has not turned up so got that sorted. Trawled round some charity shops and found an M&S skirt (good quality) for £4 , then went round market and found a large leather bag to replace the very tired one that mum gave me 18 months ago and that was £25. Picked up some hay fever meds as eyes really sore and some grocery and got back at 6.30 so a very nice day out (needed it) wore my new cotton skirt and floral pattern top that was nice and cool as it turned out HOT. Just finished a cold beer. When we went round the supermarket there was a lady 6ft4 size 12 + feet  and a very male face/jaw , stood next to her twice and got blanked , I know  nobody wants to be acknowledged  and I didn't do anything either.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 06, 2018, 05:11:55 PM
Back to the photo , you can see why I need to lose the spare tyre as its killing my waist
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laura_Ann on June 07, 2018, 06:05:34 AM
Hey Davina, glad to see things are going well for you hunni XX

Are you going to be at the Pod this year?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 07, 2018, 02:31:37 PM
Don't think so as time and money against me, trying to get panel van finished so I can start on the rod.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on June 07, 2018, 02:55:44 PM
I'm with you on the hay fever Davina, my eyes have been full of grit for the past couple of days.

Sounds like a fun day out in Tewksbury, and a new leather bag to finish it off. What more could a lady want! ;D

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 07, 2018, 04:20:04 PM
Trying nasal spray and eye drops as pills stop working after a bit.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on June 07, 2018, 08:44:51 PM
Good on the outing with the parents and aunty. Glad you got the bank card sorted, and I know the spare tire ruining the shape. Glad I don't suffer from hay fever or allergies.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on June 07, 2018, 09:22:14 PM
Hi Davina

I'm still working on my spare tyres(plural) it took a long time to put on so will most likely take some time to take the off...sounds like a great day out with some good shopping. Nice to be getting out with family

Take care

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laura_Ann on June 08, 2018, 10:51:01 AM
Quote from: davina61 on June 07, 2018, 02:31:37 PM
Don't think so as time and money against me, trying to get panel van finished so I can start on the rod.

We'll have to meet up again sometime hun X
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 08, 2018, 02:32:48 PM
Maybe Sept meetup , getting fed up with not going anywhere not that I can afford it. Good news as have lost 2lb and that was tonight when at heaviest , incentive !!!! measured round the girls tonight as feeling bigger, 40 ins chest and 44 across the nips. Felt bigger,never mind but they have changed shape filling out. Looking at train times for Birmingham meeting and found 10,10 from Malvern gets in at 11 .15 just right. Liking my new bag as it has lippy holder and pocket for phone , ok the pockets on inside work out .   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laura_Ann on June 08, 2018, 03:11:31 PM
Birmingham will be cool, I'm looking forward to it.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 08, 2018, 04:14:48 PM
Forgot to say got my new bank card with Miss Davina M on it, not bad as only went in bank on Wednesday ( for those that didn't see should have come weeks ago but never turned up}
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 09, 2018, 02:21:21 PM
Just had a right stresie day at work, started of with no water due to a burst main pipe this morning. Of course the kettle was empty and the cooler was empty in the fridge, tried drinking milk but made me gag (don't do milk since forced to drink it at school, story for another day)  so took all my shaving kit and tooth paste to work. Felt ok once I had my face on. Day full of inspections (mots)  and they all failed. We already had more work than was physically possible so then my manager cancelled the last 2 tests and  told me to do 2 full services in 2 hours . First one took 1.5 hour and my manager had left so assistant manager cancelled the service. Customer phoned head office complaints but things got sorted and rebooked. I said not doing this service as when I sign paper work to say all done correctly and something goes wrong I will be sacked and guarantee my manager wont back me up saying I was told to short cut. My under manager is a basket case anyway and when I left looked like he was having a right bad time. I stayed and helped move cars in as the other 2 had left early, BTW they were supposed to help with the service . Lets see what happens on Monday. So as a destress got some groceries and cubed a leg of lamb for a lamb and spinach curry for tomorrow. Wearing the long (summer) skirt I got Wednesday for £4 from charity shop and its lovely and cool.Did I write all this, well no one to talk to so its flowing out. Must get of my but as a glass of wine is calling----   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on June 10, 2018, 04:27:47 AM
It's good to vent Davina. Better out than in ;D. I hope work improves for you, seems like you've had a torrid time of lately. You can't short cut public safety, no matter how much people whinge and complain to head office. You're working in their best interest.
Good job with the weight :eusa_clap: I've been reading it's best to take measurements in the morning and then calculate the average over a week. Seems to make sense as my weight seems to fluctuate quite a lot from day to day and it's hard to gauge any progress. Seems like you're on it though girl, I'm routing for you :)

Have an awesome week ;D

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 10, 2018, 11:57:23 AM
Thanks Sadie love, Always lighter in morning due to fluids and that can make readings go up or down. Its lamb and spinach tonight, just going to put spinach in pan , laters XX
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 10, 2018, 03:33:10 PM
Just wasted 2 hours of my time ringing bank as new card wouldn't work on line. That's 1 1/4 on hold and the rest while they p**sed about . Works now and hotel booked for UK Meetup. Just the train tickets to sort then------- or should that be==========?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 11, 2018, 03:34:38 PM
Got email to say changes on car insurance so logged on to check as they used my old name on mail, they have changed it to Davina BUT it says MR still ,shitty phone call time again.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on June 11, 2018, 05:02:01 PM
  What fun getting companies to get things right. My experiences in that realm are just starting. So far so good.
  Hang in there hun.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 12, 2018, 01:11:02 PM
think I only have a few things left (apart from birth cert, but that's one for a clear head!!) internet, mobile A/C s . Will start new Fleabay as missis and kids use the old one . then once I have changed all the email links will kill my old yahoo one. That should clear a lot of dead name stuff but bet I have missed something.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on June 12, 2018, 01:20:31 PM
Quote from: davina61 on June 12, 2018, 01:11:02 PM
think I only have a few things left (apart from birth cert, but that's one for a clear head!!) internet, mobile A/C s . Will start new Fleabay as missis and kids use the old one . then once I have changed all the email links will kill my old yahoo one. That should clear a lot of dead name stuff but bet I have missed something.

Dear Davina:  It is undoubtedly a very daunting task to change your legal name and the subsequent tasks of getting all of your documents updated.  Working especially with local and federal government agencies can be very frustrating and time consuming.   However, my biggest challenge was to get my high school, college and university diplomas changed to my new legal name...  and also my CPA certification for my new state of residence where I now have a business. 

In my own experience, just when you think that EVERYTHING is done and the task is complete....  low and behold you find more things that need your attention.... and, of course, you will be getting mail addressed you with your "dead name" .... for years possibly !!!!   Isn't this a fun adventure????  !!!
Thanks for posting your update.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 12, 2018, 02:23:03 PM
yes need to write a list as just thought of another one and promptly forgot it , bloody dyslexic brain.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 13, 2018, 03:23:10 PM
The girls have been sore so measured around and 1/2 inch more, don't need a cushion to sit on a hard surface anymore as have my own!! Stood on scales and still same but had a thought, with extra up top and bottom effectively have lost some pounds. Sound or flawed logic or wish full thinking   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 14, 2018, 01:47:08 PM
Soooo rang car insurance and after 10 mins of recoded bollocks got to talk to a woman , told her name changed but still said Mr not Miss and this in my best fem voice (its rubbish)  so she said she would change it and then signed of by saying thankyou MR ---. WTF its hard work isn't it!!!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on June 14, 2018, 03:12:28 PM
If a business doesn't treat you like a customer, prove the customer is always right by immediately taking your money elsewhere. 

I switched about 10% of my previous accounts and expenditures after running into hassles with a few during my legal name change.  And I told them exactly why I was dumping them.  The only exception was PayPal (solved by sending registered mail to their headquarters), but if any good alternative exists I'll dump that one too.

I found most businesses were very polite and fast about this.  For those that were not, I don't miss them. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 14, 2018, 03:46:20 PM
Pay Pal was fine once sent them documents, I don't blame the lady on phone as towards end of day and what a mind numbing job. Anyway or is that - meanwhile back in the kitchen- made cauliflower and meat (lamb) curry and a big pot of dry mixed veg curry AND a pineapple upside down cake .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 15, 2018, 02:38:54 PM
Had my hand shook by a customer this morning saying " good luck with your transition, your brave" not sure how to take that. Maybe they were F to M ? then that made me think do they think I am F to M or M to F? Did good luck mean you will be lucky to pass. Just my rambling thoughts and nothing to worry me about. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on June 15, 2018, 07:46:03 PM
Maybe he saw something in you that was beyond his comprehension and therefore brave. 

I've never thought of my transition as a brave thing to do.  My best and closest friend once called me brave and I told him I wasn't, that I was just doing what I needed to do.  But I totally understand where he was coming from as changing genders and living as so in public, facing the scrutiny of others is the definition of bravery to some.  So maybe I am.  And if I am then so are you girlfriend!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on June 16, 2018, 01:52:02 AM
Quote from: davina61 on June 15, 2018, 02:38:54 PM
Had my hand shook by a customer this morning saying " good luck with your transition, your brave" not sure how to take that. Maybe they were F to M ? then that made me think do they think I am F to M or M to F? Did good luck mean you will be lucky to pass. Just my rambling thoughts and nothing to worry me about.

They were just being nice, so plonk a big smile on your face and remember that there are still good people left in this world. Lots of them really :D

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 16, 2018, 01:40:28 PM
To stay as I was would be brave, I just gave in to my desires .Must go and take birthday cake out of oven, its a cherry and coconut for my eldest lad for Monday.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Rachel on June 16, 2018, 05:00:31 PM
I got that a lot when I first came out and started expressing. I would take people at face value and I think they are genuine. Definitely do not read into their comments. They are wishing you well and think you are brave. It takes a lot to go against social norms.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 17, 2018, 01:22:23 PM
Just took me by surprise really but welcome. My eldest called in to day after going to his sisters to remove a radiator. He brought a fathers day card from her, forgot the one he got me (normal for him!)but remembered to bring a bottle of Chianti. Gave up going to my unit as it was 1 pm by the time I had eaten my lunch so went to visit mum.
Hormone update , found where the E is working yes my butt and my face (both sets of cheeks then!!) and not on the boobs so much. Hope it cycles soon. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on June 17, 2018, 07:44:42 PM
The E certainly filled out my facial cheeks and I look much better IMO.  The chest area could use a bit more attention!  I won't talk about my skinny butt...
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 18, 2018, 12:26:50 PM
My butt isn't skinny anymore, must update my avatar . Today picked a car up just a short walk away from News paper office and when I took it back the receptionist rang to the office and said your cars back and SHE has parked it back to where it was. No pause or anything when she said SHE. Think that might be the first time I have been gendered correctly like this. Happy days.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on June 18, 2018, 05:26:31 PM
Quote from: davina61 on June 18, 2018, 12:26:50 PM
My butt isn't skinny anymore, must update my avatar . Today picked a car up just a short walk away from News paper office and when I took it back the receptionist rang to the office and said your cars back and SHE has parked it back to where it was. No pause or anything when she said SHE. Think that might be the first time I have been gendered correctly like this. Happy days.

Dear Davina:
What a wonderful happening for sure... being gendered correctly without even a pause is worthy of celebration with more of that to come for sure.
So, regarding your new avatar to come... what exactly will you be taking a picture of ???  LOL
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on June 19, 2018, 05:06:50 AM
Quote from: davina61 on June 18, 2018, 12:26:50 PM
My butt isn't skinny anymore, must update my avatar . Today picked a car up just a short walk away from News paper office and when I took it back the receptionist rang to the office and said your cars back and SHE has parked it back to where it was. No pause or anything when she said SHE. Think that might be the first time I have been gendered correctly like this. Happy days.

You really are rocking it girl....Big butt, boobs and now someone gendering you correctly....pretty soo. you wont know yourself....It is so affirming to be gendered correctly.... [emoji3]

Take care


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on June 19, 2018, 11:29:31 AM
Glad you're starting to get gendered correctly Davina :) Sounds like HRT is working its magic.

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 19, 2018, 01:52:56 PM
Yes but went back to work and got HEed was corrected straight away but. Then today got called mate buy a few customers but they were all blokes . Just had a thought, wore my full on red lippy yesterday and coral pink (every day one) today
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 21, 2018, 04:39:14 PM
Wrote a nice piece about helping my lad with his motor bike and then keyboard froze not doing all that again off to bed in a pissy mood
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 22, 2018, 02:51:26 PM
The name on my login page for testing said Davina Martina this morning , yippee!!!! Take 2 on yesterdays post . My youngest go a new sport exhaust manifold for his R1 , fitted it then the rest of exhaust wont fit so Dad HELP . Went from work to have a look and after 1 1/2 hours gave up modifying pipes as need longer bends to clear swinging arm. Lay on the floor the new puppy was all over me , she is such a sweetie (cockapoo) and full of mischief . Waiting for him to get some bends then I can weld it up. Its a good job I have a TIG welder and stainless rods. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on June 22, 2018, 11:41:24 PM
Davina that is so cool having your correct name show up every time you use the MOT testing system. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 23, 2018, 01:22:37 PM
Thinking about going down to the Jazz Festival in town but no one to go with and TBH knackered after a 6 work day week. So opened bag of corn chips and poured a red wine. My lad has got a new exhaust for his bike and fitted it so less work for me tomorrow .Have a good Sat night folks XXXXXX
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 23, 2018, 03:25:24 PM
Got bored and made oat biscuits, would take a picture but they just look like biscuits on a plate!!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on June 23, 2018, 04:14:54 PM
Quote from: davina61 on June 23, 2018, 03:25:24 PM
Got bored and made oat biscuits, would take a picture but they just look like biscuits on a plate!!!!!

Do they still look like photogenic biscuits on a plate or is it now just a plate. ;D I love oat biscuits, they wouldn't last two seconds around me with a nice cup of Rosie to wash them down.
Glad to hear the bike plumbing is sorted.

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on June 23, 2018, 04:19:29 PM
Oatmeal & raisin are the pinnacle of biscuit'dom. You know what to do.... [emoji6]

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on June 23, 2018, 04:58:28 PM
Hi Davina,

  You rest a bit with those biscuits but don't eat them all yourself or Liz will get ahead of you in the great weight loss race.

  I went to a store here called Kitchen Kaboodle yesterday after the SSA office. I wandered around a bit and picked up a small nutmeg grinder and a small marble mortar & pestle. I should now be able to grind up those myriad of spices you have me buy for your recipes. I still need to pick up a small food scale for those weight measures you are fond of using.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 24, 2018, 03:07:37 AM
Sadie yes glad bike sorted as don't want to waste my day off, Megan so that's a bag full for Sept then!!!!. Laurie biscuits or not Liz is beating me as diet is not going well. I have small electric scales ,just a flat one that you stand your bowl on. It makes it easier when measuring lots of stuff out. Have a load of plastic bowls and measure a bowl empty first and then can check all ingredients in one go. also swop between LB and Grams with a push on button. PS giving most of the biscuits away
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on June 24, 2018, 05:11:30 AM

Quote from: davina61 on June 24, 2018, 03:07:37 AM
... Megan so that's a bag full for Sept then!!!!.

Well if you're going to offer, all on your own, without duress [emoji16][emoji23]

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 24, 2018, 02:28:45 PM
Gave up on panel van as way to hot for welding so came home and made turkey kofta (recipe was for chicken but 2 packs of turkey tits 30% of) minced and made into kofta(meat balls) cooked in a tomato sauce. then made banana fritters , more balls!! posted pics in cooking under Delvin's blue ball thread. Also made stuffed parathas but even though coated them well in floor they stuck together before I could cook them . Still taste OK.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: steph2.0 on June 25, 2018, 09:54:01 AM
Quote from: Megan. on June 24, 2018, 05:11:30 AM

Well if you're going to offer, all on your own, without duress [emoji16][emoji23]

Wait... what? Without her dress?!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on June 25, 2018, 12:06:14 PM
Quote from: Steph2.0 on June 25, 2018, 09:54:01 AM
Wait... what? Without her dress?!

The cookies are for modesty [emoji6]

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on June 25, 2018, 12:55:15 PM
Quote from: Megan. on June 25, 2018, 12:06:14 PM
The cookies are for modesty [emoji6]

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk

  I thought they called them pasties when used for modesty purposes.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Faith on June 25, 2018, 12:56:43 PM
Quote from: Laurie on June 25, 2018, 12:55:15 PM
  I thought they called them pasties when used for modesty purposes.

no no, that's pastries
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on June 25, 2018, 02:18:37 PM
Those are picked up with thon... I mean tongs.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 25, 2018, 02:45:00 PM
Who's picking up modesty coverings with there tongues????? Well its hot here 30c and had a very oily /dirty engine to work on so covered in muck. Ate my tea and went to wash up, no water so cleaned my face with make up remover went back in kitchen and water was back on. Washed up and jumped in shower, low water pressure and then no water. Managed to run a sink full when it came back on and did a rub over wash. Hope its back on before bed time and I can clean my sweaty pits and no not taking a photo for Danielle's sweaty thread!!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on June 25, 2018, 03:01:52 PM
Quote from: davina61 on June 25, 2018, 02:45:00 PM
Who's picking up modesty coverings with there tongues????? Well its hot here 30c and had a very oily /dirty engine to work on so covered in muck. Ate my tea and went to wash up, no water so cleaned my face with make up remover went back in kitchen and water was back on. Washed up and jumped in shower, low water pressure and then no water. Managed to run a sink full when it came back on and did a rub over wash. Hope its back on before bed time and I can clean my sweaty pits and no not taking a photo for Danielle's sweaty thread!!!!!

Dear Davina:  ... any of your pictures are always welcome.
Of course, usually makeup and hot sweaty faces and dirty work are not compatible.
So tell me.... what is wrong with your water?  Are you on a well and having difficulties with the pump, or perhaps low water level in ground????
... or are you on a public utility water system and you haven't paid your bill this month? ???   >:-)    :)
Hugs, Danielle
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 25, 2018, 04:24:41 PM
Utility , they had a bust big feed the other week so may be something to do with that. Electric shower and it cuts power if the pressure is low. Off to bed now so see if I can get fresh.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on June 26, 2018, 12:05:00 AM
Quote from: davina61 on June 25, 2018, 04:24:41 PM
Utility , they had a bust big feed the other week so may be something to do with that. Electric shower and it cuts power if the pressure is low. Off to bed now so see if I can get fresh.

Davina:  I sincerely hope that at the very least you can get somewhat cleaned up before going to bed.....  nothing worse than going directly to bed after  dirty and oily vehicle engine work....  definitely hot water and soap and lots of it are required!!!!   I hope that you can get freshened up.

Hugs and well wishes,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 26, 2018, 02:09:26 PM
Yes the water came back on so a quick splash in the shower before bed. My car said 30.5 C on the way home tonight and its 27 in living room . played Russian roulette with my cook book tonight and it opened on a dhal made with red lentils, had just the right amount so made a batch as need something for work tomorrow  . FART alert!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 27, 2018, 03:36:28 PM
Hi folks had to wait for my nails to dry , got the day off tomorrow and going out with my mum and if her feet have gone down!!! my aunty (swollen feet not helped by the heat) . Anyway done my toes bright cherry red as the sandals will be on and fingers metallic plum. Pub lunch and shopping then ;D

Shitty letter time again, Wifes lawyers sent a letter (for her divorcing me) sying as I had cashed in my pension I needed to account for the money.This is after I told them what I have left, takes the biscuit as she has works pension and 2 houses and I have bugger all .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on June 27, 2018, 03:52:49 PM
 Oh yes the joys of divorce. Glad you got to wash befor going to bed and I'll have to look up what Dahl is. Have a nice outing with Mum and Aunty.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 27, 2018, 04:42:10 PM
To save you looking it up its lentil or beans , TBH it was lacking something so put a scotch egg in it for my lunch
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 28, 2018, 03:14:18 PM
Nice day off today (and I needed it!!!) went for a pub lunch with mum and aunty . Dressed up and although I don't pass recon it was good enough so no one looked twice , mum and aunty said a few folk looked but no stares or anything. Did a grocery shop and chemists for make up and essentials (nail varnish remover etc) and just made a marinade for a lamb curry. That's 800g of cubed lamb in a marinade of 4 onions, garlic ,ginger , chillies blitzed in blender and then with turmeric, ground coriander, and yogurt , 1/2 of the blitzed mix held back for cooking.In the fridge till its tomorrows tea!!!!! 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 29, 2018, 02:45:39 PM
The lamb curry is nice, thought with all the onion, chillies etc  it would be hot/strong but its almost sweet and mild. Glad I didn't make the one with 12 dried red chillies in it!!!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on June 29, 2018, 03:13:18 PM
So it was only a 'two alarm' curry then Davina ;D

I actually made a soy chilli for dinner tonight. That's what we Brits do when its 30 degrees outside :) Needless to say the wig came off for a short while to stop me spontaneously combusting  :o

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 29, 2018, 04:44:42 PM
I will find out some time tomorrow (TMI!!!!) the chilli worked then made you sweat to cool you down, have lots of red chillies left over from mixed packets so might have to make a HOT one. Pot of yogurt to cool down after.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on June 29, 2018, 09:22:07 PM
 Chili? I have made some mean chili in my day. It's been a long time as my sister would not be able to eat it. I like it HOT but not just hot it has to have good flavor. Hmmmm I should make Michelle and her roommate Robyn some of mt special chili and see how they like it.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on June 30, 2018, 05:12:13 AM
Quote from: Laurie on June 29, 2018, 09:22:07 PM
Hmmmm I should make Michelle and her roommate Robyn some of mt special chili and see how they like it.


Watch out Michelle and roommate, when Laurie starts a sentence with "Hmmmmmm" you know she means business. I'm not sure if those are two chillies or two horns growing out of her forehead  ;D Best keep the top of the fridge nice and cool :D.

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Michelle_P on June 30, 2018, 11:07:21 AM
Quote from: Laurie on June 29, 2018, 09:22:07 PM
Chili? I have made some mean chili in my day. It's been a long time as my sister would not be able to eat it. I like it HOT but not just hot it has to have good flavor. Hmmmm I should make Michelle and her roommate Robyn some of mt special chili and see how they like it.


I'd love it!  Robyn...  Well...  She has this aversion to anything spicy or hot.  Even lowly jalapeños are too much, whereas I eat them like pickles.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 30, 2018, 03:07:42 PM
Just made a BIG batch of veg curry , some for the daughter and ex missis and 4 pots for me. Found some recipes using red chillies but going to make spicy flat breads tomorrow covered in fine chopped red chilli (have made them before).
At work the one Bulgarian lad that's been a bit off with me was chatty this afternoon and  was saying about how we had to much work booked in for us men to do (his English is a bit poor) and then corrected him self with AND LADIES. Did have my in yer face red lippy on as it does help!! Its gone rather hot again, 92F in my flat , just went for a wee and have sweat marks in my knickers!!!!and only have a very thin shirt dress on. Not used to this in the UK. Need to do work on the panel before mid day before sun gets on lockup.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 02, 2018, 03:39:51 PM
Made cherry cake and biscuits tonight but not for me, its 40 years this month that I have been going to the hot rod group so I made a "birthday" cake to share out tomorrow night. One of the office staff came over from the other branch and called me (old name) so I corrected him " I cant call you Davina its not right" so dragged him into inner office and showed him my name on MOT computer and said its official. Don't think it will work though, he's Scottish and my age!!!Good job I don't see him often. As mentioned its hot rod club tomorrow and we are meeting at a different pub with another local club, some have seen Davina already. What to wear?? Green skirt (sort of sage green) and black ladies Hot Rod Drags T shirt, sparkly sandals . Just thought hope I have enough cake!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on July 02, 2018, 04:40:30 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 02, 2018, 03:39:51 PM
Made cherry cake and biscuits tonight but not for me, its 40 years this month that I have been going to the hot rod group so I made a "birthday" cake to share out tomorrow night. One of the office staff came over from the other branch and called me (old name) so I corrected him " I cant call you Davina its not right" so dragged him into inner office and showed him my name on MOT computer and said its official. Don't think it will work though, he's Scottish and my age!!!Good job I don't see him often. As mentioned its hot rod club tomorrow and we are meeting at a different pub with another local club, some have seen Davina already. What to wear?? Green skirt (sort of sage green) and black ladies Hot Rod Drags T shirt, sparkly sandals . Just thought hope I have enough cake!!

  Cherry cake sounds like it might be good. Go and have a great time. I got a kick out of your encounter with the Scottish chap. I know what you mean about having to correct some people and show them your name is official. The problem I have is that it is myself I have to keep correcting. Even as I am going about changing my name in various places, I still don't quite believe it. Well I've always been stubborn about things.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on July 02, 2018, 06:26:20 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 02, 2018, 03:39:51 PM
Made cherry cake and biscuits tonight but not for me, its 40 years this month that I have been going to the hot rod group so I made a "birthday" cake to share out tomorrow night. One of the office staff came over from the other branch and called me (old name) so I corrected him " I cant call you Davina its not right" so dragged him into inner office and showed him my name on MOT computer and said its official. Don't think it will work though, he's Scottish and my age!!!Good job I don't see him often. As mentioned its hot rod club tomorrow and we are meeting at a different pub with another local club, some have seen Davina already. What to wear?? Green skirt (sort of sage green) and black ladies Hot Rod Drags T shirt, sparkly sandals . Just thought hope I have enough cake!!

The love home made cakes and love to bake. I am told I do a reasonable job but I have not done any in quite some time. I have tried "low sugar" or "Diabetic" cake recipes and in most cases I hated them. So I just don't do it very often...helps the waist line.

The arrogance of some people is astounding...since when did we get to decide the name we call other people? Pretty darn rude and you were even good enough to show him that it had been changed officially.  I just do not answer to my old all. Hopefully after you ignore him a few times he will get the message..."your opinion about my name is not required!!" Good luck with the meeting I hope the cake is a hit.

Wear what ever makes you feel skirt sounds great...have fun

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Dena on July 02, 2018, 06:49:33 PM
Quote from: ElizabethK on July 02, 2018, 06:26:20 PM
The love home made cakes and love to bake. I am told I do a reasonable job but I have not done any in quite some time. I have tried "low sugar" or "Diabetic" cake recipes and in most cases I hated them. So I just don't do it very often...helps the waist line.
I did a fair amount of Diabetic cooking and unfortunately I found that sugar is an important part of many recipes. Where the substitutes really shine is in desert puddings and ice cream so I tended to keep on or both around for my roommate all the time. Fortunately she was't bad and could have sugar so we alternate deserts as long as the blood sugar behaved.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on July 02, 2018, 08:45:32 PM
Quote from: Dena on July 02, 2018, 06:49:33 PM
I did a fair amount of Diabetic cooking and unfortunately I found that sugar is an important part of many recipes. Where the substitutes really shine is in desert puddings and ice cream so I tended to keep on or both around for my roommate all the time. Fortunately she was't bad and could have sugar so we alternate deserts as long as the blood sugar behaved.

I never thought of icecream...I do have an icecream maker and I really do love was almost a staple when I was growing up LOL. I made some when I first got the machine and loved how good it was(got concerned about my weight so stopped making it)...I must give it a go with some sweetener I am guessing all I should need to do is substitute sweetner for sugar in the custard....good idea Dena thanks
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Dena on July 02, 2018, 09:57:54 PM
Quote from: ElizabethK on July 02, 2018, 08:45:32 PM
I never thought of icecream...I do have an icecream maker and I really do love was almost a staple when I was growing up LOL. I made some when I first got the machine and loved how good it was(got concerned about my weight so stopped making it)...I must give it a go with some sweetener I am guessing all I should need to do is substitute sweetner for sugar in the custard....good idea Dena thanks
Fat is also an issue in Ice cream so my diet version uses one cup cream and 3 cups milk. By the way, the chocolate chip was mostly for me and the rum was for my roommate.

Dena's Diet Version
3 eggs 
1/2 cup splenda
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 cups milk
1 cups whipping cream
1 tablespoon vanilla
add 3 oz chocolate chips chopped for chocolate chip
replace vanilla with 2 tablespoons dark rum for rum flavored ice cream
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on July 02, 2018, 10:50:18 PM
Quote from: Dena on July 02, 2018, 09:57:54 PM
Fat is also an issue in Ice cream so my diet version uses one cup cream and 3 cups milk. By the way, the chocolate chip was mostly for me and the rum was for my roommate.

Dena's Diet Version
3 eggs 
1/2 cup splenda
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 cups milk
1 cups whipping cream
1 tablespoon vanilla
add 3 oz chocolate chips chopped for chocolate chip
replace vanilla with 2 tablespoons dark rum for rum flavored ice cream

Yum thanks Dena
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: vickijonesuk on July 03, 2018, 01:09:57 AM
:) I love your thread Davina - it goes from life to make up to engine maintenance to hot rods to cake making - you are awesome  :icon_flower:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 03, 2018, 02:15:34 AM
awesome ??? just a build up of life experience. Oh and I tell it as it is, right of to see the vampire and then work.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: vickijonesuk on July 03, 2018, 05:17:53 AM
Quoteawesome ??? just a build up of life experience.

and that's what makes you awesome - being able to share it
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 03, 2018, 05:18:36 PM
Just got back from Hot Rod meet , cake went down well. Don't know if any so you will remember that one of the members had transed , well she was there and sat next to me and said she had heard about me. Closest we got to mentioning  trans was when I got dead named and she said been there!! There was hot rods in the car park but my phone says it needs data cleaning for space so cant take pics . Had a letter that looks genuine, correct envelope, paper , details ect saying I have a tax refund and to get it within 5 days log on to this web page (looks right) or wait up to 4 months to get a cheque . Now that bit made me suspicious so need to check its not a scam to get bank details, would be nice if its true as can afford a bit of face zapping 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on July 03, 2018, 09:18:22 PM
Glad the meet and cake went down well. Being misnamed sucks bigtime and one of those things that I think feels worse the longer we move along with our transition. Nice to meet a fellow trans person, usually good for some added support if needed. Its great to be able to have a conversation with another trans woman that doesn't centre around hormones, boob jobs, Dr's, Electrolysis or GCS LOL although I must be I have been guilty of this myself. Buut it does make a pleasant chnage all the same.

Take Care


Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on July 04, 2018, 10:00:09 AM
Good to hear the hot rod meet went well and you could talk a bit with the other person you heard about.  Certainly be careful of scams, they can be so deceiving.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 04, 2018, 03:35:47 PM
Its genuine but tried to log on to the system and it cant find me, defiantly here!!! So have to phone them, good old computer system eh .  Taking bets on how long I will be on hold. Anyway nearly said the girls have gone dormant but then today had a severe sharp pain in right nipple and they have both gone sore again and filling out in cleavage area. Have a salt craving as well but that could be the heat (on injections not Spiro)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on July 04, 2018, 05:29:28 PM
Yes had that today as well, a bit of massage and they nice and warm now....

:angel: :angel:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on July 04, 2018, 07:22:05 PM
There are very few times I don't gently bang my arm against one of my breasts and they not feel tender. The girls at the support group were talking about boob size and what to expect. I fit into the "average" category with my b cups but my understanding is that if you get a c cup "you are a legend" as one of the girls was told by her endocronologist...I would love to be in the "legend' status but I think its going to take a few more years LOL Aparently B cup is the standard

Glad to hear the tax return is legit...found money is always nice!!! Hopefully you won't be on hold tooo long but hey if its a Govt department then I'd bring a packed lunch!!

Take care

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 05, 2018, 02:12:53 PM
Phoned the tax line , all done in 10 mins!!!!! and a name change as well. Wonders will never cease. Unfortunately not able to change gender (Mr to Miss) but have a number to phone for that. As its 30+ degC here I have made a chicken/veg to go in slow cooker for tomorrow night, not one to waste a carcass I boiled the bones for stock and defrosted some I had in freezer. Potatoes, swede, and carrots with 2 handfuls of butter beans and stock cube . Also some chicken gravy granules to thicken it up. Need to go grocery shopping tomorrow night after work or nothing for Saturdays lunch box.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 05, 2018, 02:29:36 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 05, 2018, 02:12:53 PM
Phoned the tax line , all done in 10 mins!!!!! and a name change as well. Wonders will never cease. Unfortunately not able to change gender (Mr to Miss) but have a number to phone for that. As its 30+ degC here I have made a chicken/veg to go in slow cooker for tomorrow night, not one to waste a carcass I boiled the bones for stock and defrosted some I had in freezer. Potatoes, swede, and carrots with 2 handfuls of butter beans and stock cube . Also some chicken gravy granules to thicken it up. Need to go grocery shopping tomorrow night after work or nothing for Saturdays lunch box.

Dear Davina:   Wow, indeed... name changes with government agencies are supposed to take much longer, don't they know that??   But in typical government fashion, the same phone call to change your name to a female name does not handle a very related change from Mr. to Miss ... now a different number and department to call...
   .......... go figure... ???  :-\

While many areas of the UK and the USA are sweltering with high and hot temperatures, this week where I live has been in the much cooler range during the mid-day...
.... 15 to 20 deg C... or 57 to 68 deg F   and on my Saturday hike into the hills it was about 10 degrees cooler, perfect for vigorous hiking.   I "melt" in the higher heat.

Thanks for posting your update and enjoy your deliciously described slow cooker meal.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 05, 2018, 03:50:31 PM
Since the HRT I found I am not affected as much by temp as the old me, handling this heat ok and not felling the cold as much.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on July 06, 2018, 09:47:12 AM
Quote from: davina61 on July 05, 2018, 03:50:31 PM
Since the HRT I found I am not affected as much by temp as the old me, handling this heat ok and not felling the cold as much.

The plus side with all this heat is that I don't have to mow the lawn, it's now a nice shade of brown. ;D
Glad to see you're keeping the bureaucrats on their toes. Won't be long and you'll be sorted.

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 06, 2018, 03:02:56 PM
Yes Sadie not many left to sort, ebay , some forums to change email on . Have to phone electric supplier as cant change on line, bound to be something else as always is!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 06, 2018, 11:02:13 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 06, 2018, 03:02:56 PM
Yes Sadie not many left to sort, ebay , some forums to change email on . Have to phone electric supplier as cant change on line, bound to be something else as always is!!

@davina61   @Shy
Yes indeed, just when you think you have done all the name and gender changes then there are a bunch of new ones to get changed.... then of course, you will be getting snail mail and emails in your old name for years!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 07, 2018, 01:46:04 PM
Didn't sleep well last night as toooooo hot , 7.30 pm and thermometer in shade on top of writing desk says 29C. Big glass of wine then!!!! Not helped by cooking a big pot of dry veg curry and then a beef cooked in whole spices, the afternoon sun comes straight in through the window.Will be very hot in my lock up tomorrow, need to see if the new front beam needs painting.At least it will dry quick!!!! Bought some duck breasts (to eat!!!!!) so making a duck curry tomorrow night , more an Asian curry than Indian . Had to get some red onions and white vinegar to make it, it also says coriander roots and I do have a living plant but don't want to use it as its doing well.Have fun in the sun folks
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 07, 2018, 02:32:02 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 07, 2018, 01:46:04 PM
Didn't sleep well last night as toooooo hot , 7.30 pm and thermometer in shade on top of writing desk says 29C. Big glass of wine then!!!! Not helped by cooking a big pot of dry veg curry and then a beef cooked in whole spices, the afternoon sun comes straight in through the window.Will be very hot in my lock up tomorrow, need to see if the new front beam needs painting.At least it will dry quick!!!! Bought some duck breasts (to eat!!!!!) so making a duck curry tomorrow night , more an Asian curry than Indian . Had to get some red onions and white vinegar to make it, it also says coriander roots and I do have a living plant but don't want to use it as its doing well.Have fun in the sun folks

Dear Davina.... I will try not to upset you about your hot weather but it is another cool day here and some sprinkles of rain.  63 degrees F    (17 deg C)   Since I melt in the heat I am very happy with the weather here where I live.

I keep reading and following your thread and am always amazed at all that you are always cooking in your kitchen... such descriptive and delicious sounding meals....  just for you?...   Cooking and baking in that kind of heat, I think I would probably be making cool salads, cold sandwiches and stuff like that.

Oh, by the way, I take it that you don't have Air Conditioning????

Hugs and well wishes,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 07, 2018, 03:28:40 PM
No air con in private homes in UK as it never gets that hot?????  I do pass on some of my food but a lot of them are made up into single meals so when I come in from work its a quick reheat (if I remember to take it out of freezer) At the moment I have no space left, the veg curry gets eaten as a side dish and this came out HOT as the chilli powder I have is on the strong side. Good as it cools you down. I do get carried away when food shopping , especially if its on offer like the duck breasts I am cooking tomorrow, curried of course!!!

Buy the buy just had to put my feet in a bowl of cold water as they are burning hot
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Dena on July 07, 2018, 04:10:46 PM
It's supposed to hit 113 degrees today here (45C). Trade you.  ;D I am inside with the temperature set to 79 (26C) and almost no humidity so it's very comfortable.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on July 07, 2018, 07:34:06 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 07, 2018, 03:28:40 PM
No air con in private homes in UK as it never gets that hot????? .....

I can remember being in London for the English summer expecting temps in the mid 20's cel however that particular year it got really hot (by English standards 32c) and it became ever so evident how ill equipped the English were for a heat wave but to be fair it would be like a blizzard hitting Adelaide...we would have no hope of coping either...hope you manage to cool down!!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 08, 2018, 01:48:01 PM
Still hot!! gave up down my unit midday but ran out of paint anyway. Did my duck curry and kept the sauce to cook some more. The recipe was for 6 and only used 2 breasts but made the full amount, freezer again. The contact no to get residence passes for access to my road is wrong , great as without the pass wont be able to drive to my flat. Good job I am on hols that week as main street though town will be closed for3 days. Might have to go and see whats on as it is free, weather forecast is cooler that week. On the diet front have lost 4lb , just another 24 to go then-------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on July 08, 2018, 04:42:39 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 08, 2018, 01:48:01 PM
> The recipe was for 6 and only used 2 breasts
I only want two of those, definitely not six.  Surgery tomorrow.

Quote from: davina61 on July 08, 2018, 01:48:01 PM
> On the diet front have lost 4lb
This is significant.  Congratulations! 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on July 08, 2018, 04:45:10 PM
Lol - me too - but don't want to buy them - prefer home grown :) - Looks like that's OK for me as well...

:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on July 08, 2018, 07:39:11 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 08, 2018, 01:48:01 PM
Still hot!! gave up down my unit midday but ran out of paint anyway. Did my duck curry and kept the sauce to cook some more. The recipe was for 6 and only used 2 breasts but made the full amount, freezer again. The contact no to get residence passes for access to my road is wrong , great as without the pass wont be able to drive to my flat. Good job I am on hols that week as main street though town will be closed for3 days. Might have to go and see whats on as it is free, weather forecast is cooler that week. On the diet front have lost 4lb , just another 24 to go then-------

Congrats on the weight loss I am sure the other 24 will continue their dissappearing act over the next few weeks...hope you get you access sorted out

take care

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 09, 2018, 02:05:41 PM
Got a knock on the door last night, the lad in the next door flat found a pile of passes dumped in the porch!!!! sorted. All I have left to say is sore itchy tits.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: mittenskittens on July 09, 2018, 07:53:25 PM
Yay been reading this post for a few days finally caught up. Loving this post really motivational for my transition.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 10, 2018, 07:49:36 AM
Glad I kept you entertained, now being a good Samaritan I helped a lady delivery driver putting a very large battery into here van (return) and it triggered a damaged muscle in my back/hip . Well its top of pelvis to spine sort of, anyhow struggled through yesterday at work but gave up 11.30 this morning as to uncomfortable . Only time I get relief is sat down and then getting up ouch!!! Have managed to book massage 3pm so hope that sorts it, let you know later. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Jessica on July 10, 2018, 08:39:30 AM
Quote from: davina61 on July 10, 2018, 07:49:36 AM
Glad I kept you entertained, now being a good Samaritan I helped a lady delivery driver putting a very large battery into here van (return) and it triggered a damaged muscle in my back/hip . Well its top of pelvis to spine sort of, anyhow struggled through yesterday at work but gave up 11.30 this morning as to uncomfortable . Only time I get relief is sat down and then getting up ouch!!! Have managed to book massage 3pm so hope that sorts it, let you know later.

Hopefully the massage helped you!  I have occasional issues in that area (sciatica) and need to use proper body mechanics to keep it from flaring up.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 10, 2018, 12:14:35 PM
Yes I could walk up the stairs with no discomfort, going back next week for a follow up, now being a good Samaritan and then suffering was a bit off. But went to see Debs for reflexology and back massage , now Debs went to school with my sister and have known here for ----years on and off. I have a new friend!!!!!! so a good deed does get payed back.
Hopefully get to go to Blues Festival with her and some of her friends, she sings in a band (not at this though ) and knows a lot of folk. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 11, 2018, 02:26:28 PM
Well Evesham  had to brace itself today as went with mum and aunty and uncle , still struggling with my back so hoped the walking would help. Ended up getting strong pain killers!!!! but then could manage ok. WE had fish and chips ,did some charity shops (got a top for 99p) and then went to supermarket for supplies. Got a new "stock" pan to make my curry's as the one mum gave me catches as the non stick sticks. Found some Okra as well and then at the checkout I got ma'amed , happy days. didn't get back till 7.30 pm so my night out with the hot rod gang is off but then backs still very sore. Wore my sage green shirt dress, just right for temp. Got some looks but I just ignored them, nothing stops me
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on July 11, 2018, 03:53:56 PM
Davina PLEASE be careful now that you've passed the half year mark with HRT.  I almost threw my back out a couple months ago lifting heavy furniture.  Something I could have safely lifted previously has become impossible as I have lost muscle mass.  I don't regret it - I've traded one set of advantages for another but can't have both.

I am starting to understand the social differences among genders isn't just odd tradition (although some of it is), a few differences are out of necessity.  Hope your back gets better soon. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 11, 2018, 04:12:49 PM
Its not the HRT, old injury that can go out just reaching for some thing . Muscle knots up and its been giving me grief for the past 10 years or so. Went out once picking up an empty box of a counter!!!! Normally takes a week to clear , hoping it is quicker as if Debby can sort it out with the (tired can think what its called, foot massage)  and back on Tuesday.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on July 11, 2018, 04:36:21 PM
Go go go for  those massages girl.
You need to get them when you don't really need them for any Physical issue as you deserve them anyway.
Hot it sorts soon
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 12, 2018, 02:50:37 PM
Better today after taking painkillers, fast acting !!!!! took nearly 3 hours to kick in(what) took some more after 4 hours and started to feel a bit spaced out. May not have been those as over the counter ones. Still 2 more days to holiday, not going away but will see my daughter on Monday and its the Blues festival at the end of the week.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: mittenskittens on July 12, 2018, 08:15:37 PM
Do you think muscle mass loss on hormones will be noticeable even on a weak body like mine? im skinny lol

hope you get better and it all clears up!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 13, 2018, 03:37:00 PM
Not noticed any muscle loss yet but then never had much to start with, the ex has bigger arm muscles than me!!! Tried my new pan tonight , its larger than the element and had to have it flat out just to do some mince, its aluminium maybe the steel one would have been better??? I have a smaller ali hob to oven pot and that takes ages to get hot as well .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on July 13, 2018, 03:42:56 PM
I can send you my address so you can send some of your delicious sounding works of culinary art to me (FOC of course) -= We should have a Trans chef or trans 'buns in the oven' competition on ITV/BBC I think. After all we are better than normal people anyway :) (We know all sides of the gender sphere after all..)

:angel: :angel: >:-) :angel: :angel:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 13, 2018, 03:55:04 PM
Going to make a chicken, potato and carrot curry to take to the daughters on Monday just to make you hungry!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on July 13, 2018, 03:57:07 PM
Cant come and steal any as I have fencing panels being delivered Monday and want to paint (spray) them before neighbours do...


:angel: :angel:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 14, 2018, 04:46:55 PM
Hope you have the correct PPE  ;) didn't post earlier as it would have been a rant about work, ok now as have calmed down (took ages)  ;).on holiday now thank god.Bit of paint on panel van tomorrow and then its a cooking spree, Okra, chicken curry (like a stew with coconut milk) and some samosas using up the Keema as filling.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on July 14, 2018, 05:22:48 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 14, 2018, 04:46:55 PM
Hope you have the correct PPE  ;) didn't post earlier as it would have been a rant about work, ok now as have calmed down (took ages)  ;).on holiday now thank god.Bit of paint on panel van tomorrow and then its a cooking spree, Okra, chicken curry (like a stew with coconut milk) and some samosas using up the Keema as filling.

Holidays  :icon_dance: Happy Days!! :icon_dance:

So apart from some fine cooking of curry what else have you got planned for your holidays?

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 15, 2018, 02:47:34 AM
Off to see the daughter and 1 1/2 grandkids (1/2 due septemberish) tomorrow, need to get some drop spindles for panel van if I can get hold of parts bloke (need them or it wont clear door to get out unit!!) Debby on Tuesday for back massage , as much work on panel van as pos and its the Blues festival next weekend , bugger rain forecast,  and might have a guest.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 15, 2018, 01:47:49 PM
Have a "hero" in my family, my youngest lad was driving his builders merchant delivery lorry and going slow over the brow of a steep hill when he saw a police man getting beaten up. Slapped the brakes on and ran over to help as someone else went running past him and knocked the copper and his attacker flying so he jumped on the bloke and held his arms as the other person sat on his chest and a third held his feet. Then the cavalry arrived . Made the front page of the local paper.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 15, 2018, 02:13:13 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 15, 2018, 01:47:49 PM
Have a "hero" in my family, my youngest lad was driving his builders merchant delivery lorry and going slow over the brow of a steep hill when he saw a police man getting beaten up. Slapped the brakes on and ran over to help as someone else went running past him and knocked the copper and his attacker flying so he jumped on the bloke and held his arms as the other person sat on his chest and a third held his feet. Then the cavalry arrived . Made the front page of the local paper.

Dear Davina:  Thank you for posting this.  Yes, there are some good people out there.  Many would be good Samaritans are often told to call the police and let them handle it....  in the scenario that you just mentioned it would be way too late and who knows what more harm the perpetrator could have done without the young lad's intervention.

This reminds me of a saying that I have heard here on the forums and elsewhere....
       "When seconds matter, cops are only minutes away."

Again Davina, thank you for sharing...
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 15, 2018, 02:36:02 PM
The policeman was slightly built and as my lad put it the attacker was built like a brick s**t house!!!!! My lad would have made a good policeman, he wanted to be a fireman but has/had a dodgy knee after a bike crash so he became a first responder for our rural area. That's a first aider with a defib . Its what I would expect from him.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on July 15, 2018, 02:47:54 PM
Davina your son put his own safety at risk but did the right thing.  You raised him well and I bet you're justifiably proud.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on July 15, 2018, 09:19:52 PM
Yes Davina he's a hero and you are right to be proud. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on July 15, 2018, 09:25:09 PM
Davina he is a hero...I agree...I bet the copper was plenty happy he showed up otherwise he may not have gone home at all that night. All comes back to your sons sense of right and wrong and they place he most likely got it from was you. You can both take a bow

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 16, 2018, 11:38:19 AM
Went this morning to see daughter, house is a mess as redoing interior and front room in new plaster. Grandson took a while to come round and stop clinging to mum but started playing with his tractor. 5 1/2 weeks till new one due and they are desperate to get the house sorted. Tea time now so doing aubergine dish before it goes bad, its been in fridge for a week-----
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 17, 2018, 03:52:43 PM
Had my back sorted, reflexology as well and now my new friend has come to tea and has drunk all my wine!!!She told me to say that. we have had a fun night.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 18, 2018, 03:02:31 AM
Got my blood test results, T is 0.4 and it says oestradiol so I take that as E 297 pmol/L . Don't know how that compares to normal levels?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 18, 2018, 01:35:58 PM
Had a good day working on my van and got a lot done, burnt my arm with a weld spatter and it rubs as on inside. Damn left my phone on the side and cant go back now . Down there tomorrow again to fit front suspension and steering. Debbie says my short hair makes me look younger and I should wear it all the time , that's the one in my avatar. The longer one is quite ginger , was supposed to be darker but miss ordered from swatch on website. She has offered to do my eyes for Friday for festival so might have a new avatar (about time!)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on July 18, 2018, 04:15:07 PM
Dear Davinia
Looking forward to seeing you with long golden red tresses (ginger). Hope the splatter marks heal quickly - I remember when I used to weld / could weld what that was like, even small amounts can be somewhat painful.
Yes website swatches are usually awful - lots of sites 'rent' you actual swatches, and that is a must to do especially for the medium to expensive wigs.

Hope you have a good time Friday

Luv n Hugz


Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Dena on July 18, 2018, 06:14:13 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 18, 2018, 03:02:31 AM
Got my blood test results, T is 0.4 and it says oestradiol so I take that as E 297 pmol/L . Don't know how that compares to normal levels?
No units on the T but it appears to be in the lower feminine range. E would be about 80 pg/ml which should be enough to make things happen. It's not overly high but it's above the menopause range where I am being held.

SEX                     pg/ml
Women (> 18 years old)   
      Follicular Phase  30-120
      Ovulatory Peak   130-370
      Luteal Phase      70-250
      Post-Menopausal   15-60
Male                    15-60

SEX      ng/dl        ng/ml
Females  6 - 86     0.1 - 1.2
Males  270 - 1100   2.4 - 12
Conversion factor: 1 ng/ml = 3.47 nmol/l

Analyte        Gravietric  Conversion International
               Unit        Factor     Unit
Estrone        pg/mL       3.699      pmol/L
Estradiol      pg/ml       3.67       pmol/L
Estriol        pg/ml       3.47       nmol/L

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on July 19, 2018, 01:12:46 AM
Quote from: davina61 on July 18, 2018, 01:35:58 PM
Had a good day working on my van and got a lot done, burnt my arm with a weld spatter and it rubs as on inside. Damn left my phone on the side and cant go back now . Down there tomorrow again to fit front suspension and steering. Debbie says my short hair makes me look younger and I should wear it all the time , that's the one in my avatar. The longer one is quite ginger , was supposed to be darker but miss ordered from swatch on website. She has offered to do my eyes for Friday for festival so might have a new avatar (about time!)

Ouch that sounds painful!!Weld burn...double ouch

I was just reading back over your last few posts and I can see you have been having some fun. As far as hair style's go...sounds like you should give the short hair a go, it obviously suits you.

Will keep a look out for that new avatar

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: pamelatransuk on July 19, 2018, 05:32:57 AM
Hello Davina

Just to let you know that KathyLauren started a thread Unit Conversions on HRT Board (which I added to) concerning converting US Units to International Units and vice versa and it was last updated 30June and hence is on page 3 of HRT Board.

Take a look and I hope it gives you some useful information concerning E and T readings.


Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 19, 2018, 12:22:35 PM
Thanks girls, cant believe my weeks hols is nearly gone. Shopping tomorrow , food for next week and I feel a visit to the clothes shop coming on. Festival tomorrow afternoon/night PARTY ON!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on July 19, 2018, 02:16:44 PM
 Hi Davina'

A week of holiday and I didn't notice? Well hun, you have a good time shopping for clothes and a great party for yourself. Make it a darn good finale to your holiday.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 19, 2018, 03:32:07 PM
"holiday" well spent 3 full days on the panel van so hoping to have the last 3 days at the FREE Blues Festival that is a stones throw away. Anyone interested type in uptonbluesfestival .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 20, 2018, 04:53:37 PM
Well after getting back from shopping walked down town to get a bottle of wine (forgot earlier) and to have a look around, bought a programme to see who is where then back home to get the banana cake out of oven. Decided to go back out for a bit and see who was on main stage . Bought some earrings made out of stainless spokes ,will take a pic and just about to go back when Debs rang. She was just across the road so met up and walked back into town where we met her friends, Marcie (I think ) and her wife. She plays guitar in a band and they don't know she is m to f . Later we went to watch a band , a gent sorted some chairs and when thanked said no problem LADIES and that included me!!!Left the flat at 2.30 and just got back at 10 30, falling into bed now night night.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on July 20, 2018, 05:36:54 PM
Sounds lovely - will be there next year.
As ME and not me  - take care Hun - see you in Sept.

Luv n HugZ

:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on July 20, 2018, 06:47:40 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 20, 2018, 04:53:37 PM
> a gent sorted some chairs and when thanked said no problem LADIES and that included me!!!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on July 20, 2018, 08:59:02 PM
 That's the way to do it Davina! A job well done. Hope you slept well.

Hugs,   Laurie
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on July 20, 2018, 09:40:33 PM
Sounds like a good time was had by all!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 21, 2018, 03:09:48 AM
I know what you are all like , pics or it didn't happen. Spoilt by random strange bloke!!! did get someone to take all of us but it didn't come out.( in the middle flanked by her friends

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 21, 2018, 03:16:25 AM
Quote from: davina61 on July 21, 2018, 03:09:48 AM
I know what you are all like , pics or it didn't happen. Spoilt by random strange bloke!!! did get someone to take all of us but it didn't come out.( in the middle flanked by her friends

I think that it is a great pic even though it was photo-bombed by the random strange bloke.   I have had so many pictures spoiled by someone standing in the background intently and intensly looking at the camera....   so frustrating.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on July 21, 2018, 03:34:42 AM
Wow you sound like you are having and have been having a great time of things...random strange blokes...who needs em'

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 21, 2018, 03:49:45 AM
cheers (another glass of red!!) will try and get a selfie or random stranger to take some more today, still 2 days of music left, right shower ,shave and make myself pretty . got 1 1/2 hrs so better get a move on!!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on July 21, 2018, 04:01:12 AM
you go girl...go get em'
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 21, 2018, 01:35:30 PM
that's this mornings selfie and my new hat, Debbie's friend Chris that plays keyboard( her up in a while and back to some music
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: islandgirl on July 21, 2018, 02:31:34 PM
You look great Davina!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on July 21, 2018, 02:40:41 PM
 Hi Davina,

  Two more days of music and drink (take it easy on the drink though) with friends! That is nice when we can do these events. Any time spent with friends is good times for that matter.

   I have to say Davina that the new avatar picture is the best one I have seen of you. I really like it as you do look more female and feminine than any of the others. And this is in spite of me not really caring for the short hair style. There you have it I like your avatar girl!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on July 21, 2018, 05:51:15 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 21, 2018, 01:35:30 PM
that's this mornings selfie and my new hat, Debbie's friend Chris that plays keyboard( her up in a while and back to some music

That's a really nice you have really changed from your last Avatar. You look fantastic!!

Enjoy the rest of the festival!!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on July 21, 2018, 08:44:51 PM
It seems your shirt says "Someday it's gonna make sense."  Well looking at those photos I this that day has arrived!

Davina you look delicious!  And so happy.  Isn't that what this is all about?

Cheers!!!  Judi 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 22, 2018, 12:08:04 AM
Quote from: davina61 on July 21, 2018, 01:35:30 PM
that's this mornings selfie and my new hat, Debbie's friend Chris that plays keyboard( her up in a while and back to some music

Dear Davina: 
Wow-whee...  you look great in your new pictures... and of course your Avatar being updated is terrific as well. 
Thank you so very much for sharing you new pictures and sharing your life events with us.

Yes, your shirt as @JudiBlueEyes mentioned says "Someday it's gonna make sense"
and I agree with her, that day has arrived for you.

Hugs & wishing you well,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 22, 2018, 02:38:16 AM
Thanks a lot , I do feel like starting to get some where . Met some nice folk yesterday( when introduced by Debs as she knows everyone local) not a bat of an eye or quizzical look, even had my hand kissed !!!!! Got 2 nice rings made out of apostle spoon handles 1 silver and other gold (gilt?) . Stall holder sized them for me, they have some nice bracelets as well so might see about one today. Of to see mum and then Debs is going to do my make up, sort my brows and eyes. I know POIDH. Bummer its last day of hols and back to work tomorrow feeling like my old self . Still actually feel like I have been on hols with the music fest and so far apart from a very short spell of damp on Friday its been nice and sunny and very hot at times. My legs are still as white as Casper and think sun has caught back of my neck that's why I got that hat.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 22, 2018, 08:04:54 AM
Ah well make over didn't happen as her grandkids coming over this morning, but she did my brows as I made a hash of them in a hurry. Have been offered to house share with Deb as she needs a house sitter for 3 months when she is in OZ visiting her son the stunt man over our winter. Asked what happens when you come back? that's OK stay it will help with your expenses (see my rant about electric bill ) and my rent will be cut. only problem is nowhere to store my stuff so will have to sell my washing machine and fridge etc . All the address changes as well , will be nice to have company and same for her.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 22, 2018, 10:28:19 AM
Quote from: davina61 on July 22, 2018, 08:04:54 AM
Ah well make over didn't happen as her grandkids coming over this morning, but she did my brows as I made a hash of them in a hurry. Have been offered to house share with Deb as she needs a house sitter for 3 months when she is in OZ visiting her son the stunt man over our winter. Asked what happens when you come back? that's OK stay it will help with your expenses (see my rant about electric bill ) and my rent will be cut. only problem is nowhere to store my stuff so will have to sell my washing machine and fridge etc . All the address changes as well , will be nice to have company and same for her.

Quote from: davina61 on July 22, 2018, 02:38:16 AM
Thanks a lot , I do feel like starting to get some where . Met some nice folk yesterday( when introduced by Debs as she knows everyone local) not a bat of an eye or quizzical look, even had my hand kissed !!!!! Got 2 nice rings made out of apostle spoon handles 1 silver and other gold (gilt?) . Stall holder sized them for me, they have some nice bracelets as well so might see about one today. Of to see mum and then Debs is going to do my make up, sort my brows and eyes. I know POIDH. Bummer its last day of hols and back to work tomorrow feeling like my old self . Still actually feel like I have been on hols with the music fest and so far apart from a very short spell of damp on Friday its been nice and sunny and very hot at times. My legs are still as white as Casper and think sun has caught back of my neck that's why I got that hat.

Dear Davina:  Wow-whee.... your are moving ahead so very fast with your "good news" updates and new fantastic pictures....   I am so very happy for you with all that is going on in you life lately.
Please, as I know that you will, keep us up to date with what your plans are with Deb ... your makeover... you getting your hand kissed...  Your good news just keeps on coming.

As I do every time I log in to Susan's , I will keep checking your thread.
Hugs and well wishes as always,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on July 22, 2018, 10:58:40 AM
Yes things are progressing nicely for you.   The two rings sound nice!  You might consider placing your items in storage if if would be feasible due to the expense.  I suppose it depends upon their age and all.  Having a new place to yourself, then a room mate might be a nice change up for you.  You should consider it if you think you could get along well enough.  Otherwise it would give you time to find another place that was possibly less drafty and offered lower power bills.     

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on July 23, 2018, 04:42:38 AM
Quote from: davina61 on July 22, 2018, 02:38:16 AM
Thanks a lot , I do feel like starting to get some where . Met some nice folk yesterday( when introduced by Debs as she knows everyone local) not a bat of an eye or quizzical look, even had my hand kissed !!!!! Got 2 nice rings made out of apostle spoon handles 1 silver and other gold (gilt?) . Stall holder sized them for me, they have some nice bracelets as well so might see about one today. Of to see mum and then Debs is going to do my make up, sort my brows and eyes. I know POIDH. Bummer its last day of hols and back to work tomorrow feeling like my old self . Still actually feel like I have been on hols with the music fest and so far apart from a very short spell of damp on Friday its been nice and sunny and very hot at times. My legs are still as white as Casper and think sun has caught back of my neck that's why I got that hat.

I love jewelery and nice rings especially. I am for ever trying to find stuff in my size and I am reasonably lucky in that I am able to find some pieces "off the shelf" but most are not suitable.

POIDH really has beome the gold standard LOL  ;D Holidays are never lonmg enough are they

Take care

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 23, 2018, 01:30:09 PM
Had another good day yesterday ,went down the pub with the gang and watched 2 bands. It might be billed as a blues fest but there was all sorts . Only downer was went to get a pie and mushy peas and got yes SIR what do you want followed by thank you SIR and as I walked away enjoy it SIR . Pigged me off a bit as wearing my hat and shirt dress with roses pattern that has a plunge neck line and showed a bit of cleavage. Still went to get a drink and the lady I had been talking to in the que  said this lady is first when bar man came.  Debs got a bit drunk (like 8 cans of fruit cider and 3 pints!!!!) and ended coming back to mine for food at 11pm before I took her home. Had the never drinking again call from her today------------till the next time then!! She has band practice tonight as well so hope her voice holds out. This is good for me as finding and making new friends.( the POIDH .Thats the bass player from Debs band and the stage in the beer garden, the whole place was jumping . Fun times
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on July 23, 2018, 05:36:29 PM
Hi Davina,

  Glad you had a good day 2 at the music fest in spite of the BS from the food chap. Fortunately I haven't had to deal with such nonsense yet. Yet being the operative word here. I am sure it is going to happen. What I am not sure of is how I will react to it. Hopefully, with grace.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on July 23, 2018, 07:46:37 PM
Despite the food merchant, it sounds and looks like you had a great time!  Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Nicole70 on July 23, 2018, 08:58:11 PM
Thank you for posting, your week off looked such good fun at the festival, and you are looking great btw.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 24, 2018, 02:14:01 PM
Thanks, just need to shift the man gut!! Boobys gone really sore again,just hope its a spurt
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 24, 2018, 02:24:07 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 24, 2018, 02:14:01 PM
Thanks, just need to shift the man gut!! Boobys gone really sore again,just hope its a spurt

Dear Davina:  Ahhh, the ubiquitous "man gut"  ....  keep working on it... progress will happen. 
The good news is while you are still working on it, flowing dresses and tops tend to make it less obvious...
...then soon enough perhaps you can wear the tighter form fitting tops without you feeling self-conscious about how you look.

Regarding  your statement: "boobys gone really sore again, just hope its a spurt."

"Sore" might be a good thing... it means that things are happening there... . no pain no gain.

Thank you for keeping all of us interested parties updated with your life events.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: mittenskittens on July 24, 2018, 08:53:07 PM
That looks like a banging festival, love the idea of going out listening to some music and enjoying a few beers!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: big kim on July 25, 2018, 01:29:52 AM
Quote from: mittenskittens on July 24, 2018, 08:53:07 PM
That looks like a banging festival, love the idea of going out listening to some music and enjoying a few beers!

Blackpool Punk Rock Festival next month, 4 days of world's biggest punk festival. I'ts inside so weather doesn't matter
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 27, 2018, 05:24:33 PM
OMG been busy, went to Debs the other night with Davina's meals on wheels. breadcrumb fish, mash potatoes, some of my mums runner beans and parsley sauce. Sat out side till gone dark. Then last night they had a Dolly Parton tribute act on at the steam rally so got back home at 11.30. Just got back from Debs now, plan was to go down rally field and maybe tent it but weathers turned and she was nackered after a day massaging feet at the show. Took her a chocolate banana doughnut and some snowballs (not blue). Back to the show field tomorrow night. Other news have some nice photos of myself, just need to load them up if they get mailed to me. One on Debs face book but don't know if it can be linked/downloaded. Thing Is I don't recognise myself , last week saw someone I know for 40years and didn't get clocked!! Not passing yet but when dressed up folk arnt sure. Hurt my back again at work, they got someone in to do Tests and made me do services and repairsBack still not recovered from last week and its gone again, was supposed to go back for more massage this week but not allowed to have my lieu day off as short staffed . Well serves them right as phoning in sick tomorrow , have appointment to fix back tomorrow at 11.50 so no time to go , come back and go to work again. Had a letter today to go for breast cancer screening, welcome to womanhood !!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on July 27, 2018, 07:43:30 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 27, 2018, 05:24:33 PM
Thing Is I don't recognise myself , last week saw someone I know for 40years and didn't get clocked!! Not passing yet but when dressed up folk arnt sure......

.......Had a letter today to go for breast cancer screening, welcome to womanhood !!!!

Hi Davina

Congratulations IMHO What you describe happens to most of us at some point...we stop feeling as though each time we venture out we are sticking out and being clocked by everyone. That assessment is probably pretty accurate in the beginning of our transitions but as we refine our movements, HRT does a little of its work and we get better at actually presenting ourselves in a form we are happy with...then confidence begins to grow and before you know it you are just another Gal in the crowd. It is a real confidence boost when you know that the whole world is not staring at you. There will always be those who are rude or stare but I am finding most people are happy enough to go with the signs of womanhood they they see things that are incongruous...certainly...but is it enough to be rude and risk ridicule themselves? in most cases no, they accept what they see, if you appear as a woman, you act and have confidence as a woman, then what is to argue about. How cool is that. ;D

Take care


Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on July 27, 2018, 11:04:41 PM
"Thing Is I don't recognise myself..."

Davina this is when you finally realize this is real!  You are on your way and the past is fading in your rear view mirror.  Enjoy the ride.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 28, 2018, 01:12:55 AM
Quote from: davina61 on July 27, 2018, 05:24:33 PM
OMG been busy, went to Debs the other night with Davina's meals on wheels. breadcrumb fish, mash potatoes, some of my mums runner beans and parsley sauce. Sat out side till gone dark. Then last night they had a Dolly Parton tribute act on at the steam rally so got back home at 11.30. Just got back from Debs now, plan was to go down rally field and maybe tent it but weathers turned and she was nackered after a day massaging feet at the show. Took her a chocolate banana doughnut and some snowballs (not blue). Back to the show field tomorrow night. Other news have some nice photos of myself, just need to load them up if they get mailed to me. One on Debs face book but don't know if it can be linked/downloaded. Thing Is I don't recognise myself , last week saw someone I know for 40years and didn't get clocked!! Not passing yet but when dressed up folk arnt sure. Hurt my back again at work, they got someone in to do Tests and made me do services and repairsBack still not recovered from last week and its gone again, was supposed to go back for more massage this week but not allowed to have my lieu day off as short staffed . Well serves them right as phoning in sick tomorrow , have appointment to fix back tomorrow at 11.50 so no time to go , come back and go to work again. Had a letter today to go for breast cancer screening, welcome to womanhood !!!!

Dear Davina:
      I am looking at this as a good report, except for the part about hurting your back... I trust that your back will heal and not cause you any long term problems. 
      The part about you meals on wheels for Deb....  what you made sounds so delicious... can you deliver to Alaska???
      Hmmm,  be sure to bring one or more of those Chocolate Banana Doughnuts too.   I am not a Snowball fan, no matter what the color so more doughnuts will suffice.
      Yes, we will definitely want to see some new pictures of yourself ... but only if you feel comfortable sharing them with us.
      Ahhh, haaa.... not recognizing yourself, that should be a great feeling that you are now truly becoming Davina.  Every time I step out of the shower and look in the mirror I also still have that sensation, and I have been full time for 18 months!!!  It is wonderful to be sure.
      Last but not least, the breast cancer screening, like your stated... "welcome to womanhood"  I have had a few mammograms and I absolutely don't get a question or a weird look from the technicians when I take my top and bra off.... another wonderful feeling... and most affirming to be sure.

Thanks for your update and filling us in on your life events.
Hugs and hugs,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 28, 2018, 02:06:03 AM
Thanks ladies, back very sore this morning so will phone in sick as it needs to rest. Will see my back lady this morning.Normal service from the weather today, 19C ,breezy and risk of light showers then rain all day tomorrow. Shame for the steam rally as it turns muddy very quickly on show field. My Welsh friend was coming over but waiting to see if she has cancelled , was looking forward to seeing her and its one hell of a party tonight at rally with tractor pulling in the dark, steam powered fun fair, Neil Diamond Experience (tribute act) , and BIG firework display. Cropped jeans stripy top ,thin hoodie and sandals I  think and I will blend in. If I wore a dirty boiler suit and  covered myself in soot , ash and oil would blend in more!!!!!!! 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 28, 2018, 11:54:50 AM
Looks like my visitor has quit due to weather, did have a heavy down pour this afternoon with a clap of thunder. Luckily I had just gone into the craft tent to take Debs a cup of tea so stayed dry. Got loads of stuff, grinding/cutting discs, welding clamps , gloves and wire brush that I needed then got 3 rings that the stall holder had made me after I had bought some earrings of them last week. Also got a necklace to match them. Went to the food (farmers) market and got some sausages (pork apple and chilli, blue cheese etc ) some cheese , artisan bread, ginger ale and elderflower wine to treat myself. Best bit didn't get misgendered  once (yes love, darling, dear ) and saw some one that I have known (old customer) for 40+ years and had to tell them who I was!!!Not seen them for a few years though . Time to eat some food and then back down the rally for night time fun, just hope damp stuff stays away.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Nicole70 on July 28, 2018, 04:19:40 PM
Awesome Davina, your confidence is really showing, not being misgendered is so affirming, and not being recognised by old friends must be secretly quite fun. Those sausages sound really good, I miss a good British sausage, now I'm feeling like sausages for breakfast.

Thanks for your updates

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on July 28, 2018, 04:40:50 PM
That is just great Davina

You are making such wonderful progress. You sound pretty happy about it all as well. Nicely done with the jewellery... I have real problems buying rings as the ones I always like never come in my size...having someone make you some rings sounds like a great going to share some pics with us? Hope you get to catch up with your friend soon.

Take care

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 29, 2018, 04:15:45 AM
will take some pics of rings and stuff when I get time, got dragged onto the BIG WHEEL ride, now I don't do heights or rides as have bad balance and vertigo . Have hold rail to work down stairs. Thing I put a dent in safety bar with my white knuckle grip !!! but it was fun and saw another old customer and had to do the "who I am" thing. We went to leave and the site was on lockdown due to an alleged sexual assault , police looking for a male individual . Not good and security said there had been 2 fights, not surprizing as the amount of alcohol that is consumed all day must be thousands of pints. Anyways going to try and link some pics , didn't work.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 29, 2018, 08:46:58 AM
Quote from: davina61 on July 29, 2018, 04:15:45 AM
will take some pics of rings and stuff when I get time, got dragged onto the BIG WHEEL ride, now I don't do heights or rides as have bad balance and vertigo . Have hold rail to work down stairs. Thing I put a dent in safety bar with my white knuckle grip !!! but it was fun and saw another old customer and had to do the "who I am" thing. We went to leave and the site was on lockdown due to an alleged sexual assault , police looking for a male individual . Not good and security said there had been 2 fights, not surprizing as the amount of alcohol that is consumed all day must be thousands of pints. Anyways going to try and link some pics , didn't work.

Sounds like that you had a very exciting time...  those big wheel rides can be thrilling, especially in windy weather like the last time that I rode one when I was in Seattle at the waterfront last year.

Hmmm, having trouble linking some pics????   We all definitely want to see them!!!!
... I can help if need be... just PM me if you want.

Thanks for your update...
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 29, 2018, 04:39:36 PM
Made Deb a curry, well for both of us. A big batch of veg curry and a chicken jalfrezi with some left for another night for me. She has been doing her Healing Hands at the rally and been very busy, knew she would not eat tonight so meals on wheels again.  Knackered as been cooking all afternoon, tried to make Dosa (rice and lentil pancakes) but non of my frying pans worked without sticking so broke up. New pan then and hope that works as have a big bowl of batter and spiced mash potatoes as filling. Lost weight gone from 14st 12 to 14st 8 this week.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on July 29, 2018, 05:32:41 PM
Sounds  like a nice curry there. And GZ on the weight loss. Im up late as I was so tired last night (family issues keeping my head spinning) that I slept 11 hours.. Wow.. now Im not tired.. Up at 5:30 for work as well....
Are you just eating like a sparrow (picking at it) or do you actually have a weight loss strategy at the moment. I have to ask as people seem to change what they do all the time. I lost 2 LB this week ,but most likely gained another 3.... figure that.. weighing in tomorrow..
Looking forwards to Sept when we can all the UK girls can meet.   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Luv n Hugz


:angel: :angel:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on July 30, 2018, 04:34:34 AM
Quote from: davina61 on July 29, 2018, 04:39:36 PM
Made Deb a curry, well for both of us. A big batch of veg curry and a chicken jalfrezi with some left for another night for me. She has been doing her Healing Hands at the rally and been very busy, knew she would not eat tonight so meals on wheels again.  Knackered as been cooking all afternoon, tried to make Dosa (rice and lentil pancakes) but non of my frying pans worked without sticking so broke up. New pan then and hope that works as have a big bowl of batter and spiced mash potatoes as filling. Lost weight gone from 14st 12 to 14st 8 this week.

Fantastic effort with the weight loss that's 1.8kg which is a solid effort any way you look at it. String together a few more of those and you will knock your goal weight over real quick!!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 30, 2018, 01:58:01 PM
But then stood on those lie detectors this morning and was up 2lb GRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Bought a new fry pan to try and make the Dosas as they stuck to my old pan. Didn't stick but not coming out right so think my mix is wrong. Looked in my other book and the mix needs to ferment to make it work so have left it out to see.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 31, 2018, 02:18:21 PM
Must say work is pissing me off, Yesterday and today ignored by the two polish lads. The manager didn't ask how my back was or anything as of sick Sat. The one Polish lad wouldn't lend me a socket to change an oil filter and had to go to the place next door to get one and then today said to my assistant manager get HIM to do some tyres and he still dead names me . Got the job as Tester that can lend a hand and now being forced to do work all the time, contract says you MAY be asked to do other duties but new manager has taken that as do anything all the time. Bet I get told to do a head gasket on a Citroen that the apprentice cocked up. Should have had a lieu day last week and not been given one this week and need my back doing again, well if it gives out again that's a week sick now . Trouble is finding a job I can do that pays enough to live on, this is not a rant its how it is!!!If y manager asks why the car I was working on today was not finished tonight I will hand him my spanners and say lets see how you do, he keeps promising customers there cars back for X o'clock when its physically impossible . Not got a clue how to organise   the work
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: mittenskittens on August 01, 2018, 12:25:09 PM
gosh some people couldnt manage a piss up in a brewery , I cant believe they get away with deadnaming you like that.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 01, 2018, 03:40:16 PM
Good news today as it looks like he is leaving next week, bad news is I wont get my lieu day as that just leaves 2 of us in the workshop. A local pub has a festival on this weekend and just got a Sat night ticket, had to do it on line and print it off. Printer not working well as black is low and not got time to get a new one. My bff rang tonight just as I was going to text, feeling sorry for herself as someone told her she was fat and she isn't. Mind you maybe a good thing as she has vowed to give up fags and cider (200 calories a small can!!!)  Going to give her a hand to move some plants to try and screen the view into her conservatory from the windows of new build houses . They made her cut down trees as they said roots threaten there foundations , rubbish and the trees where there 10s of years before houses. now trying to make her cut down a lovely weeping willow  in the middle of her garden 20 + feet from the houses. Made me cross. Happy bit ! fixed a young girls "new" beetle and she asked to see me by saying I want to see HER and she gave me a BIG hug AAAAAHHHHHHHH
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on August 01, 2018, 05:54:46 PM
Quote from: davina61 on August 01, 2018, 03:40:16 PM
Good news today as it looks like he is leaving next week, bad news is I wont get my lieu day as that just leaves 2 of us in the workshop. A local pub has a festival on this weekend and just got a Sat night ticket, had to do it on line and print it off. Printer not working well as black is low and not got time to get a new one. My bff rang tonight just as I was going to text, feeling sorry for herself as someone told her she was fat and she isn't. Mind you maybe a good thing as she has vowed to give up fags and cider (200 calories a small can!!!)  Going to give her a hand to move some plants to try and screen the view into her conservatory from the windows of new build houses . They made her cut down trees as they said roots threaten there foundations , rubbish and the trees where there 10s of years before houses. now trying to make her cut down a lovely weeping willow  in the middle of her garden 20 + feet from the houses. Made me cross. Happy bit ! fixed a young girls "new" beetle and she asked to see me by saying I want to see HER and she gave me a BIG hug AAAAAHHHHHHHH

Good riddance I say....Pity about the days off but at least the level of dead naming might reduce once he leaves. Sounds like someone was just being mean to your BFF but lucky her she has you!! Lovely interaction with "beetle girl", these are the ones we want more of.

Take care

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 02, 2018, 05:25:18 PM
Went up to Debs to have a look at the "flower" pots she got,  tree pots more like and ended up moving plants around to see how well they masked the houses. She has some nice plants, a quince tree that should double in height to 4m and as wide, lots of bamboo  and a few others that I don't know. Plan is to do a bit to it on Sunday afternoon. Might work some fat off!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on August 03, 2018, 03:18:13 PM
So mechanic, cook, gardener, beetle hugger and a really good girl it seems, what cant you do Davina? Seriously though I really look forward to being correctly gendered by a member of the public (my ex and some at work do it privately at the moment and it does feel really good).
Keep going with the ramblings dear friend.

:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 04, 2018, 06:29:16 AM
Soooo  had a call from bff ,she had got me a pass to get into festival last night , took her groceries and a bottle of VODKA with me. Well as she had only eaten a banana all day and didnt eat any of the cooked chicken first the vody and coke mad her VERY drunk by going home time. Good job I am the sensible one!!! had to get her into bed (its a bit what happened at the festival stays at the festival!!) and didnt leave till she went to sleep . Got home at 1.30 pm yawn and had to be up for work at 6.30 and I am an 8hr girl. Rang her this morning and it was how did I get into bed ,she cant remember leaving . Doing it all again tonight , party on guys
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 04, 2018, 09:21:22 AM
Forgot to say in the guess my age contest last night (OK folk on stand next to bff) and they didn't believe I am 63, thats the second lot that think I am mid 40s!!!! As I walked my bff to the car last night a security guard shouted "Good night LADIES" it was dark-------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 04, 2018, 09:50:40 AM
Quote from: davina61 on August 04, 2018, 09:21:22 AM
Forgot to say in the guess my age contest last night (OK folk on stand next to bff) and they didn't believe I am 63, thats the second lot that think I am mid 40s!!!! As I walked my bff to the car last night a security guard shouted "Good night LADIES" it was dark-------

Dear Davina: 
I bet that all of that with your age and being called one of the Ladies made you smile for sure. 

It is a known side effect of MTF transitioning, with the HRT and with the extra care that our new female selves take care of our appearance and health that we can indeed look younger. 

I often get comments that I look younger than my 38 years.... makes me feel quite good.

Oh, and being gendered correctly always is a very affirming thing and always brings a smile to any of "us"

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 05, 2018, 02:58:23 AM
Isn't life strange, the folk with the stand next to Debs Healing Hands (my friend ,reflexology, Indian head massage) got chatting . Turns out he was the person when my eldest started work trained him and I knew his girl friend as she worked at a VW parts supplier that I saw at shows. Its a small world!!!!   Two new friends then  , what fun. Must go bike carbs to fix
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 05, 2018, 01:38:40 PM
its gone very hot again, baking in my unit so after sorting my lads bike carbs went to Debs to make a new roof for her (fake) well . nice under the trees . Also potted up a quince tree . making a "railway curry"  as served on Indian trains. That's  lamb slow cooked in spices and needs another 30mins.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 06, 2018, 03:22:38 PM
yesterdays continued, got a phone call " come down festival , got you a pass" so went down and ended up the night staying in the spare room. Rush this morning to get to work, not mentioning work or it will turn into a rant!! Hot Rod club to morrow night, doing my nails in a minute as I wont have time tomorrow. Its slow cooker lamb stew so eat and go, have 5 leg bones to go in as kept them  back from cubeing the meat for a curry. pots, carrots and suede with 2 lamb and one veg stock cube and some small garlic cloves and might put some dried rosemary in.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on August 07, 2018, 05:17:55 AM
Thanks for the update... Have fun at hot rod club...Nice to get an invite out to the festival and the a sleepover thrown in for good measure, never a dull moment in your neck of the woods.

Take care
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 07, 2018, 04:58:08 PM
Good turnout of Rods and Yanks tonight , one of the pub staff took photos for Facebook page. The Bridge at Tiberton if anyone wants to look.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 09, 2018, 03:16:09 PM
Forgot to say but had a "serve this lady" in the pub Tuesday night, been struggling with my back and not having a day of getting to see Deb to do reflexology was hard. Well she did it and a back massage tonight and the pain has gone, shoulder and neck better   as well. 8th month HRT update, not much happening but nipples are getting bigger and the "normal" pain continues .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 09, 2018, 05:26:05 PM
Quote from: davina61 on August 09, 2018, 03:16:09 PM
Forgot to say but had a "serve this lady" in the pub Tuesday night, been struggling with my back and not having a day of getting to see Deb to do reflexology was hard. Well she did it and a back massage tonight and the pain has gone, shoulder and neck better   as well. 8th month HRT update, not much happening but nipples are getting bigger and the "normal" pain continues .

Dear Davina: 
Well, in my own experience, larger and more painful nipples usually comes with the journey at no extra charge.... 
...pain usually means gain in this journey, so please be thankful and enjoy.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on August 09, 2018, 08:51:11 PM
Quote from: davina61 on August 09, 2018, 03:16:09 PM
Forgot to say but had a "serve this lady" in the pub Tuesday night, been struggling with my back and not having a day of getting to see Deb to do reflexology was hard. Well she did it and a back massage tonight and the pain has gone, shoulder and neck better   as well. 8th month HRT update, not much happening but nipples are getting bigger and the "normal" pain continues .

NO Pain NO Gain Baby!!!

There is nothing like some unexpected affirmation to make a girl feel good asbout herself.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 10, 2018, 03:55:01 PM
Got a message from Gender GP they want to increase my E patch by a 1/3rd , no argument from me!!!!!!! At the risk of getting a slap from a mod the tale of a bit of banter today at work. Manager to assistant " you useless c (word not  allowed) " then said "no a word not allowed is useful" to that I said why do you think I want one !!!!!!!  Chuckles all round. I know not very lady like but a bit of fun. Might be going to see my BFF sing tomorrow night that's if I can find it as she knows village but not whereabouts the venue is.If that was me I would want to know first but (makes me think of Laurie) she just plays it by ear.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on August 10, 2018, 07:08:35 PM
It's like when you make that risky Trans joke amongst cis people and there is and inaudible gasp before polite smiles and laughter. I have found that laughing at yourself totally disarms most people, joking is unexpected especially if its self-effacing in its topic.

First time I said something like that to my brother there was a long pause before he realised I was joking...All this stuff changes overnight the moment you come out as trans. Intelligence and sense of humour seem to be the first things we lose according to our detractors...but what the heck do they know  ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 12, 2018, 03:47:10 PM
I have been a busy girl, went to watch Deb sing last night and overdressed!!! Wore my designer dress and gold shoes, would have been fine in jeans and top. Never mind at least got to wear it out. Debs is a good singer but she has done cruise ships and clubs, it was the new bands first gig and still finding there feet a bit but was overall ok. As the band was doing it for free they had drinks on the house so Deb who wasn't going to drink ended up on 6 vodka and cokes so guess who had to drive her home and then take her to pick her car up this morning. Did a bit to the panel but stuck till I have some bits so out of some "scrap" made a jewellery stand. brass plug in top a piece of pipe and the backing from a flap disc with label still on as base. The arms are from a peg board display and made of alli so polish up nice, tube painted with metallic purple and then clear varnished. Would love to do stuff like this to make a living . Went to see BFF as she thought she was being scammed about going on a tv show but looks OK to me, she does have a genuine phone no to check tomorrow. Rushed up to see her and still wearing my sloppy house work clothes and long hair as my short one was drying , when I said wearing this because she said why do you wear it in the house. Now this is my dysphoria and felt myself going just talking about it, getting teary now . ,any way heres a pic of the band and the stand I made   (
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on August 12, 2018, 05:56:22 PM
Band looks good, stand is something I need, but maybe a wider base??
All my solid gold and titanium necklaces and such  may cause it to topple over (Well Im sure all my jewellery from Matalan is solid gold...)
Looking forward to seeing you in B'ham


:angel: :angel:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 13, 2018, 03:06:10 PM
 Now I thought the base was not big enough but hung a heavy pair of shears off the top and it didn't topple, arms are angled up a bit so stuff slides in anyway. Have plans for some more designs, stay tuned.
Very tired today, got to middle afternoon and energy just went. Over worked and not enough rest or days off, still trying to get my lieu day that's owed me  having worked 2 six day weeks flat out and my ancient body cant keep up. Early to bed me thinks ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 13, 2018, 03:20:28 PM
Dear Davina:  In my experience, if you are going to make a mistake, it is much better to be overdressed than it would be to be under-dressed.   I am glad that you were there to be the designated driver for Deb and that she is safe.... it is nice that she has you as a caring friend.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
It is difficult for me to see the scale and size of the jewellery stand that you made.   My first thought is that it looks like I could hang my garden tools and home repair tools on it.   I will be most interested in seeing it when you finish it and perhaps hang some necklaces on it so I can better see how it looks to proper scale.

My needs are for a little lighter application, thin necklaces, earrings, etc.... and at WalMart for $1.99 I found this "device" that I use as a jewellery and earring holder.  (left click image to enlarge)

Again, please post a photo your finished product... it will be interesting for all of us to see.

Thank you for your post and thread update.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 13, 2018, 03:34:15 PM
Think the arms are about 4ins long and its about 10ins tall, paint was still soft so left it down my unit. Will bring it home next weekend or sooner if I go down.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on August 13, 2018, 06:41:59 PM
Davina, I thought your stand was larger than you explained.  It makes sense now.  The screw driver in the background should have given me a clue as to its scale.

Danielle, I love that idea of finding new uses for common items. 

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on August 14, 2018, 05:48:32 AM
You have been a busy girl...I think the jewelery tower will work a treat...

Don't you just hate spending all that time and effort to look fabulous and there ends up being no one around to appreciates it.... Good thing is, you got to enjoy it but that's not really the point is it. The last thing we want normally is to be calling attention to ourselves unless of course we are looking for a date!

GD sucks.

Take care
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 14, 2018, 03:44:39 PM
Still feeling over tired after a good sleep but not so bad as yesterday, just feel drained. When I got home some one was moving into one of the flats ,OK I was in my work gear but got "mate" . Later went out wearing jeans look leggings, long sleeve blue T with a black dress/top over and saw them again. Oh did have a bit of make up on and this time didn't get the "mate"!!!!!! Went to help my BFF sort train ticket for tomorrow and give her some moral support not that she will need it. On a downer broke a bit of a tooth this morning eating my granola and I don't have a dentist, will see how it goes as its just a bit rough against my tongue .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on August 14, 2018, 05:23:56 PM
Oh I'm sorry to hear about your tooth.  Please do get it looked at so it doesn't get infected and cause bigger problems. 

Don't worry about the mis-gendering as any woman dressed similarly would have experienced the same.  As you later got the proper response it shows all is well. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on August 14, 2018, 09:02:29 PM
Quote from: davina61 on August 14, 2018, 03:44:39 PM
Still feeling over tired after a good sleep but not so bad as yesterday, just feel drained. When I got home some one was moving into one of the flats ,OK I was in my work gear but got "mate" . Later went out wearing jeans look leggings, long sleeve blue T with a black dress/top over and saw them again. Oh did have a bit of make up on and this time didn't get the "mate"!!!!!! Went to help my BFF sort train ticket for tomorrow and give her some moral support not that she will need it. On a downer broke a bit of a tooth this morning eating my granola and I don't have a dentist, will see how it goes as its just a bit rough against my tongue .

Mis gendering sucks anyway you look at it. Cis women hate when it happens so you have every right to hate it too. For us pronouns hold huge significance and far too much power. I am just a bad as everyone else and have been known to have a mimi meltdowns over being misgendered.

Ouch to the tooth...there is nothing worse than having issues with your teeth. I no longer have mine...I dropped my top denture about 12 months ago and it chipped a peice off one of the teeth leaving a sharp jagged piece. Out to the shed, pulled out the little electric hand tool with the various attachments (like a Dremel) and used a tiny grinding stone to smooth out the tooth taking off the really sharp edges. It still looks a little odd giving me a slightly croked grin but it sorted out the problem in the short term. I need to actually file it some more to make the tooth appear straight and less like and after thought...or I could just leave things well alone  :D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 15, 2018, 07:11:02 AM
Woke up this morning (always a good thing!!!) to find a text on the mobile, daughter gave birth at 12.33 this morning to a girl and they have called her Poppy.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on August 15, 2018, 07:16:34 AM
Hey Grandma Davina   :laugh:

How doe that feel...Congrats hope Mum and bubs are both well.

Take care

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on August 15, 2018, 09:24:19 AM
Quote from: davina61 on August 15, 2018, 07:11:02 AM
Woke up this morning (always a good thing!!!) to find a text on the mobile, daughter gave birth at 12.33 this morning to a girl and they have called her Poppy.

Wow!  Such great news, congratulations Davina! 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 15, 2018, 09:35:18 AM
Quote from: davina61 on August 15, 2018, 07:11:02 AM
Woke up this morning (always a good thing!!!) to find a text on the mobile, daughter gave birth at 12.33 this morning to a girl and they have called her Poppy.

Dear Grandma
Congratulations to you and to your daughter for the new arrival...  I am certain that little Poppy will get overflowing attention from Grandma Davina ....   every time you go shopping I am sure that you will be looking for cute little outfits and other items that you will find.

Thanks for posting your very good news....
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on August 15, 2018, 11:29:58 AM
Congratulations Davina!

Yes getting up is always a good start to the day!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 15, 2018, 01:19:19 PM
Not had any more news so looks like doing OK, she was 6lb 12 not bad.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 17, 2018, 03:56:30 PM
Just found a photo of Poppy in my e mail , a little cutie . The very BIG boss came into work today and talking to him said only have a bit over 2 1/2 years till I retire . He went off to look at other stuff and came back "what did you mean not long till you retire?" so said I was 63 and he was taken aback!!! When he left ( he did ask about if I had any probs at work coming out) he said looking good. Took my BFF grocery shopping tonight, in the 33% of shelf was some Baltic smoked cod (Polish) and some corn on the cob so that was tonight tea. Flaked cod with (micro waved !!) corn and some of the dry curried veg. Very nice but the bones are a pain to sort out.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 17, 2018, 04:29:55 PM
Quote from: davina61 on August 17, 2018, 03:56:30 PM
Just found a photo of Poppy in my e mail , a little cutie . The very BIG boss came into work today and talking to him said only have a bit over 2 1/2 years till I retire . He went off to look at other stuff and came back "what did you mean not long till you retire?" so said I was 63 and he was taken aback!!! When he left ( he did ask about if I had any probs at work coming out) he said looking good. Took my BFF grocery shopping tonight, in the 33% of shelf was some Baltic smoked cod (Polish) and some corn on the cob so that was tonight tea. Flaked cod with (micro waved !!) corn and some of the dry curried veg. Very nice but the bones are a pain to sort out.

Dear Davina: 
I just love it when I see your really good news updates...
...puts a smile on my face and make me happy for you.
I trust that the good news and lots of good things keep happening for you.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on August 17, 2018, 05:11:47 PM
Mmmm Baltic Cod,, lovely, and the response from your boss of course. That reminds me I have to book a fish and chips night as well...

Luv N Hugz
:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :o :o :o :angel:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on August 17, 2018, 06:47:08 PM
Its always interesting to catch the boss off guard with retirement comments.  That he wasn't sure if you were unhappy due to transition concerns, never thinking you were that close in age is interesting.  He certainly sounds supportive.  I will suggest that you not talk up retirement too much as you get closer as it has been known to be "career limiting" in the event of troubled times. 

Will you be seeing your new granddaughter soon?  I'm sure you cannot wait.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on August 18, 2018, 04:33:32 AM
Hi Davina 

Nice to be "mis-aged" for a change...youi don't look anywhere near look a lot younger.

Take care

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 18, 2018, 08:23:34 AM
She is coming over to the ex's tomorrow afternoon so will have a cuddle then , I know poidh----------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 19, 2018, 12:32:31 PM
Eventful day yesterday, dog sitting for my BFF and when I went back in house to make a brew one of them smashed a hole in the fence and escaped. Through good fortune the 3 that got out were returned, fence mending duty this morning!!!!!!  Went to see my new grand child ,some pics of great granny, my daughter and grandson also the stand I made.([/img](
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: HappyMoni on August 19, 2018, 02:09:54 PM
Ahhhh! Sweet pictures Davina! You and the family looking amazing.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 19, 2018, 03:21:13 PM
Quote from: davina61 on August 19, 2018, 12:32:31 PM
Eventful day yesterday, dog sitting for my BFF and when I went back in house to make a brew one of them smashed a hole in the fence and escaped. Through good fortune the 3 that got out were returned, fence mending duty this morning!!!!!!  Went to see my new grand child ,some pics of great granny, my daughter and grandson also the stand I made.([/img](

Dear Grandma Davina:
Absolutely wonderful pictures that you shared with all of us.  THANK YOU.
You holding your newborn grandson is priceless and all the other pictures of family members are a treat for us to see.

Oh, and your finished jewellery stand looks amazing... thank you for showing it to us.  You did a beautiful job making it.
Hugs and well wishes,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on August 19, 2018, 08:32:46 PM
Davina you look lovely with your granddaughter!  I can certainly see the familial resemblance in you all.  Beautiful! 

The jewelry stand looks great!  Pretty Blue. 

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 20, 2018, 06:43:58 AM
Thanks, we are short staffed at work today (just me !!!!) so young female tech has come over from other site. Showed her my pic holding Poppy and she said if I didnt mine her saying that I looked totally female. Did I mind , you all know the answer to that----
Very tired today , went to the BFF's last night for 1/2 hr and ended up sleeping over and going to bed at 2pm or later,                 still Dr Davina's therapy couch worked well and got told I was her best friend   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 21, 2018, 05:43:32 AM
Thankfully had a good long nights sleep and back to normal today, went to GP practice for my anti T injection this morning and spent ages chatting to the nurse. Complimented on my foundation and told I looked good. Of to hospital for mammogram in a bit then some shopping and having my back/feet done . cooking an every day chicken curry at the moment as may not have time later
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on August 21, 2018, 08:59:21 AM
Pictures are look fabulous and I love the dress it suits you for the little bundle of joy ...what more can be said  :D :)

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 21, 2018, 12:40:58 PM
Ta @lizk , been invited to BFF's for tea so back out in a moment. Squashed boobies not to bad, nurse says have you had one before and I said no just started growing them!!! Walked past my nephews house on the way back to the car,talking to him (he was making roof on extension ) and it took him ages to work out it was Uncle dead name. Couldn't stop as he was busy getting joists fitted before the roofer came . Went shopping for a few bits in super market and then popped in to clothes shop to waste some time before next appointment . Ended up buying 3 tops/blouses to go with jeans/leggings/skirt , they got thumbs up from BFF . Made some roti(breads) quickly to take for tea. Whole meal flour, add water to make a dough and knead for 10 mins. Roll out into 6ins round and then cook in a heavy bottomed fry pan (dry) holding down with a spatula till brown spots show flip and do other side. That was todays episode of cooking with Davina.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 21, 2018, 01:00:45 PM
Quote from: davina61 on August 21, 2018, 12:40:58 PM
Ta @LizK , been invited to BFF's for tea so back out in a moment. Squashed boobies not to bad, nurse says have you had one before and I said no just started growing them!!! Walked past my nephews house on the way back to the car,talking to him (he was making roof on extension ) and it took him ages to work out it was Uncle dead name. Couldn't stop as he was busy getting joists fitted before the roofer came . Went shopping for a few bits in super market and then popped in to clothes shop to waste some time before next appointment . Ended up buying 3 tops/blouses to go with jeans/leggings/skirt , they got thumbs up from BFF . Made some roti(breads) quickly to take for tea. Whole meal flour, add water to make a dough and knead for 10 mins. Roll out into 6ins round and then cook in a heavy bottomed fry pan (dry) holding down with a spatula till brown spots show flip and do other side. That was todays episode of cooking with Davina.   

Dear Davina:   
Thank you for posting your happy update about your day of activity....  for any of us, it is nice to just get into the groove of living our daily lives in the body and mind that we were meant to have.

All of us that follow your thread are always eager to see and read about what is happening in Grandma Davina's daily world and events.
Thank you for sharing,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on August 21, 2018, 09:01:18 PM
"Made some roti(breads) quickly to take for tea."

Gee Davina, you're making some of us look bad!  You make is sound so easy.  I'll have to try that one! 

Can we be sure you didn't go to some fancy culinary school?   You definitely have the flare for cooking a good dish.  Bravo!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 22, 2018, 01:51:37 PM
knackered again , no cover at work so I was the only one in. Did 6+ hours work in 4 hrs and my body is complaining now. Got a craving for a MD banana shake so walked up and got one, TBH felt a bit sick after!!! Had to drop some papers into the ex's solicitors yesterday and the receptionist was busy on phone so asked another lady to take them. She said can you see what this LADY wants, at that pass till I talk stage-------- Well till I got SIR at work today but the uniform doesn't help, even Abby got called a lad  a few times. Well sat here in my nighty after a shower since 7.15 pm watching a bit of telly and trying to type as fast as @ Alaskan Danielle might try changing color
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 22, 2018, 03:46:14 PM
Quote from: davina61 on August 22, 2018, 01:51:37 PM
knackered again , no cover at work so I was the only one in. Did 6+ hours work in 4 hrs and my body is complaining now. Got a craving for a MD banana shake so walked up and got one, TBH felt a bit sick after!!! Had to drop some papers into the ex's solicitors yesterday and the receptionist was busy on phone so asked another lady to take them. She said can you see what this LADY wants, at that pass till I talk stage-------- Well till I got SIR at work today but the uniform doesn't help, even Abby got called a lad  a few times. Well sat here in my nighty after a shower since 7.15 pm watching a bit of telly and trying to type as fast as @ Alaskan Danielle might try changing color

Dear Davina:   Well now, you just got into your night clothes and perhaps thinking of getting to your bed sometime soon ... what is it there ???   9:45PM ???  ....  Here, I am just taking my lunch break, I got a sandwich and some soup at the next door coffee shop and brought it back to my office... it is not quite 12:45pm here just after the noon hour so I have many hours to go before I get off work, go home, fix dinner, relax a little and then into my night clothes... 

So sorry to hear about your long and hard work day....
...but as they say  "work is the yeast that raises the dough" (as in money)

Well, you got SIR'd at work and called a LADY at your solicitors office....   I would think that the solcitor visit is the one that you will fondly remember for sure.

Oh no... got sick after your MilkShake....   usually I can't have something that rich on an empty stomach.

Hmmm, my typing speed, when I was in college I reguarly typed up towards 100 WPM ....  as I am getting older I am slowing down slightly.... oh, and the colors just slow me down but they are so much fun!!!

Have a restful evening,
Hugs and well wishes,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 23, 2018, 04:28:25 PM
Well we were supposed to have a Temp tech today but never turned up so started work 1/2 hr early , finished a service that had been part done as customer wanted it back as we had it for 3 days . Finished at 1.30 and tried to have a lunch break , only had 10 mins then had to do an MOT and service as customer was waiting . Managed to leave 1/2 hr early but getting totally peed off now, we have a big boss coming around tomorrow and bet I will be kept away so as not to say anything. Manager is avoiding me as well or at least avoiding speaking so he doesn't get his ears ripped off!!!!! Don't mess with an angry woman. My BFF wants me to look at a Merc SLK she is interested in, going Sunday morning . Well chuffed with the new tops I got the other day, wearing one tonight as went to see BFF and got a thumbs up.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 23, 2018, 04:41:39 PM
Quote from: davina61 on August 23, 2018, 04:28:25 PM
Well we were supposed to have a Temp tech today but never turned up so started work 1/2 hr early , finished a service that had been part done as customer wanted it back as we had it for 3 days . Finished at 1.30 and tried to have a lunch break , only had 10 mins then had to do an MOT and service as customer was waiting . Managed to leave 1/2 hr early but getting totally peed off now, we have a big boss coming around tomorrow and bet I will be kept away so as not to say anything. Manager is avoiding me as well or at least avoiding speaking so he doesn't get his ears ripped off!!!!! Don't mess with an angry woman. My BFF wants me to look at a Merc SLK she is interested in, going Sunday morning . Well chuffed with the new tops I got the other day, wearing one tonight as went to see BFF and got a thumbs up.

Dear Davina: 
I am so very sorry to hear of your job and boss issues....  bite your tongue the best you can and stay away if possible ...  might be best that way... but in this day and age just be thankful that you have a job.

Oh, regarding your new top that you will be wearing tonight.... "pictures or it didn't happen"

Thanks for sharing about your life events today.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 23, 2018, 04:57:55 PM
( the no make up but took this quick as proof.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on August 23, 2018, 05:38:39 PM
Davina, HRT is workin its magic on ya. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on August 24, 2018, 05:57:09 PM
Compared to your first avatar that is quite an amazing difference!! Would love to see them side by side. :)

Most importantly are you happy with the results you have had, do you think you look good?

Personally I think you look great, certainly female and HRT seems to agree with you.

Take care

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 25, 2018, 06:18:44 AM
Waiting for the 1 year update before and after photo , HRT is great. Shame it wont change my voice!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Alice V on August 25, 2018, 06:26:22 AM
Hey, you looks nice :)
And voice can be trained... Though sometimes I doubt in that, but hearing people who did great work on it motivates me.
Title: Davina's diary
Post by: steph2.0 on August 25, 2018, 06:46:23 AM
Quote from: davina61 on August 23, 2018, 04:28:25 PM
Well we were supposed to have a Temp tech today but never turned up so started work 1/2 hr early , finished a service that had been part done as customer wanted it back as we had it for 3 days . Finished at 1.30 and tried to have a lunch break , only had 10 mins then had to do an MOT and service as customer was waiting . Managed to leave 1/2 hr early but getting totally peed off now, we have a big boss coming around tomorrow and bet I will be kept away so as not to say anything. Manager is avoiding me as well or at least avoiding speaking so he doesn't get his ears ripped off!!!!! Don't mess with an angry woman. My BFF wants me to look at a Merc SLK she is interested in, going Sunday morning . Well chuffed with the new tops I got the other day, wearing one tonight as went to see BFF and got a thumbs up.

Davina, I haven't commented much, but I do love reading your entries. Not just to keep up with your adventures, but to enjoy deciphering your delicious British dialect, too. You look like you'd be a lot of fun to hang out with, and I'd have to sample some of that fabulous cooking, too. I hope to get back to the UK someday, and there are a lot of girls I'll want to visit. You're right up at the top of the list.

I might need to bring a translation book, though. "My hovercraft is full of eels."

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on August 26, 2018, 02:14:41 AM
Quote from: davina61 on August 25, 2018, 06:18:44 AM
Waiting for the 1 year update before and after photo , HRT is great. Shame it wont change my voice!!!

YAY...know how it goes photo's it didn't happen LOL  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on August 26, 2018, 03:04:31 AM
Quote from: Steph2.0 on August 25, 2018, 06:46:23 AM
Davina, I haven't commented much, but I do love reading your entries. Not just to keep up with your adventures, but to enjoy deciphering your delicious British dialect, too. You look like you'd be a lot of fun to hang out with, and I'd have to sample some of that fabulous cooking, too. I hope to get back to the UK someday, and there are a lot of girls I'll want to visit. You're right up at the top of the list.

I might need to bring a translation book, though. "My hovercraft is full of eels."

@Steph, Come on over to Biggleswade soon for a special 2-for-1 offer on trans* people [emoji4]. P.s. I love your avatar, very 'government agent'.

@Davina, looking forward to seeing you next month. Devlyn is a total curry novice, so we have some work to do! X

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 26, 2018, 09:00:43 AM
Will have to find a curry house before going on the town!!!Anyway in an @ Alaskan Danielle sort of way ended up at #BFF's last night on way home from meal at the pub, lets just say had to go home for breakfast ;) Back to the pub my mum and aunties friends (distant relations)  are camping close by so we all went for a meal and they wanted to see me as they wanted to see how I was getting along. Got the thumbs up and big hugs.Cooking  roast lamb and full trimmings (UK lot will know) to take to BFF as she has no food (wtf) also making curry , chicken and onions for the week ahead. Tastes better after standing and reheated.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laura_Ann on August 26, 2018, 03:03:46 PM
Hi Stranger,

Looking good in your new Avatar. Hope things are going well xx

Sorry I haven't messaged, we really need to catch up
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on August 26, 2018, 09:56:34 PM
Way to go Davina!!!  On all fronts.

Roast lamb sounds so nice.   I may have to seek out a few lamb chops to satisfy the tastebuds.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 27, 2018, 02:09:01 AM
Public holiday today and guess what I have to work, bloody firm I work for would be open Christmas day if they could!!!!! Lamb came out nice , not sure what to make with the remains???? BFF  cant decided if she wants the Merc SLK we went to look at yesterday but she is having a test drive  today, will find out later as taking her car into work for MOT.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on August 27, 2018, 02:45:07 AM
Power to the proletariat! Sry you're having to work today. X

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 27, 2018, 12:24:21 PM
Dear Davina:
A possibly silly question from a Yankee girl....   what is your Summer Bank Holiday all about???

Summer Bank Holiday in the United Kingdom. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, the summer bank holiday is on the last Monday of August.

Please enlighten me.   A curious mind wants to know.

Quote from: davina61 on August 27, 2018, 02:09:01 AM
Public holiday today and guess what I have to work, bloody firm I work for would be open Christmas day if they could!!!!! Lamb came out nice , not sure what to make with the remains???? BFF  cant decided if she wants the Merc SLK we went to look at yesterday but she is having a test drive  today, will find out later as taking her car into work for MOT.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 27, 2018, 12:51:27 PM
Its a public holiday, used to be every body had the day off. They are Good Friday, Easter Monday, May day, late spring (last Monday in May) August and Christmas day/Boxing day. The only compulsory one for employers is Christmas day but they have to pay over time or give a lieu day (unless you working in health care) . Didn't have much on TBH so got back early, BFF's car was OK for MOT and she has decided to not buy Merc as she has no garage to keep it in ( its in a heated ,carpeted garage at the moment!!!).  Have to get Kendra to bring the Dev to me, the curry Queen for a treat. Was thinking about some curry/chilli biscuits ---------

Forgot to say took my medicine as instructed in  a post I read earlier CHOCOLATE ICECREAM !!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on August 27, 2018, 02:24:59 PM
A month from now Devlyn will be much closer to you and your wonderful meals (and great company and cool projects in the machine shop).  I am jealous!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on August 27, 2018, 03:42:35 PM
Quote from: davina61 on August 27, 2018, 12:51:27 PM
Forgot to say took my medicine as instructed in  a post I read earlier CHOCOLATE ICECREAM !!!!!!!!

Well I just had a hot choc drink, hot or cold Choc is the best medicine. Anyway that will settle me down for a good nights sleep, I need my beauty sleep more than most I think looking at all these gorgeous avatars nowadays.



;) ;) ;)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 29, 2018, 03:15:38 PM
Needing my sleep, trying to recover from over work. Luckily its been a bit quiet the last few days and some good nights sleep has helped. BFF rang ,depressed as decided to get the Merc and its sold. Think its for the best as she is off to OZ for 3 months and it will be sat outside under a sheet. Made the lamb, potato and leak pie tonight with a home made white sauce and suet pastry from scratch. Only took 1/2 hour to make , that's cook pots and leaks, make pastry and white sauce. 1/2 hour in oven and done , yum!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on August 29, 2018, 07:11:51 PM
"Only took 1/2 hour to make"

You are amazing!
Your friend doesn't need a car that will sit that long.  Look for one when she returns.  It all works out in the end. 

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on August 30, 2018, 04:16:14 PM
The BFF came to mine for tea , helped finish the monster pie off!!!!!! Not good company at the moment just plain knackered and brain dead. Still 2 weeks and have a weeks hols , hope I last that long without snapping as I have no patience at the moment . Off to bed XXXXXX
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on August 30, 2018, 04:44:00 PM
Ooo Im off from the 17th to the 20th.. having bathroom fitted so I can shower standing up - I could make the effort and come for lunch maybe :) - Its a drive for nosh but Im OK for that, will be a precursor for the meet up on the 22nd.. Depends if your busy though = PM me

??? ??? ??? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :angel: :angel:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 01, 2018, 06:41:45 AM
Since meeting (or renewing ) my BFF my "boring " life is more exiting, rang me up last night " coming down the pub they do a bottle of Proseco (sorry cant spell!) for £10". Any way after 2 bottles------- . Meet some nice folk and they came and sat with us, turns out the one lad went to school with the BFF 's lad so we got talking about age and I did my age fail again. They didn't believe me being 63 so said its down to the HRT, the lads missis said why do you take HRT at your age so was that MALE FAIL? or just ignorance? I like to think MF . We went to another pub and I had a glass of red and to a local shop, bottle of proseco to take home and some on sell by date food and went back to mine as to much alcohol to drive BFF home. A bit grotty today , sat at work now eating lunch with a thick head!!!! Been asked to go out for a meal with mum and auntie and all tonight , might stay of the wine---
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on September 01, 2018, 11:02:17 AM
Davina it sounds like you are enjoying life and that's what it's about.  Cheers girl!

Yes I would say that was definitely a male fail situation.  You seem to be having more and more of them recently.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on September 01, 2018, 02:39:03 PM
Quote from: davina61 on September 01, 2018, 06:41:45 AM
Since meeting (or renewing ) my BFF my "boring " life is more exiting, rang me up last night " coming down the pub they do a bottle of Proseco (sorry cant spell!) for £10". Any way after 2 bottles------- . Meet some nice folk and they came and sat with us, turns out the one lad went to school with the BFF 's lad so we got talking about age and I did my age fail again. They didn't believe me being 63 so said its down to the HRT, the lads missis said why do you take HRT at your age so was that MALE FAIL? or just ignorance? I like to think MF . We went to another pub and I had a glass of red and to a local shop, bottle of proseco to take home and some on sell by date food and went back to mine as to much alcohol to drive BFF home. A bit grotty today , sat at work now eating lunch with a thick head!!!! Been asked to go out for a meal with mum and auntie and all tonight , might stay of the wine---

Davina you definitely had a male fail!! I can understand why they have difficulty believing you are over 60...I would never have have guessed if you hadn't told us. I hope this is the one thing you keep failing!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on September 01, 2018, 07:04:54 PM
Hi Davina,

  Where have I been? A BFF? And hanging out in the pubs?  I will agree with Liz... Male fail and age.  I keep trying to tell you younger girl to take it easy on the wine and spirits but you never listen. Have to learn the hard way like I did I suppose. Enjoy your outings tonight with mum and aunty and keep living the life girl.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 02, 2018, 09:22:10 AM
Laurie see what happens whilst your gallivanting around the continent  , pay back from the good time yesterday I was rough as--- teach me to imbibe  . So to relax its cooking time with Davina (did the craft think this morning) , beef cooked in whole spices and a banana loaf . Mum gave me some cheese scones she made for church fate that she kept for herself but the cheese made her mouth come up in lumps, tasted fine to me!!! Laters XXXXX
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 03, 2018, 03:22:48 PM
The BFF has got her Merc as the one we looked at didn't sell, still feeling rung out. HRT? or just age and over worked . The results came back clear from mammogram , the girls have responded by sore and puffy nips and a 1/2 inch increase to 451/2 ins.  As you can see not very chatty any ways painting my nails now before bed as its Hot Rod club time again tomorrow night.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on September 03, 2018, 04:15:55 PM
"HRT? or just age and over worked."  Well maybe a little of all!   The first two aren't for the faint of heart or weak in spirit!

Hot Rod club sounds like fun!  Enjoy.  Is your race car (Anglia?) legal for the street? 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 04, 2018, 02:16:40 AM
Austin Devon and no its full on race car but could be made street legal. For sale btw
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on September 04, 2018, 02:42:09 AM
Quote from: davina61 on September 03, 2018, 03:22:48 PM
The BFF has got her Merc as the one we looked at didn't sell, still feeling rung out. HRT? or just age and over worked . The results came back clear from mammogram , the girls have responded by sore and puffy nips and a 1/2 inch increase to 451/2 ins.  As you can see not very chatty any ways painting my nails now before bed as its Hot Rod club time again tomorrow night.

More like overworked and underpaid....maybe you need a Holiday...even a short one to recharge or sit back and quaff some read red wine whilst gazing at a setting Sun somewhere...good for whatever ails you! Glad to hear the gils are in good repair and fit for further use.  :laugh:

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 04, 2018, 03:39:27 AM
Hols in 2 weeks time ;D Not sure about the setting sun more likely setting rain!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on September 04, 2018, 10:02:31 AM
Oh, an A40.  Cool.  Good luck with selling it.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on September 04, 2018, 11:02:44 AM
Quote from: davina61 on September 04, 2018, 02:16:40 AM
Austin Devon and no its full on race car but could be made street legal. For sale btw

Davina's the only thing legal in these photos.  ;)



Hand-built and raced on the track by Davina
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on September 04, 2018, 08:32:14 PM
"Davina's the only thing legal in these photos.  ;)"

Oh Yeah!

I don't want to give away my secrets, but I see a Mopar small block!  Is that a 340 or 360, with a Holley 4160?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 05, 2018, 02:09:13 AM
340 and a 650 cfm Holly, its out of a 71 340 RT Challenger. As you know your stuff it has a purple cam, single plane intake and home made headers and makes 360HP . Has a built 727 , high stall converter (3800 on transbrake) Plug !!!its up for sale for 10K if you know anyone after a Pro ET car (11.5 @ 118)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on September 05, 2018, 11:17:50 AM
Very nice.  Yes I know my way around a bit. I bet its a lot of fun.  Ah, the famous Mopar "Purple Stick".  I don't think thats a dilator!!!

Good luck with trying to sell it.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 06, 2018, 02:42:58 AM
Got invited out for a meal last night with my BFF and 2 other friends then we went to open mic night at local pub. Theres some good talent around , singer / writers as well as a few covers and a brilliant mix up of 3 or 4 songs by the one duo. Cooking tea for 4 tonight , its the same bunch. Curry for 3 and steak for BFF , she has to be awkward!!! Of shopping as its grandsons 2nd birthday on Sat and only chance today (lieu day)  S--- might hit the fan over that as not been given day off but its due and tomorrow the other tech is having his , manager will be having a melt down but he is running another centre and has not bothered to sort stuff out. TBC
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on September 06, 2018, 01:35:59 PM
Quote from: davina61 on September 05, 2018, 02:09:13 AM
> Has a built 727, high stall converter (3800 on transbrake)

Of course  ;)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on September 06, 2018, 02:50:13 PM
That's me having a cup of tea, transbrake I mean.


;D ;D ;D ;D

Sorry was a bit obvious and Im feeling frivolous - busy few weeks coming up  ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 06, 2018, 04:38:41 PM
Made I laff.  My 3 guests just left , they enjoyed the meal of southern India pepper chicken curry, mung dall and rice pilaff , cucumber riata  , pomegranate and peanut riata and spicy gram flatbreads. Had to make the BFF steak, mash and veg as she don't like Indian food. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on September 06, 2018, 04:54:52 PM
Quote from: davina61 on September 06, 2018, 04:38:41 PM
Made I laff.  My 3 guests just left , they enjoyed the meal of southern India pepper chicken curry, mung dall and rice pilaff , cucumber riata  , pomegranate and peanut riata and spicy gram flatbreads. Had to make the BFF steak, mash and veg as she don't like Indian food.

  Your BFF doesn't like India food?!?! Well that will never do. And here I was just thinking how cool your having a BFF was to chat up and get advice from and now you tell me she is fundamentally flawed. It just won't do I tell you. You must either get her to like food with an India flare or get another BFF who does.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on September 06, 2018, 05:24:27 PM
OMG, going to have to break diet  week on Sunday I think... Aficionado of the Manchester golden mile, and the centre of Leicester (all good Indian restaurant areas) - don't to Phall any more.. Only when I was  doing degree in Mech eng  in Coventry... Never again... prefer aromatic Indian Quinine and Saag recipies I think.. like to OD on ginger, Lime and coriander though.. Still looking for recipe's for curries with them in a lot, otherwise apart from the grilled goats cheese one from Delia (Celeb chef) with capers  garlic, coriander, French whole grain mustard etc. im lost.  So love that combo. Once had a Garlic curry in Whitehaven with Ex before any kids - weekend at an old mates 1 bed flat. 2Lb garlic and 1/4 lb rice it seems. Still kept people away from us for days including during the local brewery tour... we got all the best stuff of course...

Anyway Im up for work in 6 hours so Ill sign off.

Luv n Hugz


:angel: :angel: >:-) >:-) ??? ??? :-* :-* ;D :angel: :angel: :angel:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on September 07, 2018, 06:34:32 AM

Quote from: Laurie on September 06, 2018, 04:54:52 PM
  Your BFF doesn't like India food?!?! Well that will never do. And here I was just thinking how cool your having a BFF was to chat up and get advice from and now you tell me she is fundamentally flawed. It just won't do I tell you. You must either get her to like food with an India flare or get another BFF who does.


I'd be a bit careful here Davina you know Laurie's reputation for fridges...
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 08, 2018, 06:59:16 AM
10 mins left of my lunch break and have to tell about last nights shenanigans. My BFF was singing in a small pub/wine bar/ eatery so her friend and myself went as well. We both got roped into being the backing dancers/tambourine players, Deb and the Transettes !!!!!!! Had a whale of a time and got to bed at 1.30 am (yawn)   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on September 08, 2018, 10:53:22 PM
I would have loved to have seen and heard that.  I bet you were awesome!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 09, 2018, 11:05:45 AM
Unfortunately there is phone video footage !!!!! Last night ended up at the pub again to see a band, great time and got thanked again for Thursday nights meal by one of my guests to quote "that was awesome" . Just got back from VW show, spent to much but have the bed and some seals for the panel van and ordered a disc brake kit, Saved myself some ££s as 10% off and free postage. Need to check the veg cooking laters chaps
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on September 09, 2018, 12:11:27 PM
Quote from: davina61 on September 09, 2018, 11:05:45 AM
Unfortunately there is phone video footage !!!!! Last night ended up at the pub again to see a band, great time and got thanked again for Thursday nights meal by one of my guests to quote "that was awesome" . Just got back from VW show, spent to much but have the bed and some seals for the panel van and ordered a disc brake kit, Saved myself some ££s as 10% off and free postage. Need to check the veg cooking laters chaps

Oh Davina! Phone video footage? Do share!!!!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 09, 2018, 12:31:00 PM
 Got sent to my BFF by the barman , as a complete computer numpty  that's not going to happen. Got Madamed today by the ice cream van man, also had a nice chat with lady on jewellery stall. She does pride events with her retro stuff and found me a necklace to wear to UK meeting. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on September 10, 2018, 12:56:25 PM
Quote from: davina61 on September 09, 2018, 12:31:00 PM
Got sent to my BFF by the barman , as a complete computer numpty  that's not going to happen. Got Madamed today by the ice cream van man, also had a nice chat with lady on jewellery stall. She does pride events with her retro stuff and found me a necklace to wear to UK meeting.

Dear Davina:
I just love coming to your always interesting thread....  your postings about your mechanical endeavors are always fun to read.
Plus, just the simple and brief snippets of your day like your quoted post above is just so encouraging to you but also to everyone that reads it.

Thank you for keeping your followers tuned into your activities, experiences and life events.
Hugs and well wishes,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 10, 2018, 01:45:23 PM
5% interesting 95% boring everyday stuff, but that's life. Got a nice clean pallet from work today to do some craft with, a blow torch and wax can make some nice effects. Turning cooler , cloudy and windy tonight. Recon its a nice hot shower and PJ time , shame I don't have any chocolate and wine ::)
Need to see my GP to find out if she has sorted out my recommended increase in E patch, first available time is 1st Oct, WT* . Looks like I will have to drop a letter in and might get a phone call. Also need them to change name in online patient site
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 10, 2018, 03:40:40 PM
just noticed its 10 months on my ticker FULL TIME , 9 on HRT
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on September 10, 2018, 03:45:46 PM
Congratulations -  that reminds me I have just done 8 months HRT... no difference whatever (apart from a bigger smile..)

Keep the faith sister..
Luv n Hugz


;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 12, 2018, 03:19:59 PM
Well that make 3 nights fallen asleep watching TV and it was stuff I wanted to see, better tonight. Just ordered some spices , ran out of tamarind paste , curry leaves and some stuff cant get local like methi (fenugreek leaves) gee , chapati flour. Load of flies have appeared in my flat , so far my tally is 4 nuked but 3 still about . Where do they come from? as windows have been closed for weeks and only time door open is when I go in or out. 3 days till on holiday not that I am counting!!!!!much 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on September 12, 2018, 03:32:20 PM
Dear Davina:  I trust that you can get more rest and sleep all through the nights so you can watch the late evening television programs  that you want to see... without falling asleep.
Wow, that is a lot of spices...  I have not heard of a few...  I perhaps need to taste some of your cooking and recipes some day...  I see the pictures that you post of your food offerings, looks mighty tasty.

The flies that "bug" me most up where I live are the big biting flies, like horse flies.... but fortunately not a lot of them make it into my house.  The ones that can be a problem are the little fruit flies and tiny gnats that always seem to come around when I have fresh fruit and veggies in the house in the warmer summer month or two....  they come and then they go.

Thanks for posting your latest life events!!!!!
Hugs and well wishes as always,

Quote from: davina61 on September 12, 2018, 03:19:59 PM
Well that make 3 nights fallen asleep watching TV and it was stuff I wanted to see, better tonight. Just ordered some spices , ran out of tamarind paste , curry leaves and some stuff cant get local like methi (fenugreek leaves) gee , chapati flour. Load of flies have appeared in my flat , so far my tally is 4 nuked but 3 still about . Where do they come from? as windows have been closed for weeks and only time door open is when I go in or out. 3 days till on holiday not that I am counting!!!!!much
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 12, 2018, 03:54:44 PM
Well Danielle you are welcome to come to tea as is anyone else. Had to go to a online Indian foods site to get What I wanted but they were out of stock of mustard oil again . 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on September 12, 2018, 04:16:40 PM
H Davina
Are we still on for lunch on the 16th (this Sunday?). I think I know when - Ill Message you when I get near and you can throw a spanner (was going to say 'King Dick' (TM) but don't know if they make those spanners anymore) at me if needs?

Luv n Hugz


??? ??? ??? ;D ;D ;D :-* :-* :-* :-* :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 12, 2018, 04:49:07 PM
That's why I had to order tamarind paste for the curry!!!!  Don't have breakfast --------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on September 12, 2018, 04:59:43 PM
I only ever eat a cold boiled egg for breakfast anyway (and coffee..)
Is that too Much

L & H's


:angel: :angel: :angel:

ps no pics I don't like can be posted..... but must post some esp of your cuisine :)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 14, 2018, 06:32:56 AM
Might be!!!! Have been known to do a banquet (ask Kendra) . Went food shopping with the BFF and didnt get back home till 11 pm, slept like a log---- zzzzzzzzzzz
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on September 14, 2018, 08:12:23 AM
Quote from: davina61 on September 14, 2018, 06:32:56 AM
> Might be!!!! Have been known to do a banquet

Oh yeah - definitely!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 14, 2018, 01:23:43 PM
BFF is a train wreck!!!!!! cooked her some tea and going back to her place for hugs and support
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on September 14, 2018, 04:15:27 PM
OMG, anything I can bring down on Sunday to help - I can do anything seriously (apart from medicate obs..)
I can come earlier if needs, maybe BFF needs loads of TLC. you do that and I can cook and clean etc - no problem whatever if needs.
Hope BFF is up for Sunday as so looking forwards to it - cant help tomorrow as youngest sons 18th and evening meal..
but can be there early Sunday if needs

Luv n Hugz

pps off to bed so will only pick up messages about 8am tomorrow
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 14, 2018, 04:55:09 PM
Come as early as you want , doing some prep tomorrow night so should be fine . Will give you the gos when I see you.Off to bed now as have 9 mots tomorrow. BTW the supplies turned up from online Indian food store
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on September 14, 2018, 05:41:44 PM
Excellent - hope I dont disappoint - I'm coming casual, need a big hug please..

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on September 15, 2018, 12:22:39 AM
Quote from: Katie Jade on September 14, 2018, 05:41:44 PM
Excellent - hope I dont disappoint - I'm coming casual, need a big hug please..


@Katie Jade      @davina61
Dear Katie and Davina
This all sounds exciting to me...
,,,I will be eagerly looking for your updates after the big event!!!
Pictures perhaps?

Thanks for both of your update postings,
Hugs and well wishes,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 15, 2018, 06:40:27 AM
HELP I need CAKE (starving)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on September 15, 2018, 11:35:32 AM
mmmmm   I don't need to be starving to need CAKE!   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 15, 2018, 04:23:08 PM
True but went and got a pack of doughnuts, only ate 2!!! and left the rest for the lads at work. typing careful as nails still drying . Hope I don't wreck them cooking tomorrow.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on September 15, 2018, 05:53:52 PM
Hi Davina

Busy Busy busy....just thinking about your comment and the nails should try this ...basin full of ice and water about 50 50 then plunge your freshly painted nail into them and voilà!! Dry nails...they might me a little soft but the surface will be dry. Let your hands dry naturally or wipe carefully with a towel so you don't crease the freshly painted nail.

Take care

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 16, 2018, 03:42:27 AM
Its a gel one from a German supermarket, dries real quick even with 2 coats at once. Its a nice plum shade. Made the dough for breads and waiting for it to rise, nearly forgot to empty bin as its a bit stinky!!!!! Photos later(no not the bin)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 16, 2018, 11:03:27 AM
Visitor has left as she had to rush back (shame) , photos will be on Katie's post. Another one that has taken the tandoori mushroom recipe !!! well it is rather special . Salmon came out good, you can taste the fish and then the spices kick in with a warming after taste. Have a load of rice and lentil pilaf to eat now , pass the mango chutney!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on September 16, 2018, 04:13:10 PM
Lovely afternoon with Davina who is so sweet. Her cooking is really good and I do like her following traditional recipes rather than western stuff, makes a really pleasant change.
More gossip on my page - and pics, dear Davina was so engrossed in being a perfect hostess she didn't take any, and mine as usual are sparse but cover the important bits (food,, and smiles  ;D )
Luv n Hugz


:-* :-* :-* ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on September 16, 2018, 11:36:41 PM
Quote from: davina61 on September 16, 2018, 11:03:27 AM
Visitor has left as she had to rush back (shame) , photos will be on Katie's post. Another one that has taken the tandoori mushroom recipe !!! well it is rather special . Salmon came out good, you can taste the fish and then the spices kick in with a warming after taste. Have a load of rice and lentil pilaf to eat now , pass the mango chutney!!

@davina61     cc: @Katie Jade
Dear "Chef" Davina:
I have already been on Katie's thread and I viewed the fantastic photos and read her account of the visit and tasty meal at your home.

All of that was so very wonderful for me to read and to see... 
... both of you ladies looked absolutely beautiful and your day sounded like a terrific and enjoyable event.

Thank you for keeping your thread up to date...
I come here to read what you post whenever I login to the Forums.

Hugs and well wishes,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 17, 2018, 02:29:19 AM
Danielle I do lurk on your exciting adventures . Was a good day , ending up at BFF's as she needed some moral support (again) . Helping  her fix a fence today, weather is a bit damp and windy though. She was practicing a new song for band rehearsals tonight , Cell block no9 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on September 17, 2018, 04:15:08 AM
Quote from: davina61 on September 16, 2018, 11:03:27 AM
Visitor has left as she had to rush back (shame) , photos will be on Katie's post. Another one that has taken the tandoori mushroom recipe !!! well it is rather special . Salmon came out good, you can taste the fish and then the spices kick in with a warming after taste. Have a load of rice and lentil pilaf to eat now , pass the mango chutney!!

I did make a post on Katies thread but I wanted to also say I thought the food looked great and from the review it was just as good as it looked. Great photo's, coupel of regular Gals have some great food along with a good time.  I think Danielle had it right when she named you "Chef"...your food always looks and sounds so great.

Take care

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 17, 2018, 03:24:28 PM
Get it wrong sometimes!!! but as they told me when I started work " the person that never makes a mistake never made anything". On hols this week , had to rush to work as forgot to hand in managers keys. That was due to being dumped with stuff to do after the tech left early on Sat AGAIN . Made me late doing BFF's fence , started at 1 and finished 5.30 ish but its tidy and dog proof and she cooked me tea. Ache all over though as not used to swinging a sled hammer. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on September 17, 2018, 03:28:59 PM
Quote from: davina61 on September 17, 2018, 03:24:28 PM
Get it wrong sometimes!!! but as they told me when I started work " the person that never makes a mistake never made anything". On hols this week , had to rush to work as forgot to hand in managers keys. That was due to being dumped with stuff to do after the tech left early on Sat AGAIN . Made me late doing BFF's fence , started at 1 and finished 5.30 ish but its tidy and dog proof and she cooked me tea. Ache all over though as not used to swinging a sled hammer.

Dear Davina:
Oh, yes indeed, the trials and tribulations of everyday life.   I trust that you enjoyed your tea, get home and rub in some lotions, take a hot shower, use a heating pad or ice, eat some chocolate, go to bed early and get a good sleep.

tomorrow "may" be a better day.
I will be looking for more of your updates.
Wishing you well,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on September 17, 2018, 03:40:48 PM
Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on September 17, 2018, 03:28:59 PM
Dear Davina:
"eat some chocolate"

I totally agree Danielle  ;D

Luv n Hugz


:angel: :angel: :angel: ??? :o :o :-* :-* :-* :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 18, 2018, 03:04:20 AM
Chunk of Indian pud!!!!! Woke up to go for a wee 3.30 and was just about to get back in bed and fire alarm went off so threw on dressing gown and hair . Good job it was mild and dry as all the tenants gathered in car park, the alarm said flat6 was the trigger but banging on the door did not get a response. One of the tenants called fire service as not sure if alarm is linked, station is 100yards away but manned (personed?)  by on call. They ended up breaking down the door to no6 , the lad was rescued from a flat full of smoke . Looks like he fell asleep and left a frying pan on the stove . No I didn't have to be carried out by a hunky fireman!!!!! Still we had a nice residents meet, first time we were all together.
Servicing my car today, busman's holiday
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on September 18, 2018, 03:16:05 AM
Quote from: davina61 on September 18, 2018, 03:04:20 AM
Chunk of Indian pud!!!!! Woke up to go for a wee 3.30 and was just about to get back in bed and fire alarm went off so threw on dressing gown and hair . Good job it was mild and dry as all the tenants gathered in car park, the alarm said flat6 was the trigger but banging on the door did not get a response. One of the tenants called fire service as not sure if alarm is linked, station is 100yards away but manned (personed?)  by on call. They ended up breaking down the door to no6 , the lad was rescued from a flat full of smoke . Looks like he fell asleep and left a frying pan on the stove . No I didn't have to be carried out by a hunky fireman!!!!! Still we had a nice residents meet, first time we were all together.
Servicing my car today, busman's holiday
Wow that was a close call for the lad, and the residents as well. I wouldn't like to have to navigate those stairs to your flat in a hurry... especially in heels...

Luv n Hugz


:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on September 18, 2018, 08:48:10 AM
Oh dear! I live in an apartment too. That would be so bad to wakeup to. We had a similar incident in my building. One of the older ladies left her toaster oven on with 4 pieces of toast in it. It filled the hole first floor with stinky smoke. I wasn't home at the time. It took a week to get the smell out of the building.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 18, 2018, 02:11:51 PM
Luckily no smell, big fireman's footprint on his door though!!!! Got my motor serviced OK and finished a jewellery stand ,started to make another one . well painted 2 bases and drilled the wood for 1. cant decide whether to char it with blow torch or leave it "blond" and waxed. Hungry today but the girls are very sore and I think they need feeding!!!!! Supposed to be going shopping with BFF tomorrow, charity and junk shops looking for the bargains. Need a suitcase for the weekend, just a hard case overnight one.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on September 18, 2018, 07:47:34 PM
Quote from: davina61 on September 18, 2018, 03:04:20 AM
Looks like he fell asleep and left a frying pan on the stove . No I didn't have to be carried out by a hunky fireman!!!!! Still we had a nice residents meet, first time we were all together.
Servicing my car today, busman's holiday

Hi Davina

There sounds like a hint of regret in that comment about the hunky fireman, you could always have an "incident" of your own  ;)...I guess Firemen are the same worldwide. They put our a calendar here in Aus with pics of these half clad fireman posing...very popular among the local ladies them because what's not to appreciate  :D

Good thing it turned out so well and I bet the Lad involved was a touch on the surprised side to be meeting a firemen in the middle of his nap LOL

Have fun shopping

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 19, 2018, 07:09:58 AM
had to go shopping on my own as BFF is dog sitting and it will be to late by the time dogs picked up, anyway got some nail varnish and stuff, suitcase for weekend, skirt in sale and a few more bits but cant find a jacket/light blouse to go over my dress for Sat. Peed of as cant get hold of person that has dropped spindles for my panel van , wanted to move it around this week grr . Can get some different make but the disc brake kit I have coming wont fit. Gone windy here , good job I had tape on my hair!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 19, 2018, 12:24:31 PM
Of to Open mic night with BFF , bit of fun after a lazy afternoon apart from making biscuits (and falling asleep on sofa)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 20, 2018, 10:24:10 AM
Open mic was a disappointment, went to a different pub in town and saw some one not seen for a bit. Took them a while to place me and no problem, not like the drunk alcoholic at the bar that's a "friend" of BFF. He got told by female manager any more of that and your OUT. Didn't bother me but the support was nice, and we had a chat when they all went outside for a cig. Ended up back at mine as BFF has no food again so a bowl of the stew that I made (and had loads left) got a "this is wonder full" but she did drink3 1/2 pints of cider beforehand!! Buy the time I got her back home and made it back to my bed it was 1.30 ,yawn. Still woke up at 9am but why did I have a hangover/headache ? as only had a 1/2 of larger due to driving. Managed to make it to my unit and finished another jewellery stand, looking through my stuff (crap!!) found an air cleaner top cover with a Webber label on and that will make a great trinket box lid as its approx. 6in x 4ins rectangle with rounded corners and chromed.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on September 20, 2018, 08:11:20 PM
Sorry to hear about the evening but that's the way it goes sometimes.  At least you got out to your shop to do a little fun stuff.  You are so clever!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 21, 2018, 02:31:15 AM
Did I say my BFF's friend (male) C said I looked wonderful and he loved my outfit, BFF recons I was getting hit!!!! but not into blokes at the moment . Did a measure before bed and as the girls are rather sore and I have been hungry thought there might be a change, YES 1ins on bust at 46 , still 40 band size. waist 40 (boo hoo) and hips 48. Thighs have got fatter as well so technically I have lost weight , well got to believe something!!! Its a day of pampering ready for UK meetup, BFF is doing my brows and if the hairs are long enough (2mm after a weeks growth) wax my chest and arms (ouch) . Trying on my outfits as well , no last minute panic here.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on September 22, 2018, 07:22:03 PM
Quote from: davina61 on September 21, 2018, 02:31:15 AM
Did I say my BFF's friend (male) C said I looked wonderful and he loved my outfit, BFF recons I was getting hit!!!! but not into blokes at the moment . Did a measure before bed and as the girls are rather sore and I have been hungry thought there might be a change, YES 1ins on bust at 46 , still 40 band size. waist 40 (boo hoo) and hips 48. Thighs have got fatter as well so technically I have lost weight , well got to believe something!!! Its a day of pampering ready for UK meetup, BFF is doing my brows and if the hairs are long enough (2mm after a weeks growth) wax my chest and arms (ouch) . Trying on my outfits as well , no last minute panic here.

I think the BFF is right you were getting hit on...even though your not into blokes at the moment, it does say that maybe the blokes fancy not an entirely bad place to be  ;)

Curves...that's what we want curves...I keep telling myself that anyway....although I think my "turtle shell" curves still needs some shrinking..

Good luck with the waxing...only ever had waxing only done with hurt...yup in some places more than others but the feeling afterwards was amazing.

Take care

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 23, 2018, 08:26:17 AM
In the end just my brows done , well a wonderful time at UK meetup . Nice to see the folk behind the threads , got told my make up was good as well . Also told wont need ffs (cant afford it anyway!) let the hormones rage. Bit tired now as it was about 2pm by the time I got to bed and its back to work tomorrow , not wanting to go but need to pay the rent.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on September 23, 2018, 11:18:14 AM
Davina so nice to see you there!

HRT has done you great, along with makeup skills and poise that has become so natural.  It's been fun seeing you develop and gain confidence. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 24, 2018, 12:54:00 PM
After a nice weeks hols it was back to reality today, was  feeling OK till mid day but then it looked like I had tests booked till 4 pm with no break. Luckily one didn't turn up but really  had enough of this job, said to manager that I have docs next Monday and can I have that as my lieu day. Just got a don't know if I can get cover, owed 5 lieu days as it is. Anyway my new hair has come so going to see BFF and give her the weekend gos and see if it looks OK.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on September 24, 2018, 01:36:06 PM
  Ah the trials and tribulations of having to work and bosses taking advantage of their best workers. 'Tis truly a shame.

Enjoy your new hair and of course we need pics. Also enjoy time with your BFF.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on September 24, 2018, 01:43:53 PM
Quote from: Laurie on September 24, 2018, 01:36:06 PM
  Ah the trials and tribulations of having to work and bosses taking advantage of their best workers. 'Tis truly a shame.

Enjoy your new hair and of course we need pics. Also enjoy time with your BFF.


Yes Davina! Do share!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 24, 2018, 05:31:15 PM
Having trouble downloading them from phone to laptop. will try tomorrow night. Just done 1/2 tub of Ben and Jerrys chocolate cookie dough, feel better now!!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on September 24, 2018, 05:37:40 PM
Quote from: davina61 on September 24, 2018, 05:31:15 PM
Having trouble downloading them from phone to laptop. will try tomorrow night. Just done 1/2 tub of Ben and Jerrys chocolate cookie dough, feel better now!!!!!

MMMMM love that stuff


XOX :angel: :angel:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on September 24, 2018, 07:47:08 PM
Quote from: davina61 on September 24, 2018, 05:31:15 PM
Having trouble downloading them from phone to laptop. will try tomorrow night. Just done 1/2 tub of Ben and Jerrys chocolate cookie dough, feel better now!!!!!

Good for the soul!!!  ;)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 25, 2018, 05:08:40 PM
BFF cooked me tea tonight, a nice steak, chips, salad with dried tomatoes and chilli's . Chocolate orange slices for pud (gift from a client ) . Open mic night tomorrow, just hope its better than last time. Still cant get the pics to load from phone, always worked before and think its the computer program.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 26, 2018, 03:21:00 PM
The trip to open mic night got called off as we were both overtired , maybe next week. Early bed for meZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on September 26, 2018, 05:25:03 PM
Rest well my dear and sweet dreams with sugar plum fairies
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 28, 2018, 02:14:17 PM
Well drama at work, manager asked me to move my car so 2 more could be moved, got out and he beeped horn at me to move forward so I did a mental " for ****** sake " and raised my hands in a sort of shrug. Moved forward and got out my car and found manager facing me with a "totally lost it " face. He grabed my wrist and started screaming at me, I told him to let go as this is assault and shouted to my co-worker that was sat in one off the cars. Then I got dragged across the unit and punched in the face, thrown on the floor and kicked. Well hes not the manager anymore!!!!!!I am OK just a bit bruised  and sore. Think he is suffering from PTSD as he was talking nonsense , doing this in front off his father who has never been to work. Area manager came and took statement , he was nice about it as the dody would have hit the fan if I called police or made a fuss. Think old manager needs help not punishment, not long come back from Afghanistan as a civilian  trainer.
Title: Davina's diary
Post by: steph2.0 on September 28, 2018, 02:18:03 PM
Quote from: davina61 on September 28, 2018, 02:14:17 PM
Well drama at work, manager asked me to move my car so 2 more could be moved, got out and he beeped horn at me to move forward so I did a mental " for ****** sake " and raised my hands in a sort of shrug. Moved forward and got out my car and found manager facing me with a "totally lost it " face. He grabed my wrist and started screaming at me, I told him to let go as this is assault and shouted to my co-worker that was sat in one off the cars. Then I got dragged across the unit and punched in the face, thrown on the floor and kicked. Well hes not the manager anymore!!!!!!I am OK just a bit bruised  and sore. Think he is suffering from PTSD as he was talking nonsense , doing this in front off his father who has never been to work. Area manager came and took statement , he was nice about it as the dody would have hit the fan if I called police or made a fuss. Think old manager needs help not punishment, not long come back from Afghanistan as a civilian  trainer.

OMG, yes, drama is a good word! I'm glad you're not badly hurt, and hope you aren't sore long.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 28, 2018, 02:23:01 PM
Nice hot shower now and nightie on with a large glass of red me thinks!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on September 28, 2018, 02:25:53 PM
Ya really? OMG the man needs help. He definitely lost it. I'm glad it wasn't any worse. I'm sure your employer will be more than happy to accommodate you and in a monetary way too as this would not go well for them if this went public.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on September 28, 2018, 02:56:11 PM
Quote from: davina61 on September 28, 2018, 02:14:17 PM
Well drama at work, manager asked me to move my car so 2 more could be moved, got out and he beeped horn at me to move forward so I did a mental " for ****** sake " and raised my hands in a sort of shrug. Moved forward and got out my car and found manager facing me with a "totally lost it " face. He grabed my wrist and started screaming at me, I told him to let go as this is assault and shouted to my co-worker that was sat in one off the cars. Then I got dragged across the unit and punched in the face, thrown on the floor and kicked. Well hes not the manager anymore!!!!!!I am OK just a bit bruised  and sore. Think he is suffering from PTSD as he was talking nonsense , doing this in front off his father who has never been to work. Area manager came and took statement , he was nice about it as the dody would have hit the fan if I called police or made a fuss. Think old manager needs help not punishment, not long come back from Afghanistan as a civilian  trainer.


Davina, good god!!!, Im so sorry to hear what happened, need any help at home - I can come down on Sunday if you do (just have to see parents tomorrow, but if you really need I can postpone them till Sunday maybe).
I know he probably has issues and I know our armed forces and support services out there try but cant always catch those that deny they have an issue, but OMG, Davina.... Don't under estimate any issues you have, i.e don't put any brave face on it (which I know you will), just be honest with yourself and make sure if you feel dizzy or anything out of the ordinary, get someone or a taxi to the local A&E. Seriously hun, punches in the face are really very dangerous before and after for a few day - I hope work gave you a few days off paid leave.. - remember your delicate now....
Tell me you will please.

Luv n Hugz


:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Faith on September 28, 2018, 03:16:01 PM
Quote from: davina61 on September 28, 2018, 02:14:17 PM
Well drama at work, manager asked me to move my car so 2 more could be moved, got out and he beeped horn at me to move forward so I did a mental " for ****** sake " and raised my hands in a sort of shrug. Moved forward and got out my car and found manager facing me with a "totally lost it " face. He grabed my wrist and started screaming at me, I told him to let go as this is assault and shouted to my co-worker that was sat in one off the cars. Then I got dragged across the unit and punched in the face, thrown on the floor and kicked. Well hes not the manager anymore!!!!!!I am OK just a bit bruised  and sore. Think he is suffering from PTSD as he was talking nonsense , doing this in front off his father who has never been to work. Area manager came and took statement , he was nice about it as the dody would have hit the fan if I called police or made a fuss. Think old manager needs help not punishment, not long come back from Afghanistan as a civilian  trainer.

I have no words, well I do but I can't type them here. Definitely needs some anger management +more counseling.

You posted this like every day work drama .. dragged, punched, kicked? That's a bit more drama than I'm used to. The word must mean something else to you.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 28, 2018, 03:28:11 PM
Well I did get my lieu day for Monday that was not sorted and my lads van will be fixed tomorrow as its been at work for 2 weeks and not touched. Rolled with the punch to side of jaw so that's OK not even bruised but bruise to left shoulder and thigh , not much though. Recon its a sicky tomorrow -----Should be fine for Sunday thanks Kate but you are always welcome
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Nicole70 on September 28, 2018, 03:32:17 PM
OMG! Davina,

You were very brave, that is an awful thing to happen to you, don't under estimate how this will affect you, I know you are a tough cookie but you are probably going to be shaken by this for a while. I hope the incident was recorded in writing somewhere, just in case needed.

Have you told your BFF? I hope you have someone to talk to and share a couple of wines with and maybe something sweet - that is always good for shock.

Big Hugs,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on September 28, 2018, 03:42:25 PM
  Glad you are okay Davina. And glad that manager is gone.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on September 28, 2018, 04:01:43 PM
Dear Davina:   
My oh my, what an "exciting" life that you lead.....   I am so sorry to hear of the physical assault that you experienced.  I think you are right about that the man needs help, not punishment, however a little punishment to go along with the  help might get him back on track too.

I will be interested to hear Part 2 of this story when the management makes final amends and accomodations on your behalf....   a promotion? a raise?  monetary gift?  more paid time off?   I am just hoping and wishing for your best interests.   I do suppose that you could have gone to the police and filed charges but perhaps being "nice" to the company and upper management "might" be in your best interests too???  You could always bring legal charges if things go badly with all of this.
Obviously if your injuries are not healing quickly your company should be more than glad to get you to a doctor and physical therapy at their expense.

Your hot shower, nighty and red wine sounds like good personal therapy, perhaps the Area Manager could buy you a case of red wine. 

Again, waiting for Part 2 ... if there is a Part 2.

Hugs and well wishes, and heal quickly,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 28, 2018, 04:16:21 PM
Thanks girls , see how I am in the morning. Come from good country stock so takes a lot to rattle me. as you have all seen from my diary I take life as it comes.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Cindy on September 28, 2018, 05:14:06 PM
Big Hug Honey :-*
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: V M on September 28, 2018, 05:40:34 PM
Having someone go nutters on you is never a good time, but it sounds like it was time for that clown to join a new circus

Glad you are OK and hope you get to feeling better soon

Big Hugs from me as well
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: KathyLauren on September 28, 2018, 05:52:35 PM
Quote from: davina61 on September 28, 2018, 02:14:17 PM
Well drama at work,
OMG, Davina, that is horrible!  I am so glad you weren't seriously hurt.  And I am glad that the manager is managing no longer.  PTSD or not, he can't be in a workplace behaving like that.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: nikkiannukts on September 28, 2018, 06:00:35 PM

Glad to hear you are ok.   There is no excuse for behaviour like this anywhere - yes we should support ex military folks after their service better!!  Many of them were , however, angry before they joined up!!!

Really glad you are made of tough, northern, stuff.  Even then if you need anything we are all here for you.

Missing all of you girls this weekend.


Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on September 28, 2018, 08:48:18 PM
Davina I am so sorry to hear this happened. 

If you are more sore tomorrow I recommend get checked out by a doctor soon as possible.  You don't want an unknown injury causing problems a few years from now.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 29, 2018, 05:16:37 PM
Seeing the GP on Monday anyway ( about increasing E dose) , had to come home from work midday as wrist got to painful. Will get it looked at but think its just sprained. Went out with BFF for a drink in her new car, roof down, sunglasses on like Thelma and Louise !!!!! Just got back home ready for a good sleep as (understandably ) got a bit disturbed last night.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on September 29, 2018, 05:28:50 PM
Dear Davina

When you see your GP you must relay what went on and he/she should give you a full once over (its fun honestly) just to make sure. Make sure you do this hun. Nice to see your BFF went for the soft top option, so are you Thelma or Louise? I can picture a soft top drag car now with you at the wheel..... OMG

TC hun and see you soon

Luv n Hugz
;D ;D ;D :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Saha on September 29, 2018, 08:47:56 PM
Davina, so sorry to hear you underwent this, glad you are doing well despite it
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on September 29, 2018, 11:17:07 PM
Quote from: davina61 on September 29, 2018, 05:16:37 PM
Seeing the GP on Monday anyway ( about increasing E dose) , had to come home from work midday as wrist got to painful. Will get it looked at but think its just sprained. Went out with BFF for a drink in her new car, roof down, sunglasses on like Thelma and Louise !!!!! Just got back home ready for a good sleep as (understandably ) got a bit disturbed last night.

Dear Davina:
Yes, for sure you need to see you GP so you can document your injuries....  any more word from the company bosses?

Ahhhhh, increasing E-dose  ... from looking at all of your recent photos, the magic serum is doing it's job well.

Hmmm, which one were you?   Thelma... or Louise ???

Thanks for keeping your followers updated.... but where is your today's picture of Thelma and Louise... ???
Hugs and well wishes as always,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on September 30, 2018, 01:00:46 PM
My phone has stopped downloading to laptop and nothing I do will make it work, so annoying as have new pics to post. Wrist is a bit better but still playing up and stiff as a board today all over, off to the BFF's for a drink as she has just been down my flat for some tea. Crispy chilli prawns (OK it was shrimp but works) some fish from the other day, dry veg curry and keema. The left over keema and veg is going in pasty's tomorrow. Time to go out with a bottle of red in hand. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on September 30, 2018, 08:58:40 PM
I just caught up with you and I'm glad you're all right.  I hope the manager fellow gets some help too.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 01, 2018, 09:10:53 AM
GP signed me off for a week as my wrist is still painful. She also sorted my meds , arranged for a taglion to be removed and booked me in for a free health check!!!! Just made the pasty's and need to check them so off to see BFF for a cuppa when they are done .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on October 01, 2018, 11:47:23 AM
Quote from: davina61 on October 01, 2018, 09:10:53 AM
> GP signed me off for a week as my wrist is still painful

Gotta hand it to your doctor
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: steph2.0 on October 01, 2018, 03:34:39 PM
Quote from: Kendra on October 01, 2018, 11:47:23 AM
Gotta hand it to your doctor

Elbowing your way in can be wristy business.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 01, 2018, 04:04:54 PM
Nice bit of armless banter----
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on October 01, 2018, 04:17:15 PM
Quote from: davina61 on September 30, 2018, 01:00:46 PM
My phone has stopped downloading to laptop and nothing I do will make it work, so annoying as have new pics to post. Wrist is a bit better but still playing up and stiff as a board today all over, off to the BFF's for a drink as she has just been down my flat for some tea. Crispy chilli prawns (OK it was shrimp but works) some fish from the other day, dry veg curry and keema. The left over keema and veg is going in pasty's tomorrow. Time to go out with a bottle of red in hand.

Dear Davina:
I am so very glad that you are under a doctor's care for your unfortuate injuries.   Any more word coming from the head bosses where you work?   Do I understand that the doctor has ordered that you have the week off too???

Please, when you put together the Pastys please post some pictures!!!!  I hope you can get your pictures from your phone downloaded onto your laptop!!!!!  :)

Thanks for your updates, always enjoyable to follow your daily routines and your thoughts as you share them.
Hugs and hugs..... and get your wrist healed up fast.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 01, 2018, 04:23:02 PM
Thanks dear, have been wearing a brace today and its getting better. Off to bed in a moment (10.15 pm now) but will have a go posting photos tomorrow.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 02, 2018, 05:54:07 AM
Found some more bruises, under my chin and right upper arm. Not sure how got one on that arm but under chin probably from smack on jaw. Cant get phone to download photos to laptop, windows 10 cant find phone then cant find new photos and when it does it freezes and wont transfer them. It did an auto update when I started it the other day ,not sure if that's jiggered it??? On the up side of things off to get increased E prescription in a bit and then off to see BFF and help clean cupboards out in kitchen , cleaned fridge/freezer yesterday and it was gross . Is the green stuff penicillin?? Its a US style double door and under is a vent for cooling that was blocked with handfuls of dog hair and fluff , no wonder it didn't work properly . Yes was doing it lefthanded as brace on right wrist so not washing up!!!!   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on October 02, 2018, 06:02:52 AM
Quote from: davina61 on October 01, 2018, 09:10:53 AM
GP signed me off for a week as my wrist is still painful. She also sorted my meds , arranged for a taglion to be removed and booked me in for a free health check!!!! Just made the pasty's and need to check them so off to see BFF for a cuppa when they are done .

Great stuff gotta love a proactive Dr....the hours you have been working you probably need a week off!!

Take care

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on October 02, 2018, 12:33:51 PM
Quote from: davina61 on October 01, 2018, 09:10:53 AM
GP signed me off for a week as my wrist is still painful. She also sorted my meds , arranged for a taglion to be removed and booked me in for a free health check!!!! Just made the pasty's and need to check them so off to see BFF for a cuppa when they are done .

Dear Davina:
I am aware that because of your reported technical issues with your computer and phone that you can not post my much requested pictures of your Pasty making....  but please do take the photos and then post them when the technical difficulties are solved....

I have had genuine Pastys in the past, even made some,  but I usually don't make them often,  instead I make the similar Italian version called a Calzone.
It is the same idea as a Pasty, as a handy and portable take-to-work sandwich that is not a sloppy mess.
I love to fill my Calzones with all kinds of varieties of fillings.   I can make them Italian style with all the various pizza fillings, pepperoni, cheese, etc..... a breakfast version with scrambled eggs and ham or sausage, etc... the list goes on.....    or beef, vegetable and potato which is more like a Pasty.

I will be looking for the pictures of your Pastys as soon as you are able to post them....
Hugs and hugs,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on October 02, 2018, 04:56:01 PM
Dearest Danielle
Danina does extremely well cooking as you know, and she is recovering from , what shall we call it, un-appreciated physical attention maybe. Please give her some slack as she is a real soldier and brushes off most stuff but,  even I, as hard nailed as I am, would baulk at the issues she has had recently - have more written compassion I think. (Im sure you have given but too many postes to remember sometimes.. )

Sounds like a pastry version of a Staffordshire Oatcake (not the Scottish rubbish Clay tile like ones). Chuck anything calorific and hot  into them and they are good. I used to make my own. Serious midlands heritage there I think, Still those Pasty's look good, I Hope they are yur cooking as they are seriously scrummy. Cornish Pasties are of course trade marked and in Cornwall they take IP very seriously , OOo Arrrrrrrr derf in art ley
- lol (accents in written text are so bad I know)..

I can take a pic of a Staffordshire Oaf if you want (or an Oatcake even) - but more likely a cake as my cousin is coming to see me for the first time and I have a lot of good friendly historical connections with her. I think a ginger carrot and coriander cake maybe... She is my only female relative at the same generation out of about 25... Hmm..


Luv n Hugz


  :-*                              :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on October 02, 2018, 06:23:02 PM
Quote from: Katie Jade on October 02, 2018, 04:56:01 PM
Dearest Danielle
Danina does extremely well cooking as you know, and she is recovering from , what shall we call it, un-appreciated physical attention maybe. Please give her some slack as she is a real soldier and brushes off most stuff but,  even I, as hard nailed as I am, would baulk at the issues she has had recently - have more written compassion I think. (Im sure you have given but too many postes to remember sometimes.. )

Sounds like a pastry version of a Staffordshire Oatcake (not the Scottish rubbish Clay tile like ones). Chuck anything calorific and hot  into them and they are good. I used to make my own. Serious midlands heritage there I think, Still those Pasty's look good, I Hope they are yur cooking as they are seriously scrummy. Cornish Pasties are of course trade marked and in Cornwall they take IP very seriously , OOo Arrrrrrrr derf in art ley
- lol (accents in written text are so bad I know)..

I can take a pic of a Staffordshire Oaf if you want (or an Oatcake even) - but more likely a cake as my cousin is coming to see me for the first time and I have a lot of good friendly historical connections with her. I think a ginger carrot and coriander cake maybe... She is my only female relative at the same generation out of about 25... Hmm..


Luv n Hugz


  :-*                              :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:

@Katie Jade
Dear Katie:
Of course I completely understand that @davina61 is still under the weather and recovering, and with all the compassion I can muster I wish her well and a full recovery...  please know that I intend no pressure for any posts of food pics.... please... only when she is completely well perhaps.

Thanks Katie for the info about the variations of Pastys that you described in such good detail.  I have eaten genuine Cornish Pastys and they are certainly in a league of their own.   
Please know that any pictures of your food creations are always welcome.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on October 02, 2018, 06:24:12 PM
Dear Davina:
I am so very sorry that I have written a few posts on your thread that are not sounding as compassionate as they should be considering your recovering process....  of course Davina, I am so very sorry for your injuries and your suffering.... please ignore my requests for any and all pictures, all of that can obviously wait for another time when you are feeling much better....
Love and hugs,  [emoji173]
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on October 02, 2018, 06:52:17 PM
But I want to see pictures now
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 03, 2018, 03:04:34 AM
Its so  annoying when you type out a long reply and it freezes and you have to shutdown the computer and restart. Back to the response!! Laurie so would I !! Danielle I am fine just have an headache from trying to get photos to download. Computer numpty here and don't want to get click happy and mess stuff up. Not sure if its my phone ( Alcatel pop4) or windows photo app that's playing up but just took battery out of phone to reset it. Off shopping with BFF today, junk and charity shops for the bargains. Looks like a jeans and boots day but what top to wear?? 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 03, 2018, 03:22:33 AM
YAHOOOO got it working (don't know how!!)( like my cousin in this shot ( one!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 03, 2018, 03:25:18 AM
Forgot to add that's minimal make up, foundation/coloured face cream, lippy and brows touched up to hide the grey ones!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on October 03, 2018, 09:01:56 AM
Dear Davina:
Your new photos.... I will use my best congratulatory phrase that I have evidently become known for:
I am so glad that you are feeling better today.... and my, oh my, you look absolutely beautiful in your newest pictures... who needs makeup when you look so nice with just a minimal amount.!!! .... and your great big beautiful smile...  I am glad that you updated your Avatar/Profile picture .... very, very nice!

Your Pastys looks just like I have always thought that they should...   almost looks like my Calzones, except of course for the fillings.  I usually have several made ahead for lunches and even breakfast.... so handy to wrap and pack, no mess.

Thank you for your update and photos....and again, Wow-Whee
Hugs and well wishes,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: steph2.0 on October 03, 2018, 09:04:16 AM
Quote from: davina61 on October 03, 2018, 03:22:33 AM
YAHOOOO got it working (don't know how!!)( like my cousin in this shot ( one!!

Davina, you're too darn cute! And I love that top.  I'm glad you got your photo transfers working!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on October 03, 2018, 09:07:20 AM
Wow Whee is right!  You look great.  I love your smile.  It looks like you're feeling a bit better.   Continue to rest.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on October 03, 2018, 11:31:40 AM
Lovely pics and the pasties are looking good as well  ;D.

Definately pics of hot stuff!!

Enjoy your recuperation and you will put it all behind you I am sure.

Luv n Hugz


:-*        ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :-* :-*

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 03, 2018, 01:26:58 PM
So hit the shops, got a bright red blouse/top that will look good over white T and jeans/leggings. 2 fleece coats one is a bit use but was £3 and the other is Marks and Spencer £4.50. Got a nice light  coat as well , great for this weather. Off to open mic night with BFF in a bit, hope some good performers tonight
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on October 03, 2018, 03:00:40 PM
Davina! Those Pasties look delish. I sooooo hate windows 10.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on October 03, 2018, 04:14:03 PM
Quote from: Donica on October 03, 2018, 03:00:40 PM
Davina! Those Pasties look delish. I sooooo hate windows 10.


  I will agree with all the praise on Davina's pastys (though I would like to see what's inside...hint hint) and Danielle's calzones. both do look good.

  I do have to disagree with Donica though. Windows is one of, if not the best versions of windows yet. I have some experience with all of them since 3.1. It is even better than 7.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on October 04, 2018, 12:30:40 AM
The photo's and new Avatar are great and I wouldn't mind one of those pasties either...guess I better get to the back of the que.. :)

Take care
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 04, 2018, 03:33:27 AM
Imagine this Laurie, beef mince with peas (Keema) and the dry veg curry is chopped, potatoes swede carrots cauliflower of course cooked with spices.  On the food front I bought a tray off figs for £1 from market stall then when I got home WTF am I going to do with them !!! so search for recipe as have leg of lamb to cook and found slow cooker recipe for lamb and figs ( knew there would be as seen some on TV) very easy so that's tomorrows meal sorted (and the next day!!) Yes will post pic
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Michelle_P on October 04, 2018, 11:06:46 AM
Slow cooked lamb and figs!  Wow, Davina, you are getting into some very flavorful territory now!

As another kitchen dweller, I do love seeing what everyone comes up with.

Michelle P.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 04, 2018, 04:42:51 PM
Cooking update, made big batch of veg curry. Some to take to my daughter tomorrow morning. Also made a chicken jalfrezi for tea and an Indian bread pudding that is VERY sweet. Wrist is better, still a bit clunky but not painful and bruises are fading.  Hope to go into town tomorrow and get some hair treatment spray to stop it tangling   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Nicole70 on October 04, 2018, 07:02:29 PM
Davina, I follow your thread with interest, you cook food I love to eat, you should start a recipe exchange thread I'd be an instant follower.

Hope your wrist is feeling a little better and that you have recovered from you terrible experience last week.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on October 04, 2018, 10:41:30 PM
Dear Davina;
I am so very happy that your injury recovery is going so well.   Was there any more stuff happening at your company relating to your old boss that attacked you?   

I am just loving seeing your food pictures... between you and @Katie Jade posting photos of all of those delicious looking foods and cakes and such.... I gain weight just looking at both your threads.

Thank you for keeping all of your followers tuned in to your life events.
Hugs and well wishes,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 06, 2018, 07:22:01 AM
Well its 1pm and just had breakfast/lunch as it was prosecco night last night myself, BFF and her (male) friend C . We  drank 3 bottles, went to another pub for a drink and then to Indian restaurant (at 11pm!! )  with a bottle of red between us . Stayed at BFF's last night and just got back home!! We are off to a barbie party this afternoon and then to pub with a band on tonight . Got another top from charity shop yesterday afternoon and used it last night. The lamb and figs I took to BFF and C last night, Chad some but found it a bit strong vinegar wise. well it did have 1/2 cup balsamic in it!! Have strained the meat and figs out of juice so should be better. Shower, nails and party face on for 3pm (1.30 now) so stay tuned for life in the fast lane!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on October 06, 2018, 09:17:03 AM
Wow! Having lots of fun Davina! I hope you guys are getting plenty of sleep? You know, burning the candle at both ends ;D.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 06, 2018, 10:05:03 AM
It was gone 9am when I woke this morning, still felt crap though!! just rushed to get ready for 3.30 pm and get a message 4.30 to 5 pm now so wasting time . Wearing red T under "new" red blouse/shirt/top thing, blue boot cut jeans and my Swede boots with a 2ins kitten heel. Nails are plum and have my red marble earrings and necklace set on. I know pic or it didn't happen, will try!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on October 06, 2018, 10:13:40 AM
Quote from: davina61 on October 06, 2018, 10:05:03 AM
It was gone 9am when I woke this morning, still felt crap though!! just rushed to get ready for 3.30 pm and get a message 4.30 to 5 pm now so wasting time . Wearing red T under "new" red blouse/shirt/top thing, blue boot cut jeans and my Swede boots with a 2ins kitten heel. Nails are plum and have my red marble earrings and necklace set on. I know pic or it didn't happen, will try!!!

Dear Davina:
Great update.... HOWEVER.... you enticed all of us with all the wonderful descriptions of what you wore and your earrings, necklace, fingernail plum color polish,  and your kitten heels....  .... and NO PICTURES? ???
YES INDEED... pictures or it didn't happen!!!!

Even though you did not feel well when you woke up this morning, it sounds like you have a good day to look forward to all dressed up real pretty....   please keep us posted as you have been doing so well on your thread.

Hugs and hugs,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 06, 2018, 10:15:23 AM
Well it did happen ( done in a rush, mirrors dusty and forgive washing on dryer.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on October 06, 2018, 10:18:51 AM
Quote from: davina61 on October 06, 2018, 10:15:23 AM
Well it did happen (

Dear Davina:
WOW, that was quick....  I guess that you have everything working with your phone and computers to be able to post your pictures again.!!!! :)

You are looking good in your picture!   Have fun today.
Hugs and hugs,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on October 06, 2018, 11:39:42 AM
Wow Davina you look GREAT!! 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 06, 2018, 04:46:58 PM
Just got back from the party, BFF got a bit drunk (again) so managed to get her to leave early. Burnt roof of my mouth on a Barbie sausage and spent ages looking for the BFF's baccy as in her state she lost it. Still meet some nice folk and band was good , playing in town tomorrow so might go and watch. Hope to go and play with panel van tomorrow so off to bed soon .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on October 06, 2018, 09:52:41 PM
Yes you look great in that photo.  What a night you had!  I hope you can get some time in on your van. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on October 07, 2018, 12:47:41 AM
Quote from: davina61 on October 06, 2018, 10:15:23 AM
Well it did happen ( done in a rush, mirrors dusty and forgive washing on dryer.

Great picture...sounds like you social life is humming along wih never a dull moment. I really enjoy catching up on your very busy life.   :)

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 07, 2018, 03:15:16 AM
Just had a call from BFF, to quote "I feel like **** why do I do it? " Well she's an all or nothing person. Calling in on the way past to give her a hug and fill in the what happened at the party stays at the party info!!!!!!never a dull moment---
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on October 07, 2018, 11:17:12 AM
Well at least she called to speak with you.  Maybe she's seeing that partying is not something you can go on doing endlessly.  At some point in life we all learn to moderate.  Did you get out to work on your van?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 07, 2018, 12:45:42 PM
Not as such, spent a good hour putting tools away (youngest lad!!) and working out what's missing(youngest lad again!!) . Started moding and polishing a large ali casting that looks art deco ( modern transit engine mounting) just need something to mount on it like a clock in the right style , catch you laters its Dr Who.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on October 07, 2018, 04:03:44 PM
Quote from: davina61 on October 07, 2018, 12:45:42 PM
Not as such, spent a good hour putting tools away (youngest lad!!) and working out what's missing(youngest lad again!!) . Started moding and polishing a large ali casting that looks art deco ( modern transit engine mounting) just need something to mount on it like a clock in the right style , catch you laters its Dr Who.

Dear Davina:
Interesting update... I am always interested in your mechanical work that you do....
       ??? BUT... where are the pictures ???
I am glad that you apparently got over your hangover.... and also you are getting all healed up from your injuries....

Hugs, and more hugs,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 07, 2018, 04:13:36 PM
There will be a pic WHEN its finished, not found anything to mount on it yet and need to make a block of wood as base. Back to work tomorrow, see how I do if the wrist hold up as its still clunky .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on October 07, 2018, 10:14:29 PM
"spent a good hour putting tools away (youngest lad!!) and working out what's missing(youngest lad again!!)

Ahh children.  Can't live with them, can't live without them!  It sounds like a neat project you're working on.  Are you enjoying the new Dr. Who?   I understand this one's a woman.  I used to watch long ago but have given up on the telly for many years now.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 08, 2018, 03:57:20 PM
The new Dr Who was good, I have watched it from episode #1 and it just gets better. Just about coped at work today , wrist still a bit knackered and has a bruise coming out (after a week) . Had to do stuff left handed, good job I am a bit ambidextrous . Big boss , well some one higher up than area manager, coming to a review on Wed. Not taking any **** from them, will make sure my attacker gets it or I will be reporting it. Cooking again, had some condensed milk left over so made Indian vermicelli pudding . Sod the diet!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on October 08, 2018, 04:04:02 PM
Quote from: davina61 on October 08, 2018, 03:57:20 PM
The new Dr Who was good, I have watched it from episode #1 and it just gets better. Just about coped at work today , wrist still a bit knackered and has a bruise coming out (after a week) . Had to do stuff left handed, good job I am a bit ambidextrous . Big boss , well some one higher up than area manager, coming to a review on Wed. Not taking any **** from them, will make sure my attacker gets it or I will be reporting it. Cooking again, had some condensed milk left over so made Indian vermicelli pudding . Sod the diet!!!!

Dear Davina:  I will be thinking positive thoughts for you on Wednesday when you get to meet with the big-big boss at your work.... stay strong, stay determined, and make certain that your employer does the right thing by you....  they owe you big time for you not reporting it.... (so far anyway....)
Please keep us updated,
Hugs, and well wishes,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on October 08, 2018, 04:10:35 PM
Sprains are the worst. It seems they take longer to heal than broken bones. Your old boss isn't still there is he? I would have thought they already put that guy in the padded rooms.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on October 08, 2018, 04:11:25 PM
Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on October 08, 2018, 04:04:02 PM
Dear Davina:  I will be thinking positive thoughts for you on Wednesday when you get to meet with the big-big boss at your work.... stay strong, stay determined, and make certain that your employer does the right thing by you....  they owe you big time for you not reporting it.... (so far anyway....)
Please keep us updated,
Hugs, and well wishes,

I fully agree with Danielle and stand with you both on this one. If they mess you around then you can still report it (is your mega boss transphobic or liberally minded? either way play the injured one both physically and emotionally as we know you were hurt all over and inside..), and they should know that. Company policy is overridden if its transphobic and its Crown Court straight away and will be bigtime if that happens.

Keep calm and be the strong woman as Danielle suggests. I know you are so.

fingers crossed all goes well and no need for tough stuff..
Luv n Hugz


:-*     ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :-* :-* :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: ;D ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 08, 2018, 04:16:31 PM
He might be there on Wed, would like to know what he says but I made a statement at the time (the truth) and will stick to it. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on October 08, 2018, 07:14:52 PM
Stay strong girl friend!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 09, 2018, 03:12:23 PM
SOOOOOOO tired today and hungry , recon its a HRT build !! On the red and choc now, happy days
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 09, 2018, 04:08:17 PM
OMG the girls are intense tonight , just finished of some Stilton cheese with some more red.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on October 09, 2018, 04:19:33 PM
Quote from: davina61 on October 09, 2018, 04:08:17 PM
OMG the girls are intense tonight , just finished of some Stilton cheese with some more red.

Does your food therapy help???  I prefer Chocolate myself.

remember, "No pain, No gain."   The pain is a good sign that things are changing!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 10, 2018, 01:06:51 PM
The food therapy seems to work as they are filling out, weight staying the same ( 30lbs to much!!) Will cut back next week . Start on extra E patch on Monday so see how that makes a difference. Off to Open mic night , just hope some good singers on. Catch up later, shower time .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Megan. on October 10, 2018, 01:09:02 PM
Quote from: davina61 on October 10, 2018, 01:06:51 PM
The food therapy seems to work as they are filling out, weight staying the same ( 30lbs to much!!) Will cut back next week . Start on extra E patch on Monday so see how that makes a difference. Off to Open mic night , just hope some good singers on. Catch up later, shower time .
Have a nice night. X

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on October 10, 2018, 09:37:57 PM
What a great life Davina.  Good food, good drink, good friends.  I'm envious!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 11, 2018, 12:53:31 PM
Music was great, the skill of guitar players is awesome . We had (I think) 6 acts ranging from James Taylor songs, Donavan etc to a lad doing Buddy Hollie, Beatles , and finishing on a slow version of A Town Called Malice. Then an older gent played some blues on mouth organ with one of the acts supporting on guitar, BTW he could make that mouthorgan talk!!!!! Wont bend your ears but naffed off with work again .  Veg curry and rice for tea, need to cut down on intake!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 12, 2018, 04:53:48 PM
Slum night, sat here in nightie watching Bake Off . 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Jessica on October 12, 2018, 10:18:42 PM
Quote from: davina61 on October 09, 2018, 04:08:17 PM
OMG the girls are intense tonight , just finished of some Stilton cheese with some more red.

I'm partial to ice cream and Mexican coffee.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 13, 2018, 11:56:10 AM
Try not to buy ice cream as will sit and finish a tub in one go!!!! Don't you just love delayed text, sent message to BFF last night to go down pub and got reply "yes" at 8.50 THIS MORNING!!!!! never mind .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 13, 2018, 03:37:09 PM
Was going to car show tomorrow to look for stuff in auto jumble but forecast is heavy rain. Anyways my mum rang as she and my auntie and uncle have been invited to lunch but have to travel up motorway. Uncle (70 something) is not good (safe?) to drive so they asked me to go with them, have volunteered to take them in my motor as rather do that . Girly night tonight, drinking red wine, eating choc and painting nails . no chick flic its aliens verses cowboys on TV!!!
Trying the protein diet, steak last night and chicken breast in tomato oven bake with red onion , cherry toms and bell pepper tonight. Was planning on chicken curry tomorrow but (unless back in time to make it) will have to be Monday now, Apologise for any random posts when the wine kicks in!!!!   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on October 13, 2018, 10:01:53 PM
Too bad about the rain spoiling the auto show but it appears you have a good alternative plan for the day.  I hope you had a good night and you painted your nails before the red wine!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 14, 2018, 03:48:44 AM
TBH 2 large glasses of red and no effect !!! End of bottle so varnish was a bit gloopy so got some on skin but it nail brushed off this morning after washing up breakfast stuff. Its only an hours drive (depends on traffic) , open house do so not sure who is going . Best make up then, now jeans or dress?????
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 14, 2018, 02:58:02 PM
So the visit to the relatives went well, my second cousin on mums side. It was there golden wedding do and family and friends made a house full. Mum talking to some cousins  let out my "secret" and they said they were not sure!! not that it mattered. My hair passed as well.  Showed my auntie the photos of me that BFF took and said remind you of anyone, yes her daughter. must be the genes from my great grans side as that is the only common ancestor and the gran of the cousin we visited. Made a traditional chicken curry tonight and made roti to go with it using my new Atta flour. the roti came out a lot better . Wrist is nearly back to normal, you can still see bruise from thumb where I was gripped. Bits for panel van should come tomorrow so hope to do something to it on my lieu day this week. Monday  night start to use my extra E patch, cant say amounts I know but its 1/2 as much again.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 16, 2018, 12:41:40 PM
The damaged wrist still playing up so went to Docs tonight, told its soft tissue damage as there is fluid build up. Told to rest it so said that's not going to happen at work so HAVE ANOTHER WEEK OFF . Do need to rest it though as its pigging me off. Went with BFF to her friends last night , he plays keyboard so they practised some songs for open mic night tomorrow and I had a good sing along. Shame no drum kit or I would have knocked some beats out!!!(maybe a good thing with the wrist) so looking forward to tomorrow night. Got gendered right at work again, customer said that LADY that drove my car. Happy days XXXXX all.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on October 16, 2018, 05:36:23 PM
Take care of that wrist dear!  It won't get better on its own.  It may not look bad but inside its still healing.  Are you wearing a brace to stabilize it?  No Drumming!!!!

Oh course you were gendered correctly, look at the photos you've posted.  Totally female!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on October 17, 2018, 12:34:50 AM
I really hope your wrist gets better, and hopefully avoiding pain. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 17, 2018, 03:54:10 AM
Have been told not to wear the brace as its causing fluid build up, it only hurts doing a twisting motion but tendon pulling down to elbow . I will rest it as need it better but as the drop spindles have turned up for panel van will check them out today. As I said its open mic night so get to dress up a bit, 2 weeks time it will be Halloween night for open mic and need to sort something out to wear. Have been thinking white face and bright red lips? Will go shopping one day as have week off.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on October 17, 2018, 09:26:01 AM
Dear Davina:
Oh yes, Halloween time is a fun dress up time for everyone... enjoy yourself.

I am so very sorry that you are still suffering with your injured wrist, I am hoping that is will heal up real soon.

Did I miss it? ???   I looked and did not see your report about how the meeting went with the big bosses to discuss your injuries at the hands of the (now "fired?) manager?

Hugs and hugs,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 17, 2018, 12:12:38 PM
Danielle thanks , the report has gone to another department so don't know if I will hear whats happened.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 18, 2018, 03:20:42 AM
Never made open mic as BFF was on a downer again so made here some tea and food at hers , planning (sorry Laurie) to go Charity shop hunting tomorrow and planting a tree for her today  as its not looking good in the pot its in. Tidy the workshop day this morning and move stuff around for more work space, hope to turn panel van around to work on other side and get welding finished before Xmas . Yes its just normal life stuff at the moment on hold waiting for Aunty NHS to get there finger out!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on October 18, 2018, 10:06:06 AM
Take care of that wrist Davina. Have fun at the open mic and Halloween open mic too. Any pictures of your panel van project?

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 18, 2018, 12:26:21 PM
([/img]] for those interested it is a major prodject (
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on October 18, 2018, 12:34:59 PM
Dear Davina:
Wow... yes indeed it does appear to be "a major project"...

... but nothing a girl with a bad wrist can't handle!!! ;)
I will be looking for the "after" photo when you are finished with doing what you have to do.

Thank you for sharing and posting.   Your followers are curious and want to know!!! :)

Quote from: davina61 on October 18, 2018, 12:26:21 PM
([/img]] for those interested it is a major prodject (
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: GingerVicki on October 18, 2018, 12:54:49 PM
This looks like a lot of work.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 18, 2018, 03:52:13 PM
18 months so far but have been held up for 10 weeks sorting out drop spindles so I can move it, it wont go under door frame stock height!!! Nearly finished welding , just LH rear 1/4 to fix and some tidy ups of some welds (pin holes) and lots of grinding down. More sweaty/ dirty photos then!!!! Started moving stuff around in my unit so I can get my hot rod moved out of the way and get bus in centre of unit. Wrist feeling better as although I have been moving shelving and tidying up its not putting a load on it. Don't know if its the extra E (bit soon only started extra dose Monday) but the girls have firmed up, also noticed lashes look longer? What hair I have on legs is a lot slower growing as well but arms not changed yet. Chest hair is just down middle as well and a bit coming back on head .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 19, 2018, 12:29:51 PM
Got all dressed up to go shopping with BFF as arranged yesterday 5PM , turned up at her place and got "what are you doing here". Told you she is a basket case so had a coffee and told her in that case going with my mum and aunty as they always go shopping on a Friday. Ended up spending to much, got a top (orange!!) that will go with jeans and a nighty , slicing machine (for onions) some cookie cutters and storage containers. Some green mangos to make a curry and sweet potatoes to make a pudding, any one want to come to tea?? Cooking at the moment is a pork and mushroom curry, that's the only reason I needed to shop as have no coconut cream. Did remember it and a spare!! Had a nice day and wrist got a rest, of to check the curry. Laters
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on October 19, 2018, 12:40:01 PM
Wow Davina! That is a big long term project. You really started from the ground up. Very nice.

Oh my! You did spend a lot of money shopping with your mum and aunty. Nice clothes and kitchen utensils to help with your cooking.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on October 19, 2018, 12:49:43 PM
Can't get the van out of the garage??? did you measure wrong? Time to modify the doorway? hmmm  I'm sure you will find a better solution than my suggestions. Oh well I tried.

  Keep taking it easy on that wrist girl! I mean it now! If I hear you hurt it again it better come from the top of your fridge!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on October 19, 2018, 01:31:56 PM
I assume the height problem is more than an inch or two, or letting air out of the tyres would be a quick shortcut.

In the 1970s my mother was an engineering draftsman and one of the company's projects was a control panel for a nuclear power plant.  She transformed the specification into drawings and the control panel was built in the shop.  The project reminded me of the control room for Apollo moon missions.  After months of work by the entire team a truck (a lorry) hauled it 200 miles to a nuclear facility called Washington Public Power Supply System.  A lot of people called WPPSS "whoops."

A week later the truck came back and it wasn't empty.  The panel wouldn't fit through the door at its destination.  Widen the door?  No, the walls at the facility were 1.5 to 5 foot (50-150cm) thick concrete to shield from radiation.  The power utility paid a huge amount of money to have the panel redesigned and rebuilt.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 19, 2018, 02:26:11 PM
It just cleared the door frame going in by less than 1/2 inch, will be about the same now but might have to let rear tyres down as no engine or box in now. The pork and mushroom curry I made early last year was a disappointment but over 12 months of practice later I have cracked it, came out spot on , only 2nd time I have done it.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on October 19, 2018, 05:17:15 PM
Just caught up with over a weeks worth of your updates and as usual the caring cooking whirlwind that is Davina has been hard at work again. I hope you can get your wrist sorted out is one of those nagging problems that makes life just that bit more irritating. Between the cooking, the car restoration, looking out for friends, socialising and seeing family I am amazed you have time to update your thread.

Take care

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 20, 2018, 12:40:15 PM
Cheers Liz, wrist getting better thanks, spent the day sorting rubbish from my unit and filled 5 sacks. Back seat of motor full of cardboard to recycle and a bag of drink bottles and stuff to recycle as well. Called in on EX as eldest lad was there, found out youngest has a broken thumb on l/h . Plate on crane on the delivery lorry he drives slipped down across his nail and cracked the bone so he has been of work for weeks (no one told me, but whats new) and nails totally black. Back to food!!!! made an apple crumble with instant custard for tea , washing up now before Strictly come Dancing starts.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on October 20, 2018, 08:51:45 PM

And Yum, I love all those kinds of english puddings my wife grew up till about 10 in Herefordshire and of course loves her traditional english foods despite being here for over 45 years...LOL I can't complain I love it as well.

Take care


Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 21, 2018, 10:34:24 AM
Forgot to say got a letter from NHS inviting me for a cervical smear test !!!!! They will have to wait a bit----
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on October 21, 2018, 10:57:24 AM
Maybe a little while!!!  Well you have proof your gender marker is correct in their system.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 22, 2018, 01:09:43 PM
Busy day today moving stuff around in my unit, totally cream crackered now. Still trying to get the smell of dust out my nose!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 22, 2018, 04:42:12 PM
Told you I was tired , feel asleep on sofa zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on October 22, 2018, 08:04:14 PM
I hope you don't stress your wrist too much by moving things about.  You must have been really tired.  I hope you slept well.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on October 22, 2018, 11:02:05 PM
Davinia it sounds like you are NOT taking it easy on your wrist like you are supposed to. Behave!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on October 23, 2018, 01:01:02 AM
You do not want Laurie to come over and grab you by the wrist. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 23, 2018, 03:18:01 AM
Slept fine thanks apart from some wild dreams that I cant remember now!!! Wrist is fine as it was twisting motion that caused problem, fine picking stuff up. Off to see the doc now to have a tag removed from right armpit , gets in the way when shaving under arm. Back to work tomorrow, good job as put on 3lb due to lack of exercise and time to cook . Right shower and shave time .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 23, 2018, 09:06:40 AM
Just said goodbye to and old friend (no not that one) , doc removed tag from armpit so now will be able to shave without it getting in the way , having a relax as back to work tomorrow.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on October 25, 2018, 10:01:43 AM
Hope your days back at work have been good and you havent over burdened your hand and stuff.
Luv n Hugz


:-*    ;D ;D ;D ;D :-* :-* >:-) :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :-* :-*
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 25, 2018, 01:17:01 PM
Wrist is good thanks, well as good as it was (clunky) , open mic was good but only about 20 folk in pub. Had a bit of "fun" as J*** that used to work for me was there as he has been a few times and I don't think he recognised me till last night as saw him peeping around a post, took no notice but said goodnight on way out !!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 28, 2018, 04:31:07 AM
Busy again, went with BFF to her friends for song practice Fri night , then last night went shopping for food with her. Best bit was taking a change of clothes and long wig and makeup to work, changed in toilet and when came out the lad on front desk (temp from other branch) said he didn't recognise me. Went to pub and had a steak and chips after shopping , ended up going back to hers after and stayed night (spare room) as we got on the vody and coke!!! She is going to her nieces weeding today so am on dog duty this afternoon but I might be taking her to the night time do, posh frock time then-----
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on October 28, 2018, 03:45:28 PM
Hi Davina,

  Looks like you have a nice evening ahead. I hope you both enjoy it. You take it easy on that wrist. It matters naught the you injured it with a twisting movement, the point is you injured it. TAKE it easy on that wrist for awhile.  You have your instructions lady....

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on October 28, 2018, 07:36:18 PM
Quote from: davina61 link=topic=225711.msg2189310#ms I might be taking her to the night time do, posh frock time then-----
Yay for posh frock nights... total unadulterated fun...Enjoy Davina!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 29, 2018, 04:37:26 AM
BFF got a lift to wedding so I got to do 5 hours of dog sitting instead ::) Have the day off, docs later for anti T injection and then a check up and as bloods were done a few weeks ago should have results. Catching up on flat cleaning as you do and hope mum will visit later after she has been to BFF to have reflexology and massage. Looks like a jeans and jumper day. XXXXX 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 29, 2018, 05:03:00 PM
Great isn't it, have time to sort stuff out online and no damn internet all day. Didn't help as been having a bloke in the mirror couple of days, told BFF and she said "well it was a woman that came to my door" . Made me feel a bit better. Docs went OK as everything is fine , lost an inch in height but last time I measured myself was 20+ years ago. Cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes and kidneys normal, T is .4nmol/L oestradiol 142 pmol/L this is pre increase in prescription for E so hope next one is higher. Just need to lose that 30lb , I know have been saying that for 18 months.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on October 30, 2018, 02:50:43 AM
Quote from: davina61 on October 29, 2018, 05:03:00 PM
Great isn't it, have time to sort stuff out online and no damn internet all day. Didn't help as been having a bloke in the mirror couple of days, told BFF and she said "well it was a woman that came to my door" . Made me feel a bit better. Docs went OK as everything is fine , lost an inch in height but last time I measured myself was 20+ years ago. Cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes and kidneys normal, T is .4nmol/L oestradiol 142 pmol/L this is pre increase in prescription for E so hope next one is higher. Just need to lose that 30lb , I know have been saying that for 18 months.

Nice to get good test results and I love your BFF's comment.

I think as far as losing weight goes its a bit like quitting smoking you need to have your head in the right space and I have no doubt when you set your mind to it you will accomplish the weight loss you want when you are ready to do it.


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on October 30, 2018, 10:49:04 AM
Yes it is nice when your lab results all come back good Davina. Sorry to hear your internet was down all day. Oh well, it just makes more time for cleaning the flat.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on October 31, 2018, 07:58:44 AM
No time on my lunch break, its Open mic tonight and have decided to wear orangy/ red long top ( its mid length above  knee) T shirt material and black leggings with calf high boots and my devil horns and tail. POIDH later
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on October 31, 2018, 08:19:54 AM
Quote from: davina61 on October 31, 2018, 07:58:44 AM
No time on my lunch break, its Open mic tonight and have decided to wear orangy/ red long top ( its mid length above  knee) T shirt material and black leggings with calf high boots and my devil horns and tail. POIDH later

Dear Davina:
Your night plans sound exciting...  obviously based on your description of how you are going to dress this evening we will all want to see a picture!!!
Your followers are a curious bunch, and we want to follow!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 01, 2018, 11:57:05 AM
Did take a pic when I got back home , its rubbish but will put it up later (at work now supposed to be doing learning but cant log in!!) Got to help BFF as she has ripped phone line out of socket-----------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on November 01, 2018, 01:46:25 PM
Quote from: davina61 on November 01, 2018, 11:57:05 AM
Did take a pic when I got back home , its rubbish but will put it up later (at work now supposed to be doing learning but cant log in!!) Got to help BFF as she has ripped phone line out of socket-----------

Oops! That sounds like a bad thing? I hope everything is ok?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 01, 2018, 03:29:48 PM
Well after rushing to BFFs after work she had got someone to do it , nothing new there then . She can be a PIA( Pic is rubbish and what a face getting phone to work!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on November 01, 2018, 07:48:23 PM
Oh, you Devil!!!  You look fine.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on November 01, 2018, 11:56:54 PM
Cool photo!  And you do look devilish.  >:-)

I found an easier way to take that type of selfie.  Set a short delay (if iPhone, set at 3 seconds) for the camera.  So you can press the button, and have 3 seconds to get the phone/camera into a better position without having to reach the button.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on November 02, 2018, 10:50:00 AM
Quote from: Kendra on November 01, 2018, 11:56:54 PM
Cool photo!  And you do look devilish.  >:-)

I found an easier way to take that type of selfie.  Set a short delay (if iPhone, set at 3 seconds) for the camera.  So you can press the button, and have 3 seconds to get the phone/camera into a better position without having to reach the button.

I agree with Kendra's comments on how good you look.

But Kendra, isn't the best way to do some indoor climbing and get as high as you can, set a long enough timer delay and get a 'drone style' pic? I seem to remember you are good at that  ;D ;D ;D

Luv n Hugz


:-*   ;D ;D ;D ;D :-* :-* :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: ;D ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 02, 2018, 04:04:54 PM
Look I keep saying I am a techno dinosaur, had to ask apprentice what was eating the battery on my phone . He has cleared a load of apps that were background running so hope that was it. Photo timer?? not got the flash to work yet!!!!! Started doing the E learning at work for computer security, phishing and stuff like that. 6 bloody modules and its all stuff that I have nothing to do with, got told to do it at home well I will if they pay me overtime!!!!BTW was supposed to be done by the 31st and only got told that morning to do it, they are so organized   (spot the sarcasm). Bit of a downer  as took a parcel to post office, just one very overworked lady at counter (sign said unexpected staff shortage) and I got SIRED but she only glanced up and I was wearing work jacket and covered in muck from doing brakes so I didn't correct her . I have started to though but do need to work on the voice now. On a plus side and I do mean plus recon 1/2 ins gain on the girls ,go HRT go!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on November 02, 2018, 09:15:32 PM
Quote from: Katie Jade on November 02, 2018, 10:50:00 AM
I agree with Kendra's comments on how good you look.

But Kendra, isn't the best way to do some indoor climbing and get as high as you can, set a long enough timer delay and get a 'drone style' pic? I seem to remember you are good at that  ;D ;D ;D

Luv n Hugz


:-*   ;D ;D ;D ;D :-* :-* :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: ;D ;D

Yeah here's a 'drone style' photo taken 6 weeks ago from a high shelf someone climbed up. 
Davina is in the Ferrari red vest, along with several others from Susan's. (,237194.msg2177442.html#msg2177442) 

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on November 03, 2018, 11:32:58 AM
What a lovely picture of all the UK Meetup. I recognize a few of you lovely folks. It looks like everybody is having a lot of fun.

Great devil's costume Davina. I'm not talking about the UK picture. I'm talking about your Halloween picture.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 03, 2018, 04:18:37 PM
Thanks it was going to be (cant think of her name) Addams family with long stripy shirt dress and white make  up but think that worked better. Well I ache all over after this weeks work, taking some pain killers, the .liquid red sort in a tall stemmed glass. Would have liked a long soak in a hot bath but only have a shower.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on November 03, 2018, 05:31:28 PM
Quote from: davina61 on November 01, 2018, 03:29:48 PM
Well after rushing to BFFs after work she had got someone to do it , nothing new there then . She can be a PIA( Pic is rubbish and what a face getting phone to work!!!

Very Cool Love the PIC

I also see you have some good growth tot report!! go girls....

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Dena on November 03, 2018, 09:55:55 PM
Quote from: davina61 on November 03, 2018, 04:18:37 PM
Thanks it was going to be (cant think of her name) Addams family with long stripy shirt dress and white make  up but think that worked better. Well I ache all over after this weeks work, taking some pain killers, the .liquid red sort in a tall stemmed glass. Would have liked a long soak in a hot bath but only have a shower.
Morticia Adams ( (and that was without looking it up on the internet first)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 04, 2018, 03:27:51 PM
Well I did my good deed , put some bits I don't need up for sale, Beetle gear box and one of the lads I know on Cal Look site wanted it for a school project. He works at a school for difficult kids and they have a 71 Beetle (free) as a project  but it has no engine or box so I sorted out an engine with all the bits to make a fast road setup. Twin choke carb, manifolds , sport cam, ported heads and loads of other stuff . Must have been £300/£400 of bits and I took £100 . Life is not about ££or $$$  (I have also got rid of a load of stuff that was hard to sell!!!) but that's not the point. Had a culinary high and low, made a Rogan Josh that came out great then made lentil and pumpkin curry. Burnt the dry roast spices and then the lentils didn't cook and burnt the Tamarind paste so it tasted BAD and went in the bin. Did make pumpkin curry from a different book and that's nice, still have an other one to make with left over pumpkin.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on November 04, 2018, 11:10:33 PM
Quote from: davina61 on November 04, 2018, 03:27:51 PM
Well I did my good deed , put some bits I don't need up for sale, Beetle gear box and one of the lads I know on Cal Look site wanted it for a school project. He works at a school for difficult kids and they have a 71 Beetle (free) as a project  but it has no engine or box so I sorted out an engine with all the bits to make a fast road setup. Twin choke carb, manifolds , sport cam, ported heads and loads of other stuff . Must have been £300/£400 of bits and I took £100 . Life is not about ££or $$$  (I have also got rid of a load of stuff that was hard to sell!!!) but that's not the point. ........

Fantastic thing to do you made a positive difference in someone else life..brilliant!!  :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on November 05, 2018, 01:40:00 AM
Davina That was a good thing you did with those "bits' Good for them and good for you too.
Sorry you cooking adventures were mixed  but it happens. You will keep doing what you do and you enjoy it as you do.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shambles on November 05, 2018, 04:14:16 AM
Quote from: Kendra on November 02, 2018, 09:15:32 PM
Yeah here's a 'drone style' photo taken 6 weeks ago from a high shelf someone climbed up. 
Davina is in the Ferrari red vest, along with several others from Susan's. (,237194.msg2177442.html#msg2177442) 


God! this feels like it's been about a year since this, only been 6 weeks ?!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 07, 2018, 01:07:20 PM
Hot Rod club last night and the other M to F member brought a lady along, she sat next to me and we ended up talking all night swopping photos and stuff. Did an age and wig fail!!!! got told my colours to wear are red and blue , not for the first time either. Went back to docs tonight as wrist playing up again, got to arrange X ray tomorrow. Open mic tonight and my BFFs M to F friend that I have not met is coming . Cooking a lamb Pasander , got to check it ,nearly done. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on November 07, 2018, 06:18:45 PM
Sounds like a good evening at the club meet.   Best of luck for the x-ray.  You may have been over stressing your wrist without thinking you were.  mmmm.  I love lamb!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 08, 2018, 01:27:13 PM
Good time last night at open mic, met my BFFs M to F friend and her wife. Nice folk and in her former life played guitar with some top bands. Got invited to GIRLS night out Friday, think its 8 going. Got the wrist X rayed today, nothing broken but looks like aggravated arteritis according to the radio therapist ?(operator) but have to wait till next Tues when GP has looked at results. Well tiered tonight, still not going out tonight so shower and relax time. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on November 09, 2018, 12:27:51 AM
Glad you had a good night with Friends Davina. I hope you are going to the girls night out. Take it easy on that dang wrist girl!!! I mean it!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 10, 2018, 03:25:12 PM
Girls night out was great, had to bail as work today (note to self find a easier job) , got some new friends!!! On the wrist I will be seeing consultant on Tuesday , suspected damaged ligament so will see. If it is then have a good mind to chase compensation as struggling to cope at work. Loads to do tomorrow so off to bed in a mo.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on November 10, 2018, 04:08:59 PM
Quote from: davina61 on November 10, 2018, 03:25:12 PM
Girls night out was great, had to bail as work today (note to self find a easier job) , got some new friends!!! On the wrist I will be seeing consultant on Tuesday , suspected damaged ligament so will see. If it is then have a good mind to chase compensation as struggling to cope at work. Loads to do tomorrow so off to bed in a mo.

Dear Davina:
Based on the reasons for your wrist injury, I am surprised that the company is not paying for your consultation visit, doctor visits, medical bills.....  and offering alternate "lighter" work routines.... and perhaps also offering you additional compensation and/or a promotion....   

They must be aware that you can bring legal action against them for injuries, so you may need to play that card if they don't belly up to the bar to take care of you.  You have been dealt a bad hand but you have some Aces up your sleeve, don't hesitate to use them.

Just thinking out loud here........
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 11, 2018, 10:55:13 AM
No charge for medical treatment as its the dear old NHS  but they did put me onto heavy work when I want back so had to have another week off that they have not paid me for and as 2 of those days were lieu ones should be paid for them. Going to make a fish curry and some biscuits now   .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 12, 2018, 01:01:00 PM
Hospital tomorrow at 10 am, work moaning its to short notice but had to ring first thing today to see what time and day they had me booked in for. Pigged of as they made tomorrow my day off that I was due this week. Think they are forgetting how my wrist got damaged. BFF rang last night to ask if I was up for a photo shoot for TRANS AWARE WEEK on TV as her friend was doing it, hell yes
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on November 12, 2018, 02:39:27 PM
Hope all goes well at the hospital today and they can get your wrist sorted out..

Take care

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 13, 2018, 10:09:40 AM
Well went and saw the consultant about wrist, they made me ware a brace that makes my hand hurt more!!! Have to go for an MRI scan now and then back to clinic 2 weeks later, that went down like a lead balloon at work. Cant do much work with the brace on, see what happens tomorrow then. Cooking a steak and ale pie (Guinness, thanks Sara for leaving it) so if any one want to come to dinner they are welcome as its enough for 4/5 !!!! Had some steak that needed eating today and 2 more by the 17th so added some already cubed to make 1kilo , I know they would have frozen but where is the fun in that. Recipe said decant into 4 small bowls after 1 1/2 hrs cooking and then put on pastry lids but cant find any small dishes apart from a small enamel dish so might make that and freeze rest of filling. Got some new work bras, had to ask lady in store to find the ones I needed and she was great, just smiled when I said well they are still growing---- time to roll out the pastry, laters XXXXXX 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 13, 2018, 01:28:24 PM
Pie was great, had some left over pastry so made a Bakewell Tart . Needs some custard to go with it!! also made some wholemeal biscuits and think I will have to get some chocolate to go on them.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 13, 2018, 03:55:07 PM
After reading some posts on here just realized all this morning that I never had a look or stare, that's a waiting room full (must have been 30+) and shopping. Just need to sort the voice now-----
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on November 13, 2018, 04:19:22 PM
Quote from: davina61 on November 13, 2018, 03:55:07 PM
After reading some posts on here just realized all this morning that I never had a look or stare, that's a waiting room full (must have been 30+) and shopping. Just need to sort the voice now-----

Neither should you either....your latest photo's say all woman to me as they do to everyone else.

Glad to hear you are getting to the issues with your wrist albeit a little slower than you would like....looks like light duties are in store for you or maybe an extended holiday while your wrist recovers? Either way I hope you get it resolved.

Bakewell tarts yum yum and yum

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 13, 2018, 04:24:36 PM
Morning Liz, yes will see what happens at work tomorrow
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 14, 2018, 08:27:52 AM
Back to Doc's as not coping at work with the wrist, rang HR "see if you can do other work" manager "you can answer the phone, go to doc and get pain killers" WTF had enough of this, not my fault yet not getting paid for being of sick. OK rant over, stopped on way home and got some choc to go on the biscu( I made yesterday.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 14, 2018, 12:01:21 PM
Update on docs , put me off work for 2 weeks. DONT take pain killers as you wont know if you are straining the ligament and it needs rest. From x-ray it shows dislocated/misplaced bone and from that they think its ligament, that and also the pain from when I twist wrist. Only problem is I will only get sick pay so think I will have to seek compensation.
Got some new bras as I said yesterday and they fit well and almost don't need the fillers!!! (40 B fitting). Have to cut back on the cooking as put on LBs . Open mic (must be Wed) and think my BFF is singing , Happiness as the BFF says XXXXXXXX to every one
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on November 14, 2018, 01:03:30 PM
I am not as familiar with laws in England but in some jurisdictions being attacked at the workplace by a manager who knows about your medical situation (Gender Dysphoria) might be categorized a hate crime, and is assault and battery regardless.  If they showed a prior pattern of being negative towards your transgender status that is relevant to what happened on 28 Sept.

Quote from: davina61 on September 28, 2018, 02:14:17 PM
Well drama at work, manager asked me to move my car so 2 more could be moved, got out and he beeped horn at me to move forward so I did a mental " for ****** sake " and raised my hands in a sort of shrug. Moved forward and got out my car and found manager facing me with a "totally lost it " face. He grabed my wrist and started screaming at me, I told him to let go as this is assault and shouted to my co-worker that was sat in one off the cars. Then I got dragged across the unit and punched in the face, thrown on the floor and kicked. Well hes not the manager anymore!!!!!!I am OK just a bit bruised  and sore. Think he is suffering from PTSD as he was talking nonsense , doing this in front off his father who has never been to work. Area manager came and took statement , he was nice about it as the dody would have hit the fan if I called police or made a fuss. Think old manager needs help not punishment, not long come back from Afghanistan as a civilian  trainer.

I would be immediately pressing criminal charges and seeking compensation.  Doing so helps protect you, and potentially helps others in the future.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Lacy on November 14, 2018, 02:24:00 PM
Quote from: Kendra on November 14, 2018, 01:03:30 PM
I am not as familiar with laws in England but in some jurisdictions being attacked at the workplace by a manager who knows about your medical situation (Gender Dysphoria) might be categorized a hate crime, and is assault and battery regardless.  If they showed a prior pattern of being negative towards your transgender status that is relevant to what happened on 28 Sept.

I would be immediately pressing criminal charges and seeking compensation.  Doing so helps protect you, and potentially helps others in the future.


That is completely criminal activity. Assault and Battery and more. As Kendra said it may also be classified as a hate crime.
I am not sure how courts rule about military or veterans in the UK, but in the US military personnel with certain hand to hand combat training i.e. a Marine can be held to a higher standard in a court of law. This is specifically due to the thorough training they go through. According to my marine brother-in-law and an ex coworker who was a marine, if a soldier attacks a civilian it is possible that a jury could rule more harshly against them.

You should do everything you can to protect yourself, and make sure you are compensated for the injuries you received. I'm so sorry to her that your injuries are still in rough shape. I am very surprised by you HR Manager's response. That also leaves the company open to legal prosecution and not just the manager that assaulted you.

I hope you heal up alright,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 15, 2018, 07:46:40 AM
On a happy note did a complete male fail last night, one of the performers that knows J---- the trans woman I met last week came to talk and said I hope you don't mind me saying that I had no idea you were trans till some one told me. Then said how good  I looked and we ended up talking for ages. Went into town this morning and my BFF wanted her brows doing so I had mine threaded as well (ouch) and they did a better job on mine !!!! Got a top and a maxi denim skirt from charity shop and a hand bag , all £1.99 each. Further trips planed next week, might be getting a pro nail job tomorrow
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on November 15, 2018, 08:42:11 PM
Well that was nice validation of what we've been saying!  I'm glad to hear you had a nice conversation.
Threading sounds devilish!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 16, 2018, 04:16:53 AM
Yes just need to work on my voice now, woman in charity shop yesterday afternoon jumped when I answered my BFF . Up to that point I was just another woman looking through the clothes. Meeting mum and aunty for lunch later and back to BFFs to help clean her house, more of an incentive to get her backside in gear than do cleaning!!!!! Overslept this morning and feel rough after 10 Hrs sleep, need to put all the clothes away I got yesterday and tidy bedroom as it looks like an explosion in a clothes factory. Got some new lippy and eye make up so will try that tonight , its prosecco night and then there is a karaoke night at another pub . Not that I will sing   :embarrassed:with my voice. Shower to wake myself up and sort house time. Hugs folks XXX

BTW just noticed its 1 year and 6 days since FULL TIME and in 3 weeks time 1 year  of HRT
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on November 16, 2018, 09:27:02 AM
Quote from: davina61 on November 13, 2018, 10:09:40 AM
Well went and saw the consultant about wrist, they made me ware a brace that makes my hand hurt more!!! Have to go for an MRI scan now and then back to clinic 2 weeks later, that went down like a lead balloon at work. Cant do much work with the brace on, see what happens tomorrow then. Cooking a steak and ale pie (Guinness, thanks Sara for leaving it) so if any one want to come to dinner they are welcome as its enough for 4/5 !!!! Had some steak that needed eating today and 2 more by the 17th so added some already cubed to make 1kilo , I know they would have frozen but where is the fun in that. Recipe said decant into 4 small bowls after 1 1/2 hrs cooking and then put on pastry lids but cant find any small dishes apart from a small enamel dish so might make that and freeze rest of filling. Got some new work bras, had to ask lady in store to find the ones I needed and she was great, just smiled when I said well they are still growing---- time to roll out the pastry, laters XXXXXX
Dear Davina:
Thanks for sharing your good news...   
I enjoyed what  you stated about your new bra shopping... "they are still growing!"

Hey, it is too bad that your work place doesn't like the fact that your injured wrist is an issue with your work tasks.... hey, it is their manager that injured you.... it is their problem, not yours.

Thank you for keeping your followers updated.... followers want to follow!!!!
Hugs and well wishes,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 16, 2018, 11:08:15 AM
Just got back and opened mail, MRI scan is on the 14th Dec, that means follow up at clinic wont be till new year with all the hols I expect. My BFF does hand massage and had a feel of the bad hand/wrist , she could feel something is out of whack. Going to watch a band tonight as her friend plays drums, meal first. Don't know if we will make the karaoke then. All the best to the diary readers of the life of an old dear!!!!!   O yes been told to try talking in my high voice tonight, see if it can last.

Keeping it real!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on November 16, 2018, 02:21:44 PM
Congratulations on your MRI appointment Davina. Have fun tonight but do take care of your wrist.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 17, 2018, 03:28:41 AM
Was a fun night , not good for the waist line as that was the 2nd pub meal in 1 day. Had a lamb shank with mash, mint gravy and veg followed by apple crumble and custard. Diet starts today!!! Band was good, BFF knows the drummer. They played , Mojo, Copper Head Road, blues songs I cant remember the names of and of course Mustang Sally. BFF said wear the skirt that I had on Wed night or keep the jeans and boots on that I had worn all day so I put skirt on and was the only 1 not in jeans . Might go out tonight if there is a good band on at the Green Dragon . 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on November 17, 2018, 09:18:02 AM
Awesome!  It sounds like a great night out. I'm sure you looked great!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 17, 2018, 02:55:00 PM
Well I like to think so!!!  Anyway made a Ketch and put in some of the broccoli to use it up. Never made one before and it came out great. wore my new work bra today without the fillets as almost don't need them (B cup!) , caught them a lot with out the protection and said a few ow's . Managed to do some welding on Panel van without straining wrist as its only holding lance and pressing trigger. Need a bigger 2nd wardrobe as run out of space , suppose I should stop buying clothes (NO) .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on November 17, 2018, 03:33:07 PM
Quote from: davina61 on November 14, 2018, 12:01:21 PM
Update on docs , put me off work for 2 weeks. DONT take pain killers as you wont know if you are straining the ligament and it needs rest. From x-ray it shows dislocated/misplaced bone and from that they think its ligament, that and also the pain from when I twist wrist. Only problem is I will only get sick pay so think I will have to seek compensation.
Got some new bras as I said yesterday and they fit well and almost don't need the fillers!!! (40 B fitting). Have to cut back on the cooking as put on LBs . Open mic (must be Wed) and think my BFF is singing , Happiness as the BFF says XXXXXXXX to every one

Ouch ouch ouch....

This has been going on for quite some time with your wrist...Just taking pain killers won't help in the long run...Oh well two week forced holiday...a good chance to rest up and have some Davina time....Hope the next two weeks is enough to fix it for you.

Take care


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on November 17, 2018, 05:49:39 PM
I agree about the painkillers especially if you are at least a bit active.  Kind of hard to avoid as its your wrist. 

OK what is Ketch?  I got all kinds of responses, even when I inquired about common ingredients.  I know about the sailboat type!

That's nice that your news bras fit well.  XXXX to you and your BFF!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 18, 2018, 09:18:59 AM
Quiche was what it was supposed to say, that's spell checker for you!!! Taking it very careful with wrist, hard doing stuff left handed when your right handed. Liz its taken Docs a long time as had to wait for swelling and bruises to go first and that took 3 weeks then when it didn't improve went back and they sent me for X ray so that was another week gone and then specialist yet another week . Now have to wait for 4 weeks for MRI and then 2 more to go back to specialist. Nearly as bad as waiting for GRS!!!!Trouble is it wont get any better with out treatment as bone is miss placed. Still lots of ME time and making the most of it. XXXXXX
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on November 18, 2018, 04:17:22 PM
Dear Davina
Just time to pen you a note to say how sorry I am that your woes are continuing and I really wish you the best and a speedy and pain free recovery. Me time is good, but don't do anything that will cause delays in recovery.
Ill post stuff on my thread when I get time.
Luv n Hugz


:-*    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ??? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: >:-) :-* :-* ??? ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on November 18, 2018, 10:00:29 PM
Quote from: davina61 on November 18, 2018, 09:18:59 AM
Quiche was what it was supposed to say, that's spell checker for you!!!

...Now have to wait for 4 weeks for MRI and then 2 more to go back to specialist.

Got to love technology!  I would never have guessed Quiche!

Thats a bummer that you have to wait so long.  Don't they have the means to expedite for a bone injury?  Since this was caused by your employer, is there a chance they would pay to send you to a private doctor?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 19, 2018, 01:19:24 PM
Went to Citizens Advice and got some information to claim for compensation , need to spend a day on phone and computer now. Went into Worcester with BFF , did the charity  shop rounds again and she got 3 nice tops and a pair of jeans. I found a M&S T shirt for £1.75 and then a CASHMERE coat made for HARRODS below knee and a dark blue/black for £5 . Put it on as well as wind was sharp, it is a ladies one.  Found a wardrobe I like and it fits alcove in bedroom but its £300 , triple door with 4 drawers.Comes flat pack of course but that's the only way it will fit up the stairs!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on November 19, 2018, 01:32:19 PM
Quote from: davina61 on November 19, 2018, 01:19:24 PM
Went to Citizens Advice and got some information to claim for compensation , need to spend a day on phone and computer now. Went into Worcester with BFF , did the charity  shop rounds again and she got 3 nice tops and a pair of jeans. I found a M&S T shirt for £1.75 and then a CASHMERE coat made for HARRODS below knee and a dark blue/black for £5 . Put it on as well as wind was sharp, it is a ladies one.  Found a wardrobe I like and it fits alcove in bedroom but its £300 , triple door with 4 drawers.Comes flat pack of course but that's the only way it will fit up the stairs!!!
Dear Davina:
I trust that you can obtain the compensation that you deserve.

Sounds like a wonderful and enjoyable day of shopping with your BFF.... that is always an enjoyable time... shopping therapy!  :)

I hope that you didn't strain your wrist carrying your new purchases up the stairs.

Thank you for your update.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 19, 2018, 02:31:24 PM
Thanks, hope to do some more later in the week. Want to check out some junk shops for bits to make some more trinket stands/trays.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on November 19, 2018, 09:31:03 PM
Sounds like a fun time with your BFF.  My electrologist turned me on to thrift shopping.  Lots of great bargains out there! 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 21, 2018, 09:04:25 AM
Having a flat day today sorting stuff out, took down my old wardrobe . That was my exercise for today carrying the old sections (as I had to take it apart) down 3 flights of steps and back up 10 times. Moved furniture in bed room ready for new wardrobe and sorted some clothes. Found a black fleece jacket that I forgot about!!!  and put some stuff aside for charity shop, new ladies short jacket in plum that I got in sale that's to small, some T shirts and a man jacket. Keeping my Billabong jacket even though its a man one as its a good bad weather coat. The swaging/noodling tool I ordered of fleabay yesterday came very first thing this morning , was a good job I decided to eat breakfast first instead of showering . Of to do more cleaning and cooking , open mic night tonight and BFF is singing. She has gone to practice this morning so had to skip planed (sorry Laurie) shopping .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on November 21, 2018, 03:21:37 PM
Dear Davina
I hope you are only taking small bits of wardrobe down those perilous stairs  at your flat. They are steep and narrow so you have to be careful dear. And tell me you have got someone to carry the new wardrobe up if it hasn't arrived yet.
Take care
Luv n Hugz

:-*    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :o :o :o :o :-\ :-* :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 22, 2018, 01:40:55 PM
I feel sorry for the delivery person!!! BFF did well singing (she is a pro) and covered Amy Winehouse Back to Black, her friend Chris on keyboard was in the wrong key as she had got him to wear a long black wig and dark glasses and he couldn't see the display!!!! Ended up getting to bed at 2am (yawn) managed to do a bit on panel left handed, wrist not any better and had trouble pouring a beer (non alcoholic) into a glass last night. Got a letter from Physiotherapy and need to ring them as it is not made clear (says ring after 7 days but after what?) as to when I need to book in. Best bit is it should be at local GPs just up the road. Happy Thanksgiving to those over the ditchXXXXX   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 23, 2018, 08:29:12 AM
Managed to glue (proper panel adhesive) the n/s wheel arch on the panel van with help as wrist and elbow playing up today. Yes did something to it AT HOME!!! yesterday , daft how a simple thing like opening a door can mess with a joint. Found some beef burgers in freezer yesterday so as its past barbie  weather going to use them as pie filling with added mushrooms and peas. As oven will be on think its CAKE time , apple pie, Bakewell tart depends on how much roll out pastry is left from pie.(can you tell I'm bored) busy mind happy mind!!! 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 24, 2018, 06:11:29 AM
Bugger have a raging cold, Mum has had a cough this last week and I have been to see her 3 times so not sure if that's where it came from. Woke in the night with stupid cough and this morning severe headache and blocked sinus. Pills cough mixture and Olbas oil have cleared it but still feel like crap. Forgot to reset heater in living room to timer so it toasty , good job!!! Wanted to go and remove clamps from wheel arch on panel van this morning, will have to be tomorrow now, extra curing time wont hurt. Wanted to see my sister as not seen her for months but not taking germs , hope I feel better  for Monday to put wardrobe together
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on November 24, 2018, 11:34:04 AM
Dear Donica:
Wow... you are a busy girl....   
... as I have always said: "Busy people are happy people."
so you must be very happy indeed.

After reading your last several updates I don't know why you are not tired...  you seem to have a lot of energy... working hard, going up and down the stairs in your flat, cooking, etc....

I read that you made an Apple Pie ...  I also made one to bring with me to the Thanksgiving Dinner I attended. 
What I usually do with the leftover "roll out" dough after making pies... is put it in a baking pan, add copious amounts of butter, sugar and cinnamon on top, and bake it... great treat and a good use for leftover dough.

I did read in your yesterday's update that you wrist and elbow are still acting up...  hopefully with the therapy that you are receiving it will be healing up soon. ???   ???

Thank you for keeping all of us tuned into your life endeavors....
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 24, 2018, 02:29:35 PM
Turns out my sister has the same cold as me(sinus, headache ) , she replied to my text " now I know where I got it from" (MUM!!) I replied with well she does like to give and got a ha ha back. Feeling better now. Early bed me thinks XXXXXXXXXX
Title: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on November 24, 2018, 08:22:55 PM
Quote from: davina61 on November 24, 2018, 06:11:29 AM
Bugger have a raging cold, Mum has had a cough this last week and I have been to see her 3 times so not sure if that's where it came from. Woke in the night with stupid cough and this morning severe headache and blocked sinus. Pills cough mixture and Olbas oil have cleared it but still feel like crap. Forgot to reset heater in living room to timer so it toasty , good job!!! Wanted to go and remove clamps from wheel arch on panel van this morning, will have to be tomorrow now, extra curing time wont hurt. Wanted to see my sister as not seen her for months but not taking germs , hope I feel better  for Monday to put wardrobe together

Hope your cold is a bit better...they can put a man on the (why can't they put them all there LOL [emoji23] ) but cannot even produce a reasonable cold remedy that really works. Keep wRm, hydrated and full of the life giving power of chocolate!![emoji16]

Hope you feel better


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Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 25, 2018, 10:11:42 AM
A lot better today thanks, managed to go to unit and take clamps of and it stayed put!! Brought home enough tools hopefully to put wardrobe together but its delivery time is anywhere between 8am to 6 pm
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on November 25, 2018, 02:20:18 PM
Oh (sinus, headaches) those are the worse Davina. I found that a little table salt in warm water sniffed up in the sinuses works wonders for me in about half an hour. Any saline solution will work.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 25, 2018, 02:42:41 PM
Have some stuff called Olbas oil (in the UK) that is a powerful decongestant and natural . Have to be carful not to get it on skin as it dries lips and nose. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on November 26, 2018, 01:35:46 AM
Quote from: davina61 on November 25, 2018, 02:42:41 PM
Have some stuff called Olbas oil (in the UK) that is a powerful decongestant and natural . Have to be carful not to get it on skin as it dries lips and nose.

I looked up the Olbas Oil and I am pretty sure the last time I had an inhalation it was Olbas oil I used. It was really good for clearing the sinuses...Hope you got the wardrobe all done and are on the mend soon.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 26, 2018, 04:11:52 AM
dont you just love windows, hit space bar and screen froze and only way out was shutdown. Take 2, had the WORST nights sleep ever as felt like I was burning up and feet on fire. Dozed on and of till 2 and then managed to sleep waking at 9 am !!! Will be going back to docs to extend sick leave as nothing has been done to repair my wrist and its still not working (did some stuff to try it the other day and it was sore again for 3 days) but will wait till I have spoken to Physio on Wed morning. Wardrobe not coming till between 3pm and 6. Looks like a job for tomorrow so will be catching up on stuff like getting my name and email changed on a few final things like fuel card, phone company and some forums .
Making Christmas cake as well as that is a very slow bake ,4 1/2 hrs . Have some Brandy soaked fruit but its not enough so might go and get a small bottle and soak some more (might have a shoot to help cold as well) ,time to get dressed and spread my germs around!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 26, 2018, 01:22:41 PM
wardrobe came in 2 boxes, luckily 2 delivery men but they were both knackered by the time they carried them up the stairs!!!! One of the doors is damaged , packaged like that as panels either side are ok. Rang up to get replacement and go disconnected twice, then got whats your name so just gave initial to avoid any awkwardness but then got its ordered by a woman. Have you ever heard the ground open up under someone on the phone after telling them why, she was very apologetic and sorted my door quickly. Christmas cake looks good ,will wrap it up when its cold and feed it brandy over the next few weeks. Just made some Indian recipe ice cream, condensed milk and double cream whipped till just starting to thicken. has saffron milk (1 tbs) and some crushed cardamom seeds in . Pistachio nuts added after 1.5 hrs in freezer 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on November 26, 2018, 01:39:41 PM
Quote from: davina61 on November 26, 2018, 01:22:41 PM
wardrobe came in 2 boxes, luckily 2 delivery men but they were both knackered by the time they carried them up the stairs!!!! One of the doors is damaged , packaged like that as panels either side are ok. Rang up to get replacement and go disconnected twice, then got whats your name so just gave initial to avoid any awkwardness but then got its ordered by a woman. Have you ever heard the ground open up under someone on the phone after telling them why, she was very apologetic and sorted my door quickly. Christmas cake looks good ,will wrap it up when its cold and feed it brandy over the next few weeks. Just made some Indian recipe ice cream, condensed milk and double cream whipped till just starting to thicken. has saffron milk (1 tbs) and some crushed cardamom seeds in . Pistachio nuts added after 1.5 hrs in freezer

Dear Davina:
I am sorry you are still having issues with your wrist... what do the docs need to do to fix it?   I just can not believe that your company is not doing more for you, after all it was their manager that did the damage to you.

Oh no... you new, long awaited and anticipated WardRobe gets delivered in damaged condition.  I hope that you can get the replacement door in short order. 

Your Christmas Cake preparation sound very tasty.   For the Holiday Season I make Fruit Cake loaves to give to my good friends, and I feed them Rum frequently before they are ready for consumption. 

Thank you for your update... 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 26, 2018, 03:38:05 PM
Waiting to go for MRI scan so they can see what's up ,don't know how physio can give me exercises if they have no report yet. Good job I have a battery drill/screw driver , started to put drawers together and groves for drawer bottoms don't line up so its a good job my wood work tools are here.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 27, 2018, 10:18:10 AM
Wardrobe built, good job I had my router though !!!! Modified one of the rails into a shoe bar, well there is a fixing point but its to close and low . Will take a photo when its filled, might just start a lets see your wardrobe thread (or is there one?). Checked on line my wages and time off and found holiday declined not that it mattered as will be back to docs tomorrow and get signed off work again. Cold has just turned into a blocked nose now so on its way .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on November 27, 2018, 11:12:18 AM
A wardrobe thread could be interesting Davina. Oh, can I barrow your red sweater?  ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 28, 2018, 04:07:32 AM
The red one with the gold threads , no cause wearing it myself this afternoon as weathers a bit naff . Have physio on Friday morning , waiting for doc to ring and extend sick note. Decided to get a fake fireplace/mantle with a flame effect and hot air blower to get rid of the blank wall where the fire would have been. Have a large mirror to fix above it as well as seen in my photos , need to see what sort of wall plugs required.
Update, doc has just signed me off for 4 weeks , trouble is cant afford to live on sick pay so trip to DHS needed cap in hand!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 28, 2018, 06:12:23 AM
Sat here thinking(always a bad sign!!) need to do something to stop being bored , when this cold has cleared I think its time for voice training . Will do some stuff on camper van as still some welding needed but not much and that is OK on wrist if I take it easy. Need to practice being left handed as well, always thought I was quite ambidextrous till I tried using it all the time. Useless with a whisk -------
Title: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on November 29, 2018, 02:48:38 AM
Quote from: davina61 on November 28, 2018, 06:12:23 AM
Sat here thinking(always a bad sign!!) need to do something to stop being bored , when this cold has cleared I think its time for voice training . Will do some stuff on camper van as still some welding needed but not much and that is OK on wrist if I take it easy. Need to practice being left handed as well, always thought I was quite ambidextrous till I tried using it all the time. Useless with a whisk -------

Extended sick leave is never good financially not for ones over all mood either. I hear you about the getting bored. I had to stop working 5 years ago due to illness and I think I was fine for about the first 3 months and then I desperately looking for something to keep my interest up. I hope you can get things sorted out for your sick leave. Learning to be left handed I guess is a matter of practice... take care

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 29, 2018, 03:27:01 AM
I have plenty to keep me occupied, panel van to do and hot rod to build. making a fake hearth for my new fake fire place , need to get an electric saw to cut some wood now. Back to the hardware store , my BFF has some black tiles so that will save a bit and the old wardrobe will donate chip board !! Time to get out off the PJs then.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 29, 2018, 05:11:54 PM
Naffed of just a long post and laptop froze again ,of to bed night night
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on November 30, 2018, 11:51:50 AM
Physio has given me some gentle exercise to do to stretch and going back on 13th. Went for lunch with mum and aunty, nice piece of plaice and chips, trouble is going to have a pub meal tonight as well. Xmas tree up and decorated, new fire and mirror in place and BFF has rearranged furniture!!! Need to buy some nick knacks  to go on shelf now and girly the place up a bit . 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on November 30, 2018, 12:30:47 PM
The exercise will be good for you.  Just take it easy.  Is Plaise a white fish like Flounder?   I need to get up to date on British terminology!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 01, 2018, 03:55:15 AM
Yes its a flat fish, properly spelt it wrong as speeling is not my best as slightly dyslexic . (btw the speeling is deliberate) . Went to local pub last night with BFF to have a meal (very nice and got treated!) and to see a band. The singer is one of the ones that organise open mic night and is a good friend of BFF . Got given a tambourine ,must have been OK as nobody stopped me !! must take up drumming lessons when wrist is better.  Got asked out to dinner , It was the person that has a barbers in town and thinks he is a ladies man and quite a character , ok if you want a lopsided hair cut and always seems permeant tipsy . Upside is I pasted , did decline !! Its 10am and still in night clothes, must get on as flat to deep clean, then will take some pics 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on December 01, 2018, 04:31:29 AM
Quote from: davina61 on December 01, 2018, 03:55:15 AM
......  Got asked out to dinner , It was the person that has a barbers in town and thinks he is a ladies man and quite a character , ok if you want a lopsided hair cut and always seems permeant tipsy . Upside is I pasted , did decline !! Its 10am and still in night clothes, must get on as flat to deep clean, then will take some pics

Nice to be asked out though!! Not all us girls get asked out on dates LOL. Enjoy your deep clean of the house....Sounds like hard work to me...Think I might get out of mine this Monday. LOL

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 01, 2018, 12:54:53 PM
This is much better than a blank wall( new wardrobe ,still not sorted clothes yet
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 02, 2018, 03:27:14 AM
Having read Dawns post about folk thinking your boring and have nothing interesting to say made me think my diary must be boring. I know day to day life is with little high lights, nothing trans related is happening to me much, girls still sore and hopefully growing but now I am stuck waiting for GIC . Its a sort of limbo, about the only thing I can do is try and train my voice and finding that hard as its very bass. Right off to finish cleaning flat, its got a bit neglected due to wrist .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on December 02, 2018, 06:17:12 AM
Not boring at all!  Takes time for us to develop and settle in as who we really are.  I often make mistakes and then use the excuse "sorry, I'm the new girl"
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on December 02, 2018, 12:31:21 PM
My goodness Davina!  You are not boring in the least.   I love reading about your exploits with your van, your BFF, cooking, music... its all a wonderful story.  Thank you!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: steph2.0 on December 02, 2018, 05:03:18 PM
Quote from: davina61 on December 02, 2018, 03:27:14 AM
Having read Dawns post about folk thinking your boring and have nothing interesting to say made me think my diary must be boring. I know day to day life is with little high lights, nothing trans related is happening to me much, girls still sore and hopefully growing but now I am stuck waiting for GIC . Its a sort of limbo, about the only thing I can do is try and train my voice and finding that hard as its very bass. Right off to finish cleaning flat, its got a bit neglected due to wrist .

Nope. Not boring. I love reading your stuff. Please keep it coming!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 03, 2018, 04:51:10 AM
In that case-- Passed flat inspection, she was early and not managed to vac and it was out in the living room. She loved the fire and mirror and said it made it homely . Taking some clothes to charity shop, have a lovely coat but it no longer zips up around my bust!! Need to pick up sick note from docs as well and will try scanning and emailing it to work. Not using 30 miles worth of fuel to take it in as have to watch the ££s now. Don't know if its the hormones or just food but I was soooooooo hot last night that ended up with summer duvet , feet felt on fire. Same time breasts rather sore as well . Trying to grow my nails as less likely to break them being of work but still chipped 2 and ended up filing , Hot Rod club xmas dinner tomorrow night and will be waring my best dress and hot rod red nails!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on December 03, 2018, 05:33:10 AM
Quote from: davina61 on December 03, 2018, 04:51:10 AM
In that case-- Passed flat inspection, she was early and not managed to vac and it was out in the living room. She loved the fire and mirror and said it made it homely . Taking some clothes to charity shop, have a lovely coat but it no longer zips up around my bust!! Need to pick up sick note from docs as well and will try scanning and emailing it to work. Not using 30 miles worth of fuel to take it in as have to watch the ££s now. Don't know if its the hormones or just food but I was soooooooo hot last night that ended up with summer duvet , feet felt on fire. Same time breasts rather sore as well . Trying to grow my nails as less likely to break them being of work but still chipped 2 and ended up filing , Hot Rod club xmas dinner tomorrow night and will be waring my best dress and hot rod red nails!!

Nope, it wasn't the hormones Davina, I too ended up kicking off all the blankets last night, I thought I might have had a temperature or something but feel fine this morning.

Have fun at the Xmas shindig and no swinging from the chandeliers!!!  ;D

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 03, 2018, 08:55:05 AM
Gov dept and paperwork!!! just spent 2 hrs filling in an online benefits form and still need to download payslips and print/scan them as evidence . I know its all to stop fraudulent  claims . Off to help BFF wrap xmas presents in a bit . Nearly forgot its my 1 year E versary
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 03, 2018, 02:04:14 PM
Bit pissed with BFF, went to help wrap presents as she is useless at wrapping . She said did I want to go to a shop opening in town tonight, at first said to tired but then said OK will go and have some tea and pick you up, got my makeup on and went to get her and car is gone. Then found text , don't worry will go on my own . Have changed text ring tone now so hope I can hear it, looked for shop but cant see it so came back and pigged out on ice cream 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 04, 2018, 10:39:14 AM
Plan was to go and work on van today but phone call from mum , did I want to go shopping. Derr , managed to get some presents and a new wok , some tall glasses as broke my only one and ornament to go on fire place. Cards to write to hand out tonight then jump in shower and try and make myself presentable for club Xmas dinner, 20 to 5 now and have to pick up BFF at 6.30 , still have nails to do!!!!HELP 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 05, 2018, 02:55:46 AM
Good time last night , got told how well I looked and dress got liked as well, did have a few double takes from some of the lads I have known for 40 years as not seen some of them for a bit. Jill gave me a big hug (known her 40 years as well) and got a total thumbs up. Off to see solicitor now about my assault . Jeans boots and water proof coat day , rather wet
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on December 05, 2018, 07:53:57 AM
Sounds like a fun evening.  Best of luck with your solicitor today!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 06, 2018, 05:56:31 AM
Solicitor is processing paperwork so waiting (spend my whole life waiting) . Made a choc and orange cake for my sister adapting a recipe and tried to do an orange /choc sugar topping. That was a bit guess work and it needed more sugar I think as it has stayed sticky , bit that ran off edges onto work top tastes fine!! Went to open mic night last night, some great performances with Earworm as the headliners . Next week the headline group is called Chevy Chase stole my wife , anyways even though she said she wanted to go early BFF ended up taking (me driving) her keyboard playing friend home and they practiced some songs . Didn't manage to drag her away till nearly 2am and it was 2.30 by time I got to bed (did I say I am an 8 hr sleeper, yawn) got woke by phone at 8.30 and its the BFF "help I have fallen down stairs and broke my foot" . She had slipped last couple and landed hard on foot and its swollen up , told her to put ice on it and see how it is. Fell back to sleep and didn't come round till 10.30 , cant get hold of her so sent text saying if you need help call . Now I was going to work on bus today but to late as its nearly midday now and not dressed yet!!!   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 06, 2018, 08:41:46 AM
Going to sit with BFF in a bit when C---- has gone (that's the keyboard player), did offer to take her to Minor Injuries at local cottage hospital but she is dog sitting and they will be closed by time dogs collected. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 06, 2018, 03:31:01 PM
Nurse returns !!!! BFF has badly bruised foot on top and tendon to big toe is tight , off to hospital in morning possible but will ring her first. Only just ate dinner, chip shop chips revitalized in oven with a chicken tikka slice . sorry diet. Nipples extra sore again , just hope its a growth spurt.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 07, 2018, 05:56:52 AM
Just got back from taking BFF to Hospital, Xray was OK so nothing broken. She has crutches and told to keep foot up ,ice pack etc . Back up to town to meet mum and hopefully sister for lunch .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on December 07, 2018, 09:58:25 AM
That's great, no broken bones in her foot - now hoping your hand can heal properly!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 07, 2018, 11:19:26 AM
She said I have healing hands, gave her foot a gentle rub and bruising and swelling almost vanished . She does natural therapy's and knows about this stuff , sorted my bad back. Met up with my sister, mum and aunty for lunch and had a good natter. Gave her the cake and presents then went grocery shopping for me and BFF, sorted her fridge out as well (gross). Tea time , going to put some pasta on and reheat bolognas with added roasted red peppers.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on December 07, 2018, 11:28:13 AM
I'm sorry to hear about the injuries, but I do enjoy reading about your exploits, in the kitchen, the shop, and at the pub!  Cheers!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 08, 2018, 10:15:46 AM
Managed to do a bit on panel van, finish off some welding and the wrist was not to bad. will know better tomorrow if it did. Sitting with BFF tonight as she "missed" me last night , more like missed a servant!!!! Called in on way home just and made her some lunch . Not at work and still not enough time to do stuff, have to get presents tomorrow, bloods on Monday and then take BFF to do a gig at old folks home. Daughters on Tues ,Physio on Thurs and scan on Fri. Never a dull moment!!! Have to take documents to council for rent relief and fill in stuff from solicitor and more presents to get------------------ and the girls are still sore, must say areola getting larger and nipples bigger.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on December 08, 2018, 05:56:11 PM
Quote from: davina61 on December 08, 2018, 10:15:46 AM
Managed to do a bit on panel van, finish off some welding and the wrist was not to bad. will know better tomorrow if it did. Sitting with BFF tonight as she "missed" me last night , more like missed a servant!!!! Called in on way home just and made her some lunch . Not at work and still not enough time to do stuff, have to get presents tomorrow, bloods on Monday and then take BFF to do a gig at old folks home. Daughters on Tues ,Physio on Thurs and scan on Fri. Never a dull moment!!! Have to take documents to council for rent relief and fill in stuff from solicitor and more presents to get------------------ and the girls are still sore, must say areola getting larger and nipples bigger.

Full steam ahead really are busy despite being on the sick list. I hope you get all the "chores" done without any wrist issues

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Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on December 08, 2018, 06:39:59 PM
Dear Davina
I should come and see you over the holidays if possible just to make sure your OK and your new furniture's and layout is OK. PM me and we can arrange.

:-*    :-* :-* :-* :-* ;D ;D ;D ??? ??? ::) ??? ;D ;D :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 09, 2018, 12:15:43 PM
Wrist just about holding up, have learnt to do things without causing to much pain. Need to keep moving it so that it gets better.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on December 09, 2018, 05:34:14 PM
Quote from: davina61 on December 09, 2018, 12:15:43 PM
...Need to keep moving it so that it gets better.

I think that is the key.  Keep it moving but not too much!  You certainly don't want the muscles to atrophy.

Take care Dear!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 10, 2018, 10:34:44 AM
Managed to do some more shopping, picked up a nice blue top that will go over a T shirt. Well its very thin for this time of year. Had bloods taken as well as a nice chat with the nurse. Helped BFF take her PA to retirement home for a gig, found playing tambourine is good exercise for the wrist. She is a trooper as her foot was killing but you wouldn't know   from her performance, getting the (inmates!!) folk to sing along . Must go and do my nails , BFF has been invited to dinner and been told to bring me as well. Told to take my nighty just in case we stay over!!!! messy details tomorrow ------XXXXXX
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 11, 2018, 10:38:52 AM
Well I was messy this morning, sticky fingers last night as well from the ribs we had for dinner with coriander rice. Don't know how much red I drank but between 3 of us looks like 5 empty bottles!!! Think I only had at most 5hrs sleep and had to drive back home as BFF had treatments to do . Got into bed and managed !hr snooze before getting ready and picking mum up before driving to daughters. Lots of water and some porridge for breakfast chased the grot away (was feeling sick , bloody hangovers ) . Fun time with grand kids grand daughter was after a feed when I was holding her, wells dry dear!!! Stopped for lunch on way home so a nice day. Have a home made card from grandkids with foot prints made as penguins and a nice photo of them both inside , all together AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH. going to make some tea and collapse on sofa
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on December 11, 2018, 12:57:32 PM
Sounds like you had a great day along with a couple or reds and some grandkids art...perfect! You need stage 5 Breast growth to achieve breast milk is my understanding...I know there were some threads about that topic awhile ago.

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Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 12, 2018, 10:04:29 AM
Did a bit more welding on bus, end is in sight . Feeling very tired again and weak . Will "force" myself to go to open mic night as sounds like a good headliner even if BFF wont come. Physio tomorrow so see what she says.Life goes on-----
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 13, 2018, 03:40:54 AM
Well if you like a modern punk style band Chevy Chase Stole MY Wife are brilliant , all original songs with female lead/singer. BFF didn't come as foot swollen from standing whilst she did her treatments still plenty of regulars for  me to talk to (apart from when band was on!!!loud in a small room) and got a bit of tambourine time. Could have had a play on the kahuna (beat box) but was wearing my green skirt that's tight around legs . Its arse first into car and swing legs in tight!! Off to  physio now
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on December 13, 2018, 08:46:17 AM
What a great name for a band!  I'm glad you enjoyed yourself despite your BFF not being able to attend.  Go Davina!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 13, 2018, 09:17:47 AM
Worth a search/ youtube  and face book look. Physio says wrist is better ,10% increase in movement so has given me more exercises to do . Called in on BFF on way back and her foot is black under arch from bruise coming out, lets hope its a lot better as she is off to OZ at end of month for 3 months visiting her son (the film stuntman) and friends. Brisbane and gold coast area, wish I could go -------------- 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on December 13, 2018, 06:56:36 PM
I am sure she will have a great time..That part of Australia is really nice maybe not as nice as South Australia where I live but then again I could be a little Liz

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Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on December 13, 2018, 08:25:09 PM
I did!  They sound great, reminding me of The Breeders with the Deal sisters.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 14, 2018, 04:10:36 AM
Back from my MRI scan, didn't take long. Got there early as its cold -2.5 C and wasn't sure of traffic as the bypass gets jammed up in rush hour/school time. Beat the staff in!!  was first in at 8am and back home for 9.15. Marzipaned Christmas cake and now waiting to meet mum and aunty grocery shop and lunch. So annoyed as lost bracelet , catch didn't feel right when put it on at hospital. Only cheap gold plate dream catcher from Clair's but that's not the point Grrr . Think my scales are faulty as reading +2lb over last week , to much cake and pub lunches and sitting around!!!! so the diet begins properly in the new year (I know every year-----) but do have some incentive now with visit to GIC looming. Damn hungry now as had breakfast very early.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 15, 2018, 04:41:29 AM
Wasn't going to post but need to get this out of my system, only BFF to talk to . Don't tell but need a break as she does my head sometimes!!!! Its wet and windy and just cant be bothered to go out. I know I will end up cooking something to take my mind off being "alone" and need to slow down on food intake so its not a good thing. Got carried away food shopping yesterday for Xmas treats like fancy cheese (big wedge of stilton and 2 others) and spent twice my normal . As off sick my income this month will be poor but going to enjoy myself and" worry" about it next year . Need to go online and fill in form to claim social payment but my heads not in it , that's the dyslexic thing and have to be in the mood or will be kicking laptop. I hate paperwork!!!!!! Kitchen calling and going to make some fancies , left over icing to use and think a cherry sponge mix will do . Then might do some cherry and some plain or raisin, will see.Feeling better after this "talk" XXXXXXXX to everyone.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: steph2.0 on December 15, 2018, 04:46:27 AM
XXXXXXXX back to you Davina. I'm glad our talk made you feel better!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on December 15, 2018, 06:52:59 AM
Quote from: davina61 on December 15, 2018, 04:41:29 AM
Wasn't going to post but need to get this out of my system, only BFF to talk to . Don't tell but need a break as she does my head sometimes!!!! Its wet and windy and just cant be bothered to go out. I know I will end up cooking something to take my mind off being "alone" and need to slow down on food intake so its not a good thing. Got carried away food shopping yesterday for Xmas treats like fancy cheese (big wedge of stilton and 2 others) and spent twice my normal . As off sick my income this month will be poor but going to enjoy myself and" worry" about it next year . Need to go online and fill in form to claim social payment but my heads not in it , that's the dyslexic thing and have to be in the mood or will be kicking laptop. I hate paperwork!!!!!! Kitchen calling and going to make some fancies , left over icing to use and think a cherry sponge mix will do . Then might do some cherry and some plain or raisin, will see.Feeling better after this "talk" XXXXXXXX to everyone.

[emoji847][emoji847][emoji847][emoji847][emoji847][emoji847][emoji847] Have some hugs

Venting is good for your psyche...[emoji3]

I hope you can get your social sorted  out...

keep venting as needed ....hope things get better for you soon

take care

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 15, 2018, 07:46:27 AM
Thanks, better now. Cake came out great, forgot to take pic and put them in tin. Lamb railway curry it is , marinating now. Have some scraggy bits of lamb left after cubeing  , 360 grams and its a bit fatty so roast or pie ? or another curry!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 16, 2018, 12:31:41 PM
Know wonder I felt off yesterday, coming down with a cold/cough.  Cold and damp in my unit today and car said 6 deg c  when I came home at 2pm . Made some Gram flour pancakes  to go with curry for tea, they taste eggy from just flour, water mix with onion, green chilli, and grated ginger. Soft and spongy, just right with spicy food. The girls are firming up again and filling out so looks like the extra E is working.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on December 16, 2018, 01:16:58 PM
Quote from: davina61 on December 16, 2018, 12:31:41 PM
".........The girls are firming up again and filling out so looks like the extra E is working.

Yay for Oestrogen and firmer bigger boobs lol...

Glad the extra is having the desired effect.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 17, 2018, 09:44:44 AM
Need to pick up blood test results to see if levels are up. BFF is speaking to me again!!!! She got in a tizz as she needed milk and I didn't get her any or call in, C*** the keyboard player got her some anyway. Going to help pack her holiday suitcase tonight, not that good at it but probably a lot better than her ;D. Managed to make wooden "buck" for the spacer that I need making for panel van brake mod, Shame too far from Chelsea as sort of thing she would make. Starting to design camper interior , needs a girly touch and thinking do I paint murals on roof like before and fake windows on inner side panels ? Want to use the green material that covered cushions before to make cover for bed foam . Paint the doors for cupboard units as well , some already painted and will be hard to strip . Need to get my fem creative head on
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 18, 2018, 08:11:37 AM
cooke( these the other day, iced fancies and made this chick pea flour fudge then today tried @Michellep's cookie recipe (
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 20, 2018, 03:33:51 AM
Went shopping with mum and auntie and uncle yesterday, found a large rug for sitting room with the same colours as curtains in it . Red, grey that match and black, maroon and pink squares and blocks. The best bit was the price reduced from £49.95 to 30.95 and as it had got wet from previous day (open market) got it for 30. Got a picture frame for the pic of grand kids and a small mantle clock from charity shop, finished Christmas shopping as well!! Last night managed to drag BFF to open mic night, the lad that plays the beat box came in and gave the ladies a kiss on the cheek got to me and went to shake my hand, changed his mind and gave me a hug and kiss on cheek (would have been better without the initial shake but will take it) . Going to do a little bit on van now.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 20, 2018, 11:53:19 AM
Got my latest HRT blood test results, the T level is up but that didn't surprize me as I thought the nurse made a mess of mixing the serum . T is 0.5 (from 0.4) nmol/L and E is up to 203 pmol/L
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on December 20, 2018, 12:40:53 PM
Dear Davina:
I am thinking that your reported T level change is not too big of an issue...  it can always vary from test to test but the good news is that your E level is up and at a good number.

Like you said, it would have been better if the "beat box lad" would have NOT done the handshake initially... and just given you a hug and a kiss on the cheek...  but, you did the the hug and kiss so that is good news.

All of your "baking" pictures look terrific....  I have also been doing a lot of baking lately, I usually make cookie and candy treat plates to give to my friends at Christmas time...  I have already done a few, I will soon probably post some photos of the end result of that effort on my thread.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, your blood test results and your tasty looking pictures of your baking results.

Hugs and well wishes,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 20, 2018, 01:49:14 PM
Have been handing out the cookies as well , took some to my second cousin and he had 2 with his tea break (my lock up is in his garden) and said they were great. Watching some Christmas cooking programs , will make my own stuffing and roasts with a twist. Just hope it all works------------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 23, 2018, 01:43:16 PM
Started Christmas early , cheese and port after dinner!!! Made cookies and took them with some presents , called in on BFF on way back and found her pissed as a rat . 3 bottles of Carver worth, managed to get her to bed and left her to sleep it off. She did have a meal first , made sure she was settled and safe. Taking her shopping tomorrow morning then its prep time for Tuesdays feast.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: ChrissyRyan on December 23, 2018, 01:49:33 PM
Quote from: davina61 on December 23, 2018, 01:43:16 PM
Started Christmas early , cheese and port after dinner!!! Made cookies and took them with some presents , called in on BFF on way back and found her pissed as a rat . 3 bottles of Carver worth, managed to get her to bed and left her to sleep it off. She did have a meal first , made sure she was settled and safe. Taking her shopping tomorrow morning then its prep time for Tuesdays feast.

I bought some port wine cheese spread.  It has port wine in it.  It tastes pretty good.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 24, 2018, 12:10:57 PM
Managed to drag the wreck of a BFF to the shops!!!!!Got the stuff she needs for her trip to Oz and got myself some new knickers and nail varnish I wanted. Tried the voice out in the car on way to shop , BFF said its ok (she is a singer so can tell!!) but cant give it any volume . More practice then. Spent the afternoon making sage and onion stuffing from scratch, pigs in blankets, bacon stuffing rolls and stuffing balls . Cocktail sausages in mustard/honey glaze and thyme butter and orange slices under turkey crown skin. Need to set alarm to get it all done for a 1pm sit down, made a list in order and just hope it all fits in oven in time. Cant wait to see what the "girly" gift is from my aunt, open my mums gift that I know ( food mixer) , have one from daughter  and mum said ex has left a bottle for me today . My sister has given me a miniature rose in a pot with pale yellow flowers, the leaves are sprinkled with gold!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on December 25, 2018, 01:45:49 PM
Dear Davina:
Hopefully your work related wrist injuries are just about all healed up and soon you will be back and 100%.

I also hope and trust that you are experiencing the joy and happiness that you deserve so I am giving you my expression of the holiday season that we are now in:
wishing you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS
and a prosperous and Happy NEW YEAR  in 2019

Hugs and as always, Well Wishes
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 25, 2018, 01:54:55 PM
Nice day with my mum, she said lunch was great (TBH came out better than I expected ) Turkey was moist , roasts crisp, the whole baked veg was full of taste (done in foil parcel with herbs, olive oil and garlic) , stuffing recipe I used was great and gravy was the best ever made with turkey juices, chicken stock, chicken gravy granules and a good dash of red! Mixer from mum is good but not sure if it will go on cupboard , 2 framed photos of grand kids from daughter and some nice skin care gift set from Auntie. Having a lovely day , BFF went to her sisters. Done 1 1/2 bottles of red so far MERRY CHRISTMAS one and all XXXXXXXX
Dear Danelle Thanks , unfortunately wrist is still the same as not been back to consultant yet , physio not working. Have to book appointment Thursday.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on December 25, 2018, 03:21:28 PM
See you Saturday - Looking forward to Lunch  :angel:



  :-*   :-* :-* :angel: :angel: :angel: :laugh: :laugh: ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 26, 2018, 09:42:19 AM
Visit from my eldest lad, his girlfriend and her daughter this morning with the official announcement (and in his words!) that I will be a granny again. Another grand daughter!!! Slap me but forgot to ask due date but she is showing so guessing June time . Now he has to make the box room into a nursery. Happy Christmas,XXXXXXX 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on December 26, 2018, 10:38:26 AM
Congratulations!  Well that's just another excuse to call and speak with him!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 27, 2018, 07:13:14 AM
Just spent ages doing my nails (glitter clear coats hard to get off!!!) thought they had hardened  enough , just destroyed rh thumb finish going for a wee. GRRRRRRR got 1/2 an hour before I need to put face on and go out so hope repair dries . Got 2 more weeks on sick note , consultant appointment on 8th Jan so see what's going on in my wrist then. Got Physio first thing tomorrow morning and then have to go to work for an assessment of why of sick , looks like my sister can come so will have back up. Going to give them some stick as well, Davina will be wearing her no nonsense knickers. Baking a cake to take for the staff, chocolate orange drizzle .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 28, 2018, 12:43:09 PM
Sister did come to work with me , good because she made area manager wind his neck in especially when she asked if the incident had been reported to Health and Safety (looks like it wasn't). Any way they got told to wait till after I have seen consultant. Went back to my nieces dry cleaning business ( well wash and dry and iron) to use bathroom and had a cuppa . not seen niece for ages and got a big hug. Left them some of my Christmas cake, they said it wont last long!!! Have a visitor tomorrow so its cooking head on, done some prep already
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on December 28, 2018, 05:00:20 PM
OMG, someone else coming as well as me?
I was coming in jeans boots and leather jacket as well, will I need posh frock and heels? Seriously though, I am looking forward to it immensely, if not for the company (which is top notch) then the food (or is it the other way round !!). At this rate it will be a twice yearly visit which is really cool :)
Maybe I will get to see 'the van'..... OOOOOooo
Luv n Hugz


:-*    ;D ;D ;D >:( :o :o :o ::) ::) :-* :-* :-* :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: ;D ;D :-* :-* :-* :-* :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 29, 2018, 12:53:12 PM
My visitor was fed and watered, time went to quickly and she had to get back.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on December 29, 2018, 01:06:34 PM
Well, I understand that your visitor was well fed with lots of lovely nosh, talked for ages and said fond farewells after an enjoyable afternoon, Im sure she will post some pics when she can get them off her mobile.   ;)

I hear the event was much enjoyed by both parties..

Take care
Luv n Hugz


:-*   ;D ;D ;D :-* :-* :-* :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: ;) ;) ;) ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 30, 2018, 09:12:30 AM
Took some pain killers to the BFF yesterday, just rushed out no make up. She said my face has changed again (probably just fat from over indulging ) !! Called in on way past today to see how "organised " she is for her trip, managed to print off boarding passes she emailed to me when I got back. Bag of gifts from her (all stuff she had around) scarf, cushion, lavender toiletries , a " Gucci " handbag ,bottle of wine and 2 small Chinese style vases . Bless her . Taking her to the airport tomorrow , its a late flight but should be back late lunch time as just dropping her off. Slow cooker turkey stew tonight  so apart from the 2 frozen and 1 in fridge Jalfrezis that's all the turkey meat gone and it was only a crown. Davina totally turkeyed out   .XXXXXX
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 31, 2018, 01:49:12 PM
BFF duly dropped off at airport for the start of her Aussie trip , she said its the first time she has been organised thanks to me and said she wishes I could have gone with her. She is not the only one!!! So a  quiet night in then and just to wish everyone that reads my ramblings a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR may all your wishes come true.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on December 31, 2018, 01:54:12 PM
So you'll be on your own for a while she's away but you'll have fun at the pubs with all your friends!  That was a nice complement that you could help her get organized.  Thank you so much for being here and sharing a piece of your life! 
Cheers, Judi
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on December 31, 2018, 03:34:47 PM
Dear Davina:
I have so much enjoyed your updates as you continue on in your journey.
Thank you for feeling free to share your life events with all of us.

Obviously some bumps in the road that all of us experience so continue to hang on for an exciting ride.
I am so very happy that I found you and your thread on the Forums this last year and I will be eagerly following your upcoming reports and updates in the New Year in 2019.

Wishing you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR  in 2019...

Hugs and as always, well wishes.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on December 31, 2018, 04:55:27 PM
Well its just me and a (more than 1) bottle of red seeing in the new year, a toast to you all as the BFF says HAPPINESS
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on December 31, 2018, 06:15:08 PM
I wish you happiness, health and prosperity in this new year. I am truly glad to call you my friend. Thanks for all you comments of support, and of course your lovely cuisine this year. All were welcome.
Keep talking.

Take care

Luv n Hugz

:-* ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :-* :-* :-* :-* :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :laugh: ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 01, 2019, 05:32:47 AM
Have been invited over to mums for lunch ,just left overs she said cooked in a mushroom pasta sauce. Fine by me!! Yesterday my BFF said when her niece (I think) and her 2 small daughters came to visit just before I left (I was in working clothes) that 1 of the girls said was that lady a man. Her mum said no she was just born in the wrong body, now that's a nice thing to say and also will make the daughter understand. Got a FB request from a cousin that I have not seen for a few years, he said I am still his cousin no matter what. Any way back to every day life, just had to clean fridge as spotted mould in drain vent ! good start  to a new year!!!! 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on January 01, 2019, 02:10:38 PM
Happy New Year Davina! Wishing you a joyous 2019!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: ChrissyRyan on January 01, 2019, 02:33:58 PM

Happy new year to you and yours!

I hope you have a wonderful year!

Your posts are interesting.  When you talk about food, often I learn about all kinds of meals that I never heard of.  I never knew there could be so many different types of curries too.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 01, 2019, 02:36:01 PM
Well if the search was correct the BFF will be touching down now. Lunch was good with mum, she is coming to hospital with me next week as she has a ridiculous amount of premature baby coats and hats she has knitted and wants to hand them in to the ward. Did I say she is a serial knitter!!!! 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 01, 2019, 02:41:16 PM
Chrissy Happy new year to you as well, I have only scratched the surface of curry recipes . I have 5 (or 6?) recipe books and even ones with the same name have total different ingredients. More dahls this year and less meat maybe as the diet starts soon .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: steph2.0 on January 01, 2019, 02:45:59 PM
Quote from: davina61 on January 01, 2019, 02:36:01 PM
Well if the search was correct the BFF will be touching down now. Lunch was good with mum, she is coming to hospital with me next week as she has a ridiculous amount of premature baby coats and hats she has knitted and wants to hand them in to the ward. Did I say she is a serial knitter!!!!

No comment necessary...


A Friend
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: ChrissyRyan on January 01, 2019, 02:46:36 PM
Quote from: davina61 on January 01, 2019, 02:41:16 PM
Chrissy Happy new year to you as well, I have only scratched the surface of curry recipes . I have 5 (or 6?) recipe books and even ones with the same name have total different ingredients. More dahls this year and less meat maybe as the diet starts soon .


I hope that you will enjoy many curries this year!  Maybe you will find after preparing a new one, that you found another favorite one.   :)   


Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 02, 2019, 02:04:19 PM
Went shopping with mum and auntie , had a "small" lunch of fish cake ,chips and mushy peas . Went to Evesham so a fair bit of walking. Got 2 skirts and a top in sales with my present money and a top in charity shop. Found some top hat  shape stainless steel discs in 2nd hand shop, will make stands/bases for jewellery stands. Small bowl of turkey stew for tea (OK the diet is on) Watching a diet cooking program now-------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on January 02, 2019, 03:29:21 PM
Quote from: Steph2.0 on January 01, 2019, 02:45:59 PM
No comment necessary...


A Friend

Wait! That could double as a cute scarf! I mean,,, so long as it doesn't get used for other purposes???
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Lacy on January 02, 2019, 04:25:03 PM
Quote from: Donica on January 02, 2019, 03:29:21 PM
Wait! That could double as a cute scarf! I mean,,, so long as it doesn't get used for other purposes???

That is the brand new scarf holder! It ensures your scarf never gets twisted in knots. Keeps everything smooth!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 03, 2019, 07:40:12 AM
Went into motor factors, not been for ages and think I was wearing short wig the only time I have since going full time. Got a raised eyebrow !!! as in full mode but they were fine. Bits for panel van, brush on seam seal and spray stonechip. Saw my lad when went to builders merchants and he is getting the ply needed to go on floor at his discount and he will deliver on Sat. He was fine with me this time , getting use I guess. Today has gone so well I am waiting for something to go wrong, ying/yang as they say. Yesterday was good as well so maybe its new year new start
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on January 03, 2019, 10:24:19 AM
I looked and see that Motor factors is an automotive supply company?   I haven't had the need to go to my local merchant since going full time so I wonder how they would respond?  I'll be starting on a project to convert my racer back to street trim and will certainly need some things from them.  I do go to the building supply store all the time without issue!  Apparently a woman who does construction, plumbing and electrical is not out of the norm.  We can do it all!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 03, 2019, 01:06:27 PM
Have been going there for 30+ years, it has changed owners and names in that time but I still get discount even though not had my own business for 15 years. Well made the Eves pudding and Apricot and Pecan tea loaf this afternoon, have to give it away now!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 04, 2019, 04:50:15 AM
Stood on scales this morning, now feeling depressed. Have put on 14LB in last 6 months when trying to lose that much plus . So no more cookie and cake bakes  :( so that's more enjoyment gone as I like cooking/baking. Its cold today so thought I would wear the maxi denim skirt I got from charity shop, no way as it wont go round me anymore (more depression) Trouble is the more down I feel the more I want to eat, vicious cycle . Need to tap into some positiveness. BTW I put depressed but more like pissed off!!! Off grocery shopping with mum and auntie and a look around the sales, that might cheer me up. XXXXXXXX
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on January 04, 2019, 08:04:26 AM
I'm afraid to get too heavy so I've cut back on ice cream, cakes and wine.  Moderation!  I also need to exercise more than I do.  Argh! 

Don't get depressed.  You'll be all right.  I know you enjoy cooking but focus on your other "love" for a bit and work on your panel van as often as you can. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 04, 2019, 10:25:03 AM
Planning on working on van the next 3 days, will see how the wrist holds up. Needed a battery charger for my new cordless circler saw as bought a bare unit thinking the battery's from my drill would fit,ended up getting new correct battery but they didn't have a charger. That's £104 and cant order it till the 9th!!  so had a look in catalogue and found drill set with bat and charger, bits , screwdriver and tips etc for £125 . Barging , spare drill , ratchet screwdriver, drill bits and all for just £20 more than a charger on its own. Talking to aunty in toilets in pub lunchtime, she said here daughter in law (staff nurse!) said which toilet does HE use. Aunty told her ladies as I pass till I speak, she said she pulled a face . Stupid cow------ Defo need to work on voice
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on January 04, 2019, 01:45:53 PM
"Aunty told her ladies as I pass till I speak, she said she pulled a face . Stupid cow------ Defo need to work on voice"

At least you heard it from a friendly source.  Voice seems to be the last big hurdle we face.  I know I slip up.  :(
Just another goal for your resolutions list!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 06, 2019, 11:06:50 AM
Good news, I have fixed my wrist!! Doing physio exercise yesterday morning (was bad day before) when as lifting hand as far as it would bend back just happened to press down on top of wrist with thumb. Klonk , bang and the out of place bone that's been the cause of the problem appears to have popped back into place. OK wrist still clunky but pain gone and no numb fingers. done 2 days work on van and no discomfort. Will see doc on Tues and see what he thinks. Went to the pub (the one that does Wed open mc) as band on. Brill and the had the saxophonist with them this time . Not sure if I was getting hit on but this older bloke zoned in on me, as we were stood by band couldn't hear him anyway!! Off to carpet warehouse tomorrow   looking for off cut or end of roll for camper floor, dragging mother with me.Used steamer to cook tea last night, should have used it before as the difference in taste over boiled is wonderful .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on January 06, 2019, 07:22:02 PM
Quote from: davina61 on January 06, 2019, 11:06:50 AM
Good news, I have fixed my wrist!! Doing physio exercise yesterday morning (was bad day before) when as lifting hand as far as it would bend back just happened to press down on top of wrist with thumb. Klonk , bang and the out of place bone that's been the cause of the problem appears to have popped back into place. OK wrist still clunky but pain gone and no numb fingers. done 2 days work on van and no discomfort. Will see doc on Tues and see what he thinks. Went to the pub (the one that does Wed open mc) as band on. Brill and the had the saxophonist with them this time . Not sure if I was getting hit on but this older bloke zoned in on me, as we were stood by band couldn't hear him anyway!! Off to carpet warehouse tomorrow   looking for off cut or end of roll for camper floor, dragging mother with me.Used steamer to cook tea last night, should have used it before as the difference in taste over boiled is wonderful .

Great to hear you have some improvement with your wrist...its been a long time healing.  Sounds like pub guy was hitting on you and why not!!!...sounds like a pretty positive moment.  ;D

I agree with you...steamed anything always seems to have more flavour. I always seem to get my timings wrong with vege in the steamer and its either too hard or soggy. A little more practice might help me LOL

Take care

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on January 06, 2019, 08:05:00 PM
Oh, wonderful news Davina!!!  I'm happy it just popped back in place.  Now don't go about overdoing it and straining yourself!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on January 06, 2019, 08:22:04 PM
Yes that is wonderful news!  If I ever break my hand I'll ask you to repair it. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on January 06, 2019, 08:26:51 PM
Be careful Kendra, she'd probably want to weld it!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 07, 2019, 07:21:10 AM
MIG it or TIG it that's the question , there again a bit of brazing would polish up well!!!! Got some vinyl floor covering this morning, as soon as I saw it across the warehouse I knew it was the one. Oak flooring effect to go with the oak doors I am using on units.  Want to go and fit it NOW but by the time I have changed and got to my unit will only have 1 1/2 hrs so will have to wait till Thurs. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 08, 2019, 09:51:12 AM
Went to see consultant this morning, appointment was for 10.10 but they only had 1 doc on for 33 patients and it was 1.15 by the time I got seen . Good old NHS , understaffed . They did come round with drinks and sandwiches, anyway  MRI scan shows torn ligament and not that bad that it needs operation. Told them I had got bone to go back into place and he said it could come out again due to weak ligament . Called in at work and met the new manager , told him I would be back on Tuesday.
Had to trim the breast forms again, much more comfy now!! barely  1/2 inch thick now.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on January 08, 2019, 01:31:18 PM
Wow! That is a long time to wait for an appointment Davina. That was very nice of them to bring drinks and sandwiches. We sometimes have to wait that long too but they don't bring sandwiches. They will offer water.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 09, 2019, 01:01:30 PM
Folk knock the NHS but you cant fault the staff given what they have to deal with. Went out with mum and aunty again, picked up 3 tops in charity shop two of which are new as still have retail labels on. Not bad getting a top marked up as 22.50 for 4.50 (both new ones!) , also found some damp proof (rubberised ) curtain liner that will make base of van bed cushions for 4.50. Also got called lady a lot!!!! Its Wed open mic night again so shower in a bit, not sure what to wear but might be the poppy pattern skirt I got last week. Freezing  tonight so need some layers on, leggings under skirt for sure.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on January 09, 2019, 04:57:25 PM
Quote from: davina61 on January 09, 2019, 01:01:30 PM
Folk knock the NHS but you cant fault the staff given what they have to deal with. Went out with mum and aunty again, picked up 3 tops in charity shop two of which are new as still have retail labels on. Not bad getting a top marked up as 22.50 for 4.50 (both new ones!) , also found some damp proof (rubberised ) curtain liner that will make base of van bed cushions for 4.50. Also got called lady a lot!!!! Its Wed open mic night again so shower in a bit, not sure what to wear but might be the poppy pattern skirt I got last week. Freezing  tonight so need some layers on, leggings under skirt for sure.

Good shopping + you are a lady so expect the comments and if you don't get them then sort them out with a really hard stare and attitude.
Sorry to hear about the ligament - they take ages if at all to get back to strength. Make sure if it doesn't get better in another 12 weeks to go back and complain, and you don't need to be lady like for that bit.
Looking forward to seeing you at the UK meet up together with all the girls. Hopefully I wont have a 3am to bed the night before again...

Luv n Hugz


:-*              :angel: :angel: :angel: ^-^ ^-^ ;D ;D :( :( :D :D :angel: :angel: :angel:
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on January 09, 2019, 07:18:21 PM
Quote from: davina61 on January 09, 2019, 01:01:30 PM
Folk knock the NHS but you cant fault the staff given what they have to deal with. Went out with mum and aunty again, picked up 3 tops in charity shop two of which are new as still have retail labels on. Not bad getting a top marked up as 22.50 for 4.50 (both new ones!) , also found some damp proof (rubberised ) curtain liner that will make base of van bed cushions for 4.50. Also got called lady a lot!!!! Its Wed open mic night again so shower in a bit, not sure what to wear but might be the poppy pattern skirt I got last week. Freezing  tonight so need some layers on, leggings under skirt for sure.

Don't you just love a bargain....there is nothing quite like some stranger affirmation to make a girl feel good. I love the leggings and skirt combination and more recently I have been "forced" to wear predominantly skirts due to the plumbing rewire. I found leggings soft enough and with enough give(unlike jeans) to still remain comfortable...makes even my legs look great LOL

Take care

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 15, 2019, 06:24:03 AM
I must say have missed you all. back at work so managed to log on in lunch break. TBH not a lot has happened over the weekend but did get to make a washboard for music night. Trouble is cant find any thimbles big enough !!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on January 15, 2019, 06:27:41 AM
Glad the wrist is getting better Davina :)

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on January 15, 2019, 04:07:10 PM
Hi Davina! Gosh it sure seemed like a long weekend. Glad we're back! We all have some catching up to do.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 17, 2019, 03:02:30 PM
Saying catching up but my internet went down, then last night was open mic----- Not helping that I now work from 8 am to 6 pm and don't get back home till 6.30 at best. Trade off is I get 2 days off a week YES!!!!. Took the washboard to open mic , did some "quiet" practice with a whisk. There was a BIG mash up at the end of the night so I went for it, must have done good as been asked (by the lady that runs this one) to go to a different pub open mic on Tues as they have no percussion. Making a sponge cake for Emily at work as it was her 21st today and nobody knew, will take it tomorrow. Not lost any weight yet but not been busy at work (normally very busy they told me) still breaking me in gently. Asked about time off for UK meetup, no problem manager said. Things are looking up
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on January 18, 2019, 04:08:50 AM
You make doing the washing sound like fun Davina ;) Glad thing are looking better for you.

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 18, 2019, 01:29:57 PM
Since having the anti T injection have noticed some more changes, think I was right the last one was not done correctly. The girls are filling out again as in rounding out and skin gone dry again, lots of body cream then!! Cake went down well at work, didn't come out as light as normal but used mixer and think it knocked the air out of the mix (or was it the 666 and 3 egg mix?) . One of the lads is leaving next Fri (I have known him for 5 years) so will make a cake for him, not decided what yet but might be a coffee walnut one. Got Thurs off so will have more time.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on January 18, 2019, 03:19:35 PM
Oh Davina! I love German Chocolate cake with lots of coconut? Or how about carrot cake? YUM!!! Oh! and then there's Red Velvet? (I think that's what it's called?). Gosh! I can't decide either.

Glad to hear your HRT is going well again. I love it when the girls grow. I just wish they wouldn't take their time at it.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on January 18, 2019, 03:49:22 PM
Dear Davina:
Almost every time I come to your thread I seem to get enticed to come to visit you so you can spoil me with your great cooking and baking offerings....

I agree with what @Donica stated about German Chocolate Cake frosting...  lots of Coconut and certainly for me, lots of chopped pecans.   When I make a German Chocolate Cake I generously lather on the frosting and then with the leftover frosting I will put it in my refrigerator and use it to to spread on graham crackers for a night time treat.

You mentioned that you were considering making a Coffee Walnut cake...  I am not certain that I have heard of that one yet...  what are the basics of that cake? ???

I trust that your HRT is continuing to work well for you in spite of the previously "bad" injection....  your "girls" that are rounding out are a great sign that things are working in your favor.

Thank you for keeping your thread updated frequently... 
...always one of my first stops when I log into the Forums.

Hugs and well wishes,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 18, 2019, 04:01:51 PM
coffee flavoured cake with chopped walnuts coated in coffee flavoured butter icing decorated with walnut 1/2 s .  @Alaskan Danielle yours is one of my go to reads as well , far more interesting than mine !! Yes nipples very "sore" today but its getting near a full moon --- 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on January 18, 2019, 11:21:32 PM
Don't worry about the full moon unless the girls start to get really hairy. Then I hope you are good a dodging silver bullets. LOL

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Nicole70 on January 19, 2019, 05:19:25 AM
Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on January 18, 2019, 03:49:22 PM

You mentioned that you were considering making a Coffee Walnut cake...  I am not certain that I have heard of that one yet...  what are the basics of that cake? ???

I made a coffee walnut cake last week for my mum's birthday, it's her favourite.

The recipe I used was

175g/6 oz self raising flour
175g/6 oz of margarine
175g/6 oz caster sugar
5ml/ 1tsp baking powder
3 eggs
6 teaspoons of instant coffee, in 20ml of boiling water
100g walnuts bashed to break them up into smaller pieces

Blend all ingredients except nuts and coffee together until light, add the coffee and nuts stir in at first then blend.

Put mixture into two cake trays which have the base covered with a round piece of greaseproof paper. Flatten and tap a bit to remove bubbles from the mixture

Bake @ 190C / 375F for 16- 20 minutes, it's ready when you lightly touch the sponge and it springs back. After a few minutes loosen the sides of the sponge and turn out onto a tray to cool.

I filled with whipped cream and topped with white, and milk chocolate.

it's yummy!

Hope you enjoy!



Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 19, 2019, 02:22:09 PM
sounds like the same recipe I have , working on panel tomorrow and hoping to get the rear overhead unit done.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on January 19, 2019, 02:36:40 PM
Oh Dear!!! My mouth is HOWLING!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 19, 2019, 02:50:52 PM
typo !!!!! Its not that high!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 20, 2019, 03:54:23 PM
Well I did make most of the ROOF unit , its just a very small enclosed shelf TBH over the head of the bed that has a light in the base and storage . POIDH later as took it apart again to primer the wood . Cooked a very nice lamb curry this afternoon, slow cook the cubed meat in water with turmeric , ginger and garlic for 50 mins then take the meat out . The stock can be used in a different lamb dish. Fry onion, ginger/garlic add ground coriander and garam masala green chilli and dried red chilli cook and add meat . Its a very dry dish so it was a good job I cooked a pepper and sweetcorn  curry as well!!! Enough left for 2 or 3 days meals. My youngest's birthday Tues and forgot to take his card today as went past house so its the long way round home tomorrow after work .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on January 20, 2019, 09:20:25 PM
  So you are telling us you had your rear overhead and done, then you lowered your rear back down because you are going to prime it. Is that about right? A question please... Just what are you priming your rear for?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on January 20, 2019, 09:34:38 PM
Laurie!  There are questions we don't ask in polite company. 

(Although we would like to know Davina)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 21, 2019, 02:24:11 PM
for the top coat of course!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on January 21, 2019, 03:13:34 PM
Is that similar to the revolutionary Red Coats?  Are the British coming, again?

>:-) >:-) >:-) ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 21, 2019, 04:18:38 PM
I would if I had the dough, me and my army!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on January 23, 2019, 04:00:51 PM
Oh my Davina! Where ever is your thread going with all this? ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 24, 2019, 10:42:43 AM
You cant beat a bit of banter!!! Any ways first chance to post as had a rush on the last 2 nights getting ready for open mic nights . Got some practise in Tues night on the washboard quietly at back of room and last night joined in with tambourine as well . Got told to play louder!!  to be heard over guitars (well they are amped up) so cant be doing to bad. We had a good laugh and jam session . Works been fine and wrist holding up , right time to make a chicken and leek pie so back laters
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 24, 2019, 01:23:16 PM
Strange how things work out, shopping this morning and saw a pot of soft cheese on the reduced shelf . Do I don't I but ended up with it any way. Looked up a recipe for chicken and leek pie, most said crème fraise but one said soft cheese, see  strange how things work out . Got some worktop and ply for panel van , found some white plastic edging that's for floor/wall tiles that fits edge of a ply sheet to hide the laminate. well its oak pattern floor, oak doors, beech worktop, white painted panels and roof with oak trims and silver end caps on work top. Sounds a mishmash but its mine and I don't have to please any one else!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 27, 2019, 01:39:20 PM
Got the sofa delivered this morning, eldest text me he could do it so the ex and my 2 lads brought it over so mad rush to clean!!!!. Its brown leather with electric recliners and better for my back. managed to get the overhead unit done on bus, took a pic just for Laurie but phone wont play ball with computer.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 28, 2019, 02:41:57 PM
Bit of a pissy day , didn't get a lunch break till 3.45 and then only as I complained . If I don't have a break then I start to suffer , vision gets blurry a bit (well find it harder to focus on small stuff) and I get ratty and lose concentration . I know just getting old, a 15min sit down  and food fixes it and no the diabetes test is clear. Anyway felt OK after food , drive home did my head in being stuck behind some dick doing 35mph (in a 60 limit) . Got past them and then 3miles later another one worse  than the first . Then no parking space at home , looks like the folk that moved in at weekend have more than 1 car (! space allocated per flat) and to top it all bit the inside of my mouth eating. On the plus side my divorce is now final , guess that makes me old ,free, and single!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on January 28, 2019, 07:56:19 PM
Congrats on being free!  Sounds like the new neighbors need a speaking to about parking.  You might contact the management if you don't feel comfortable. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 29, 2019, 11:38:33 AM
Yes had to phone agents today as a light switch broke and I said what about parking spaces, we shall see. Bloody cold in my unit today even with heater, thick rain on the way back home!!!  Just made a pumpkin curry to use up the 2/3 left over , taking some to work tomorrow.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Shy on January 29, 2019, 04:41:37 PM
Quote from: davina61 on January 29, 2019, 11:38:33 AM
Yes had to phone agents today as a light switch broke and I said what about parking spaces, we shall see. Bloody cold in my unit today even with heater, thick rain on the way back home!!!  Just made a pumpkin curry to use up the 2/3 left over , taking some to work tomorrow.

Pumpkin curry sound just about right for this little cold snap. Got the heated blanket out for the first time tonight.

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 31, 2019, 02:29:43 PM
Was warming, forgot the chilli powder was a hot one!!!! and put recipe worth in not 1/2 measure.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on January 31, 2019, 03:06:35 PM
Quote from: Shy on January 29, 2019, 04:41:37 PM
Pumpkin curry sound just about right for this little cold snap. Got the heated blanket out for the first time tonight.

Peace and love and all that good stuff,

Dear Sadie:
Instead of an electric blanket,  I purchased a heated mattress pad when I relocated here.... I like it much better than a heated blanket, the heat comes from the bottom instead of the top.... and it feels so good if I have sore back muscles.   I usually turn it on high about a half hour before bedtime so the bed is nice and toasty then I back it off to a lower setting so I don't sweat to death!!!!   
I usually (but not always) will use it from the month of September through the  month thru April.

Hugs and stay warm!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on January 31, 2019, 03:08:47 PM
Quote from: davina61 on January 31, 2019, 02:29:43 PM
Was warming, forgot the chilli powder was a hot one!!!! and put recipe worth in not 1/2 measure.

Dear Davina:
Well, that is one way to warm you up on a cold day!!!  ;) :o

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 31, 2019, 04:15:35 PM
Its slow cooker chicken and leek tomorrow night and soup made from it for Sat work
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on January 31, 2019, 09:19:37 PM
@Alaskan Danielle said "Instead of an electric blanket,  I purchased a heated mattress pad when I relocated here.... I like it much better than a heated blanket, the heat comes from the bottom instead of the top.... "

This is what I have.  I love it!  A half hour at a light setting is all it takes to knock the chill out. 

I love chili powder too!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 01, 2019, 02:34:25 PM
I have a very high tog rated duvet, turned the heat off in bedroom as getting to hot in bed. Little bit of snow overnight, roads clear but the way folk are driving you would think we had a foot deep!!!! OK so I am old enough to have seen and driven in deep snow , not had much in the UK for a long time. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 04, 2019, 01:30:37 PM
Still about , my internet keeps vanishing
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 04, 2019, 01:53:48 PM
Have conjunctivitis in my right eye, drops from doc and been of work today. Have been trying to post but internet keeps going and as I just nearly finished the keyboard froze , a definite GGGGRRRRRRR . Went to see band on Sat night that the lady that does open mic on Wed sings in. The usual suspects were there as well so knew a lot of audience . As band fired up for 2nd set I had a tambourine slid down the table to me by singer!!! Went for it and got encouragement from audience and from folk I don't know. Must have done OK as did the whole set, songs they did Rock and Roll, Mustang Sally, Son of a Preacher man  , Proud Mary and other such numbers.       
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 04, 2019, 02:05:54 PM
Me again, posted that quick in case connection went again. As both my new bras where in the wash I got out an old one that I wore with breast forms , don't need the forms anymore to fill them yippee. Cooking- made beef Korma yesterday, Ginger snap cookies this morning for one of the managers at work and a Thai chicken curry for tea . Indian bread pudding for afters.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on February 04, 2019, 02:15:52 PM
Quote from: davina61 on February 04, 2019, 02:05:54 PM
Me again, posted that quick in case connection went again. As both my new bras where in the wash I got out an old one that I wore with breast forms , don't need the forms anymore to fill them yippee. Cooking- made beef Korma yesterday, Ginger snap cookies this morning for one of the managers at work and a Thai chicken curry for tea . Indian bread pudding for afters.

Dear Davina:
That is such and affirming experience for you to fill out your bras without breast forms...  Yippee!!!

I love reading what you share about your cooking and baking activities.  As you know, I also love to cook and bake, usually give much of it away otherwise I would certainly have difficulty fitting into my present sizes of clothing if I ate it all.

It was great to hear about your outing to see a band on Saturday and then get offered to play a tambourine!!!  Good for you!!  Lots of fun for sure.

Oh my, I hope that your eye conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) is taken care of now... that is so uncomfortable for sure.

Thanks for sharing, I hope that your internet connection stays on now.
Hugs and well wishes,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on February 04, 2019, 07:46:49 PM
Quote from: davina61 on February 04, 2019, 01:53:48 PM
As band fired up for 2nd set I had a tambourine slid down the table to me by singer!!! Went for it and got encouragement from audience and from folk I don't know. Must have done OK as did the whole set, songs they did Rock and Roll, Mustang Sally, Son of a Preacher man  , Proud Mary and other such numbers.     

Wow!  You're getting well known as a talented accompanist.  Who would have thought!  Cool!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 05, 2019, 09:37:15 AM
Frustrated drummer dear!!! When I retire might get a drum kit.  Eye still bad but getting better so looks like back to work tomorrow. Hot Rod club tonight , get there early as they are having a meal (Chinese of some sort made by pub chef) so doing my nails in a bit. Happy Chinese new year to all the pigs out there!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Jessica on February 05, 2019, 10:42:45 AM
Quote from: davina61 on February 05, 2019, 09:37:15 AM
Frustrated drummer dear!!! When I retire might get a drum kit.  Eye still bad but getting better so looks like back to work tomorrow. Hot Rod club tonight , get there early as they are having a meal (Chinese of some sort made by pub chef) so doing my nails in a bit. Happy Chinese new year to all the pigs out there!!!

Happy Chinese New Year!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 06, 2019, 09:56:21 AM
Well no food at pub so had a packet of crisps for tea!!!! Back to work today , got to 2 pm and had to come home as eye and headache got to much. Feeling giddy and sick, poor focus (due to wonky eye) and diesel fumes stinging as well . by the time I got home (1/2 hr) I had recovered quite a bit but still groggy . Hope I feel well enough to go to open mic tonight. The girls are well sore today, very tender all over so hope its another growth spurt. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on February 06, 2019, 10:47:07 AM
Quote from: davina61 on February 06, 2019, 09:56:21 AM
Well no food at pub so had a packet of crisps for tea!!!! Back to work today , got to 2 pm and had to come home as eye and headache got to much. Feeling giddy and sick, poor focus (due to wonky eye) and diesel fumes stinging as well . by the time I got home (1/2 hr) I had recovered quite a bit but still groggy . Hope I feel well enough to go to open mic tonight. The girls are well sore today, very tender all over so hope its another growth spurt.

Dear Davina:
I am so very sorry to hear of your difficulties with your "wonky eye" and on top of that, a headache and diesel fumes at work....  Now that you are hopefully home, I trust that you feel well enough so that you can enjoy the open mic tonight...
... and even though the "girls" are sore, as you indicated that could mean another  growth spurt, definitely GOOD NEWS!!!

Thank you for sharing and I will be looking for another update from you when you feel so led to post again.

Hugs, and well wishes as always,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 06, 2019, 02:24:46 PM
All "dressed" up* and of to music night in a short while, feel much better now and I do think it was the diesel fumes that made me feel bad. off to tune up !! the washboard and tambourine ------------

Probably a fashion fopar but jeans, white short sleeve T under a long sleeve black T and a grey tabard top with apricot /orangey flower pattern, trainers with jungle print , nails greeny/blue .   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 07, 2019, 02:01:07 PM
Got complimented on my washboard playing by JD who was playing the beat box , I was just using a wooden mixing spoon on the wood frame!! One of the girls singing that said before she didn't know I was trans didn't recognise me , she said it was due to lack of makeup!!( being careful with my eye) . Might have to start wearing my name badge at work as got dead named quite a bit at work today, its only that they don't think as its not intentional and its only the manager and Phil that have known me for a few years before . The 2 girls are great and the other 2 lads don't know any different. Right its shower and jarmy time .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on February 07, 2019, 02:06:28 PM
Quote from: davina61 on February 07, 2019, 02:01:07 PM
Got complimented on my washboard playing by JD who was playing the beat box , I was just using a wooden mixing spoon on the wood frame!! One of the girls singing that said before she didn't know I was trans didn't recognise me , she said it was due to lack of makeup!!( being careful with my eye) . Might have to start wearing my name badge at work as got dead named quite a bit at work today, its only that they don't think as its not intentional and its only the manager and Phil that have known me for a few years before . The 2 girls are great and the other 2 lads don't know any different. Right its shower and jarmy time .

Dear Davina:
Thanks for your recent thread update.   
Great news regarding the compliment that you received and the comment from one of the girls that didn't realize that you are trans...  :) ;D

Arghhh... getting dead-named anywhere is not a good feeling for sure.  It is good however that there are others there at your work than gender/name you correctly.

After your shower and jammy time... get a good rest tonight. 
Stay warm, and pleasant dreams.

I hope that your eye heals completely very soon.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 09, 2019, 02:46:33 PM
Well the anti Steve Austin drops are working ( anti bionic drops, ok 6million dollar man joke) and my eye is looking better but still very bloodshot. Knackered tonight, didn't finish work till 20 past 5 as some smeg booked an MOT at 4 and it was a shed with a long list of failures . BTW finish at 5 on SAT, went food shopping after and forgot mushrooms so its bacon and eggs for breakfast tomorrow. Any way back to tonight and its a girly night in with wine and icecream .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on February 09, 2019, 07:25:42 PM
Quote from: davina61 on February 09, 2019, 02:46:33 PM
Well the anti Steve Austin drops are working ( anti bionic drops, ok 6million dollar man joke) and my eye is looking better but still very bloodshot. Knackered tonight, didn't finish work till 20 past 5 as some smeg booked an MOT at 4 and it was a shed with a long list of failures . BTW finish at 5 on SAT, went food shopping after and forgot mushrooms so its bacon and eggs for breakfast tomorrow. Any way back to tonight and its a girly night in with wine and icecream .

Wine and Ice-cream sounds great...nice combination hope you had a fun evening
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 11, 2019, 12:51:49 PM
Tried to post on Sun but internet vanished again. Anyway went to a new venue for open mic, wore my orange dress (took me 10mins to do zipper up, don't ask) with black leggings , a black wrap style cardigan and my black flats with diamante buckle. Got told I looked lovely by 5 folk and one "love your shoes" . Music was good and joined in with tambourine and washboard and finished the night on beatbox (Cahoon ) but do need practice on that . Day off and tried to go to opticians on docs referral (called pears, acronym) but all spaces had gone today. Still it does seem to be getting better,last time it did this it took 2 weeks to clear. Had a call from docs, my GP that took on my "case" suggested I ring gender clinic to see how long till appointment, 2 to 3 months they said but they did confirm I am on the list. made HOT and sweet aubergine dish tonight, defo HOT  . Its a Malaysian dish and very tasty but did I say HOT     
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 11, 2019, 03:51:51 PM
Mum gave me some photos some from 30 years ago, I scanned some onto laptop (as pdf) but cant get them to download to imigar  . Not clever enough to sort it ,did try but just got a scroll of death-----------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on February 11, 2019, 04:04:23 PM
Quote from: davina61 on February 11, 2019, 03:51:51 PM
Mum gave me some photos some from 30 years ago, I scanned some onto laptop (as pdf) but cant get them to download to imigar  . Not clever enough to sort it ,did try but just got a scroll of death-----------
Dear Davina:
OH NO....   please try posting the photos again.
Your followers would love to see our Davina from 30 years ago.

Just in case you have missed a key step in getting pictures on and off of IMGUR.... I have attached my simple instructions for posting pictures here on your posts.,239999.0.html

I am sure that you have already done this many times but I just wanted to make sure you have the written instructions.   
It is best if you save your scanned photos as a JPEG image onto your computer, then upload it to IMGUR.

I am very eager to see those photos!!!  ;)

Hugs, and well wishes,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 12, 2019, 02:22:03 PM
That's what I thought jpeg, will try again. managed to get opticians appointment for Thurs 10 , have docs at 9 so plenty of time to get there. Feeling very tired again and I do wonder if its a hormone cycle? as had 2 very good nights sleep.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 14, 2019, 01:04:52 PM
So for all those on there own today its a BIG hug from me. What a day, bloods taken this morning and then up to opticians . Got referred to ophthalmology department (they  have moved to hospital 30 miles away, great!) and they rang me just as I got to work for a 2.30 appointment this afternoon. Of course got the "are you doing this for someone else?" so put her right (its my voice ) and when got to hospital it was the nurse that did initial assessment, she was great and called me dear!! So it turns out I have eczema in my eye(wtf) and doc took some scrapings to culture as he said there is a lot going on. 2 lots of eye drops   and some acticlover pills to do 4 times a day and back to see them on Monday. Went to open mic and had my hand shook by the bloke that plays beat box for my washboard and tambourine playing , well chuffed.  Forgot to add eye is -------- sore after being attacked with hypodermic needles .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 15, 2019, 03:54:05 PM
Meds are working , eye is a lot better. I have noticed the hair on my arms has slowed down , well chest as well and skin is a lot softer all since increase in patches. Been invited to see Sax Appeal tomorrow night at the pub that does open mic, hope I am not to knackered as its a full day of MOTs tomorrow and need to do a food shop before going home .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Jessica on February 15, 2019, 04:04:42 PM

Quote from: davina61 on February 15, 2019, 03:54:05 PM
Meds are working , eye is a lot better. I have noticed the hair on my arms has slowed down , well chest as well and skin is a lot softer all since increase in patches. Been invited to see Sax Appeal tomorrow night at the pub that does open mic, hope I am not to knackered as its a full day of MOTs tomorrow and need to do a food shop before going home .

I'm certainly happy your eye is better, but I would faint if a doctor came at my eye with a needle.

I noticed changes each hrt adjustment.  After the last one last in September, changes were more pronounced. Of course everyone is different, so don't take that as a prediction for you.

Hugs and smiles from a California girl
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 17, 2019, 02:36:25 AM
Got the day off tomorrow , hospital at 9am so no lie in for me. Have to make a sh**y phone call as no inter net at all the last 2 nights so a rocket to my provider and they haven't changed my details (name and email). Time to stick some drops in eye and have breakfast then a day on panel van .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 17, 2019, 04:02:44 PM
Making to most of internet on so rambling away, was planning on going out last night but SOOOOOOOOOO knackered and it was 7.30 by the time I got to shower that it was a slum night. Gave my youngest a hand to do front brakes on the exes motor and he helped me with the roof wood on my bus. Cut the back bit a bit narrow (its hard to measure an imaginary curve on your own) but it will be fine as the one side is hidden in a cupboard and the other can be hidden as has need to finish end of rear locker.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 18, 2019, 06:28:51 AM
Good news on my eye, keep taking the meds for 2 weeks and don't come back unless it flares up again. Went early to make sure not stuck in rush hour traffic forgetting its 1/2 term , no school traffic and got there 45mins early. 9 am appointment and didn't get seen till 10.15 as got que jumped by 2 other patients (more urgent it seems) . Rang my internet supplier and they think its Wi Fi interference from other folks routers , changed channel to a clearer one (what they can do remotely!!) . Name and email change sent to them AGAIN , lets hope it gets done this time. Time to feed the brain and then (if the internet will let me) try and do an online course for my CDP (continuous development program) for the MOT as it needs to be done before end of March or I get my licence revoked. Wrecked my day off!!!   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 18, 2019, 08:29:44 AM
had a bit of time so pics of me 30+ years ago( know they are a bit small and if I knew what to do they would be bigger!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on February 18, 2019, 09:21:00 AM
Dear Davina:
Wowzers!!!!   Great photos from your past!
I love the car and I definitely love the bike! 
I hope that you still have them and didn't sell them. ??? :)

I made them bigger for you.  If that is not OK with you please let me know and I will delete them.

Thank you for sharing...
          NOTE:  Left Click each Photo to enlarge
( (
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on February 18, 2019, 10:18:53 AM
Cool '71 Challenger! 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 18, 2019, 10:53:54 AM
Danielle thanks, they can stay. Judi yes it was . I might be biased but late 60s/early 70s MOPARS are great
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on February 18, 2019, 07:49:36 PM
BSA 250 starfire = always loved them.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on February 18, 2019, 07:50:38 PM
Always hoped the Fury would have been released... sad really..
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on February 18, 2019, 07:53:34 PM
the 4 or 5 cylinder versions would have been awesome....
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on February 19, 2019, 11:49:02 AM
Oh I so love the Dodge Challengers, more than the Chargers. My gosh! Do you still have that beautiful car Davina?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 19, 2019, 03:37:07 PM
I had a c15 when I was 16, that is one my dad got to do up (the Starfire) . Donica I sold the rolling shell on (in 87) and kept the engine and box that is now in my drag car. I did love that 1971 Challenger 340 RT , quick as well 14.0 1/4 mile. Well its 9.40 pm and I wanted to make some cup cakes for work, nothing worth watching on the box so might as well do some cherry and some raisin ones 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 21, 2019, 03:25:45 PM
Latest blood results oestradiol 364pmol/L , T is 0.6 nmol/L and that has gone up by 0.1 again. Maybe the extra E is turning into T? Creatine levels still high 91 umol/L , should be between 44 -80 but my kidney test always comes back OK. Sodium is high145 and it should be 133-146. Got an either net cable today so see if the net vanishes now!! Been feeling "off" the last 2 days, not happy going to work as to much of my old self shows and have so much I want to do and just wasting my days away. Not a lot I can do about it as need the ££££s Cheered myself up last night going to see the live music at open mic, hade fun playing the wash board. Made pasties for tea using pork mince and lots of veg.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Dena on February 21, 2019, 05:45:52 PM
Chemically T can convert to E in the human body. E will not convert to T so the source of your T is from somewhere else in your body.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 22, 2019, 02:56:50 PM
I did wonder if the anti T injections are being done correctly as they have to mix a suspension (comes as a kit). Made a cracking butternut squash curry tonight, lips still tingling 1 1/2 hrs after eating it!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 24, 2019, 01:35:09 PM
Work today, 10 till 4 and no break as the online booking system is pants and 7 tests in 6 hours . Only me and Emily in workshop, customer asked if we could look at his car and I told him sorry just us 2 girls in today . No reaction so that was good . Still got Tues and Wed off, need to book hotel for UK Meetup .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 26, 2019, 02:32:11 PM
Had a relaxing day off, TBH needed it. Went shopping , bits for panel van wood and screws etc , some food and then clothes store. Needed some hangers as run out. Needed some more after walking around the store, only wanted a white long sleeve T and a white strap top but got a red pattered top and a flower patterned skirt. Cooking afternoon, made a cake as one of the girls are leaving so choc chip cake with choc topping. pasties made to use up the filling I made the other day then a lamb curry for tea. Managed to book train and hotel for UK meetup , decided 3hr train ride better than 2 1/2 hr motorway "battle " with the complications of parking . Been felling a bit "dysphoric " when I see a nice slim girl/woman and that's not happened for ages, might feel better when I lose some gut and I can fit in my clothes again without them being tight .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 27, 2019, 12:17:38 PM
Decided to get my nails done properly (maybe some false ones on short nails) for the UK meet . Brows as well , will ask tonight to find some one (Deb that does open mic is a nail person) Might wear my new skirt tonight, shower time and get the war paint on!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on February 27, 2019, 12:31:57 PM
Quote from: davina61 on February 27, 2019, 12:17:38 PM
Decided to get my nails done properly (maybe some false ones on short nails) for the UK meet . Brows as well , will ask tonight to find some one (Deb that does open mic is a nail person) Might wear my new skirt tonight, shower time and get the war paint on!!!!

Dear Davina: 
     Pictures or didn't happen....   manicure photo?  and  "war paint" photo?

    Have fun tonight!

Hugs and well wishes,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 27, 2019, 12:36:21 PM
Not till the 15th ----------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 28, 2019, 04:03:03 PM
Got some likes from the girls last night for my new skirt, music was good as well. Just ordered a tambourine and a Cajon so I can  have a practice. just checked my E result against last one and its gone up from just over 200 to 364 so that's good and I can feel the benefit .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 03, 2019, 01:04:43 PM
Went out to watch the band Fri night, got handed the tambourine again!!!  Put on my new T shirt, well I was going to wear my black top with white flower outlines but thought wear something plain. Plain as in single colour , red with the logo " believe yourself " with the be you in white!! Didn't get to bed till 12.45 and woke at 6 so I was well knackered yesterday. 7hrs with no break again and they wonder why I kick off. Have noticed I have trouble concentrating and found its the day after new HRT patches. Recovered today , made a Okra and Yogurt curry tonight  and did a slow cook veg and lamb stew.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on March 03, 2019, 04:07:38 PM
Get some rest - you might need it in a fortnight :)


Katie Jade

:-*    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ??? :-* :-* :-* :-* :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 03, 2019, 04:19:38 PM
On my 3rd glass of red , better than sleeping pills!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on March 03, 2019, 09:09:59 PM
What's the saying?  " A meal without wine is called breakfast" 

But don't overdo it. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on March 04, 2019, 12:45:53 AM
  Okra?!!?! Ewwww noooo not okra!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Faith on March 04, 2019, 05:37:28 AM
Quote from: davina61 on March 03, 2019, 04:19:38 PM
On my 3rd glass of red , better than sleeping pills!!!!

my sleep aid of choice is gin and tonic, especially after a hot, sweaty day

To me wine tastes like bad beer ... and I can't stand beer :P
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 04, 2019, 03:05:20 PM
The girls are very sore again, nipples and areole larger. Its Andy (open mic night arranger) birthday on Wed so have decided to make a guitar shaped cake as have Wed off , 2 round 6ins and a tray should cut up to the right shape covered in roll out icing. Need some decorating gel colours , POIDH when its done!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 05, 2019, 03:50:52 PM
I was going to Hot Rod club tonight but was absolutely dead on my feet by the time I got home, recovered now wit food and a sit down. Pancake day today in the UK and made a batch for afters with lemon and sugar and then some with sour cherry jam (the best ones!!) . My tambourine didn't turn up, supposedly dispatched on the 1st on a 48 hr delivery. The tracking no wont work , just get the scroll of death on the link. Good job I have tomorrow of even if it turns into a marathon cake bake day. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on March 05, 2019, 11:56:42 PM
Yum Pancakes and sour cherry jam...sounds really yummy!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 06, 2019, 10:06:12 AM
relaxing day off (traced my parcel btw) , made the cake for tonight . Ended up being 2 cakes due to only needing a small strip from the tray bake.(
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on March 06, 2019, 12:01:34 PM
Quote from: davina61 on March 06, 2019, 10:06:12 AM
relaxing day off (traced my parcel btw) , made the cake for tonight . Ended up being 2 cakes due to only needing a small strip from the tray bake.(

I love it!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 06, 2019, 12:47:51 PM
Just have to work out the best way to get them to the car down 3 flights of Victorian stairs!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on March 06, 2019, 02:35:46 PM
Dear Davina:
Wow... wonderful cake baking and cake decorating results...  looks like you will have a fun time tonight with your festive cakes that you baked.

...  and like you said, you better be very carefully carrying them down your 3 flights of stairs...  dropping them is not an option!!!

I will be eagerly looking for your post-event report!!

Hugs and best wishes as always,

Quote from: davina61 on March 06, 2019, 12:47:51 PM
Just have to work out the best way to get them to the car down 3 flights of Victorian stairs!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: LizK on March 07, 2019, 04:38:49 AM
Quote from: davina61 on March 06, 2019, 10:06:12 AM
relaxing day off (traced my parcel btw) , made the cake for tonight . Ended up being 2 cakes due to only needing a small strip from the tray bake.

They both look great you did a really good job...I would not even si much as attempt the guitar...I'd ber lucky to get the rectangular one the right shape
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 07, 2019, 01:39:52 PM
Well received, got a hug and kiss on cheek from Andy . picked up my tambourine and Cajon , OK for the money and I can practice the Cajon in my spare time (what ever that is).
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 11, 2019, 02:54:13 PM
Busy weekend, went to see Debbie's band Sat night and took my turn on the tambourine (again) . The keyboard player shook my hand!!! No internet yesterday, well when it did work it dropped out after loading one page. Went to an open mic last night and ran in my new tambourine. Got told my outfit was great, maroon skirt with the lower 1/2 "wavy" and a brown shirt style blouse with embossed pattern. Did a daft thing last night, slam locked myself out of my flat (doh) good job my mum has some keys. Bless her she came straight down (5 miles) so I could get my car keys (and flat keys, same bunch) . Don't know if its the HRT but do have "blond" moments lately .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: steph2.0 on March 11, 2019, 09:28:20 PM
Quote from: davina61 on March 11, 2019, 02:54:13 PMDon't know if its the HRT but do have "blond" moments lately .

Wow, do I ever know what you mean! And I'm actually blonde, too!

What were we talking about?

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Faith on March 12, 2019, 06:54:52 AM
Quote from: davina61 on March 11, 2019, 02:54:13 PM... Don't know if its the HRT but do have "blond" moments lately ...

Oh yeah, I can relate to that. I've locked my keys in the car, lost them around the house (my phone as well) to convenient 'flat spots', walked through the house just to forget why I was there.

The list goes on. I can tell you, that list of 'blonde moments' did not happen to him.   :-\
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 14, 2019, 03:44:18 PM
Well him had a slightly dyslexic brain so all sorts of strange things happen!!!! (thanks for spell checker) . Had a compliment from violin (fiddle!) player last night at open mic on my washboard and tambourine playing. Nails getting done tomorrow morning , the start of 3 days being ME with no work or panel van time. Cant wait , looking forward to the girly weekend (UK Meetup)even if I have to wear a mac and wellies (forcast is very wet). 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 15, 2019, 12:29:11 PM
Have to go back into town at 6.30 pm to get my nails done , she was fully booked . Got a new top for tomorrows lunch , also got a jumper in M&S sale for a tenner but (size 20!) its a bit clingy . Will be fine when I lose 14LB (WHEN?) Just time for some tea ,bit of veg curry , then nail time.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 15, 2019, 03:41:34 PM
just got back so here's the evidence, she( was great and took pics for me!( forgot to add I did the age fail and wig fail again. Bumped into the ex in the car park this afternoon, she would have walked past me and not noticed me if I didn't stop her and talk . Mind you she would not expect me to be there---
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 17, 2019, 10:24:06 AM
That was a fun weekend with the UK girls, tried a few cocktails and had a lovely meal lunch time. Need a good nights sleep now!!!!( I had few cocktails!!!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on March 17, 2019, 03:55:33 PM
You look lovely!  Glad you had good time.  I hope you slept well.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 18, 2019, 03:59:04 PM
It amazes me that the face in the pic looks so much better than the one in the mirror, showed it to assistant manager today and he asked if it was me. The work uniform does nobody any favours !!! Still getting used to these nails, had trouble releasing seat belt buckles (have to check as part of inspection) .  Anyways exhausted after work today,need to retire NOW .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on March 18, 2019, 04:08:34 PM
Quote from: davina61 on March 18, 2019, 03:59:04 PM
It amazes me that the face in the pic looks so much better than the one in the mirror, showed it to assistant manager today and he asked if it was me. The work uniform does nobody any favours !!! Still getting used to these nails, had trouble releasing seat belt buckles (have to check as part of inspection) .  Anyways exhausted after work today,need to retire NOW .

Dear Davina:
Yes indeed, your weekend picture when you were out with the girls looks amazing....  usually mirrors and cameras are not a girl's best friend, but in this case, you look terrific!!!!
I am glad that you had a good time....
Oh, and be careful... don't break your nails doing your work at your job!!!

Thank you for sharing...
Hugs and well wishes,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on March 18, 2019, 04:13:16 PM
If you want any of the pics I took let me know please, you looked really good  on Saturday :)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 19, 2019, 03:47:25 PM
lets hope the laptop doesn't crash this time, thanks Katie I would love to have some. Looking good but it was just my standard going out face, face cream with built in foundation, blush  with a shadow under and then a lighter shade dusted over. brows done to hide the greys and some lid colour with mascara .   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 21, 2019, 12:31:12 PM
Full moon time again, girls are hurting and getting hungry!!!! Still have loads of chicken/veg slow cooker stew. Tempted to make cake or cookies but need to think of the waist line
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 24, 2019, 04:13:41 AM
Amazing how live music works as a destress , VERY busy day at work (8 till 5 and only 20 mins break) and had to force myself to go out. Glad I did as took my tambourine and Cajon just in case and ended up playing all night. First time of playing and got told needed mikeing  up , also got a solo !!! My friend Jane said I looked lovely , just jeans and a patterned top.  Off to work now 10 to 4 but it means I get 2 days off next week. Cooked a batch of ginger snap cookies for work , looks like they were OK as non left by middle afternoon.Off to Open mic night again tonight with the usual suspects ,more therapy !!! might need it as BFF is back tomorrow, 3 months have flown by.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on March 24, 2019, 11:11:41 PM
  Glad to see you getting out and enjoying yourself Davina. I do read some of your and other folks posts. Not very regularly as I am not usually on here for very long and it can be several days in between. I post very few comments when I am on also. It a shame how a bad experience can put a sour taste in your mouth at a site.
  Anyway glad to read regularly about you open mike nights and impromptu jam sessions. Seems you a fitting in well.
  You may enjoying hearing I have been experimenting with spices and yogurt in what I can only hope is along the lines of curries and/or a Thai influence. So far I haven't poisoned Michelle or anyone else. I wing it and make up dishes of my own taking ideas I find online for the main ingredients then ad-llibbing with what I have to work with. Some have been quite tasty but are never to be repeated because I don't take notes while I am cooking.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 25, 2019, 04:44:27 PM
Cheers Laurie , glad your experimenting with the spice. Well the BFF is back, popped in on the way home and got the BIGEST hug . Dead on my feet again after work, wish I could find something else to do or win the loto!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 28, 2019, 04:34:58 AM
Sat here in my dressing gown having just eaten bacon, mushrooms, scrambled eggs and toast. Its a day off!!! got one tomorrow as well, wahhhaaa. Went to open mic and took bestie(c*} with me, going shopping with her as she has no food after her 3 month hols. Clothes shop as well as I want a plain skirt (that fits!) must go and get ready as told her will be 1/2 hr

(c*) copyright Steph .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 28, 2019, 12:21:37 PM
Helped the BFF unpack, tried to get her to come shopping but she was still to jet lagged!! Ended up getting her groceries then went clothes shopping , well ended up spending way to much but got a dress, 4 skirts and a long sleeve  T (£3 in M&S sale) . If I can find time might post pics, one of the skirts is full pleated and some thing I have wanted for ages but not found a nice one before. All set for summer , good spring weather today (16C and sunny) but need to make the most of it as its going cold again for Sunday.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 28, 2019, 02:20:27 PM
Good news, they all fit. Bad news no pics as to dark in mirror and flash to bright. Maybe a good thing as the lack of waist is not a good look, really need to make this diet work-----------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 29, 2019, 12:27:00 PM
That's it, taking this diet by the horns. Small salad and apple for lunch and in a moment will put a stuffed sweet pepper in the oven, filling is Keema (Indian lamb mince and pea ) have 3 good spoonful's of mixed veg curry to go with it. What I need is energy as feeling listless ? weak, tired lately  . Not sure if its HRT or over work or just being pigged of with work. I know my wrist is getting me down as cant do much , lack of money , and WhenTF is the GIC getting in touch???
Saw Eddy the electrican and got grilled over being trans (known him for20+ years) , not being off about it as he just wanted to know and how to treat me . That was nice of him. Well its 1/2 past 4 and I am shifting gear (spot prize for the song) TBH its 5.30 and firing the oven up but that was the time I got out the shower and the songs stuck in my head!!!!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: steph2.0 on March 29, 2019, 12:34:47 PM
Quote from: davina61 on March 29, 2019, 12:27:00 PMWell its 1/2 past 4 and I am shifting gear (spot prize for the song)

Radar Love!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on March 29, 2019, 12:52:44 PM
Spot on Steph, love that song, but not heard the other one "its 5.30 and firing the oven up", although it sounds familiar... (lol)

Off to sort out the steak and salad for tea...

See you soon..

Title: Davina's diary
Post by: steph2.0 on March 29, 2019, 01:01:26 PM
Quote from: Katie Jade on March 29, 2019, 12:52:44 PM
Not hear the one "its 5.30 and Im firing the oven up", although it sounds familiar... (lol)

That one is Radarange Love.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 29, 2019, 01:27:56 PM
You crack me up!! NO not making an omelette, but did make a date and walnut loaf (cake) as the oven was on . Anybody want a slice?? (that's the spot prize) for another slice name the band.
Title: Davina's diary
Post by: steph2.0 on March 29, 2019, 01:52:50 PM
Quote from: davina61 on March 29, 2019, 01:27:56 PM
You crack me up!! NO not making an omelette, but did make a date and walnut loaf (cake) as the oven was on . Anybody want a slice?? (that's the spot prize) for another slice name the band.

Golden Earring.

Woohoo! Two slices!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on March 29, 2019, 05:02:59 PM
Quote from: davina61 on March 29, 2019, 01:27:56 PM
You crack me up!! NO not making an omelette, but did make a date and walnut loaf (cake) as the oven was on . Anybody want a slice?? (that's the spot prize) for another slice name the band.

What Stephanie said.

Two please!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on March 30, 2019, 06:35:37 PM
  Sorry Davina omelettes are off my radar but I'd love a piece of cake.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 31, 2019, 03:38:40 AM
I would love you all came round, off to see Mum for Mother in Sunday. Got her e rose bush as the one we moved has died (they don't like being disturbed) and taking 1/2 that date and walnut cake . Collapsed on sofa again last night as total rung out after work, might have to go to docs to find out where my get up and go has gone! Feeling better today , clocks have changed to British Summer Time today so lost an hour over night, of course now late. Time to get dressed and get a move on XXXXXX
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 31, 2019, 12:16:56 PM
Must say after the previous post feeling back on form today, called in on Mum and my sister turned up as well. Didn't leave till midday so well behind working on panel van, got into doing some woodwork and got carried away as it was going well and got back home at 5.30!! Best bit is I don't feel tired . maybe lack of pressure/stress ? BFF is expecting me to call but sooooo late and have to get food on . Shepard's pie with a Keema filling and some broccoli 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on March 31, 2019, 02:45:54 PM
Dear Davina:
Can I come to your house for dinner tonight? 
     I very much  LOVE Shepherd's Pie....[emoji173]
Picture please...

Quote from: davina61 on March 31, 2019, 12:16:56 PM
Must say after the previous post feeling back on form today, called in on Mum and my sister turned up as well. Didn't leave till midday so well behind working on panel van, got into doing some woodwork and got carried away as it was going well and got back home at 5.30!! Best bit is I don't feel tired . maybe lack of pressure/stress ? BFF is expecting me to call but sooooo late and have to get food on . Shepard's pie with a Keema filling and some broccoli
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 31, 2019, 03:22:13 PM
Always open house here.(just no one comes :()
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on March 31, 2019, 04:34:44 PM
I do, just its a long way. Anyway its your turn here next..
Talk Soon
Luv n Hugz
:-*  :-*  ;D ;D ;D :-* :-* :angel: :angel: :angel: :-* :-* ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on March 31, 2019, 04:53:54 PM
Quote from: Katie Jade on March 31, 2019, 04:34:44 PM
I do, just its a long way. Anyway its your turn here next..
Talk Soon
Luv n Hugz
:-*  :-*  ;D ;D ;D :-* :-* :angel: :angel: :angel: :-* :-* ;D ;D ;D

@Katie Jade  @davina61
Dear Katie and Davina:
I wished I lived closer to both of you girls...  I would consider showing up for dinner as often as you would permit me.
So, Katie... what is your signature meal that you make for guests from Alaska?
I like reading about the offering from Davina, but no picture? ???
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 01, 2019, 02:49:56 PM
Waiting for it to upload , still waiting imgur not working. Made pepper and sweet corn curry tonight, well it said 2 green chillies but 1 would have been enough!! ( took an age
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on April 01, 2019, 03:02:14 PM
Dear Davina:
I wish that I could be there tonight to eat the leftover half....  looks very good indeed!!!

Thank you for sharing your appetizing food photo.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 01, 2019, 04:37:42 PM
I know its "naughty" but have some small E patches left over so decided to add one on top of normal dose just to see if it makes me feel better/more energy. Have enough for 2 weeks .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 04, 2019, 07:51:00 AM
Day off today, been a busy 2 nights as Hot Rod club Tues and open mic last night. Some one came to the meet that not seen in 40ish years (we raced ) and I would not know it was him . The slim grey and balding man with "bicker" beard looked nothing like the heavy built person I knew. He recognized me after Dodge reference saying you have changed a bit!! and got a big hug. Got complimented on my rhythm playing (his words) last night by a key board player that did a set. Very talented he is, played Dawes Riders on the Storm complete with effects and a jazz section  . Docs this morning to get my arse stabbed , went to see mum and then changed mind as was going to work on panel but the weather is cold and wet bordering on snow/sleet so came home and made a BIG batch of veg curry . Need to do some house work anyway as not had time/energy. In fact putting it off now posting this
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on April 05, 2019, 04:53:48 PM

"Dawes Riders on the Storm"???? I think you meant: The Door's Riders on the Storm. I can't let you get my fave group wrong. Sorry
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 06, 2019, 02:10:52 PM
Sorry Laurie brain fade (suffering from work!!!) and add to that my dyslexic grey matter it luck any of my stuff makes sense (spell checker rules) . Crashing on sofa again with glass of red watching Britain's  got Talent followed by the final of the voice. Brain out TV------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 08, 2019, 02:46:36 PM
Had a wonderful time last night at open mic , went to pick the bff up and she had crashed out so went on my own. All "done" up in my new tweed pattern skirt that's just above knee and my short sleeve white with black butterfly outlines pattern. Did a full on makeup as well and got lots of compliments. Also got a mention in FB in the list of performers (wash board and tambourine !) . Now having self raised my E patches I think its working, feeling better, sleeping better and the girls are responding. Need a cowboy bra (round them up and move them out) , have a blood test next Mon so will see whats happened then.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 08, 2019, 04:48:44 PM
You know when I started this thread I said no dysphoria as such, well things have changed and I have to avoid  unwigged reflections. Also getting fed up waiting on the GIC, need to call them again.But then my cup 1/2 full keeps me going . Bed time good night folks XXXXX
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on April 08, 2019, 07:00:33 PM
You are not alone dear friend. But we have to all be strong together and be a little more patient.
Bless and sleep well
Luv n Hugz

Katie XX
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: steph2.0 on April 09, 2019, 12:51:14 AM
Cowboy bra! I love it!!! [emoji1787]
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 09, 2019, 02:43:04 PM
Yup , my sense of humour keeps me going but saying that it was wearing thin today. Got to 2.30 and I told manager I was stopping for lunch whether there was a job on the board or what. Ended up with 20 mins of my 30 min break . Got to going home time and just picked my bag up to walk out and got can you retest this van. Lost it a bit!!!! Did do it and had to do headlamp alignment as well so that's 10 mins they owe me plus the 40 mins of break I never had or put it this way that's 50 mins of work I don't get paid. Now you can see why I get peed off . Still new manager starts tomorrow so will see what happens  . The girls have been extra tender today so hope its a spurt.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on April 09, 2019, 03:44:19 PM
You are such a trooper!  Hang in there.  Your appointment date with GIC will arrive soon enough. I understand the workload is tough but as you obviously understand, you are in a customer service position and I'm sure customers have other choices of shops to utilize for their MOT test.  What could be better than having a talented woman working on their car!   Best of luck with the new manager.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 09, 2019, 04:11:39 PM
Well its open mic tomorrow night so some fun to be had, just seen some sad news on FB as one of the Kitchen Island Band  has died. Was playing tambourine with them on Sunday and going to watch (and join in) this Sat night.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Dena on April 09, 2019, 06:46:09 PM
Everybody knows there are only three types of bras. The dictator that suppresses the masses. The salvation army that uplifts the masses and the yellow press that makes a mountain out of a molehill.  ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: steph2.0 on April 09, 2019, 08:40:22 PM
Quote from: Dena on April 09, 2019, 06:46:09 PM
Everybody knows there are only three types of bras. The dictator that suppresses the masses. The salvation army that uplifts the masses and the yellow press that makes a mountain out of a molehill.  ;D

Yellow press for me, please.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 11, 2019, 02:14:43 PM
Last night they did a tribute song (one that the Kitchen Island Band play) for the member that passed, we all joined in and finished with a large round of applause . Emotional or what !!! Rang the nail bar to see about having the acrylics removed next week and she fitted me in this afternoon. Did a nice plum metallic gel coat on them after, good place for a natter and cuppa!!! She likes my attitude , we talked thing trans and her assistant knows the lady I met that plays guitar as she has sung with her. Its a very musical area around here.
Started doing my diet seriously , 1 scrambled egg  and a small slice of toast for breakfast with a black coffee , corned beef and pickle sandwich for lunch with an apple, beef cooked in whole spices (2 serving spoonful's)  and tomato aubergine rice (2 heaped serving ) and some tinned peach slices for pud. That's about a 1/3 less than normal. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 14, 2019, 10:59:07 AM
Still here  ;D been dragged out by the BFF the last 2 nights , charity open mic night (for a defibrillator) and then last night went to the pub I go to on Wed night to pay respects to the member of Kitchen Island Band that passed on Mon. The 3 other members were there , the 2 girls very tearful.  The band playing to replace them at very short notice are friends and 1 of them plays with the KIB some times. It was 1 am by the time I climbed into bed (yawn) but thoroughly enjoyed my self . Just something about live music, well any music as always have  tunes on. Its part of my soul . Late getting up today ,had to rush to get to BFF and put up 4 fence panels and posts so having some ME time now . Making fish pie in a moment for tea, have some salmon, sea bass and smoked haddock,  leaks and home made parsley sauce topped with sweet and "normal" potato mix . Shame I only have shower coz need a loooooonnnnnnnnnnggggg soak in a hot bath (with a glass of red!) just have to do with the red then------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 15, 2019, 04:33:28 PM
Well its my 64th birthday today, Did get a text from my kids eventually! BFF came to me for tea but I wasn't good company as so tired and then my brain shuts down. Still we had a nice tea and she brought me some nice presents . A nice necklace , some dangly earrings   and a nice card with BIRTHDAY GIRL on the front. Hopefully my eldest will come to see me tomorrow night.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Jessica on April 15, 2019, 04:54:57 PM
🎉🎉 Happy Birthday Davina! 🎁🎁

Hugs and smiles, Jess
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: ChrissyRyan on April 15, 2019, 04:57:39 PM

Happy birthday!    :)

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: steph2.0 on April 15, 2019, 05:16:23 PM
Congratulations on another spin around the sun, old dear!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on April 15, 2019, 07:50:39 PM
Happy Birthday Dear!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 16, 2019, 03:59:10 PM
Thanks everyone, my eldest came tonight with his partner and her daughter, got them some Easter eggs so that's a job saved. New series of First Dates tonight, that's the show BFF is in so will be watching in 10 mins. Anyways have Thurs off but might be working holiday Monday WHY!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: islandgirl on April 16, 2019, 08:00:33 PM
Happy Birthday Davina!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 18, 2019, 12:43:03 PM
A good night at open mic last night, BFF was "bored" and wanted to leave early so got her another 1/2 of cider!!!!that stopped her for a bit. Day off and good job as late to bed, fixed mums shed and then did a bit on panel van. Had a leg of pork to cook so made a vindaloo and pork and mushroom curry (need to go and check on it ) , BFF wanted me to give her a hand for an "hour " today but told her didn't have time. Well I don't , TBH wish I did. Tried phoning GIC but all I got was a recorded message that did say in its ramblings that the currant wait to be seen from first contact is 2 years, well its been 27 months so far. Off to check the curry and add some coconut cream and ground almonds.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Katie Jade on April 20, 2019, 04:18:01 PM
If you want to go up and visit the GIC let me know, Its only 40 mins from me and if you need overnighter I have a spare bed anyway.
I think they are well more than 24 months but daren't tell anyone, I think its closer to 3 years and they are down on staff as well I understand. At this rate I have another 2 years to wait, and when I got referred the waiting time was 2 years.... If I hadn't gone private I don't think I would be here now.
Oh well, patience dear sister.

Luv n Hugz


:-*   :-*   ;D ;D ;D :o ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? :-X >:-) :angel: :police: :laugh: ??? ??? :angel: :angel: :angel: ;D ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 21, 2019, 11:02:07 AM
When I got in touch 3 months ago was told should hear from then in 3 months time so hopefully that's right. Any way busy on as they say around here, rushed home from work yesterday to get ready (got home at 6pm and had to be at pub by 7) to go for meal with mum and aunty and friends staying in caravan locally. Just made it but in the meantime BFF had called to say I was invited to the after wedding do that she had been at . It was a "gay" wedding Mr and Mr , we just got there as picked her up after the very hurried meal! and the drag artist had just started . The guests ranged from "normal" family members to LGBT etc and I was welcomed with hugs. Ended up dancing with wife of a couple BFF had made friends with , my knees hurt  today!!!! Have to jump in shower as have an invite to tea at the caravan for 6 and its just turned 5 ,rush rush as normal
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 21, 2019, 03:28:23 PM
BTW Happy Easter every one that reads my ramblings. Got my blood results E is 637 pmol/l  and T .8nmol/l, that's a big rise in E but then I did use 4 extra small patches.  That's a jump from 380 E and T has gone up again from .6
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on April 21, 2019, 03:38:48 PM
Quote from: davina61 on April 21, 2019, 03:28:23 PM
BTW Happy Easter every one that reads my ramblings. Got my blood results E is 637 pmol/l  and T .8nmol/l, that's a big rise in E but then I did use 4 extra small patches. 

  That is what I would say is pretty good. It is 173.5 pg/ml and what my doc said he would like to see around 200 pg/ml. I have only gotten to 124.3 pg/ml on oral estradiol. Hopeful mine will start out at 400+ pg/ml with the injections. Injections reach a peak in about 2.5 days it could be over (1000 pg/ml) and is pretty low at day 5 or 6. I inject every 3.5 days. I want those high levels.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on April 21, 2019, 08:22:13 PM
Happy Easter to you Davina (I know its passed where you are by now).   Good readings, I say.  Take care of those knees!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 22, 2019, 03:35:37 PM
Had a sore throat and sniffles, recon its going now. BFF has been at it again, the 2 lads that got married were coming to tea today so last night had a call to say bring some curry for 5 pm. Got some of my reserve from freezer and then phoned her this morning  to find out she didn't remember calling as she was pi**ed and was trying to put them off (they didn't turn up anyway,wasters) so went up to hers with the food and ended up bringing most back so looks like I will be eating them all week. After we had eaten some I designed a house for her to go in bottom of her garden.  Its been rattling around my head for ages so drew up a floor plan . makes a bigger better house than the one she is in now.
Funny thing happened this morning, down my unit and J that I have known for 60 odd years was there with someone seeing about wedding cars and she stuck her head round the door to speak to me. Got dead named of course so said my name is now and she walked over , felt my boob and said you have bigger ones than me !!! we had a good laugh .   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 23, 2019, 04:14:03 PM
Made my manager laugh today , he was typing and said " I cant spell today" you know whats coming !! I said that's T,O,D,A,Y  ---------------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on April 23, 2019, 05:07:52 PM
Dear Davina:
Laughter is good for the soul.
    :D :D :D :D      :o
Thank you for sharing.

Quote from: davina61 on April 23, 2019, 04:14:03 PM
Made my manager laugh today , he was typing and said " I cant spell today" you know whats coming !! I said that's T,O,D,A,Y  ---------------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 24, 2019, 01:19:50 PM
Well laughter is short today, done over by work for day off. They have changed the rules but not told anyone that a bank holiday is now classed as a working day and if you don't work it then its your day off WTF , you have to book it as a days holiday!!!! and that has to be done 4 weeks before . Called in at chemist to pick up patches and NO repeat prescription , its been changed to acute so now have to book appointment with Doc to find out WTF is going on . They have changed the online system and of course cant log in now GGGGGGRRRRRRR. What a pissy day.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 26, 2019, 02:37:07 PM
 Don't know if its the HRT or what but stuff is right pissing me off, still exhausted as well . Will see what Doc thinks , just hope I get a good nights kip tonight as its a full day of tests tomorrow then have to rush and do weekly food shop get home and shower and get to the pub for 7 again. BFF rang and said come up for a drink but said no as so knackered and I would just end up moaning about work all night. She said her new band is brill so hope I an get to a practice. Life goes on , will be alright in a bit as will be killing a bottle of red.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 28, 2019, 02:49:19 PM
Its been a busy 2 days, relax and breath aaaahhhhhhhhh. rush home from work yesterday and get ready to go out for meal with mum, aunty and cousins. got back and jump into bed . Rush around this morning tidy up from yesterday (cooking ) sort fridge and freezer, bins and then shoot off to unit. Did a bit on camper and then rush back home, hang up washing , make Kebabs, shower and then rush out to Aunties for barbeque.  Rush back and hang up more washing and collapse on sofa with glass of red !!!!!! 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Laurie on April 28, 2019, 09:00:17 PM
 You seem a little rushed with your update Davina. Take a series of deep breaths and then give it to us again a bit slower.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 29, 2019, 01:22:56 PM
BFF rang me at 9.45 pm last night , can you pick me up? That got a big fat NO as of to bed . Lazy night in tonight (do I need it!!) . The girls are still growing, sore as well and have to be careful not to bump them. Mum and aunty found me a dress in charity shop for £3, it would have been expensive when new and fits just fine.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 02, 2019, 09:06:08 AM
Cant get hold of Gender Clinic, automated message and it now says (confirmed on web page) that the waiting time for first appointments is now 2 1/2 years plus . This is after speaking to someone 3 months ago that I should get letter in the next 3 months. Getting me down now what with work and everything, no sure whether to cry or punch seven bells out of something (properly the HRT!!!!) . Off to Docs now so will see what she says about that and diet. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 02, 2019, 01:58:04 PM
Sent an email to GIC , lets see if they reply. Doc was on the clock so not a lot of joy there, suggested a low carb diet, get in touch with GIC and will get a thyroid and diabetes check next blood test. Prescription (all hormone ones) have to be approved by Doc every time so need to tell chemists.
Last night was a celebration of the life of the Kitchen Island Band member , it was his funeral yesterday, and a musical night instead of open mic was arranged. Didn't take my tambourine as not sure what was happening but got egged on to use the one sat on the side by 2 of the girls that are regulars (they both perform) . Gave the girls a hug from the band at end of night , said hope you didn't mind me playing and got told to always join in. You can here me on vids on FB and yes I am in time!!!  Hands a bit clunky today, Rock me like a Wagon Wheel went on for ages with everyone joining in. A very fitting tribute to a very talented musician.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 03, 2019, 02:35:04 PM
Got a reply from GIC , basically its a tough wait till you get your letter whenever that will be. Ah well one day--------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Kendra on May 03, 2019, 05:01:30 PM
Well at least it's an answer, sort of.  I imagine it's even more difficult to be patient when the remaining amount of delay is unknown.  The upside is, you're on their list and probably quite far along in the queue. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 04, 2019, 01:17:43 PM
once I reply to the letter its up to 4 weeks for a reply and then God knows how long for the appointment, no wonder I am feeling depressed or is that pissed?? Looking at low carb diet but every thing I look at is what I eat now?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 05, 2019, 12:02:55 PM
On a roll today doing panel van interior then had to come back home (wash my work clothes) , always the same and have to work tomorrow (public hol) still its 10 till 4 . Off to open mic night in a bit ,got 1.5 hrs to make myself lovely!!!! cant decide what to wear?? jeans in case I get to play the cahon? Its not dignified to sit with legs astride wearing a skirt!!! and its hard to play with one hand under leg (done that) . Need some nice trousers but not seen any I like. Just made and eaten a fish and green mango curry, enough left for 2 or 3 nights. Made parsnip soup this morning to take with me for lunch, very nice . Knocked a chunk out of a nail again , since having the false nails on and then removed in a bath of acetone they have gone soft as paper. Shower is beckoning ----------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 09, 2019, 02:49:41 PM
Went to Hot Rod club Tues night, sat on sofa ( 2 sofas facing each other with table between) and as some more of the lads came in C that I have known for 40 years and went to Sweden with him in the early 80s looked at the empty seat next to me and decided to go and get a chair to sit the other side. I said " I don't bite,            unless you want me to!!"  and the lad opposite me cracked up.

Open mic again last night, was wearing my new green linin skirt and jumped on the chon. Had to hitch my skirt up to my thighs so good job I was wearing leggings !! Had a good time again, picks me up after being pissed about work. Day off today and did some more to panel cupboard   . Have next week off , shopping Monday as need work socks and treating myself to a "posh" bra. Big tub of filler for the panel van as well---------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 09, 2019, 02:55:06 PM
Dear Davina:
I have been enjoying reading your posts and I am always checking on your threads...
Thank you for sharing your latest updates.

I am curious, and I may have missed what you have said about it, but how is your wrist doing that you injured... is your wrist healed up or do you still have issues with it.

Oh, and I know that is not your diet thread, but how is your low carb diet working out for you?  Hopefully well.

Again, thank you for sharing what you do.
Hugs and I am always wishing you well,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 09, 2019, 03:28:10 PM
Wrist is still crook (as our down under friends say) hurts some days , well aches and cant put load on it or open a jar lid (or fuel cap and lift tailgate / boot (trunk) for my job) . Just posted that I have lost 3lb this last week and not changed my food much, my carb intake was low anyway but have stopped eating a banana with my porridge for breakfast.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 10, 2019, 02:53:33 PM
Today my hand and wrist was giving me grief , hurt to write and working 9+ hrs it has no rest.  See what its like in the morning, might have to phone in sick not that I can afford to.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 11, 2019, 02:21:09 PM
Managed to massage my hand to work, still painful .  Anyway in prep for getting a new posh bra I measured around the girls tonight, 40 band and 46 &1/2  around the pointy bits!!!! Just need to get the 3rd boob down to 36 now------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 11, 2019, 02:30:46 PM
Quote from: davina61 on May 11, 2019, 02:21:09 PM
Managed to massage my hand to work, still painful .  Anyway in prep for getting a new posh bra I measured around the girls tonight, 40 band and 46 &1/2  around the pointy bits!!!! Just need to get the 3rd boob down to 36 now------

Dear Davina:
OH, I am so sorry to read that your wrist is still painful...  if your company still taking card of the medical expenses for that????   Are you getting any kind of physical therapy that may help?

Good news regarding your new "posh" bra.... 
...since we can not have pictures on her of members showing off their bra while wearing it,
perhaps you could snap a photo of the bra so I could discover what a "posh" bra looks like.  ;) ;) ;)

You had me laughing when I read your comment about your 3rd boob...!!!! :) :) :)

Thank you for sharing.  I always enjoy reading your postings and updates.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 11, 2019, 02:55:31 PM
All I got from work was 1 week full pay when I was off, Statutory Six Pay for the next 3 months and that is less than a 1/3rd of my normal pay. Used all my savings to pay rent and electric and left with nothing. NHS has done all the treatment and have some exercises to do that are meant to make tendon repair. Have a solicitor chasing for compensation but works insurance are dragging there heels. Never had a decent apology from work and they tried to make out I was to blame and have washed there hands of it saying the case is closed (due to the manager involved quitting) . Do wonder if they are making things hard for me to make me leave (don't think so TBH) but when you work 10hrs with a supposed 1 hr break   ( 2 x 15 mins coffee and 1/2 hr lunch)  and the other day I got 10mins by working my socks off . Never get paid over time , so you can see why I am pissed with them and getting home feeling totally done in puts the tin hat on it. Don't think I can keep this up for the next 23 months.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 12, 2019, 02:34:59 PM
Just got back from watching band at local marina (short walk from my place) and it was the best, sun friends and live music . Only thing missing was a tambourine in my hand!! still the air drums and air tambourine worked fine!!! Staggered back home after 3LARGE glasses of red wine, good job in was a microwave tea (chicken curry and last off the chickpea and spinach) . My friend Jane said I looked lovely  , she felt my face after I said about shaving and she said it was nice and smooth!! Got the legs out (sun glasses needed as so white!!)  wearing a just above knee black linen skirt and a short sleeve black top with flower pattern , did try with the voice at the bar but its not good enough.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 13, 2019, 10:13:16 AM
well I have been a naughty girl, went shopping and spent too much. Might have left myself short till payday but what the hell , you only live once (or is that twice for transgender folk?) Any ways went to by new work socks and came out with skirt and top . Then went go get bra and the fitting lady didn't start till midday so did some grocery shopping for stuff I cant get from budget s/market and then as had time to kill went and spent £90 on set of copper ceramic pans that I have wanted for ages (killed my budget set). Bra fitting lady sorted me a nice one and its a 40 C and fits spot on but that was £25. trying to upload images but having trouble selecting the and Imagur keeps trying to load wrong ones GGGGRRRRRR. OK it was me being a numpty, so for Alaskan Danielle POIDH. (
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 14, 2019, 02:07:00 PM
Well the girls have been giving me jip and noticed they have firmed up a lot. Been working on panel van today , getting stiff from climbing in and out and contorting myself to fit shelfs and stuff. Drill with screw driver tip in one hand and wood/bracket/screw in other and trying to hold myself up!!! Got on well though and its looking good.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 14, 2019, 02:18:55 PM
Dear Davina:
Oh my gosh.... the resultant photos of the purchases of your shopping trip are wonderful for me to see.   I love your choices for your new skirt and top... the colors look great.... and of course your new "posh" bra looks great too. 

I am glad that you got your picture posting issues all straightened out...  if you have problems again with posting pictures I will be so very willing and glad to help you if you would just write me a PM.

Of course, once you wear your new clothes and have your camera ready, it would be a treat to see you model your new skirt ant top.

Thank you for sharing.... 

Quote from: davina61 on May 13, 2019, 10:13:16 AM
well I have been a naughty girl, went shopping and spent too much. Might have left myself short till payday but what the hell , you only live once (or is that twice for transgender folk?) Any ways went to by new work socks and came out with skirt and top . Then went go get bra and the fitting lady didn't start till midday so did some grocery shopping for stuff I cant get from budget s/market and then as had time to kill went and spent £90 on set of copper ceramic pans that I have wanted for ages (killed my budget set). Bra fitting lady sorted me a nice one and its a 40 C and fits spot on but that was £25. trying to upload images but having trouble selecting the and Imagur keeps trying to load wrong ones GGGGRRRRRR. OK it was me being a numpty, so for Alaskan Danielle POIDH. (
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 15, 2019, 03:57:09 AM
Off out today with mum , aunty and uncle. Fish and chip lunch and shopping in Evesham . For those in the frozen north!!! its 20C and wall to wall sun so will have to break out the sun cream for my lily whites (legs)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 16, 2019, 12:25:06 PM
Sooooooooooo over spent ,thought I had . Bank of mum to the rescue, well shes says its my money anyway eventually.   Stopped in on the ex to see daughter and grand kids (ex baby sits them on a Thurs) and left them some butternut squash curry and cake . Grand daughter has grown a lot but she has a good frown on her, its the look she gives you!!! got to check on my curried meatballs , laters
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 17, 2019, 02:54:36 AM
Spent yesterday working on panel van and today feel like I have been beaten all over!!! HRT effect? I was hungry as last night and eat too much . Knocking back filler today (my favourite job, NOT) but do have a DA sander that's air powered. finishing rear shelf unit it cupboard first so will post some pics.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on May 17, 2019, 09:24:00 AM
Sanding filler is not my favorite either!  I prefer to put on less and feather then add more to build it up to where it needs to be.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 17, 2019, 12:14:42 PM
This is what I have been building in my spare time for the last3 months or so.(
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 17, 2019, 12:59:07 PM
Dear Davina:
Wow, very nice workman  workwomanship.   
Based on all of your recent postings I am wondering when you had the time to do all of this????

Again, looks very nice.
Thank you for sharing,
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 17, 2019, 03:10:54 PM
On my days off I get 4 to 5 hrs on it , that's why its taken me 14 months so far. That's all the welding (lots) modifying the steering to rack and drop spindles with disc brakes . Still have loads to do, servo for brakes, uprate engine and box, paint, interior to finish, seats and a thousand and one jobs I cant think of . Then I start on my hot rod!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 18, 2019, 12:00:07 PM
So this morning went to my unit early and my cousin D was not up yet when some bloke stuck his head around the door and asked if D was about. I said knock on his door , he asked me are you his WIFE !!! total male fail !!! and after I had spoke to him (might be the next " should have gone to Specsavers " ad). wearing my old work clothes, sweat shirt and work trousers and no make up YES!!!!!  Mind you if he had seen me later after using a wire brush in an angle grinder to remove dirt and under seal from wheel arches on the panel van thing would have been different ----------- Right off for a much needed shower and up to see BFF (she needs company and not vodka) to watch Eurovision Song Contest 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 18, 2019, 08:14:05 PM
Quote from: davina61 on May 18, 2019, 12:00:07 PM
So this morning went to my unit early and my cousin D was not up yet when some bloke stuck his head around the door and asked if D was about. I said knock on his door , he asked me are you his WIFE !!! total male fail !!! and after I had spoke to him (might be the next " should have gone to Specsavers " ad). wearing my old work clothes, sweat shirt and work trousers and no make up YES!!!!!  Mind you if he had seen me later after using a wire brush in an angle grinder to remove dirt and under seal from wheel arches on the panel van thing would have been different ----------- Right off for a much needed shower and up to see BFF (she needs company and not vodka) to watch Eurovision Song Contest
Dear Davina:
Wow.... what a terrific experience for sure...   !!!!!
Wishing you more male-fail in the future.

Thank you for sharing.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Faith on May 18, 2019, 09:39:34 PM
What a wonderful thing to read just before I go to bed. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 19, 2019, 12:42:23 PM
Just got back from watching the Dell Ray Rockers, rockabilly band, they did Wipeout into Johnny B Good into ? into Surfing Bird and back through and mix up . Then did tune from Kill Bill. Off to open mic now, need some enjoyment as its back to work  :( tomorrow.**%^^^^* 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Stepheewt on May 19, 2019, 02:54:36 PM
            I just spent a bunch of time reading through your Diary. Fantastic stuff. You are very brave and inspirational. Also very good with your hands. The last post about getting a male fail was just awesome. Great stuff.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 20, 2019, 03:07:21 PM
Thanks dear , glad it kept you entertained. I just say it as it is and that's why my BFF likes me (she is the same) . Quiet at open mic last night, got asked to washboard with the one act and played the Cahoon with brushes that got the thumbs up. Work today and don't feel like I have been off, never mind I have a glass of red waiting!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 21, 2019, 03:43:34 PM
So had to cook some veg before it ended in the bin , made a dry veg curry, carrot , sweet potato, cauliflower , broad beans and peas. Then courgette and fenugreek seed curry . Dessert apples going off as well so made a crumble. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 23, 2019, 01:29:53 PM
Quite at open mic but managed to join in , wore a skirt and ended up playing the Cajon a lot and its not a good look sat on the box, knees apart and reaching down to play with a midi skirt in the way and still being "modest"!!!! Got a painful hip today, had to get in and out off a sports car 5+ times yesterday and as I had to drop in the seat due to leg not bending think I have pulled a muscle  or stressed the joint. It was ok till I had to get in a Jag XK8  and that was awkward . Hope its good after a nights rest. Now its warmed up only wearing a polo shirt up top (bra on!!) and the nips are getting bashed and sore.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: CynthiaAnn on May 23, 2019, 01:39:08 PM
Quote from: davina61 on May 23, 2019, 01:29:53 PM
Quite at open mic but managed to join in , wore a skirt and ended up playing the Cajon a lot and its not a good look sat on the box, knees apart and reaching down to play with a midi skirt in the way and still being "modest"!!!! Got a painful hip today, had to get in and out off a sports car 5+ times yesterday and as I had to drop in the seat due to leg not bending think I have pulled a muscle  or stressed the joint. It was ok till I had to get in a Jag XK8  and that was awkward . Hope its good after a nights rest. Now its warmed up only wearing a polo shirt up top (bra on!!) and the nips are getting bashed and sore.

Evenin' just wanted to say hello, and I've enjoyed reading your thread  :) take care with the hip...

Cynthia -
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 23, 2019, 01:50:51 PM
Dear Davina:
Thanks for your update....
OH YES, a woman has to be aware of what she is wearing and what she will be doing....... 
at least you had a longer skirt on which helped you to stay modest....
..just imagine if you would have worn a shorter skirt or dress. :o :o ::) ::)

So sorry to read about your sore hip, sore muscle, etc....   a body is like a car, when it is a little older, things don't quite work as well as they once did!!!   

Oh my... getting your boobs and nips bashed and sore....  perhaps a suit of armor would be good in some of your various jobs ;)...

Thanks for your update, I am always eager to read about your life and times as you feel so led to report them.
Write again soon.........

Quote from: davina61 on May 23, 2019, 01:29:53 PM
Quite at open mic but managed to join in , wore a skirt and ended up playing the Cajon a lot and its not a good look sat on the box, knees apart and reaching down to play with a midi skirt in the way and still being "modest"!!!! Got a painful hip today, had to get in and out off a sports car 5+ times yesterday and as I had to drop in the seat due to leg not bending think I have pulled a muscle  or stressed the joint. It was ok till I had to get in a Jag XK8  and that was awkward . Hope its good after a nights rest. Now its warmed up only wearing a polo shirt up top (bra on!!) and the nips are getting bashed and sore.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 24, 2019, 03:00:36 PM
Took some pain killers and managed OK today, just caught me out a couple of times and its working out like a bruise . 
J , the customer service adviser at work said he was going to call me D from now on. We had a laugh as he was looking at a lady in reception "remarking" on her figure and said I shouldn't be saying things like that in front of you!! The conversation turned to breasts so I gave mine a push up and got "we had noticed"!!  Made them (that's the 2 in reception) squirm when I said well they are a C cup and still growing . I am naughty , its my wicked humour----
Have the next 3 days off , my youngest will want a hand replacing front fork seals on his R1 though . Have a microphone cake to make as well before Wednesday  and yes I will take photo
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 24, 2019, 03:48:14 PM
Dear Davina:
Aside from the pain killers and injuries, you certainly lead an interesting life...
I am always looking forward to finding out what you are doing... repairs, injuries, cooking and baking, music, new clothes, etc.
Please continue to keep your threads updates...  your follower and I want to know!!!!

Quote from: davina61 on May 24, 2019, 03:00:36 PM
Took some pain killers and managed OK today, just caught me out a couple of times and its working out like a bruise . 
J , the customer service adviser at work said he was going to call me D from now on. We had a laugh as he was looking at a lady in reception "remarking" on her figure and said I shouldn't be saying things like that in front of you!! The conversation turned to breasts so I gave mine a push up and got "we had noticed"!!  Made them (that's the 2 in reception) squirm when I said well they are a C cup and still growing . I am naughty , its my wicked humour----
Have the next 3 days off , my youngest will want a hand replacing front fork seals on his R1 though . Have a microphone cake to make as well before Wednesday  and yes I will take photo
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 26, 2019, 03:02:52 AM
Well made the swiss roll for the body of the microphone cake, first time making a whisk mix and over cooked it slightly so it cracked when I rolled it( also rolled it from the short side ) . Anyways woke up stupid early so tried to make black roll out icing, best I got was grey so have covered it in black food colour and I just hope it dries!! For the top I made a cherry sponge in a small bowl and have covered that in orange icing and  food colouring . Off to work on panel now, have my LARGE flask of coffee and a BLT panini roll. Did nothing to it yesterday as ended up helping my youngest replace fork seals on his R1 , upside is I have a clean bench and tidyish work space!!!! 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 26, 2019, 08:55:05 AM
Dear Davina:
I just love reading about your baking adventures combined with your vehicle repair tasks!!!  ;) :o

Your microphone cake... don't worry about how it cracked when trying to roll it.... copious amounts of frosting covers all the imperfections, I am certain that it turned out well and tastes very good also.
    Hmmm....  I am wondering where the picture is of your finished microphone cake? ???

Thank you for sharing and posting.

Quote from: davina61 on May 26, 2019, 03:02:52 AM
Well made the swiss roll for the body of the microphone cake, first time making a whisk mix and over cooked it slightly so it cracked when I rolled it( also rolled it from the short side ) . Anyways woke up stupid early so tried to make black roll out icing, best I got was grey so have covered it in black food colour and I just hope it dries!! For the top I made a cherry sponge in a small bowl and have covered that in orange icing and  food colouring . Off to work on panel now, have my LARGE flask of coffee and a BLT panini roll. Did nothing to it yesterday as ended up helping my youngest replace fork seals on his R1 , upside is I have a clean bench and tidyish work space!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 26, 2019, 01:43:50 PM
Not finished yet and the black colour wont dry, may need to get some vodka and mix it . My daughter did the cakes she decorated that way. Just made pulled "pork" using jack fruit, very tasty (hot spicy) and has the texture of pulled pork .

My lad took over my workshop again as part turned up to fit modified front brake master cylinder so didn't get to do much on panel (again) but made a jewellery stand while I waited for him to finish.  Hopefully get some done tomorrow.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 27, 2019, 10:38:09 AM
Just assembled the microphone cake, its a bit (lot!) phallic and not as well finished as I hoped but its just a bit of FUN .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 27, 2019, 06:31:20 PM
Quote from: davina61 on May 27, 2019, 10:38:09 AM
Just assembled the microphone cake, its a bit (lot!) phallic and not as well finished as I hoped but its just a bit of FUN .

Phallic????   :o :o :o
                       Hmmmm   ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: CynthiaAnn on May 28, 2019, 06:49:06 AM
Quote from: davina61 on May 27, 2019, 10:38:09 AM
Just assembled the microphone cake, its a bit (lot!) phallic and not as well finished as I hoped but its just a bit of FUN .

:) :) Made me smile this morning

C -
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 28, 2019, 02:48:47 PM
The orange colour has made the icing sag and I don't think the battery's (she is always  changing them in wire less mic!!) help either .(
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: CynthiaAnn on May 28, 2019, 02:53:30 PM
is that my imagination or do I see a face staring back at me in the orange top ? (two eyes, nose, and smile)  :) :)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 28, 2019, 03:18:33 PM
Quote from: davina61 on May 28, 2019, 02:48:47 PM
The orange colour has made the icing sag and I don't think the battery's (she is always  changing them in wire less mic!!) help either .(

   It looks like a microphone to me.... good job
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 28, 2019, 05:07:45 PM
Your too kind, thanks. If I had the time I would have made it again but as I said its more for a laugh
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on May 29, 2019, 09:41:08 AM
I've figured out the microphone and the two batteries but not sure what the lighter blue thingy is? Looks like fun!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 30, 2019, 02:35:59 AM
Its the bit you clip microphone into on stand , needed something to hold it in place anyway. Well it went down a storm, for all the wrong reasons of course. Tears of laughter as it got introduced as a penis cake by Andy over the PA !!! lots of photos taken and the birthday girl said it made her night and I got a BIG hug and kiss. Was told the one lady behind the bar who is a bit straight faced was doubled up laughing with tears running down her face (they put candle in it and carried it out) , now what novelty cake can I make next???
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: CynthiaAnn on May 30, 2019, 07:34:31 AM
 :) :) what imaginations people can have with anything remotely cylindrical.

Sounds like a great time

C -
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 30, 2019, 01:59:55 PM
Went to the DIY shop this morning for some wood for the panel van interior and coming out was my brother in law. Not seen him for a long time and I was calling his name and he walked past me puzzled. Didn't recognize me and I said "well you wouldn't" . His youngest lad was by the car and he is waving, have seen him recently. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Faith on May 30, 2019, 02:14:05 PM
very cool. I'm still waiting for my first lack of recognition experience. well, it's happened from some who don't know me well. I mean for someone that should know and they don't
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 02, 2024, 05:29:27 AM
Well found whats left of my blog--------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: tgirlamg on January 02, 2024, 11:59:00 AM
Kinda fun poking around here and seeing where life was for many of us four years back... glad you have some remains to your blog sister!... where things go around here next?... Onward is always the correct direction of travel 🙋�♀️💕🌻
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 02, 2024, 01:02:33 PM
Thanks, waiting for the new format then can reset some bits. Not a lot going on here anyways at the moment
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Jessica_K on January 02, 2024, 02:14:24 PM
Hi Davina,

I was going to take a break from here but I cannot desert this place at such a bad time. I had to remember my password from such a long time ago, if I hadn't I would have lost my login as the email address then no longer exists so no change password.

My blog has gone forever as it was not running back then. I was not able to create another last I looked but will try again soon and get it going again.

Did manage to change my avi pic, it was an extremely old one.

Jessica Xxx
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 03, 2024, 07:21:39 AM
Luckily my computer remembered my log in (and my blog title).  Had intended going to work on the Austin today as weather is okay but had a terrible nights sleep, took me ages to go to sleep and then woke 3 times for a comfort break and then took ages to go back to sleep. Lots of weird dreams that disturbed my slumber and then slept on till 9.30 and still took 1/2hr to come round. 2nd night on the trot this has happened and not sure why, doing nothing different.
 Just made cheese on toast in the air fryer, nice and crispy!! Looks like it will be a big food shop tomorrow as out of veg and other stuff.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 03, 2024, 12:59:24 PM
Been a bit odd on here, vol3 disappeared and has now come back! but at least my old blog is back here.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Oldandcreaky on January 03, 2024, 02:16:58 PM
Hey, Davina! Good to see you found some of your blog.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: REM.1126 on January 03, 2024, 09:46:41 PM
It is good to see you.  I hope things get back as close as possible to before the crash (hereinafter BTC).
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 04, 2024, 03:52:18 AM
Back to "normal" sleep wise last night, phew!! River is supposed to peak today, 7 Meters over normal!!! Just hope my sisters house is okay as its on an island surrounded by the river Severn and she had to wade through 4ins of water to walk over the lock gates on Sunday before it rose more. Have to go the other way around to get to Malvern as the road out of town that I normally use is flooded, local radio said there are temporary traffic lights due to a burst water main by the Doctors so with all the extra traffic going this way I expect a good hold up.
 Big food shop needed, ran out of veg and all sorts of stuff. Light cloud and blue sky at the moment, we need some sun and dry days after the last few weeks.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Devlyn on January 04, 2024, 05:11:08 AM
Quote from: davina61 on January 03, 2024, 12:59:24 PMBeen a bit odd on here, vol3 disappeared and has now come back! but at least my old blog is back here.

That was me, I accidentally archived it along with some of the old blogs that had already been removed before the crash. Sorry for the inconvenience.  :)

Hugs, Devlyn
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 04, 2024, 10:57:32 AM
No problem dearie, there is a bucket load of "maintenance" needed . Sisters house is still dry, door defence barrier is holding as water is about 6ins above door step.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 04, 2024, 11:38:15 AM
I tried to change my avatar pic but it keeps timing out---------------I know file to large but not sure how to change it, maybe wait till tapatalk works again.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 05, 2024, 03:43:43 AM
Roll on the spring, all this damp and dark is orid (watched my fair lady the other day). Maybe I am suffering from S.A.D so bring on the sunshine. Off down the workshop even if I cant do much,rent to pay and check for flood damage if water ran past door post.
 Cooked to much food yesterday so might freeze some, beef and stilton pie is good, Keema pasties look tasty and as I got some vanilla custard (reduced price due to date) from the supermarket I made an apple and blackberry crumble. Now I just need to find a whale avatar!! 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 05, 2024, 03:06:58 PM
Called in on my friend Deb, she was forcing herself to feel good today as she was going to a panto with the grandkids. She is still not in a good place so I told her the only person that can help you is yourself. I hope she does as it is heart breaking to me to see her in this state.
  Well my leg and back was good enough for me to crawl under the Austin, had to give up on TIG welding the stainless exhaust as my welding mask kept misting up. Bit cold in my workshop and tomorrow its going to be a frost first thing and only 5C high. Space heater on then but cant afford the fuel to run it long.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Jessica_K on January 06, 2024, 02:51:04 AM
As a follower of your blogs dear, it is so nice to see you are still around. SP would not be the same without your cooking, your amazing constructions, and workshop activities. Good to know your back has improved enough to slide under the Austin, just do not eat so much that you cannot get under lol

Jessica xxx
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 06, 2024, 03:47:28 AM
Yes dear and nice to see you are still here, working on getting rid of the Christmas podge !
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 06, 2024, 12:58:19 PM
Managed to do some more work on the rod, took some pain killers this morning as back was catching a bit and it was okay all day. Didnt realise how cold I was till the heater kicked in on the car on the way home and I had 2 coats on!! Colder tomorrow and the rest of the week as well.
 Feet up in the warm now, just crashed out for 1/2hr after eating my dinner ----------- Watching the day the earth stood still now, the remake on the TV.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 07, 2024, 01:12:36 PM
I suppose a reintro is due for anyone that joined recently.
 So I have always "wanted" to be female, I can remember going on hols at a static caravan park and the owner saying that a man stayed in the one van and woke as a woman the next morning. Why cant we stay in that van went through my mind, asked my mum why cant the boys wear the summer dresses the girls have for school instead of the shorts we have to wear? Cross dressing in my teens borrowing sisters clothes. Left school at 15 (glad to get out as never fitted in with the kids) and started working in a local garage as an apprentice. Found I had a natural gift for working on cars, joined my hot rod club in 78 and one of the lads drag raced. Looked like fun so did that, met the missus at a party held by one of the club members and they contrived to put us together. She became pregnant and we got married, ended up with 3 kids all wonderful. Took over the garage where I trained but my old boss was the land lord and kick me out , kept doing that to folks till he sold site for housing. Ended up going bust and HRMC made me bankrupt, had to find work so in the end I was an MOT tester for a garage chain. Had my right wrist damaged after an assault by a manager after he had a metal break down, in the end I was unable to work and took early retirement.
 Back to the nitty gritty, still cross dressing when I had the chance with the wife's gear watching any gender programs on the TV. Now she had been distant from me since the business finished, 7 years ago there was a closing down sale on at an oversize store and I bought some clothes and shoes. She caught me putting some away and I just blurted it out resulting in me being thrown out, found my flat and been her since. Came out at work without much bother (apart from the eastern European employees) but work were fine. Got on the GIC list and started HRT with joint consent from my GP, wife divorced me due to Irreconcilable actions!! didn't contest as she had been doing my head in for over 10 years. Had GRS just over 2 years ago, made friends with one of my sisters old friends from when they were at school after she fixed my back. Got taken to open mic night and now turn up to play percussion, everyone is fine with me and lovely. Now nearly 69 (any way up!) living on my own, rebuilding my Austin hot rod for the 3rd time, cooking my curries and trying to survive on a state pension. Mission   this year is to try (again) to lose weight , note to self not to eat through boredom!
 Its been 7 years now since finding Susan's and it was the best thing ever, showed me the way forward. I have had no problem as such ,things fall in place for me at the right time so I never worry about stuff but I have always been positive. As my friend says "trust in the universe"   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 08, 2024, 08:39:04 AM
Felt a bit off yesterday so back home after 2 hrs, had to climb inside the Austin to put the nuts on exhaust mountings and its a bit tight for my wonky legs. Not sure if that was it making me "shiver" or nerves twitch but took a good while to calm down after sitting for a bit. Much to cold for me today to venture out so making a lamb stew in slow cooker. Done a few jobs, time to hang the washing up.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: D'Amalie on January 08, 2024, 09:08:50 AM
Definitely too cold to be climbing under, tinkering or working in an engine bay in a car port or outdoors.  "I feel your pain."  It doesn't pay to be the family mechanic, although smiles and happiness is good payment along with the satisfaction of problems well sorted.

I have a couple of projects I'm putting off till spring, although I have a heated shop. I hate doing musical cars in the snow. The brake servo in the '57 Silver Cloud needs a refurb.  I've put it off for a couple of years.  A valve adjustment is on the books for the '56 Chev 210.

I was out in it last week putting a belt tensioner in my daughter's Tahoe.  Usually a miserable cold experience, yet not so bad since she kept me company.  I insist all my kids help in the maintenance on their vehicles, maybe she'll learn something and avoid shifty mechanics.  As my wife says, just because I have these (points to boobs) doesn't make me stupid.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 08, 2024, 12:15:59 PM
Well I have been redoing the 1951 Austin A40 Countryman for the third time since I got it in 78, its been hot rodded from then and is getting a "modern" running gear and air ride. Would post a pic but have to wait till my phone connects. Will revive Hot Rods and Drag racing in hobbies.
I have a workshop but its cold as with a cement sheet roof and single block wall , cant afford to put fuel in my space heater.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Donica on January 08, 2024, 03:24:32 PM
Hi @davina61! Glad to see you're still here. I remember the van mod you did back in the day. Nice to see you're still at it.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 09, 2024, 04:41:23 AM
Going to try an air fryer recipe for fish today, have to walk to the shop and get a red pepper and need to check that the chemist has ordered my patches. Did that before Christmas to make sure it went through but I always end up chasing them, have to go see my GP sometime so will raise that with them.
 Back to the fish, cook the veg first and then lay the fish on top so will see how that works out. Cold out today, light cloud and some blue sky at the moment but they say a cold NE strong wind this afternoon so off to the shop now. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 09, 2024, 06:58:10 AM
Great, chemist said the prescription has not come through so they will chase it up. Good news is she got some in ready so hope I can pick them up on Thurs . Left leg still not recovered fully from sciatica, was a struggle to walk to the shop and back and then I had the stairs to tackle!! Knee keeps giving way, bothered it might put me on the floor if it totally gives out.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 10, 2024, 04:44:50 AM
Back playing up this morning but its still to cold to go to the workshop, car screen is froze over. Washed the work clothes now. Did the fish air fryer dish and it was very nice, it was a lunch amount for 2 so ate 2/3rds for dinner and have a bit left for todays lunch. Courgette, sweet potato and red pepper chopped into chunks with a balsamic vinegar and spice coating, fish coated in lemon juice and dried dill and then tinned chick peas in a tomato puree, smoked paprika, garlic and cumin dressing all with S&P to taste.
 House work today, bit of gentle exercise on my back and leg. Weather prediction is we might get snow middle of next week. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 10, 2024, 08:13:21 AM
Just made some cheese scones to go with my stew tonight, air fryer recipe from my new book. Very nice and so quick and easy.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: imallie on January 10, 2024, 03:40:01 PM
Ooh what's the book? My wife got me "Skinny taste Air Fryer recipes" for Christmas but I haven't looked at it yet so I can't speak to it at all.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 10, 2024, 05:16:32 PM
The complete air fryer cookbook by sam & dom milner (do they have a pee yellow duce?)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 11, 2024, 12:15:48 PM
Treated myself to a 5L 24cm stainless cooking pot so I can make a veg curry that is to big for my biggest saucepan. Daughter bought me a very big pot a few years ago but way to tall for this recipe. Just cooked an "everyday" chicken curry using a 1.5kg whole chuck cut into pieces, good job I had got the large dia pan out of the camper as it only just went in.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 12, 2024, 05:44:43 AM
I was a bit late going to bed but getting up at 10am is a bit much! To late to go to my workshop (and its still cold). Found a mixed veg recipe in one of my cook books so will use most of the veg thats been chilling (ha ha) in my fridge for over a week. Time to test out the new pan I recon.
 Air fryer fish cake again for lunch, came out well yesterday so might make some sweet potato frys to go with it.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Emma1017 on January 12, 2024, 07:50:54 AM
Hi Davina.  I haven't been on because I was hoping that they would figure out how to repair the system.  Seems like that will be a while.  Glad you are still cooking.  Stay warm!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: REM.1126 on January 12, 2024, 12:33:51 PM
Quote from: Emma1017 on January 12, 2024, 07:50:54 AMHi Davina.  I haven't been on because I was hoping that they would figure out how to repair the system.  Seems like that will be a while.  Glad you are still cooking.  Stay warm!

I don't get the impression that the system can ever be "restored".  It can be tweaked as far as appearance goes.  But, the data we have is the data we will have.  At least, that's my understanding.  So, dive in Emma, and re-establish your presence. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Devlyn on January 12, 2024, 01:56:04 PM
Quote from: Emma1017 on January 12, 2024, 07:50:54 AMHi Davina.  I haven't been on because I was hoping that they would figure out how to repair the system.  Seems like that will be a while. Glad you are still cooking.  Stay warm!

I'm sure that @Susan and @Northern Star Girl would gratefully accept your help with that task. 🙂

Hugs, Devlyn
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 12, 2024, 03:10:02 PM
If anyone is interested the veg curry was good, have a BIG bowl full in the fridge now to last a good few days.
Came over with the feeling I should be a stay at home mom with a big family to feed and take care off, maybe its from the "past life" feelings I get where I was a tall slender red head in a country village a long time ago.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Jessica_K on January 13, 2024, 06:08:37 AM
Do you have the recipe of the veg curry. I could make it tomorrow when I am alone. Kay does not like hot curries. I assume it 'ot  being midlands lol

Jessica xxx
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: ChrissyRyan on January 13, 2024, 09:53:16 PM
I miss your former blog Davina!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 14, 2024, 04:10:15 AM
Well it was just ramblings, they will continue on here so brace yourself. Off down the workshop in a mo, its still cold (for me) but there is a big freeze next week with temps barely getting over freezing in the day so week at home then. Must do some exercises and not sit watching TV, bit of drum practice would be good.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 14, 2024, 08:06:32 AM
Back was still playing up as taking some tablets and I came over with a dose of CBA (cant be "bothered"). Nothing I was doing that  cant wait anyway.
 Might try some muffins in the air fryer--------------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 15, 2024, 04:28:19 AM
Going to be bored out my skull I know it, staying in due to freezing temps. Cooking broccoli soup for lunch to be healthy, doing some exercises if my back allows as its giving me jip this morning. Have to chase up chemist to see where my meds are, should have had them Fri.
 Need to sort my kitchen cupboard out to get my new pan in, need a bigger kitchen!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 15, 2024, 10:09:33 AM
Talk about a faff, doc wanted my blood pressure before he would do the prescription but nobody told me. By now I was getting peed off so when I took it just after eating lunch it was on the high side (145/95, 60bpm) so I now have to take 4 readings over the next 4 days before I can get any if the readings are low.
 Have to ring first thing Fri to get in to see my doc as well as they have stopped pre booking appointments due to time wasters. Phone appointment to review my HRT on the 7th of Feb as well.
 Doing 5mins step ups then taking a rest , need to keep it up.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Oldandcreaky on January 15, 2024, 11:11:17 AM
What a normal, lovely life you lead, Davina.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 15, 2024, 11:41:37 AM
I do dear heart, raving normal!! Just got a text from chemist, prescription came through! Walk out in the cold in the morning then.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Emma1017 on January 15, 2024, 02:21:53 PM
Quote from: Emma1017 on January 12, 2024, 07:50:54 AM
Hi Davina.  I haven't been on because I was hoping that they would figure out how to repair the system.  Seems like that will be a while. Glad you are still cooking.  Stay warm!

"I'm sure that @Susan and @Northern Star Girl would gratefully accept your help with that task. 🙂

Hugs, Devlyn"

Devlyn, if I thought I could in any way be useful, I would gladly help.  I can do construction work, but website construction is out of my league.  Can they get expert assistance?

Davina I sympathize with you.  I had to change doctors and hospital affiliations this month and what a bureaucratic pain.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 16, 2024, 04:18:21 AM
Blood pressure  better this morning , first reading was way high (as usual) but waited a few mins doing breathing exercise to chill out. 133 over 89 with a 60 bpm . Swift walk , well as swift as my knackered leg will allow, to the chemist in a bit so some exercise and I will carry on doing short step ups. Started off with 30sec bursts and will increase time as my leg gets better. 4lb lost from Christmas excess so far, now can I keep it up this year to lose that 40lb I have been trying to lose for the last few years?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Jessica_Rose on January 16, 2024, 06:25:51 AM
I'm glad to hear that your blood pressure is down a bit, and that you're off to a great start towards your weight loss goals. It always seems really difficult to lose weight, and it's so easy to get back into bad habits. I wish you all the best!

Love always -- Jessica Rose
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 17, 2024, 12:10:36 PM
Not much happened today, have to empty the washing up bowl into the "guest" toilet as sink blocked. Waiting for the man to come and put some super strength cleaner down it, 3 years since it was last needed. Bad plumbing from who ever put the pipe work in, trouble is I cant use the washing machine as it goes into the same pipework.
Made some oat biscuits and an apple and blackberry crumble, run out of flour and sugar so heavy bag of shopping tomorrow.
Could be as cold as -7C tonight, hope it warms up quick in the morning.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Maid Marion on January 17, 2024, 12:39:33 PM
My long hair clogs up the pipes.  I've learned that I can open up the pipes in the basement and run a rotary drain snake to grab and pull the hair out of the pipes. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 17, 2024, 05:01:02 PM
Dont work on this setup, to many 90 deg joins so cable wont go through
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: ChrissyRyan on January 17, 2024, 05:06:33 PM
There are these inexpensive drain gizmos you can add just under the screws on drain covers that have a chain or something that grabs hair on their way down the drainpipe.  I have used them in showers and tubs.  Every so often you take it out and throw it away and put in another one.  I suppose you could clean them and reuse them.

These do NOT unclog drains but they grab the hair that can fill up your drains.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 17, 2024, 05:12:29 PM
Its a fatburg from all the oil from washing the dishes and pans, perils of cooking curries!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: ChrissyRyan on January 17, 2024, 05:14:41 PM
Quote from: davina61 on January 17, 2024, 05:12:29 PMIts a fatburg from all the oil from washing the dishes and pans, perils of cooking curries!!

I see.  Well that is a problem too!  (Not eating the curry though!)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Maid Marion on January 17, 2024, 05:24:38 PM
I wipe off or drain cooking oils and put them in the trash as recommended by the local authorities.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: ChrissyRyan on January 17, 2024, 05:37:26 PM
Quote from: Maid Marion on January 17, 2024, 05:24:38 PMI wipe off or drain cooking oils and put them in the trash as recommended by the local authorities.

Thank makes a lot of sense to do Marion.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 18, 2024, 03:40:29 AM
I do as much as possible, plumbing is not good in my flat as water pressure drops when having a shower, toilet backs up some times and my supply is shared with flat2 . Electric shower so when the pressure drops first I get "burnt" and then froze as it turns off to protect the heater, there is a flag to show it so you know when its happening.
 Well its a good frost this morning, condensation has froze on the inside of outside glass on secondary glazing and car looks well frosted from here. Think it will be the thermal socks my sister got me for Christmas today.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Oldandcreaky on January 18, 2024, 07:11:41 AM
Quote...water pressure drops when having a shower, toilet backs up some times and my supply is shared with flat2 . Electric shower so when the pressure drops first I get "burnt" and then froze as it turns off to protect the heater,....

Yep, your plumbing is not good. That's a fire and ice shower! Your showers are an adventure, Davina.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 18, 2024, 08:31:29 AM
Debs birthday tomorrow, found some fluffy thermal socks in supermarket. Lemon icing on reduced shelf so making her a lemon cake, got 2 birthday cards and they scanned but don't show on till receipt, bonus!
 So thats a cooking afternoon then (again) making Debs a cake and doing a sweet and sour pork and veg. Got some spring onions, pak choy, button mushrooms and 2 packs of sauce. Carrot going in as well.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Gina P on January 18, 2024, 08:59:21 AM
Quote from: davina61 on January 18, 2024, 03:40:29 AMI do as much as possible, plumbing is not good in my flat as water pressure drops when having a shower, toilet backs up some times and my supply is shared with flat2 . Electric shower so when the pressure drops first I get "burnt" and then froze as it turns off to protect the heater, there is a flag to show it so you know when its happening.
My first house had plumbing like that. Flush the toilet and the shower went into ice mode. When I built my new home 23 years ago I ran separate lines back to the pressure tank(well water) for hot and cold. Completely eliminated that problem. Plumbing inspector was perplexed why I had ran so much plumbing but since it met code he passed it. I also added thermal traps to the hot water heater to keep it from diffusing the heat and placed the heater between the bath and kitchen to eliminate having to run a lot of water to get hot.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: REM.1126 on January 18, 2024, 02:26:47 PM
Our kitchen is a distance from the tankless water heater, so we put a small water heat tank under the sink.  Instant hot, and the pipes get flushed of cool water before the water temp of the tank drops much.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 19, 2024, 03:36:58 AM
So got up early to ring docs for appointment with my trans friendly lady doc, was told she would be in this afternoon but not according to reception this morning. Have to go through getting up and ringing them again on Mon when she should be in (maybe) . Its a pot luck system as you have to ring on the day, they no longer do booked slots due to time wasters.
 Mum rang last night, one of the new LED lights I fitted has lost 2 units and they are not replaceable. Looks like I will be wobbling on some steps to replace the fitting then.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: imallie on January 19, 2024, 05:20:02 PM
Quote from: davina61 on January 19, 2024, 03:36:58 AMSo got up early to ring docs for appointment with my trans friendly lady doc, was told she would be in this afternoon but not according to reception this morning. Have to go through getting up and ringing them again on Mon when she should be in (maybe) . Its a pot luck system as you have to ring on the day, they no longer do booked slots due to time wasters.
 Mum rang last night, one of the new LED lights I fitted has lost 2 units and they are not replaceable. Looks like I will be wobbling on some steps to replace the fitting then.

Wait - you can't make a doctors appointment? It's first-come, first-served, day of?

That's just another difference between your system and ours...

Here we are free to make appointments... it's just that we're usually making them three or six months in advance. I guess both systems have their disadvantages.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 20, 2024, 08:57:37 AM
TBH each GP surgery seem to have their own system, its fine as long as you phone at 8am and get in the call back que. Today was a bust for going down the workshop, by the time I had fitted the new ceiling lamp and had a cup of tea my clothes wash was nearly done. Had to get a few things washed as not sure when the man is coming to unblock my drain, 1.30 when I left mums so back home and put the washing in the tumble, all on the dryer now.
 Had "fun" fitting the lamp, had to get the trestle steps to stand on as every time I looked up I went dizzy. Vertigo is not funny but worked my way through.
 On a mission now to lose the LBs as my blood pressure is high, 6 weeks till hols as well so hope to move at least 8lbs .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Oldandcreaky on January 20, 2024, 01:50:44 PM
Davina, I get a kick out of your vocabulary and expressions. Your speech is similar enough to mine that I can decode what you write most of the time, but I enjoy it all the time. Are the words and expressions that I use ever funny or confusing for you?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 20, 2024, 05:02:39 PM
I usually get the jist of things! 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 21, 2024, 05:26:09 AM
Okay so I overslept big time again, there's a BIG Atlantic storm coming in this afternoon as well so gave up going out. Back is playing up as well so its rolled up towel in small of back time to see if that stretches my spine into place.
 Watching a cooking program gaining tips!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 21, 2024, 10:35:36 AM
Cooking chicken in a creamy pistachio sauce, it said caramelise the onion. Well my back was hurting after standing shelling over 100 pistachios to grind to a powder and prep the rest of the ingredients so while the onions were cooking slow I went for a 5mins sit down. I will swear there is a mischievous spirit in my kitchen , the onions were hardly cooking and when I came back they weren't caramelised they were carbonised ! Pan was really hot even though on a low setting, they didn't taste burnt so I carried on making it. Tastes okay, some rice and a chapatti will go well with it. Stir fry sticky chilli pork to cook now for tonight.
 Storm is blowing in, very windy now rattling things and howling in the eves.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 22, 2024, 05:58:47 AM
Rang the docs on the stroke of 8am, the doctors surgery will be open at 8am said the message so rang straight back and ended up in the call back queue. Got a9.30 slot but the doc I wanted to see was on training duty so saw the trainee who then called Dr W in. Got a referal to the ENT clinic, they were going to ask about monitoring my hormone levels as I told them the gender clinic had stopped after my GRS. Also got her to check if my right breast was okay as it got sore under the nipple . Told her it went with the full moon! and she checked and said its hormonal and nothing out of the normal , breasts can be funny things said the trainee. I asked her if she had treated a transgender patient before and she said no but she was lovely, will make a good GP I recon.
 House work then, bed changed and some cleaning done. Have to chase up the agents to see where the man is to clear my drain.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 23, 2024, 04:07:58 AM
Another storms a brewing, braving it today to go down the workshop. Back is better and its warm today so less likely to seize up! Put a LB back on <not allowed> , must do more exercises.
 The chicken curry does have a bit of a taste to it from the burnt onion, not bad but still there. Watched a program last night where they checked a family for what they ate and did health checks, yes they did get good food when shopping and ate good dinners. Trouble was they then ordered take out on top, bad blood pressure and over weight. Given a good diet and exercise they both lost 5ins around there waist in 6 weeks. Now I have 6 weeks before my hols so can I do that?? Thing is my diet is a lot better than theirs, its just the exercise thing----- 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 23, 2024, 10:17:13 AM
Well I managed to do a bit in the workshop today, so damp my glasses and welding helmet kept fogging up.
 Finished the other tail pipe and fitted it, by now my back was playing me up again from bad posture sat on my stool leaning forward.
 Looks like we missed the worst of the weather (so far) , still windy but no heavy rain yet.
Docs sent a message asking about gender clinic monitoring my HRT, told them yesterday that once I had GRS they discharged me from their care---------- 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: D'Amalie on January 23, 2024, 03:11:15 PM
Cutting Carbs for 3 years dropped 9 kilos it all came back in three months when I fell off the cart.

Very damp here as well.  Melting a foot of snow takes a bit and makes quite the mess.  I've not been able to make myself get out in the Barn (shop) even though the heat pump keeps a balmy 12 degrees (55F).  I'm using the excuse that the shipping company lost the brake drums for the Silver Cloud, thus nothing to do.  I confess.  that's facetious at the least since I'd not want to drive it through the snowy splashy slushy mess out there in any  case.  Not that I never have mind, just not fond of the cleam up.  She's already had so many years in Midlands rain like as not I'll never afford the rust repairs before I go the the great beyond.  No matter. The old girl is a hoot to drive!  I ordered the drums first of December last.  Company lost 'em somewhere around Chicago during the last Arctic blast.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 24, 2024, 03:51:52 AM
Good old Brum tin worm, kept me busy for years welding up old cars.
 Have to write something this morning, like chatting to a friend. Weird dream that woke me, having a shower and someone walked in so covered myself up. Like I said weird !
 After yesterdays efforts my back is just "stiff" , took some pills to help movement and will see how I get on today. Hoping its easier to get to the nuts on the exhaust mountings where they go through the wheel arch on the l/h side.
 Wind has died down, bit of cloud now but showers this affty.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 25, 2024, 03:31:40 AM
Made a veg curry yesterday when I got back home from doing a bit to the Austin, it said spicy and creamy. Its defiantly spicy, one chilli in the blended spice mix and a split chilli in with the veg. Coconut milk in at the end makes it creamy but it made me sweat!!
  Well its Thursday grocery shop again, fridge is looking bare. Now cant decide what meat to get, just had chicken for the last 4 days so lamb, beef or pork or do I splash out and get fish? Fish is a lot more expensive now, I look for reduced and freeze it but there has not been any lately.
 Cloudy today but just started to lighten up, 12C so high summer for Danielle!!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: D'Amalie on January 25, 2024, 07:56:02 AM
Do you make Tikka Masala?  I'm looking for a good home recipe. I know I can find oodles on the net, but I'm so tired of going to the web for anything.  I miss the personal touch of exchanging recipes. I was of a mind to try the basic Tikka recipe then tweak it with different ingredients for variety.  My partner doesn't give a fig for curry. What's wrong with them? ;D Tikka doesn't taste or smell of of traditional curry so she'll eat it with me.

Certainly the cost of groceries is a touchy subject. I do love my fish!  Wild caught where I can get it.  The fish farming horror stories warn me off most fresh offerings.

Quote from: davina61 on January 25, 2024, 03:31:40 AMMade a veg curry yesterday when I got back home from doing a bit to the Austin, it said spicy and creamy. Its defiantly spicy, one chilli in the blended spice mix and a split chilli in with the veg. Coconut milk in at the end makes it creamy but it made me sweat!!
  Well its Thursday grocery shop again, fridge is looking bare. Now cant decide what meat to get, just had chicken for the last 4 days so lamb, beef or pork or do I splash out and get fish? Fish is a lot more expensive now, I look for reduced and freeze it but there has not been any lately.
 Cloudy today but just started to lighten up, 12C so high summer for Danielle!!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 25, 2024, 09:53:39 AM
Tikka Masala is a made up restaurant recipe that came about (if I remember right) when someone asked for a mild curry and the chef mixed some chicken tikka with a masala (BTW masala means mix of spices) . I do have one I think in one of my books, will look in a bit. I can never understand folks that don't like curry!! a good curry is not hot, if it is drowned in chilli you cant taste the spices. Cooking a daalcha at the moment ,meat and veg. Lamb cooked in  tamarind/ tomato sauce with marrow or in my case courgette with mashed and whole chickpeas. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 26, 2024, 04:55:19 AM
Must stop hibernating, woke at 7.30 and put the radio on and listened to the local news and some chat. Next thing I knew it was 9.30-------
 A well gives me time to catch up on stuff today, have to pay once yearly landlord insurance. On line of course so see how well their site works. Still waiting for the man to come and unblock the kitchen drain, will be taking more clothes was to mum then.
 I was a naughty girl yesterday, there was a selection tray of dried fruits and almond sweets in the reduced shelf so I bought it. Pigged all the sweets and some dried fruit, slap my wrist.
 Well that was a faff, the folk I do landlord liability insurance through no longer do it. Searching on the net brought up no results so rang agents. We no longer need it she said ,just do contents so after a bit of keyboard bashing have new cover for £45 a year
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: D'Amalie on January 26, 2024, 08:28:21 AM
I didn't know that about Tikka!  How interesting.  An Asian friend told me yesterday, curry is just another word for gravy.  How about that.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: imallie on January 26, 2024, 09:20:31 AM
Quote from: davina61 on January 26, 2024, 04:55:19 AMMust stop hibernating, woke at 7.30 and put the radio on and listened to the local news and some chat. Next thing I knew it was 9.30-------
 A well gives me time to catch up on stuff today, have to pay once yearly landlord insurance. On line of course so see how well their site works. Still waiting for the man to come and unblock the kitchen drain, will be taking more clothes was to mum then.
 I was a naughty girl yesterday, there was a selection tray of dried fruits and almond sweets in the reduced shelf so I bought it. Pigged all the sweets and some dried fruit, slap my wrist.
 Well that was a faff, the folk I do landlord liability insurance through no longer do it. Searching on the net brought up no results so rang agents. We no longer need it she said ,just do contents so after a bit of keyboard bashing have new cover for £45 a year

So you saved some money and ate some delicious treats. Sounds like what most people would call a good day! 😘

Don't slap your wrist about the sweets. "foods we enjoy" are just as valid a macro as protein, fiber and complex carbs. You need to allow a balance of them into your life so you can enjoy what you eat and stick with your overall eating plan in the long term!

Have a lovely weekend!!!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 26, 2024, 12:00:28 PM
Yes dear, having some dried fruit and choc (sticky toffee pudding flavour so it says on packet) hobnob biscuits for pudding!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Emma1017 on January 26, 2024, 01:30:51 PM

Davina I have given up on my girlish figure. Every time I complain about my belly, EVERY woman pretty much tells me to stop whining.  As one friend said, "Oh for goodness sakes you are a woman over 60, get over it!"  It did make me smile.  I find my transgender validation in the strangest places.

Separately, my two addictions in England are fish & chips (they are terrible in the US) and sticky toffee pudding.  Thank God my trips are limited to no more than twice a year! I'd have to get two seats on the plane. :o  ::)  ;D

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 26, 2024, 01:54:27 PM
But my clothes are getting tight!! Yes I was going to say curry means gravy but it has become a catch all for Indian food.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 27, 2024, 01:09:35 PM
Well I tried to post earlier but internet kept crashing, went down the workshop this morning and did a few bits. Ran out of things to do again and came back home, didnt realize how cold I was till I changed out of my work clothes. Took me over an hour and a few cups of tea to get warm!! It was 8C but a very stiff wind.
 Mum got a quote to get her shrubs and trees trimmed and cleared, £275 so not bad. It would be almost that much for a skip and days of work so I am glad about that.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 28, 2024, 07:49:59 AM
Well my internet is no better this morning, running a scan first and then will shut down and reboot the router. Cooked some dry veg curry just and have a sweet potato dessert cooking now, the sweet potatoes were starting to rot on the ends and as I had loads of milk it has made a nice way of using stuff up.
 Only 1.50pm and I am bored already!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 30, 2024, 04:40:15 AM
So stuck at home again, rang the local Vauxhall dealer to see if I could get the code for the immobiliser in the engine ECU to get a key chip coded. You need the vehicle registration document (V5) , now thats a problem as it was sent in when the donor car was scrapped. Also have to drive all the way to the city , whole load of cant be bother --------
 Have the annual check up tomorrow, that will be "fun" as over weight and high blood pressure I can work out for myself. Watched the "what's in your shopping trolley " program last night, I am doing the right things and eating good stuff as per the program and still cant lose the LBs GGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: D'Amalie on January 30, 2024, 03:58:15 PM
Quote from: davina61 on January 30, 2024, 04:40:15 AM... that will be "fun" as over weight and high blood pressure I can work out for myself. Watched the "what's in your shopping trolley " program last night, I am doing the right things and eating good stuff as per the program and still cant lose the LBs GGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Right with you old dear!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on January 31, 2024, 07:34:25 AM
Well I had my annual "MOT ,scales said 105kilo what ever that is in LBs. My scales said 16st 4lb this morning, still not lost the Christmas gain. She took an armful of blood (someone might get the reference) and told me on my notes that I had been prescribed statins and cholesterol meds. Well thats great as no one has messaged or told me, on my last blood test my cholesterol was normal and they never checked that only my blood pressure. Words need to be said I think, got a text from my chemist when I got home to say my meds were ready to collect!!  I hope to lower blood pressure by diet alone.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 01, 2024, 03:47:10 AM
Week has flown by ,good grief Feb already and food shop again. Tail pipe ends turned up for the Austin so that's a job for tomorrow and I also have 3 fruit trees to plant at mums. Warmer this weekend and dry so best time to plant them if my back lets me dig the holes, they are in about 18ins pots. Mum has a post hole spade that is weighty so that helps, next problem is where to put the soil ? Its very clay and stony so not good on the veg patch or borders.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: D'Amalie on February 01, 2024, 07:11:08 AM
Maybe mix it well into your compost heap?  Then screen out the rocks later?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 02, 2024, 04:26:54 AM
Mum does not have a compost bin, I keep saying she should but she has a garden waste collection bin so uses that. Well I need a kick up the bum this morning to get going, took me ages to come around when I woke. Roll on the nice weather.
 Upped my breakfast oats to include seeds as well as blueberries after watching the food in your shopping program last week. Checked a lot of stuff on the supermarket shelf and they must have share in a salt mine and sugar plant!! Watch what you buy folks as processed food is REALY bad. Bought a whole chicken and made a simple curry ,just a few whole spices (cinnamon, cardamom and bay leaves) onion, ginger and garlic ,one green chilli and yogurt. Slow cooked (korma) ,had a job getting all the cut up chicken in my biggest sauté pan but its nice and moist.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Jessica_K on February 03, 2024, 05:26:33 AM
I have been away from here for a week or so, just been too busy. So caught up with your mutterings lol. On the subject of curry I agree with you. Heat is a symptom of the spices not requirement of the curry. The whole should be in balence. Very hot yes when the spices produce it, but also mild when the flavours demand. So anyone can eat a good curry and if you can take the heat it just gives you a bigger selection lol.

Yesterday being away I had a curry from the curry house just over the road from my hotel. It was pretty good a veg madras, balance was good not that hot but tasty, I had it with a garlic nan that I asked to add a few chilli rounds. Then used the bread to eat the curry saving them washing up lol

Then it is weight lark, I spent ages last year losing 10lbs and within a month it's all back again. Just give up deary. We are built for comfort not for speed lol

Jessica xxx

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 04, 2024, 11:27:17 AM
The fruit tree planting went a lot easier than expected, no aches or pains either. Soil has gone in some waste bags so that problem solved.
 Called in on Debs as she tried ringing me as I got to mums, no good as there is 0 signal there so called in on the way back home. J was there cooking her some lunch (she knows how to get others do stuff) and she said she hade been in a dark place again. Gave her the tough love talk again and she rallied around, went to check on the veg patch and non of the seeds I planted had come up. There is a good crop of borage, <not allowed> stuff is worse than any weed as the slightest bit of root grows into a plant. Job for spring then.
 Cooking afternoon now, Gobi Aloo, Keema and lamb and spinach. Not sure if the beef mince I used is okay, it has been defrosting for 2 days in the fridge and there was still some ice in the packet when I opened it. It was a bit pale looking and after cooking there is a slight odd taste. I ate a spoonful and not thrown up yet!!Its going back in the freezer anyway once its cold.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Jessica_K on February 04, 2024, 05:03:43 PM
You live dangerously Davina. Bad taste and looking funny are hints lol

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Emma1017 on February 04, 2024, 08:02:09 PM

Davina every time I read your posts I:

1. either go out and work on my car
2. get a sympathy backache with all the gardening you do
3. get very hungry, or
4. get a huge desire to go to a pub

All very excellent ideas in and of themselves.  Thanks for posting.  ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 05, 2024, 03:54:52 AM
I think you just summed up my existence!! Back to the workshop today, have the other side wing brace to make. Run out of things to do after that, well money to buy parts . Need to put some stuff (old record cases and things) in my garage/catch all (rubbish dump more like) ,have been putting it off due to my leg/back but might risk it tomorrow. Need the exercise climbing the stairs and I do have some light fittings I bought 2+ years ago to make into lamps. That will give me something to do and get my brain working, steam punk style I think as I have a very random collection of old bits (okay junk) to make mountings from.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 06, 2024, 04:38:43 AM
Well its dull and cloudy with rain on the way, possible snow Wed night till Thurs night so just hope it stays more North. Still waiting on the man to sort my blocked drain, washing is piling up so looks like I will have to take some to mums or my niece's cleaning business.
 Planning on making broccoli soup for lunch (again) as its been in the fridge for a week and a half so needs using. No shallots but do have some spring onions (scallions) that need using.
 Will be getting bored I know today, have to chase the vac around and do some cleaning. Might evict my "pet" spider from the on suite as it keeps building webs. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 06, 2024, 08:22:34 AM
Forgot to say I managed to get on the books of an NHS dentist, when I was down my workshop yesterday D said he had got in as they were taking on new NHS patients. He rang them on his mobile (signal iffy on mine down there) so gave them my details and have an email confirming.
 Made crispy potato skins, put a potato in the microwave for 6mins, cut it in half lengthways and scooped out the middle. Sprayed the outside with cooking spray and put some cheese in the middle, did nice in the air fryer and then mixed the potato scrapings with a small bit of butter and refilled the crispy shells. Nice and crispy. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 07, 2024, 03:49:01 AM
Dangerous I know but sitting here bored got me thinking (can you all hear the clanking noise as the gears turn?) am I really trans. Well how many males would wish for an accident to their genitals so they had to be removed? How many longed for moments when they could wear female clothes and feel relief (some thing that no longer happens I just get dressed) , how many late teen males would pick up a visiting toddler that was a family friends and comfort them? Yes I guess trans enough.
  Have to stay in today waiting on a call from docs about my HRT, they will get the "so how much do you know about trans patients need for hormones?" If they say to come off them. They were concerned with my blood pressure and HRT, well my blood pressure has been high for all the 6 years I have been taking the meds with no side effects so why the concern now? 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 07, 2024, 05:43:20 AM
Lady from the docs rang, they are trying to find someone who knows about HRT trans levels. Told her I was not taking the statins or cholesterol tablets as trying to control it with weight loss. She said they have a chart and I go over the "safe" limit and that is why they prescribed them but up to me if I take them. She asked if I had any problems with the HRT and I said no I was fine and she left it at that.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Jessica_K on February 07, 2024, 02:28:28 PM
I had a similar call from my GP about cholesterol, offering statins, my level is only 5 and been like that for as long as I can remember. Doc said my risk was 13% about the same as doing nothing due to my age. So I declined as I had done 10years ago lol. I have a very good and sympathetic endo so I don't expect any reductions.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 08, 2024, 08:30:49 AM
Had a missed call from the letting agents so called them back, the plumber called this morning. He tried to contact you but you didn't answer, well he didnt try very hard cos there was no more missed calls on my phone and no message on house phone. Grrr looks like he is coming Sat morning now, still the lad turned up and replaced my faulty socket in the kitchen.
 Bit of rain last night (we missed the snow) and roads were flooding from run off from fields.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 09, 2024, 04:15:41 AM
So what to do today?? Sound deadening just turned up for the hot rod and if I could be bothered I suppose I could go and make a start, naa . Have to wait in for the plumber tomorrow and Sunday its hot rod club breakfast meet.
 Lots of roads closed due to flash floods again, ground is saturated ,streams bursting and rivers on alert. Wont be long till we have a hose pipe ban!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 10, 2024, 04:46:34 AM
Well me man turned up early and cleared my blocked drain/pipework so sink runs and the washing machine is doing a load. Not sure what chemical he used but it stinks like rotten eggs, it will take a while to clear. Cleaned out the shower trap, had been putting that of but not that messy. I was getting short on a load of Indian spices, order came to £75!!! Oh well wont need to get any for a while now.
 Now again what to do today?? by the time the washings done it will be a bit to late to go to the workshop. I cooked a big pot of veg curry yesterday so no cooking to do, not cooking cake as its fattening.
 Fungal treatment is working on my finger nail, looks like another 6 to 8 weeks by the time its all grown back though. 3 weeks till hols with mum ,I was hoping it had grown back by then.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: imallie on February 10, 2024, 09:06:07 AM
Quote from: davina61 on February 10, 2024, 04:46:34 AMWell me man turned up early and cleared my blocked drain/pipework so sink runs and the washing machine is doing a load. Not sure what chemical he used but it stinks like rotten eggs, it will take a while to clear.

It wasn't the chemical he USED that made it smell that way, it was the hydrogen sulfide... which is the gas released from what was clogging up the drain when he unclogged it. So yeah, it should dissipate, basically depending on how big a blockage you had and what kind of ventilation you have! Hope it goes away soon though!

I only know this because a plumber once told me this when doing the same thing with our long kitchen pipe which got blocked. Kind of thing you don't forget. On a number of levels. 👃🤮😂

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Emma1017 on February 10, 2024, 09:34:26 AM

Davina just getting caught up on your postings and I saw this:

"Dangerous I know but sitting here bored got me thinking (can you all hear the clanking noise as the gears turn?) am I really trans."

On the cusp of getting my orchiectomy, doubt reared it's ugly head.  I wrote this:

"No doubt about a bout of another round of doubts: Life Being Transgender."

Your answer is exactly what I came up with:

"Well how many males would wish for an accident to their genitals, so they had to be removed?"

Exactly!  I am excited to have my surgery!

Yesterday when I asked the now,  rhetorical question: "Am I transgender?" my therapist responded:

"Well you certainly not cisgender..." and then she smiled that smile she has when she is calling out my BS.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 10, 2024, 01:14:36 PM
Its a shame there are no known to me trans ladies in the area, nobody on here close. Night in with nothing to watch on telly,2 films I have seen a few times, Mission Impossible 2 or Star Trek Beyond. Bad Chad feed on at 10, that should be good.
 Hot Rod club breakfast meet in the morning, will have to get  a wiz on to be there by 9.30
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 11, 2024, 07:56:34 AM
A good morning run out to hot rod brekie , plate of fry up and large coffee hit the spot. Had to drive the long way round as road flooded again, came back the other way but got stuck in traffic (as I expected). Some nice hot rods turned up, sun was shining. Saw R that I have not seen for years, he was a bit confused to start with but I think the penny dropped.
 Done some more washing, changed the bed so more to wash but apart from some towels I think I have caught up.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Jessica_K on February 11, 2024, 06:53:19 PM
Oh Sunday is washing day for me too, and sheet change. I did not have time to wash the sheets, but I do not need to make up the bed until Tuesday as I am away again.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 12, 2024, 03:28:47 AM
Trouble is I run out of drying space as only have a stand in the bedroom, I try not to use the tumble dryer due to cost. Right boobie has been itching again in the same spot just to the right of the areola ,some antiseptic cream helps.
 My friend said yesterday he needed his 1950 Vauxhall hot rod rewiring and I said that is my favourite thing to do. Looks like I have the job then, have to go over and do an assessment this week to work out what bits we need. Bit of brain exercise and careful planning.
 Blue cold sky this morning, high of 9C so they say. Of down the workshop to put sound deadening on the floor/bulkhead of the Austin, not sure how much of the dash and bits will have to be removed to get at it. Had to take pills as my back is hurting this morning so good I can do this stood up. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 13, 2024, 02:34:28 PM
I got "this lady was first" in my local post office, not bad for wearing my dirty work gear ,no makeup and my old past it wig!!
 Went to my friend N to look at his street rod 1950 Vauxhall with a Chevy 350 in it, wiring is a mess so we worked out what bits are needed and when they come in and he has the inside stripped out I will go over and make a new wiring loom.
 Salmon curry for dinner, had some lightly poached ready to eat salmon that I froze a few weeks ago. Recipe said put all the spices and coconut milk in a pan together and mix, put the salmon in that you fry first. well as this was ready cooked it went in and simmered for 10 mins. Was okay, made pancakes for afters as it Shrove Tuesday. Ate all 5 with lemon and sugar, fat as a bacon pig now!! 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Jessica_K on February 13, 2024, 04:42:14 PM
Missed out on the pancakes as usual. K is not one for them but this year she made the mix for her and the Kids before they left this evening. I was late home and brought in chippy on way home, far to full to eat them so the mix still stands lol

Jessica xxx
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 14, 2024, 04:47:08 AM
Have to chase up my patches prescription again  (mutter mutter) and got a message on home answer phone to ring gender unit, no phone number or who it was . How the blazes do they expect me to reply?
 Might try phoning Nottingham clinic to see if it was them but last time I tried there was no direct number I could find.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 14, 2024, 07:48:09 AM
Well they have my patches but no pharmacist to dispense them, will call in tomorrow when I go shopping. Rang the Notts gender clinic and eventually spoke to the correct person, they want to discharge me from their care. Well I had a letter 2 years ago saying they had done that, she didnt know anything about that but said I would get a Teams call so they could discuss if I was okay before they did. Have to wait for them to tell me when now.
 Have a load of veg curry so drained some into a bowl, added an egg and mashed/mixed it up. Stuck it in a frying pan then under the grill. It had a kick from the mustard seeds and chillies but made a bit of a fajita type thing. Lunch sorted!!   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 15, 2024, 08:32:09 AM
Picked up my patches, took ages as their computers had gone down. She was using her mobile and a scanning machine to do it, very slow.
 Made 2 cheesy beef burgers for lunch with stone baked rolls, Aberdeen Angus beef that was reduced price with todays use by on it. Very posh, put some chilli sauce on as well. I can just see the menu in a posh restaurant describing it as grass fed Aberdeen Angus beef patiee on a hand made stone baked bread roll with Cheddar cheese and a dressing of chilli sauce, cheese burger to you and me!! 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Maid Marion on February 15, 2024, 10:00:38 AM
Hi Davina,

I do the same with buying expensive ingredients for cooking on sale!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 16, 2024, 04:47:32 AM
Do you ever have one of them days when everything is against you, woke nice and early and then went back to sleep. 9.30 by the time I got out of my pit, then the laptop did an update so will be lunch time when I get to my workshop. Weather is good today as well, 13C and lots of blue sky.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Jessica_Rose on February 16, 2024, 05:48:53 AM
Quote from: davina61 on February 16, 2024, 04:47:32 AMDo you ever have one of them days when everything is against you, woke nice and early and then went back to sleep. 9.30 by the time I got out of my pit, then the laptop did an update so will be lunch time when I get to my workshop. Weather is good today as well, 13C and lots of blue sky.

The only days I ever have trouble with are the ones which end in the letter 'y'. At least your weather is good!

Love always -- Jessica Rose
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 16, 2024, 07:43:17 AM
Well I gave up trying, never do today what you can put off till tomorrow!!!! The universe decided it was the best thing to do, might have been bother if I had ventured out.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: ChrissyRyan on February 16, 2024, 04:31:14 PM

Have a wonderful weekend!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: REM.1126 on February 17, 2024, 02:04:51 AM
I had a day last week when everything seemed to be going wrong.  About 10 AM I sat down and thought about it all.  I realized I had caused each of the problems by not being mindful or what I was doing.  I was behind the curve, and distracted by the last thing that went wrong, and blundered into the next.  There was a point where I just wanted to get back into bed and pull the covers over my head.

But, instead I collected myself, thought about each negative outcome and what had caused it.  I realized it was all my own fault.  I resolved to focus and be mindful of what I was doing, and what would come next, and I was able to turned the day around. 

I don't think I have ever done that before.  Maybe most people do it all the time, but when things go decidedly backwards from the start, I usually get more and more frustrated and things go from bad to worse.  After this positive experience, I will certainly try to do it again next time things blow up.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 17, 2024, 03:07:43 AM
Up and at em this morning, cloudy with showers/light rain today but still on the warm side 11C so they say.
 Lets see what today can throw at me, have to call in on Deb on the way home. She wants my help to level her sons grave but its been so wet and the ground is solid clay it will have to wait for a dry spell.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 17, 2024, 01:02:13 PM
Called in on Debs, J was there and he was taking her out just to get her out the house. Hope she had a good time. I got mugged by her 2 dogs, Penny is lovely and just snuggled up and put her head on my leg. Dotty is a PIA and pesters all the time even when being petted.
 Made a big pot of veg curry, bit of a follow the recipe but do it to what I have. Worked fine, have enough to feed the 5000 !! (5 or 6).
 Decided to make something out of junk, have an old stainless kettle. Turn it upside down and the spout makes a great nose ,found a white enamel shallow dish that makes a great hat, some motor bike bar ends for eyes and a few more bits ,just think Mr potato head. It will be a "robot" when I can find a body, have the legs and feet sorted so body and arms left to do.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 18, 2024, 01:13:03 PM
Well Russel the robot is nearly done, found a box at mums to make the body and a dome light in my garage at home that fits the head. I would post a pic but tapatalk not working yet. That was fun making, searching for bits and finding that it all comes together. Cost nothing but time so far but need to put some sort of light in the dome, LED strip I think as it doesn't need a test to sell.

Russel as the old kettle I used for the head is a Russel Hobbs !
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Emma1017 on February 18, 2024, 10:28:49 PM

Davina every time I read your posts I wish I could fly over, eat some curry and head to your local pub with you.

Susan's acts as a bridge but I wish I could buy a round for everyone here.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 19, 2024, 04:02:50 AM
And I wish I could fly to see everyone over the ditch, well if you ever make it to the UK there is a curry and beer waiting.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Emma1017 on February 19, 2024, 09:18:28 AM

Excellent! Who knows?  Just be gentle with the hot spices, I am a culinary wimp ;D.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 20, 2024, 04:21:31 AM
Well I like a chilli kick but not that strong so you will be fine (lots of rice and chapatis) . Tempted to try and make some bread after listening to an artisan bread maker on the radio this morning, stuff you buy from the supermarket is rammed full of chemicals that cause stomach issues like bloating. Problem is I can never get it to second rise and it comes out with a cake texture, think a google search is needed!
 Not worth the trip down the workshop today as not a lot I can do without parts, think I need to make a plan/chart of jobs in order to get organised.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 20, 2024, 06:54:38 AM
The postings I found said knead longer, 20 mins it had and it did 2nd rise. well in the oven so see how it is in a bit. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Jenn104 on February 20, 2024, 07:41:13 AM
Quote from: davina61 on February 20, 2024, 06:54:38 AMThe postings I found said knead longer, 20 mins it had and it did 2nd rise. well in the oven so see how it is in a bit. 

Check the protein content of your flour as well. More protein yields more gluten yields a stronger, more structured dough. pastry flour doesn't have enough protein to develop gluten for bread. American style all-purpose flour usually does. Also check if you have chlorinated or bromated flour, which can both effect gluten development.

happy baking,


Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 20, 2024, 07:55:15 AM
Its whole meal strong bread flour, it was a bit better but still solid! Yeast is not doing its thing , first rise was great. Took it out as soon as it doubled in size, knocked it back and let it rise again but by the time it went in the tin that I preheated it had collapsed a bit. Rose again in the oven, it will be fine cut thin for a sandwich with a great crust!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Jenn104 on February 20, 2024, 08:08:08 AM
I used to bake seriously. I am a big believer in high quality flour, a baking scale, and stepping up yeast in a starter.


Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 20, 2024, 10:01:25 AM
Yup all weighed out, packet dry yeast just in date. Tried a slice with a thin bit of cheese, very nutty taste. Mums car has failed its annual road worthy test, drive shaft gaiter that I knew but some welding needed. Problem is the weather to get to do it and having access to Ds lift, might see if D can do it. Cant get it in my workshop as nowhere to move the Austin to under cover.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Maid Marion on February 20, 2024, 10:17:47 AM
I had some yeast going into the Pandemic and stretched it out my measuring out a tiny amount and letting it grow for a few hours before making bread.

I'd freeze unbaked bread.

Later, instead of baking it, I found it more  efficient to deep fry bread dough!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 20, 2024, 02:56:13 PM
Made a microwave sponge cake the other day, had some choc sprinkles so chucked them in. Turned out okay if a tad greasy. Advertised some old Street Rodder mags ,22 from 79 to 81. Will cost more to ship than they are worth!
 Also have some DC and Marvel mags from late 70s, not in very good condition but still readable. Now they might be worth selling, had a look at some and remembered the stories. Strange how the brain works as it must be over 40 years since I looked at them.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 21, 2024, 05:14:13 AM
Good job I have nothing planned for today, woke at 9am again. looks like broccoli soup for lunch as its been in the fridge 2 weeks and needs using. Not that I mind as its tasty and healthy .
 Will have to set my alarm for tomorrow as have dentist at 10am. Very wet and windy for the next 2 days.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 21, 2024, 12:00:22 PM
The most beautiful red sky tonight, darkest red that I can remember shining through the wispy clouds.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 22, 2024, 02:50:13 AM
So much for the red sky at night, shepherds delight. Its chucking it down and I have to be at the dentist for 10 so hope the roads are clear. Toss and turn nights sleep as well not helping, brain refused to shut down.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Emma1017 on February 22, 2024, 07:31:50 AM

Davina your blog always makes me hungry. You should have a cooking channel on YouTube.  :D

We've had a spell of cold weather and snow so soup and crusty bread has been the key and one of the best parts of winter.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 22, 2024, 08:30:40 AM
Had the rest of the soup just for lunch with 2 slices of home made bread. Well brain has been mushy all day, rushing to get to the dentist (teeth fine, gums poor) I left my purse in my other bag. Good job they take over the phone payments, all sorted. Mum paid for my groceries, have to pay her back.
 After getting a box of spices ordered online the supermarket I use has some larger bags of spices on the shelf, one thing I did get was a tin of gee as well as Bombay mix . My Aunty "cant eat that its to hot(spicy)!! Just tried some and its very mild.
 Lamb curry this afty ,not sure what one yet but brain getting better now so will risk it.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 22, 2024, 02:49:30 PM
Chapter 95 in Davina cooks, made a lamb curry that I made before that turned a bit wrong. With my better experience this time it turned out spot on, being patient with it and taking my time letting the yogurt cook out made all the difference I recon or maybe using the gee?
 Home made bread is tasting better after standing a few days as well .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 23, 2024, 07:48:22 AM
"waste" of a day today, well sort of. Went back to sleep AGAIN after waking at 6.50 and listening to the radio for almost an hour, woke at 9 . Still had a sniffy nose and pulled my back sneezing so its a day in the warm. Made a large dry veg curry to use up a load of odds and ends, found the carrots were starting to rot and they are not that old and wrapped in foil in the fridge.
 Time to wizz round with the duster then and chase a few cobwebs.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 23, 2024, 01:00:33 PM
Well little miss dozy head fell asleep sat on the sofa this afternoon for about 1/2 hr and then took a good 15mins to come round. I need something to start my metabolism working overtime. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 24, 2024, 09:58:17 AM
Well according to flea bay my package was delivered on Wed, nobody rang my door bell as it shows on my phone and nobody has seen a package. Highly unlikely it was taken as they are all sound. Left a complaining message so see what happens.
 Had a better look at mums car, the numpty that did the annual road worthy test has taken a hammer to the body work and punched holes in it. Now I was a tester for 44 years and it is supposed to be pressure of thumb and fore finger and maybe a LIGHT tap with a small hammer to see how it sounds. Going on Ds lift tomorrow to have a good look and see if its worth a formal complaint, the rules are if you damage it then you have to repair it. 
 Chemist just rang, are you taking the blood pressure pills yet. No waiting to see how my diet works, leg still not up to a lot of exercise.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 25, 2024, 01:18:14 PM
Well mums car is sorted, took me from10.30 to 5.30 with no breaks to weld up 6 patches and a couple of other easy jobs. Doing on the ramp outside in that strong NE wind chilled me, very hot shower when I got home and some grub in my belly and fine now if not a bit shattered. Still have to put the carpets back, job for tomorrow morning.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 26, 2024, 03:42:06 AM
Stiff as a board this morning, right ankle/Achilles hurting so much I could hardly walk. Hope the pain killers kick in soon. Cold (okay balmy for Alaska) today with patchy cloud. Looks like its warming up for our weekend away. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 26, 2024, 08:27:24 AM
Well the tablets worked, didn't take long to sort mums car and its booked in for a retest on Wed. She wants me to be there if any problem turns up. Stayed there for a bit, ******* rat kept running onto the patio eating the bird seed mum had put on the slabs. Told her to stop putting food on the floor so all cleaned up and some rat poison placed under an old bit of rain gutter so the birds cant get at it.
 Cold wind again today, 1/2 hr was enough to get chilled even with layers and 2 coats, good job its supposed to warm up. Busy on doing clothes wash ready for the hols, must do my wig in a bit so its dry for Wed.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 27, 2024, 04:44:49 AM
Chapter 96 in cooking with Davina, going to have a bash at spaghetti soup for lunch from my recipe for one or book then its a Dalca for dinner (meat and veg) using the lamb from last week and a courgette . I have made this a few times, lets see if I can improve it this time as in take more care of the temp and cooking times.
 Body is nearly recovered from the bashing it got on Sunday, just a wee bit stiff getting out of bed this morning (I nearly put a bit stiff when I woke up but those days are long gone, Oh matron!)
 Might start packing my suitcase, not much needed this time as its only 3 nights. 2 days travel with 2 days out so a lot of time on the coach. Trip to St Ives the one day and I forget the other day trip, not sure if we will have time to walk around Newquay as mum wont walk far and weather is a bit iffy.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: imallie on February 27, 2024, 05:48:45 AM
Glad you seem to be on the mend! Hope you're feeling even better before your trip. 🤞

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Emma1017 on February 27, 2024, 07:57:55 AM

Have a wonderful trip Davina!!!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 27, 2024, 08:21:03 AM
Thanks I am sure I will, well the soup recipe got modified to suit what I had in the fridge. No mushrooms so used up some limp celery, no Pesto so made some with dry basil, garlic, pine nuts and olive oil bashed in the mortis and pestle. Only had penne pasta as well but it tastes okay, it said 145 calories but that may have changed with my substitutions .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 28, 2024, 10:26:13 AM
Mums car passed inspection, that's her sorted for another year. Gardener came and trimmed the trees and shrubs and took the soil away from planting the fruit trees.
 Most of my suitcase packed ,sister is picking me up on Friday and then mum.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: imallie on February 28, 2024, 09:27:24 PM
Hope you have a great trip!! (How's the ankle?)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 29, 2024, 02:14:37 AM
At the moment its okay as it gets. Rush on this morning as have hospital appointment for 10am.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on February 29, 2024, 09:07:44 AM
Took me 15mins to get from A38 Ketch island to Whittington island , looks like backed up to the M5 junction. Good job I left early, still took over 1/2 hr to be seen past my appointment time. Must have taken him 3 mins to say we will need to get a scan first before we decide what to do. At least he said we can do a consult over the phone to save having to come in to the hospital, have to wait for a letter now for a scan.
 Robbing <not allowed> , cost me £4.40 to park for an hour. Out sourced parking control so non of it goes to the NHS. Managed to get to the supermarket just before mum and aunty, said to aunty I hope she doesn't do my head in when we are away as she doesn't listen to what you say and she agreed!
 Have an annoying itchy patch on the side of my right boob, small lumpy spots to go with it. Hope its not shingles as have had a few patches like this from time to time and they take ages to clear, lots of antiseptic cream to take the sting away.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 04, 2024, 02:23:08 PM
Honey I'm home, that was a good weekend break and we missed the rain with just the one shower as we walked back to the coach on Sunday. Food at the hotel was brill with good choice and service, room was fine as well. Now I need a day to recover, do clothes wash and have a good flat tidy as have a flat inspection on Thursday. Bought a nice dress and a short dress/top to wear with leggings, also some socks from the same shop that are men's but the lady on the counter said as the ladies socks only went to size7 a lot of women buy the men's . They are androgynous with stripes or pics of seascapes . Wore the new dress last night for dinner and got told it looked lovely by several folks off the coach, there were a few folks we knew from previous trips that are localish to us and we swooped phone numbers to see if we get on the same trips again.
 Best bit was getting gendered correctly everywhere!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 05, 2024, 04:19:11 AM
Well as "good" as the hotel bed was it's great to get a good nights sleep in your own pit! Foggy this morning, going to wander up town as prescription is in and I need a nail brush.
 Didn't put any weight on over the hols despite all the good food, my left leg is a bit weak after sitting all day on the coach coming home so walk to the shop will (hopefully) do it good. Time to sort a load of washing out, new dresses need that new/shop smell removing as well as underwear and strappy tops. Still have that itchy/spotty patch on my right boob, running out of antiseptic cream (Savlon) as that calms it down enough so on my list from the chemist.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 06, 2024, 04:00:42 AM
Feezing frog again! Going down the workshop as I need to pay the rent, mum phoned me last evening to say she had been out all day with aunt and uncle and had bought a box of fat balls to feed the birds as it was on offer. 150 in a box and its too heavy for her to get out the car so a job for Miss muscles.
 Bought a heart shaped sign for Debs with "you are loved" on it from a craft fair at the weekend so will drop that in later. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 06, 2024, 02:33:26 PM
Flat is not as clean as I wanted, had to climb the stairs one at a time as my left knee was hurting and my back didn't want to go straight after doing a spot of welding bent over. Its all eased off now but to late now and no time in the morning, never mind.
 Called in on Deb (after telling her I would) but she was out , mutter mutter mutter-----
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 07, 2024, 10:19:20 AM
Flat visit worked out fine, I had just changed and put makeup on when she turned up. Got attacked in the supermarket, grabbed around the waist from behind. Only one person I know, yup it was Deb !
 Spent to much in the supermarket as they had some Gee, Indian char/ginger tea and some more store cupboard items. Also got some carrot, radish and cant remember what else seeds as well as some weed killer to get rid of the Borage in the veg patch. Soon be time to plant the strawberry and rhubarb out as they have been in pots all winter.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 08, 2024, 09:04:07 AM
Stiff today, went back to sleep (yet again) so was a bit late going down the workshop. Did a bit (rubbed down some filler) and then decided to fit the wiring and bulb holder to Russel the robot lamp. Wired it all up and plugged it in, BANG flash in the lamp and trip blew. Took the bulb holder back out and checked the wiring with a meter, no fault so tried it again and trip went. Turned out its a faulty new LED bulb, good job I had another to test it with.
 Called on Deb again and she was out so I posted her gift through the letter box in her door.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Emma1017 on March 08, 2024, 10:43:50 AM

Davina sounds like it's a bubble bath and a glass of wine time!!!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 08, 2024, 01:57:28 PM
Well it would be if I had a bath and some wine!!! I do miss having a bath to have a good soak in.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 09, 2024, 05:00:24 AM
Back playing up again, I took a good 20mins to get upright. Its muscular not joints, woke up very late so that was 10hrs scrunched up in bed so no wonder I was stuck. Anyway have a Keema plate pie to make along with Gobi Aloo for dinner, that is Indian mince pie and cauliflower and potato dry curry if you don't know. When the pills kick in I need to change the bed and wash the bedding anyway.
 Its grey and windy outside, roll on spring. Need a few dry days to get on Debs veg patch, I bought some weed killer to try and get rid of the Borage but Debs threw a fit. You will kill everything in the garden and stop stuff growing and poison everything , no arguing with her even though she is wrong. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Emma1017 on March 09, 2024, 09:47:34 AM

Davina I wish I could send you the wine and a heating pad.  I would also try and fit the masseuse in the box if I could. ;D

Feel better.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 09, 2024, 02:27:33 PM
Thanks dear, the paracetamol  works fine but takes an hour to kick in then I can move okay. Keema pie turned out fine, it will last me 3 more days.
 Debs rang and thanked me for her gift, she loved it.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 10, 2024, 10:06:52 AM
Almost a waste of a day, woke fine but eating my breakfast came over with a big dose of CBA. Rang mum to wish her happy mothers day (UK) and she said the flowers I got her on Thursday were looking great. She went to my sisters for dinner at a pub on Friday and stayed over and had a lovely time.
 Washed all the kitchen units down and the floor, did bacon and eggs for lunch as well as a bit of tidy up. Twiddling my thumbs now looking for stuff to do--------------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 11, 2024, 05:36:58 AM
Blast just as my back was getting better I had a spasm bending to look what was in my drawer freezer, took me a while for the pain to go and stand upright again. Feels like I got hit with a bat across the top of my hips, this is an old injurie coming back to haunt me as it has done over the years and I know it will take ages to clear. Just have to be careful not to provoke it, worst bit is its stopping me burning calories.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 12, 2024, 05:16:17 AM
Need to shift this CBA head, back a bit better but still took pills this morning (I do not like taking meds) . Its wet again clearing later, I do need to shift some stuff from my flat to the junk hole (lock up garage in the carpark) to join the other rubbish with no home.
 Sunday I was watching a tree monkey (surgeon) cutting down a 30ft fir tree in next doors garden, good view from my living room window. He cut the branches off climbing up the trunk with spiked boots and a strop, he did have a safety rope working through an abseil hitch so all proper. S*d that for a game of soldiers I though as I watched him cut the trunk down 4ft at a time with a chainsaw on his belt swinging around. Fair goes though as he did a safe and quick job.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Gina P on March 12, 2024, 05:40:17 AM
Sorry to hear about your back spasms. I haven't had one in a while but when they hit I fall to the floor in agony for a few minutes before even able to get up. I feel your pain. I now do a series of stretching every morning which helps and try to not lift stupid heavy things. When I built my home I put in a whirlpool tub just for this. Of course there is the heating pad and an old prescription of muscle relaxers just in case. 
I hope your back gets well.
Hugs Gina
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 12, 2024, 08:49:23 AM
Cheers me dear, it has got better. Managed to take a load of rubbish and some stuff to go in the garage down the stairs okay and fine walking back up. Have been doing standing on tip toe exercises, tightens the calf's up. While doing this holding on the counter top I also arch my back, between these 2 it seems to be working.
 Made some air fryer cheese scones, nice but must remember (said this last time) to leave out the dried parsley.
 Rain has cleared and its brightened up, need to go to the workshop tomorrow and pick up that faulty bulb to get it replaced.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Maid Marion on March 12, 2024, 09:14:53 AM
Sorry to hear of the back pain.  I guess that is one of the benefits of being short is that back pain mostly affects my taller friends.  Plus I learned how to lift stuff with my legs instead of my back at a very early age.  As well as waiting for bigger people to help me move stuff!

I have a pole saw I use to trim trees.  I've taking down trees as high as 20ft from the top down!
I have an understory surrounding my back yard that tends to fill will small saplings and vines.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 12, 2024, 11:06:14 AM
I think, well know my back problem comes from working under bonnet (hood) of cars for years giving me a bad posture as that is the position where it gives out. I had it spasm once going to pick a box up from a shop counter from just holding my arms out and leaning forward slightly.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Emma1017 on March 12, 2024, 04:54:43 PM

Ok Davina skip working on the car for a while and weld a wood fired hot tub....see below:

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 13, 2024, 12:26:33 PM
Crouched over welding alloy was what started my back playing up so NO not doing that, managed to weld the ring around the tail pipe opening okay. When I ground the welds down I had to stop and stand for a few minutes to carry on, skim of filler and back home. Cooked tomato aubergine rice and have a pork Vindaloo cooking now for dinner, that took all afternoon .A lot of prep needed pealing 4 tomatoes and removing the seeds and then making the paste for the Vindaloo. Tried a bit of the rice, very peppery and I put in what the recipe said (1 tsp) .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 14, 2024, 04:32:17 AM
Well blow me down its Thursday again already, bit of food shop to do. I get a bit same old thing going on, never sure what to get from the meat counter. Might be a tray of chicken thighs, at least they are the cheapest but £ for LB a whole chicken is best.
 Still have that itching patch on my right boob with just a few tiny spots to show, does look like a heat rash but have not worn a bra for the last week. It was better but has flared up again and its driving me nuts, good job the antiseptic (Savlon) cream takes the itch out.
 Need a good week of dry weather to get on the garden as there is a bit to do at mums and loads at Debs, also need to sort her shed as she put her motor bike in there and just dumped stuff including the bike in a right jumble. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 15, 2024, 05:33:09 AM
Woke at 6 for a comfort break and climbed back into bed, nodded off and put the radio on and then crashed out again. Trouble was I found it hard to come round, brain still mushy and back sore so rest day.
 I think its carrying the bags of food shop up the stairs that gives me a sore back on a Friday, big pack of chicken thighs and a few tins of tomatoes plus an on offer pack of salmon fillets made for a heavy load. When you add in a pack of onions and a large cauliflower it soon adds up.
 It was a nice bright start to today but clouding up, wet again soon --------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 17, 2024, 06:36:32 AM
Home day again, just made some broccoli soup (well green for St paddys day) and have salmon and spinach curry to make for dinner later. Fixed my friend Debs lights in her conservatory , fuse in a spur box blown. One of her granddaughters asked her who was their best friend and she said me and the granddaughter said that is what I thought!
 Must call in on her more often, at the moment I can only stand small doses of her.  Family and friends are having a "do" in a pub in town in memory of her son today, she was not sure if she was going and I know it will knock her back if she does.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: coral on March 17, 2024, 12:36:52 PM
Emma, Davina,

Not sure who created the wood fired hot tub. The end product looks excellent. I am impressed with the creativity, and professional skills needed to build it! 

I am an old farmer. My main building and repair material is steel, but use whatever material that fits the project.  I recycle a lot of material others discard. I could never develop the skill to weld lighter materials.  FYI:  my favorite material for repairs and new projects is discarded steel bed rails.

Emma, thanks for sharing the video.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: imallie on March 17, 2024, 10:31:11 PM
Quote from: davina61 on March 17, 2024, 06:36:32 AMHome day again, just made some broccoli soup (well green for St paddys day) and have salmon and spinach curry to make for dinner later. Fixed my friend Debs lights in her conservatory , fuse in a spur box blown.

Don't know if this is a exclusively American board game thing or not... but I cannot read the above without wondering if you murdered your friend with a lead pipe or rope, and whether or not Colonel Mustard was involved. :D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 18, 2024, 04:19:53 AM
No it was the vicar behind the wood shed!! Feeling okay this morning apart from that darn itchy patch, I do have the power to ignore it. Weather not to bad for the next few days so gardens might dry up a bit, mums Magnolia is covered in buds so hope the frost forecast for later in the week is not harsh. Pear tree I transplanted is covered in buds as well after not doing well in the pot.
 Looks like I didnt cook the shallot out enough in the broccoli soup? the allyl methyl sulphide (okay had to look that up) needs to be cooked out or else I get an upset digestive system with explosive results. Thats why I cant eat any raw onion, even chives in a salad is enough. Still its cheaper than a enema!! 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: imallie on March 18, 2024, 06:49:31 AM
Quote from: davina61 on March 18, 2024, 04:19:53 AMNo it was the vicar behind the wood shed!! Feeling okay this morning apart from that darn itchy patch, I do have the power to ignore it. Weather not to bad for the next few days so gardens might dry up a bit, mums Magnolia is covered in buds so hope the frost forecast for later in the week is not harsh. Pear tree I transplanted is covered in buds as well after not doing well in the pot.
 Looks like I didnt cook the shallot out enough in the broccoli soup? the allyl methyl sulphide (okay had to look that up) needs to be cooked out or else I get an upset digestive system with explosive results. Thats why I cant eat any raw onion, even chives in a salad is enough. Still its cheaper than a enema!! 

Huh! That's new to me! Maybe it's just a different way to say some of the same stuff, but what I'd always been taught was onions are high in fructans, and when they're broken down slowly in your gut the result is a gas - which leads to bloating, distress and more.

When we are young, we have more acids in our systems and break them down more quickly, so there is less gas.. and that is why they can tend to affect us more as we age. But if we cook them off, we can make the chemical reaction take place outside our body... and that way it won't bother us as much.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 19, 2024, 04:29:51 AM
I don't know, just what a search put up. Whatever it is I took a flask of soup for my lunch and no side effects today. Maybe sat in a bowl in the fridge knocks it out?
 Mum fetched some new shelving to go in her greenhouse, old plastic one had given way from UV . Job for me then when its a dry day, Magnolia bush is in full bloom, plum and pear trees are budding well and a few bubs showing on the apple. Gardener bloke she got to cut and clear some shrubs was very hard on the one but that has suddenly started to put new shoots out. Blackberry needs tying back to fence as does the climbing rose to the arch, need to see if the one rose bush has gone wild due to its long shoots now its not smothered. Waiting for some nice spring weather.
 While its warm today(15+C) I am going to take the dash out of the Austin and do some work to it ready for the leather cover, well thats if I can ever afford a hide-------   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 20, 2024, 06:14:41 AM
Gold medal for a sleepathon (again) so its a good job I had plans to stay home. Went to bed at 11pm and crashed out, woke at 6.30 for a comfort break and got back into bed and crashed again! 9.45 when I got up and its 11.10 as I do this.
 Cooking a chicken curry later, it says chicken legs or skinless/boneless thighs. Why skin and debone the thighs when the legs have thighs on them and you dont debone them. They will go in whole.
 I will be doing cleaning and washing clothes just to keep myself occupied.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: CynthiaAnn on March 20, 2024, 01:35:31 PM
The days are getting longer here in the North lands, sleep well....

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 21, 2024, 04:50:17 AM
Well Thursday food shop yet again, have to get 8 Easter eggs for the grandkids (££££s!!) and 3 boxes of chocs for my kids to share with their partners. Mum is not shopping today as Aunt and Uncle are taking the Toyota truck in for repairs today so going tomorrow. I need to go today as running out of stuff and I will be a lot quicker on my own.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 21, 2024, 03:04:51 PM
Well dear hearts yet another exciting day (not really) , went into the well known in the UK cycle and car parts place for a can of tyre weld. Now the young person I was served by and I have seen a few times made me think they were MTF, confirmed today as they were wearing a polo top. HRT working then, I said thank you my dear as I left. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 22, 2024, 09:48:17 AM
Just got a message from my youngest, I am a granny again! Last night 4.2lb a boy and they have called him George, doing okay but on a feeding tube and in a incubator to regulate his temperature. 9 Easter eggs next year then----------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Lori Dee on March 22, 2024, 10:27:35 AM
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 23, 2024, 05:09:19 AM
Forgot to add I have a letter from the GIC (copy to my doc) about my after care as they have discharged me, carry on with the same HRT and monitor the bloods every 6 weeks 48 hrs after patches. Oh well back to the 6weekly vampire visits then, they also gave a guide to the levels I should have, 300 to 500 ppml.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Gina P on March 23, 2024, 01:19:53 PM
Congratulations on little George. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Jessica_K on March 24, 2024, 05:14:35 AM
My endo reduced my E as I was 800pmol/l. She wanted me below 600. Been at that E now for 5 months and test soon, but I definitely feeling the difference, not for the good.

Great news of a grandson, granny Davina. Xxx

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 24, 2024, 01:18:13 PM
Took my mum for lunch at the garden centre, last day for doing a roast lunch before summer menu so that is what we all had. Got a pair of wellies ,bought mum a rhubarb plant and while we were there she got some bags of manure and compost. 3 of each so I had to unload them into the barrow and move them to the garden, planted the rhubarb in the raised bed. She also got some seed potatoes and my sister got her a raspberry and blackcurrant plants ,more work for me then!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 25, 2024, 09:55:53 AM
I did say to mum I would come and put up her new shelving in the greenhouse today, weather forecast said rain all day and cold so rang and said I will do it when its better at the end of the week. Guess what its been dry all day (mutters some thing rude) but started doing stuff at home. Good job she is not in a rush.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 26, 2024, 05:45:43 AM
So I will ramble on, same old here. Must find something to do today, have to order some foam to cover the dash on the Austin . Also have to decide what to cover it in,leather cloth or real leather? Cost will most likely be the deciding factor.
 Blast that spotty itchy patch is still spotty and itchy, might end up seeing the doc yet.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 28, 2024, 09:53:24 AM
Shopping day, what the hell was going on as the place was rammed and girl on checkout said it had been like that from when they opened at 8 !! Must be a holiday then, crazy and its not like the shops are closed.
 Queen Camilla was handing out the Maundy money at Worcester cathedral this morning, they were hoping the rain held of but it started at 10.30 and stopped at 12. Damp walk around for her.
 Creamy chicken and fig curry to cook now for tonight, dull and wet again so glad I am inside. Mums greenhouse to sort tomorrow and sort the garden tools from the greenhouse into the shed where they should be.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Maid Marion on March 28, 2024, 01:43:04 PM
We have great holiday sales on groceries before Easter.  I bought a 4lb spiral ham for just $12!
There are also foods that can only be purchased now, like Easter Keilbasa or sausage.  Special recipes that are only available at this time.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 29, 2024, 04:21:55 AM
Bought a tray of pork chops reduced as have todays date to use by, have a recipe for Masala Pork chops that is very nice. Will have to cook them tonight.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 29, 2024, 12:41:43 PM
Made up the shelf units for mums green house, they nearly ended up in the bin. Push together frame kept falling apart till I worked out I could bend the tabs back on themselves to lock it together. Turned very windy, hot in my coat in the sun but the wind chill froze my face and hands. Still job jobbed.
 Chops cooked, not sure the recipe was for the huge chops as it could have done with more sauce. Crashed out now knackered!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on March 31, 2024, 07:58:38 AM
Had a good morning going to the National Street Rod Association local Big Brunch meet up ,nice to look at all the hot rods and customs as well as Roy's new front engined dragster. All you could eat buffet breakfast (I was a good girl and only had a small bit) and a good natter in the carpark surrounded by the cars. Got referred to as "this lady"   as well. 60 mile round trip, had to get up at 1/2 past7 and we lost an hour last night now its BST.
 My youngest lad sent me a short video of Belle looking at George and touching his nose gently.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 01, 2024, 08:26:51 AM
So (pun intended) I bit the bullet, dragged the sewing machine onto the table and sewed the ends in the dash cover. Now I have to sew a bit in where the steering column cover fits, that will be "fun as its curved and at an angle.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 01, 2024, 02:03:20 PM
Think I managed to sew the panel in okay, will find out tomorrow. Made some sweet potato chips (fries) in the air fryer ,very nice. Cut the potato up into same size chunks, put them in a bowl with a TBS of olive oil, tsp of paprika and salt and pepper. Mix well to coat then in the air fryer basket and cook at 160c for 15mins, give them a shake and cook for 10 mins at 200c till crispy on ends. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 02, 2024, 03:29:03 AM
I think I have caught up with the clock change, nice bright morning but showers on the way. My lads band did a wedding "do" the other day in town and had to carry all the gear through a good few inches of water to the bar. The water board had failed to install pumps, Enviro agency predicted the water level would be fine but got it wrong. The bar where they normally play got flooded out on the Friday but managed to clear it all for Sat afternoon. The joys of living next to a large river in the rainy session and with the excessive rain fall this winter it has made it worse. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 02, 2024, 04:55:11 PM
It was a bit of a why do I bother days, started of catching the spoon in my porridge and sending it down my dressing gown, ran out of glue to do the dash cover and spent ages looking for a pot of glue that has vanished. Still called in at mums and planted the Blackcurrant and Raspberry plants my sister got her for her birthday.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on April 02, 2024, 05:19:07 PM
Dear Davina: 

I fully understand your frustrations !!!!!

I am self-employed and when my day seems to start that way I sometimes just lock
my office door and either go to the next door coffee shop to clear my brain with
coffee and a piece of their homemade pie... or I just call it a day and go home
hoping for a better day "tomorrow." 

This time of year with the USA tax season in full swing, I do not have that option...
the due date for filing tax returns for my clients is on Monday, April 15, 2024 ...
just under 2 weeks away.

HUGS, Danielle

Quote from: davina61 on April 02, 2024, 04:55:11 PMIt was a bit of a why do I bother days, started of catching the spoon in my porridge and sending it down my dressing gown, ran out of glue to do the dash cover and spent ages looking for a pot of glue that has vanished. Still called in at mums and planted the Blackcurrant and Raspberry plants my sister got her for her birthday.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 03, 2024, 04:02:24 AM
2 reasons to celebrate that date then, its my birthday as well!  Mrs mop day, changed the bed already and bedding washing now, vac and dusting to do. Took a packet of French beans out fridge that have only been in there 5 days, nearly 1/2 were mouldy. 2nd time this has happened and it says keep in original packet in fridge for storage instructions.  Next time they will get wrapped in kitchen paper towel to stop them sweating. Doing a slow cooker chicken stew tomorrow just to clear some home made stock from freezer, one chicken breast and lots of veg so the beans will go in that.
 Later me dears as have spider webs to chase and my dressing table has 1/4ins of dust in places!!! 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Emma1017 on April 03, 2024, 05:30:02 PM

Davina, I am having flashbacks of northern England and my days waiting out the rain at the Black Bull Pub in Haltwhistle. Not the worst way to get out of the rain...

Four days of back-to-back torrential rain and snow to the north of us.  Tonight we even have thunder and lightning.  Thankfully I cleared the roof gutters last weekend and tarred the hole in the garage roof. 

I hope you get out to your favorite pub after your spring chores!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 04, 2024, 03:38:36 AM
Its been the wettest 18 months on record so they said this morning, not to bad at the moment which is good as its Thurs food shop (yet again) .
 This Sat its the Laurel Canyon band so some Beach Boys, Mommas and Poppas and other harmony songs. Kitchen Island Band on the 20th and my lads band in town on the Fri after.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: imallie on April 04, 2024, 06:20:49 AM
Quote from: davina61 on April 03, 2024, 04:02:24 AM2 reasons to celebrate that date then, its my birthday as well!  Mrs mop day, changed the bed already and bedding washing now, vac and dusting to do. Took a packet of French beans out fridge that have only been in there 5 days, nearly 1/2 were mouldy. 2nd time this has happened and it says keep in original packet in fridge for storage instructions.  Next time they will get wrapped in kitchen paper towel to stop them sweating. Doing a slow cooker chicken stew tomorrow just to clear some home made stock from freezer, one chicken breast and lots of veg so the beans will go in that.
 Later me dears as have spider webs to chase and my dressing table has 1/4ins of dust in places!!! 

It's cold and snowy (!) here right now, so reading about your slow cooker chicken stew sounds delicious ... I hope it warmed you in real life as much as THINKING ABOUT IT has warmed me this morning! 😘
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 04, 2024, 11:57:12 AM
15C today so not the weather for a stew, saying that it is very nice and I made some cheese scones to have with it (a bit like American biscuits but made with milk not butter milk). Have enough for another 2 dinners.
 Picked up some glue so tomorrow I can get the dash done, hose turned up for demist vent so dash can get fitted when sorted.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 05, 2024, 11:56:24 AM
That was a good days work on the Austin, dash fitted and other bits done. Scuffed my hands a bit as its a bit tight getting at the fixings.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 06, 2024, 02:42:14 PM
Well I should be sat in the pub now getting ready for some flower power music, back has been bad all day and done something to my left leg .Damaged or pulled a muscle by the feel of it, to top it all I fell asleep on the sofa-----------
 Not a nice night to venture out anyway as blowing a storm, windows rattling well.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 07, 2024, 04:43:05 AM
Refreshed this morning after 9hrs! sleep, dyed my hair, rang mum to say see you tomorrow. On the phone 20mins and my porridge was stone cold by the time I managed to eat it. Mums cousin B died the other day, she was 90 and been unwell for a bit. Mum said there is a what feels like a card from B here, it was found when they were clearing some of Bs things so sent it. Birthday card, dont think I have ever had one from her before. Strange how the universe works.
 Well its a cooking day, watching the F1 and a tidy up. Still very windy rattling my window in the living room even though there is a wedge in it.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: EllenW on April 07, 2024, 10:06:00 AM
Quote from: davina61 on April 07, 2024, 04:43:05 AMwatching the F1


I stayed up until 1AM to watch the F1 race, and I kept hoping for some excitement like Max having machinal failure again.


Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 07, 2024, 10:16:13 AM
Yes its hard to be excited about it when one team has an advantage and the tyre issue as well. Watched it at lunch time with the highlight show.
Beef curry is a cooking slowly, hope its tender.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Jessica_K on April 07, 2024, 01:35:44 PM
Quote from: EllenW on April 07, 2024, 10:06:00 AMDavina,

I stayed up until 1AM to watch the F1 race, and I kept hoping for some excitement like Max having machinal failure again.


I often shout "bin it" when max is on the screen. His car is far too good. Wait until he does not have the far superior car then his real skills will be revelled. But I expect like Vettel he will not live up to expectation. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 08, 2024, 01:40:38 PM
Called in on mum "can you check my tyres as they look soft" , soft! more like flat. 15psi instead of 32!!!!
 Made some trim panels to go under the dash on the Austin, bit of fettling but looking good.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Lori Dee on April 08, 2024, 01:46:50 PM
But Davina they are only flat on the bottom!  ;D

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 09, 2024, 03:50:57 AM
Raining again, no surprise there. Thought about going to Camping at the Castle VW show but its the same weekend as Upton Blues Festival and not missing that, as regular reader of my rambles you will know its just a stones throw from my flat. I like to say staggering distance, well you have to have a few bevies!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 10, 2024, 12:09:49 PM
Good day so far apart from my left knee giving way a few times, called in on Deb and helped make her mind up where the fridge will go. Some more panels made and a few bits ordered, that will be it for a bit. Busy tomorrow with shopping and the hospital in the afternoon for a ultrasound and biopsy on the lump behind my jaw/in front of ear. Feels the same as the last 2 times I had it removed so hope its the same non malignant growth. Sorting my friends wiring out on his hot rod next week as well.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 11, 2024, 10:50:31 AM
Came back from shopping and the African lady from flat 3 was on her way in at the same time, she said you look pretty ! Normally I see her wearing my work gear and no makeup. Had an ultrasound scan at the hospital "cant see anything to worry about as it looks like just gristle"  I left with "if it gets bigger come back" well it feels the size of a small marble to me.
 Bought a cooked chicken this morning and just made a jalfrezi, once you get all the ingredients sorted it is quick to cook.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Lori Dee on April 11, 2024, 05:56:36 PM
Quote from: davina61 on April 11, 2024, 10:50:31 AM"cant see anything to worry about

That sounds promising.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 12, 2024, 09:37:41 AM
A few good hours sorting mums garden, climbing rose tided up and strapped to the arch, post knocked in for the wayward rose and tied up. Battled with the blackberry (briar) fixing some more battens to the fence and tied that back with tree ties. Lots of suckers to chop off/dig up and 3 bags of "well rotted farm manure" we got the other week spread around where the runner beans will go. Mum managed to top the lawn, its still wet but hope it can get a lower cut on Sunday after some dry days. I was going to edge the border and thin out the Michaelmas daisies but ground still way to soggy. Knackered now, 20C was a bit warm all of a sudden. Coat and a sweat shirt first thing and ended up in my polo shirt and still hot. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 13, 2024, 12:51:38 PM
Managed to dig Debs veg patch, dug up about 12 big buckets of borage . Ground still a bit wet but at least the roots came out easy, planted rhubarb, strawberries and potatoes. Lettuce and carrot seeds as well, was going to put some radish seeds in but by then my back gave out. Had to get Debs to pull my wellies off, feet had swollen with the heat! Took some pain killers and back has recovered well enough to walk to the pub to see the Debbie Parry band tonight   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 14, 2024, 09:19:42 AM
A nice night in the pub listening to the band, not many folks in but there were at least 3 other gigs on. Debbie was a bit upset ,working my tosh off singing and hardly anyone here but they had to do an encore!
 I am very stiff today after all that digging, took mum 1/2 a pack of lettuce and a pack of radish seeds as ran out of room for them yesterday.
 Did a bit on the Austin, sorting the horn wiring out. Had to get a squib (that's the bit with a clock spring type wiring to allow for steering turning) , bit of modification and its fitted so just waiting on a horn push now. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on April 14, 2024, 03:25:08 PM
@Davina 61
Dear Davina:

Tomorrow on Monday, April 15, 2024 is your "special day"

                It's your B I R T H D A Y
                    :icon_bunch:  :icon_birthday:  :icon_birthday:  :icon_birthday:  :icon_bunch:

Another day older and another day wiser !!!!

    I trust and hope that your birthday will bring you cake, candles,
          and good times of celebration with friends and family.

Many Hugs and many more birthdays for you.
[Northern Star Girl]
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 14, 2024, 04:53:51 PM
Thanks, another one gone! If you know your bingo calls its anyway up this year.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Gina P on April 14, 2024, 08:04:05 PM
Happy Birthday Davina. I hope you do something special.
Hugs Gina
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 15, 2024, 03:39:19 AM
Well I cooked bacon, sausage and scrambled eggs for breakfast. Debs rang and is calling in later, nothing from my kids yet --------
 Got up early to put the marinade on some pork chops, salty chilli pork chops its called from my old Indian cook book. Chinese influence recipe with soy sauce along with the "normal" spices. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Lori Dee on April 15, 2024, 06:06:55 PM
Happy Birthday, Davina!

I hope it was a great one.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Paulie on April 16, 2024, 12:54:10 AM
Happy birthday Davina!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: REM.1126 on April 16, 2024, 01:11:19 AM
Happy birthday.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 16, 2024, 03:18:51 AM
Thanks every one, the ex and the kids all sent a text. Debs came over and brought me a box of dark chocolates and red wine and then my eldest came over with card and wine. Was a good day, back rested and cooking came out great. Ate to much with 2 bowls of trifle and a load of chocs.
 Off to do my friend in the hot rod club wiring on his 48? Vauxhall Velox with a 350 Chevy engine, looks like it will be a head scratcher to sort. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 16, 2024, 01:44:59 PM
Well talk about a rats nest, I think he was lucky it didnt catch fire. Have to go back tomorrow to finish and tidy the wiring up, still I enjoyed doing it
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Lori Dee on April 16, 2024, 02:18:36 PM
I remember cases like that. When I worked as a Service Tech for a local alarm company there were times when you opened the box and it was just a jumble of wires. None of them were marked, not even color-coded. I like puzzles, so I just dive in and sort them out and mark them so if I have to come back I don't have to puzzle over it again. Good times.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Maid Marion on April 16, 2024, 03:09:31 PM
My first car had an engine fire driving up a mountain!
I had it towed all the way home.
I replaced all the burnt up wiring and it ran for another year or two!

I learned from the chef who worked at the top that the trick to driving up and down mountains is to go as fast as you can!  Engines and brakes are air cooled, so the faster you go the cooler they operate!
I've gone up and down Mount Washington, 6288ft, really fast.   
Last time I descended there was nobody in front of me so I left it in drive!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 17, 2024, 12:47:35 PM
Friends wiring sorted good enough, I said I didnt what any money for doing it as thats what friends are for. Didnt say no to the bottle of wine though!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 18, 2024, 03:33:53 AM
Dark chocs and red wine make for a disturbed nights sleep, well that's what I put it down to. Woke myself up once biting the inside of my cheek, have a good lump there now. Food shop day again, not made my mind up what to get for meals this week ahead. Still trying to budget shop so will wait till I look what's on offer.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Gina P on April 18, 2024, 05:45:29 AM
  Thanks for the comments on the looks in my blog. So hard to see past the male memories.

   I forgot I wanted to mention this trick that I do to help maintain my back. Every morning I lay on the floor, arms out to the side, knees folded and feet flat on the floor, Then slowly lean the knees to the side as far as comfortable and hold for a few seconds, then go to the other side and repeat. Trick is to go slow and get good stretch. I feel me back pop many times. I then follow with a few stomach crunches.15-20 for me (strong abs=strong back) Then I finish with some toe touches with my legs extended while sitting on the floor.(hamstring stretch's) all done very slowly. I have been doing this for years and have very little back problems. I suffer from Scoliosis since a child and these have been a life saver. I saw quarterback, Payton Manning doing the same back stretch's on the sideline during a game. Trick is to do it even when the back doesn't hurt.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 18, 2024, 09:47:12 AM
Thanks Gina ,I put my arms on the counter and leaning forward push back with my shoulders, that seems to put my back back into shape.  Ended up with a leg of pork, doing pork and mushroom curry and about a 1/3 went in the freezer for another day .
 Mum didn't seem with it today, when I said you okay she said her mind was on getting stuff for the garden. I will be keeping a close eye on her, I do worry about her driving as aunty said she drives to the centre line. Mind you my aunty has never driven but is the best driver in the world!! She also said mum is always in a rush to get home, I think its a rush to get away from her! Well she does go on a bit.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 19, 2024, 04:44:45 AM
Well dear hearts I made my flask and lunch box to go to my workshop, not feeling it now .My boss said I can have a rest day ,yup I am the boss of me!!
 Laptop slow as since my security system is doing a check only 1% done so far so how long it will take I dont know.
 Debs rang and said she managed to get an oak sapling planted at her sons grave, well sapling that is 12ft tall. Anyway trying to find a rice and veg recipe to go with my pork and mushroom curry.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Maid Marion on April 19, 2024, 05:24:58 AM
My wife wanted a willow tree so I have one in my yard!
A small one as I top it every year to keep it small.
Normally topped trees don't look so good but willows normally grow outwards instead of straight up.
Not worried about roots as the water ponding in the yard is well away from the house and plumbing.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 19, 2024, 07:20:36 AM
If the willow is in a wet spot it will help drying it out, if you pol it then you get a sort of "bun" top to it where the new growth comes through. There a quite a few poled willows on the common land near by.
 Cant find a veg/rice recipe that is simple for one so going to make my own mix.
Virus scan still on 1% and that is after leaving it turned on for 4 hours----------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Maid Marion on April 19, 2024, 08:36:53 AM
Except for my willow, I don't recall seeing a successful examples of pollarding in USA.

I have seen a lot of disasters with ornamental cherry trees. Way too much cutting and not enough leaves for the plant to survive, much less thrive.
I was able to move my weeping cherry tree after ten years to a protected spot near a boxwood hedge.  It is doing great and has gotten bigger! I may let the hedge grow tall near the tree as the bloom is better if the cherry branches are protected and not so much bloom at the top.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 20, 2024, 03:22:51 AM
My aunty said she is taking a tsp of apple cider vinegar with water in the morning as recommended by some doc on the telly, its supposed to help reduce cholesterol. Didnt taste as bad as I thought it would, in fact it was okay. Will it make any difference? who knows.
 Woke okay this morning, yesterday I just could not come around and was off all day. Happened before and its like my brain needs to reboot from dreaming, 20min nap made no change. Felt physically battered as well and that is odd as okay on Thurs when I just went food shop and did some cooking.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 21, 2024, 03:43:06 AM
It was a grand night of entertainment, Kitchen Island Band on form. It was nice to be greeted by all the folk I knew including the band! Played some air percussion as well. Have to rush out this morning as my engine stand is being returned at 10.30 and its 9.45 now and not yet dressed.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 21, 2024, 10:32:52 AM
Did a bit on the Austin, engine stand came back. Now having a head scratch on sorting some bits out ,will sleep on it and I know it will come to me if I dont think about it.
 Turned out nice this afternoon, you cant beat a bit of spring sunshine.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Lori Dee on April 21, 2024, 10:56:56 AM
Sunny and 63 today here in the Black Hills!  :)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Lori Dee on April 21, 2024, 02:41:39 PM

A while back we were talking about freezing fruit. You suggested slicing apples, zap them in the microwave, and then freeze them. How long do I zap them for?

I have recently acquired about ten pounds of Granny Smith apples at no cost. They will rot before I can eat them all. So I need to get to work.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 21, 2024, 03:29:18 PM
Couple of minuets or so till they are blanched, let them cool and bag up. If you are doing them for pies you can add sugar. Its the same for most fruits TBH ,plums, berries and stuff like that.
 My knees have been bad the last few days, I wonder if the apple cider vinegar is stopping the fish oil?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Lori Dee on April 21, 2024, 03:34:06 PM
Thank you!

I have found that cherry juice works best for joints. Once upon a time, the Army thought I had gout in my toes, but X-rays disproved that. They suggested a small glass of 100% cherry juice morning and evening. It must be pure juice, not cherry-flavored drinks. Maybe try that and see if it helps.

Thanks again!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 22, 2024, 05:27:04 AM
Not really wasted a day but did the over sleep again, back playing up and knees as well so called a time out on the workshop today. Never mind, washed my hair and need to play chase the vacuum. Landlord has splashed the cash and the builders are doing the leaking roofs on the garage block (that's what woke me) , looks like a problem with rotten boards .
 Lemon "bow tie" shape pasta for lunch I think with a concoction tomato sauce.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 23, 2024, 03:20:43 AM
Not venting or complaining just need to post some drivel, had to take a rest day due to back and knees and that peed me off. No apple cider vinegar yesterday and joints much better this morning. Bit grey this morning but brightening up so they say. Builders bodged some covering on the garage flat roofs, gutters still broken. Got the tummy trots from my pasta dish, didnt cook the shallot out enough and I put a whole Escalon shallot in so my fault. Not moaning just observing.
 Right off down the garage to do a bit more trim work and head scratching. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 23, 2024, 02:02:20 PM
Today went quite well sort of, might have to take the dash back out of the Austin as mechanical fault on wipers (ggrrrr) . Making a choc cake in the air fryer as compensation!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Emma1017 on April 23, 2024, 06:40:09 PM

Chocolate cake compensates for a lot of things.  I hope you enjoyed it!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 24, 2024, 01:15:41 PM
Managed to fix the wipers, was a faff to get at and aching from doing it now (age and HRT!) Gave D a hand to tow a stranded van in from the road outside so he could fit a new starter, another faff!!
 Thursday food shop again, have to think careful about what to get.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: imallie on April 24, 2024, 07:54:17 PM
Haven't tried actual baking in the air fryer - curious as to how it goes and what are the benefits?

Made sweet potato fries in the air fryer to go with our dinner tonight and I think I've both finally got them as crispy as I can, and accepted that sweet potato fries simply don't get nearly as crispy as regular fries so there's a limit.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 25, 2024, 03:40:57 AM
Yes best you will get are "burnt" edges!! As far as baking in the air fryer goes its just quicker and less electricity, need a stiffer silicon mould though to keep shape. Lots of cake and muffin recipes in the air fryer cook book I have but just used a regular sponge mix, nice crispy top to it.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: imallie on April 25, 2024, 06:32:30 AM
Interesting! I do have a AF cookbook, but I haven't gotten around to flipping through it yet. Now you've motivated me to do so! I will go look at the baking recipes and maybe check one out. I'm curious now!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 25, 2024, 10:06:44 AM
Well I bought chicken, 1kg thighs and 1kg legs. 1.6kg have gone in a chicken masala and the rest (3 thighs) are in the freezer. Also got some whole sea Bass and pork lion chops to freeze as they were reduced with tomorrows use by date. Lion chops are great for stir fry sliced thin and I have a sea bass curry recipe.
 Talk about getting held up, idiots driving at 34mph in a 60, temp traffic lights and folk who dont know how to drive GGGRRRRRRRRRR. At lest I got round the supermarket no bother.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 26, 2024, 09:31:54 AM
Had to go and sort some more wiring on my friends hot rod, lost a feed to the engine fan. Not surprised as the wiring was such a mess it was hard to work out what was what.
 Called in on chemist on the way back to reorder my patches and buy some hand cream and cod liver oil capsules. Wanted some cloves but non in the shop, lady on the till said the supplier has stopped trading. Sign of the times.
 Off to see my lads band tonight, looks like it will stay dry.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 27, 2024, 03:12:55 AM
Band put on a great show last night, my lad was putting in the work on the drums but you could see his face light up when he started to play. They had put the gig on as practice for a full set as they have some festivals to play at soon, the courtyard at the pub was rammed with folks as well. My cousin came down as well, we walked back to my flat together, good job as she was a bit under the influence! She lives just a bit further up the road, got a huge hug before she left.
 Cold wet and windy today, lashing it down tomorrow so a home day then. Have a couple of jobs I can do on the Austin today.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 28, 2024, 04:17:51 AM
Debs rang this morning, she cant remember talking to me yesterday. Well she did in the end, in a dark place again. I gave her a motherly telling off "you been drinking again" in a sharp mums way!!! Not much more I can do to help, she needs a good trick cyclist but you wont get that on the NHS.
 I know I don't need to eat it but making a quiche in the air fryer for summut to do (there just slipped into dialect) , ham and cheese is the recipe but doing bacon ,cheese and broccoli as I don't have any ham.
 House work day as well, change bed, vac and dust . Well a girl has to keep things tidy ! Found out where my lads band name came from, the lead singer is a dab hand at barbeque and the wood burnt red is when the charcoal is right for cooking.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 28, 2024, 09:07:13 AM
Quiche turned out okay but took some cooking in the air fryer due to the dish being to tight in the basket. Started a thread in cooking "air fryer" to see how anyone has got on with one.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 29, 2024, 03:11:12 AM
Well the chucking it down with rain all day forecast for Sunday I looked at Saturday was completely wrong, dry all day with broken cloud and nice sunny bits. Still caught up on jobs at home, looks okay at the moment but very breezy. Might go into town and get a sheet of ply for the roof lining on the Austin.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on April 29, 2024, 08:54:39 AM
One of them "I should have stayed in bed"  days, had a battle fitting a roof lining support in the Austin and then following a very slow driver that I couldn't overtake due to traffic a stone flicked up and cracked the windscreen.  GGGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 01, 2024, 03:55:37 AM
Used my birthday money to get some thin plywood to make interior panels for the Austin, managed to cut it up to get it into the Yeti. You can just get a 5ftx 4ft in with some bending! Now the fun started after cutting it to the correct shape to fit the headliner I had to lie on my back in the load space and hold it up on my own. Now with my back and knees it was hard to sit up once lay down to reach up enough, thought I would be suffering this morning but fine. Now comes some more fun of drilling holes so it can be fixed in place.
 At lest the weather is improving so far, warmed up enough for just a sweat shirt and polo .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 01, 2024, 10:31:18 AM
Unscathed after todays action, my damaged right wrist is giving me a bit of jip after drilling 20 holes!
and my arms ache! Only casualty was a busted nail, cut the leather to size but its wrinkled from being folded up for 20+ years. Good job I have a steamer, well its that or anti wrinkle cream-------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 02, 2024, 10:01:30 AM
So after saying not to bad after yesterdays pot holing (okay climbing into the back of the Austin) this morning I am wrecked. Did I run a marathon or go 10 rounds? it feels like it.
 Anyways sea bass cooked in a coriander chutney is marinating ready for the oven, very simple and easy.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 03, 2024, 03:50:52 AM
Sea bass is good if a bit bony, must remember to get the remains of a pork joint out to cook on Sunday. It will take 3 days to defrost in my fridge.
 Its cold wet and my back is sore so day in I think, have to try and get the wrinkles out of the leather and glue it to the roof liner so need a better day. Sunny and warmer tomorrow and Sunday.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 04, 2024, 03:16:23 AM
Well so far so good, after a good nights sleep even my dodgy right eye is in focus. Sun is out with light cloud and I woke full of beans. How long that will last who knows ?
 Folk festival in town this weekend being a bank holiday Monday as well, not that I will be going .Not into Morris dancing or singing with a finger in my ear.
 Call from the docs the other day, you need to book a blood test for HRT levels. About time they checked ,letter from GIC motivated them with what to do. For the last 2 years no one has been doing it and I gave up checking.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 05, 2024, 08:12:44 AM
Took an Ibuprofen this morning and been okay all day with my back, cut out some of the trim panels for the Austin. Gave D a hand to tie up and lift an old mattress into the back of his motor so he could take it to the dump, 2 old farts with bad backs feeling it before we started!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 06, 2024, 02:07:55 AM
Woke early for a change, expecting the grand prix rerun to be on early I think. Its not on till 9.40 so could have stayed in bed! Picking mum up at 1 to go to a local pub for lunch with aunt and uncle and distant relative(s), turned cloudy after yesterdays sunny day and showers/rain later.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 06, 2024, 02:49:14 PM
Had a nice chilli with rice and garlic bread for lunch at the pub, was nice to dress up and go out. Fancied something pudding/cake for dinner so made up my own mix, flour, demerara sugar, margarine , 2 eggs , spot of milk and some end of tin treacle that had turned sugary. Hit it with the hand mixer and added most of a pack of chopped up dried dates. Thought I would try my new silicon dish in the air fryer to cook it, 45mins at 160 and top was done but still raw in middle so gave it 10 more mins. Still not done so tried to flip it over, broke up so put the bits in upside down and gave them a few mins. Came out great and tasty. Would be nice with some yogurt.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 07, 2024, 09:05:06 AM
No internet connection this morning, back after doing a bit on the Austin and its working again (3 pm).
 Anyways beef curry doing in the slow cooker, had to seal the beef first then fry the onion and spices before they went in the cooker with coconut milk. As it was beef shin it needs a long slow cook, chucked some potato and carrot in as well.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 08, 2024, 04:00:57 AM
Again no internet ,rang provider and he could see no fault. Tried smart TV and that worked so something to do with my laptop? Did a restart and it took ages before it worked properly but its now settled, might need a clean up but not sure how.
 All behind now, off to cut some more ply panels.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 08, 2024, 10:04:12 AM
Looks like it was the Nord VPN that messed up the laptop ,when I turned it back on it was trying to sell it to me. Not cynical but strange it was telling me there was a fault and to sort it it needed to download (for a price!)
 Nice out today 23C ,got the jobs plus a few more done. Worn out now.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 09, 2024, 03:02:15 AM
Good news! I have come out of hibernation, woke at a "normal" time for the last few days since the weather has picked up. Have to dive into my summer clothes and find something to wear for shopping, skirt and a loose top I think.
 Days like this I just wish I had my dream house, sat out on the patio having breakfast in the sun. If only I had £600k ----------
 Cant decide what to get for dinner tonight, lamb or chicken to make a curry and use up a pot of yogurt. It will be my normal impulse when I stare into the cooler.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 10, 2024, 10:42:03 AM
Well the RHS spring garden show is on from today, they were queuing for about 6miles from the Gloucester direction. Got stuck behind a tractor (traffic coming from the other way) and it took me twice as long as normal. Hot again and I was pooped by 3 pm, traffic leaving the show by now so stuck behind cars out side the village shop for ages.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 11, 2024, 10:37:43 AM
I got underway earlier this morning, welded up the rear hinge cover and it fits!!. Put a layer of glass matting on the corner bit I made the other day and had to come home at 1.30 due to the fumes. Still at least it will have cured for tomorrow.
  Still hot, TBH its turned muggy now its clouded over a bit. Summer duvet has been on for the last few nights .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 12, 2024, 10:19:09 AM
Called in on Deb, she was in a good mood. Had a look at the veg patch, potatoes have good shoots .Should have moulded them up but not enough spare soil. Lettuce coming up but a bit patchy, will have to go and do some weeding soon. Have to get some canes for runner beans, maybe 2 wigwams and D has some plants.
 Mums garden looking good, plenty of veg coming on. French bean plants starting in trays in the green house, a good row of radish and beetroot in the raised bed, broad beans looking strong and potatoes as well.
 Got on well this morning making another glass fibre panel, left it to dry so home early. Looks like I have a grasshopper on my window, maybe its escaping the lesser spotted lawn mower I can hear. Yes the twat next door is mowing his lawn again and he only cut it Friday!! What happened to no mow May?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 12, 2024, 12:47:26 PM
Turns out that grasshopper in the window is a horse fly !! and its dead stuck in a web. We just had a rolling thunder storm, washing up and seeing the lightning streaks hitting the other side of the hills. Some good bangs and rattles for a couple of hours but no rain till just and then only for a few mins.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 14, 2024, 03:18:01 AM
I was home early yesterday as stuck for jobs after laying up some more fibre glass, have to trim it this morning. Bought some asparagus last week and thought I would try cooking it like the program I watched, wrapped in bacon and fried. It was okay but I have not eaten any before that I can remember, will try a different way with the rest.
 Rain over night, freshened things up nicely. Hope it makes my lettuce grow. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 14, 2024, 07:49:17 AM
Decided it was a waste to go to the unit today, washed the work gear, vac and dusted and then made a Gobi Aloo followed by a dry veg curry. That has used up the veg in my fridge while still fresh. Found a recipe for the asparagus in my air fryer book so that and a fish cake for dinner.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Maid Marion on May 14, 2024, 08:56:16 AM
I thought lightning and thunder were rare where you lived?
I heard that until recently the electrical codes didn't put the heavy emphasis on lightning protection as they do in the states.  We get lightning and thunder all the time during the summer.  And sometimes during the winter.  I think all the trees around my yard attracts rain as my yard seems to be adequately  watered by nature even when other gardeners nearby are complaining about drought and the need to water their roses. Unless I just planted them,they don't need to be watered, saving me time to practice and play golf!  I have a rain barrel that hardly ever runs dry.  It almost did once last year.  Then it rained.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 14, 2024, 02:11:52 PM
They move in from the continent when we have high pressure and high temps so through the summer.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 15, 2024, 02:56:31 AM
Docs in a bit, they want 4 blood pressure readings again, well 138/88, 137/90 130/93 135/84 heart rate of 60. I don't want to take Statins as heard bad things about them , main reason for going is blood test for hormone level. Will call in on Deb after ,she rang me again last night and I am sure she forgot she rang me in the morning. She didn't know what day it was as well but then that's Deb ! Dyslexic and she recons bipolar ,what a mix.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 15, 2024, 07:35:15 AM
Well my blood pressure was within what they wanted, normal for my age anyway. Debs rang me when I was with the nurse so didn't answer but she left text saying she had an appointment, I bet she forgot I was coming and went to get her hair done. Told her to call on me after, not holding my breath-----------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Maid Marion on May 15, 2024, 07:45:24 AM
Good to hear that you and your doctor are keeping your blood pressure under control.
My resting heart rate was low so my doctor switched my blood pressure medication.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 15, 2024, 10:00:00 AM
Best thing is I am not taking any meds, lets see what the blood test shows.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 16, 2024, 03:25:53 AM
Well its shopping Thursday yet again, same old what do I get to cook. Might call in on the local farm market as they have a meat counter to see if I can get different cuts to the standard supermarket stuff.
 Have all the windows open, window cleaner started to wash them with his long reach brush so a quick panic close. Problem I have is cleaning the inside of the secondary glazing as its not removable unlike the ones at the old house.
 Deb rang me again this morning to tell me she had got a new 3 piece suite for the front room, that will be the 3rd time. I do worry about her, thing is she over thinks things and has no one to talk to.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 16, 2024, 10:06:59 AM
Did the shopping, only lower leg of lamb in the supermarket so went to the Fruit Farm shop and had a nice talk with the butcher. Got gendered correct as well, he cut me 900g from a shoulder and cubed it.
 Its now on a slow simmer for 1 1/4 hrs before spinach is added, lets see how this turns out.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 16, 2024, 12:46:23 PM
Turned out fine, meat is very tender. Not sure if that is down to the cooking or just good meat. Simple recipe from the same as "mums chicken curry" this is a family lamb and spinach from the same mum.
 Its been a good day, that's all you can ask for.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 18, 2024, 10:32:15 AM
Plodding on as normal, I was washed out yesterday afternoon and don't now why but just wanted to sleep. Only thing was I stayed awake, well till I went to bed and zonked.
 Had to give D a hand with a metal roof, you know the sort that stows in the boot. We had to try and close it by hand, recon 2 Olympic weight lifters would have a hard time. Luckily I managed to work out the fault and got it to close on its own, one of the catches is not releasing.
 Bit of a thunder storm (we got wet) so at least the garden has had a drink, feet up now after all that lifting.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 21, 2024, 12:49:15 PM
Well blow me down, just tried and back up! Not that I had much to post about, Debs throwing out her sofa so went and cut the leather (I say leather but its that reconstituted stuff) off to use on the Austin seats. If not its tote bags. Managed some jobs on the Austin when my back allowed, was okay today.
 Have about 4 lettuce coming on in Debs garden, a good hand full of raspberries and the potatoes look okay. Called in to see the new sofa, pass the sunglasses. Its a strange strip fabric and a bit bright so when she said do you like it I said its different, not my taste TBH. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 22, 2024, 03:14:52 AM
Precipitation day, chucking it down. Well at least the lettuce will get a drink, house work day today. AS I have run out of materials to work on the Austin there is no point in going to the workshop.
  Not sure whats for lunch but dinner tonight is a packet of black dhal with a huge baked potato. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 22, 2024, 08:00:45 AM
Well I made Italian bean soup from my meals for one or two book, green beans and red kidney beans so it looks like I am vegie today.
 Good job I stayed home, carpark is jammed up with double glazing vans. House in the corner of the car park are having windows fitted today, not the best weather for that.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 23, 2024, 11:47:27 AM
One of them days, not on here to moan (my reader may differ) but it was a sort of nothing going right day. Still the choc brownie ice cream was good!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Lori Dee on May 23, 2024, 12:38:14 PM
Chocolate, brownie, ice cream... all are appropriate responses.
Doctor approved!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 25, 2024, 03:28:24 AM
Plan today is do a bit on the Austin and then get some runner bean plants from D, have the canes so after weeding I will be planting them in Debs veg patch. Rain tomorrow so that will help them along and its gone warm again after the last 2 cold days.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 25, 2024, 10:49:46 AM
Beans are in, back is out. Half way through after planting 12 runner bean plants my back gave out just from bending over. After a bit of a sit I managed to do the other 12, not to bad now with a shower and sit down. If I ever get my own veg patch it will be raised beds!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 27, 2024, 03:33:34 AM
Bank Hols and just the same old for me, off to work on the Austin and hope to finish the job I started yesterday. Weather not that promising for this afternoon after a nice start, cant be bothered to haul my back side out to anything thats on today. There is a lot of stuff on for the holiday but A I hate going on my own B have to watch the pennies. Feeling tired this morning as well, brain not recovered from dreaming again .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 28, 2024, 03:45:53 AM
Day off today but then every day is a day off for me! House work and stuff to do anyway, some sort of meatball/tomato dish to make to go with the truffle polenta I bought last week. "luxury" beef burgers that I bought reduced and froze will make the meatballs. Need to find a tomato sauce recipe to cook them in, mum gave me a few broad beans and will have them as well.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 30, 2024, 03:17:41 AM
Its Thurs shop again and the end of the month, where does the time go? Seem to fly by lately, phone call from doc at hospital as they cant tell from the ultra sound what it is with the lump . Have to go for an MRI but first they want a kidney function test, what that has to do with MRI I don't know. He thinks its scar tissue from where I had it removed twice before, strange that it was fine for 40 odd years .
 Dippy Debs rang just, see you tomorrow she said. No Sat ,oh I was thinking it was Sat tomorrow and I know today is Thurs. What is she like, she is having a good clearout with loads gone to the skip and she said its clothes today.
 Cloudy with a stiff breeze this morning, they said thundery showers later.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 30, 2024, 09:55:23 AM
So I bought a duck, in the oven now doing a Indian roast duck stuffed with nuts and fruit. It said apricots but I only have figs, well it is a Moroccan influenced dish.. Cooked rice, raisins (only had sultanas) whole spices, chopped coriander, lemon juice and pine nuts make up the stuffing as well as minced gizzard and liver. Good job there was some with it. 20mins at full oven and then 1 1/2 hrs at 180C
 Bought cod as well for a fish curry for the rest of next week, that came to more than the duck!   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Jenn104 on May 31, 2024, 07:48:39 AM
Quote from: davina61 on May 30, 2024, 09:55:23 AMSo I bought a duck, in the oven now doing a Indian roast duck stuffed with nuts and fruit. It said apricots but I only have figs, well it is a Moroccan influenced dish.. Cooked rice, raisins (only had sultanas) whole spices, chopped coriander, lemon juice and pine nuts make up the stuffing as well as minced gizzard and liver. Good job there was some with it. 20mins at full oven and then 1 1/2 hrs at 180C
 Bought cod as well for a fish curry for the rest of next week, that came to more than the duck!   

So... ummm... when am I going to be invited for dinner and what can I bring? I mean its a long way to get there but I think it'd be well worth it.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on May 31, 2024, 11:33:36 AM
Just bring yourself dear! Went over to my friends and fitted an ignition system to his hot rod roadster (MSD for them as knows) and it starts and runs a lot better. He is off for a road trip around France soon.
 Nice day out doing stuff I like and I helped a friend.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 01, 2024, 02:54:38 PM
I worked on a door card for the Austin from 10.30 till 4.30 and still not finished, a lot of shaping needed. I was bushed by then but called on Deb, beans are growing well and I gave them a water.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 02, 2024, 03:46:11 AM
I ache this morning, stiff as with my back sore and right ankle/foot hurting. Over did it a bit yesterday I suppose. Eldest lads girls birthday today, 7 I think. I lose track of them all, no chance with my brain.
 Looks like a nice day and its going to get into the low 20C later, off to check on mum now.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 02, 2024, 11:09:42 AM
Got a good handfull of broadbeans from mum and a monster radish. Last of my duck tonight so having the beans and asparagus with it.
 Got the door card 95% finished, just needs covering and a bit of fettling. Need a good sit down now (again) , final of Britain's got Talent tonight so a bit of entertainment. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 03, 2024, 12:24:49 PM
Well that was a "waste" of an afternoon, had to go for an MRI today at 2.55 so left home at 1.30. It should be a 45mins trip according to maps but it was 2.45 when I got there! MRI makes my arm muscles twitch, had that last time when they looked at my wrist. Was a good 1/2hr in the machine and I nearly fell asleep, well you know I could sleep standing up. Didnt get home till 5.10 so was a good job I made the fish curry this morning, was nice with a bit of rice.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 03, 2024, 02:32:31 PM
Well they say no good deed goes unpunished, after helping my friend out on Friday looks like I have got his cold. Making like 2 of the 7 dwarves, wheezy and sneezy---------------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 04, 2024, 04:23:58 AM
That has come on like a steam train, splitting head ache first thing and a blocked/runny nose with a dry cough. Eyes are sore as well from running so its a sofa day with lots of fluid.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 04, 2024, 12:28:46 PM
A bit better, head is red hot. Good old body defence trying to kill the virus off.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on June 04, 2024, 12:38:28 PM
So sorry to read that you are under the weather.
Lay low, rest, stay inside, stay warm, drink lots of fluids,
hot tea, etc... and don't work out in your shop for a day or two.

Get well soon.

[Northern Star Girl]

Quote from: davina61 on June 04, 2024, 12:28:46 PMA bit better, head is red hot. Good old body defence trying to kill the virus off.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on June 04, 2024, 12:47:20 PM
Quote from: big kim on June 04, 2024, 12:41:55 PMDanielle's favourite! Meatballs, Swedish gravy & mashed potato
@big kim
      YES, YES, YES

Hugs, Danielle
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: big kim on June 04, 2024, 12:48:34 PM
Sorry posted on the wrong thread!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on June 04, 2024, 12:51:34 PM
Quote from: big kim on June 04, 2024, 12:48:34 PMSorry posted on the wrong thread!

@big kim
That's OK...  a good hot meal will be good for @davina61

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 04, 2024, 05:00:21 PM
Fish curry and Indian spice spring greens for dinner, lets hope I have a good nights sleep.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 05, 2024, 03:40:12 AM
Thanks Danielle , better this morning but staying in as still grotty.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 05, 2024, 12:32:41 PM
Almost back to normal, well that's normal for me! Good job as well as getting bored to death, still its Thurs food again. Think I will be needing ice cream-----------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Maid Marion on June 05, 2024, 12:44:32 PM
Hi Davina,

Good to hear you are almost back to normal and will be needing ice cream.
I decided to pass on ice cream this week and buya loaf of French bread instead.
Also have some mozzella cheese slices to eat as pan fried mozzarella.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 05, 2024, 02:50:44 PM
Ate too much cheese today, cheese and cucumber sandwich for lunch and then a cheese on toast in the air fryer. Cheese puts the LBs on, must have had 7 mugs of tea today, 6 green lemon and a chia with ginger.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Jessica_Rose on June 05, 2024, 05:06:44 PM
What, no cheese tea? Glad to hear you've nearly recovered from the bug you caught.

Love always -- Jessica Rose
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 06, 2024, 03:20:46 AM
Just a bit flemish this morning but eye lids sore from running. Cheese tea now thats a thought! Cotton wool clouds this morning but a cool day, as long as it stays dry for shopping.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 06, 2024, 10:06:09 AM
Well it warmed up by the time I came back home, spent to much but got some bargains. All the dozy drivers out today, I mean 35mph in a 60 on a clear straight road and slowing for non existent bends (insert swear word of your choosing)
 Anyway cooking tomata gohst for dinner (that's lamb and tomato ) on a slow simmer for an hour.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 07, 2024, 12:49:05 PM
mmmmmmmmmmmmm well I survived a day down the workshop doing a bit ,had enough by 3.30 though.Wood work, metal work and brain work, last one is the most tiring!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 10, 2024, 03:27:55 AM
Home day, stuff to do and food to cook. Needed a courgette for the curry, had to buy a bag of 3 so now need to find a recipe to cook the other 2 in a few days time.
 Going to have a go later at making the cover for the door cards, have to sew 2 colours at a diagonal. Both vinyl but different textures, that's if the sewing machine will work .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 10, 2024, 09:02:56 AM
Well knock me down with a feather the sewing machine worked, now I have to put the lardy gert thing back where it lives. Its about as much as I can lift now, just hope the covers fit now.
 Did some pasta in a home made sauce with the broad beans mum gave me yesterday, dinner cooked as well. Who has been a busy girl then! Oh well time for some weight lifting------------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Jenn104 on June 10, 2024, 12:37:45 PM
Quote from: davina61 on June 10, 2024, 09:02:56 AMWell knock me down with a feather the sewing machine worked, now I have to put the lardy gert thing back where it lives. Its about as much as I can lift now, just hope the covers fit now.
 Did some pasta in a home made sauce with the broad beans mum gave me yesterday, dinner cooked as well. Who has been a busy girl then! Oh well time for some weight lifting------------

I think maybe GB Shaw said something like two people separated by a common language but "lardy gert" is not english, right? Its like some obscure french dialogue, right?

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 10, 2024, 12:54:40 PM
Translation Jen, heavy great. Tis English but dialect, now I could write a lot more you wont understand! Saying that we now have a lot of Americanisms crept in .
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 11, 2024, 12:51:15 PM
Cover looks good, managed to do the one before running out of glue. Not much in the aerosol can when you have a large panel to do. Shame tap a talk not working now or I would post a pic.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Lori Dee on June 11, 2024, 05:18:11 PM
I was going to ask if you planned on pics of the project. I would be interested to see what you have done!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 12, 2024, 04:19:23 AM
I have a build blog on the RodsNSods forum in the garage section, not sure if you can look at that unless you join. Gave up on Imgur as I cant get anything to upload to my page, almost loads and then seems to freeze.
 Home day again, I could go down the unit and start on some other things but I hate having several jobs on the go at once. Not that much space and I like to concentrate on one problem at a time.
 2 loads of clothes to wash as well, work wear was filthy with dust from wood and body filler. Chase the vac around time and bacon and eggs for lunch.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Maid Marion on June 12, 2024, 04:30:40 AM
Imgur just changed their uploads.
There is a green button on the upper left hand corner.  + New Post

I upload,then exit the page.

Return. Click on my Screen Name on the upper right hand corner to access Images.

It may help to crop and rescale the images to a smaller file size.
You may be uploading images that are too big.  Try around 1MB.
My  ancient Canon Point and Shoot camera will generate a 6MB image at the maximum detail setting.  Too big for web pages!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 13, 2024, 08:40:40 AM
What I was getting at was pics wont upload to Imgur from my laptop, might give it another go sometime.
 Shopping went okay this morning and I beat the rain, got a large Spanish chorizo reduced in price. Pork and prawn with courgette for dinner, stir fry but a bit shy on the amount of courgette it says. Will be fine and I have veg curry to go with it. Fun slicing the prawns length ways but I did it without injury!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: imallie on June 14, 2024, 01:16:07 AM
Quote from: davina61 on June 13, 2024, 08:40:40 AMWhat I was getting at was pics wont upload to Imgur from my laptop, might give it another go sometime.
 Shopping went okay this morning and I beat the rain, got a large Spanish chorizo reduced in price. Pork and prawn with courgette for dinner, stir fry but a bit shy on the amount of courgette it says. Will be fine and I have veg curry to go with it. Fun slicing the prawns length ways but I did it without injury!

A few things... sometimes Imgur is wiggy. It works well for me on my ipad, not some much on my desktop. No idea why. I've also tried the app on my phone with middling success. So don't give up!

And second, any time I hear someone talk of doing some slicing without injury, I am both impressed and envious... so... well done!  ;)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Gina P on June 14, 2024, 06:28:35 AM
I have the same problems so I have not posted pictures in some time.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 14, 2024, 12:50:23 PM
I was feeling off this morning but put that down to a restless night, managed to do 3 hrs on the Austin and came back home as felt a bit rough. Just come down with a bad tummy, jet propelled with afterburner (I know TMI) . Chucking the food I ate out just in case, might just be the chorizo or garlic but could be the prawns? What ever not taking a chance.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 16, 2024, 03:44:53 AM
Called in on Deb, she needs a kick up the rear mopping around. She has splashed out on new curtains and things trying to distract herself, not sure where she gets her money as not doing any work at the moment. Had a go at her letting the garden get in a mess again, suppose she is waiting for someone to do it for her when she could do some weeding/trimming.
 Beans are coming on anyway but the cold weather for time of year is holding them back, call in on mum in a bit and see how her veg is doing.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 16, 2024, 10:08:57 AM
Messages from my 3 wishing happy fathers day ( I dont mind as its who I was) and eldest says he will pop round later so called at the shop to get his card and a bottle for his birthday on Tues.
 Mum had dug a root of spuds for her lunch (she has main meal in middle of the day) and she gave me some more broad beans, lots of flowers on the runner beans so hope they set. Blackberry bush covered in fruit and the bees were busy on the remaining flowers.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 18, 2024, 03:58:58 AM
My eldest popped over last night, late as a job he was working on ran over. Got a bottle of wine for fathers day and I gave him a card and some wine for his birthday today! He has been busy on with running his plumbing and heating business and playing in the band, they were not happy with the set up at the last festival. Inside a tent with a minimal stage and no sound check and the drum kit provided was rubbish, lets hope the festival this weekend coming will be better . Should be as they are second from top billing.
 Back not playing ball this morning, pain killers and rest day then. Nice day as well to be stuck in.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 18, 2024, 12:59:40 PM
After some stretching exercises and a rest my back is just its normal clunky, made some pasta with mushrooms and a bit of left over tin tomatoes. No onion or garlic just in case that is what has given me an upset tum the last few days. Fish cakes for dinner. Ordered 6 tins of spray glue so I can finish some of the panels for the Austin.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 19, 2024, 04:43:59 AM
Another day to throw the towel in, overslept (9,15!) and then the laptop did yet another update (2nd in a few days) and that has taken an age before its running properly. Have to be up and at em tomorrow as have hospital appointment at 9.20 am ,fight through rush hour and school traffic.
 Blue sky this morning with lambs tail cloud, high pressure building. Pasta and sardines for lunch maybe, bit of house work to do anyway.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Emma1017 on June 19, 2024, 09:57:37 AM

Hi Davina.  I've been away for a while and just catching on your blog. 

I'm glad you had a good fathers day.  My son came over and instead of wine, which is always welcome, he gave me a hammock.   We were all entertained as he insisted on setting it up.

I may have to join you doing back exercises.  Getting out of the hammock was very challenging for me,surrounded by unsympathetic laughter from those around me. ::)

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 19, 2024, 12:08:59 PM
Good job I was not there, I would have joined in!!!! Saying that I would have struggled like a beached walrus.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Emma1017 on June 19, 2024, 09:37:56 PM

I WAS a beached walrus!!!

But I loved the hammock.

It is so special that we kept our sons love.  ❤️
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 20, 2024, 04:36:12 AM
Got to the hospital 1/2hr early, no traffic as such. Went in to see doc on time as well! Just calcium build up on the cartilage he said so nothing to worry about, have a word with your dentist about exercises to help. Seeing them next Fri so will ask, anyway out of there in time to get home for 10am so off shopping in a mo.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 20, 2024, 10:04:47 AM
Beef curry made as well as potato and cauliflower "curry" , chucked some green beans in to use them up. Think my HRT level is up, girls are load and proud today and sore.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 21, 2024, 03:49:58 AM
Well my internet is slow as again, it was so bad yesterday it took 5mins to load a page!! Did a speed check and it said down load 2mbs and up load .07mbs. If its not better soon will be a crabby call to my provider again. Strange thing is TV was working on the net okay so is it my lap top after a down load /update? Not good at this sort of stuff, don't want just start bashing the keys in settings in case I mess up.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 21, 2024, 09:22:07 AM
Tried to start my panel van, its been sat 2 years and the battery spun it over. Fuel smells fine but spark is very weak, back on it tomorrow when I have some more tools and parts.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 22, 2024, 09:35:50 AM
Some times you wonder why, internet is hardly working, I want to start my VW panel but after standing 2 years its not playing ball and I ache all over. Its for a reason ,life is like that but its still peeing me off.
 Just got a letter for a mammogram appointment , fine but its for 9.15 am. Local cottage hospital so not that bad.
 Think I need an afternoon nap ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 23, 2024, 10:07:06 AM
Found the noise in mums car, lose heat shield. She could only hear it with her aids in and TBH nothing I could hear , tighten the clip and its fine. While I had it on Ds outside lift I knocked out the dent in the air dam under front bumper, looks better and with a bit of primer and top coat that mum has it looks fine.
 Jump leads of my car onto panel van made it turn over, looks like battery duff. Just need to put clean fuel in it now, warning to anyone with petrol powered machinery that the fuel is only good for about 3 months since they put methanol in it.
 Back home by 2.45, Debs was out. Mum gave me a load of broad (fava ?) beans so shelled them, 2 bags (about a cup) in the freezer and some of the tender ones to go with pasta tomorrow
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Maid Marion on June 23, 2024, 11:40:02 AM
They call that ethanol over in the States,
I bought a product called ethanol shield for $5 from Walmart to add to gasoline at the end of the lawn mowing season to delay gas going bad. I used to run the lawnmower dry at the end of fall but with climate change I'll do a mid-winter mow to clear the year of leaves and other debris that accumulates.  We didn't get much snow so I'm mowing every four days to use up all the gas before it goes bad.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 24, 2024, 05:35:36 AM
Strange that an hour after my call to internet provider its working again! They did say they could do me a better speed for less than I am paying at the moment, I wait to see.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 24, 2024, 07:40:22 AM
Made pasta for lunch, blended a ripe tomato with some tomato puree and fried it in olive oil. Chucked in some spinach and cooked broad beans, cooked pasta and green pesto. Was okay, rest of the spinach was cooked with garlic and a dust of cayenne as per one of my recipes.
 Lemon beef Balti to cook in a bit, very simple.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Gina P on June 24, 2024, 09:33:00 AM
Sounds delish!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 24, 2024, 10:52:41 AM
Well after spending £25 I cant afford on a McAfee update even after getting on to the tech team it wont work, downloaded optimizer and it says loaded but when I try to do a clean up it tells me to down load and install before it will work.GGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I hate computers---------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Lori Dee on June 24, 2024, 11:30:43 AM
I have always had issues with McAfee. I have tried others for a while. However, my research has shown that the in-house Windows Defender does just as good a job and works seamlessly. I empty my cache every time I log off the internet (which is many times a day) and have never been infected. If you are using Windows, maybe try uninstalling McAfee and see if your problems go away. You can always reinstall it later.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 25, 2024, 03:03:57 AM
Summer has hit the UK at last, 27C forecast here today. It was hot in bed last night, temp on the read of the thermostat touch screen for the on suite said 23C in the middle of the night. Threw the duvet of a few times.
 Clear blue sky this morning, nice day to clean the workshop and do some body fill work (not really)
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 26, 2024, 09:57:48 AM
Car said 32C , I was pooped by 3pm after rubbing down filler. Still that bit is done now. Shopping tomorrow again, hope they have some ice cream left!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 26, 2024, 11:42:21 AM
No ice cream or pudding but I do have frozen cherries and mango, suck on that will cool me down
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Maid Marion on June 26, 2024, 12:22:37 PM
I use a Chromebox for Internet security.  My Internet hosting also provides five copies of MaCaffee.
But basically a box just for the Internet.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 27, 2024, 03:07:04 AM
Weather has cooled off, 20C today and breezy. Might get a better nights sleep! Cant decide what to get for dinner when I go shopping, fish is expensive and that just leaves chicken, lamb ,pork or beef. Will search my recipe books for inspiration.
 Builders came yesterday and fitted new facia boards over the rotten originals (bodge job) and started to scrape the loose paint off the doors, that will be another bodge then with a dodgy coat of paint with a 6ins brush!! They still need to put guttering up as well.
 Blue pleated skirt (thats lost its pleating) and a simple top today for shopping I think.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 27, 2024, 09:38:13 AM
Bought bone less chicken thighs, making an Indian stew. I was still undecided so I got dill, spinach and chillies to make chicken and spinach, just have to wait till the frozen thighs defrost. Plenty of time as have chicken stew to last me 4 days!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 27, 2024, 12:04:58 PM
MacAfee is peeing me right off now as the VPN is blocking me logging on my hot rod site so I have to turn it off every time and in between pages and I cant upload pics now. Looks like an uninstall coming on.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 28, 2024, 06:18:46 AM
Managed to turn the VPN off, that has cured a load of faults!! Hygienist at the dentist this morning, oh dear she said looks like I have a lot of work to do. Well its been 10+ years since I had a dentist, cost me £45 to get them sand blasted  (ok its a water jet). £45, not bad for 5mins work (robbing whatsits and thats on the NHS)
 Cold wind today and cloudy, 18C as well.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Oldandcreaky on June 28, 2024, 07:50:30 AM
Hey, D. Sorry about your choppers.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Lori Dee on June 28, 2024, 10:36:51 AM
I like the sand-blasting analogy! My hygienist told me that is essentially what they do, but the "sand" is baking soda. It is just abrasive enough, removes stains, and leaves fresh breath. I use it occasionally when brushing my teeth.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Gina P on June 28, 2024, 02:54:50 PM
Quote from: davina61 on June 28, 2024, 06:18:46 AMManaged to turn the VPN off, that has cured a load of faults!! Hygienist at the dentist this morning, oh dear she said looks like I have a lot of work to do. Well its been 10+ years since I had a dentist, cost me £45 to get them sand blasted  (ok its a water jet). £45, not bad for 5mins work (robbing whatsits and thats on the NHS)
 Cold wind today and cloudy, 18C as well.
Me and computers don't get along. I can build a house, fix a motor in a car, rebuild a tractor motor, but those dang computers elude me. Luckily I have a son that's a wiz at those things and I call him when ever I have a problem.
  When I started transitioning, one of my first concerns was to get my teeth fixed and started on invisalign braces. That meant I had to brush my teeth several times a day as well as flossing. Now when I go to the dentist for a cleaning it painless and I don't get the lecture about needing to floss more. And I can smile more!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 29, 2024, 02:28:04 PM
Snail pace internet again, think another sherty phone call needed!! Anyways did a bit on the Austin again then called in on Deb to give her a light fitting to hold a shade up. Beans are coming on and I managed to pull some weeds up. Then she said lets go see my dad, good job he is just over the road and a bit up a lane. He was out, Debs said he will be at my sisters so we went to see. Thats just back up and across the road and up another lane, yes there he was so we stayed for a bit and had a good natter. Back home and I made a lemon drizzle cake to use up 2 lemons, recipe said one lemon so its quite sharp. Nice!! Cooked it in the air fryer and its spot on, watched the GP sprint race and qualifying for tomorrows GP and as there is nothing on worth watching (well that I like) Glastonbury. Cyndi Lauper and now Kasabian.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on June 30, 2024, 06:13:02 AM
Had to reboot my internet box and restart laptop to get on here! Anyways its working now, overslept big time again so gave up going to mums and down the unit. Mum had been staying at sisters for a few days and had not told me so good job I didn't call in yesterday. Was not worth the trip to workshop as it would have been midday when I got there and had to be back to cook dinner at 3, chicken and spinach. Made the spinach/dill/coriander puree ready ,recipe fore note says they like to add any green veg to it so have green beans and broccoli to throw in. That will save doing a separate veg dish. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 01, 2024, 02:59:31 AM
Looks like the 3 hot days was our summer, dull, cloudy and rain all week. As long as its dry for the blues festival I will be happy. Have to "suffer" 2 weeks of Wimbledon tennis on the BBC telly so its a good job I dont watch much on that channel.
 Weird dream last night being chased by someone with a chainsaw, it was funny as it was an electric one and they ran out of cable!!
 Pinch, punch first of the month, have to mark up my calendar with all the stuff going on in July. Voting on the 4th (choice between a load of useless twats) ,mammogram on the 17th and Blues festival 19-21st and then steam rally the next weekend.     
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Oldandcreaky on July 01, 2024, 07:31:43 PM
I love the Blues too, Davina. The great thing about a Blues crowd is that we care more about the music than looking cool.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 02, 2024, 04:51:48 AM
Having a CBA day, TBH my back is tight this morning and only fiddly stuff to do on the Austin. Making celery soup to use up a head of celery, taking mum to garden centre tomorrow for some bags of well rotted farm yard manure to help where she is planting leeks.
 Roll call for UK ladies, Jess K has gone silent just myself and Big Kim by the looks of it??
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 03, 2024, 12:18:42 PM
Had a nice morning with mum, we went to the garden centre and found a ceramic dish to stand her Christmas cactus on. She had to repot it last week as it got top heavy and fell over twice, new pot was bigger than the dish it sat in. It also needed to be raised to keep it off the work top where it lives very happily in her kitchen. So after a good look we found a dish that sat in a bowl to stand it on, her cucumber plant broke of at the base before she stuck a cane to hold it. We found an unmarked pot and it looks like it might be a cucumber, staff was unsure as it could have been a pumpkin so we took the chance. Might be pumpkin curry then!! 3 bags of manure as well for the leeks to grow in then we had lunch at the cafe there, mum had a baked potato with prawns and salad. I said thats a lot but she ate it all, its that I paid for it so I am eating it. I had a toasted panini with bacon and brie with chips (fries) and a small salad, that was plenty for me as not used to eating much midday. Back home for 2pm, will need to dig that in for mum soon but its food shop again tomorrow.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 04, 2024, 11:07:52 AM
Did my duty, now have to wait till tomorrow to see what idiot has been made PM ! Cooking coconut fish curry, needs some rice to go with it. Mum was held up taking Uncle to the docs for a diabetic eye check, they were running 3/4 of an hour behind so I had done my shopping and was just about to drive off when they turned up. I joked with the till person (that we like to go to) I wasn't quick enough leaving, good job I went round with mum as she needs some guidance at times and she cant reach the top shelf.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 05, 2024, 03:08:13 AM
Off down my workshop, lacking enthusiasm today . Still I will do a bit and I got a strip of alloy to see if it works to cover a join. 21C today but its wet so I know it wont feel that warm.
 Well the other lot got voted in, lets see what a hash up they can do.(TBH cant do much worse) but are they more transphobic??
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Emma1017 on July 05, 2024, 09:26:09 AM

Davina I hope the transphopic pendulum begins to swing the other way, otherwise they'll start burning witches again.

The weather here has has been brutally humid.  I got lazy gardening and wound up with a nice rash from the poison ivy.

I think I will just park my butt on the couch and watch TV today. ;D

I hope your day got better.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 05, 2024, 12:26:20 PM
Asked D if he had any cucumber plants still, a good few and he gave me one to take to mum. Do you want 2? best see what room she has so called in on the way home, yes please she said. Dug the manure into the plot for the leeks for her, looks like the mystery plant is a pumpkin so will make a raised bed for it.
 Stopped at Debs to put some blood ,fish and bone fertilizer on the beans. Rain forecast tonight so the leek bed and beans will get a good watering.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 06, 2024, 03:33:12 AM
Its still piddling down, just hope it clears soon. Something has upset my tummy again and not sure what unless its the garlic in the ginger/garlic/chilli past I made for the fish curry? I might not have cooked it out enough to get rid of the acid.
 British GP this weekend and of course its changeable weather, also Dragstalga at Santa Pod (Nostalgia drag racing). 2 cars that raced at the inaugural Blackbush meet that came over from the US have made the trip again 60 years later. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 06, 2024, 10:46:57 AM
Did a bit on the Austin, bit stuck without funds to do more at the moment. Took mum a second cucumber plant as D said they would end up on the compost heap as no room in his green house.
 Just watched the British GP qualifier , British drivers 1, 2,and 3 for tomorrows race. Should be a good race tomorrow.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 07, 2024, 06:12:52 AM
Made a "Indian railways" lamb curry, recipe said as served on the train and it came out great. Watched some more drag racing from Dragstalga live on the lap top, looks like its raining now so on hold. Not far from where the GP is so could be a shake up for the roundy roundy boys.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 07, 2024, 12:21:25 PM
British 1 and 3 at the GP, a very emotional Hamilton back on the top step after 2 years . Some more fantastic drag racing from Pod as well, shame the US Bennet's team had to miss out with engine probs.
 Lamb curry is tasty, better than the last time I made it. Made a veg curry and after tasting it remembered it was not that great, must remember not to make that recipe again.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 08, 2024, 03:38:50 AM
Having to force myself to get going this morning, my get up and go has got up and gone! Nice morning with cotton wool clouds but its supposed to turn to rain later.
 My friend Brian who started drag racing the same time as me and still does has been inducted into the British Drag Racing hall of Fame ,at over 70 he is the oldest racer still active. Saying that non of us in our hot rod club are youngsters any more, club is called the roadsters and we get called the oldsters! Club was started in 77 or 78 and there is a hard core of us that still meet up, think its about 8.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 08, 2024, 11:58:43 AM
Well my get up and gone won, good job as something went out of whack in my left hand. Left thumb has been playing up the last few weeks, think I damaged the joint at the wrist. Well the (I think) tendons went tight and had to massage my hand for a bit before I could move it.
 Made some air fryer cheese scones using up some end bits of cheese, came out fine. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 08, 2024, 02:36:27 PM
Dear Davina:I recall that a few years ago you had a job-related injury to your arm, wrist, hand...
... I also remember you posting that there was difficulty with the lengthy healing process. 
Are your recent reported difficulties with your left hand related to those previous work injuries?
    -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
     Awe....  mmm, mmm, good...... Cheese Scones

Thank  you for posting and sharing...
Please be careful and take care of yourself.


Quote from: davina61 on July 08, 2024, 11:58:43 AMWell my get up and gone won, good job as something went out of whack in my left hand. Left thumb has been playing up the last few weeks, think I damaged the joint at the wrist. Well the (I think) tendons went tight and had to massage my hand for a bit before I could move it.
 Made some air fryer cheese scones using up some end bits of cheese, came out fine. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 08, 2024, 05:00:12 PM
No that was my right wrist and that's okay if I look after it, just old age catching up with me!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 09, 2024, 07:04:26 AM
Not feeling the urge today, TBH stuck for doing stuff to the Austin at the moment. Made Moong dal for lunch with a home made chapati. Healthy and tasty, that Railway curry I made is excellent with melt in the mouth lamb coated in a tasty sauce. Even the coconut veg tasted okay when I dished it out with a slotted spoon.
 Dull and cloudy again with yet more rain on the way, bring on summer!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 09, 2024, 12:58:02 PM
Need to get my backside in gear, staying in the flat is no good. Come up with a plan to make a light stand from the "bomb proof" lamp I have, will make a great uplighter .Something I can do in my workshop tomorrow.
 Had some lamb left over so cooked a Rogan Josh.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 10, 2024, 09:22:12 AM
I know when not to fight the universe, things got in the way this morning so stayed home. There will be a very good reason why so got my finger out (as we used to say at work) and made a dry veg curry to use up the odds of veg from the fridge. Made a pizza from my air fryer book with enough dough left to make soft bread rolls, made the tomato sauce base from some left over tin toms from yesterdays curry. Some puree and Oregano added to it after it was hit with the stick blender, tastes like the "real" thing! No cheese but put some chunks of Rogan Josh  on it and made a nice lunch. Had to put it in a dry frying pan to get the base cooked.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 11, 2024, 03:39:06 AM
Thursday food shop again, how's that happen so soon? Not sure about that air fryer "soft bread rolls" recipe as they came out more like scones, nice with jam (jelly) and butter.
 Had to rip my last patches of after 12hrs as skin was very sore and red, had that happen one or two times before but usually fine. Like an allergic reaction?
 Blue sky again, not sure how long it will last but it is warming up into the 20s.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Emma1017 on July 12, 2024, 01:02:14 PM

Davina your cooking stories are never boring.  I love you adapt to what's on hand.  It seems so creative and appetizing.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 12, 2024, 01:48:56 PM
Yes I made up a pasta dish yesterday for lunch, cooked some pasta spirals then some olive oil in a pan with sliced shallot and garlic. Remains of the blended tomato in the pan with some broccoli and some chopped up chicken tenders cooked in the air fryer along with the pasta and some basil. Made a tasty lunch, okay a top chef would have done a "better" job but it was fine for me.
 Made it down the workshop and took a lamp I made apart to make an up lighter from the explosion proof lamp I got a couple of years ago, works and looks good but do I paint it or clear coat it steam punk style?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Lori Dee on July 12, 2024, 03:00:20 PM
I'm a fan of steampunk. Weld some gears on it.  ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 12, 2024, 04:58:37 PM
Its got an old flexplate as the base with a sprocket in the centre to cover the big hole, its steam punk alright
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Lori Dee on July 12, 2024, 05:00:27 PM
Got an old vacuum gauge or something to add?  ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 13, 2024, 03:19:52 AM
Looking at it this morning, want to keep it simple I think as to much clutter can spoil the lines. Yes I have a load of old gauges but saving them for a different build.
 My lads band have had to cancel the next 2 gigs, lead singer in hospital for emergency appendix surgery. He is okay eating loads of ice cream but has been told to rest for a few weeks. Shame as it would have been good to see them in town.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 14, 2024, 03:21:39 AM
Well I made another lamp from the bits left over from the one I cut up, now this one has a pressure gauge, volt gauge and a brass tap . Called in on Deb, she has new toilet and sink fitted in the down stairs convenience. Beans looking good with lots of flowers, the feed I gave them last week has done them good. Pulled some weeds ,picked some rhubarb (have to make Deb a crumble) and dug a root of potatoes. Told Deb to boil them in their skins, she rang me later to say they were the best mashed she has had! Mashed them with the skins on as well. Ground to the pan in a few minutes so of course they tasted great.
 Blue sky again, calling on mum to see how she is and to see if I have to make a raised bed for the pumpkin if that is what it is. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 14, 2024, 08:45:16 AM
Mum has been busy, she planted 100 leeks in the plot I made! That mystery plant has been put in the existing raised bed, lets see what happens. Came away with some goodies, runner beans and a courgette . Mums cucumber plants have reached the staging and she has but a large cane for them to be tied to. Hade a look at Ds veg, no beans yet but loads of courgettes and cucumbers. His pumpkin plants are huge but no flowers yet.
 Put some rubber feet on that lamp so it will sit on a desk, did a tad on the Austin and come home to make a rhubarb crumble.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Lori Dee on July 14, 2024, 09:01:08 AM
Quote from: davina61 on July 14, 2024, 03:21:39 AMWell I made another lamp from the bits left over from the one I cut up, now this one has a pressure gauge, volt gauge and a brass tap .

That sounds awesome!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 15, 2024, 09:12:04 AM
Home day, made a large veg curry with mums beans in and have a chicken korma on the go now. Recipe says as cooked in Indian households and it has no cream or nuts just lots of onion, garlic and ginger. Lets see if it causes me tummy troubles.
 Raining again----------------------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Maid Marion on July 15, 2024, 09:42:56 AM
I have a lamp project as well.  I have a tall lamp with an upward facing bulb to bounce light off the white ceiling.  The concrete base disintegrated so now I need to make new base for it.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 15, 2024, 10:11:39 AM
I would post pics but have been unable to get stuff uploaded, shame Tap a Talk stopped working. Might try again as the last system update has made my laptop work again.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 15, 2024, 10:24:54 AM
( well that didnt work
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: SoupSarah on July 15, 2024, 01:06:37 PM
Quote from: davina61 on July 15, 2024, 09:12:04 AMHome day, made a large veg curry with mums beans in and have a chicken korma on the go now. Recipe says as cooked in Indian households and it has no cream or nuts just lots of onion, garlic and ginger. Lets see if it causes me tummy troubles.
 Raining again----------------------

@davina61  I would love it if you could post the recipe for that curry without cream or nuts..  It sounds like something I used to have years ago when I stayed with my grandparents in Walsall..
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 15, 2024, 01:33:04 PM
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 15, 2024, 01:36:12 PM
( runs around room waving hands in air, got it working!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Lori Dee on July 15, 2024, 01:52:45 PM
I love it!

Well done.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: SoupSarah on July 15, 2024, 02:11:57 PM
Wowsers awesome lights - thats a talent you have..
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 15, 2024, 04:58:45 PM
Desk light I made up as I went along, had to put the feet on it to stop it falling over!! Well myhands still stink of garlic---------------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Maid Marion on July 15, 2024, 05:05:02 PM
Hi Davina,

Good work with the lamps!

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 16, 2024, 03:49:39 AM
Just need inline switches to make them compliant and a PAT test before they can be sold, that's 5 so far. Well a couple of days at home and stood on scales this morning, oh dear I wanted to lose some not gain. That bite on my forearm has come up in a thumb nail size lump but the red has gone out of it, still itchy.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 16, 2024, 09:39:58 AM
Here is one I made a while ago, Russel the robot.(
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Lori Dee on July 16, 2024, 09:46:52 AM
That is so cute! I love it!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 17, 2024, 05:09:32 AM
Up early as had to be at the local cottage hospital for 9.15 for a mammogram, ouch that pinches!! Still at my age that will be the last one. Picked up some cream for that bite as its still large and some new hand cream from the chemist, amazed there was parking opposite!! Popped in the shop and found all the things I was after on the clearance shelf, makes a change.
 Debs came for dinner last night, chicken and veg curry with rhubarb crumble for pudding. Rhubarb was from her garden so that was the main reason for asking her.
 Good tail back of camper vans coming into town this morning (8.45) ready for the music festival this weekend, main road through town is closed in the afternoon till after midnight Fri to Sun due to the amount of folks walking about.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: imallie on July 17, 2024, 11:18:02 AM
Quote from: davina61 on July 16, 2024, 09:39:58 AMHere is one I made a while ago, Russel the robot.(

Davina - this is fantastic! He definitely has the face of a "Russel". 😉
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 17, 2024, 11:54:46 AM
That's a Russel Hobbs kettle upside down hence the name! Now I have to search my pile of handy bits to work out how to make some more.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 18, 2024, 03:44:58 AM
Message from my Blues festival friends, Where are you we are in the pub! Pics of them dancing to live music, well I thought it didnt start till Fri----------
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 18, 2024, 08:44:22 AM
I was doing fine this morning till I walked out the flat and the door slammed shut, **** left the keys behind. Rang mum quick but she was already on her way to aunt's, rang aunt and said ask mum to bring spare keys. She rang back after mum got to hers to say they weren't in her handbag so mum drove back home with aunt to look for them. Rang them back to say what's going on, she doesn't know what has happened to them. So rang the agents and they said go to the office in town as they have spare keys, just a walk round the corner  luckily . Lad came back with me as he was not sure they worked! They did, only the 2nd time I have done this in 8years but I was in a tizz rushing out. Then the traffic and old folk using the shopping trolley as a walker, I was glad to get home and flake out. Just hope tomorrow goes better.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 18, 2024, 01:37:57 PM
Walked down town and met my blues friends, ended up having a beer at a pub (nothing new) but gave up and returned home for 7 for some dinner. Proper hot today and they say 27C tomorrow, will need my sun hat! Wore my shorts and shirt style top, short summer dress tomorrow.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 19, 2024, 08:54:19 AM
Well I made it from 10.15 till 2.15 and the heat got to me, bought a cheese and beans baked potato and just about made it back home as my legs gave out. Cold flannel on my fore head sat in a breeze in my front room I am coming round,back out in a bit
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Lori Dee on July 19, 2024, 10:16:57 AM
Be safe out there. Stay hydrated. We aren't done with you yet!  ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 20, 2024, 02:39:54 AM
Went back up town as it had cooled off a bit, 1/2 of larger sat in the pub just to sit down waiting for my friends to turn up. Band on outside so went to watch, AC/DC to start so you get the gist. Bass player is a mid 20s? girl as skinny as a rake and boy she could make that thing talk. 6 string bass and she swooped to a 4 string for one song, friends turned up so we went to see another band in the pub next door. they were 45mins late starting and sounded off, not their usual so we gave up and as my legs and back were hurting from standing for 2 hours I came back home.
 Temp gauge said 24C in my shower room so not much different in bed room, thinking that will be an uncomfortable night but crashed out so slept well. Cloudy with showers today, walking over to see the American car club show and then back up town.   
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 20, 2024, 09:46:18 AM
Well the rain turned up on time (more than some of the bands!!) so came back home as it was lashing down, eased off now but will get worse later. Was a good morning looking at the cars, bumping into my cousin as she walked the dogs round the show field and watching  a R&R band play.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 20, 2024, 01:50:45 PM
Feel asleep! when I woke it had stopped raining and now a few hours later there are blue patches in the sky. Forecast said poring with rain now, oh well cant be bothered to get togged up again and my dodgy ankle is sore and I want to have a full day tomorrow.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Oldandcreaky on July 20, 2024, 04:37:05 PM
Hey, D. I love Russell the Robot. Too cute!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 21, 2024, 02:36:53 AM
Sat here last night watching Bad Chad on u tube (Canadian hot rod builder) when a band started playing on the meadow stage.Not sure if it was the Doppler effect or were they really that bad! Drummer was off and then the lead guitarist did a poor Hendricks style .Well I said poor but should have said bad. TBH not heard many good bands on main stages but the pubs and clubs have the best stuff, on the corner of the path outside the Plough is always good. Kalashnikov Skunk (dont fear the reeker)! ,The Escobars (rock and roll) had everyone dancing in the closed off road. More of the same today I hope. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 21, 2024, 03:06:15 PM
Weather said 20C and cloudy, they got that wrong as well as clear sky and burning sun. Got a good tan on my arms! Good turn out at the car show, hot rods and classic. Had a good natter with a few folks and walked to the river waiting for my friends. TBH we had a job finding ands we liked, I went to see if the Undercovers were playing at the Swan. Bought some rice, crispy chicken, tempura veg covered in sweet and sour, that hit the spot for dinner. Got to 6.15 and I was having a job keeping my eyes open so said my good byes to my friends and staggered back home and collapsed on the sofa. Had a good time anyway. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 22, 2024, 11:02:18 AM
Called on mum, goodness knows what she did with her house keys but nowhere to be seen. Maybe someone picked them up if she dropped them. Dug some spuds for her and then we picked some blackberries ,well I say some but it was loads. I filled a good size freezer bag and then we filled a washing up bowl!! Still loads more when they ripen , I got stabbed and scratched but worth it for the 4 bags I froze down. Came away with runner beans, French beans, carrots and potatoes. Called on Deb but didn't stay long as felt rough, good sit down and recovered.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 23, 2024, 04:51:17 AM
At the end of the car park/garages is a small house called the Bothy, not sure if it was originally the coach house for the Victorian house the flats are in. Its been nicely upgraded if it was, now between the 2 there was a large yew tree blocking the view. Yesterday it was cut down and I now have full view of the house and can see the main road and carpark at the rugby field! Also means I have to be careful walking around my bedroom starkers !
 Well I was still feeling "off" this morning, gave up going to the workshop but TBH not a lot I can do .Just need some inspiration (and ££s) , my boss said I can have a day off!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 24, 2024, 08:50:10 AM
Well I made it to the workshop, did a few things and back for 2! Still that was 2 jobs less and a tidy up.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Maid Marion on July 24, 2024, 11:30:48 AM
I lived in a big house that had a little house behind it, built over two hundred years ago, which is a long time in the United States.  They converted the 2nd floor into apartments. I rented one. The floor was made out old growth forest. Really wide boards you can't find anymore!

It is drizzling outside so I didn't do much either.  I picked up all the prunings I hastily cut yesterday before sunset.  I also set some mouse traps now that the car is in the garage.  Baited them with peanut butter.  Don't want mice in my car!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 24, 2024, 12:54:32 PM
Band off rain/showers this afternoon, beans getting a water! Making a banana cake in the airfryer , had 3 just going soft. I would have eaten them like that ,banana sandwich with lots of butter is nice but decided a cake will make them last longer.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 25, 2024, 10:18:31 AM
Had to go to the solicitors with sister and mum this morning to sign the wellbeing for her will, after the mess my sisters SIL made of her mums care and what she did to her siblings mum thought it best we have something in writing. Not that we will need it as I cant see myself and sister falling out.
 Aunt had to find her own way to supermarket and mum kept saying lets wait before we go round so I metaphorically grabbed her by the scruff of the neck and made her go round. They both like the prawn sandwich but there was only one, mum "I will keep it for aunty" so I said NO keep it for yourself. Snooze you lose is my moto! They came in while we were part done but I managed to drag mum away and we did our shop, aunty asked if I had picked a prawn sandwich up for her and I could say with clear conscience " no and there were non left when I looked" . Mum rushed through checkout just in case aunty spotted the one she had!
 Road closed due to accident on the way I go to get home so went the other way, loads of tractors and steam wagons driving into town from the steam rally. Good job I was going the other way but got held up at temp traffic light (burst water main) due to the slow speed they did through the lights .
Cooking a chicken with tomatoes and new potatoes from a food show that was on telly Monday, think I did it right.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Oldandcreaky on July 25, 2024, 10:49:46 AM
What are the ingredients for a prawn sandwich in England?
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 25, 2024, 12:45:32 PM
I think it just prawns and mayo! Not one I eat myself. Tray bake chicken,tomato and new potato came out nice if a bit greasy, Jersey Royal potatoes are nice.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Lori Dee on July 25, 2024, 01:27:33 PM
I do love prawns, but never had them in a sandwich.

I like to grill them on a barbecue. When I lived in California, I did a lot of shark fishing. Met some fishermen from some of the commercial fishing boats. One would sell me as many prawns as I wanted fresh off the boat for $1 per pound. These were huge too! Seven to twelve inches long. I would bring two big ice coolers and fill them up every Saturday, then have a cook-out featuring huge prawns and shark steaks. Yummy!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 25, 2024, 02:16:18 PM
Even the king prawns in the supermarket are not that big, the ones we get frozen or in prawn cocktail are tiny.
 Bought a packet of caramelised Greek style almonds as they were reduced, to yummy but must be 2K calories a hand full!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Lori Dee on July 25, 2024, 05:28:18 PM
I laugh at what the supermarket calls prawns. They barely qualify as shrimp. I snack on almonds too, when I'm out of cashews.  ;D
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 26, 2024, 03:04:02 AM
Lovely clear sky this morning with a breeze, bit of filler to rub down this morning thats tricky to do. Just checked on what time the steam rally opens ,8am !! will have to set alarm to get there for that time.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 26, 2024, 08:10:38 AM
Change of plan, stayed home as have a load of veg to cook up before it gets past using. Make it up recipe after failing to find one with the veg I have so its a fusion.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 27, 2024, 07:48:23 AM
New legs please, managed 4 1/2 hrs walking round the steam rally and legs/feet gave out so went back home. Feet still throbbing an hour later, still I got what I wanted and spent to much. Nice loaf of bread, pasty and cheeses as well as some hardware and tools. Some nice stuff there, a motor bike the same as I had when I was 16 and a stationary engine the same as one we had when we used to show them.
 Thing is I have been going for years and its the same old and seen it all before. Makes you feel old when a lot of the cars in the classic and vintage show are thing I used to work on!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 27, 2024, 09:44:21 AM
Lady I was talking to took this for me next to a Riley that I liked as a back in the day hot rod.(
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Lori Dee on July 27, 2024, 10:34:05 AM
I love it. And the car too! Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 27, 2024, 11:39:45 AM
But I need to lose 40lbs!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: SoupSarah on July 27, 2024, 12:40:05 PM
Not sure who is the more elegant, you or the car!..
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 28, 2024, 03:15:12 AM
Legs have recovered (just) , today its wall to wall sun. One heavy shower yesterday afternoon so good job I made it home early, 10 pm last night ,boom, bang, yes the fire work display at the rally was loud !
 So I got a seeded whole meal loaf from the partisan bakers just to see how theirs tasted, same texture and taste with that same strange after taste as my home made one!! Now I know I am making it correct.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Oldandcreaky on July 28, 2024, 06:12:05 AM
You have a good life, Davina.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Maid Marion on July 28, 2024, 09:39:15 AM
It is too much work for me to bake bread so I buy a loaf of french bread from a store that makes it on the premises everyday.  I tried freezing it but it is better to make french toast with the leftover bread!  By the 3rd day the slices split in half but I can put plenty of egg batter on the pieces so they all join together as I fry them on the pan so I flip everything at once!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 28, 2024, 10:31:08 AM
Ended up helping mum pick loads of veg this morning, took an hour. Came home with a bag of French beans, runner beans, carrots, tomatoes and a courgette . Loads as well for my sister when she calls and mum still has more than she can cook!! Cucumber plants are 5ft high and need training on another stick across the potting table, need to find out why a lot of the courgettes go rotten on the flower end.
 Did a bit of filler work around the rear lights on the Austin, got fed up rubbing down (but its done) so started to make a lamp from an old battered extinguisher, need a bulb holder and bits to finish. 
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Emma1017 on July 28, 2024, 12:41:09 PM

Davina what a great photo of you and that classic auto. Your smile was wonderful!

When is the "Davina Cooks" cookbook coming out? Or should it be "Davina's Guide to Classic Cars and Classic Meals"?

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 28, 2024, 03:21:43 PM
A day out in the country driving a classic and making a picnic ,now that sounds good. How to put a picnic together followed by how to get your classic roadworthy!!!!
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: davina61 on July 29, 2024, 03:46:06 AM
**** have a really sore/stiff/painful back this morning, think its from bending to pick mums French beans as I could feel it pulling then. Looks like a rest day and I wanted to do stuff, oh well it will still be there to do tomorrow.
Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: ChrissyRyan on July 29, 2024, 05:28:18 AM

I am looking for your next diary blog as this one is filled!  Have a very pleasant day.

Title: Re: Davina's diary
Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 29, 2024, 11:46:21 AM

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