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Marion's Retirement

Started by Maid Marion, January 05, 2024, 11:41:22 AM

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Maid Marion

Here is the willow tree that I've been pollarding to keep it small.  It is about twelve years old.  The yellow flowers to the left are forsythia.


You taught me a word, MM: pollard!

Your trees are way ahead of ours. I love the first flush of green. So bright and pretty.


The one pollard willow that was/is at my grand parents and then our house on the common was over 6ft in girth so how old is that?
a long time coming (out) HRT 12 2017
GRS 2021 5th Nov

Jill of all trades mistress of non
Know a bit about everything but not enough to be clever
  • skype:davina61?call


Quote from: davina61 on April 20, 2024, 03:07:47 AMThe one pollard willow that was/is at my grand parents and then our house on the common was over 6ft in girth so how old is that?

One of the coolest things I saw in England was Weeping Willows trimmed on the bottom. They looked like Beatle 'dos.

Maid Marion

I got my new flannel lined Eddy Bauer jeans!  They fit perfectly with no need for hemming or a belt!
I wore insulated Eddy Bauer pants all the time this winter to stay warm.
I look forward to warmer weather so I can wear short shorts and crop tops!

Dropped an large ugly branch off my maple tree. Most of it, anyway. 
I'm thinking of cutting off the bark near the trunk to let the wood season in place.
Then dropping a much lighter log onto the ground.
I chop up the wood with a bow saw and put it on a huge compost pile!

I harvest the compost or "black gold" to feed my rose bushes.
I know it contains no herbicides, a danger if you buy soil amendments.
The lack of persistence is what makes RoundupSpecial. 
It allows quick replanting without the need for a long wait.

I had some snow  crab.  I found the shells were soft enough to cut with my Hello Kitty pink scissors.


Maid Marion

Yesterday I did some more tree trimming with my Silky pole saw.
I did something different.  Instead of using my arms I used my feet to raise the saw up and down!
As I've been doing a lot of walking with heels I can do that!
This allows me to hold the saw with my arms fully extended, to cut a branch high off the ground.

Just got a new watch.  Most of my watches have small faces that are sometimes hard to read.
This one is easy to read but will never be mistaken for a man's watch. The strap fits,  With one hole to spare!
The Indiglo is a really nice feature.  The face lights up when I touch the crown.

I had some decaf Paris tea and Chinese coconut Gau heated in the air fryer for breakfast.  Gau is a sweet steamed rice cake similar to Japanese mochi.




Lori Dee

I don't wear watches anymore, but I would wear that!
My Life is Based on a True Story

Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything.
Maybe it's about un-becoming everything that isn't really you,
so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.

2017 - GD Diagnosis / 2020 - HRT / 2022 - FFS & Legal Name Change / 2024 - Voice Training
  • skype:.?call


Thats just (pea) nuts
a long time coming (out) HRT 12 2017
GRS 2021 5th Nov

Jill of all trades mistress of non
Know a bit about everything but not enough to be clever
  • skype:davina61?call

Maid Marion

I have another big tree in my yard.  It is about 30ft tall and trunk is too big and heavy for me to take down safely.  It has been cut back for years but apparently it loved the wet weather and grew really  fast.

I bought my first micro mini skirt for $17.  It fits perfectly.  I'll wear it around the house when the weather gets really hot.  I save on the electric bill by not running A/C during the summer. Connecticut is 2nd only to Hawaii in how much we pay for electricity.

I can look out the window and see purple lilacs straight ahead and purple wisteria in bloom to the left.
Wonderfully fragrant when I'm outside in the back yard.
It is very peaceful back there with tall shrubs surrounding the yard on all sides.

    The following users thanked this post: Sarah B

Lori Dee

When I had my own place, I planted lilacs, English lavender, and honeysuckle near the house. I could open the windows in the summer and the fragrant breeze blowing in was heavenly!
My Life is Based on a True Story

Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything.
Maybe it's about un-becoming everything that isn't really you,
so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.

2017 - GD Diagnosis / 2020 - HRT / 2022 - FFS & Legal Name Change / 2024 - Voice Training
  • skype:.?call


Mum has white and blue lilac in her garden, the bees love it. I have 2 more lavender to plant between the ones we put in last year and the rose arch.
a long time coming (out) HRT 12 2017
GRS 2021 5th Nov

Jill of all trades mistress of non
Know a bit about everything but not enough to be clever
  • skype:davina61?call

Maid Marion

I learned the "art of good enough" from my wife.
When I took out the sliding doors in the bathroom because they made the bathroom moldy.
They were OK when we first bought the place during a long drought and the yard was dry.
Now the climate is much wetter with all the plants I grow.  Maybe the plants encourage the clouds to drop rain on my yard?

Anyway, there were now these ugly mounting holes. I bought a bunch of plugs but the cats insisted on hiding them so there have been two ugly holes for years.  They are gone so I finally bought fity plugs on Amazon for $10.  No, they don't quite hide the ugly marks made in drilling the holes but it looks way better now.  The cats are gone now.  Nice to have, but I developed an allergy to cat hair so I'm not getting any more cats.

Went grocery shopping and bought two boxes of Sauvignon Blanc for cooking, a bottle of cane sugar Coke, flank steak, and chicken drumsticks.
Boxed wine is great for cooking because you can squeeze the air out so it lasts longer in the refrigerator.
Flank steak is really tasty when marinated withTeriyaki sauce and cut agaist the grain so it isn't so chewy.  Also helps to eat tougher cuts of meat while they are still  quite warm off the stove. I cook the drumsticks in the air fryer after marinating them with a ketchup and soy marinade.

    The following users thanked this post: Sarah B

Maid Marion

I went shopping in my heeled booties yesterday.  I'm quite good at getting around in heels, and can walk faster than average while wearing them! That allows me to park away from the crowded part of the parking lot and walk into the store.  I carried my cell phone in a little black crossbody bag. 

My new 30ft tree is a Tatarian Maple.  It has a short thick trunk that leads to many smaller branches to form a dense rounded crown.  It produces a lot of seeds, but as I said earlier, not much I can do about that now, unless I were to hire someone to take it down.  It is in a good place where it doesn't shade my rose beds and provides some shade to my neighbor.  I have two large Sugar Maples in my yard, as well as a third that is in the neighbors but has branches over mine.
    The following users thanked this post: Sarah B

Maid Marion

If you are tall and have confidence issues wearing heels you should look to the hero of many women, TaylorSwift!  She is tall and has gone on public record about her body image issues that resulted in an eating disorder.  An eating disorder killed Karen Carpenter way before her time. She is a hero because she stood up to "the Man" numerous times to get what was rightfully hers.  It isn't that she is an exceptionally talented singer. 

Maid Marion

My little brother taught me how to defend myself against bullies.
He would try to pick fights with me.  Turns out that my reflexes are wickedly fast, enabling me to effectively deploy a number of defense strategies.  He gave me ample opportunity to learn what worked including catching his punches and tying him up.  I was small enough in school that the teachers would routinely look the other way as long as I could handle the situation myself. I had an extremely effective right hook.  As one observer noted, but he can land that right hook! 

Maid Marion

The power of pretty.  Pretty women have a lot of power as they get to choose the "alpha male."
Done properly, it is a win-win situation for both parties, elevating their social status.  But, there is also the potential for disaster.

I had an opportunity to select the "alpha male" while waiting for the emission test to be done on my car.  It was just after COVID so I don't recall the exact details, but I picked who I thought was the alpha male.  He came over and we had a conversation.  I believe some of the body language is hard wired into our minds rather than something we learn as it is implausible that I learned the body language for the wrong gender.  This theory may also explain the awkwardness I'd have presenting as a guy if I was using the signals for the wrong gender. The interaction happens  so fast that I realize what I've done after I've done it.  This is opposite of what I've read in autism books where females struggle to memorize what to do because their social skills are lacking.  Highly intelligent autistics often burn out because it takes too much work to fake being normal.  This is a theme in the X-man science fiction universe.  The immense burder of trying to appear normal when you aren't normal.

John Nash won a Nobel Prize for out thinking what normally happens is social dating situations.
He postulated that ignoring the "hot blonde" and going for someone else was far better according to his game theory.

Lori Dee

In my lifetime, I have met a few actresses and models. I think the reason guys skip over the "hot blonde" is they feel they don't have a chance, they are not in the same league and can avoid failure by not even trying. In the Army, I knew a guy who bragged that he had a higher success rate by dating the "low-hanging fruit".

But in speaking with these actresses and models they told me that they have a very hard time because of this. Men tend to ignore them assuming they are "stuck up" or that they have no chance of dating a beautiful woman. These women were frustrated and wanted men to just be themselves.

I have also found that women respond to me, or enjoy having a gay friend because sex is not part of the relationship. They don't have to fend off flirts and sexual innuendo and can just relax and enjoy the company. If I am in male mode, women are more stand-offish and I believe it is this perception. Now that I am full-time, women are more friendly and open towards me.

As they say, YMMV but that has been my experience.
My Life is Based on a True Story

Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything.
Maybe it's about un-becoming everything that isn't really you,
so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.

2017 - GD Diagnosis / 2020 - HRT / 2022 - FFS & Legal Name Change / 2024 - Voice Training
  • skype:.?call

Maid Marion

I find people share a lot when I socialize.
I think it is because I avoid being judgemental.
I've been in a lot of different situations where I didn't fit in.

Going to an Ivy League school is great because you get to meet the best and brightest from all walks of life.  They give full scholarships to insure a full diversity of backgrounds.

Prep school was awkward because it was so different in so many ways. I went from an agricultural/Tourist society to a big bustling city.  I started late, so I ended up learning a foreign language with students three years younger!  A huge difference! 

I think many are less concern with revealing secrets than being judged for something beyond their control.  They just want someone to listen to them.


Maid Marion

As a retiree I get to take naps in the middle of the day when there is little shade in the yard.
But, where best to take naps?
I just put a big projector screen in the bedroom to block the mid-day sun!  It makes the room darker in the daytime, unless I turn on the overhead light.  Then the screen acts as a huge reflector to brighten the room with a soft diffuse light!  Best of all, I can easily use it as a projector screen!  I used to have it stored away in the corner of a room.  It was a hassle to move it and set it up for use so it rarely got used.