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Title: A Complete List of PNAC Signatories and Contributing Writers
Post by: togetherwecan on February 06, 2007, 03:21:33 PM
every time a name comes up in realtion to politics - especially with any ties to Bush please check the following...

A Complete List of PNAC Signatories and Contributing Writers

who signed what and when....
The REAL Axis of Evil

Project for the New American Century/
New Citizenship Project
1150 17 th Street NW, Suite 510
Washington, DC 20036

PNACers in Government Bush 2 administration


Abrams, Elliott
Special Asst. to Pres. and Sr. Dir. for Middle East and North African Affairs, National Security Council
Special Asst. to Pres. and Sr. Dir. for democracy, human rights, and international operations, National Security Council
Adelman, Kenneth
Defense Policy Board
Allen, Richard V.
Defense Policy Board
National Security Advisory Group
Armitage, Richard
Deputy Secretary of State
Bolton, John
Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and Disarmament
Cambone, Stephen
Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
Cheney, Richard
Vice President
Cohen, Eliot
Defense Policy Board
Cropsey, Seth
International Broadcasting Bureau, Director
Cross, Devon Gaffney
Defense Policy Board
Donors Forum on International Affairs
Dobriansky, Paula
Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs
Friedberg, Aaron
Vice President's Deputy National Security Advisor
Vice President's Director of Policy Planning
Fukuyama, Francis
Cloning Panel
President's Council on Bioethics
Gouré, Daniel
2001 DoD Transition Team
Iklé, Fred
Defense Policy Board
Khalilzad, Zalmay
Special Envoy to Afghanistan
Liaison to Iraqi Opposition
Kirkpatrick, Jeane
U.S. Rep. to UN Human Rights commission
Lehman, John F.
National Commission to Investigate Attacks on the U.S.
Libby, I. Lewis
Vice President's Chief of Staff
Vice President's Assistant for National Security Affairs
Perle, Richard
Defense Policy Board, former chairman
Consultant to Secretary of Defense
Pipes, Daniel
U.S. Institute of Peace, board member
Quayle, Danforth
Defense Policy Board
Rodman, Peter
Asst. Defense Secretary for International Security Affairs
Rowen, Henry
Defense Policy Board
Rumsfeld, Donald
Secretary of Defense (former Sec. of Defense under Ford)
Schneider, William
Defense Science Board, Chairman
Shulsky, Abram
Pentagon's Office of Special Plans, Director
Williams, Chris
Defense Policy Board
Deterrence Concepts Advisory Panel
Special Assistant to Rumsfeld on Policy, 2001
Wolfowitz, Paul
Deputy Secretary of Defense
Woolsey, James
Defense Policy Board
Deterrence Concepts Advisory Panel
Special envoy of Rumsfeld to investigate the Czech-al Qaeda connection (?)
Zakheim, Dov S.
DoD Comptroller
Zoellick, Robert
Trade Representative

PNACers in Government Bush 1 administration


Bennett, William J.
Director, Office of National Drug Control Policy
Bolton, John
State Dept, Justice, and USAID - various staff positions
Cambone, Stephen
Director, Strategic Defense Policy, Office of Secretary of Defense
Cheney, Richard
Secretary of Defense
Cohen, Eliot
Policy Planning Staff for Secretary of Defense
Cropsey, Seth
Principal Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict
Dobriansky, Paula
Associate Director, Bureau of Policy and Programs, USIA
Fukuyama, Francis
Policy Planning Staff for Department of State
Khalilzad, Zalmay
Asst. Deputy Under Secretary of Def. for Policy Planning (under Wolfowitz)
Kirkpatrick, Jeanne J.
President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (85-93)
Defense Policy Review Board (85-93)
Chair, Secretary of Defense Commission on Fail Safe and Risk Reduction
Kristol, William
Aide to Vice President
Libby, I. Lewis
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Resources
Coauthor with Wolfowitz of Defense Planning Guidance, 1992
Quayle, Dan
Vice President
Rodman, Peter
Special Asst. to President on National Security Affairs (86-90)
National Security Council (87-90)
Rowen, Henry
Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs (89-91)
Schneider, Jr., William
President's General Advisory Committee on Arms Control & Disarmament, Chairman (87-93)
Sokolski, Henry
DoD Deputy for Nonproliferation Policy
Wolfowitz, Paul
Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (89-93)
Coauthor of Defense Policy Guidance, 1992
Woolsey, James
US Rep. to the Negotiation on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (83-83)

PNACers in Government - Reagan Administration


Abrams, Elliott
Asst. Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs
Asst. Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs
Asst. Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs
Adelman, Kenneth
Deputy Representative to United Nations, rank of Ambassador
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Director
Allen, Richard V.
Deputy Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs
National Security Adviser
Anderson, Martin
Assistant to President for Policy Development
Senior Policy Advisor, Reagan campaign
Bauer, Gary
White House Office of Policy Development
Under Secretary of Education
White House Asst. Director for Legal Policy
Deputy Under Secretary of Education for Planning, Budget, and Evaluation
Bennett, William
National Endowment for the Humanities, Chairman
Secretary of Education
Bergner, Jeffrey
Staff Director, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Bolton, John
State Department, Justice, and USAID - various staff positions
Carlucci, Frank
Secretary of Defense
National Security Adviser
Cropsey, Seth
Deputy Under Secretary of Navy
Dobriansky, Paula
Deputy Asst. Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs
National Security Council Office of European and Soviet Affairs
Friedberg, Aaron
Consultant to National Security Council
Gaffney, Frank
Asst. Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy
Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Forces and Arms Control Policy (under Richard Perle)
Gerecht, Reuel Marc
Middle East Specialist, CIA
Political Officer, Department of State
Hill, Charles
Director of Israel and Arab-Israeli Affairs (1981)
Deputy Asst. Secretary for Middle East (1982)
Chief of Staff, State Department (1983)
Executive Aide to Secretary of State Charles Schultz (85-89)
Iklé, Fred C.
Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Commission on Integrated Long-Term Strategy
Jackson, Bruce
Military Intelligence Officer, Department of Defense
Jacobs, Eli S.
General Advisory Committee, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
Joyce, Michael
Presidential Transition Team, 1980
Kagan, Robert
Policy Planning Office, Department of State
Deputy for Policy, State Department Bureau of Inter-American Affairs
Principal speechwriter for Secretary of State George Schultz
Kampelman, Max
Ambassador to Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe
Chief Negotiator, Nuclear and Space Arms with Soviet Union
Khalilzad, Zalmay
Policy Planning Council, Department of State (under Wolfowitz)
Special Adviser to the Under Secretary of State (support to Afghan freedom fighters)
Kirkpatrick, Jeanne J.
Ambassador to UN
President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (85-90)
Defense Policy Review Board (85-93)
Kristol, William
Department of Education under Bill Bennett
Lehman, John F.
Secretary of the Navy
Libby, I. Lewis
Director of Special Projects in State Dept. Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
House Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Industrial Concerns with China
"Cox Committee" Legal Adviser
Perle, Richard
Asst. Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy (81-87)
Pipes, Richard
National Security Council, Staff
Rodman, Peter
State Department Policy Planning Staff, Director
Adviser to Secretary of State George Schultz
Deputy Asst. to President for National Security Affairs (86-87)
Special Asst. to President for National Security Affairs (86-90)
National Security Council (87-90)
Rumsfeld, Donald
Presidential Envoy to Middle East (83-84)
President's General Advisory Committee on Arms Control
Presidential Envoy on Law of the Sea Treaty
Senior Advisor, Panel on Strategic Systems
U.S. Joint Advisory Commission on U.S./Japan Relations
Schmitt, Gary
Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, Executive Director (84-88)
Consultant for Department of Defense
Minority Staff Director, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Schneider, Jr., William
Under Secretary of State for Security Assistance (82-86)
President's General Advisory Committee on Arms Control and Disarmament, Chairman (87-93)
Shulsky, Abram
Staff, Senate Intelligence Committee
Staff of Asst. Secretary of Defense Richard Perle
Wolfowitz, Paul
U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia (86-89)
Asst. Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs (82-86)
State Department Policy Planning Staff (81-82)
Woolsey, James
Delegate-at-Large, U.S.-Soviet START and Nuclear and Space Arms Talks
Presidential Commission on Strategic Forces
Presidential Blue Ribbon Commission on Defense Managment

PNAC for Dummies


The Project for the New American Century Most ominously, this PNAC document described four "Core Missions" for the ... Two events brought PNAC into the mainstream of American government: the ... - Similar pages
How We Got Into This Imperial Pickle: (PNAC) Their aim was to prepare for the day when the Republicans ... In short, PNAC had a lock on military policy-creation in the Bush Administration. ... - Similar pages
Project for a New American Century PNAC: Rebuilding Americas Defenses. THIS WEB SITE CONTAINS 100'S OF ARTICLES ON THIS TOPIC. USE THE SEARCH FACILITY BELOW FOR FURTHER STUDY. ... - Similar pages
"REBUILDING AMERICA'S DEFENSES" – A Summary Members of PNAC are so self-assured they are advancing America's best interests that they publish policy papers specifically outlining their plans, ... - Similar pages
Bush Planned Iraq 'Regime Change' Before Becoming President The PNAC document supports a 'blueprint for maintaining global US ... The PNAC blueprint supports an earlier document written by Wolfowitz and Libby that ... - Similar pages
PNAC letters sent to President Bill Clinton PNAC letters sent to President Bill Clinton January 26, 1998 The Honorable William J. Clinton President of the United States Washington, DC ... - Similar pages
NEWS YOU WON'T FIND ON CNN America's Agenda for Global Military ... The PNAC in its September 2000 Report had described these non-theater ... (PNAC, , p. 18) ... - Similar pages
America's War for Global Domination The PNAC blueprint also outlines a consistent framework of war propaganda. ... The "catastrophic and catalyzing event" as stated by the PNAC is an integral ... - Similar pages
Conquest for Fun and Profit Toss in the American Enterprise Institute, a think tank similar to the PNAC complete with similar connections and you have the makings of an empire. ... - Similar pagesGlobal Eye -- Dark Passage In September 2000, PNAC updated the original Cheney plan in a published ... Iran is next -- indeed, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the PNAC team say that Iran is ... - Similar pages
and more....
Title: Re: A Complete List of PNAC Signatories and Contributing Writers
Post by: Hazumu on June 12, 2007, 10:10:43 PM
I'm surprised this topic has gotten no replies.  I came to know about PNAC as I was doing some heavy web-searching in the days following nine-eleven.  And it greately disturbed me to find so many people who had advocated for - essentially - taking over the world, to now be in the Bush administration.

But when I talked to people about it, the results were identical to trying to talk about my repressed transsexuality -- no one wanted to hear/believe/talk about it -- in BOTH instances I was told I was crazy and to shut up about it.

America will not wake up to the realities of what is going on until it is well past too late...

Title: Re: A Complete List of PNAC Signatories and Contributing Writers
Post by: HelenW on June 13, 2007, 05:46:57 PM
Too many of us think that "it can't happen here."  The dominionists are hiding behind that ignorance.  People need to realize it can and will happen here unless we wake up before it's too late.

meine zwei pfennig,
Title: Re: A Complete List of PNAC Signatories and Contributing Writers
Post by: Hazumu on June 13, 2007, 10:50:49 PM
The definition of 'Dominionist' (, in case anyone is unaware...

Title: Re: A Complete List of PNAC Signatories and Contributing Writers
Post by: Robyn on June 13, 2007, 10:56:25 PM
Frightfully scary stuff.  How do we fight it other than to hope the Democrats don't fall prey to it and can win the White House and Congress in 2008?


Title: Re: A Complete List of PNAC Signatories and Contributing Writers
Post by: Hazumu on June 13, 2007, 11:10:08 PM
Quote from: Robyn on June 13, 2007, 10:56:25 PM
Frightfully scary stuff.  How do we fight it other than to hope the Democrats don't fall prey to it and can win the White House and Congress in 2008?


I hope that an attack on U.S. soil never happens again.  But I'm pragmatic, the one thing that really surprised me on nine-eleven was that it had taken them so long.

Now, if another big 'attack' were to happen between now and November 2008, I doubt any Democrats -- indeed any progressive-minded politicians -- could run, much less actually be elected, for AT LEAST 24 years, assuming we didn't trigger Armageddon before that time was up.

I don't like to think about it.

By our belligerent attitude and actions we are creating the conditions for our downfall and the enemies who will accomplish it.

Title: Re: A Complete List of PNAC Signatories and Contributing Writers
Post by: Cindi Jones on June 13, 2007, 11:52:03 PM
You know Karen, that logically, if we were attacked, it would mean that the current administration has failed in protecting us.  Isn't that the logical assumption... I mean if you are caught up in the current thinking of our society?  But no, that's not the way the cards would fall.  We would steer far right, perhaps even more than this last time.  I hate to consider the ramifications.

Title: Re: A Complete List of PNAC Signatories and Contributing Writers
Post by: LostInTime on June 14, 2007, 08:23:28 AM
911 was just a successful attack on the American homeland. There were many other attempts, especially around the millennium celebrations. Here's hoping it is at least many decades from now before we see another.
Title: Re: A Complete List of PNAC Signatories and Contributing Writers
Post by: togetherwecan on June 24, 2007, 07:09:06 PM
prolly not gonna be popular for me to say, but I don't care about being popular. 911 was an inside job whether it was orchestrated by our own government or allowed to happen by them, they are complicite and any coming attack would be geared to re-energize the patriotic frenzy they created after 911 to further their global domination.