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Title: Making the Index More User-friendly?
Post by: A on June 18, 2011, 11:46:10 PM
[This may be the wrong section. If so, sorry.]

There's something that has always been annoying me a little bit on this forum - nothing big, though, but I figured it couldn't hurt to express myself - and I thought I
would ask you if you agreed. I may be mistaken, though.

I don't know the exact vocabulary, so I will use the following words - an example to show.

The CATEGORY "News and Information" contains the SECTION "News", which contains the SUBSECTION "Comments and suggestions".

This settled, I would like to suggest that sections that have subsections be locked - so we can only post in subsections. The reason to this is purely practical:
when browsing the main page, I sometimes see "new messages" in, for example, the "Just for Us" section. Then, wondering where those messages are, I try
all the sub-forums we can to see which they are in. After checking all sections that have "New" on them a few times, confused, I cannot find the new topics I was
looking for. At that point, I get confused and after a while, I angrily simply click the "Just for Us" section to find the topic.

I think it would be better if, whenever a subsection exists, any new message is always in it. Of course, the best of visibility would be to delete many subsections
altogether and make new categories, but then the forum would become hellishly long, wouldn't it?

Then, one would wonder where we would put "general" messages that fit in the section but in no subsection. Well, I think it would make everything neater if another
subsection was created for this. In the "Just for Us" example, it would be "All Groups" or something akin to it. Of course, upon doing this, it would become impossible to
post directly in "Just for Us", and all messages there would be moved.

I'm almost sure this would make everything more practical.

I have another suggestion.

I think sub-subsections (like "FTM Top Surgery" in "Sex Reassignment Surgery", which in itself is in section "Transitioning") should not exist because they are not apparent on the index. So they are hidden unless
we go into the section and we cannot see new messages there as easily. But they are useful. That's why I think sections that have subsections which have
sub-subsections should be made into categories, or something akin to that.

Please don't stone me if you disagree!