General Discussions => Spirituality => Topic started by: RhinoP on July 10, 2011, 11:07:00 PM Return to Full Version

Title: A new religion.
Post by: RhinoP on July 10, 2011, 11:07:00 PM
So I'm way too intelligent and creative not to start my own religion, and I'm quite serious about it:

For quite awhile now, I've wanted to set up a worship center/homeless shelter/suicide prevention center for teens and young adults, incorporating a religion where the inhabitants and followers can wear garments and masks that identify them as their personality and identity, rather than the body and face they were born with. The concept is directly inspired by my ancestry where in my heritage's tribes, "two-spirit" people were highly respected and even considered essential to the tribes well being; "two-spirits" (homosexuals, transgenders, ect ect) were often raised to be herbal doctors, religious and ceremony leaders, essential childcare providers, and storytellers in the tribe. However, I also blend the ancestral concept of using decorative masks, extensive clothing, and decoration to cover up the body and face, in pretense of being someone else entirely; this was often used in dance and storytelling.

My religion would require (aka "give the person an excuse") to wear their chosen identity garments in public, or else be religiously required to start their physical identity transition in terms of changing the body itself through hormones and surgery of their choice, and if the IRS managed to qualify this religion as tax-exempt, it would, quite suddenly, make the concept and transition of transsexualism a religious right, that, under a court of law, holds a much higher power than discrimination. I also want to my religion to institute the right of it's particular garments and masks, as I want to follow this branch of it myself and it is indeed currently illegal, if I'm not mistaken, to wear extreme garments like masks in public if you do not have an official religious reason to do so.

Title: Re: A new religion.
Post by: xXRebeccaXx on July 10, 2011, 11:12:17 PM
Sounds interesting.