Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Female to male transsexual talk (FTM) => Topic started by: 15adamsd on July 24, 2011, 03:00:16 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Total Sex Reversal Possibility?
Post by: 15adamsd on July 24, 2011, 03:00:16 AM
   During embryo development we all start out the same way, though what supposedly determines our gender is whether or not the Y chromosome is present. If so, the embryo develops into a male, if not the embryo develops into a female. When the embryo is developing we have these thing called gonads. Which are the future internal genitalia. There are two setups, the mullerian duct and the wolffian duct. If the SRY gene from the Y chromosome is present then testosterone is released stimulating the mullerian duct to initiate the development of internal male sex organs.
   In females the anti-mullerian hormone AMH is present rejecting the development of mullerian structures and growing to the wolffian structure. After the internal structures are formed in females the mullerian duct degrades, same with males except the wolffian duct degrades.
   Now for the external genitalia. Both females and males start out with the genital tuber, this will either grow to be the glans of the penis for a male or the clitoris for a female. There are also the labio scrotal folds and the urogenital folds. In a male the labio scrotal folds will become the scrotum. The urogenital folds will become the body of the penis. In a female the labio scrotal folds will become the labia majora and labia minora as will as the urogenital folds. This is the process of how we became the gender we are today, and the gender we may not be happy with. I myself am unhappy with my gender. Though I am young and wanting to make the decision to be male. I believe that I am capable of making my own decisions with good judgement, maybe even better than some adults out there. Whenever I was younger I was always off playing with racecars, video games, and bugs. My sister and I also used to play house I was always the little brother that was getting into trouble. Whenever I hit about 8 years old I started puberty. I was devestated. The thought of wearing a bra felt all wrong, then I started my period at 11. Then I KNEW it was wrong. That was NOT for me.
   I've been feeling very suicidal over this matter. Never being able to have our biological kids whenever me and my girlfriend of about 8 months get married, never being able to experience the intimacy of having sex with your girlfriend/wife. Discrimination is another HUGE downfall. Ever since my Mom found out things aren't the same, my whole family has basically rejected me due to my homosexuality. I want to be able to hold my girlfriends hand and kiss her in public without any dirty looks or rude remarks and we sometimes even get harrased. I want to be a happy, normal family.
   Also, I don't know if I'm the only one that does this but picturing my girlfriend giving my head is SUCH A TURN ON! Or rubbing through my pants, anything that deals with me having boy parts and her doing stuff to me tuens me on.
   Anyways, the point is, I'm tired of living in a body that doesn't fit my brain. And I think I may have come up with a solutions for both FTM's and MTF's. In the case of an MTF: Get external male genitalia back to genital tuber, labio scrotal folds and urogenital folds. Remove all internal male genitalia. Remove Y chromosome and add another X chromosome, if you can't get the real thing then scientists could most likely create an artificial one. The reason the Y chromosome needs to be removed is so that there would be no possibility of the regrowth of male genitalia. Then use stem cells to regenerate the gonads, mesonephros, the wolffian duct, and the mullerian duct. Then you could get an injection to enhance growth and speed up the change. Once they have grown you now have female parts inside and out. Also since you removed the Y chromosome you now have XX DNA, yes female DNA. You would also technically be a biological girl. You would get wet, have sex with a G-Spot, have periods, pee through your urethera, and get pregenent with YOUR eggs! All like a natural born female!
   In the case of FTM's: Get external genitalia back to genital tuber, labio and scrotal folds, and urogenital folds. Remove all internal female genitailia. Add Y chromosome or artificial Y chromosome, giving you genetically male DNA, and having no chance of you regrowing female genitailia. Using stem cells regenerate the gonads, mesonephros, wolffian duct, and mullerian duct. During this time you will start growing male genitalia. Using some sort of growth enhancer inject into body speeding up the puberty process. Afterwords you will be able to Urinate standing up through your penis, you will be able to produce YOUR sperm, you will be able to impregenate, get an erection normally, and have intercoure with a completely sensate penis. So, do you think this would work? Why or why not? And even if we don't have the technology now to do it, I can't see this being more that 7 years off.
Title: Re: Total Sex Reversal Possibility?
Post by: Silver on July 24, 2011, 03:22:44 AM
Mullerian ducts are female and Wolffian ducts are male.

QuoteAnd I think I may have come up with a solutions for both FTM's and MTF's. In the case of an MTF: Get external male genitalia back to genital tuber, labio scrotal folds and urogenital folds. Remove all internal male genitalia. Remove Y chromosome and add another X chromosome, if you can't get the real thing then scientists could most likely create an artificial one. The reason the Y chromosome needs to be removed is so that there would be no possibility of the regrowth of male genitalia. Then use stem cells to regenerate the gonads, mesonephros, the wolffian duct, and the mullerian duct. Then you could get an injection to enhance growth and speed up the change. Once they have grown you now have female parts inside and out. Also since you removed the Y chromosome you now have XX DNA, yes female DNA. You would also technically be a biological girl. You would get wet, have sex with a G-Spot, have periods, pee through your urethera, and get pregenent with YOUR eggs! All like a natural born female!
   In the case of FTM's: Get external genitalia back to genital tuber, labio and scrotal folds, and urogenital folds. Remove all internal female genitailia. Add Y chromosome or artificial Y chromosome, giving you genetically male DNA, and having no chance of you regrowing female genitailia. Using stem cells regenerate the gonads, mesonephros, wolffian duct, and mullerian duct. During this time you will start growing male genitalia. Using some sort of growth enhancer inject into body speeding up the puberty process. Afterwords you will be able to Urinate standing up through your penis, you will be able to produce YOUR sperm, you will be able to impregenate, get an erection normally, and have intercoure with a completely sensate penis.

And how do you intend to do that? I recommend you read up on biology before making these assertions. No, it would not work and it would probably take you less time to figure out why than it would take me to explain it. We can PM about it if you want I guess, but I don't want to write it now. (Also, there are people here who know a lot more than I do. XD)

Criticism aside, welcome and I hope that this site helps you cope/figure out the best path to your happiness.
Title: Re: Total Sex Reversal Possibility?
Post by: harlee on July 24, 2011, 03:46:10 AM
Its a great idea, but it doesnt really work like that ;) I thought about the XY thing as well, but then someone told me that there isnt just one X and one Y in the whole body...there are thousands of different cells that have a pair of XY (or XX if you are biologically female) in them! So you would have to get heaps changed :(
Title: Re: Total Sex Reversal Possibility?
Post by: Skyanne on July 24, 2011, 04:23:48 AM
Whilst that just wouldn't work, don't give up hope of a medical solution within our lifetimes. It's more likely to come in the form of transplants grown from your own tissue though.
Title: Re: Total Sex Reversal Possibility?
Post by: anibioman on July 24, 2011, 04:47:57 AM
it doesnt work like that at all a DNA is in every cell of your body so you cant turn every xx into an xy in every cell you probably couldnt even do it to one cell. how do you think you can reverse the formation of the labia and other female parts. you shouldnt come up with theories untill you atleast take biology, even then you probably wont come up with anything new.
Title: Re: Total Sex Reversal Possibility?
Post by: Miniar on July 24, 2011, 06:42:44 AM
I also want to point out one thing...
There are cisgender girls out there with xy chromosomes.
Chromosomes are not foolproof.
Title: Re: Total Sex Reversal Possibility?
Post by: RyGuy on July 24, 2011, 07:13:00 AM
ok i'm sorry.. i'm going to TRY to be polite, but REALLY??????

you basically just said "yeah just change your entire dna makeup and most of your organs lolz it's easy". how would you propose to do this exactly? seeing as we don't even have cures for a lot of the somatic diseases that we know the cause of.......

"just add a y chromosome!" you can get those at walmart right?

you're 14. please take a high school biology class and you'll realize how complicated PLANTS are, yet alone human beings. good luck on learning how to artificially re-code millions of cells in a living person in the next 7 years though. my best wishes.....
Title: Re: Total Sex Reversal Possibility?
Post by: RyGuy on July 24, 2011, 07:33:15 AM
i also wasn't aware that humans could "regrow" body parts. must be nice for amputees.
Title: Re: Total Sex Reversal Possibility?
Post by: kate durcal on July 24, 2011, 07:54:19 AM
Sometime in the not to diststant future (5-10 years) we should know enough about molecualr genetics and development so as to selectively  change the gender of tissues and/orgas in-vivo. Like I posted in a similiar thread, the tools to altern the human genomen at will, with precision, and inexpensively already exists and are comercially available. The show stopper is the unxpectted consequnces, we do not know enough bilogy to mitigate or calculate the risks. Also to consider is society ehtical and religious consideratins (opposition)

Kate D

Nature. 2011 Jul 20. doi: 10.1038/nature10239. [Epub ahead of print]

DMRT1 prevents female reprogramming in the postnatal mammalian testis.

Matson CK, Murphy MW, Sarver AL, Griswold MD, Bardwell VJ, Zarkower D.


1] Developmental Biology Center and Department of Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 55455, Minnesota, USA [2] Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology, and Genetics Graduate Program, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 55455, Minnesota, USA.


Sex in mammals is determined in the fetal gonad by the presence or absence of the Y chromosome gene Sry, which controls whether bipotential precursor cells differentiate into testicular Sertoli cells or ovarian granulosa cells. This pivotal decision in a single gonadal cell type ultimately controls sexual differentiation throughout the body. Sex determination can be viewed as a battle for primacy in the fetal gonad between a male regulatory gene network in which Sry activates Sox9 and a female network involving WNT/β-catenin signalling. In females the primary sex-determining decision is not final: loss of the FOXL2 transcription factor in adult granulosa cells can reprogram granulosa cells into Sertoli cells. Here we show that sexual fate is also surprisingly labile in the testis: loss of the DMRT1 transcription factor in mouse Sertoli cells, even in adults, activates Foxl2 and reprograms Sertoli cells into granulosa cells. In this environment, theca cells form, oestrogen is produced and germ cells appear feminized. Thus Dmrt1 is essential to maintain mammalian testis determination, and competing regulatory networks maintain gonadal sex long after the fetal choice between male and female. Dmrt1 and Foxl2 are conserved throughout vertebrates and Dmrt1-related sexual regulators are conserved throughout metazoans. Antagonism between Dmrt1 and Foxl2 for control of gonadal sex may therefore extend beyond mammals. Reprogramming due to loss of Dmrt1 also may help explain the aetiology of human syndromes linked to DMRT1, including disorders of sexual differentiation and testicular cancer