Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Female to male transsexual talk (FTM) => Topic started by: Andre on September 17, 2005, 03:01:00 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Is it necessary?
Post by: Andre on September 17, 2005, 03:01:00 AM
Hey! Was gone for a while...but was also working on my gender issues...stopped shaving beard...and similar stuffs-some profs call me boy :)))
I was wondering if presence of ovarians is a problem...cause of levels of estrogen.... so  ???
Is it necessary to surgicaly remove ovarians or u guys don't have probs with them?
Just wouldn't like to have probs after top and stop me beeing real man :(
Should I add that surgery on list?
Maybe stupid but guess u know answer the best

Buddy Andre

ps What doesn't kill u makes u stronger ;)
Title: Re: Is it necessary?
Post by: Dennis on September 17, 2005, 10:00:26 AM
There is no direct evidence that not having a hysto and being on T causes any problems. That said, problems can arise anyway. My doctor wants me to have one because she said there's no point having non-functioning ovaries. No benefit and a possible detriment.

There's a movie called "Southern Comfort" about Robert Eades, who developed ovarian cancer and couldn't get treatment because he was trans. He died of it. If refusal of treatment could be an issue where you are, that's another good reason to get them out.

Another thing to think about is that if you don't have one, you'll have to go in for pap smears and all of that. That to me is a good enough reason to have one.

The T shuts your ovaries down, but some guys report that they get better effects from the T when they have their ovaries removed, and some can reduce their dose of T. And, if you go off T or can't get it for a while for some reason, your ovaries can kick in again and you'll get effects of estrogen.

So it's not an absolutely necessary surgery, but there are good reasons to have it.

Title: Re: Is it necessary?
Post by: Andre on September 17, 2005, 04:23:21 PM
Thanks Dennis! Probably I'll skip that surgery...
One scar less..... ;)-cause already have one over stomach(had ovarian cysts)

Buddy Andre'87

Bitter are roots of schooling but fruits are sweet
Title: Re: Is it necessary?
Post by: Dennis on September 18, 2005, 12:15:25 AM
Keep in mind, though, that the reason for the lack of evidence of danger could be just because the sample size is too small and nobody has bothered to study it.

You can have them done laparoscopically, so you don't get a huge scar.

Title: Re: Is it necessary?
Post by: Andre on September 19, 2005, 11:41:30 PM
Yeah Dennis  I know for laparoscopy but they tricked me-wrote that they'll do in that way but they made me a huge scar. guess that surgeon doesn't know the method-or cause it's easier for him to do it in ordinary way(i t's not his skin ....:(  )
Anyway I feel ok right now and if I plan to remove ovarians I'll skip that surgeon for sure. ;)

Andre'87. ;D