General Discussions => Entertainment => Humor => Topic started by: Maebh on February 15, 2007, 05:22:15 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Under the weather
Post by: Maebh on February 15, 2007, 05:22:15 PM
A pollster approaches a young couple in Grafton Street and ask them if they would answer a few questions. They readily agree.
The pollster asks his first question:
-"Are you both sexually active?"
To witch the young fella replies:
-"Not really to tell you the truth. I rather enjoy lying back and get her to do all the action"
After taking a couple of deep breaths, the pollster turns to the girl and asks:
-"What kind of protection do you use when you have sex?"
-"A bus-shelter usually"

Catholic Education has a lot to answer for!
