Community Conversation => Non-binary talk => Topic started by: AVI on September 05, 2011, 03:35:21 PM Return to Full Version

Title: From Balzac to Saturday Night Live
Post by: AVI on September 05, 2011, 03:35:21 PM
Growing up in the early 90s, it was inevitable: I had to put up with a lot of bad SNL skits and movies. Man, they pumped those >-bleeped-<ty movies out. Any half-assed character got their own movie if they proved popular enough, and then my sisters would run out and play the videos incessantly on the living room TV.

One of the worst was, of course, the infamous Pat movie, a film that filled my young mind with a combination of fear, confusion, resentment, and arousal. Both the skits and movie set up Pat as a disturbingly dorky freak, but Julia Sweeny's Spongebob-like giggle and cuddly fat suit inspired other thoughts in me. At the same time, the movie's unsympathetic POV left me feeling vaguely angry and ashamed for thinking that way. Finally, I recognized myself in Pat, in some ways, which frightened me...the general effect was like a sillier, more absurd version of those horrible talk shows about "sex changers".

Nowadays, the "It's Pat" skit has become part of my nostalgia, like color-changing thermal clothing, Vanilla Ice's "Ninja Rap", and Velveeta shells and cheese. I wonder what thoughts other people have on the subject. (