Community Conversation => Transitioning => Real-Life Experience => Topic started by: stephanie_craxford on September 23, 2005, 08:51:54 AM Return to Full Version

Title: At the Dentist
Post by: stephanie_craxford on September 23, 2005, 08:51:54 AM
Well yesterday was another first of sorts.  It was time for dental my regular checkup.  I received a reminder in the mail a couple of days ago and realised that wow, I hadn't notified the dentist of my name change, all my records were still under my old name.  So on Monday I went down to their office and made the changes to my file.  They didn't bat an eye.

Yesterday, off I went.  I was wearing a short skirt, cut just above the knee, and was thinking to myself that I should have probably worn pants, as this would be my first time maneuvering around in a dentists chair  :-[
Too late now...  Anyway the hygienist came into the waiting room and called out my name and off I went following her down the myriad of hallways (how the heck will I find my way out of here)  The hygienist was very sweet, she said that I could put my purse on a little shelf next to the chair and then she lowered the chair all the way down so that I was able to easily slid onto it, and I was able to swing my legs over without any problems.  Too easy.

Next came the hard part, well not really, my teeth are in pretty good shape now, there's just not enough of them  ;D  I was a little worried how my make-up would hold up around my mouth with everything that was going on, and if she would notice anything unusual about the lady she was working so closely too.  I shouldn't have been.  With my cleaning and ex-rays finished the dentist came in and he gave me a good check up, and that was it.

For a change I felt good about going to the dentist, they treated me with respect and dignity, and I felt very comfortable being there.  Now if they were going to do a root canal that would have been a different story  :D  So all in all the little anxieties I had were groundless.

Chat later

Title: Re: At the Dentist
Post by: Dennis on September 23, 2005, 09:06:58 AM
Ooh, thanks for reminding me. I haven't told the dentist either.

Congrats Steph, another milestone passed successfully!

Title: Re: At the Dentist
Post by: Denise01 on September 23, 2005, 06:52:42 PM
Hi Steph:

Congratulations on your trip to the dentist (  I do not like them either and I was also there this week ).
It is so good to hear that your transition to them was a non issue, and they treated you with all the respect that they would any patient.
Keep up the good work

Chat later

Title: Re: At the Dentist
Post by: Miss Placed on September 24, 2005, 04:44:18 AM
Glad it all went well  :)

Title: Re: At the Dentist
Post by: Shelley on September 24, 2005, 05:00:13 AM
Hi Steph,

Congratulations. Moving forward in leaps and bounds aren't we?

I went to the dentist this last week and I can see how disconcerting it could be. Few people ever get to look that closely to our face.

I have to say that a trip to the dentist is not my favourite way to spend a day either.

Title: Re: At the Dentist
Post by: gina_taylor on September 24, 2005, 08:31:09 AM
Congatulations Stephanie. All that anxiety for nothing. As long as you were comfortable with you you are, which I'm pretty sure that you are by now, than eveyrthing and everyone around you should be comfortable with you. I'm really happy for you that everything is going so well.

Title: Re: At the Dentist
Post by: Sarah Louise on September 24, 2005, 08:59:30 AM
Yes congratulations.

When I changed my name at the dentist (last year) the only thing that happened was the nurse who had worked with me for years, just gave me a hug.

Title: Re: At the Dentist
Post by: AllisonY2K on September 24, 2005, 10:31:53 AM
Wonderful! :)
I'm sure the office is used to dealing with women coming in for checkups wearing skirts so it sounds like they already knew what to do to be accommodating.
Title: Re: At the Dentist
Post by: Sheila on September 25, 2005, 07:38:01 PM
I had changed my name and gender with the dentist a couple of years ago. It was sort of funny when I went in to get it changed and have my teeth cleaned. My hygientist was my daughters best friend. She had just graduated from the school and got job with my dentist. She had only been there about a week when I came in Of course I had already told my daughter so when she called her there was no surprise. They use to come over when my daughter was in High School. I guess it was a little uncomfortable for her, but by the time we ended the session, she had an education and she was very comfortable with me. She has cleaned my teeth for the last two years. She cleaned them two days before my surgery and they all gave me a card and wished me well along with a bunch of hugs. So I guess I was accepted.