Community Conversation => Significant Others talk => Topic started by: JulyaOrina on September 09, 2011, 01:09:08 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Relationships are like Lego's...
Post by: JulyaOrina on September 09, 2011, 01:09:08 AM
   Relationships are like Lego's. 

The crummiest ones are the things you'd build as you were just discovering them.  As you built them they would usually fall on their own volition, but you'd learn from those and have a better understanding of what not to do.  Then you try other things.  This time the structures fall in the breeze, or if jostled.  More practice, and a little patience.  Now they stand until you put something foreign on them (a ball, pillow, or a cat...).  More practice, more patience, and a little dedication.  Now they'll carry the cat; until it hits a wall or goes down the stairs.  More practice, more patience, more dedication, and a little love.  It takes the cat past the wall, down the stairs, and out the door; where it all falls apart on the concrete stoop.  More practice, more patience, more dedication, more love, and a little faith (planning, or foresight).  Now the cat ends up past the wall, down the stairs, out the door, past the stoop, and into the street.  Here is where the faith (planning or foresight) comes in...  Once it's made it to the street there are multiple scenarios that can be played out: 1) Nothing, it survived.  Either you live on a non-busy street, or planned it when there was no traffic.  2) The traffic misses it mostly, or completely.  The scratches buff out with time.  3) It gets hit and tossed around, but the pieces that were knocked off can be replaced or repaired, but it can survive.  (This next one has sub-sections) 4) It gets hit by the LBGT semi-truck (this truck could have the name Adultery, Addiction, Disability, Mental Illness, or Complete Complacency instead of LBGT too).  A) It is destroyed totally and completely, and kills the cat on the spot.  B) The cat sees the truck coming and jumps off.  The Lego's get hit, go flying into the air; it bounces, breaks, and is marred; but (much like in 2) the pieces can be put back together not in the same way, but it's kind of the same.   c) The thing flies, bounces, breaks, and rolls all the way into the hands of someone who brings the remnants to you and says, "Oh wow, that was wicked sweet; can you show me how to build something that awesome?  I've got some glue I can help you fix this one too."  The cat goes to the vet and is either mended (but not ever the same), or euthanized.  Or, d) Nothing, it had good planning, foresight, or luck.

You see we all (as humans) only deal with what we create for ourselves.  There is no reason (logically) to act otherwise.  Sometime our actions (or inactions) have an effect on others, and we must hold ourselves accountable for that.  Sometimes we are not given a choice in what we have to deal with.  That is when we have to find what it is we need to manage and/or thrive, but only we can find that within ourselves.  As socially based creatures we need to feel a connection.  We need to share our experiences with others.  And, we cannot honestly validate ourselves.  To make it through this life all we can do is try.