General Discussions => Health => Weight loss => Topic started by: rachael on May 25, 2005, 01:53:32 PM Return to Full Version

Title: any advice
Post by: rachael on May 25, 2005, 01:53:32 PM
ok let me explain a little bit about my weight problem and ask for any good advice

first of all i used to smoke and when i did i weighed 9 stone and could eat as much as i liked
when i stoped smokeing 5 years ago i went up to 11 stone and looked pregnant my waist went from 28" to 32" and my uper body seems wider i now need a uk 12 in a skirt but 14 in a top or dress when before i could always get comfortably into a 12

now i have been trying to diet for 18 months but can only get down to 10 stone 9lb
even if i only have one meal a day it seems to make no difference
i have tried eating eggs for breakfast and all sorts ie salad for tea soup for lunch but still stay the same.

exercise i go mountain bike riding about 3 times a week and about 20 miles each time but i just feel so hungry when i come back that i am sure i over eat to compensate for the energy i have used

any ideas how to sensably loose weight?
Title: Re: any advice
Post by: VeryGnawty on May 25, 2005, 02:11:55 PM
Blood Type Diet (

'nuff said
Title: Re: any advice
Post by: Debtv on May 25, 2005, 02:14:51 PM
I used the Atkins diet and lost 50 pounds in 3 month!

Title: Re: any advice
Post by: Nyssa on May 25, 2005, 02:38:53 PM
Quote from: VeryGnawty on May 25, 2005, 02:11:55 PM
Blood Type Diet (

'nuff said

when I saw this I though it was some sort of kindred diet

silly me

Title: Re: any advice
Post by: Sandi on May 25, 2005, 03:03:55 PM
The blood type diet is good, but no matter what diet you use keep in mind that burning calories is the most important aspect of it.

When you eat less your body tends to loose muscle first before fat, so you have to excercise to replace that muscle to stay healthy.

You also want to keep your metabolism burning. Lower caloric intake tends to lower your burner. Exercise help keep it up some. Another good way to keep your matabolism burner high is to eat a lot just one day a week. What that does is keep your body from thinking it has to become more efficient, and you won't make back the defict of the rest of the week in one day. It is a technique I learned long ago when I was (ugh!) into body building. It really does work too, we used to call it our "pigout day."

Sandi (
Title: Re: any advice
Post by: Dennis on May 25, 2005, 04:21:19 PM
I lost 30 lbs in a couple of months with Atkins and moderate exercise. Only problem is I can't bear to eat that food for long enough to go back on it. It did work well for me for the time I was able to stick it though. You do have to be very strict with yourself on it. Any cheating at all is completely counterproductive.

And, it doesn't apparently work for everyone.

Title: Re: any advice
Post by: Svetlana on May 25, 2005, 07:02:19 PM
me and my friend syliva sometimes go on long walks (~17 miles a time at a good brisk pace, with some sloping areas, with a 5 minute pause halfway in) and that seems to be doing me a whole lot of good.  i haven't weighed myself recently but i think at one point i noticed i'd lost 10lbs.  i was like, "woo!" and jumping about a bit.
Title: Re: any advice
Post by: Cailyn on May 26, 2005, 05:51:17 AM
Walk, walk, walk.  1-3 hours a day if you can.  Don't reduce your calorie intake to just one meal a day because your body switches to a starvation mode and your metabolism goes down.  4-5 very small meals is better because digestion increases your metabolism as well.  Strength training also helps because muscle mass burns more cals.  Plateaus in weight loss are common and hard to break.  It is very important to eat before you exercise for the maximum benefit and avoid breads and pasta because they increase the desire to eat.

Title: Re: any advice
Post by: rachael on May 26, 2005, 02:57:26 PM
i think that may be one problem i do tend to go out bike riding without eating and come back very hungry
Title: Re: any advice
Post by: Feveth on June 07, 2005, 11:00:47 PM
I've been on a vegan diet for almost a year and I'll never stop being a vegan. It's the healthiest diet I could ever imagine. I went from 165lbs to 132lbs in a year (losing weight fast is a no-no), and I'm 5'10".
Title: Re: any advice
Post by: VeryGnawty on June 08, 2005, 07:00:19 PM
Nice.  I tried vegan but I just couldn't stomach that many vegetables.  I'm currently trying a more Fructarian ( version which seems to be working a lot better for me, although I haven't been on the diet long enough to make any conclusions.
Title: Re: any advice
Post by: stephanie_craxford on June 08, 2005, 07:37:29 PM
Since jan 17th, 2005 I went from 170lbs to 128lbs as of this morning.  Size 16 down to a size 6-8.  I had a cholesterol problem that I had to correct before starting HRT.  So my diet had to change.  I didn't "Go On A Diet" I changed my diet.  What I did was to read all the food labels and only purchased those that had little or no Trans and Saturated Fats an no cholesterol.

I then started to eat lots of veg, and fresh fruit.  I cut out dairy products (the hardest of all, cheese eggs, milk, butter, margarine, etc) ate lots of sweet potatoes, chicken, fish and rice, and soy products, and only ate red meal once a week either beef or pork.

I ensured that breakfast included a high fibre cereal and soy milk, with a glass of orange juice.  Lunch consisted of a sandwich made with ezicial bread, with soy cheese, and soy meat and mustard instead of butter or margarine, a no fat, no cholesterol yogurt, and a veg or ministrone soup.  Supper consists of fish or chicken, or pasta with veggie ground round (soy) yum... sweet potatoes or rice, a green veg, and 2 fresh oranges, and a big tosted salade and a no fat dressing.  (When I say no fat I mean nothing greater that 0.1g of tans or saturated fat) With this I usually run 20 minutes 3 times a week, with 40 crunches.

By the way my cholesterol went from 7.9 to .9 in 3 months.  I feel great.
Title: Re: any advice
Post by: Feveth on July 04, 2005, 04:26:10 AM
Vegan diet!


Everybody says, "Oh, I can't do that..."

I did. It's not too bad. My BMI is 19 and I'm the healthiest I've ever been in my life!
Title: Re: any advice
Post by: stephanie_craxford on July 04, 2005, 12:14:01 PM

Check out my earlier post, I'm still on the same type of diet, and I'm down to 125 lbs, and into a size 4.  Remember that I saw my doctor on this and we agreed that this was a good way for "me" to go, as I had a cholesterol problem at the time.  But if you look at it I just read labels and make sure there's not trans or saturated fats in the food I buy.
Title: Re: any advice
Post by: Terri-Gene on July 04, 2005, 11:36:17 PM
What I found a long time ago, is just don't eat what I don't need and keep away from the junk snacks.  Doing nothing more, I can sometimes lose a pound a day, but thats not consistant, but I do manage a couple or few pounds a week, bet when you get down, you can't let yourself make up for it.  What I hate most is I can gain it faster then I can lose it if I don't face myself down about it.  but other then the occasional self arguments, I seem to be able to take charge when I realy want to without any great diets or excercises other then what I get in the normal course of my day.  For me, it's just a matter of knowing when enough is enough.

Title: Re: any advice
Post by: stephanie on August 20, 2005, 12:56:19 AM
This is all great info!  When I moved back home, I weighed around 210 lbs @ 5'11".  At the time I ate tons of junk food and no plain water - usually a can of Coke, Dr Pepper, or something similar.  I also got no exercise (most exercise I got was clicking my mouse).

Since I'm dedicated to slimming down, I walk 3 miles a day, drink 2 liters of water every day, watch my diet, and no more soda.  I'm down to 197 already, although I've plateau'ed for the last two weeks.  Everyone tells me that it's just my fat turning to muscle in my legs, and that it will start going down again.  When I walk, I hear the voice of a drill sergeant in my head, threatening to extend my walk by another mile if I don't quit complaining.  Sometimes I extend it anyway.

I've gone from a size 40 pant size to a 36.  Don't know what that makes me in women's sizes (haven't worked that out yet).

Haven't tested my cholesterol, but I'm sure it was very high, and is starting to descend.  My short-term goal is to lose 4-5 lbs every week, and be around 150 by Halloween.  Ultimately I am aiming for a size 6 dress size by the time I go full-time (whenever that might be).
Title: Re: any advice
Post by: Sara on January 19, 2006, 09:58:30 PM
(195 pounds = 88.4505122 kilograms) and (170 pounds = 77.1107029 kilograms) in Australia and that is about where I need to be too so the Doctor says although I am about 5 feet 10 inches and I think I look great at about 73 to 74 kilos (73 kilograms = 160.937451 pounds)

All this calculating is making my head hurt.

I found that by eating weetbix for brekky salad for lunch and fruit for tea and having red meat sometimes with your salad worked wonders. I went from 95 kilos to 74 kilos in just 3 months. Of course the estrogen made me put on more weight or was it the chocolate???

Title: Re: any advice
Post by: rana on January 20, 2006, 04:21:21 AM
Rachael, its the one meal a day that is causing you problems - your body when it feels hungry assumes you are starving & slows down your metabolism to compensate.
Eat the same amount of food - but spread it over the day :)
Also if you are going to exercise - do it in the morning, that raises your metabolism & the effects last all day.
Do that and you should see results - dont try to do too much at once thou - its the everyday habits that lead to a stable lower body weight
Title: Re: any advice
Post by: Shelley on January 20, 2006, 02:13:47 PM
I agree Rana,

Iwas having trouble losing weight and I added breakfats (cereal) and afternoon tea (fruit) anf wow didthe weightcome off. I was told by a personal fitness instructor it was for the reason that Rana outlined.

Title: Re: any advice
Post by: Sara on January 20, 2006, 11:43:18 PM
Shelley, I had been told that too but with the estogens it seems to put more weight on you than you would like. I have tried eating that CSIRO diet and I nearly died (way too much red meat) now i eat only muesli for breakfast, salad for lunch and chicken and veg or fruit for tea depending on how I feel, I have two cups of tea a day and I always feel bloated but I still put on the weight, I have tried it the other way around eating less more times per day but that doent work either and definately eating chocolate is a no no but yummy.

I do however know from personal experiences that hormones do make you more hungry and a GG would not eat as much as a GM or a TG so look at the GG's for comfort and try and see what they do and you will probably find that they have to excercise like mad and eat less amounts of food because of the hormone thingy. When I went off my medication my boobs hurt like hell and I ballooned out in weight around my stomach and hips, I felt like I was pregnant and still do, so hormones are powerful things and can make you put on weight and once that weight is there it is definately hard to shift.

If you are not on hormones then there should be no reason why you cant lose weight unless you have a medical problem or have a certain type of gene. If you are then it just takes extra time and effort to get rid of the problem areas.

Title: Re: any advice
Post by: Shelley on January 21, 2006, 05:20:54 AM
Hey Sara,

I probably should have added that I cycle for around 8-10 K's each day and further on weekends.

The added benefit of cycling is that you look great in heels. :)

Title: Re: any advice
Post by: rana on January 21, 2006, 05:50:43 AM
Cycling is a really good sport Shelley - lot easier on your body than running is.  Are you in any cycling clubs?
And yes cyclist's  legs look really good (the fair dinkum ones that is);  gives a long lean pleasently moulded look :) .  But you forgot to add - being a cyclist is a good reason to have shaved legs - that is if you wish to remain private about the desire to cross dress
Title: Re: any advice
Post by: Shelley on January 21, 2006, 05:55:37 AM
Rana Shhh!  :)

It seems legitimate to have shaved legs this way. I wonder how many cyclists are actually CD's.

As to clubs I'm lifting my cadence and increasing my distance so that I won't be too far behind the pack. I tell you those computers really help you improve.

Title: Re: any advice
Post by: Peggiann on January 21, 2006, 04:29:06 PM
HI Sara,

Yes hormones do play a big part in the weight yoyo.

You should also remember that for every 7 years of age your metabolism slows down naturally.

The decline in a persons hormones in the on coming age are partially to blame.

Another part is that when we leave home and don't have mom fixing and making sure we feed our body the 3 basic meals a day and the snack in between... our bodies say oh my when is she going to feed me agian so it then takes to hording all you do give when you eat for later use.

It will take about six weeks of change your eating habits for you body's hording habit to stop. This may be hard to see as... as you are cutting back on the carb in take your body beginns to burn the stored carbs. But it is when your body has burned up all the stored carbs that you begin to see measuerable cosistant weight loss.

Also as we age we don't exercise as much so that also slows the metabolism. You'll need to step up your exercise some to bring the metabolism level back up too.

If you are on hormones and your are at the level you feel great at then the area to adjust is in the eating and exerciseing department.

It is all three that play a big part in wieght gain and loss.

You might want to change fruit to in the morning as it has more carbs that you don't have has much time to burn off the rest of the day eating it in the afternoon.

When you are still giving your body white flour and breads and pastas in the first six weeks of changing eating habit to change metabolism rate you will loose much slower.

You could try for six weeks no breads or pastas. Get your grains from Oats instead. Take in lots of green veggies. Leave out any thing white for six weeks and see how that works. Then when you do add something back add it only once in a while till you reach the goal weight. Then only a couple times a week to maintain that weight. When you add something you took away don't add more than a few things you took a way at time and do them spacingly through out  a weeks time.

Hope this will help some.
