General Discussions => Spirituality => Other => Topic started by: treeworshipper on October 06, 2011, 01:06:10 AM Return to Full Version

Title: cannabis legalization, real sexual, spiritual freedom, one love
Post by: treeworshipper on October 06, 2011, 01:06:10 AM
i looked at the people for herb legalization
they were us exactly, in variations, it was a trickster thing
it was the winkte spirit working
the sacred work of the herb, work of mediation, is it just a drama?
purposely created?
how to free ourselves from the cycle and maintain health and truth
free from vampiric action
the issue came up and I don't think that it is from the Goddess, nor from God
it is this disrespect which comes between them, in the name of
'Matriarchy' and 'Patriarchy'
i think its like false conception which starts, conception that Isis
and Auset are about vampires,
conceptions that Cybele is about domination and masochism, if the
organizations around these energies
are really like this, then they are not true representatives and they
are only causing cacophony and disharmony
causing energy to be blocked,
while at the same time, christianity is being heralded as the true
way, along with judaism, islam, and hinduism, also buddhism.
where all three of YHWH include terms of bondage and prejudice within
their texts, also hinduism within the rig veda,
buddhism can sometimes be sexist, and women are under recognized in
the religion,
to me this just shows a bias, where within the Goddess religions,
there is more freedom because they are more immediate, its more about
inspiration within, even in Judaism, Shekinah which is the word for
divine feminine stems from shakanh which is to dwell within,  the
truth comes out there that they are all one religion, they all appear
within our awareness and are connected refusing to acknowledge the
connection is foolish, in fact reaching a harmonious spiritual balance
is actually focused on bringing the truth back to these religions, as
we begin to perceive clearly the truth, which is called esoteric
because you have to seek for it.

and somehow it is common knowledge as well, its not secretive so much
as its wisdom which is not obvious or overtly told, but the more we
seek, we find that the within is also without, also with law, cannabis
is largely like this, it seems we have decided as a people it would
reside in a spiritual realm, because it is truly a divine fruit, and
it comes from the self, there are not the laws of man but the laws
which the divine speaks through the heart, the laws of what  is, nom
myoho renge kyo, which decides this.

Cannabis is always a mystery, why have we been not using it legally in
this land? surely it means something, the plants, we know are the
greatest medicines, it seems like the reasons for their use being less
widespread in modern times is commercialism, but healthcare is not
about money, because anyone who is truly interested in health sees
that all beings are connected, the health of another, is the health of
myself, so why are these drugs which are dangerous being approved to
be prescribed to people, when there are in many cases herbal remedies
which we are never told about unless we seek for ourselves?

why is there such political tension around it, people constantly
saying it causes addiction when we know thats not true, at a physical
level, people can handle themselves. It seems to be a great source of
energy, in terms of fuel, and resources, as a crop that is renewable
each year, and possibly multiple times in one year.

It seems to open up a certain warmth and optimism in people,
wellbeing, and philosophical thought, open up trust between 'the
system' and the people, and encourage environmental awareness, bring
out goodness in people.

surely this is good, so why are things the way they are?

apparently these are corporations who are doing this, they are the
people who control the world to some degree, rulers and such things,
rich people
why are they unable to see what so many common people know? or refuse
to let it happen? is it really just a selfishness and lack of

The rastafarians are always talking about babylon, which I guess means
greek, roman, middle eastern myth/theology and witchcraft, maybe there
is something to that, again going back to how the Goddess is
misrepresented and trivial things seemed be focused on instead of the
eternal spirit within.
I think the rastafarians make a blanket statement, saying these are
the ways of babylon, because there is wisdom as well within those

Just as Artimpasa the Mother Goddess, who later became Cybele, and is
the same as Isis, is worshipped with cannabis, associated with
fertility, cannabis, and nature,

Cybele is the Great Mother
associated with transexuality,
the story of Cybele and her son Attis is so similar to Yahweh (Who is
Also Whole, man and woman) and Christ they are in many ways identical

The Jewish Priests and Prophets (who had their match among the Sibyl,
Gallae and Mellisae) use cannabis as well, and it is seen as the
Shekinah the holy cloud rich rises over the sacred tent, in which is
the Spirit of God

it seems obvious that the energy which they were communing with,
through means of ecstasis which are still known in some extent through
mystical teachings, the Kaballah, the mysteries of the Goddess
is actually the same except in one case, it is recognized as
masculine, and in the other feminine

both to the point of destitution, both are imbalanced without the other

it is possible the mystics who engaged in the practices were aware on the union

they needed to be together, for a true message to come through,
something that could really mean something, indeed it was impossible
for them to truly be apart

each is  the healing of the other, each has the piece of the other
within them, except to a smaller degree

mystics are often known for wearing some kind of garment with one
color displaying in one direction and another in the other direction,
which causes confusion from those who see from afar on both sides and
then realize they have seen two different things when they talk about
it to each other

but just like the same energies and eternal truths have taught us all,
and manifested in different ways, their essence being the same, so
have these mystics who are really ourselves, even in the most mundane

why cause this confusion? why can't we accept others see things in
different ways than us, but what they see is the same, what does that
mean? we cannot attack each other for this, we must see the oneness,
we are not members of any seperated sect but we are partakers in
infinity and all of it is relevant, we can't box ourselves off,
thinking we must be better than them, if we truly know what is Divine,
we see all is equal, and that freedom is the most important virtue.

Where I understand perhaps heroin and cocaine are infringements on
freedom in some sense because they cause addiction, and offer little
insight but reasonable views on the herb cannabis are not, because it
is being found to be a great medicine, even being called holy and
sacred by all those who are at odds upon so much else, and so it being
a holy thing, to bring us to a spiritual state, perhaps if we are more
reasonable on its use it can actually help us bring ourselves together
and not have to fight and all of us experience a better life not of
selfishness, which cannot make anyone truly happy anyways.

It is a symbol which stands for freedom and potential, its lessons are
great, and we are ready to hear them, there is no reason for it not to
be legal, aside from undo paranoia, it is legal already in germany and
the netherlands, and parts of the us, and other scattered places
across the world, these places are not in anarchy, they are good
places, with people who are healthier because they have access to a
great medicine. Its just like any other medicine, you get at a
pharmacy, personally I don't understand the need for seperate
dispensaries, just make it available at a pharmacy, don't make it seem
so different from everything else, because its not.

If recreational use is legalized, that is also great, spiritual
movements and the kindness in people would increase I think, there
would be more gnosticism, and mystical pursuit, more unity and also
more innovation, more ways, and more tolerance, maybe we would
discover something amazing, long have people complained, we all want
change, so why not make it possible for change to happen?

aigy, one love nature still growing in all things, all is divine
Title: Re: cannabis legalization, real sexual, spiritual freedom, one love
Post by: treeworshipper on October 09, 2011, 05:12:36 PM