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Title: Houston, TX- Standards of Care 7 and How They Effect You
Post by: SandraJane on October 07, 2011, 10:16:06 AM

Standards of Care 7 and How They Effect You

Posted by admin on Oct 6, 2011 (

WPATH (formerly Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association) has just issued the latest version of the Standards of Care (SOC) since 2001. A leading researcher in FTM health, Colt Meier, and an emerging researcher in transgenderism and Autism Spectrum Disorders, Levi Herman, were in attendance of the WPATH conference in Atlanta, GA, last week when the SOC were officially released. Colt and Levi have agreed to share what they learned at the conference and present the new SOC. There will be plenty of time allotted for Q & A. The SOC version 7 is over three times longer than version 6 and allows for much more flexibility for professionals who serve the transgender population as well as for trans people to obtain transition related care. It even includes the phrase, "Psychotherapy is not an absolute requirement for hormone therapy and surgery" and has much more information on children and adolescents. Colt and Levi are excited to bring a dynamic presentation to the Houston trans community in order to demystify the new SOC.