Activism and Politics => Discrimination => Topic started by: Kayden-Turner on October 10, 2011, 08:37:30 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Or Lack Thereof!
Post by: Kayden-Turner on October 10, 2011, 08:37:30 AM
Let's start a more upbeat thread based on stories of being accepted for who you are by those angelic humans out there that don't care about what your gender is and like you based on personality  :D

I'll start.

My mom and I had a long talk two days ago and she's (thankfully) coming around to transgendered people! She seemed to have thought it was a big sexual deviant thing like pedophilia, and now she's accepting of me binding (accepting, not approving, lol) and says she'll love me no matter what I turn out to be.

Who else has had accepting parents, strangers, etc?
Title: Re: Or Lack Thereof!
Post by: Nemo on October 11, 2011, 03:37:33 PM
The horror stories got me terrified of coming out. Instead I still have my home, my house-mate/landlord may not like it but still treats me as a bloke and asks how things are going, my colleagues not only put up with my paranoid days but have been amazingly supportive, and while my Mum still has her moments occasionally, my family on the whole have been brill.

I'm one of the lucky people who've had more positives than negatives when it comes to transition :3
Title: Re: Or Lack Thereof!
Post by: gennee on November 01, 2011, 01:19:35 PM
My wife of 31 years is accepting of my being trans. My 24 year old son does also.
