Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Post operative life => Topic started by: AbraCadabra on October 11, 2011, 10:16:27 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: AbraCadabra on October 11, 2011, 10:16:27 AM
Hi girls and guys,
firstly thanks to all of you that send me such nice and supportive mails!!! Wow, that can make one feel SOOO good. And it is very much appreciated.

Right, - now I got my doughnut to sit on I can think, he he.
Touchy foofy doesn't help with thinking, - or --- 1/2 hr dilating = ~ 3 hr non stop sex, AT LEAST!! :-) i.e. Hard work! Just a thought that occurred to me :-)

The PIH hospital where Dr. Sanguan does his art is one great place and the best appointed hospital I EVER have seen from inside. This is 5 star+ and I felt immediately very welcome and taken care of at my arrival.
The nurses are SOO nice, and there are LOTS of those to look after you, as they did look after me.

The day after my arrival I had my 1st big (long) op. That fixes about all with exception of vj channel 'wall papering' and was some 7 - 8 hour long op.
I had very little pain after that one and normal pain killer tabs did just fine.
Coming from this op I did fell very NORMAL, no big euphoria, no big emotional happening, more like having a bad appendix fixed --- and fix they did it for sure! :-)

I'm happy with my results, no ifs and buts. This man (Dr. Sanguan Kunaporn) knows his art, and art it is.
2nd op was some 20 min for replacing vj channel stuffing and there was no pain to speak of following this either.

6 days after  the main op (#1) the 'wall papering' op was due.
This was about 2 hours and I WAS IN PAIN LIKE BITCH! after this one.
Had 3 - 4 morphine loads but then was back on pain killers only after about every 6 - 8 hours.

The pain came from my catheterized urethra, all the rest was pretty fine.
A friend next door had no pain after this op. so once a gain - we ARE all different.

2 days after last op, vj stuffing was removed with no pain killer needed. (Lots of stuff can go in there for sure!)
Next day I had dilating shown by Dr. in person, and I do so since then 3 times a day from dilator #1 to #6 dilator. Sometimes #6 is just too much for my liking but #5 is always just fine to stay right in for 5 min or more.

I walk ok, can sit ok without doughnut, only if chairs are very hart and uncomfortable - I need some doughnut help.

So, there you have it. GID is gone, only had a short spell of post-op depression when going back on E, - the day I started dilating.
1/2 a day about, and some good talk to friends helped me over that hump.

You welcome to ask me specifics, in the meantime - be good and lots of love,


Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: Padma on October 11, 2011, 10:18:43 AM
Congratulations! :)
Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: Catherine Sarah on October 11, 2011, 10:45:46 AM
Humongous congratulations Axélle. I'm so excited everything went well for you. You've blown all my excuses away; not that I had any.
Be safe, well and happy
Lotsa luv
Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: kylie clark on October 11, 2011, 11:26:43 AM
Congrats. I'm excited for you!
Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: Devlyn on October 11, 2011, 11:32:18 AM
Congratulations, and welcome back! Hugs, Tracey
Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: Michelle. on October 11, 2011, 02:33:37 PM
Congrats, I am so happy for you Axelle.

Any idea how much depth was achieved?
Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: wendy on October 11, 2011, 04:34:52 PM
Well Axelle I just love to read your posts especially three hours of non-stop sex part.

Many congratulations!

Thanks for details!  :)
Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: Hikari on October 11, 2011, 05:23:22 PM
Congrats, I am a bit jealous, but I really hope whenever it is my turn, I am one of those 'no pain' people lol
Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: annette on October 11, 2011, 07:21:23 PM
Congrats Axelle


Have a quick recovery

love Annette
Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: Suigeniris on October 11, 2011, 10:40:06 PM
congrats ms.Lady XOXOXOXOXO
Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: paulault55 on October 11, 2011, 10:47:17 PM
Congrats Axelle, welcome to the other side, glad things are going good.

Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: ameliat on October 11, 2011, 11:00:15 PM
So happy for you!!! Way to go.  I am jealous of course!
Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: AbraCadabra on October 12, 2011, 10:20:29 AM
Hi girls,
to answer the depth issue... you really want to know?! Like toe-in stats of my neo-fanny?

OK, Dr. Sanguan said I had more then enough 'material' during his pre-op "inspection".
So when I came to be shown how to dilate (2 weeks after op #1,  'unloading' after op #3).... I was 5 1/2" and did dilator #5 quite OK. He did not bother to do #6 and said this be for some later stage.
I could do #6 OK though at that stage  and quite OK too.

HOWEVER... right now I'm OK with 5" for the smaller dilators up to # 3 and quite less then 5" for the bigger ones up to #5. Also #6 is just too much right now as well, and really would be bruising, so I do not want to use it, be not a heroine...

Hope this will give you some idea.


Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: Julie Marie on October 12, 2011, 11:22:55 AM
Geez Axélle!  I leave here for a bit and look what you've gone and done!  Congratulations!  Now go buy yourself a really nice bathing suit.  ;D
Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: RachaelAnn22 on October 13, 2011, 02:11:25 PM
Congrats Axelle,Hugs,Rachael.
Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: ~RoadToTrista~ on October 14, 2011, 02:03:12 AM
Hai Axelle, you've been gone awhile.

As of what is expected from every newly post-op on Susan's: ;)

Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: AbraCadabra on October 14, 2011, 02:14:19 AM

the pic I could post to you be absolutely not allowed so go on read the bible please - or put your lips... you know then, he he.

Oh, BTW... INHO how can one NOT find ones clit??????????? eludes me. The blimming thing is sending alarm signals all day long, even though it's quite buried down in my vulva floor.... but PLEASE?!?

Starting to get 'hoppsy' even during that boring dilating stuff, getting ideas of dynamic bio-dilators with benefits, you know then.

Enjoy your reading. Just stick your finger in any old place (and I mean in the Bible, hey :-)


Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: Cindy on October 14, 2011, 03:25:04 AM
Great news and congrats Axelle.

Heal up quick.


Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: wendy on October 14, 2011, 06:38:01 AM
Quote from: Axélle on October 14, 2011, 02:14:19 AM
Oh, BTW... INHO how can one NOT find ones clit??????????? eludes me. The blimming thing is sending alarm signals all day long, even though it's quite buried down in my vulva floor.... but PLEASE?!?

Starting to get 'hoppsy' even during that boring dilating stuff, getting ideas of dynamic bio-dilators with benefits, you know then.

Dear Axelle,
To answer your own question on finding elusive anatomical female parts please refer to your earlier post, "OK, Dr. Sanguan said I had more then enough 'material' during his pre-op "inspection".

Verstehen?  :)

Guter Tag meine Liebe Frau Axelle!
Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: AbraCadabra on October 14, 2011, 07:22:51 AM
Wendy :-)

maybe it helped having good spare parts. Yet IMHO it is Dr. Sanguan that did his craft/art bit.
In fact when I got quite 'tickled' as he showed me how to dilate and I started to squeak - he smiled and said it was a sign that the op went just fine.

My room neighbour (actually 2) had lots less 'material' and all it affected was her depth being less, but sensate she was/is just as I am. She also could have decided to have added skin-graft but she was OK with 4" depth... so all was well too.

Just my perspective though,

PS: Also NO issue of being dry, I'm already just fine also. Let's hope it will stay so and no more 'spotting' after the sutures had been removed.
So much for that crocodile that bit me between the legs, he he.
Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: Valeriedoeswcs on October 14, 2011, 11:16:32 AM
Quote from: Axélle on October 14, 2011, 02:14:19 AM
Oh, BTW... INHO how can one NOT find ones clit??????????? eludes me. The blimming thing is sending alarm signals all day long, even though it's quite buried down in my vulva floor.... but PLEASE?!?

There are some women who have large scabs (the size of a U.S. quarter) over their clitoris that last for 2 months before falling off, only to find their clitoris either healed over with skin with nothing visible, and possibly with less sensation or complete numbness.

Your post lacks empathy and compassion for those ladies who were numb for months. Lacks compassion for those ladies unable to orgasm. Some women had no feeling in their clitoral region for many months, only to regain a limited amount much later.

Do i need to post a picture of my clitoris with the scab so you will understand and perhaps not mock those who had those injuries? Maybe ill post one when i get home tonight.

So why post all the question marks with the silly icons. Why post the all caps PLEASE? in mockery? I find what you wrote very upsetting.

I had a 15 month post-op exam by my surgeon Dr. B. in August. While there, there was another woman in the waiting room to see Dr. B. I asked her why she was there. Wouldnt you know, she said she was 1 year post-op and wanted to know where her clitoris was...

There are many post-op women with complications, with difficult recoveries, major problems. Please dont use a mocking tone, it doesnt belong here in a healing place.
Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: xAndrewx on October 14, 2011, 06:33:14 PM
Is it weird for a boy to poke his head in and say congrats? If so sorry but hey CONGRATS!!! :)
Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: ~RoadToTrista~ on October 14, 2011, 07:01:00 PM
Considering that she's talking about her vagina, it is kinda weird.

jk ;)
Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: wendy on October 14, 2011, 10:27:52 PM
Quote from: xAndrewx on October 14, 2011, 06:33:14 PM
Is it weird for a boy to poke his head in and say congrats? If so sorry but hey CONGRATS!!! :)

Andrew not weird at all.  If you happen to enjoy company of woman they will love your sensitivity.  But I love your pun and I am sure Axelle will appreciate that you poked your head in.


Axelle your road was tough and I am happy for you!  And I am glad you still have your crass humor!
Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: AbraCadabra on October 15, 2011, 01:43:33 AM
* Your post lacks empathy and compassion for those ladies who were numb for months. Lacks compassion for those ladies unable to orgasm. Some women had no feeling in their clitoral region for many months, only to regain a limited amount much later. *

I'm truly sorry to have managed finding the wrong words to upset you once again... I'm sorry.
We learn something new every day and what you relate is completely new to me. (Scabs etc.)

BTW, it would have been also to the girls I met at PIH since we did talk about 'stuff'.
Sorry for having given offence by speaking about my touchy clit area.
Maybe some numbness might even be welcome at this stage...

Like your new hairstyle – looks great! :-)

Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: AbraCadabra on October 15, 2011, 01:48:32 AM
Andrew THANKS!

yes, it's lovely to have some kind words from you guys too. It put a smile on my face :-)

Wendy, you got that one right on, eh. It's not weird - it was just very kind.

Thanks again,
Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: xAndrewx on October 15, 2011, 02:14:00 AM
Quote from: wendy on October 14, 2011, 10:27:52 PM
Andrew not weird at all.  If you happen to enjoy company of woman they will love your sensitivity.  But I love your pun and I am sure Axelle will appreciate that you poked your head in.

:laugh: Oops I so didn't mean to put it that way!
Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: Cindy on October 15, 2011, 02:31:55 AM
Quote from: xAndrewx on October 15, 2011, 02:14:00 AM
:laugh: Oops I so didn't mean to put it that way!

Typical guy, all they think about :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

You are looking good Andrew

Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: Amazon D on October 15, 2011, 03:34:44 AM
You have to enjoy your virginity for at least a yr before you give it all away with a bio-dilator  ;D

Sheesh look at me i am a 14 yr old virgin  :o
Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: xAndrewx on October 15, 2011, 03:40:54 AM
Thank you Cindy!  ;D That's very sweet
Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: mm on October 15, 2011, 09:39:57 AM
All I say is you girls earn your vagina with all the time and pain you put in dilating to get one.  After hearing several girls talk about dilating I don't know if I would have the guts to go through dilating several times a day for months.
Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: Catherine Sarah on October 16, 2011, 09:32:53 AM
Dear mm,
"I don't know if I would have the guts to go through dilating several times a day for months."
But I do know you will have the guts to complete your journey. You wouldn't be here otherwise.
And it's just sooooo true;"The end justifies the means". A little bit of inconvenience for a life BEYOND imagination.
Be safe, well and happy
Lotsa luv
Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: AbraCadabra on October 16, 2011, 09:44:09 AM
Dear MM,

I think like most things YMMV applies the same with dilating.

I'm now in my 2nd week and things already look up i.e. less painful. A lot seems to depend on attitude also and of course time available.

My scheme is 3x a day from #1 (1") to #6 (21/16").
Also as soon as one feels one is bruising rather then gently stretching one must NOT force things, lest there will be pain and resentment will build pretty quickly toward this 'exercises'.

Just my 2 cents,
Title: Re: Back from SRS (GCS) with Dr. Sanguan
Post by: Steph on October 16, 2011, 10:46:29 AM
Quote from: CatherineSarah on October 16, 2011, 09:32:53 AM
Dear mm,
"I don't know if I would have the guts to go through dilating several times a day for months."
But I do know you will have the guts to complete your journey. You wouldn't be here otherwise.
And it's just sooooo true;"The end justifies the means". A little bit of inconvenience for a life BEYOND imagination.
Be safe, well and happy
Lotsa luv

Just a point.  One needs to dilate for the rest of ones life.  Of course as time passes, once per week is usually sufficient.