General Discussions => Hobbies => Writing => Topic started by: KelliTGirl on September 27, 2005, 10:11:52 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Love from the Soul
Post by: KelliTGirl on September 27, 2005, 10:11:52 AM
Love from the Soul

The mind you live in
Cannot conceive
The love we have
The mind you live
Cannot understand
The connection we share
Genuine concern
Highlighted by beams of moonlight
Highlighted by moments of ecstasy
Chemical or not...
What we share
Is never altered
And does not falter
It endures tragedy
But never breaks
Stubborn as it's bearers
The souls of two kids
Walk side by side
Knowing not
The depth they've found
Society may scoff
But the soul knows all
And meets challenge
Without hesitation or regret
The soul faces the fear
The soul bares the deceit
Until one day...
The kids live in the light

9.27.2005 Kelli Marie Wagner