General Discussions => Entertainment => Movies => Topic started by: Morgan. on November 06, 2011, 06:01:37 AM Return to Full Version

Title: "Anonymous"
Post by: Morgan. on November 06, 2011, 06:01:37 AM
Has anyone else seen the movie "Anonymous"? I went to see it today with my parents and girlfriend. It's actually quite an interesting theory on Shakespeare - not a new theory - but it does give an interesting insight into the debate on whether William Shakespeare really did write all of 'his' plays.

Anyone who's seen it - thoughts?
Anyone considering seeing it - do it.
Title: Re: "Anonymous"
Post by: Flan on November 06, 2011, 02:27:04 PM
I'll admit to not seeing it, but this came to mind instantly.

Good Artists Copy Great Artists Steal (

wouldn't be surprised if more of the great minds did such a thing to inflate their word count so to speak.