General Discussions => Hobbies => Writing => Topic started by: Jessica on September 27, 2005, 03:14:24 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Dying to be me
Post by: Jessica on September 27, 2005, 03:14:24 PM
Dying To Be Me

I am going to hell, for the Bible tells me so.
Where else would someone like me go?
The teachings of the Bible make it clear
There really isn't much left to fear.

I refuse to be laughed at by my peers
I won't listen to the peoples' jeers
I won't continue living like this
This hell, I won't at all miss.

The pain of blooming is harder to bear
Than the pain of dying which isn't fair.
I hope everyone will understand why
That for me, the only choice is to die.

Suicide's call is so sweet.
Finally, an end I'll meet.
Finished with Life
Finished with Lies.

What will happen to my soul
It would be easier to muse
That everything ends after this
To pretend there is nothing I'd miss

But that isn't at all true
For I will always miss You.
To my Dad, my Wife, and Brother
The reason I continue on is you.

When the sun sets on the last of your lives
If I'm still here, I'll feel the cut of knives.
Then I'll make my choice free.
And finally die, die to be me.