Community Conversation => Transitioning => Gender Correction Surgery => Topic started by: Cassandra on September 26, 2005, 01:56:28 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Kaiser-Permanante to Do SRS?
Post by: Cassandra on September 26, 2005, 01:56:28 PM
Haven't heard of it but I haven't been on Kaiser in a long time. My experience was that I picked a personal physician saw her once and never saw her again. Everytime I made an appointment I got shuffled off to someone else and got asked the same medical questions over and over. This was way before I even came out to my wife. I was very disastisfied and dropped them. This was in Georgia were they don't actually have Kaiser hospitals.

My experience in California was much different so I don't want to rag on the whole system. Just be aware that with Kaiser everything has to be approved before you recieve treatment. This applies to emergency room visits to non Kaiser facilities and the process for getting the bill paid is very difficult.

Title: Re: Kaiser-Permanante to Do SRS?
Post by: Terri-Gene on September 27, 2005, 10:42:04 AM
Cassie, not only am I on Kaiser, but work for them as a medical courier, dealing mostly with medical records and lab specimens.

I can tell you how it works in this regional at least, the Sacromento/Bay Area.  I picked my personal physician and have never seen another one except when she has been off for vacation etc.  I choose one that is on the complex I work at so I can pop in on her whenever I wish to ask about anything that concerns me and if it's something that really needs attention, she schedules me an appointment for before I start work.  my psychologist was assigned to me and my psychiatrist was by referral from the psychologist, and I have recently been referred to another psychiatrist in my local area to help with other problems.

I never went through any problems with HRT/Perscriptions at all.  A diagnosis was made, scripts were written and that was the end of that.  As far as covering SRS, that hasn't been annouced yet, but it looks like a good bet soon.  One of the major administrative Doctors in the Bay Area came out some months ago and started RLT on the job so such things have been pushed to the forfront.  I also know that my personal doc went on what I had thought was a vacation to thailand, but later she told me it was on Kaiser Business but gave no details about that.

A couple of months ago I was almost pulled from HRT because my doctor was becoming concerned about the health risk and in talking to me about it I got a little emotionally flooded and she asked me about problems if I were pulled.  We talked about it and in the process I mentioned financial problems and it taking me longer then I was comfortable to achieve SRS and she asked me if all I was worried about was SRS, like it was no concern, but then she changed the subject.  I had a simular conversation over the phone with my Bay Area psychiatrist and she had a simular reaction to SRS.  It kind of looks like the idea is under heavy consideration and a possibility that it may be provided through a surgeon in Thailand, leaving only to expenses to go there, or KP surgeons are being trained over there.  I don't know, there had been nothing said officially as of yet, but there seems to be a lot of talk about it on the streets, especially in the Bay Area.

I do know things have been lightening up in that respect though, previously there was no problem at all with therapy, or HRT, but they would not pay for any related surgeries, then earlier in the year, they paid for an Orchiectomy for me for the pure purpose of eliminating testosterone in my body to allow me to get off Spiro and take low dose estrogen thus contenuing HRT.  Previously, they would only approve Orchiectomy as a medical neccessity, as in for testcular cancer and such.

Consider too that in the hospital rating systems by independant sources, or regional has consistantly been rated #1 for several years now in terms of customer care and satisfaction, and even without SRS, all other costs other costs other then electro is covered, no questions asked.  As an employee, I am even entitled to a near 50% cut in price for any cosmetic or plastic surgeries.  I can get laser eye surgery for about $650 per eye and if I wanted it, Laser for beard at half cost, but I contacted them before deciding on Electrolysis, which they don't offer and was told that it was not a permenant option and that it would not be very effective with my mostly white beard on my skin coloring, so I went outside kaiser for electro at full price.  But the point is, I could get any optional Plastic surgery for half or less the actual rate.

Personally, I would recommend Kaiser to anyone looking for insurance to help cover costs.  Before coming to california and going to work for kaiser I had spent a year back in nevada searching for a place to relocate and an adiquate job and insurance there with the help of a vast network of friends and it was a friend who suggested Kaiser for work even though at the time they had no Transsexual program or guidelines, but did have a great non discrimination policy, so I moved to sac on his advice and went to work for kaiser.  now, some years later, I am confident I made the right decision as they have been wonderful to me and passed a gender specific policy before California passed such legislation at the beginning of 2004.

Even without SRS as of yet, I can't imagine a better health provider from my own personal experience and it is true that all indicators are that SRS will soon be provided, though it isn't clear yet if it will be by KP surgeons here, or in Thailand, in which case you would still be responsible for your own expenses to go there.  I'm betting on that option as it would make business sence to reduce the traffic to only the most serious of so called Transsexuals.

Title: Re: Kaiser-Permanante to Do SRS?
Post by: Cassandra on September 27, 2005, 10:06:10 PM
When I lived in California I was very happy with Kaiser. They were top notch. When I came to Georgia I was sorely disappointed. I would expect the system to be as top notch as California's but sadly it is not.

Title: Re: Kaiser-Permanante to Do SRS?
Post by: Sarah on October 28, 2005, 04:42:45 PM

I am full time and work in Southern California.  My company offers two insurance plans, Blue Cross and Kaiser.  I am currently with Blue Cross because it is a PPO plan and our Kaiser plan is HMO.  I am extremely interested if it indeed become coverage offered by Kaiser, so please keep us posted.

thanks so much,
Title: Re: Kaiser-Permanante to Do SRS?
Post by: Leigh on October 28, 2005, 09:50:32 PM

Note: Most Aetna plans exclude coverage of sex change surgery (gender reassignment surgery, transgender surgery) or any treatment of gender identity disorders. Please check benefit plan descriptions.

Aetna considers sex reassignment surgery medically necessary when all of the following criteria are met:
Member is at least 18 years old; and Member has criteria for the diagnosis of "true" transsexualism, including:
Life-long sense of belonging to the opposite sex and of having been born into the wrong sex, often since childhood; and
A sense of estrangement from one's own body, so that any evidence of one's own biological sex is regarded as repugnant; and
Wishes to make his or her body as congruent as possible with the preferred sex through surgery and hormone treatment; and
A stable transsexual orientation evidenced by a desire to be rid of one's genitals and to live in society as a member of the other sex for at least 2 years, that is, not limited to periods of stress; and
Does not gain sexual arousal from cross-dressing; and
Absence of physical inter-sex of genetic abnormality; and
Not due to another biological, chromosomal or associated psychiatric disorder, such as schizophrenia; and
Title: Re: Kaiser-Permanante to Do SRS?
Post by: Cassandra on October 28, 2005, 10:03:46 PM
...and the moon is blue during a trine conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto to the constellation of Orion and the patient is from the planet Xagnut.

Nictu viratu!

Loosely translated means; Can I have another insurance plan please?  ;D

Title: Re: Kaiser-Permanante to Do SRS?
Post by: Leigh on October 28, 2005, 10:37:35 PM
While surgery may not be covered in most cases, some plans will cover meds and therapy.

When I moved and started transition with my new employer their insurance carrier stated specifically they would NOT cover any expenses related to GID, NONE

So, I waited to enroll until all my legal ID had been changed and there was no prior paper trail for them to know any different.  They paid for almost 3 years of HRT without batting an eye, even at the elevated doseages required for transition.  One would think that seeing scripts come through for Premarin and Spiro would have been a tip off but apparently not  ;D

Title: Re: Kaiser-Permanante to Do SRS?
Post by: LostInTime on October 31, 2005, 09:10:08 AM
I have never had my meds or endoc appts to be blocked by any of my insurance holders, no matter the name on them.  That was United Healthcare, Wal-Mart's employee owned health plan (way back when, LOL), Blue Cross, and a few others that I cannot think of at the moment.  I stopped going to one on one therapy once my therapist started to use GID as the diagnostic code as I was afraid that my endoc visits and meds would come to a screeching halt.

Title: Re: Kaiser-Permanante to Do SRS?
Post by: Alexandra on January 16, 2006, 07:25:58 PM
just a bit of info here . . . Consumer Reports has Kaiser (NW area) as the #1 rated HMO in the country. And yes, I have Kaiser coverage. Very pleased with the service. However, I'm not knowledgable enough of Kaiser to comment on SRS.
Title: Re: Kaiser-Permanante to Do SRS?
Post by: Terri-Gene on July 28, 2006, 01:08:10 AM
hello Tinkerbell.  I ended up having to terminate from Kaiser a couple of months ago, as I would not be available to them till after this year, I can't return to work until sometime after Febuary of 2007.  I am no longer on Kaiser insurance, but have been waiting to hear if they will be instigating payment for SRS sometime soon.  There were many indicators that they were working toward that and I am sure they soon will.

I'm glad to hear you once had Dr. Dea as a psych.  She is an incredible person and will pull a lot of chains if you need it.  She actually got me approved for Orchiectomy when my Doctor became worried about my health and high estrogen intake. This eliminated the need for any blockers and the estrogen dose was reduced to basic femine levels for menopause. I still ended up with the stroke my doctor was afraid of.   This was the second stroke I have had, the first about a year before the second one. If she believes in you, she will lock horns with her own bosses.  As a further note, she will not deal with less sever forms of Transgender, only TS's who have the solid will to go through with it.  Tell her hello for me if you will.  She knows me as Terri  Gene Stovall in Sacramento. (Other Moderators....don't worry about the full name, my case is known to all employees of Kaiser and everyone who has met me.)

Sorry I can't be of much help to you at this time, but I have not been in Kaiser for anything but DR. visits since January of this year, so my current knowlege of what is happening there is a little loose right now. I can say without doubt though that they pay all medical and perscriptions.  As an employee I paid $5 for three month perscriptions and ran on them for almost 3 years.

Title: Re: Kaiser-Permanante to Do SRS?
Post by: MarcosGirl on August 16, 2006, 11:05:58 AM
I was reading through this thread and found it interesting because I have Kaiser of Southern California.  My therapist told me about two months ago that Kaiser of Northern California did cover SRS because GID was a diagnosable/treatable disorder and one of the treatments being SRS.  She said that Southern California was in the process of getting on board with that too.  Maybe she had been misinformed about the SRS part, but I was pretty sure that she had said that SRS was covered by Northern Cal.  The reason we had gotten on this conversation was because I was telling her about Marco and our plans to be married in the future and she told me that once he was on my insurance, Kaiser of So. Cal. would hopefully be covering hormone therapy, SRS and any other treatments.

:) :)
Title: Re: Kaiser-Permanante to Do SRS?
Post by: MarcosGirl on August 19, 2006, 04:43:22 PM
Hi Tinkerbell!

We are doing good and we did get home o.k.  The day we came home was a long one!  I hope you and **** are doing well!!

We just got back from Marco's gender therapist appointment.  We asked her about Kaiser and SRS because we were pretty sure that she was the one that told us that they were doing it up North.  She said that earlier this year she went to San Francisco for a therapist convention and there was a Kaiser Representative there saying that Kaiser-Northern CA. has been doing SRS for a couple of years now and that Kaiser-So. Cal is discussing the possibility.  Since your psychiatrist is directly affiliated with Kaiser, I'm sure she would know whether they were doing it or not!  I wonder what the Kaiser Rep was talking about at this convention.  That's not the first time, though, that Kaiser Reps go and tout services that they render, then when you actually go to use these services, you find that's not totally the case.  That's just been my personal experience with Kaiser.  Sometimes I am really happy with them and other times I get really frustrated!

Just wanted to let you know what the word on the street in L.A. is  ;)

??? ???