General Discussions => Hobbies => Cooking => Topic started by: lilacwoman on December 17, 2011, 04:46:46 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Colourful low cal food
Post by: lilacwoman on December 17, 2011, 04:46:46 AM
Pix is my fridge shows I mostly live on colourful fresh fruit and veg, yogurts. in freezer below is chicken, fish, lean meats.

I think white food is mostly processed starch, sugars, fats and additives that make the food addictive and just makes us fat, hyper, diabetic.

bright fruit and veg has all the good natural stuff for long life and nice skin - and figure of 42-29-39.

takes about ten minutes to chop a variety of veg and a piece of fish or chicken into a dish and microwave it.   While its microwaving I make some fruit into a raw or cooked dessert.   

our climate practically rules out barbecues and so many people are so addicted to the soaps that they dash home from work, grab some junk and the couchpotato all night.

I don't understand those who say they have no time to eat healthy.