Community Conversation => Female to male transsexual talk (FTM) => Transsexual talk => FTM Bottom Surgery => Topic started by: xander on December 20, 2011, 07:08:08 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Meta - questions for those who have had it
Post by: xander on December 20, 2011, 07:08:08 AM
Are you satisfied with the results?

Can you orgasm?

Can you pee standing up/with pants on at the urinal?

Can you penetrate your partner?

And anything else you'd like to share  ;D

Title: Re: Meta - questions for those who have had it
Post by: sneakersjay on December 20, 2011, 09:24:51 AM
Quote from: xander on December 20, 2011, 07:08:08 AM
Are you satisfied with the results?


QuoteCan you orgasm?


QuoteCan you pee standing up/with pants on at the urinal?


QuoteCan you penetrate your partner?


QuoteAnd anything else you'd like to share  ;D


It may be small, but I love it.  Certainly better than the alternative.  And, FWIW, there are a lot of cis men with very small penises, and there are intersex men with small penises. So I figure that it's better to have a small penis than no penis.  I also had huge dysphoria for the other parts and the hole, so I am thrilled beyond belief to have that crap gone.

Title: Re: Meta - questions for those who have had it
Post by: maxman on January 20, 2015, 06:20:47 PM
I'm interested in these answers from more guys.
Title: Re: Meta - questions for those who have had it
Post by: wheat thins are delicious on January 20, 2015, 06:47:31 PM
Quote from: maxman on January 20, 2015, 06:20:47 PM
I'm interested in these answers from more guys.

There are groups on facebook for bottom surgery.  They have files you can read also.
Title: Re: Meta - questions for those who have had it
Post by: Mackan on January 20, 2015, 09:15:56 PM
Im only about 6 weeks postop but ill answer what I can.

Are you satisfied with the results?
I still have 1 more surgery to go and I'm not fully healed yet (it won't look like this when I'm all done) I have a mons resection and testicular implants etc. 6 months from now. But yes I'm happy so far, and my surgeon is great, really listens to my requests

Can you orgasm?


Can you pee standing up/with pants on at the urinal?
Haven't tried that yet

Can you penetrate your partner?
Title: Re: Meta - questions for those who have had it
Post by: palexander on January 24, 2015, 08:38:58 PM
Quote from: Mackan on January 20, 2015, 09:15:56 PM
Im only about 6 weeks postop but ill answer what I can.

Are you satisfied with the results?
I still have 1 more surgery to go and I'm not fully healed yet (it won't look like this when I'm all done) I have a mons resection and testicular implants etc. 6 months from now. But yes I'm happy so far, and my surgeon is great, really listens to my requests

Can you orgasm?


Can you pee standing up/with pants on at the urinal?
Haven't tried that yet

Can you penetrate your partner?

how long do you have to wait before you can be sexually active again?
also are orgasms different post op? (whether it be mentally or not..)
Title: Re: Meta - questions for those who have had it
Post by: Mackan on January 25, 2015, 04:02:01 AM
I was about 1 month post op. 1 month after surgery is the guideline I think. But its better to follow you're body, you can tell when you are ready. Orgasms are about the same as before for me, but I had hysto a couple of years before my meta and that changed it alot so I think that's why.

Update on using a urinal, I now used it twice when out in public and it went fine.
Title: Re: Meta - questions for those who have had it
Post by: Lauryn16 on July 19, 2018, 08:21:40 AM
Are you satisfied with the results?  Yes

Can you orgasm?  Yes

Can you pee standing up/with pants on at the urinal? Yes

Can you penetrate your partner?  no
Title: Re: Meta - questions for those who have had it
Post by: Fadeuhhway on September 15, 2018, 12:57:55 AM
I've heard most men with meta can't stand to pee. Do you guys have any trouble or is it just natural, stand there in front the toilet and just go?

Also, pre surgery but my downstairs is maybe...2inches (from the base INSIDE to the tip part) and I can in after 10 minutes or so of maneuvering like I'm attempting to sissor my gf lol...I can manage to get it in her hole...I mean she can't really feel it and she has to move incredibly slowly on top of me or else it falls out but .... it kinda works...and HOLYMOLEY it's so warm and nice no wonder cis guys are always doin it.

Sorry if that was TMI. So it might be possible if you have the time to figure it out...(and it doesn't always work for me anyway I usually give up trying after 10 minutes ) so I'm not to worried about that. I wanna get meta and I just want to make sure that you can pee standing up...

Oh btw, anyone who had it done, they close up the hole right? And you know how sometimes when you're turned on (pre op) you kinda...feel it inside/where your g spot is? At least those who liked the feeling of penetration pre op...(you know what I mean, like how getting off feels different if it's by your ...dick...or inside...etc?)

Does that feeling go away? Or does it just all move to your dick?
Title: Re: Meta - questions for those who have had it
Post by: PainKiller on September 15, 2018, 03:02:49 PM
Quote from: Fadeuhhway on September 15, 2018, 12:57:55 AM
I've heard most men with meta can't stand to pee. Do you guys have any trouble or is it just natural, stand there in front the toilet and just go?
I mean little cis boys learn how to pee standing up <before they are fully developed>. So i'm sure post op meta men can pee standing up as well.

<Edited by moderator>
Title: Re: Meta - questions for those who have had it
Post by: Fadeuhhway on October 02, 2018, 12:25:59 PM
Quote from: PainKiller on September 15, 2018, 03:02:49 PM
I mean little cis boys learn how to pee standing up <before they are fully developed>. So i'm sure post op meta men can pee standing up as well.

<Edited by moderator>

That is true...but I have heard diff from people post op. My only guess then was complications with it. That was totally obv though and I feel silly for not realizing :p thanks though that answers the question.
Title: Re: Meta - questions for those who have had it
Post by: Kendra on October 04, 2018, 03:21:30 PM
A friendly reminder from the Site Policies (,492.0.html) page: Please use clinical terms for anatomy (,65184.0.html). 
Title: Re: Meta - questions for those who have had it
Post by: MK on October 17, 2018, 08:57:57 AM
There seems to be a confusing use of terms regarding metoidioplasty. Often, in comparing it to phalloplasty, a plus for metoidioplasty seems to be "can become erect on its own."
As in, without the need for a pump. However, apparently this does not mean erection as in the same sort of stiffening and protruding out/up thing as a cis penis. "Erect" in this sense seems, rather misleadingly, to mean simply "engorged." Basically what the clitoris already does and not much more.
Question for men who have had metoidioplasty - what kind of "erection" does the end result actually get? Does it just swell to a slightly bigger size, as does a pre-op clitoris, or is it any kind of erection that moves position / protrudes?
Title: Re: Meta - questions for those who have had it
Post by: mm on October 17, 2018, 09:09:13 AM
There does seem to be a lot of variation from from person to person.  I think all the procedures do some type of release so it can stick out and not be held down.  The amount of growth one gets with T is also a factor. Some seem to be really erect.  Would be great to have a good discussion of what one van expect, especially with each if us starting with something different. 
Title: Re: Meta - questions for those who have had it
Post by: Dex on October 17, 2018, 10:32:57 AM
I have a metoidioplasty. Mine will be done in two stages (you can read my thread if you want all the specifics). I'm between stage 1 and 2 right now, though mostly healed from stage 1. Stage 1 included scrotoplasty and the release (as well as vaginectomy).

I did suffer some scar tissue retraction so I don't have as much visible length as I will have after my second stage (as I'm having a monsplasty as well as the scar tissue being fixed). However, what I do have now becomes enlarged and does protrude from my body like a natal penis would. It's just smaller. It becomes very hard, particularly when I'm about to orgasm, and then softens after orgasm just like a natal penis. Because it's smaller, it certainly doesn't have the same... structural integrity (?) as an average sized natal penis simply because it's not as wide. But it has performed well so far as it relates to masturbation and blow jobs or hand jobs. Due to the retraction, I don't have enough length for proper penetration currently but I'm anticipated to have about 3 inches post stage 2 so I hope I'll be able to achieve some penetration then.

To be fair, presurgical, my clitoral erectile tissue would become very hard as well and I had quite a bit of length with that as well, but it pointed downward and was held to my body due to the ligaments and such. So, my experience may be unique to how my body is structured.
Title: Re: Meta - questions for those who have had it
Post by: mm on October 17, 2018, 10:50:55 AM
Dex, thanks so much for the information, so good to hear from someone who has had the procedure and can give direct information.  Will you have urethra lengthening at any time so you can pee standing easily.  What was your reasoning for getting a vaginectomy, did your surgeon recommend to have it? When is your next stage?
Title: Meta - questions for those who have had it
Post by: Dex on October 17, 2018, 12:00:39 PM
Questions! That's great, I love answering questions actually. It makes me feel useful and like maybe my journey has some purpose if I can help others in some way.

I decided not to pursue urethral lengthening. When I prioritize my lower surgery needs they were (in order of priority): no vaginal opening, male appearing genitalia (including a fused, hanging scrotum), natural erections, and standing to pee. When looking into surgeons and such, and evaluating cost, the fourth priority was the only one I was willing to compromise on. My insurance didn't cover any of my surgeries so this would be completely out of my own pocket. I was also not sure my short term disability insurance through my employer would protect my income during my recovery (thankfully, they did end up covering it). Adding urethral lengthening would have added 1/2 cost to my surgical expenses, increased my recovery time, and opened me up for additional potential complications. While my wife has been nothing but supportive and supported whatever I needed in this surgery, I couldn't in good conscience jeopardize my family financially in that way for something that, while nice, wasn't critical to my masculinity. Are there times I wish I could pee standing up, yes, absolutely. But it's not something that has bothered me to the point of dysphoria. For that reason, I decided to not pursue the lengthening. I still have a flat male perineum post surgery, it just has a small hole so I can continue to urinate while sitting.

I pursued the vaginectomy because much of my lower dysphoria came down to having female appearing genitals and wetness (particularly when aroused). Because of that dysphoria, my vaginal opening was not something I've used for sexual pleasure and caused me nothing but emotional pain. So it was my personal preference vs something my doctor recommended. I'd had a hysterectomy and oophorectomy previously so closing up that hole was the last thing that remained of those structures/organs. Post surgery, that has been an immense relief. As has having male appearing genitals. I had a lot to work with so even without the implants in my scrotum, I have significant size to my scrotum and it doesn't look anything like female genitals.

My second stage is scheduled for 4/26/19. I'll have the monsplasty and buried penis repair which will give me as much length as possible for my anatomy and give me the flat male pubic area. The scar tissue issue will be fixed at that same time as well. Lastly I'll also have testicular implants put in my healed scrotum. I had to wait at least 6 months for the second stage so the new scrotum can heal totally before putting the implants in. My original surgery was 6/15/18.

Even with those couple things remaining to be done, I'm immensely happy with my surgery results so far. It's been supremely freeing. The biggest area I've had improvement in is in being intimate with my wife. I no longer experience a mental break between the moment and my body and I'm finally fully enjoying sex for the first time in my life. My sensation has been fantastic, and I could go on and on with specific examples of what's different and how different it feels. Being able to more fully connect to my body has bled over into every part of my life and I'm finally beginning to feel "whole". Which is pretty amazing [emoji4]
Title: Re: Meta - questions for those who have had it
Post by: MK on October 18, 2018, 08:00:46 AM
^ That's what I thought, and what I was banking on. The metoidioplasty acting exactly like a penis (sans the obvious, eg sperm) just smaller. Great. But then I read things like this (don't click if you hate gore) -->
          < Link removed by moderator - Susan's Terms of Service (,2.0.html) >
Salient points being - Anatomical background for creation of the neophallus from clitoris was established by reported similarities in the embryology, anatomy, and function of the male and female genitalia. Toesca et al. reported that the corpora cavernosa of the clitoris are essentially similar to the penis, except that there is no subalbugineal layer between the tunica albuginea and the erectile tissue. Consequently, the clitoris can become tumescent but not stiffly erect like the penis. With sexual arousal it becomes engorged, rather than really erect like the penis; however, this fact has no crucial impact on sexual function.
I am getting really fed up with all this language discrepancy, because it seems like (1) using words like "erection" is misleading in regard to what is actually going to happen with your junk after surgery, and (2) is only being used as a PC measure to spare transmen's feelings. I'm not trying to be offensive - I'm in this boat myself too, more or less. I don't know about other transmasculine people, but I'd rather have these things explained to me clearly and realistically - screw the sugar coating - rather than using misleading terms that may lead to misinformed decisions about major surgery or unfulfilled expectations after all that trouble (and honestly, all the money is the kicker) just to make me "feel like a real man" or whatever by using terms that relate to cis male anatomy, not trans.
I'd rather people just front up and say "Look, after you have this surgery, all that's going to happen is the clitoris is still just going to swell - it might just be a bit more noticeable. You ok with that?"
Instead of saying things like "the penis will become fully independently erect just like a cis penis."
Apologies if that's pricky, but dudes, the misinformation and PC garbage is really doing my head in with transmasculine topics right now, and I can't seem to get a straight answer. I'm booked to have my consult for metoidioplasty in a fortnight or so, it's a highly rare and very dodgy situation in the country where I live and there is VERY little reliable information here. I need to go in well informed, so I can assess whether the surgeon knows what he's talking about or not because it's not a given that he will. I hardly need my feelings spared or my ego stroked when I'm trying to get a correct idea of what will happen after a scalpel meets my genitals.
Title: Re: Meta - questions for those who have had it
Post by: Ryuichi13 on October 18, 2018, 07:17:44 PM
Quote from: MK on October 18, 2018, 08:00:46 AM
^ That's what I thought, and what I was banking on. The metoidioplasty acting exactly like a penis (sans the obvious, eg sperm) just smaller. Great. But then I read things like this (don't click if you hate gore) -->
           < Link removed by moderator - Susan's Terms of Service >
Salient points being - Anatomical background for creation of the neophallus from clitoris was established by reported similarities in the embryology, anatomy, and function of the male and female genitalia. Toesca et al. reported that the corpora cavernosa of the clitoris are essentially similar to the penis, except that there is no subalbugineal layer between the tunica albuginea and the erectile tissue. Consequently, the clitoris can become tumescent but not stiffly erect like the penis. With sexual arousal it becomes engorged, rather than really erect like the penis; however, this fact has no crucial impact on sexual function.
I am getting really fed up with all this language discrepancy, because it seems like (1) using words like "erection" is misleading in regard to what is actually going to happen with your junk after surgery, and (2) is only being used as a PC measure to spare transmen's feelings. I'm not trying to be offensive - I'm in this boat myself too, more or less. I don't know about other transmasculine people, but I'd rather have these things explained to me clearly and realistically - screw the sugar coating - rather than using misleading terms that may lead to misinformed decisions about major surgery or unfulfilled expectations after all that trouble (and honestly, all the money is the kicker) just to make me "feel like a real man" or whatever by using terms that relate to cis male anatomy, not trans.
I'd rather people just front up and say "Look, after you have this surgery, all that's going to happen is the clitoris is still just going to swell - it might just be a bit more noticeable. You ok with that?"
Instead of saying things like "the penis will become fully independently erect just like a cis penis."
Apologies if that's pricky, but dudes, the misinformation and PC garbage is really doing my head in with transmasculine topics right now, and I can't seem to get a straight answer. I'm booked to have my consult for metoidioplasty in a fortnight or so, it's a highly rare and very dodgy situation in the country where I live and there is VERY little reliable information here. I need to go in well informed, so I can assess whether the surgeon knows what he's talking about or not because it's not a given that he will. I hardly need my feelings spared or my ego stroked when I'm trying to get a correct idea of what will happen after a scalpel meets my genitals.

Can I just say that I second the feeling that "I'm being PCed in order to spare my feelings?" 

I too would like to have simple, upfront language from doctors and other knowledgeable people, especially since this is something that I am seriously considering after I've had my top surgery.  I'll more than likely be much closer to 60 by then, and to literally go under the knife with high expectations, only to have reality slap me in the face after I'm surgerized would not only be physically painful, but emotionally painful as well.

Basically what I'm understanding is this:  I'll be able to have natural engorgement, not actual erections, at least according to what doctors are saying.  Since it seems that I don't have the natural body parts required that cis men have, I won't be able to be as hard, nor as outwardly-sticking as a cis man's penis.  I understand that I may or may not be able to achieve actual penetration, but I would at least like to be able to become "engorged" when aroused. 

If I am wrong, please feel free to correct me.  I'm not angry, just confused.

Has anyone that has had urethral lengthening anything to add to this?  How do you feel about being able to become "engorged"/"erect?"

I would love to be able to see actual video of a post-meta, post-UL achieving an "engorgement"/"erection."  [emoji26]

Title: Re: Meta - questions for those who have had it
Post by: Dex on October 19, 2018, 08:29:22 AM
I do think some of the lack of "hardness" is simply due to size. This is maybe a crude analogy but if you have a stick that's a half inch thick, it's going to be far more flexible than a stick that's 2 inches thick. Even if the hardness of the wood fibers is not different. So I don't know that an average sized penis is a fair comparison to what our anatomy can provide. And, as always, YMMV.

I absolutely agree that doctors need to be honest and up front about what you can realistically expect. The doc I saw for my pre op appointment (who assisted on my first surgery and is doing my second surgery) was very clear that they couldn't guarantee length at all, for instance. Even looking at the external genitalia I had, they said there was simply no way to give any kind of estimate until they open you up and see what you've got. I appreciated that honesty. I did feel I had realistic expectations going in. But if you're going to a doc that's going to give you all kinds of promises, then that's trouble. I don't think anyone wants to be set up for disappointment. Docs are going to show their "superstar" patients on their webpages and such... but a healthy dose of realistic expectation and frank conversation is definitely needed and should be an expectation.

I will admit I didn't ask my surgeons about anticipated erectile activity post surgery. I went into it expecting to achieve the same amount of firmness I had presurgery. At times presurgically, my erections would actually hurt from the tension it was putting on the ligaments holding it down. It was firm enough to be noticeable and uncomfortable between my legs when I'd get random hard ons (particularly early in my transition with the raging hormones). I expected it would be the same amount of firmness post surgical and it has been. Now that it's "untethered" it's firm enough to tent my underwear, even if it's not super long or wide. I can use the "bro sleeve" and it goes in and stays in.

Not having a UL, I can't speak from experience of course, but I wouldn't anticipate that affects the firmness of any engorgement. My doc did say that a UL can sacrifice a small amount of length because it may tether things down a little more but it shouldn't affect the firmness you can achieve. But it would be great to hear from someone first hand how that might impact things.

TL;DR - we absolutely should expect honest feedback from providers, even if it's not what we want to hear. That's the only way an individual can make a truly educated decision on what the best path forward is for each of us.
Title: Re: Meta - questions for those who have had it
Post by: mm on October 19, 2018, 11:17:11 AM
Dex, all good pointers.  One where expect good real answers from all our drs especially surgeons, as many times they like to talk about there best results.  Interesting about firmness before and after surgery, never heard any discussion of this. I think we all have alot to learn about what we can expect with all part of this surgery.  We all want more length and think surgery will give us more, but it depends on the surgery, surgeon and what the surgeon has to work with once we are opened up.  We can hope for the best but have to accept the results we get. This is a very interesting series of post here.