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Title: A non rant for once
Post by: Jeneva on January 06, 2012, 12:20:21 PM
I know that we often only post about the negative.  But I wanted to go ahead and post about a positive for once.

OK so I've had issues with some of the guest here at the StayBridge.

Right now I'm just killing time in their library waiting on my Dr Z ride. There was another guy using the computers that spoke when he came in. And then as he was leaving we spoke more and he finally asked if I had been on an accident.  Deciding that he wasn't one of the trouble makers and several people were in the next room, I told him I had ha surgery. We talk a bit more and finally he asked for specifics. When I finally explained I was a transwomen he didn't even bat an eye. We talked for about 5 more minutes and then he wandered back to his room.

This is just more proof that society sees us know and is trying to understand.

We ARE getting there.  One day we will only be sen as women. I can't wait.