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Title: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: jacobRX8 on January 13, 2012, 01:16:37 PM
As most of you know, I'm pretty new to everything. I'm slowly coming out to my friends, family, and the rest of the world. I'm 100% sure I want top and bottom surgery. I've done some research on my own about bottom surgery but I was wondering if there are any guys that have any personal opinions about it. Like the pros and cons of it, some info I've found say that there is pain and there can be issues just want to be sure that its not unnessasary pain you know? I hope this question isn't stupid lol.
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: Inkwe Mupkins on January 13, 2012, 02:11:12 PM
i am dead set on having top and bottom surgery as well. I've looked around and i am pleased with the results of dr. Sv perovic. He specializes in the mld flap phalloplasty. Check out (
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: Assoluta on January 13, 2012, 02:43:52 PM
Bottom surgery could hurt your arse though, couldn't it? It might cause constipation too...  :D

Seriously, though, I've heard that while phalloplasty is a more complex and longer operation than MtF vaginoplasty, it's similar in the sense that it mainly requires rest. It's unlikely you'll be in a world of pain, just fatigued and sore for a while. I know Dr. Ralph is one of the main surgeons in the UK for phalloplasty. Metoidioplasty is also an option too.
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: Elijah3291 on January 13, 2012, 03:06:57 PM
ok my personal opinion?

pros- you can pee standing up naturally
you wont have to pack
you can have sex in a more normal male way
no more vagina

cons- (this may not all be fact, but what I have heard)
may not be able to feel any sensation (this alone outweighs all of the pros for me)
may not be able to orgasm
the cost
the giant scar from where they took skin to make it
you have to pump up the device inside to get hard (i would want to get hard for real, blood, not a pump)
it doesn't look natural enough for me

and that ^ is for phallo, which despite the pros, isnt worth it to me

but medio, that seems more worth it, the surgery where they take the enlarged clit and turn it into a micro penis.

can pee from it
looks more natural (natural for a micro penis)
it gets hard naturally
no more vagina
you can still feel sensation

the cost
its small
you would probably still have to pack while in tight pants
more difficult to have penetration sex
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: Jayr on January 13, 2012, 03:09:45 PM
Quote from: Shaun Birklei on January 13, 2012, 02:11:12 PM
i am dead set on having top and bottom surgery as well. I've looked around and i am pleased with the results of dr. Sv perovic. He specializes in the mld flap phalloplasty. Check out (
I'm not completely sure, but from what I've read Dr. Sava Perovic died in 2010 x:
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: Nygeel on January 13, 2012, 03:25:23 PM
With all the possible customization options available with bottom surgery, there's possibility for you to get all you want. For example...a guy that might want to keep his "front hole" because he enjoys it can. If you usually pack and feel that being able to not pack due to flesh and blood being enough then you can do that. So...pros: getting whatever you want or don't want (pretty much).

Cons: possibility of failure with urethral lengthening, cost, possibility of infection, discomfort/pain, multiple surgeries to get what you want, tissue rejection, possibility of loss of sensation
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: Inkwe Mupkins on January 13, 2012, 03:38:54 PM
QuoteI'm not completely sure, but from what I've read Dr. Sava Perovic died in 2010 x:

That was my only hope I haven't found any other surgeons that do the mld flap phalloplasty. With the mld flap scaring is minimal, you can pee standing up, you can have penetrative sex, its normal size of male penis, it's relatively hairless, and because the skin is taken from the side of the torso they can create a larger and more realistic penis.

However there are no veins and such in it.

D*mn it. Just d*mn it. I didn't plan on having bottom surgery for at least 15 years (because of the cost), so maybe by then some one with be doing the mld flap procedure or they'll have a better method. With SV Perovic it would've cost over 150,000 if you count transportation and such.
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: jacobRX8 on January 13, 2012, 06:13:05 PM
I'm still sure of the bottom surgery, I just want to make sure that I have the best doctor for it. I just wanted an idea of the pros and cons, I want to be able to fully penatrate my gf so I definately want to look into that route. Some research that my gf and I have done have found doctors that can perform a surgery where you have some sensation with the phallo surgery (hopefully I used the right term and spelling, I'm still learning). I remember it had to do with using a graft from the torso, in fact it may have been from the doctor that a few of you mentioned. I mean I care about having enough feeling for pleasure, but I also want to be able to have that connection with my gf.
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: Kreuzfidel on January 13, 2012, 08:29:32 PM
I don't really have anything to add other than an opinion.  For all of the risks (fistula, infection, failure, etc.), bottom surgery is crucial for me.  I'm leaning towards phallo, but may decide in the end to go for the metoidioplasty.  I don't care much about loss of sensation - orgasm to me isn't as important as wholeness.
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: Cody Jensen on January 13, 2012, 08:49:37 PM
i'm having difficulties deciding on which one but i'm definitely considering bottom surgery. i get all excited when i think of it, that one last thing (to me personally) that would make me feel like a real cismale.
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: Make_It_Good on January 13, 2012, 10:13:12 PM
Ive recently been referred for lower surgery (phalloplasty) and have obviously done my research (years worth!).

For me, the pros far outweigh the cons.

Ill start with the cons for phallo:

-The scarring. (Ive seen different places used as the donor site; forearm, abdomen, hip, thigh, and ofcourse the MLD flap on your side).
-The risk of complications, as others have already mentioned, it is much greater than with meta. The risk for complication is increased when you have the urethral hookup (so you can stand to pee), and especially when you have the vaginectomy.
-The cost.
-The chance of having an insensate penis, though there are guys out there Ive spoken to who have sensation including erotic sensation.
-The actual surgery. Many surgeons do the phallo in stages, so you have to consider the time off work etc, and at different intervals.
-The aesthetic appearance may not be what you hope. (But again, surgeons seem to be improving on this).
-The available options for erectile devices. You can either have the pump up rod, though this device doesnt last a lifetime. Or you can have the malleable rod, which is semi erect permanently which could make you feel very self conscious! Also, there is the chance over time, of protrusion through the skin.

-A full sized penis. No more packing, or self consciousness. This procedure gives you something meta cant.
-You can stand to pee.
-Balls to complete the picture.
-No more "wrong part" (or front hole as people may say), some people may choose to not have this dealt with, I personally do not understand at all why anyone would want to keep this. But I wont go into those opinions.
-Many surgeons do perform nerve hookups, including to the "little guy" you already have, to allow for erotic sensation, so there are cases of guys being able to cum from sex or just plain wanking!
-You can have penetrative sex.

Cons for Metoidioplasty:
-Risk of complication, thought this goes for any surgery, and it is much less with this, than it is for phallo.
-The cost.
-It will be no bigger than 3inches really. Some guys get this surgery then opt for phallo at a later date.
-Too small for penetrative sex.
-Have to accept the small size, no noticeable bulge. Just something to think of if you want this.

-Sensation will be amazing.
-No visible scars.
-A much smaller risk of complication.
-Is performed in one stage and healing time is much quicker.
-You can pee to stand if you get the urethraplasty.
-Balls too.

I personally have always wanted the phallo, though I am adamant that I do not want the forearm phalloplasty. Though this seems to give the best results sensation wise, I can live with that aslong as I avoid that particular scarring.
  Also, I am not sure I will opt for any erectile device put in. Im leaning more toward no. Simply because once I have the surgery, I want everything to be done. I want to live my life without being reminded, and I dont want to have to come back years later to get stuff down there sorted or replaced.
I have seen that you can buy external devices out there somewhere, that you just slip on when you need and take off after. Seems simpler.
I dont like the idea of an internal erectile device malfunctioning, or beginning to protrude. Id rather just have my penis and no foreign object inside that could be a risk. (Although Im aware that to have balls, Id need implants. Even though it may sound contradictory, Ill have the balls, but not the erectile device :p)
    Loss of sensation doesnt bother me, standing to pee is whats high on my list of priorities.
  The London team I think do do great jobs for the phalloplasty, and to me, itll all be worth it to have a good sized penis there, that I can pee through and feel comfortable with. To have the wrong parts sorted and never have to deal with what feels so wrong ever again :)

Right, I know Ive rambled on, but yeah, thats my bit said!
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: insideontheoutside on January 13, 2012, 10:46:50 PM
Not that I'd ever considering fiddling with the junk I have, but my personal opinion on any kind of bottom surgery was always that there seem to be a high rate of complications. It also just seemed to be an arduous surgery and recovery process that often required "fix it" surgeries for when something went wrong during the recovery period. For me, personally, I wouldn't put myself up for the risks of surgery (even top surgery) but that's just me.

Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: supremecatoverlord on January 13, 2012, 10:48:05 PM
Quote from: jacobRX8 on January 13, 2012, 01:16:37 PM
I'm 100% sure I want top and bottom surgery.
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: Felix on January 13, 2012, 11:22:05 PM
I was sure I didn't want it, but I'm starting to change my mind. I don't like the phallo results I've seen, but I'd jump at the chance for meto. Maybe more.
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: Felix on January 13, 2012, 11:38:29 PM
Meant to link this: (
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: Nygeel on January 14, 2012, 08:50:14 AM
Let's say you lost weight and have extra skin around your muffin top/lower stomach area. Would it be possible to use that as a skin graft and with that, do a tummy tuck?
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: Inkwe Mupkins on January 14, 2012, 06:54:01 PM
QuoteLet's say you lost weight and have extra skin around your muffin top/lower stomach area. Would it be possible to use that as a skin graft and with that, do a tummy tuck?

I don't know if that's possible but I like the way your thinking. If I lost weight I'd have epic amounts of extra skin they could use and its pretty hairless.
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: King Malachite on January 14, 2012, 08:14:15 PM
At first I went for the phalloplasty but now I am leaning more towards the metoidioplasty.  I've heard of a lot of transmen who got the phalloplasty who were able to orgasm because the "nerve ending" was still buried at the base of the phallo but I don't like the idea of having scarring.  The metoidioplasty is less invasive and would utilize what I already have down there.  I'm not so much happy about the size but it's a lot better than my current junk and besides, a lot of other cismales are small.  Some men who have the metoidioplasty can penetrate.  I've seen metoidioplasties on the small side and on the larger side which were quite impressive. I'm not too worried about being able to penetrate because I doubt I'll ever have a girlfriend and I'm sure that the anime body pillow that I buy in the future will not mind my size.  Being able to stand up to pee with a metoidioplasty with practice is a plus so I'm not too concerned there.  Sensation is very important to me.  When I am with my body pillow I want to be able to obtain a more natural erection while retaining as much sensation as possible..  It sucks that I won't have a large package in my undergarments but I'll get over it.  For me a tiny penis is better than no penis at all.  I could call it "Little Malachite" and actually mean it.

Winner (for me personally): Metoidioplasty....for now

I'm also looking into the centurion method but that method seems a little early in it's stages to know much about it.
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: conformer on January 14, 2012, 08:59:04 PM
Quote from: Malachite on January 14, 2012, 08:14:15 PM
At first I went for the phalloplasty but now I am leaning more towards the metoidioplasty.  I've heard of a lot of transmen who got the phalloplasty who were able to orgasm because the "nerve ending" was still buried at the base of the phallo but I don't like the idea of having scarring.  The metoidioplasty is less invasive and would utilize what I already have down there.  I'm not so much happy about the size but it's a lot better than my current junk and besides, a lot of other cismales are small.  Some men who have the metoidioplasty can penetrate.  I've seen metoidioplasties on the small side and on the larger side which were quite impressive. I'm not too worried about being able to penetrate because I doubt I'll ever have a girlfriend and I'm sure that the anime body pillow that I buy in the future will not mind my size.  Being able to stand up to pee with a metoidioplasty with practice is a plus so I'm not too concerned there.  Sensation is very important to me.  When I am with my body pillow I want to be able to obtain a more natural erection while retaining as much sensation as possible..  It sucks that I won't have a large package in my undergarments but I'll get over it.  For me a tiny penis is better than no penis at all.  I could call it "Little Malachite" and actually mean it.

Winner (for me personally): Metoidioplasty....for now

I'm also looking into the centurion method but that method seems a little early in it's stages to know much about it.

I've never even heard of centurion until now. Just looked it up on Hudson's guide and this is what it says:

The Centurion procedure is a unique variation of metoidioplasty that was first performed in 2002 by Dr. Peter Raphael. In the Centurion, the round ligaments (which run along the sides of the labia) are freed from the labia majora and brought together along the shaft of the clitoris to provide girth for the new penis. The extraction of the round ligaments from the labia majora leaves a hollowed-out area which serves as a "pocket" for solid silicone scrotal implants. The labia major are later joined to form a scrotal sac. A urethral extension to the tip of the new penis is formed by joining skin flaps around a catheter that runs along the underside of the clitoris. The catheter remains in place for about two weeks until the new urethral extension has healed.

The typical operating time for the Centurion procedure is about 2.5 hours; if it is also being performed with vaginectomy and hysterectomy/oophorectomy, the time increases to about 4-5 hours. The patient may require additional follow-up procedures and revisions at a later date. Recovery time is usually between 2 to 4 weeks of very limited activity.

Pros, Cons, and Risks
The advantages of the Centurion are that it results in a natural looking (albeit small), erotically sensate penis. Since the clitoris is made of erectile tissue, the patient can achieve an unassisted erection when aroused. The procedure takes advantage of existing genital tissue, and doesn't leave visible scars on other parts of the body.

The disadvantages are that the resulting penis is usually quite small, and as such often cannot be used for penetration. It also may not be a good choice for a trans man whose clitoris has not grown substantially as a result of testosterone therapy (most surgeons recommend being on testosterone therapy for at least 6 months to 2 years in order to maximize growth of the clitoris). And, as with any surgery, there are potential risks of complication, such as the extrusion of testicular implants, the formation of a stricture (an abnormal narrowing; blockage) or fistula (an abnormal connection; leakage) in the newly constructed urethral passage, and potential problems of infection and tissue death (though tissue death is less common in metoidioplasty/Centurion as compared to phalloplasty). One must also consider the usual risks of any surgery, including bleeding, infection, problems from anesthesia, blood clots, or death (rare).

When considering the Centurion or other metoidioplasty procedure, it is important to research the surgical options carefully and discuss them with the surgeons you are considering. Each surgeon has a different approach and technique. Also, if you are unsure if you wish to have additional genital surgery (such as phalloplasty) in the future, discuss with your surgeon which procedures will leave you with the most options for later surgery."
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: Kreuzfidel on January 14, 2012, 09:07:23 PM
A lot of people seem to think that you automatically lose all sensation with a phalloplasty.  There are surgeons who use microsurgical techniques to reposition nerves which achieves sensation, even partial, in the phallus. I know that some in Thailand do this.
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: Sharky on January 14, 2012, 10:46:02 PM
Quote from: Nygeel on January 14, 2012, 08:50:14 AM
Let's say you lost weight and have extra skin around your muffin top/lower stomach area. Would it be possible to use that as a skin graft and with that, do a tummy tuck?

I don't think extra skin from weight loss has all they layers needed.

I wonder if they could use boobs.

Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: anibioman on January 15, 2012, 12:07:01 AM
hi im not sure whether i want bottom or not. i really want to pee standing with little to no effort and i dont want a frontal hole. for other things i can make due with a prosthetic.

now my views on the pros and cons of a meta as thats what i would get if i was going to get bottom.

-erotic sensation (so i can jack off)
-no frontal hole
-pee standing

-tiny so no penetration
-floating up balls
-awkward looking
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: King Malachite on January 15, 2012, 01:46:47 AM
Quote from: Sharky on January 14, 2012, 10:46:02 PM
I don't think extra skin from weight loss has all they layers needed.

I wonder if they could use boobs.

I thought about that but isn't the skin utilzed during top surgery?  I know some parts of the aerola may be lost depending on the surgery but if it that part could be preserved for a long time maybe it could add a tiny bit of girth if top and bottom surgery are done within a reasonable amount of time.
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: wheat thins are delicious on January 15, 2012, 02:58:14 PM
Quote from: Malachite on January 15, 2012, 01:46:47 AM
I thought about that but isn't the skin utilzed during top surgery?  I know some parts of the aerola may be lost depending on the surgery but if it that part could be preserved for a long time maybe it could add a tiny bit of girth if top and bottom surgery are done within a reasonable amount of time.

You are probably thinking of peri (incision is around the areola) or keyhole (similar to peri but incision doesn't go around the whole areola) surgeries where no actual skin tissue is removed usually.  DI removes all the skin and breast tissue, the only part utilized is part from the nipples and areola to make the nipple graft.  They cut above the breast and below the breast, remove that and then sew the parts closed to make the incisions.

Here's a video of a double incision surgery. Warning: It's graphic as it features surgery footage. (

But I don't think they could use the left over parts because I don't think they could perform DI and phallo at the same time, it would be too much of a shock on your body. 
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: King Malachite on January 15, 2012, 03:05:48 PM
Quote from: Andy8715 on January 15, 2012, 02:58:14 PM
You are probably thinking of peri (incision is around the areola) or keyhole (similar to peri but incision doesn't go around the whole areola) surgeries where no actual skin tissue is removed usually.  DI removes all the skin and breast tissue, the only part utilized is part from the nipples and areola to make the nipple graft.  They cut above the breast and below the breast, remove that and then sew the parts closed to make the incisions.

Here's a video of a double incision surgery. Warning: It's graphic as it features surgery footage. (

But I don't think they could use the left over parts because I don't think they could perform DI and phallo at the same time, it would be too much of a shock on your body.

Speaking of that video I was watching that last night but I was referring to the double incision with the free nipple grafting.  From what I've read it's possible to lose some of the outside of the aerola.
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: wheat thins are delicious on January 15, 2012, 03:16:19 PM
Yeah and all of the breast tissue basically which is what I'm saying.  They only use a small circle of each areola to make the nipples.

Depending on your breast size they could use the tissue (if you were rather large) because they'd have to make up for the hole (where the graft came from) that is right in the center of the tissue.
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: slammed.82 on October 01, 2012, 12:30:56 PM
I had a meta done last year then upgraded to a phallo. I say having bottom surgery is all pro. I couldn't imagine going through life with my vajajay down there...but that's just me, I love my penis.
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: mm on October 04, 2012, 10:59:59 AM
slammed.82, great to hear can you give us some of the details, who was the surgeon, hpw many surgeries, etc
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: sneakersjay on October 05, 2012, 07:29:48 AM
I had a meta.

I believe Dr. Miro does MLD phallos.


It's a PENIS.
I can pee at urinals.
Full sensation.


BUT: yes, we'd all like a "normal" sized penis.  However, many cis-men have very small penises (1-3") and they deal with it.  Very few run out and try to get phallos or other 'enhancement' surgeries.  A penis that works isn't always worth the risk for another that might not work in the way they are accustomed.

It is a HUGE surgery and will take a physical toll on you.  Yes, there are risks, but there are risks when you get into your car in the morning.  It was a risk I was willing to take to get rid of THE HOLE.

Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: Darrin Scott on October 05, 2012, 08:28:52 AM
I'm curious. How much is meta and phallo?
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: Rita on October 05, 2012, 10:51:06 AM
Many guys don't have any noticeable bulge, and if say you wanted to be slightly larger they actually have male extensions ^.^.  Think strap on for men O-o just not feminine or scary.

Just food for thought, and only on a physical level.  You have to be emotionally happy more than anything, and I feel sexual health is one of those things people are willing to give away but when its gone theres no going back.
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: sneakersjay on October 05, 2012, 11:21:13 AM
Quote from: Darrin Scott on October 05, 2012, 08:28:52 AM
I'm curious. How much is meta and phallo?

Cost of meta including travel to Serbia was approx $17000.  I don't know current cost of phallo.
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: myles on October 05, 2012, 09:41:58 PM
I have gone back and forth about bottom surgery. I went to Gender Odyessy this year and attended every bottom surgery session available and have decided on Meta. I did find that there are a lot of myths out there about Phalo and think if you are interested in that option you should definitley do some research as things are changing all the time. I think in the end you have to decide what is important to you. I relate the most to Jay being a bit older and just wanting to get rid of the hole. I have three teenagers and most of my $$ will be going to college   and a partner I have been with for over 20 years so based on price, what I need it for and other things I picked meta. I will go to Serbia in a few years if all goes well.
If at all possible I suggest anyone that can attend Gender Odyssey.
Cheers Myles
an old timer checking back in
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: szikha on October 08, 2012, 04:24:26 AM
I had phallo.Happy with it i have only pro's;
Peeing trhouhg the whoie penis
Can orgasme
Have feeling (really good)
It really looks like a penis so i dont have to worry

But the route to phalloplasty was hard yes
So there are some cons
In belgium they do all in one surgery (exept implants and erectile)
-creating phallus (frore arm)
- total urethal lengting
-remove vaginal and closed it

Operation time on mine was 6 ours
Had to stay on my back for 8 days
Total hospital time: 16 days

Had urologic problems so needed several operations
Thats somethime mentally hard

Now, some years later.No problems.had nothing to pay (in my country it is free)
So i have no cons only pro
Arm scar isnt that bad.In all those years nobody ever told me what i had done

Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: Snowman77 on October 10, 2012, 09:02:41 AM
Quote from: Elijah on January 13, 2012, 03:06:57 PM
ok my personal opinion?

pros- you can pee standing up naturally
you wont have to pack
you can have sex in a more normal male way
no more vagina

cons- (this may not all be fact, but what I have heard)
may not be able to feel any sensation (this alone outweighs all of the pros for me)
may not be able to orgasm
the cost
the giant scar from where they took skin to make it
you have to pump up the device inside to get hard (i would want to get hard for real, blood, not a pump)
it doesn't look natural enough for me

and that ^ is for phallo, which despite the pros, isnt worth it to me

but medio, that seems more worth it, the surgery where they take the enlarged clit and turn it into a micro penis.

can pee from it
looks more natural (natural for a micro penis)
it gets hard naturally
no more vagina
you can still feel sensation

the cost
its small
you would probably still have to pack while in tight pants
more difficult to have penetration sex

I couldn't agree more with you. :D ;D :)
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: slammed.82 on October 30, 2012, 11:26:07 AM
Quote from: mm on October 04, 2012, 10:59:59 AM
slammed.82, great to hear can you give us some of the details, who was the surgeon, hpw many surgeries, etc

Both were done in Montreal. Funded by the province here in Canada. The meta wasn't enough for me, there are a lot of lies out there about metas. I love my phallo, they did a great job, no complications. The only thing I'd fix is the head/glans..I think it could look better, but that's just cosmetic. Fully functional, orgasmic. Montreal does the radial forearm technique.
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: mm on October 30, 2012, 11:53:49 AM
slammed82, did you have a erection device implanted as well?  Sounds like you have great results and encourage me to think more about getting a phallo.  I have thinking more about getting a meta up until now.  Having a normal full size penis sounds so great to me and if I could get an erection too.
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: Trent Licon on November 22, 2012, 01:32:59 PM
So far from reading all of this I would lean towards Meta.
Smaller penis but it looks more natural.

And from what I looked up with Phalos...
-scarring can be horrible.
-Many complications for years.

Only pro is full penetration, but I don't think I would need that to please my girl.

**My only question is, after a full sex change bottom and top, is it possible to get a girl pregnant or no? This may be a stupid question but I just have no idea.
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: wheat thins are delicious on November 22, 2012, 02:00:47 PM
Quote from: Trent Licon on November 22, 2012, 01:32:59 PM
So far from reading all of this I would lean towards Meta.
Smaller penis but it looks more natural.

And from what I looked up with Phalos...
-scarring can be horrible.
-Many complications for years.

Only pro is full penetration, but I don't think I would need that to please my girl.

**My only question is, after a full sex change bottom and top, is it possible to get a girl pregnant or no? This may be a stupid question but I just have no idea.

From the phallos I've seen the scaring isn't that bad.

No.  It will never be possible for a biological female to get someone pregnant.
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: anibioman on November 22, 2012, 09:07:05 PM
Quote from: Trent Licon on November 22, 2012, 01:32:59 PM
**My only question is, after a full sex change bottom and top, is it possible to get a girl pregnant or no? This may be a stupid question but I just have no idea.
no you have no balls so no getting people pregnant.
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: gladys alvarez on January 07, 2019, 06:52:15 PM
Quote from: Nygeel on January 13, 2012, 03:25:23 PM
With all the possible customization options available with bottom surgery, there's possibility for you to get all you want. For example...a guy that might want to keep his "front hole" because he enjoys it can. If you usually pack and feel that being able to not pack due to flesh and blood being enough then you can do that. So...pros: getting whatever you want or don't want (pretty much).

Cons: possibility of failure with urethral lengthening, cost, possibility of infection, discomfort/pain, multiple surgeries to get what you want, tissue rejection, possibility of loss of sensation
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: gladys alvarez on January 07, 2019, 07:00:29 PM
Hello. I would like to know if a third revision is worthed after MTF
penil inversion surgery. Thanks, Gladys
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: Ryuichi13 on January 14, 2019, 10:10:12 PM
Quote from: gladys alvarez on January 07, 2019, 07:00:29 PM
Hello. I would like to know if a third revision is worthed after MTF
penil inversion surgery. Thanks, Gladys

I think the reason your question wasn't answered is because you're in the FTM section.  You might want to re-ask it in the MTF section.  I"m not sure where to ask it at, but at least I can point you in the correct direction.

FTM section (,51.0.html)

Good luck sister!


Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: King Malachite on January 24, 2019, 04:16:39 PM
Quote from: King Malachite on January 14, 2012, 08:14:15 PM
At first I went for the phalloplasty but now I am leaning more towards the metoidioplasty.  I've heard of a lot of transmen who got the phalloplasty who were able to orgasm because the "nerve ending" was still buried at the base of the phallo but I don't like the idea of having scarring.  The metoidioplasty is less invasive and would utilize what I already have down there.  I'm not so much happy about the size but it's a lot better than my current junk and besides, a lot of other cismales are small.  Some men who have the metoidioplasty can penetrate.  I've seen metoidioplasties on the small side and on the larger side which were quite impressive. I'm not too worried about being able to penetrate because I doubt I'll ever have a girlfriend and I'm sure that the anime body pillow that I buy in the future will not mind my size.  Being able to stand up to pee with a metoidioplasty with practice is a plus so I'm not too concerned there.  Sensation is very important to me.  When I am with my body pillow I want to be able to obtain a more natural erection while retaining as much sensation as possible..  It sucks that I won't have a large package in my undergarments but I'll get over it.  For me a tiny penis is better than no penis at all.  I could call it "Little Malachite" and actually mean it.

Winner (for me personally): Metoidioplasty....for now

I'm also looking into the centurion method but that method seems a little early in it's stages to know much about it.

Since this thread was necroed, and on it's way of being necroed again, I want to say for the record that if I were to transition, I'd get a phalloplasty as I'd want a decent sized package.  A metiodioplasty wouldn't cut it for me.  I'd just have to get over the arm scar as my thigh is too fat to use that.  Everything else I said practically remains true.  Happy weekend, everyone!!!!!
Title: Re: Pros and Cons of having bottom surgery???
Post by: Ryuichi13 on January 25, 2019, 03:06:09 AM
Quote from: King Malachite on January 24, 2019, 04:16:39 PM
Since this thread was necroed, and on it's way of being necroed again, I want to say for the record that if I were to transition, I'd get a phalloplasty as I'd want a decent sized package.  A metiodioplasty wouldn't cut it for me.  I'd just have to get over the arm scar as my thigh is too fat to use that.  Everything else I said practically remains true.  Happy weekend, everyone!!!!!

I'm not exactly sure what "necroed" means, I'd guess it would be archived.  Idunno.

Right now, because I currently want a natural erection, I'd get a meta and keep the option open for a phallo later on down the line.  It also depends on how well my body recovers from the top surgery I'm currently planning.  I'd love to get a phallo someday, and I too would go for a larger size.  I'm thinking 7"/18cm.  I don't care so much about scarring, I'm beginning to view them as battle scars.  My arm will heal should I decide to go that route.
