Community Conversation => Transitioning => Real-Life Experience => Topic started by: stephanie_craxford on October 01, 2005, 04:04:25 PM Return to Full Version

Title: It was nice to hear
Post by: stephanie_craxford on October 01, 2005, 04:04:25 PM
On Thursday I found myself riding one of our school buses, re-evaluating one of our drivers (we do it every year).  I was listening to the chatter on the 2-way radio, and had to smile to myself.  The dispatcher was talking to a couple of other drivers, passing instructions that I had left earlier that morning.  I heard the dispatcher say:

"Steph wants you to do it this way, she said it's the safest way to go, and to see her after your run and she will explain it better...", and one of the drivers replied "Don't worry I'll be seeing her after my run..."

It made me feel so good to hear people talking about me using the right pronouns, she, her etc...  It didn't matter that what I had the drivers doing would make their runs a little longer, it was listening to the way they were referring to me, made me feel good.

Title: Re: It was nice to hear
Post by: Denise01 on October 01, 2005, 06:22:46 PM
Hi Steph:

So good to hear that the drivers are accepting you as the Lady you are.

I was confident from what you have posted that there would be good responce and you appear to be well regarded by all.

Keep up the good work.

Chat Later
Title: Re: It was nice to hear
Post by: Miss Placed on October 01, 2005, 07:16:34 PM
WTG Steph! *hugs*
Title: Re: It was nice to hear
Post by: Cassandra on October 01, 2005, 11:06:43 PM
That is so great Steph! I know the feeling and it is great. The other day I had to go to the court house to get some legal documents I needed. The ladies kept saying she needs this and I can help her with that. It really made me feel good so I can really relate.

It's kind of odd. On one hand it seems so strange to here people talk about you in the third person like that and yet so elating. I guess in a few years will be as jaded as Leigh. ;D

Title: Re: It was nice to hear
Post by: stephanie_craxford on October 01, 2005, 11:25:04 PM
QuoteI guess in a few years will be as jaded as Leigh

DUCK!   ;D
Title: Re: It was nice to hear
Post by: Leigh on October 02, 2005, 12:47:54 AM
Duck?  What in the world for.  Its not my fault your spell correct cannot differentiate between jaded and awesome  ;D

I had a little boy ask me at work the other day in I was a boy or a girl.  His mom turned to him and said something to the effect of don't be silly of course she is a girl.  I won't pretend that it didn't make me feel great.  I doubt there are many who wouldn't feel that way when you are confirmed by another of your gender.

There comes a time when what was, is so irrelevant to what is, that it just doesn't register.  Its kind of like when you remember someone playing a bad  part in a really horrid movie  Jeez I'm glad I don't have to watch that again 
Title: Re: It was nice to hear
Post by: Sheila on October 02, 2005, 10:49:32 PM
Stephanie, so what is it that you do? I'm a school bus driver. It is nice to have all the right pronouns and the kids all call me she. They say that Sheila sounds like a guy but she really is a girl. Even the teachers come up to me and use the right pronouns and tell the kids that she is the driver and you had better listen to her. It makes me feel like flying that bus home.
Title: Re: It was nice to hear
Post by: stephanie_craxford on October 02, 2005, 11:16:08 PM
hello Sheila,
Stephanie, so what is it that you do? I'm a school bus driver.

I'm the Driver Development and Safety Officer for a large school bus company.  I'm in charge of the training and testing of the drivers we employ, and I also teach safety courses to the drivers, and school bus safety to teachers and students.  Keeps me pretty busy.  I must admit that as far as my transition goes, it's the children who I worry about the most.  So far when I've been on buses with them they have been great, calling me she and her, etc... but they still worry me a little.

Chat later,

Title: Re: It was nice to hear
Post by: Kimberly on October 03, 2005, 12:16:38 AM
That is, I think, because young children tend to be honest first and thoughtful second ;)
Title: Re: It was nice to hear
Post by: Dennis on October 03, 2005, 08:48:37 AM
I was afraid that my teenaged clients would have the most trouble with my transition. I was wrong. They have the least trouble. Never underestimate the resiliency of youth.

And grats Steph. It is a beautiful sound, hearing the pronouns that fit.

Title: Re: It was nice to hear
Post by: Shelley on October 03, 2005, 03:22:54 PM
Hi Steph,

So happy for you. But I look at your photo Steph and I see nothing but a lovely lady. These people you speak of also know you I assume which means that they will also have been be lucky enough to have spoken to you so they will also have also met the lady that you are.

QuoteThat is, I think, because young children tend to be honest first and thoughtful second ;)

As the parent of six you can imagine I have had some funny if not redface occasions.

My mother used to say just wait I'll put my face on...

My eldest asked innocently how many faces does Nanny have? :D

Title: Re: It was nice to hear
Post by: Cassandra on October 03, 2005, 03:51:03 PM
Children especially the young ones can see through you in a heartbeat. They also decide about you in that same moment. We have two little girls that come in our Gallery from time to time and look at the paintings. They are as cute as they can be. One of them commented on how much they liked my nails. If they read me they decided before I could even tell that I was a woman even if I seemed like I might be a man.

On the flip side We have had young children come in with their parents spot me immediately and cling to one of the parents while keeping me under close scrutiny the whole time. You never know how they will react. So far no one has said out loud "Hey that's a man in a dress" or anything like that but sometimes the way they stare at you you expect them to blurt it out at any moment.   :o

I always remember Art Linkletter and "Kids say the darndest things". One never knows what to expect.

Title: Re: It was nice to hear
Post by: Sheila on October 04, 2005, 09:56:34 PM
  I have been told by a lot of kids that I sound like a guy. I just laugh and say you know my mom had the same problem. If they were little kids in elementary classes, I just say, I know, but I am a girl. I leave it at that. I have said that a lot of times and the kids get off my bus and they tell their parents that Sheila sounds like a man, but she isn't, she is really a girl. Parents kind of look at me, but I haven't had any complaints as I have not had one accident or ticket. The kids get to their destination on time, just as happy or unhappy as they got on the bus. Some of my teens don't even know that I'm hmm I'm not. I am a woman. So they aren't confused, just my lapse of memory, like where do you live? Now of course, I dont get to dress in nice clothes like you probably do. It is jeans and a nice top or jacket, with tennis shoes. Sexy, aint it.
Title: Re: It was nice to hear
Post by: Valerie on October 05, 2005, 09:35:22 AM
Y'all are gonna' think I'm a kook, but I had posted here yesterday & then on impulse later deleted it. For some reason I got the notion that I had no business posting here since I haven't the foggiest idea of what being TG is all about. 

Still, though, I truly do feel happy for you all when I read about your little personal triumphs.  So if you'll forgive my unsolicited opinion, I'll quit impulsively deleting my posts  :)


Title: Re: It was nice to hear
Post by: stephanie_craxford on October 05, 2005, 02:10:14 PM
Hello Val,

For some reason I got the notion that I had no business posting here since I haven't the foggiest idea of what being TG is all about.

Don't worry about posting to the forums, or even starting your own threads, you are quite welcome here, you should know that by now  :) what were you thinking girl.  :)

And don't worry about not having the foggiest idea of what being TG is all about.  It's a hard thing to understand, and their are a few here that still don't understand.  Those of us who are here on a regular basis, know where your coming from, and after all Susan's is open to everyone as long as they abide by the rules, and I think the opening paragraph of those rules, says it all:

QuoteEvery one is welcome at Susan's Place if you follow the basic rules: This site is an open support area and is not generally sexually oriented. This site is for the discussion of issues related to gender and may include Transsexualism, Transvestism, Cross dressing, or other related topics. This web site exists try to provide constructive input and support.

I enjoy your posts, so stop deleting them OK... :)

Chat later

Title: Re: It was nice to hear
Post by: gina_taylor on October 05, 2005, 02:15:50 PM
Hey Steph,

That's really so cool and great that in such a short time that your co-workers have adjusted nicely to the changes. I just hope that everything goes well with me when the time comes.
