Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Post operative life => Topic started by: Suigeniris on February 09, 2012, 08:15:54 PM Return to Full Version

Title: 1 year post op ;))
Post by: Suigeniris on February 09, 2012, 08:15:54 PM
 Hello ladies , I will be 1 yr old in just  5 days ;))) ,Its  funny how i never thought this would be possible , to finally be free not have to live in fear of being found out I did that for 32 yrs and now I don't EVER LOL LOL LOL THINK ABOUT IT !!!! I am back in school ( fulltime ) and living life for all its joy ,I love my  BABY !!!  (  <--  my daughter ) my life ,my family and my doggie ;)) .........Dr.  Mcginn THANK-YOU AGAIN !!!!! For being so kind ,understanding and .most of all SUPER SKILLFULL ;) ;)..HEYYYYY LOL AND THANK YOU TO ALL THE LAFIES WHO HELPED GUIDE ME ALONG THE WAY !!! XOXOXOXOXXO MUAHHHHHH
Title: Re: 1 year post op ;))
Post by: Sandy on February 10, 2012, 06:09:24 AM
Has it really been a year?!

How time flies when things are no longer in your way, eh?

Congratulations!  And enjoy your life!

Title: Re: 1 year post op ;))
Post by: Catherine Sarah on February 10, 2012, 08:44:49 AM
Thank you Suigeniris.

Are you going to celebrate it with one candle on your cake?

Be proud of the fact you have totally destroyed my weekend   ;D  I'm green with envy, jealous with rage and just about to hijack the next gurney heading to OR. Pardon the vernacular, but stuff the letters, I'll forge those later, lets just get this over and done with. I'm full of it.

But on a more serious note. Thank you so much for painting the picture, of what's, 'beyond the veil'. It's words such as yours that continue to encourage me, daily, and others, onwards.

To know you are a McGinn girl, is further encouragement. I don't know if you'll ever appreciate the encouragement the words and form of expression your post has, but it is profound. Thank you. I hope you enjoy and embrace the day in full celebration of its significance.  :icon_drunk:

Be safe, well and happy.
Lotsa huggs

P.S. And thank you Sandy for being such a successful accomplice. Tiny words, h-u-g-e meaning.
Title: Re: 1 year post op ;))
Post by: Re: Joyce on February 12, 2012, 06:20:57 AM
You were one month in front of me with Dr. McGinn.   Congratulations on your successful journey to the other side.

     You are so right about your mind being clear and FINALLY being free of the fear of discovery.   It is truly a wonderful feeling to realize that you are finally who you should have been all along and that there is nothing for anyone to discover.   You're just you.  End of story.   Beginning of new story....   :D

      Bless you and bless Dr. McGinn.

      Enjoy your life.   Enjoy your bright future and your new goals in life.  You are now free to focus on a bright, happy future, instead of focusing on how to deal with pain and dysphoria.

       You know, like I know, that there *is* a cure for GID.   It doesn't have to rule your thoughts or your life.
Title: Re: 1 year post op ;))
Post by: Suigeniris on February 17, 2012, 07:06:54 PM
Hey ladies ,sorry about the delay . Thank you so much Joyce ,your right seems like yestetday we were chatting away about our month apart lol and the good doctor ,Catherine LMAO LOL LOL HALAAAAARIOUSSS .  I am so touched by your post my heart is  smiling ,I am looking forward to reading about your journey so i will be popping in every so often to see if you have hijacked any gurneys lol lol   :icon_flower:,that's for you sister ;))), and madam Sandy I am sending big hugs and kisses for allowing me into your world ( wink wink ) and being you !!!!!! I have read most of your post and we  are all  blessed to have you here in our.corner MUAHHHHHH ;)
Title: Re: 1 year post op ;))
Post by: Sandy on February 18, 2012, 07:47:31 AM
Quote from: Suigeniris on February 17, 2012, 07:06:54 PM

and madam Sandy I am sending big hugs and kisses for allowing me into your world ( wink wink ) and being you !!!!!! I have read most of your post and we  are all  blessed to have you here in our.corner MUAHHHHHH ;)

You're quite welcome, my dear!  And a very happy life to you!

And thank you Catherine.  BTW: I'm not an accomplice, I'm an instigator.  I'll steal the gurney for you!  :D

Title: Re: 1 year post op ;))
Post by: Suigeniris on February 18, 2012, 04:57:31 PM
Lol lol
Title: Re: 1 year post op ;))
Post by: Cadence Jean on February 27, 2012, 07:51:54 AM
Congrats, Suigeniris!
Title: Re: 1 year post op ;))
Post by: Catherine Sarah on February 27, 2012, 08:39:09 AM
Thank you Sandy,

Quote from: Sandy on February 18, 2012, 07:47:31 AM
And thank you Catherine.  BTW: I'm not an accomplice, I'm an instigator.  I'll steal the gurney for you!  :D

I'll hold you to that !!  :D  :laugh:

Title: Re: 1 year post op ;))
Post by: MsFierce on February 27, 2012, 03:11:53 PM
(WAVES) HI Suigeniris!!! I can't believe it's been a year since your surgery. I remember you talking about it pre-op and how excited you were and it's been a year WOW!!.
Title: Re: 1 year post op ;))
Post by: Suigeniris on February 27, 2012, 11:54:53 PM
I know tink ,its crazyyyy How time flys  when your having a good time ,;)) well ladies I am off to bed school in the am