General Discussions => Health => Weight loss => Topic started by: A6KkidD on February 11, 2012, 07:03:12 PM Return to Full Version

Title: suggestions?
Post by: A6KkidD on February 11, 2012, 07:03:12 PM
hey, i've just recently joined a local gym and i've been working out there with my day who is practically a gym rat for about 2 months. i'm overweight for my size but i've slowly been losing about 10 pounds so far and i have noticed muscle growth, because before i had like no muscle strength at all. however i've been having trouble with my abs and hips. i do abs work outs and gaining muscle but it is under the fat and only making me look fatter  :-\
i do cardio but i dont have the time to stay at the gym for a longer period to do more cardio
suggestions on that?
and i'm trying to thin out my hips cause i'm trying to pass as male and all. i've been doing lower back work outs and even glouts (<- dont kno how to spell that) and those areas have thinned out but not the stubborn hips  :P
suggestions would be great, thanks
Title: Re: suggestions?
Post by: Devin87 on March 11, 2012, 09:55:08 AM
Actually, many studies are showing now that sustained cardio isn't all that good for you and they're suggesting short bursts of intense energy like sprints.  Look at Olympic athletes, even.  Distance runners look like anorexic, starving, sickly people.  Sprinters are muscled up machines.  Who would you rather look like? (