General Discussions => Health => Weight loss => Topic started by: aniya on March 07, 2012, 08:16:52 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Any all natural health supplements that aid weight loss?
Post by: aniya on March 07, 2012, 08:16:52 AM
Anybody know of any all natural pills or drinks that will aid in ones weight loss? Not looking for a miracle pill or anything like that. Just something that's healthy to consume and that will boost the calorie burning.
Title: Re: Any all natural health supplements that aid weight loss?
Post by: Jeneva on March 07, 2012, 08:38:23 AM
Some of the "commonly" accepted ones are:
Honey (you use less than you would with sugar)
Capsicum (in hot peppers)
Fiber (fullness)
Water (fullness)

Definitely eat more honey.  And buy it local and don't complain when we charge you $6 a pint.  Bees are crucial to our environment and even at $6 a pint we're not making money hand over fist.  Can you tell we keep bees? We lost a hive over the winter so we're down to four, but will likely be restocking that hive and adding a sixth this year.  Next year I can get TN to pay for half my costs so we'll likely add several more hives.

Based on the diet I am eating I should be loosing around 1lb a week for the past three weeks.  Instead I have lost 3, 3, and 2.

Luckily we LOVE hot food around here so most everything has red pepper or something even hotter.  I also eat two big bowls of oatmeal a day with cinnamon and usually sweetened with honey (although when I have blueberries I use them for the first bowl).

Now in terms of actually taking a pill, hmmm.... I'm not sure that is totally the same.  Too often the "special" ingredient is extracted and isolated from the rest of the compound and that may affect the results.  There are also health risks with too much of certain herbs too.
Title: Re: Any all natural health supplements that aid weight loss?
Post by: aniya on March 07, 2012, 04:03:42 PM
Thank you Jeneva! And good luck with the hives! :)