General Discussions => Health => Weight loss => Topic started by: Biscuit_Stix on March 21, 2012, 07:48:40 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Want to share a weight loss aide
Post by: Biscuit_Stix on March 21, 2012, 07:48:40 PM
I've always sucked at weight loss, but I got an app on my phone/computer (its free) called MyFitnessPal. It tells you how many calories you're allowed to have per day, going by your own goals. For instance, my goal is to lose 2lbs per week, and it has really helped me keep on track. You track everything you eat and how much you exercise, and it tells you how many calories you can have for the day. I also notice what I'm eating that ruins my cal count. Really all you have to do to lose weight is consume less calories than you burn. I know this kinda turned into an ad for this silly damn program, but it's worked so well for me, I just had to share :P