General Discussions => Entertainment => Television => Topic started by: Kendall on March 29, 2007, 07:40:07 AM Return to Full Version

Title: My bro going is trying out for Fox channel's On the Lot
Post by: Kendall on March 29, 2007, 07:40:07 AM
Its a contest where 12000 short films are trying out for a chance at winning a movie deal or something like that from Mark Burnett and Steven Spielberg. The makers would appreciate your helping review and rate his film as well as other film makers would appreciate any rating and reviews as well, to help them decide the 50 films for the show, as well as other's films. I can send you the address where his specific short film is Washington Road, by Terry Wickham. I didnt see any search feature there, so maybe address is easiest way.

His is at with a http:// before the address. Browse a bunch of them if you want first, there are some bad ones, boring ones, a few pretty good even.