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Title: "My Next Husband Will Be Normal"
Post by: Beth Andrea on April 19, 2012, 08:13:37 PM
A book I finished reading a while ago, but forgotted to post about it.

"My Next Husband Will Be Normal" (
Rae Ellen Lee

I read Ms. Lee's first book, "If the Shoe Fits", where her husband Tom and her lived on a smallish ocean-going sailing ship. It was his dream to sail around to the Virgin Islands, but eventually they give up the ship and decide to relocate to the USVI (iirc) This was from about 10-12 years ago.

This book ("My Next Husband...") is about when they actually got to the USVI...they set up a bag-making business, but Tom discovers he has a feminine side, and decides to explore that aspect of himself. Long story short, "he" is now a "she", named Rebekah.

Whoever heard of THAT happening?!

(I wrote to the author, making sure Rebekah was ok with this history, and with it being on Susan's...she assured me that R. was totally ok with it, and had been given a copy of the manuscript to see if any changes were needed...R. said it was ok, "except for one word." (I don't know what that word was, LOL)

Anyway, I enjoyed the book. Good stories (on the USVI there are a lot of neat things going on, interesting characters, cats, etc.), and of course the conflict between R. and R. (Rae and Rebekah)...I think both TS and spouses will enjoy this book, and get some insight about how they handled things.

When I came out to my in-laws, my MIL was the one who recommended this the time, she was waiting for it to be printed as it was on her book club's "to-do" list.

Anyway, happy reading!