Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Post operative life => Topic started by: jsoso on June 06, 2012, 06:48:25 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Full Thickness Skin Graft Vaginoplasty
Post by: jsoso on June 06, 2012, 06:48:25 AM
Anyone has experience about this type of surgery? How much depth did you gain? More info about pros and cons?

Dr. Sanguan seems to perfom these and here is some info from his hospital website:

This procedure is suitable for patients who currently have a 2-3 inch vaginal depth and require only an additional 1-2 inches. The operation involves harvesting a skin graft (common donor sites are the lower abdomen, stomach, and groin area), after which a linear scar will remain. (Patients with a tendency to develop keloid scars must be aware that this may occur.) The harvested skin is then grafted to the existing vaginal canal to provide additional depth.
Doctor Sanguan carries out a delayed skin graft technique using Vacuum Assisted Closure to ensure that the graft survives and takes to the existing canal lining completely.
If the patient does not have sufficient spare skin for a traditional graft, a Thick Split Thickness Skin Graft (which involves harvesting the skin to a greater depth) may be considered. However, Doctor Sanguan rarely carries out this procedure as the skin from the donor site is not thick enough, and graft contracture is very common.
The operation requires hospitalization for 7-9 days, after which it is important that the patient carries out regular dilation for 6 months to ensure no graft contracture.