Community Conversation => Transgender talk => Topic started by: Ms Bev on April 08, 2007, 12:24:27 AM Return to Full Version

Title: post script to 'The worst week of my life..'
Post by: Ms Bev on April 08, 2007, 12:24:27 AM
Post script to the post 'The Worst Week Of My Life....'
I've been back to work in boy clothes the last 2 days......and
I HATE it.   Later today, I walked by a family in a bookstore, and heard the father quietly repeat to the little girl as they passed by what the mother had said........."she said",  'that woman's wearing a man's jacket'.

So, now that's me in public?  A woman in man's clothes.  How depressing.
My sales are the same, my appearance hasn't affected them......must be that glowing personality shining through...LOL.
Today, a friendly young guy in my department suggested I go along to work for his new employer.  Okay, so there's nothing the I can do there.  Kiddingly, he said 'well they could hire you as secretary.  You might look good in a skirt.'  (no, he's not aware I'm trans....believe it or not) 'I don't think so', I quipped, and the joke went on for some several more lines. At one point, my mind must have jumped track, and I said 'I only like other women in skirts.  Dead silence.  5 second pause....."other women?", he asked. 
"you know what I mean", I said.
" said other women, like you must think you're a woman?
"Oh, for God's know what I meant..."

*sigh*  shortly after that it was time for me to go home.
Really, though, I think it might be time to mosey along to a work environment that's more accepting.  One where I can dress lesbian casual, without pretending in boy's clothes any longer. 
Don't quite know what I'm going to's what comes of the mid-life 'plan as you go' method of transition.  I highly Do Not recommend it.  but then, I'm used to dancing on thin ice.
Best part of the day?  Coming home to be with Marcy.....not at the hospital!

Nice holiday all,
