General Discussions => Health => Addiction => Topic started by: LynnER on April 11, 2007, 06:41:29 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Addictive personality.....
Post by: LynnER on April 11, 2007, 06:41:29 PM
Heythere everyone...

I guess I get to start this thing off so here goes.
My name is Lynn,  I am a social alchaholic, former full blown alchaholic, former smoker, former cocaine adict, and Ive had my battles with sleep aids too <over the counter not perscription> and tried a few other illicit substances in my lifetime. Oh, and Im still a caffeine junkie but I think I'll keep that one for now LoL.

I started all these bad habbits to repress my female side, or to make my male mask seem all the more male...  problem was I have an addictive personality...  I generaly have 3 addictions running at the same time all the time.... if I stop something I need to find something new to take its place  :)

Cocaine, the worst of my addictions was truely hard to beat.... My at the time best friend realized I was wirred one night and punched me inback of the head...  Realizeing that I want just hurting myself but was dissapointing my friends at the same time I steeled myself to quit....  It took forever but its been 3 years give or take... <fuzzy memory syndrome from back then> but I dont remember what the high or craveing felt like anymore... But I do remember it was so strong I allmost broke and gave in more times than Id like to admit.  Most people are ashamed of there addictions or past addictions... but Im Damned proud to be a former cocaine adict... one of the few that won the battle.

Sleep aids.....  that one is simple.... I was so overstressed and depressed all the time I couldnt fall asleep on my own unless I was totaly exausted... I mean, Id go 2 or 3 days ina  row with out sleeping... You cant live like that so ... I started out 1 pill a night.... ended moveing to 5 or 6 a night with a few glasses of bourbon and coke.... Not healthy......  I beat that one by getting out of my parrents house and reduceing the stress level in my life.... strange thing was pre HRT my receeding hairline started proceeding back to its origonal shape when I did this  :D

Smokes.....  Those were probably as tough to quit if not harder than the cocaine.  Any time I was stressed, anytime I was drinking, anytime I was bored.... I actualy lost that battle quite a few times... and every once in a while I still break on them... It takes knowing Im far healthyer with out them and HRT works better with out them to keep me off....  actualy the only reason I quit smokeing was HRT..... then I found out the painful way that cigs block estrogen in a sence because my bust exploded allmost imediatly upon quitting  XD  that was awsome...  If I stop HRT, usualy when Im unable to afford the refills...and get over stressed its very hard not to light one up.  but now its alittle easyer because texas added yet another dollar sin tax to them and Im not about to spend 5 or 6 bucks a pack heheheh.....  First and last time I'll ever say thank god for taxes LoL.

Alchahol:  This one is the toughie... back in my coke days Id drink a lieter a night or more of whiskey or bourbon... I stopped drinking like that when I realized I HAD to transition... I was trying to drink my actual personality away and even that was starting to fail....  That wasnt actualy that hard... but this part is.
     Im a social alchaholic... as I stated in another thread Ive descided to quit.  Sadly in this town the only things for an adult to do at night are drink or *ahem*  there is no other nightlife really.... specialy with my friends... we all get together at the bar and drink the night away and generaly have a good time.... untill I get drunk...  usualy with in an hour or two of me showing up even if I havnt finished my first drink yet  *yeah Im a light weight or cheap date what ever you want to call it*  I cant handel my liquer and I become miserable or make an @$$ of myself or both....  and I dont want to be that person anymore.  This one is hard only due to the social aspect of it...  Its going to be cola or sprite from now on I guess LoL.

Through all this I managed to hurt myself... my health isnt what it should be for a 26 year old, I get sick way too easely....  though slowly but surely its getting better....  Also I managed to do some damage to my liver... not bad enough to keep me from HRT but bad enough that Im on injections...

Anyways if anyone wants to talk about any of this stuff Im in chat or you can post in this forum or PM me  :)

Take care everyone and remember... your Deamons can be beaten.

Title: Re: Addictive personality.....
Post by: Attis on April 12, 2007, 07:48:38 AM
I think I'll print a copy of this for my sister since she's fighting her coke addiction as we speak. :3 She needs all the help she can get.

-- Brede
Title: Re: Addictive personality.....
Post by: Wendy on April 12, 2007, 10:37:56 AM
Dear Lynn,

I am glad you overcame such adversities.

I am sorry you have been so tormented.

My life has been easy.

My addictions include workaholism and perfectionism and are my coping mechanisms for what has bothered me. 

I am a fantastic cook and I am addicted to food.  It is my comfort item.  I used to eat a chicken and be hungry now I look at a chicken wing and gain a pound.

The only males I let touch my lips are Jack, Johnny and Jim.  However I do not drink and drive.  I drink too much but I do not get drunk.

Most of my life I am rather logical but if becoming irrational is some form of addiction then it has captured me.  Wow have I messed things up. Many have taken such adversities and come out better.  It is good that this forum is here and we can chat.  I thank many of you that I do not even know.  My demons do seem smaller.

Title: Re: Addictive personality.....
Post by: katia on April 12, 2007, 07:28:59 PM
no addictions here.  :-\
Title: Re: Addictive personality.....
Post by: Jay on June 19, 2007, 07:57:12 AM
Well Done... I smoke and have been addictive to certain substances however I managed to quit them. However I still smoke I dont drink any sort of caffenine! So Im happy!

Title: Re: Addictive personality.....
Post by: melissa90299 on July 16, 2007, 06:21:37 AM
Lynn, if there are that many drunks in town, there must be lots of AA chapters as well, reovering drunks re a lot more fun than active drunks.

The current medical opinion is that there is no cure for alcoholism, therefore there are active alcoholics and recovering alcoholics. It took me 42 years of drinking, drugging and denial to finally come to grips with my addiction. I truly am lucky to be alive, transitioning helped me cut back but I could never beat the disease without treatment and AA.

If I hadn't gotten sober, I would still be putting off my SRS, making a decision as to who, what, where and when. Being sober helped my clarity to make the decision and I made the right one.
Title: Re: Addictive personality.....
Post by: suregirl on November 24, 2007, 06:39:25 AM
It Is so great to read your story and know that I aint alone in my struggles-Thank you
Title: Re: Addictive personality.....
Post by: Hazumu on November 24, 2007, 11:34:13 AM

You Go Girl!!

Title: Re: Addictive personality.....
Post by: Aiden on August 03, 2008, 08:05:17 PM
I'm just a Caffeine addict lol...  Though do enjoy an occasional drink with friends when feel the place live at won't find out lol