Community Conversation => Transitioning => Voice Therapy and Surgery => Topic started by: Alexis on July 31, 2012, 01:33:25 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Coughing? Laughing?
Post by: Alexis on July 31, 2012, 01:33:25 PM
No idea if a topic exists on this already so...

My voice is actually at a point where I'm pretty happy with it, it still takes thought to maintain and when I get comfortable I do find myself slip[ping back, but each day it gets just a bit better and I'm sure just continuing on course those instances will fade. The bane of my existence though is coughing for sure. Is there something I can do other than just avoid it? Laughing is really more something I'm self-conscious about since friends tell me my laugh is fine, but I still hate mine, lol

Any tips would be MUCH appreciated :)
Title: Re: Coughing? Laughing?
Post by: bullwinklle on July 31, 2012, 11:34:27 PM
Coughing and laughing are actually something you might have to train yourself to do. Sounds bizarre, doesn't it?

There was a thread about this a while back with a lot of information (mostly about laughing, but could be applied to coughing):,107851.0.html (,107851.0.html)

When I cough or laugh, I try to maintain the positions of my throat muscles, larynx, etc. that I use when speaking. That helps to control the pitch or tone.  The amount of air you inhale and exhale can also affect the sound of your laugh and cough, so take that into consideration as well.
Title: Re: Coughing? Laughing?
Post by: Alexis on August 01, 2012, 10:06:01 AM
Very bizarre :)  Thanks for the info