Blogs => Blogging => Topic started by: wendy on August 16, 2012, 12:39:38 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Apples do not fall far from tree
Post by: wendy on August 16, 2012, 12:39:38 PM
My ex tells me, "Apples do not fall far from tree."

We are a combination of our genetics, environment and our experiences.

Sometimes only thing we can do is write as it is therapeutic.

Wrote for one day about detransition on someone's thread and it was gone at end of day because someone did not like what they wrote.  What about what others wrote?  Delete your own comments.

What is a blog?  Why stick it here?  Is a blog just for you?  Is everything censored on www?

Can I delete everyone else's comments if I choose on a blog?


Many people tell me they are happy to be trans.  Sometimes it is O.K. but that is rare.  I seem to feel most loved when I am in community.  However even in community I am different.  I need to do more with my life then just be a recluse.  If  write positive will I become positive?  If things bother me and they are not positive should I write them?
Title: Re: Apples do not fall far from tree
Post by: AbraCadabra on August 16, 2012, 12:58:09 PM
Good start hon... keep it rolling.

As for those questions... I'm sure there will be answers --- and nobody but yourself (save Susan) will be able to wipe out your heartfelt postings in one fell swoop.

THAT... was a bummer, but as in life - >-bleeped-< HAPPENS, EH? :)

Title: Re: Apples do not fall far from tree
Post by: Joelene9 on August 17, 2012, 01:06:05 AM
  Like Axélle said.  It happens.  Like those apples.  Animals eat those apples and ingest the seeds.  They roam off and the seeds survive the passage and they are dumped off somewhere else. 