General Discussions => Spirituality => Other => Topic started by: angiejuly on August 19, 2012, 07:44:56 PM Return to Full Version

Title: transsexuals are to be Shaman and spiritual healers
Post by: angiejuly on August 19, 2012, 07:44:56 PM
I know many want to hate god and say god could never be this cruel and this brings on Atheistic perspectives. Great! Atheism is the belief in the core self. Good start. Now know there is no Death. Ifthere was we could point to the part of our anatomy that  holds consciousness. The brain sends and recieves light photon energy and your perceptions tell you what these things are. You really have no perception of reality other than that of what you think you know to be reality. Human 2 strand DNA can allow us to see with 30% of our eyes abilities and 10% of our consciousness. 10%!!!! We have 12 strands of DNA as you can very easily find out because scientist call the 10 inactivated strands "Junk DNA" . LOL! Thery are the strands that can give full consciousness. Some people have chosen lives to drive them into activating some parts of these strands for talents that can help humanity balance and live in harmony. This creates talents like seeing and knowing what sound frequency does and how to heal or minipulate physical matter with. Also some speak with light beings, teach, advise and balance with the oneness of creation. One way some Shaman chose to drive themselves into these talents was and is to be the wiring of a gender opposit from the physical sex. Can drive a suicidal rage and need of excape from this physical body. If we had been born in civilizations that new this and the talents we hold they would have taught us how to become our full ineer talents and become powerful healers in many forms. They would know how damaging puberty would be to us so when that starts many of these civilizations had ways of stopping Testosterone growth in the male to female. There was an equal amount of female to males as I have herd. Not sure what they did physically but where just as important and admired.
The pain of being born like this and the teachings of the older ones would create a highly spiritualy connecte person falling into the many talents they have developed in many past lives to do a job for humanity. It is love and sacrifice is why we are.

What exsactly why any of us come here is up to the undividual to find out for the self. But I want you to know we and everyone. Intuition is for everyone and Shamanism and spiritual higherarchy has always been for everyone to acomplish. A life of dipsare and judgements leaves the transsexual in a low fequecy of thaught and when we do not feel loved it becomes very hard to live deep enough within the self to find these talents and seem to just be created to suffer and be hated by those who do not understand. This society was created this way on perpose because of the metaphysics we see in a fear based society. We are rare in religions or to even bother listening to anyone tell us anything because you are so very close to this core. For anyone to take this connection is simply intolerable.

We created our selves to be the way we are for our love of creation , nature, and balance. You know you see it. I wish you  Trans or not to look withing and know the Angels are aplauding you every time you do. How you do this is what works for you . Meditation, giving love, making love, petting the dog. art, music,. Only choice was created. there is no wrong choice. organised religion and Atheism are choices to not be judged by anyone but the inner self. You are your own power and nothing has any power over you unless you give yourself to them to dominate you. And know only a dark being of dominance will ask for you to give your heart to them. You can give love unconditionally without giving away your self to these beings of dominance and control. You where created to be your own god of you.
Understand quantum entainglement and you will see this shamanistic sound frequency science as well within your thaughts and others. Thaught frequency becomes how you idenify people when you get good at it.
I love you unconditionally, Angel of Sevens, Anella July,,,, 7/7/71 Transsexual Woman
Title: Re: transsexuals are to be Shaman and spiritual healers
Post by: Jamie D on August 21, 2012, 01:20:40 AM
Thank you Angie.  My gift is as an empath.
Title: Re: transsexuals are to be Shaman and spiritual healers
Post by: ShaunaNinjagirl on September 13, 2012, 07:46:33 AM
I follow Shamanism myself, it seems to be what makes the most sense to me. Spirits are everywhere the good and the bad, although some call them angels and demons. I call upon the good spirits all the time and although. They help me realize that I am a good person. They boost my confidence and that alone is enough to make others view me more favorably. Good luck for me.
Here is a link to my favorite story. The story of two wolves. (