Activism and Politics => Discrimination => Hate => Topic started by: Theo on April 21, 2007, 12:20:49 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Question
Post by: Theo on April 21, 2007, 12:20:49 AM
I just posted on "discrimination" site. Here is the gist. I have a lot of stories of discrimination that I have been collecting over time. I have observed a definite pattern and would like to take action to change things. Would anyone be interested in sharing their story on racial (non-Black), national origins, gender and gender identity discrimination? I am looking to combine them all, and create an outreach, as well as to have a discussion on the subject and a possible action we coudl take. Please let me know by responding with a story and a permision to post it. If you are interested in a logical and merit based argument discussion, please let me know. If you are not familiar with the rules of argument (by the way, "argument" does not mean fighting, it only means presenting a point of view) I can help, yes, there is such things as "laws of argumentation" just like there is such a thing as rules of grammar. Ignore both at your peril - lowered communication and an increased imprecision. One rule: to argue you must be aware of own ego pitfalls and not project them onto another person nor expect mercy if incorrect. Name calling, fault shifting and false and unsupported accusations are all violations.
Well, in any case, either a story or a discussion, or both are open, hope together we can untie our effort and stop the hate that creates these hate stories.
Title: Re: Question
Post by: ShyGothGirl on May 14, 2007, 08:34:20 AM
Nothing's been put here yet... and I think it's important what you are trying to do here, so I guess I should "break the ice," so to speak...

I guess the most compelling stories are probably also the most drastic, and having lived in the south for a while, I guess I have seen my fair share of discrimination, in particular towards Transgenders... One particular instance sticks out... (actually there was one other worse than this one, but I am not entirely sure it belongs here... So, I will keep it to myself for now...)

*** This took a lot for me to write, as I have never spoken of it to anyone except for one therapist, once...

I don't remember the date, I do remember it was in November and it was really late, definitely after midnight. It was a Saturday and I was just 21 (June 3rd), so I had been at a bar with some friends. I was kinda bummed cuz I had parked so far down the street, but it was okay, I was smart, I parked under a streetlight, like they tell you to do, right?.... I wasn't drinking much that night, and about the only buzz I had was from dancing and my plans were just to go home and sleep.

I guess before I go any further, I will make a confession... during these youthful days, it wasn't uncommon for me to work the streets time to time... I was just out of the army and finding work was proving difficult as a trans girl... anyway...

Well, of course there was more than just one bar in the area, there was the occasional people wandering the street... there was a  rather loud couple of individuals walking up the street behind me, so I naturally quickened my pace and took out my keys.... just to be safe and got to my car. Then one of the guys called to me, so I just kinda looked up and waved, trying to be my courteous self. That was about when I realized they were alot closer than I thought and they were pretty much surrounding me, I recognized one guy as a "customer" but I'd never seen the other two.

Anyway, I tried to play it cool, the guys were definitely all drunk and making lewd comments... I didn't care too much about the actual comments like "oh you got really nice legs" and whatnot, it was the tone they were using, so I did the whole "thanks for the compliments, i really gotta get home" thing. At this point I was actually getting kinda nervous cuz there was no one else around and bein' one girl surrounding by 3 drunk guys was rather intimidating.... So, when I go to open the door, one of the guys leaned up on it, so I couldn't open it... this only increased my panic and they started asking me what my rush was and all that...

me being my typical, nice self just told them politely that I was tired and needed to sleep before work the next day... so the guy moves and said something along the lines of "well, just go then" or something, so I said goodnight and went to get into my car. Next thing I knew, my head was spinning and I was kinda laying with my back across the driver's seat. They grabbed me by the ankles and dragged me out of the car, and at this point I thought I was about to be raped, so I started kicking and swinging, biting... anything I could think of... then they just laid into me, kicking me mostly, while I was on the ground... they tore off my skirt and panties and were calling me "fag" and "queer" and all of the usual.... I think, just to humiliate me...

I guess I was humiliated, pretty bruised and beaten, but I thank God I didn't get raped or killed... Lord knows there was no way I could have stopped them, and no one there to help me....

I often wonder why I never called the cops... and never told a friend... but then I wonder if it would have helped. I mean, I can hear myself explaining "yeah I knew the guy cuz I gave him a blow job on Thursday for 20 bucks..." (I dunno if that's accurate, just makin' a point)... None of my good friends knew I worked the streets, I guess I was (and still am) ashamed of it... and I honestly didn't think that the cops were going to help out some beat up whore....

I don't think about it much any more, but it does creep up on me from time to time, mostly when I see people talking about hate crimes against TGs... I dunno why I decided to post it here, but maybe it'll help someone someday...

Title: Re: Question
Post by: GQjoey on May 30, 2007, 07:10:36 AM
That is one helluva story ShyGothGirl. And thanks for sharing it. I often wonder how people like that live with themselves on a day to day basis. I mean you can't REALLY feel good about yourself being that type of human being, no matter how big of a piece of crap you are.
I'm sorry you had to go through that. Iv'e been "jumped" before, but not because of me being trans. I was jumped in high school walking home for my cheap a** chain and watch. I saw one of the kids the next day at school, and would of gotten "even" but I never saw him at school again after that. I could never in a milion years imagine myself beating the crap out of someone like that, unless of course they hurt my family or something to that extent. Even then, I know violence is NEVER the answer. Anyway, thanks for sharing your story, and I hope you're well.
Title: Re: Question
Post by: Pysgod on May 30, 2007, 08:40:44 AM
She's doing good now. She has someone to stomp the living crap out of anybody that messes with her.
There's already some people on my list to take care of...... >:D