Community Conversation => Transitioning => Therapy => Topic started by: AbbyJamz on September 05, 2012, 01:46:25 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Started Therapy
Post by: AbbyJamz on September 05, 2012, 01:46:25 PM
So, I just went to my second therapy session this week!  My therapist was surprised at the wealth of knowledge I already possessed in TG issues (thanks Susan's)!  Anyway, the first visit was more or less just introductions and stuff, but the second visit felt a lot more substantial!  We talked about some of earliest times I could remember feeling like I was in the wrong body.  I recalled riding in the backseat of the car with my parents and brother, wishing I had boobs and how I would put my seat belt across them!  I also remembered watching a movie and wanting to be as pretty as the female lead.  My therapist also stated that I seemed to know that I want to transition.  I'm quite sure that I do; I'm just nervous about the future and my relationship with my wife.  Anyway, I have to, before my next appointment, write out in what ways my life would be different if I was female and if I'd be able to make those differences without transitioning.  I'm quite sure I've got a winner of a gender therapist here!  I'm glad I've got someone to challenge the way I think about myself.  I've written a few pages so far.  Most of the changes appear to be linked to transitioning as opposed to not, which doesn't surprise me much!  Anyway, just wanted to chat about how good it's going so far!