Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Male to female transsexual talk (MTF) => Topic started by: Kristyn74 on October 04, 2012, 05:57:42 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Breast growth
Post by: Kristyn74 on October 04, 2012, 05:57:42 AM
I'm just curious as to when any of you when starting to medicate thought about how your breast growth was going to turn out appearance wise...some of the pics I've seen of "tubular" breast growth is'nt what i would be hoping for.

The other question I've got is does anyone have pics of themselves before they could look at to see if nipple position  make a difference to breasts pointing downward or not?
Title: Re: Breast growth
Post by: Beth Andrea on October 04, 2012, 07:18:17 AM
Breasts don't grow in perfect shape, and I suspect more than a few cis-women's breasts aren't ideal in appearance. It takes OEM women about 5-8 years to get the breasts they get.

imho, if you want breasts because you're a woman, you want breasts--tubular or not. If you don't like 'em, there's always the surgeon... ;)


QuoteThe other question I've got is does anyone have pics of themselves before they could look at to see if nipple position  make a difference to breasts pointing downward or not?

I don't understand this question. Could you re-phrase it?
Title: Re: Breast growth
Post by: Alainaluvsu on October 04, 2012, 08:00:53 AM
I don't understand it either I don't think. However, only 1 year into HRT, I'm a B cup and every girl with a B cup I've talked to all tell me they wish theirs looked like mine because they're so perky. But either way... you have to remember many of us start HRT later in life than ... 13 or 14, so to think we will be perfect looking like a cis girl, well that's some unreasonable expectation if you ask me.
Title: Re: Breast growth
Post by: Kristyn74 on October 04, 2012, 08:37:57 AM
Sorry not good with my words just curios to know if your nipple was more to the bottom of your breast "area" to start does that mean you will end up pointing south? Havent started hormones yet but am trying to visualise...
Title: Re: Breast growth
Post by: Rena-san on October 04, 2012, 10:33:13 AM
I've just started HRT, so I can't really comment on my personal breast growth. I can say my nipples hurt. They are towards the bottom of my breasts but they point straight out, not downwards. I seem to be developing a lot of upper tissue between the nipple and the armpit, but it could have always been there and I'm just noticing it now. I don't know.

I am curious though as to why MTF's never really fully develope breasts. Anyone have an answer to that? Or am I wrong, do MTF develope full breasts? If I had to guess, it would be because as the body ages the estrogen receptors in the breasts and other bodily tissues finally give up on waiting to receive estrogen and so when estrogen is finally introduced--whether it be in the person's 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's (I didn't want to exclude anyone, so I'm guessing that no one begins HRT in their 100's, but if you have, I'm sorry!)--the estrogen receptors are just no longer there and active. 

On a side note, but still breasts related, I had a crazy dream: I woke up and was naked for some reason. But I looked in the mirror and I had fully developed breasts! I started feeling them. And then I was trying to decide who I should call first and tell. I couldn't decide though, and the conflict caused by my indecisiveness caused me to awaken.
Title: Re: Breast growth
Post by: Shantel on October 04, 2012, 10:58:17 AM
Quote from: Beth Andrea on October 04, 2012, 07:18:17 AM
Breasts don't grow in perfect shape, and I suspect more than a few cis-women's breasts aren't ideal in appearance. It takes OEM women about 5-8 years to get the breasts they get.

Absolutely true! It's a fallacy to think that even cis women get all of their development in just a few years though most of the major eruption comes in just three years, there are other factors that contribute to later development in size, shape and volume, such as exercise, or lack of it, diet, hormonal changes and gravity just to mention a few factors. I experienced a renewed growth spurt just recently after having been on HRT for a dozen years and starting late in life. The left one was pathetically smaller than the right one and the nipple pointed downward while the right side nipple pointed upward and out. All that disheartening stuff coupled with a typically broad chest as you can see in my link. I still prefer androgynous mode and don't make a big issue of breasts, but a different bra style provides an entirely different look.
Title: Re: Breast growth
Post by: blueconstancy on October 04, 2012, 11:08:47 AM
For what it's worth, as a female-assigned person, my breasts started "budding" at age 10 and finished growing (not counting weight gain increasing their size later) at age 22. :) I went from flat to 36C by 14, but ended up a DD.

Whereas my wife went on HRT at 32, had visible breast budding and protrusion in the first week, and was a 40C (=36DD) by six months. I think part of it is that growing breasts just look weird a lot of the time, and the "finishing stage" where fat is deposited and they round out properly can take a LOT longer than people expect.

ABSOLUTELY NOT WORK-SAFE This is a web site I just love, because it highlights that there is a much wider variety of "normal" when it comes to breasts than many people realize. ( There is an amazing range of breasts shapes, sizes, and "details" in cis women as well.
Title: Re: Breast growth
Post by: Alyx. on October 04, 2012, 12:56:51 PM
After a year on hormones I'm still an A cup. :( I'm really thin though, so maybe there's not enough fat to work with.

You guys are making me jealous. :P
Title: Re: Breast growth
Post by: Cyndigurl45 on October 04, 2012, 03:11:52 PM
 OMG mine looked like toilet tissue tubes for the longest time, I thought OMG what have I done, my Therapist and Endo both said don't worry they'll fill in, ya not soon enough, it probably took a good 6-7 months  ???
Title: Re: Breast growth
Post by: Teela Renee on October 04, 2012, 05:22:45 PM
Im three months in and im an A cup.  and they will be tubular for awhile, One thing I noticed that helped them lose that shape alittle bit, not by much, and I got no proof this didnt just happen on its own, but I started massaging mine twice a day for 30 mins with hot baby oil, and when im laying in bed watching tv trying to fall asleep. I layed a heating pad over them, and not only have I noticed it helps curb the growing pain, it seemed to help them fill out abit. But this could just be abunch of mumbo jumpo that happened without the extra work.  but like the others said, im just happy to have them, at least their real and not grapefruit implants.
Title: Re: Breast growth
Post by: Beth Andrea on October 04, 2012, 08:17:19 PM
I second the massage theory. Whenever mine get itchy or sore, I just start palming them around and around. Excellent relaxation before beddie-bye time, too.

Nips are straight ahead, btw. I would think if they are pointing down, it's because the upper half of the breast started filling out first?
Title: Re: Breast growth
Post by: Isabelle on October 04, 2012, 09:02:51 PM
using oil on them is a good idea when they're growing. If they go through a rapid growth phase they can end up with stretch marks.
Title: Re: Breast growth
Post by: MaidofOrleans on October 04, 2012, 09:11:06 PM
Quote from: Cyndigurl45 on October 04, 2012, 03:11:52 PM
OMG mine looked like toilet tissue tubes for the longest time

omg you almost made me choke on my goldfish  :laugh:
Title: Re: Breast growth
Post by: judithlynn on October 05, 2012, 12:52:36 AM
When I was on premarin I had very little growth for the first 6 months, then I went overseas the first time and my overseas Doctor was suprised how small they were so she put me an injection weekly of Primogyn Depot in the thigh with daily Progrestrone tablets. After a month she increased my injections to double dose once every 14 days and double the dose of Progrestrone. She told me not to worry if I started lactating as that would be quite normal and advised me that if I was worried to buy a breast pump to milk the breasts and this would help to develop the breast tisssue. After just a month my breasts started to really bud and after two I was running down some stairs trying to catch a colleague and I suddenly noticed them jiggling up and down. It was a strange feeling, but wonderful at that. Over the next 4 months whilst overseas I really started to note the difference and I filled out to a B Cup by the time I returned to the UK.

I actually did buy the pump after 3 months and found it working, although it was a big effort to get any milk. My GP said I had to be patient.  I think I used it for about 3-4 months but when I giot back to the UK, my local GP didnt think having Progrestrone in the mix was such a good idea so I stopped using the pump.

At work back in the UK I didnt wear a bra and I have posted before a few people especially other girls commented that my erect nipples were showing under my shirts when I had forgotten about keeping my jacket on. Maybe I was showing them off!! Naughty girl!. Anyway when I eventually transitioned I filled out a nice B Cup and my shape looked great with a little boooster pad, as by then I had been E and P for over 18 months.

One thing I noticed was that unlike my wife's breasts my aurolae were quite large and a soft pink in colur.  Even though I de-transitioned, they of course never leave you although I have slipped back to a AA cup, but I notice when I get up in the morning my aurolae are very large and nipples quite elevated, but as soon as I get in the shower the aurolae contract quite quickly.

By the way my mother was a 42DD Cup right up to about a year before she died when all of a sudden she lost a weight and slipped back to a 36B.
I had to buy some new bras.

Title: Re: Breast growth
Post by: yasuko14 on October 06, 2012, 08:53:16 AM

I started hormone therapy around 11-12 years old. (I believe late 7th or early 8th grade)

I can say that I definitely had very little breast growth till I was around 18.. My breasts were very pointy and perky, not full and round prior to graduation of highschool. I would say they were BORDERLINE tubular but not quite.

When I became about a freshman in college they went KABOOM and got quite large. I had already given up on my breasts and had accepted that I would be very flat-chested until I presumably got implants.

Well I'm 20 now and they are very full round C cups, almost too big (my areola shows out of my bra at times)
I hated the cone shaped breasts I had before but amazingly they are round and mooshy and I love them. Moral of story , I guess it takes many years for your body to fully develop. I think eating and gaining a little weight helps with breast and hip development as well. Gives your hormones some fat to work with :P

Im 5'6 and 120 lbs so It's not like I gained a significant amount of weight
Title: Re: Breast growth
Post by: Lyric on October 06, 2012, 11:53:38 AM
You were very lucky to start HRT so young, Yasuko. It sounds like you developed pretty much at the same time as other girls your age. One thing a lot of people don't seem to be aware of is that physical activity apparently affects breast development. It seems that a high degree of exercise can inhibit hormones during breast growth years. This is why Olympic gymnasts and other female athletes almost always have very small breasts. It may be that your breast growth kicked in later due to the fact that you were both still taking hormones and had a somewhat more sedentary period, though that's just a guess.

~ Lyric ~
Title: Re: Breast growth
Post by: yasuko14 on October 07, 2012, 05:57:33 AM
Quote from: Lyric on October 06, 2012, 11:53:38 AM
You were very lucky to start HRT so young, Yasuko. It sounds like you developed pretty much at the same time as other girls your age. One thing a lot of people don't seem to be aware of is that physical activity apparently affects breast development. It seems that a high degree of exercise can inhibit hormones during breast growth years. This is why Olympic gymnasts and other female athletes almost always have very small breasts. It may be that your breast growth kicked in later due to the fact that you were both still taking hormones and had a somewhat more sedentary period, though that's just a guess.

~ Lyric ~

Yeah I was really into ballet and what not during high-school so I think you may be right ^^;