Community Conversation => Transitioning => Topic started by: student162 on October 12, 2012, 06:17:45 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Transitioning in Adelaide, SA
Post by: student162 on October 12, 2012, 06:17:45 AM
Hello all,

So, I've been decided for quite some time now that I want to start medical transition, both T and top surgery. Seeing as I live in South Australia, this is apparently a damn difficult process. My usual GP was kind and offered to write a referral to an endo, but the endo wrote her back saying I would have to go through the South Australia Gender Dysphoria Unit, the process of which is apparently both long and very expensive.

Since then I found a different GP who wrote me a referral to Dr Lyons, who is apparently the only person in the state who can write me the letter I need to get a prescription for T. (I would love to hear from some FAAB people who've seen him; I only have second hand reports thus far from FAAB folk, and none of them have been good...)

My questions are -

  In SA (hopefully in recent years), what have your experiences been?

  Have you (preferably FAAB) seen Dr Lyons? How long was the process, what were your experiences with him like?

  Who else, if anyone, can you recommend for me to see? Dr Gauvin (who had previously been highly recommended) is apparently not taking new patients for gender issues; is there anyone else? Note that I'm only seeking a psych at this point to get my T letter, -not- for the purpose of counselling. If I can get T without a psych, then I would be more than happy to go that path.

Thanks to anyone who might have info/advice.
